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A. M. On the east coast. Cnn newsroom starts right now. Now we go to havana, cuba. Patrick oppmann is live from hava havana. He is the only u. S. Tv correspondent live in cuba. He is there talking about the death of fidel castro. This picture youre seeing right there, the last public picture that we have of fidel castro that was taken just ten days ago. Patrick, here is what i want our viewers to understand is so extraordinary about your presence there. This happened overnight. Many people there werent watching television. Some people dont have internet. So when you asked them their reaction for about the death of fidel castro, you were essentially telling them at that moment he died they did not know. That is an stroort position to be in. Help us understand what their reactions were. Reporter yes. And i have to say having lived here for five years you run through how this is all going to play out the scenario you expect of this major news event that you expect one day to cover. Never did i think that it would involve me telling cubans that this really icon of their entire life, someone who has affected for the good and bad just about every cuban that lives here, that i would be the one informing them that he passed on. But for the people i talked along havana sea front and down in old havana where i am right now, they hadnt heard anything and they were just shocked and immediately it was like air coming out of a balloon. People didnt know what to say and they really couldnt believe that after so many years despite his ailing health, despite so many rumors, despite so many months sometimes where fidel castro would be out of sight that he, in fact, passed away. It reminded me of something castro said in an interview years ago, because of all these fake reports over the years and all the attempts on his life, when he finally did die people wouldnt believe it. It wasnt quite that. People believed it. They didnt know how to compute it. Many people despite all the evidence to the contrary wondered if the day would ever come. That day is today and it does feel like a changed cuba. What are the plans as far as mourning his death . The mourning has begun. It will be a nineday period of mourning. Not far from where we are now, work is already under way and that will be one of the centers for people to go and pay their respects. We anticipate that perhaps Fidel Castros ashes once he is cremated can be displayed there and you can see when they brought back hundreds of thousands people walked by his casket. Well see some of those images. Then after these large gatherings in havana where we expect thousands of people to show up, they will transport Fidel Castros ashes down the entire length of the island just about people paying their respects all along the way. A very controversial leader but today many in cuba are mourning. Patrick oppmann, thank you so much for bringing us that perspective there from cuba. We appreciate it. Want to go straight to chris moody who is in Little Havana miami and atmosphere there. Chris what are people telling you there this morning . Reporter its the opposite of mourning. People were dancing in the streets at 4 00 a. M. , pouring into the roads. The police blocked the streets. They just maybe an hour ago opened this back up and now its a celebration on the sidewalk with cars honking all along. This is the epicenter of the Cuban Exile Community here in miami. I had a chance to talk to some people who were born in cuba about what they thought about Fidel Castros death. Take a listen. Ive been waiting for 56 years for this night and i thank god it happened the day after thanksgiving. This is a very important day for me because you know what my grandfather suffered a lot to see the man that took everything from him, to see him dead today. So, you know what, this is an emotional day for me today. As a cuban american. Reporter so for many of these people, theyve seen their livelihoods taken away or maybe their father or grandparents and so this is a day of jubilation for them after their experience in cuba and coming back to the United States. Now they are realistic about the future. They know that just because fidel castro has passed away, cuba is not going to change over night. But for now, theyre taking the time to celebrate something they waited a long time for. Back to you. Chris, i dont know if you can hear me, but i understand that your family has a connection here. Your inlaws are from cuba. Have you talked to them this morning since learning of his death and what is their reaction . What are their hopes and their thoughts about it . Reporter my phone has been blowing up with a text chain with about 100 Text Messages from them about this. Theyre elated at the news but of course like others here realistic about change. They returned to cuba last december for the first time in more than 50 years, especially my grand motherinlaw who is 84 years old at the time had not been there in so long and was devastated by how much it had changed as she saw it for the worse. And so i think today seeing this news they are breathing a bit of a sigh of relief. They have any thoughts as to what the future may bring for the island and maybe their return . Do they have any desire to go back . Reporter i imagine they will plan to go back. They do have family on the island that they met for the first time on the last trip in december. So i think theres a strong desire to get to know them a little bit better and help support them as best they can. I think thats the case for a lot of people here in the United States who are cubanamerican. They have loved ones back on the island and they want to support them and help them in any way possible. And the opalines of communication and diplomatic relations between the United States and cuba