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Save it for a rainy day love my come and tap you on the shoulder stomp starless night the actress who played carol brady has died in los angeles overnight. She was 82 years old. And this morning, a whole generation feels just a little bit older and certainly sadder. Cnns Boris Sanchez joins us with more on Florence Henderson. Good morning, carol. I loved the brady bunch. It was so many generations. I remember watching her on reruns and she really felt like an extension of your own mom. She said herself that she was the mom that she wanted to have growing up. Her manager confirmed that she passed away at siders sinai hospital in los angeles surrounded by her four children, now weve just have to say goodbye. Heres the story of a lovely lady reporter Florence Henderson captured hearts across america as one of the most beloved tv moms, carol brady. Youll find out. Good luck on your debate today, jan. Thank you. Do i look okay, mom . Oh, sweet heart you look lovely. Now dont be nervous about a thing. Reporter starring a a matriarch of a blended family her career would forever be defined by her character on the 1970s sitcom the brady bunch. Prk i created the kind of mother that i wish i had and everyone longs for. Reporter taking on the role was something henderson embraced. I get so much fan mail from all over the world and everybody wants a hug from me and i hug everybody. Reporter in the decades following the show, henderson never shied away from limelight returning to her iconic carol brady for multiple spinoffs of the brady bunch. You are my lucky star reporter but even before she became a brady, henderson seemed destined for show business. I dont ever remember not singing and i would sing in pass the hat, and id sing for groceries. Reporter hendersons career took off at the age of 19 on broadway when she landed a leading role in oklahoma in 1951. Oklahoma reporter becoming a bona fide star onstage her tv career progressed as she became nbcs today girl in 1959 and broke barriers as the first woman to guest host the tonight show for johnny carson. In 1962. Henderson earned her star on the hollywood walk of fame in 1996. And recently danced her way back into the spotlight on dancing with the stars. Henderson is survived by her four children. Shell be remembered most as americas favorite mom. I want to be loved by you, just you and nobody else but you i want to be loved by you alone variety is reporting that Florence Henderson was at dancing with the stars on monday in support of her friend maureen mccormick, costar who played marcia. Maureen tweeted out condolences and saying youre forever in my heart. Also going on to tweet out flour ens henderson was a dear friend for so many years. Love and hugs to her family, ill miss you dearly. Especially touching about this is that you hear her say i wanted to play the mom that i wanted. She grew up in very difficult circumstances. She was the child of a single parent, struggled with alcoholism, and when she says that you get the feeling that it meant a lot to her to be seen as americas mom. An icon, you know. Boris sanchez, thanks so much. No one will ever accuse the brady bunch of being televisions Gold Standard but a cheesy, breezy innocence held a certain magic of the turbulent 1970s. Cnn media analyst bill carter joins us now with a closer look. Good morning. How are you . Im good. I grew up with the brady bunch so i can remember sitting there and watching it slavishly. I just loved it. And i loved Florence Henderson as the mom because she was right, she did country create the mom everyone wanted. An ideal the show was, you know, obviously imagination of what a family could be if everybody loved each other and really wasnt much conflict. But it was interesting in that it was backward looking that way, sort of this ideal also kind of forward looking balls a blended family which became sort of a standard for a generation, much of the generation that grew up watching the brady bunch. And you know, there were there were so many things that we didnt know about the cast of the brady bunch while the show was on, right . The man who played the father, he, he was gay, he was a closeted gay man because in 1968 you just didnt come out and announce that you were gay but the whole cast knew including Florence Henderson and they were very accepting of him. Totally. And that just i think probably standard in show business, a lot of gay men were accepted in show business but also the ethic of the show, they were very accepting. Lets all be in this together. And i think see that throughout their careers. They never run away from this idyllic kind of thing, which some people would have and said thats an iconic character. But ive got to move on, especially florence who was enormously talented singer. But she still embraced being carol brady. And she had staying power, too, which surprised some people but she never really got she can never really shake her role on the brady bunch though, right . She tried to. She didnt really say, okay, thats the past i dont want to go back to that. Shed always go back to that and embrace whatever was going on with one of the kid actors. She was their sort of mother in a kind of idyllic way, and i think it was a shrewd move because show business is not kind to people. It doesnt she wound up being rt of a figure and someone that every generation would then watch. Kids continued to