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Set to speak to reporters before returning to the campaign trail. The critical swing state of north carolina. Live pictures from the Westchester County airport in new york, were awaiting clinton to make some remarks. This comes as President Obama slams trump just hours after they took part in a forum on National Security. The audience filled with currents and former military officials. Some of whom trump says have been unable to do their jobs due to the current administration. I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country. You have a force of 30,000 or so people, nobody really knows, but probably 30,000 people. And i can just see the great as an example, general George Patton spinning in his grave. Okay, so President Obama offered this response from laos, where he was attending the summit of Southeast Asia nations. Lets listen. Last night, sir, donald trump said Vladimir Putin has been more of a leader than you, and then he said you have reduced american generals to rubble. Do you care to defend your legacy . Do i care to defend okay, okay, okay. Respond, got it. As far as mr. Trump, i think ive already offered my opinion. I dont think the guy is qualified to be president of the United States. And every time he speaks, that opinion is confirmed. And i think the most important thing for the public and the press is to just listen to what he says and followup and ask questions about what appear to be either contradictory or uninformed or out right whacky ideas. There is this process that seems to take place over the course of the election season where somehow behavior that in normal times, we would consider completely unacceptable and outrageous becomes normalized. And people start thinking that we should be grading on a curve. But i can tell you from the interactions that ive had over the last eight or nine days with foreign leaders that this is serious business. And you actually have no know what youre talking about, and you actually have to have done your homework, and when you speak, it should actually reflect thoughtout policy that you can implement. And i have confidence that if in fact people just listen to what he has to say and look at his track record or lack thereof, theyll make a good decision. Sunlen joins me now on how it comes to National Security. Carol, it was so fascinating, because we saw both these candidates appear backtoback and it turned into something of a small preview of how they will handle themselves at their first real faceoff at the debate later this month, both trying to gain the upper hand on the big question, who is ready to be Commander In Chief. Donald trump drumming up more controversy. The man has very strong control over the country. Praising Vladimir Putin while trashing barack obama. He has been a leader monday than our president. Standing by his statement, claiming he knows more about isis than the generals do. Under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country. But giving no details on his plan to defeat isis. I have a substantial chance of winning. If i win, i dont want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is. Hillary clinton making clear her fight will not include Ground Troops. Weve got to do with air power, with much more support for the Arabs And Kurds who will fight on the ground against isis. We are not putting Ground Troops into iraq ever again, and were not putting ground troop nes in syria. Getting grilled over her email server and her vote to go to war with iraq. Classified material has a header, which says top secret, secret, confidential. Nothing, and i will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the department of justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header. I think that the decision to go to war in iraq was a mistake. Later, trump repeating his false claim that owe opposed the war from the start. I said you shouldnt be there. Are you for invading iraq . Yeah, i guess so. You know, i wish it was i wish the first time it was done correctly. And declaring that the u. S. Should have stolen oil from iraq. If were going to get out, take the oil. If we would have taken the oil, you wouldnt have isis. It used to be to the victor belong the spoils. Sparking outrage for his controversy tweet women serving alongside men. Many people think thats absolutely correct. You have reported and the gentlemen can tell you, you have the report of rape and nobody gets prosecuted. There are no consequence. Also drawing criticism, Nbc News Anchor matt lauer aggressively questioning clinton. I want to get to a lot of questions. I will talk quickly. And not Fact Checking trumps claims throughout the events. I was totally against the war in iraq, perhaps almost as bad was the way barack obama got out. That was a disaster. People talk about you and Commander In Chief and not just secretary clinton, but some of the republican opponents in the primary season and wonder about your temperament. And afterwards, both sides slammed the other over their performance. Reaso rnc chair called out Hillary Clinton being angry. She had no smile and was uncome for uncomfortable. Seriously looks like, so once again, we see here, carol, both sides speaking to this Temperament Issue and trying to play it up as potentially to be fit for the presidency. All right, sunlen, thanks so much. We have to alert you to something unbelievable, gary johnson just said. Keep in mind, gary johnson is running for the president of the United States. Just yesterday, mitt