in some ways could possibly make it easier for that to be accomplished. I hope it does. Chris moody, thank you very much from the view from miami. Yeah. It was noisy and i didnt know if he could hear us, but i didnt want to take away his time to tell his story, you know, and his connection there even though i apologize to the viewers because obviously im sure that it was very noisy there as well. Hes not the only one who has that personal connection. Gave us a good context as to how it feels for some of them. Donald trump by the way we want to point out is reacting to the death of fidel castro in his own way. And moving forward, the question is what does castros death mean for u. S. cuba relations for president elect donald trump. What step will he take now. Well talk about that. Stay close. If youre searching other travel sites to find a better price. Stop clicking around. 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Of course, this starts to raise questions as to exactly how the Trump Administration will deal with cuba, especially in the wake of these now twoyear old executive actions by president obama that are attempting to normalize relations between the u. S. And cuba. Of course theres an important thing to point out here, while donald trump has been very critical of the cuban deal, he has said that he is open to creating some sofrt of a normal relationship between the two. He said this deal is weak and because it was done through executive action without any type of congressional approval, theres a lot trump can do to change the situation between cuba and the United States. Listen to how he talked about this issue on the campaign trail in miami back in september. All of the concessions that barack obama has granted the castro regime were done through executive order, which means the next president can reverse them and that i will do unless the castro regime meets our demands, not my demands, our demands. You know what the demands are. Those demands will include religious and Political Freedom for the cuban people. And the freeing of political prisoners. So, essentially donald trump has said that he is going to go to the cuban government and demand more than what the Obama Administration asked of them when they crafted this deal two years ago. Well have to see if that turns into reality now and if the negotiations are changed now that fidel castro is dead. That is going to be one of the things to keep a very close eye on in the early days of the Trump Administration. Martin and christi. Right, ryan. I know as we want to look ahead but a little more closely to just next week. I know that trump is going to be back in new york tomorrow. Hes got a lot of meetings as he is trying to establish his cabinet. What are you learning about whats on tap . Reporter yeah. Thats a great point, christi. The death of fidel castro to a certain extent was not something that the trump team had been planning on. They have a very busy week next week that has to do with building this administration. They have a lot of work to do in that arena. Of course well wait to see what will happen with the major cabinet posts like secretary of state for instance. On monday, trump has eight different people coming to trump tower to meet with he and the Vice President elect mike pence. Perhaps the most notable is sheriff david clark, the sheriff of milwaukee county, he is an africanamerican, he is a democrat but he spoke at the Republican National convention and was a pretty big supporter of trumps. He is especially critical of the black lives Matter Movement and there are there is a distinct possibility that he is being considered as the next secretary of homeland security. We have to see what happens next week. Ryan nobles, thank you for the update. We appreciate it. Reporter thank you. As you just heard during the campaign, donald trump threatened to undo efforts by president obama to bring the u. S. And cuba closer together. Here is more of what trump said in september the president s onesided deal for cuba benefits only the castro regime. So the question is, will trump follow through on plans to roll back the cubarelated policies of barack obama . Joining us on the phone is peter cornblue, the director of the he is also the coauthor of back channel to cuba the Hidden History of negotiations between washington and havana and he personally knew fidel castro. So thank you first, sir, for joining us. Whats your reaction to the news of former president s castros death . Caller well, its a loss to history because he was love him or hate him a historic figure. A historic figure in his own country, historic figure in the third world, certainly a historic figure in the latin American Relations with United States being the one latin american leader whose country under him was stood up to the clos sus of the north as United States is seen elsewhere. And he was the surviving member of the three leaders, kennedy from the cuban missile crisis, the bay of pigs, et cetera, so he was a font of history and thats a great loss to those of us like myself who are historians. He also never really got a chance to talk about his own efforts secretly behind the scenes using back channels to try and improve relations with the United States. Only after he stepped down from power was his brother able to do that. So, that history is lost as well. Interesting. You know, one of the things that people look at in donald trump is his acumin for business, perhaps his ability to negotiate. Do you see that being a positive here in terms of how donald trump may be conversing with raul castro now . I mean, you knew fidel castro but what about raul and how that will move forward with this new administration . Caller well, cuba to quote the title of a new book by richard fineburg is quote, open for business. And what obama has tried to do in