watch the show, and it would just be renewed by each generation that came on. And she just embraced that. Will we ever see a sitcom quite like this again . Or is it just a relic of the past now . No, it seems like most of the sitcoms today that are being sort of popular are sort of, you know, fractured families with a lot of conflict. That sets up the humor. This is a very sweet show. You know, with people i think they might, you know, theyve gone back and theyre watching a version of full house on netflix theres a certain longing for that kind of ideal still, i think. All right. Bill carter. Thanks for sharing the memories. We appreciate it. All right, on to politics now. Political intrigue this morning. Today is the deadline for wisconsin to issue a recount a cause pushed by the former Green Party Candidate jill stein and supported by people donating millions of dollars to pay for it. In the meantime the Trump Team Infighting goes public. Key trump allies pick sides in the battle to become the next secretary of state. Cnns Jason Carroll live in trumps palm beach estate. Good morning. Good morning carol. It seems to be team romney versus team giuliani. A lot of folks out there seem to have not forgiven mitt romney for all of the criticism he lobbied at donald trump during the campaign. You remember at one point mitt romney said that a Trump Presidency would could translate into trickledown racism. A lot of people still not forgiving him for all of the criticism. I think thats the reason why were seeing the public fighting between these two camps. Should id be team romney or former team Rudy Giuliani. Kellyanne conway weighing in on the debate tweeting out yesterday receiving deluge of social media and private communication regarding romney. Some trump loyalists warn against romney as secretary of state. Very interesting to see this play out publicly. These things normally happen privately behind the scenes. Conway saying what shes saying publicly is the same thing that shes been saying to donald trump and to mike pence privately. Carol . All right, Jason Carroll reporting live for us this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, shes got the cash. Will she get the recount . Green Party Candidate jill stein has just hours to ask for one. A recount in wisconsin. Our mission is to produce programs and online content for African Women as they try to build their businesses and careers. My name is yasmin beloosagie and im a cofounder at she leads africa. I definitely could not do my job without technology. This windows 10 device, the touchscreen allows you to kind of pinpoint what youre talking about. Which makes communication much easier and faster than the old mac that i used to use. You can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i dont know, it feels really cool. I feel like im in the future. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. 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These are the last set of teeth that youre getting, you dont get another set, you have to protect them. i wanted him to eat healthy. , so i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. Made specifically for indoor cats. Purina cat chow. Nutrition to build better lives. The 2016 election may never end. Green Party Candidate jill stein is expected to officially ask wisconsin for a recount. The states deadline for that is today. Stein says her partys efforts are not to topple donald trump, but to verify the Election Results. We shouldnt have to wait for the airplane to crash in order to have Quality Assurance on your airplane in order to have safeguards to be sure its not going to crash. It is very important that we look at the votes. Unless we look at the votes, we wouldnt see evidence of hacking. Hacking is subtle. You have to actually examine the votes, the paper copies of the vote and compare that result with your electronic result. More than 27,000 votes separate trump and Hillary Clinton in wisconsin. To be exact, 27,257 votes separate the two candidates. In michigan the state still too close to call the difference is nearly 12,000. And in pennsylvania the difference is is more than 68,000 votes. 68,236. Steins effort has now raised more than 4 million in order to pay for the recount in those three states. Her new goal is 7 million, so lets talk about this and more with me now is jane newton small contributor for time magazine. Cnn political commentator and pop ed columnist for the New York Times and maria cardone, cnn political commentator and democrat i should say. Thank you for being here. The green party is having no problems raising millions of dollars for this recount. What does that say about the state of the country today . Well, clearly were still very divided as a country and a lot of these states are really 50 50. I mean you see already Hillary Clintons up more than 2 million votes ahead in the popular vote. And theres still a lot of rancor and strife and people who dont want to let go, want the election to be swayed for Hillary Clinton or could be swayed in some other way that donald trump might lose somehow, and its not actually very realistic. Look, these are pretty wide vote margins. They dont trigger an automatic recount. They arent within the sort of 0. 