romney tweeted that johnson should be on the debate stage with clinton and trump. Listen. What would you do if you were elected about aleppo . About . Aleppo. And what is aleppo . Youre kidding . No. Aleppo is in syria. It is the epicenter of the refugee crisis. Okay, got it, got it. Aleppo, syria, assad, we have american troops within the country of syria. So lets talk about this and more with me now, Barbara Starr, international correspondent, clarissa ward, and Iraqi War Veteran and veterans of american, which helped host that forum. Welcome. Paul, i want to start with you, because you were very near gary johnson when he said aleppo, whats that . When you heard that, what went through your mind . What went through my mind is this is exactly why we need to ask hard questions of people who want to be the Commander In Chief. Last night, we had a fantastic conversation and the real highlight of the conversation were the hard questions from veterans, people who have been at war for 15 years. While most of america has been back at home. Last night, it was trump and clinton. We hope that conversation continues. Let me ask you this, paul. Gary johnson, it should include jill stein, anyone else who wanting to be president. He had no idea what aleppo was. Some might say that should disqualify him for running for president. I mean, the voters will decide. It is about time people started getting asked tough questions about syria. But also about suicide, military sexual trauma, va reform, all the issues that are veterans have been asking to talk about for years. So finally, it was center stage last night. But last night was just the beginning. His tore a historic, but we want it to continue. You want to send Men And Women to war, youve got to ask these questions. Our folks have been going through this for over a decade. Donald trump said our generals have been reduced to rubble. Lets listen. I think under the leadership of barack obama and Hillary Clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. They have been reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country. You have a force of 30,000 or so people, nobody really knows, but probably 30,000 people. And i can just see the great as an example, general George Patton, spinning in his grave. So barbara, you covered the pentagon, you talk to generals everyday. Youve talked to veterans everyday, soldiers actively serving. Have our generals been reduced to rubble . Well, you know, one of the questions that we dont have the answer to is what did donald trump really mean when he said that. We dont really know what he meant. Because he and his surrogates have gone on again and said mr. Trump respects the generals, but donald trump after that said he might start dealing with different generals. He has said several times or hinted or implied that he might replace some of the generals currently serving. Look, who are the generals that are serving right now . Most of them, many of them themselves are combat veterans, multiple tours in iraq and afghanistan. They have buried their young troops in cemeteries across this country over the last 15 years. If you believe they are rubble, i think it will be incumbent to explain what you mean by that. It will be very interesting if he wins the election as the next Commander In Chief, to come into office to be Commander In Chief, and try and deal with the problem he believes he has that they are rubble. Who will he replace . Can he really do all of that . Will the joint chiefs stay intact . It is all it is all quite unclear at the moment, because language is both contradictory and unclear. Rubble, and yet he respects them. So paul, you served in iraq from 2003 to 2004, i think the commander general was general petraeus. Who does he mean . I dont know. He is going to have to answer that question today. I think, you know, clinton and trump both got dragged into deep waters last night. They havent been asked for sfefs specifics on a lot of issues. Thats what veterans want to hear. They want to hear what exactly do you mean. So im not going to answer for him or any other candidate. But were going to keep asking the hard questions. Clarissa, Hillary Clinton said we are not putting Ground Troops into iraq ever again. She did qualify that a bit later, and you know, and there are Ground Troops in iraq right now in an viadvisory role. Did you understand what she meant by that . It was confusing, because there are roughly 6,000 Ground Troops in iraq, an estimated 500 Special Forces in syria. Obviously she is trying to reiterate atone for the since of her past, trying to come down strongly who will not ratchet of u. S. Military engagement, particularly sending troops overseas. I think what donald trump was trying to capitalize on perhaps, and i may be misinterpreting here, was a sense of d disenchantment. There are a lot of generals that feel after mosul, it is embarrassing almost at this stage that iraqs second city is still under the control of isis. Now, what both candidates did not offer at all, while both claim to come down so heavily on isis and really isolating that as a real priority in terms of Foreign Policy, neither of them gave any specifics about how exactly they intend to do that. What that will look like. Particularly clinton. She is not offering any information about how her policy for dealing with isis whether different at you will from President Obama if indeed it will, carol. All right, so i want to bring in Vladimir Putin right now and address this question to you, paul. Mr. Trump intimated that