these last two years since his dramatic announcement with raul castro after two years of that of secret diplomacy is establish these strong bridges of commerce and culture. He authorized direct airline flights, for example, to cuba and tens of thousands of u. S. Citizens are flying on those flights. And so now you have the Airline Industry involved in lobbying for good, normal relations with cuba so they can make money. You have the Hotel Industry starting to get a foothold in havana to support all those tourists. And theyre going to be lobbying as well, as well as the agricultural companies, travel companies, et cetera. So were the hope is of course is that the businessman side of the donald trump will kind of supersede the political side of donald trump and that he will realize that the United States is pursuing its interests, particularly its commercial interests with cuba as well as its overall political interests by establishing a policy of engagement as opposed to a never really gained anything for either the cuban people or u. S. Interests abroad. Peter kornbluh, thank you for sharing your insight and perspective with us. We certainly are grateful. Thank you so much. Take good care. Well, as Donald Trumps american lit gator in trump, were getting new insight into the most controversial lawsuit. Thats to come. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. 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It has to do with a bare knuckle bravado he picked up more than 40 years ago from a legendary legal brawler who told a then young donald trump when in doubt fight them in court. Here is cnns brian todd. I moved on her like a bitch. Reporter the access Hollywood Tape and the barrage of accusations of nearly a dozen women of Sexual Misconduct didnt exactly humble donald trump. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election. Reporter trump also threatened to sue nbc for the release of the access Hollywood Tape and threatened to sue the New York Times for reporting two of the accusers accounts and publishing several pages of his 1995 tax return. Donald trump lovers to sue and he has age loves to threaten to sue because it scares people. Threatening to scare people and run up their legal bills is terrifying. Thats a tactic he has used. I have more lawyers than you do. You will lose. Reporter at least 70 lawsuits involving the president elect are still open and overall hes been involved in more than 4,000 lawsuits. The general counsel for the Trump Organization tells cnn those numbers are grossly kpaj rate, nowhere near accurate but trump did just settle three class action suits over claims of fraud over Trump University for 25 million. Trumps bare knuckle legal philosophy goes back to the early 1970s, the Justice Department was suing trump, his father fred and their company for allegedly discriminating against minorities who wanted to rent apartments from them. Around that time according to the book trump revealed donald trump had a fateful first meeting with a new york legend in a very down moment, donald trump went to a nightclub in manhattan called la club where he happened to meet roy koon. Reporter from mccarthy to the mobsters he represented, roy was a battler, his message to trump in that nightclub conversation, tell the government to quote, go to hell. In that very first meeting, he laid out for him his philosophy how to fight back in a lawsuit, how to fight back against a federal investigation and that was to hit back ten times harder. Reporter from trump sues the women who accused him, analysts say his legal claims are debatable, potential pitfalls numerous. What about the depositions. Its one thing to sue, but then you have to defend. Hes going to have to answer questions. And it could lead to something politically dangerous for donald trump as his presidency lees the gate bill clinton of course got into litigation with paula jones regarding things that happened when he was governor of arkansas and that ultimately as a result of statements that he made under oath led to impeachment charges being brought against him. Thats a good example for mr. Trump to look at. Reporter will donald trump follow through on his threat to sue nearly a dozen women who accused him of Sexual Misconduct . The general counsel of the Trump Organization told me the president elect is focussed on running the country, pursuing his political agenda and removing distractions. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Meanwhile, the reaction of the death of fidel castro, depends on the age of the person hearing the news. Next, one family three generations and the different ways in which they view the former cuban leader. Remember when they used to say, Free Shipping and handling . What ever happened to the handling . I do all the handling. Can you handle this laptop before we ship it, nick . Theres Free Shipping, and handling on everything at dell. Com. So glad to have your company this saturday. Im christi paul. And im Martin Savidge in for victor blackwell. Cuba the mood somber and sad over the death of fidel castro. As people wake up and learn about castros death. This is the last official picture taken earlier this month. Take a look at whats happening in Little Havana, miami. People are celebrating in the streets. Theyve been waiving flags and cheering all night over night as they heard of his passing. Even for cubans who have long since fled their homeland, fidel castro and his rule over that country remains a very emotionally charged issue. Ed lavandera sat down with two generations of a cuban American Family to get their take on a castro regime. Reporter its dinner time for this family. We asked the family to sit down for a conversation about fidel castro and cuba to capture how cuban American Families have evolved more than 50 years after castro rose to