5 which would trigger an automatic recount. Theyre really not close enough to swing a state. But there has been a lot of accusations that somehow russians have hacked these states. Theres some malfeasance going on. And thats what they want to investigate. But frankly, i mean its very, very unlikely this is going to in any way take away the election from donald trump. Well, if theres absolutely no evidence that theres been any voter fraud at all and even jill stein admits that but she says she just wants to verify the result. She has no interest in toppling donald trump. Do you believe her . I mean, i dont want to speak to steins personal motives. But someone in her campaign or her operation is running basically. They are getting people who are understandably upset about Hillary Clintons unexpected defeat, in the popular vote electoral vote difference and theyre exploiting their anxieties and frankly their ignorance in order to raise money. That is the best explanation for what is happening right now. As you say the evidence, theres been talk that there are discrepancies between paper ballots and electronic ballots but a lot of election coverage journalists have looked at those and said theyre mostly explained by differences in Rural Counties and urban counties that use electronic ballots and theres simply no evidence that theres massive hacking voter fraud of any kind and even if wisconsin were somehow flipped to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trumps margin of victory in pennsylvania is not assailable. So, you know, i just think whats going on here is kind of sad. And i think weve seen it on the right many times, theres a lot of drifters on the right and youre going to see more drifters on the left at a time of anxiety for liberals. So maria why doesnt jill stein just let it go and all of those democrats out there secretly wishing that there was a recount something might change . Sure. I am one of those democrats, carol. I would love nothing more than for the Election Results to be flipped. But i completely agree with both jay and ross that this is completely unrealistic. And, in fact, a Computer Scientist who was supposedly quoted in the original article that gave light to all of this came out to say that he was inaccurately quoted initially, and that there really is no chance, you know, in terms of probability for the hacking that was supposedly cited to, first of all, number one, be real, and number two, change any of the Election Results. So i would say to Hillary Clinton supporters moving forward, its great to dream, because we really are still crushed from the results of the election. But i would say this, if we really are worried about votes being counted fairly, then lets focus on what i think really happened this election, or one of the things that really happened this election, which was the voter why idy laws that were put in place by republican legislatures all around the country that really kept a lot of people from voting. You had 300,000 people in wisconsin that were turned away because of these new voter i. D. Laws. We heard that there were Election Centers or voting places in North Carolina that were not opened, you know, several of them, a lot of them in majority africanamerican neighborhoods. Lets focus our efforts on changing those laws, on making sure that legislatures go democratic so that this doesnt happen again. I think that would be a much better use of our passion and our disappointment moving forward. All right. So, while all of this is brewing of course mr. Trump is hard at work thinking about who hes going to appoint for secretary of state, jay. So supposedly between mitt romney and Rudy Giuliani. Some of trumps core supporters are really upset that mr. Trump is even thinking of mitt romney because of the awful things that mitt romney said about mr. Trump in the runup to the election. So, what do you think might happen . Well its certainly very interesting and it represents an inherent tension that is going to be a theme of Donald Trumps presidency throughout. And that is he has to balance between this very angry base that elected him as the republican establishment, who he has to work with on capitol hill, and really get along with about he represents both wings of the party and so you have a lot of establish republicans who really do want to see mitt romney in there. They feel he would be a better representative for the Republican Party and for america abroad and question whether or not Rudy Giuliani can get confirmed by the senate because of his previous ties lobbying for all kinds of countries that dont have great human rights records, dont have great records with the united states, and so there is a big push for Establishment Republicans for mitt romney. At the same time you see a huge push from the sort of altright and from the sort of angry base, and frankly all of the trump loyal supporters, who saw him through from the very beginning to get Rudy Giuliani in there because he was so loyal from the beginning, because he was, you know, there all along. Ross, it is interesting, so, mr. Trumps core supporters are kind of angry at mitt romney for all the awful things he said about mr. Trump but they dont seem as angry at nikki haley because she also said kind of nasty stuff about mr. Trump and they dont have any problem with her appointment. Well, i mean a couple things. First, its not when we talk about trumps core supporters, its not clear whether were talking about voters, or talk radio hosts or just people in his inner circle who want their own loyalty rewarded. Right . I mean i dont think i havent seen any polls of trump