President Putin of russia was a better leader than President Obama. Paul, as you know, there isnt freedom of the press in russia, he jails his political opponents, according to the human rights watch, he has legalized discrimination against gay and lesbian people. This is the stuff that you fight for america against, paul. So does this make sense to you . No. I mean, a lot of this election doesnt make any sense to me. A lot of this election doesnt make sense to a lot of americans. Both candidates are so unpopular. The recent military times poll of active duty and military folks said that both of them are not acceptable for the most part to our military. I think everybody in america is scratching their head and a lot of people want it to be over. We want common sense to come back in here and the only common sense we seem to hear from last night was from the veterans. Okay, so on another topic, barbara, mr. Trump talked about his intelligence briefings. Trump said he could tell by their Body Language that they were unhappy with President Obama, and his policies. Listen to trump, and then listen to Clintons Campaign manager, robby mook on gma this morning. I was very, very surprised. Almost every instance, i could tell, i have pretty good with the Body Language, i could tell, they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. Concerning that donald trump was, you know, was potentially sharing information that he learned in his briefing. I mean, but what was really scary, george, was he keeps talking about the secret plan that he has to defeat isis, what was clear last night was there is really no plan at all. Barbara, your thoughts . Well, lets unpack some of this. These intelligence briefings, they offer, we absolutely know this. They offer analysis of intelligence problems. They do not discuss recommendations. Because thats not what the u. S. Intelligence Community Even does. They analyze a problem and present those conclusions to policymakers, who then work on the recommendations for dealing with a problem. Mr. Trump seems to be saying he has an extraordinary ability to read Body Language and come to his own conclusions about that. Perhaps more than anybody else might have, i suppose. We have talked to officials who have done these types of briefings before. We have talked to people who know the general Lay Of The Land in these briefings. These are civilian Senior Intelligence analysis officials in the u. S. Government. And the way these things go, whether it was trump or clinton, they say to the briefer, okay what, do you recommend about this problem with isis, or Vladimir Putin. The briefer then, you know, pretty much says you must go to the white house and ask them. Because they are the policymakers, they do the recommendations. It is not about Body Language. It is about what the real goal and facts were behind these briefings, and thats analysis, not intelligence recommendations. All right, i have to leave it there. Barbara starr, clarissa ward, paul, thanks to all of you. We are waiting for Hillary Clinton to address the press. Were hearing shell take questions from reporters. Jeff zeleny is there. Jeff. Reporter good morning, carol. Hillary clinton is set to take questions from reporters at this podium right behind me, the third time this week alone she has answered questions. Well have more. Coming up. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my Asthma Symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my Asthma Treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents Asthma Symptoms. 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After that of course, when she comes out, well go back live to westchester. The u. S. Military is trying hard to integrate women into our armed services. Just a few months ago, it opened combat roles to women. It is a topic ive explored, because there are many women eager to serve. It piqued my interest when donald trump talked about this last night. It is a correct tweet. Many people think it is absolutely correct. We need to have a strength and we need to does that mean the only way to fix it is to take women out of the military . Since then, it has gotten worst. Not to take them out, but something has to happen. Part of the problem is nobody gets prosecuted. You have reported and the gentlemen can tell you, you have the report of rape and nobody gets prosecuted. All right, so lets talk about that. Im joined again by Barbara Starr as well as gonzalez political report, Nathan Gonzalez and david cantonese. I was looking for the tweet that trump initially sent out so i could im going to look for that as i address the first question to you, barbara. Do you understand do you understand what mr. Trump was talking about in his tweet . Carol, i think it is fair to say what he said in his original tweet, he was talking about the very significant number of Sexual Assault cases in the u. S. Military. And had suggested or implied in his tweet that it was related to the fact that women are increasingly serving in the military. I am going to paraphrase language. What do you expect. So lets unpack that all a little bit. First of all, women of courts have been serving in the u. S. Military since the beginning, serving and dying for this country. Women in the military is not new. Although in recent years, it certainly has increased. Sexual assault, it is absolutely worth noting that Sexual Assault cases are both against women and men who serve in the u. S. Military. The question is what is happening with those Sexual Assault cases. Mr. Trump