power. When jorge came to the United States in 1960 at age 19, he had hopes back then of crushing Fidel Castros dictatorship. I was adamant at that time. Now, you know, i guess everybody is tired. Reporter everybody is tired. Everyone is tired because nothing has been done. We lost a lot of opportunities. Jorge and his wife have now lived in the United States longer than they ever lived in cuba. Fidel castro is a figure that forever changed their lives. What can i tell you about fidel. Like he said, fidel is fidel. He is a nonissue at this point and i dont think he will every change. When fidel goes, the regiment will be the same with younger people. Maybe im wrong. I wish i am. Are you as angry today as you were 40, 50 years ago . I mean, you know, life makes you change. The way you think. When i came here, i was too young. But he destroyed our lives, you know . Most of my life has been here, not in my country. So in that sense it has affected me a lot because i missed all the good things about cuba. Reporter but the americanborn children of cuban exiles like alexsa feel differently. Its a culture, its a tradition. Its family. Its what you do. For them, its more raw. For me, its i dont like castro. I would love to see a democracy there and i think most americans probably would, but what they feel is obviously going to be much greater. Yeah because we had to live through the bay of pigs invasion where we both lost yeah. A lot of friends, you know, close friends. I remember clearly the october crisis of the measles. Reporter the talk turned toward what could have been done differently in the last 50 years to bring political change to cuba. Its not something the Younger Generation thinks of as much. Time has softened cubanamerican support of the trade embargo, but jorge and lourdes are adamant that castros regime must go. The dinosaurs if you want to call it, the cronies, that are in power right now, they dont want to let go and they should have let go a long time ago if they were really true patriots. Yes, im very angry at that because we had a beautiful country. Did you guys think you would be at this age and not going back to cuba . I did not. I thought we were going sooner, but apparently were stuck here. Reporter i understand what you meant. Its not a bad place to be stuck. Right. Youre right. Reporter the day may soon come where they all visit cuba together, at least that remains the hope. Ed lavandera, cnn, miami. Lets bring in florida congresswoman elena ross born in havana, she fled Fidel Castros regime with her family when she was 8 years old and she is the first cubanamerican elected to congress. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. Thank you so much. Of course. We knew this day would happen and it finally did. You say it as though you are celebrating. Youve been very open on your twitter account this morning. You tweeted at one point after so many decades of oppression, the tyrant castro is dead and a new beginning can finally dawn on cuba and its people. How quickly do you think we may actually see some substantive change for the people of cuba . Well, first of all, its not that im celebrating his death nor the constituents im so humble to represent, many of whom the majority whom are cuban exiles or Second Generation of them, but were celebrating the opportunity to begin that new dawn, to have a new day for the people of cuba. But as the new boss meet the old boss. That transition from fidel to his younger brother and thats kind of euphemistic just a few years younger, raul has already taken place and raul is just as authoritarian dictator as his brother was. So, theres no human rights. There are no free elections. Theres no Political Parties. Theres no free dissent, nobody would be brave enough to even hold a sign saying amen, the dictator is dead. It just wouldnt think of it because you would be in jail. In fact, we have reports from human rights dissents on the island that they have been rounding up the usual suspects, the cuban regime keeps a tight grip. What were hoping is that president elect trump will make good on his promise, as he says he will roll back the new changes that president obama made which are just concessions to the castro regime and we hope that he will do so very quickly after taking office. Congresswoman, this is Martin Savidge here, thank you again for joining us. You talk about rolling back the progress that president obama have done. There are a lot of businesses, Business People that have americans invested in this and will lose as a result. It is really the wisest policy. Well, not really. The changes that the president , president obama made have more to do with increasing tourism. The tourism on the island of cuba is run and administered by and owned by state security and military forces. When we talk about private businesses, the hotel might have the name of a private business, but its really owned and operated by the castro regime. You dont have private property in cuba. You dont have private businesses. So it gives you the feeling that these Business Enterprises are going to help the cuban people, but in fact what weve seen after president obamas changes is a Record Number of cuban refugees fleeing the island, coming to the United States because once they saw that helping hand of the u. S. Government being extended to their oppressor, they say, oh, man, theres no future here for me. Im going to the country where fidel is always called the devil. So thats what weve seen, more repression, more money for the cuban regime to beat up the peaceful dissidents. You know, we are watching some live pictures here from miami of a lot of people who are celebrating Fidel Castros death and who say theyre doing so because theyre hoping for a Better Future as youre talking about. Were just coming out of one of the most divisive elections this