voters on whether mitt romney should be secretary of state versus Rudy Giuliani. Im quite sure most trump voters dont have a deep personal stake in Rudy Giuliani as secretary of state. What i think is going on here is more palace intrigue of which i expect well have a great deal in the trump era than necessarily some huge grassroots push where, you know, people like mike huckabee, Newt Gingrich and giuliani himself dont want to set a precedent, and just much more important precedent to your question i mean nikki haley, u. N. Am bass for is an important position, but its not nearly as important as secretary of state. Nikki haleys criticisms of trump were sometimes pungent, but nothing on the level of mitt romneys big speech against him. So its interesting to me the stakes are much higher here in terms of what level of loyalty trump expects to command. But trump is also someone who may respect you know, hes a guy who likes to humiliate people sometimes who have surrendered to him. You saw this in the way he sort of teased and tormented Chris Christie on the campaign trail. So i dont think its always clear that loyalty to donald trump is necessarily, you know, the smartest career move you can possibly make. So, so maria what message would it send if, if mr. Trump does appoint mr. Romney to secretary of state . You know it is so ironic, carol, because to so Many Democrats that i have talked to, when you hear mitt romney you get a warm fuzzy. And for democrats to get a warm fuzzy from waerg mitt romney being part of the Trump Administration shows you just how anathema a Trump Administration is to, frankly, right now what were seeing, the majority of americans in this country, right . Because Hillary Clinton is ahead by more than 2 million votes now. But, i will say this, i do think that it will give not just democrats but i think a lot of pruns who had been very critical and are start critical of trump and his Foreign Policy views or frankly lack thereof, the the the the thought or the notion that a mitt romney as secretary of state gives them some semblance of tranquillity, if you will. That here is somebody who is sensible, who, you know, will follow republican orthodoxy when it comes to Foreign Policy. I do think that it will even give democrats some sense of tranquillity as well, because you will have somebody who is not going to be shooting from the hip, who really kind of understands, as we say commonsense Foreign Policy. Whereas Rudy Giuliani would be completely the opposite. Not to mention all of the conflicts of interest that Rudy Giuliani brings to the table on top of all of the conflicts of interest that trump himself brings to the table. Thanks to all of you for coming in this friday. A u. S. Service member has been killed in northern syria. It happened on thanksgiving day when an ied exploded. Defense Officials Say the Service Member was part of a Multinational Force fighting isis in syria. Service members name has not been released. It is a solemn reminder that the men and women in uniform are on the front lines as many of us are shopping or enjoying time with our families back home on thanksgiving morning president obama called nine Service Members to thank them for their service. Ill be right back. laughs. here it is. Hey dad wishes do come true. The lincoln wish list sales event is on. Get exceptional offers on the lincoln family of luxury vehicles. Sign and drive off in a new 2017 lincoln mkc with zero down and a complimentary first months payment. Try theraflu expressmax,nd flu hold you back now in new caplets. Its the only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Theraflu. For a powerful comeback. New expressmax caplets. And good morning im carol costello. Thanks so much for joining me from stuffing to shopping, its black friday and that means millions of americans are out today getting an early jump on their holiday shopping. Check out new york citys Herald Square early this morning. Look at all those crazy people. It was downright packed in front of the flagship macys store as the doors opened. In minnesota more than 1,000 shoppers braved the cold and the rain to be first in line when the mall of america opened up at 5 00 in the morning. Alison kosik is live at a target store in jersey city, new jersey. Hi, alison. Are you having fun . Hi, carol. I am. You know whats always a crowd pleaser . Electronics. Im in the electronics area, and it seems to be the big favorite at the moment. You know what the got to get gift this year is . It is the 4k tv or at this point any tv. Just to give you an idea, target says last night it had 600 people, i want to show you the video, outside the door, waiting to get in. This is after they ate their turkey dinner, after the pumpkin pie, they got in the car and came to target. Most of the people ran straight to the electronics area to pick up those tvs. And guess how well those tvs did . 