defended his tweet so that many people that was his words i think are saying what he says, when you put women in the military, this is what you get. Thats a paraphrase of what he is saying. He did go on and say that he felt they were not being pr prosecuted. The case has to be made whether theyre being prosecuted enough. Are the cases being reported, are military prosecutors able to gather evidence and make these cases against people, who are accused of Sexual Assault in the military. Certainly, a number of cases are being prosecuted. People are in jail. An increasing number of cases are being reported, because the reporting procedures are trying to erase the stigma. Right. Of reporting those cases. Let me interrupt you for just a second, barbara. Because i do want people to know exactly what mr. Trumps tweet said because i dont think we were clear enough on that. This is what mr. Trump ace initial tweet said. 26,000 unreported Sexual Assaults in the military. Only 237 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put Men And Women together. It was that last part that is controversial. What did these geniuses expect when they put Men And Women together. I guess that piqued my interest, because rape isnt about boys being boys. Rape is about power and violence. So that part of his tweet, im trying to totally understand what he meant . You have to take it at face value. He wants to be Commander In Chief. Rape is a criminal act that must be prosecuted in the civilian or military world. Whether the military is doing a good enough job on that is something for people to decide when they look at the evidence and they look at the facts. Can more be done . Absolutely. More can be done in the civilian world as well. But his words, you know, again, going back to what you just read, the sort of what a geniuses expect, it is a suggestion that perhaps something to do with women being in the military, and i think i am on very safe ground saying i dont know of a single serving member of the u. S. Military man or woman that would agree with him on that point. Okay, well, lets switch topics. Thank you very much, barbara. Nathan, lets talk about Hillary Clinton. She defended her vote for the iraq war, and i would like you to listen to what she said. Here it is. I have said that my voting to give President Bush that authority was from my perspective my mistake. I also believe that it is imperative that we learn from the mistakes, i think im in the best possible position to be able to understand that and prevent it. Nathan, is that an effective answer . Well, you know, i think this was a heartfelt answer by secretary clinton. You know, this is a vote thats been discussed for years now. Arguably, this was a vote that kept her from winning the president ial nomination in wa20. This answer is about maybe keeping the democratic base, making sure they come out to vote in november. I know being at the conventions in philadelphia, she there is concern about her military or her Foreign Policy record and how willing is she to be intervene in overseas and commit troops, and thats a big issue to the democratic base. Thats just reiterating that base. It is a moment where we got an honest answer from a politician. Clinton went on to say that she would not be in favor of putting Ground Troops in iraq or syria ever, ever again. She would intensify the air war and use the allies more effectively. Is that really a distinctive strategy than the Obama Administration is carrying out in the middle east . It is not distinctly different, although we have a contingent of troops in the region right now. So the question would be, what would she do about the current status that we have. But look, i dont think Hillary Clintons answers are assuring on Foreign Policy for many on the left. I think progressives are very worried and weary of her. They are not sure how hawkish she is, because she kind of had conflicting answers on a lot of the topics last night in her opening answer, she said strength is the most important part of being a Commander In Chief. But then she later went on and said you know, force as a last resort. A lot of liberals feel like she only apologized because she had to. She was politically published for it. Just in recent weeks, every week you see her speaking to republicans, courting republican military figures, releasing a general here that supports her and a general there. It would be tough to progressives, they dont feel like she is talking to them any more particularly on Foreign Policy, and that concerns them. And then last question about what mr. Trump said and ill pose this question to you, barbara. Mr. Trump said he would have ordered his generals to cease oil from the enemy. Isnt that against the geneva convention. Im no military lawyer, but people can look at the definition of war crimes. And come to their coown conclusion. He fell back on a generations old cliche, he spoke about that notion to the victor go the spoils. He said that a couple of times. Look, there is nothing further from that that the u. S. Military is all about. The u. S. Military does not go into sovereign countries and seize their natural resources. It does not happen. It is against the law. It is not going to happen. People need to look up the definition of a war crime. All right, i have to leave it there. Barbara starr, nathan, david, thank you. I want to head back out to westchest westchester. At any appointmemoment, hillary will make some comments. Good morning, jeff. Reporter good morning, carol. Hillary clinton is going