country has ever seen. Help people understand, if you would, please, what it was like in cuba do you get the sense that people take for granted our freedoms in this country . Few people are more loving of the freedoms here than exiles like me. I live in a community that is filled with victims of the castro legacy. When justin trudeau, the Prime Minister of canada ive been reading his sickening love letter to dead fidel castro and im thinking, sure, you did not lose a loved one to an execution squad. You did not lose a loved one to the gu logs in cuba. Maybe you didnt want to vote in a cuban election because there are no Political Parties in cuba. Theres no right to dissent. Theres no free press. None of the freedoms that you celebrate in canada or the United States are present in cuba. So a lot of has to foreign leaders have looked on the dictatorship and cuba as some kind of interesting zoo exhibit. But for us, the Cuban Exile Community this has been hitting very close to our hearts because we lost our native homeland to communism. We hold fidel castro responsible for that and raul castro as well. So the death of one dictator will not bring in usher a new waive of change because the rulers of cuba, whether its fidel, raul, whatever names you give them, they just rule over cuba with an iron fist and its hard for freedomloving americans to understand what a dictatorship is all about. We tend to think that, oh, well inside theyre really good and we talk about their health care or their education and we dont look at the real record which is the only thing that fidel has been successful in has not been health care nor education or human rights or democracy its holding on to power and thats easy to do when you dont have election. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, martin. Thank you so much. Your personal insights as well as your professional ones. Thank you. Fidel castro leaves behind a very different cuba than the one he held power over for some 47 years. Up next, well talk about those years of defiance and the renewed u. S. cuban relations. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. they tell me im wrong to want to stand alongside my, my love whoa, talkin bout my love approaching medicare eligibility . To want to stand alongside my, my love you may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. 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Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. Well, this morning former president jimmy carter is reacting to the death of former cuban leader fidel castro. In a statement carter says rose lin and i share our sympathies with the castro family and the cuban people on the death of fidel castro. We remember fondly our visits with him in cuba and his love of his country. We wish the cuban citizens peace and prosperity in the years ahead. We are also hearing from texas senator ted cruz he says, quote, Fidel Castros death cannot bring back his thousands of victims nor can it bring comfort to their families. Today we remember them and honor the brave souls who fought the lonely fight against the brutal communist dictatorship he imposed on cuba. Former cnn Moscow Bureau chief Jill Dougherty joins us. Whats being said from russia now . Reporter you know, martin, i think you would have to say its really nostalgia with perhaps some hints at whats going on currently in russia. But really i think nostalgia because after all russia and cuba, soviet union and cuba were allies for more than half a century and the memory of fidel castro both as like an Old Revolutionary who stuck to his guns coming from the small island, standing up to the big United States, thats a lot of the coverage that youre seeing here on russian tv. Now, president putin did, of course, have comments. He expressed his condolences and said that castro was a symbol of an era, a sincere and reliable friend of russia whose memory will live forever in the hearts of russian citizens. And russian citizens, in fact, went over here in moscow to the Cuban Embassy layi ining flower. There were actually people crying saying they remember fidel castro from their earliest childhood again saying here was a guy who stood up to the United States. You found that also martin reflected in comments in fact by one russian politician who said and i think you can draw the comparison here with president vladimir putin, which is sanctions he said dont work. International isolation doesnt work. And that happens if you have a strong leader. So i think its playing on many levels and certainly the things that the United States did against castro and against cuba in that back in that period during the cold war are being talked about quite a lot, assassination attempts, bay of pigs and then also the cuban missile crisis is a really important moment in the relationship between russia and the United States. Not only mentioning cuba, of course. Jill, how is the death being characterized, though, on russian tv there, specifically we heard the statement that you just read, that you just got, but theyve been talking about this for hours now in russia, have they not . Reporter they have. And again, i think its really more nostalgia. You do have those, you know, comments about the United States and what it did during the cold war, but there actually has been some comments about the bettering relationship between the United States and cuba. And so i think theyve been playing it relatively straight as a memorial to a man who was their ally. Jill dougherty, thank you very much. Its always great to see you reporting to us from moscow. Thank you. Thank you, jill. So, you might be wondering what its like to live at trump tower, particularly now since its most famous dweller is president elect. What does it mean for the folks that live there . Were going to take a look next. Just look at those two. Happy. In love. 