3200 tvs were sold every minute in the first hour of opening last night. So yes, we do see black friday bleeding into thursday but theres no denying it black friday is still very, very special if youre a holiday shopper. This years black friday frenzy kicking off with hundreds jamming the streets outside macys Flagship Store in new york city. Early bird shoppers taking over entire departments in search of steep discounts. Its that time of year when allout chaos ensues over jumbosized tvs. And shoppers battle it out over who gets the biggest deals. This excited crowd caught clamoring over electronics at a walmart in columbus, mississippi. Even though walmart is trying to reduce the brawls by handing out wristbands to a limited number of customers for hot items and increasing staffing. Still, across the country, retailers are welcoming the long lines. Ushering in eager bargain hunters and customers are braving inclement weather. Shoppers at this best buy in portland standing in the rain for hours. Im soaking wet and im still here. Reporter forgoing thanksgiving dinner to flood the aisles in search of bigticket items. Ready with cash in hand. The National Retail federation says holiday sales this year are expected to top 650 billion. A 3. 6 increase from 2015. And on cybermonday, at least 36 of consumers plan to nab their deals online. And speaking of online, that is many door busters have sold out but thats not stopping the crowds from forming already. Carol . All right, alison kosik, enjoy shopping at target. Thanks so much. All right, on to politics. Donald trumps outreach to former critics could extend into his new Commerce Department. Sources say the president elect is likely to pick todd rickets to be deputy secretary of the Commerce Department. If that name sounds familiar its because rickettes is the coowner of the chicago cubs. He was a supporter of Governor Scott walker during the primary actually his mega donor family his mom pumped millions into an antitrump super pac although the family came around and supported trump when it became clear that trump was the winning candidate. Rick is also apparently not very good at selling hot dogs. Heres a look from Undercover Boss and yes, ricketts was on Undercover Boss. Hot dogs, hot dogs who needs a hot dog . Really quick . Call out the change. All right. This way they know what theyre getting back. Mark was a little slow. He was a little shy. Handling of the money was sub par. I think he was actually fired because of his bathroom cleaning skills. They were not up to par. But hes a good sport, right . Joining us cnns Global Economic analyst. How are you . Tell us about happy friday. I cant believe all those people waiting in the rain. So, when people hear the Commerce Department they go, well what does that department do . So why is that important particularly now with donald trump in office . Well you know, for starters, the people that hes talking about potentially for commerce are very interesting. Wilbur ross, big private equity guy, ricketts comes from a family of conservative donors, but also his sister being a recommend thats kind of a surprise candidate. Commerce is really important now as weve just seen we could be at a point where the economy could be starting to take off. The policies that we implement now are going to have a lot to do with what we see in the next four years. Are consumers going to spend more . And what do we need to do to make that happen . How does the Commerce Department make or not make that happen . Well, so interestingly, theres sort of two choices right now. Are you going to cut taxes . Are you going to do a fiscal policy thats designed to stimulate growth . Are you going to sort of sit back and depend on Monetary Policy to keep driving things . Trump has said very clearly he wants fiscal policy in the form of tax cuts, in the form of infrastructure spending. This is something that, you know, we know that wilbur ross is interested in and Todd Ricketts is very interested in, as well. I have my doubts about whether tax cuts alone are going to support the economy and i think that theres going to be a lot of controversy about both of these candidates. You know, because they are very conservative. This is sort of, you know, a playbook of trickledown economics. Whether or not its going to stimulate is going to be up to the base. And the two men are incredibly wealthy. They are very wealthy. When donald trump during the Campaign Said were going to fix this rigged economy, rigged against the rest of us, but theres these two guys who are incredibly wealthy wall streeters. Its a great irony that donald trump ran as the outsider candidate, the guy who was supposedly outside the system. But he and many of these appointees have the system has benefited them more than anybody else. So i think theyre going to get a lot of pushback from progressives. Okay. So wilbur ross. Yeah. Hes most well known hes sort of like critics say hes sort of like mitt romney was when he ran. Hes like a guy who takes like Distressed Companies and then yeah. Makes a lot of money off them. His nickname is the king of bankruptcy. This is a guy who has gone in for several decades globally and in the u. S. , bought up Distressed Companies. In the u. S. Hes bought a lot of textile companies, steel companies, some big cole companies. Mixed records. Some people see him as hey hes come into rust Belt Companies and created jobs. Other people say this is a guy who cut pensions, cut benefits, and actually there was a problem at one of the coal mines that he purchased in the mid 2000s in west virginia. Thats right. There was a big explosion that killed twelve workers there. There were some concerns about safety at that factory. He said look we wouldnt have bought a lemon. He didnt feel that there were safety issues. Labor activists dont agree. So i expect that to be a point of controversy, as well. All right, rana, thanks so much. Still to come in the newsroom, as isis loses ground in mosul, theyre fighting back at one of the only ways they can. Theyre targeting innocent civilians. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. i wanted him to eat healthy. , so i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. Made specifically for indoor cats. Purina cat chow. Nutrition to build better lives. Whmade plastics that tmake them lighter . Rs the lubricants that improved fuel economy. Even technology to make engines more efficient. What company does all this . Exxonmobil, thats who. Were working on all these things to make cars better and use less fuel. Helping you save money and reduce emissions. And you thought we just made the gas. Energy lives here. To be at and i am at yself is the peace with myself. Ng, i didnt deal this deck im just playing the game. Thats all, thats it. Meals on wheels has given me a mode of freedom that i wouldnt have otherwise. They make sure that i get the nutrition that i need, and its a balanced meal. My name is maurice mcgriff. America, lets do lunch. Narrator drop off a hot meal and say hello. Volunteer by donating your lunch break at americaletsdolunch. Org. Every day iraqi forces are freeing me neighborhoods from the fear of living under isis. But even as they are beating back the terrorists they continue to kill iraqi civilians. And their families, from a distance. Isis now lobbing mortars into crowded neighborhoods. In all the World Health Organization says 40,000 civilians will need treatment for trauma injuries they received in the mosul offensive. Cnn International Correspondent phil black is live in erbil, iraq, this morning. Hi, phil. Hi, carol. The citizens inside mosul have been warned by iraqi authorities to stay in their homes, and hunker down. To not try and leave the city. The Iraqi Military forces that are moving through say theyre being very careful not to harm those civilians. Theyre not using heavy weapons. Theyre not calling in air strikes. Weve been inside mosul and were seeing firsthand that isis is not showing the same concern. These people have just lived through the horror of urban warfare. They coward in their homes for days, prayers and white flags their only protection as iraqi forces fought their way through the neighborhoods of eastern mosul. Against fierce isis resistance. Now, there is little food, water, or medicine. No electricity. But theres much relief. Like adopting our interests isis is like a darkness, and its gone now. You can hear the fighting in the near distance. Its still dangerously close. Isis is gone from these streets but its ability to harm these people hasnt passed. Just 24 hours ago were told a family was sitting here outside their home when a mortar struck just a short distance away. And a 19monthold girl was killed. Her name was amira. Her father omar is overwhelmed by grief. He cries, what did she do wrong . She was just playing. Shes gone from me and shes my only one. Every day this makeshift clinic inside mosul sees the terrible consequences of mortars fired into civilian areas. Its a bloody production line. The wounded are delivered, patched up quickly, and loaded into ambulances for transport to hospital. At times it seems endless as one ambulance pulls away another military vehicle speeds in carrying more wounded civilians. Theyre unloaded with great care. As the medics work to help the victims of yet another isis mortar attack. But they cant save everyone. This mans 21yearold son was killed. He says a mortar just fell in front of the door. We came, and he was just a piece of meat. Four or five of my neighbors were standing with him, and theyre all dead. Here, another parent falls to the dusty ground before the body of her son. These people endured two years of living under isis, only to be killed by the groups desperate military tactics, and its total indifference to the lives of the innocent. Carol, there are more than 1 Million People inside mosul, and what weve seen so far is really only the start of the military operation. A very early stages of the effort to push isis out of that city. So as that progresses, the fighting intensifies. The logical concern is that the humanitarian cost is going to get higher still. Carol . Phil black reporting live from erbil, iraq, this morning. Still to come in the newsroom, Melania Trump already surprising some people as she gets ready to take on her role as first lady. But will she move into the white house . Some people wonder. And is it time to redefine the role of the first lady anyway . O potato farmer and i finally found our big idaho potato truck. 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By giving her a federal budget and nonstop press conference, we endorse a pernicious kind of neonepotism that says pay special attention to the person not because she earned it or is inherently worthy of our notice but because of who shes related to by marriage. He does go on to make clear his boof is not with Melania Trump but rather with the cost of keeping the first ladys office. With me is Kate Anderson brower, author of first women, the grace and power of americas modern first ladies. Welcome. Thank you, carol. So what do you think about that . Is it time that we redefine the role of first lady and perhaps kind of explore the option of not having one . Well, i think it is hes right about one thing. To have a woman who is just there as a figurehead and not doing much, expected to pour tea and be a hostess. I think he misses the mark