to address reporters here in just a few moments before she travels to charlotte, north carolina. Again, matters of National Security are dominating the president ial campaign discussion this week. Carol, it is all about judgment. Secretary clinton trying to make the case that donald trump simply does not have the judgment. So she is going to reiterate some of her comments from the forum last night. But were also getting new information from an interview that Hillary Clinton has done with channel 2 in israel. She is saying this. She said that the Islamic State is rooting for Donald Trumps victory. So i also expect her to be asked and elaborate more on that carol. This is all the coming on the heels of a very much closer race here. Heading into the final 60 something days of this campaign. Secretary clinton trying to make the case to voters that donald trump simply does not have the plan, the credibility, and the judgment to be Commander In Chief. Of course, some of his supporters and generals would disagree here, but by just the notion of Hillary Clinton holding what is going to be her third News Conference this week alone makes clear this is a different phase of the campaign, and she is eager to respond to what some Donald Trumps comments were last night, carol. Jeff, stand by. Ive got to take a break. Well rejoin you on the other side. Well be right back. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I know more about isis then the generals do. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured ok. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. Ive had tremendous success, i think. Those are sacrifices . 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Also minutes from now, House Republicans on the Oversight Committee are expected to hammer the Hillary Clinton email controversy, once again challenging the State Department to release more information. The top democratic, powell in one email, telling clinton exactly how he was able to get privacy, while serving as secretary of state. Cnn manu raju, live on capitol hill with more on that. Reporter good morning, carol. Obtained the email exchange through unique statutory provision, that allows members of the Oversight Committee to obtain federal records and released the emails on the eve of more hearings in order to give her political cover. Im not going to relitigate in public my private conversations with him. Reporter privy conversations no more. The ranking democratic in the house Oversight Committeery r releasing an email exchange. Two days after clinton was sworn in, she wrote to powell, asking what the restrictions on his blackberry were. Hoping to bring hers to the State Department. Powell, who used an older version of a smartphone during his tenure, responding, what i did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line. So i could communicate with the wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. Powell said the state Department Gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave us signals, and could be read by spies, et cetera. Adding, the real danger is that if it goes public. Government or not, to do business. It may become an official record and subject to the law. Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much, and not using systems that capture the data. I have the utmost respect for secretary powell. I appreciated the time he took when i was preparing to become secretary, and i valued his advice. There is evidence that they were extremely careless. Reporter the email coming hours after fbi director james comey, released a staff memo following criticism of his email investigation. And the decision not to recommend charges against clinton. Comey writing that the case was not a cliffhanger. Nor prosecutable. Concluding the critics are full of baloney. He has not commented on the email exchange, carol, so well see what he has to say in the coming days, carol. Manu, i would like you to stick around because im bringing in jeff zeleny and mark preston, our executive politics editor, because were awaiting Hillary Clinton to speak at any moment from the westchester airport. You see the Secret Service there. I dont know if Hillary Clinton is in that big black car, but maybe jeff does. Set the scene for us, jeff. Reporter good morning, carol. Secretary clinton is in the black van, often referred to as the skrooby van, on her first campaign. Shell be addressing the comments made by donald trump. She will be addressing some of these National Security issues, wanting to draw attention to some specific points that donald trump made. You could call it a little bit of a rebuttal, since she spoke first last night, which was by a coin toss. Shell be making some of those comments, and we can see her walking up toward the podium now. After she answers questions, she will be flying to charlotte, north carolina, to press her National Security argument against donald trump. Carol, well send it back to you. Okay, we see Hillary Clinton walking to the podium now. She was radio silent in august, right, but right out front and center during this month of september, as young as it is. She has spoken to reporters many times. Well, actually a couple of times. And she also got a bigger plane so reporters could travel with her. Lets listen. Good morning, everyone. Last night, i was very glad to be able to begin a conversation with the American People and offer some of my thoughts about isis, iran and how we reform the va system to provide better care for ovets. Im honored in the last 24 hours, more