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Theres Free Shipping, and handling on everything at dell. Com. Lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. The first eye drop approved for the signs and symptoms of dry eye. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and an unusual taste sensation. Do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. Remove contacts before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before reinserting them. If you have dry eyes, ask your doctor about xiidra. The new york home of president elect donald trump is famous for his luxury apartments and posh business suites. Living in trump tower is a different experience now that its owner is the nations president elect. We take a look at how trump runs his most famous address and how his management style might affect his new job in the white house. Reporter trump tower has always been a high profile apartment and business complex. Now with armed guards 24 7, there can be no doubt. This is the home of the president elect donald trump, the countrys next first lady melania, and their son, barron. Celebrities have called trump tower home. Also a music super star, Michael Jackson. 15 years ago a couple leasing the towers penthouse got a personal call from trump himself. Donald called the wife of the tenant and says do you mind if i show your apartment to a dear friend of mine. She said not a problem, thats fine. So Michael Jackson arrives with his limousine in a separate entrance. My client said it was the nicest man around. Reporter trump tower has 60 floors and 263 apartments. This man has represented high profile clients at trump tower for over 15 years. He took us inside the building, 42 stories up, to see what your average multimillion dollar apartment looks like. Heading inside, golden burgundy walls, marble floors and apartment doors without letters or numbers so you need to know where youre going. He says security at the building now is so intense, some of his prospective buyers are turned off. They start to feel that theyre in a military camp. Theyre working forces from s. W. A. T. Teams, police, its not very pleasant to get to the building. Reporter people who live in trump tower, actually have to go through this security right here and then even more security beyond to get to the residential entrance. That increased security began on election night. Its not set to end for a long, long time. Residents are taking it one day at a time. The most surprising thing is just how easy its been. You know, the security is clearly is substantial. But they just are all really good at their job. Reporter a logistical nightmare or not, trump tower may be setting an example for whats to come. If President Trump will run the country the same way he runs the building, it could be quite happy. Reporter jean casarez, cnn, new york. A relic of the cold war with a 21st century upgrade, cnn getting an exclusive look inside the highly secretive missions to spy on isis from the edge of space. My goal was to finally get in shape. Not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Heto unlock the freshnessers uyou can see and taste. Keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. The Natural World is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Its a highly secretive spying Program Targeting isis. The mission is to gain information on their leadership and installations. They fly at altitudes so high the pilots have to wear space suits. Here is Frederik Pleitgen with an incredible firsthand look. Reporter fighting isis in a space suit. We can only identify the pilot by his first name, captain steven, and by his call sign, meathead. Hes about to embark on a High Altitude recognizance mission in a spy plane. We were given rare access to the preparations, launch and landing of the secretive missions that have a clear objective, one of the pilots tells me. With the u 2 were able to get out there and find those guys, track them and get them to the fighter and bomber types so they have the best intel, best information about where they are and obviously, do what needs to be done. Reporter the u 2 can fly extremely high, more than 70,000 feet, and get pictures and other information to forces on the ground very fast. Its a cold war era plane, flying since the 1950s. But its cameras and censors have been completely upgraded. With its up grades, the remains one of the main assets in the information gathering effort against isis. Of course, intelligence gathering happens on many levels. Much of it happens through drones like this global hawk which paroles the skies of iraq and syria almost every day. The information from the surveillance platforms is key to helping jets from the u. S. Led antiisis Coalition Strike their targets. Support of forces combatting the group on the ground in places like mosul in iraq. But while the u 2 can soar higher than almost any other plane, its pretty hard to land. Were in a chase car that speeds after the jet helping to guide the pilot to the ground after an almost ten hour mission. Peeling himself out of the cockpit, captain steven says he believes the u 2 is making a major impact. Things we can do while were up there, as well as how often were up there. Were constantly up in the air providing support for those who need it the most. Reporter the need for the u 2 services will remain in high demand. While isis may be losing ground, the Group Remains both deadly and elusive. Fred pleitgen, cnn, in the middle east. Interesting stuff. Lots more news to tell you about. Our next hour of newsroom starts for you right now. You are looking at reaction overnight to the news of the death of former cuban president fidel castro. Good morning, everyone were grateful for your company

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