that symbolically its very important to have somebody in the white house greeting heads of state and taking care of the residence and also doing there are so many things, like the easter egg roll, White House Christmas parties. But its not only the symbolic part of it. The first lady is an adviser to her husband. We have had first ladies who have been incredibly powerful. Melania trump has an Incredible Opportunity as the first immigrant first lady since louisa adams to lend a voice to immigrants in this country. Its an Incredible Opportunity to live in the white house. Why do first ladies have to adopt a thing . Nancy reagan was the antidrug campaign. Michelle obama was Healthy Eating and exercise. We expect that and ever since lady byrd johnson, we expect them to adopt an apolitical issue. I dont think theres anything wrong with that. I think the question is whether or not the more important question is whether or not they can continue their job. Could Michelle Obama have continued to be a lawyer, for instance, with her husband as president. We ask these women to give up their careers and they are highpowered careers, for their husbands and then to act as though they shouldnt have any role in the white house seems to me to be belittling them. They are very powerful women and intelligent women themselves. I dont agree with the idea or the argument that we should get rid of it. Well, but i think that when first ladies come up with a cause they try to make it not political, per se, but it kind of becomes that way anyway, doesnt it . It does. The lets move campaign Michelle Obama took on is actually very controversial, taking on the food industry, but it has led to some good things happening. The obesity rate for low income preschoolers, for instance, has gone down in recent years. I dont think theres anything wrong with them taking up a cause that has some controversy. No matter what you do, even the cyberbullying, you know, thing that melania talked about is controversial, right . Absolutely. Do you think Melania Trump will move into the white house and make being first lady her fulltime job . I think shes going to be one of the most private first ladies we have ever seen. Its unprecedented that she wont immediately move into the white house. The last time that Martha Washington didnt live in the white house, it wasnt built yet. Anna harrisons husband, william henry, passed away shortly after the inauguration. We have never had a first lady who has not moved into the white house. I think she probably will after barron finishes the school year. I think its a strong argument to make that hes there, hes happy in school, keep him there. No one would criticize a mother for that. But to ignore the Incredible Opportunity and responsibility of being first lady i think would be a mistake. All right. Kate anderson brower, thanks for coming in this morning. Thank you. Coming up in the next hour of newsroom a relic of the cold war with a 21st century upgrade. We get an exclusive look inside the highly secretive missions to spy on isis from the edge of space. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Checking top stories for you at 58 minutes past. An annual thanksgiving day youth Football Game turns deadly in kentucky. According to our affiliate, wave, two men were killed and four other people wounded after gunfire erupted. In all, 19 shots were fired. The shooters escaping the scene. Police say they do not have a motive for this. The missing california mother who vanished three weeks ago while jogging has been found safe. Authorities say sherri pepini flagged down a passing driver nearly 140 miles from her home yesterday morning. A search is under way to find two armed women who she says abducted her and left her bound on the side of a road. She was reunited with her family after being treated for unspecified injuries. Its a thanksgiving dinner that started with an accidental text message. In a text she sent to her family, an arizona grandmother actually mistakenly sent that text to a stranger to eat at her home on thanksgiving. He told wanda she had the wrong number, the wrong text but asked if he could still go to her house for thanksgiving. She said sure. Thats what grandmas do. If you have an opportunity to do something kind for somebody, please, please do. Because its such a good feeling. Its a good feeling to give kindness and its a wonderful feeling to receive it as well. She invited jamals family, too, but they had their own plans for dinner so he was able to enjoy two thanksgiving day meals. We have been expecting you. With that, millions of star wars fans suddenly stopped caring about shopping deals this morning. Tickets for the next star wars movie go on sale starting monday. The new movie is both a spinoff and prequell going back to the stories of how plans for the death star were stolen. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. The dinner plates are cleared and americans now scramble to get their fill of bargains. Black friday now under way. With it, the crowds and chaos of the postthanksgiving tradition. Some shoppers braved massive lines or midnight deals to snap up the most popular deals Like Electronics and toys. Others never left home, taking advantage of online retailers. Stepping up their game to get into some of that spending frenzy. Meantime, the Trump Team Infighting goes public. Key trump allies pic

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