retired generals and add mir wr admirals have decided to back my campaign. Tomorrow, im convening a meeting of National Security leaders and experts, including former secretaries of homeland security, Michael Cherthoff and janet napolitano, Michael Morrell and commander, James Staverites and others. We will discuss how to intensify our efforts to keep our country safe. To that end, i want to underscore something that i mentioned last night. We should make it a top priority to hunt down the leader of isis. Abu baghdadi and bring him to justice just as we did with Osama Bin Laden. Getting baghdadi will require a focus driven effort at the highest levels, but it will send i resounding message that nobody directs or inspires attacks against the United States and gets away with it. Let me be clear. Last night was yet another test, and donald trump failed yet again. We saw more evidence that he is temperamentally unfit and unqualified to be Commander In Chief. He trash talked american generals, saying they, then, quote reduced to rubble. He suggested he would fire them, and replace them with his handpicked generals. He attacked dozens of former officers by saying that, quote, weve been losing for a long time. Thats how he talks about distinguished Men And Women who have spent their time serving our country, sacrificing for us. Thats how he would act as Commander In Chief. Meanwhile, bizarrely, once again, he praised russias strong man, Vladimir Putin. Even taking the astonishing step of suggesting that he prefers the russian president to our american president. Now, that is not just unpatriotic and insulting for the people of our country as well as to our Commander In Chief, it is scary. Because it suggests he will let putin do whatever putin wants to do. And then make excuses for him. I was just thinking about all of the president s that would just be looking at one another in total astonishment. What would Ronald Reagan say about a republican nominee who attacks americas generals, and heaps praise on russians president. I think we know the answer. And when asked how he would stop the spread of global terrorism, trumps answer was simply, take the oil. United states of america does not invade other countries to plunder and pillage, thats not even getting into the absurdity of what it would involve. Massive infrastructure, large troops, many years on the ground. Of course, trump hasnt thought through any of that. Every Republican Holding or seeking office in this country should be asked if they agree with donald trump about these statements. Now, one thing you didnt mair from trump last night is any plan to take on isis, one of the biggest threats facing our country. He says his plan is still a secret, but the truth is, he simply doesnt have one. And thats not only dangerous, it should be disqualifying. I have a very different vision for how we keep our country safe and strong. I respect the Men And Women who put their lives on the line to serve america. I will work with our allies to defeat isis. And i will hold true to our countrys most cherished values. You know, even with all of the attention being paid to the campaign, we cannot forget how important this decision is. This weekend is the 15th anniversary of 9 11. I will never forget the horror of that day. But i will never forget either the victims and survivors and the brave First Responders and Emergency Responders that i met with and served and worked for as senator from new york. Thats what kept me working so hard in the senate on behalf of 9 11 families. Thats who i was thinking of ten years later, in the White House Situation Room with President Obama when the decision was made to bring Osama Bin Laden to justin. Thats the kind of Commander In Chief i will be. Someone who will bring us together in common purpose to keep our people safe and our country strong. 2. 18 Percentage Points over dthd. Given what you say is his inadequacies and d disqualifications that you just made, shouldnt you be running away with at this point . As i said many, many times, ive always thought this was going to be a close election. Thats why weve been putting organizations in place, gearing up for these final weeks to mobilize and turn out our voters. Thats exactly what were going to do. And i feel were in a strong position, but were not taking any place anyone, anything for granted. Were going to keep working as hard as we can and hopefully pull out as many voters who agree with me as we possibly can muster. Hi, jeff. You said unequivocally last night you would not put troops into iraq ever again. Isnt that ignoring Ground Forces that are there and boxing yourself in, should your military commanders, if elected, advise that you in fact need to do that . Well, jeff, first of all, ive said that before. I said it on numerous occasions. I believe it. I think putting a big contingent of american Ground Troops on the ground in iraq and syria would not be in the best interest of the fight against isis and other terrorist groups. I think it would fulfill one of their dearest wishes, to drag the United States back into a ground war in that region. I said this again last night, i support the air campaign. I support Special Forces. I support enablers, surveillance, intelligence, reconnaissance. I will absolutely be prepared to do whatever is necessary to support the arab and kurdish fighters on the ground to take out as much of the infrastructure of isis from the air, to go after baghdadi, as i said today, with a very focused commitment to taking him off the battlefield. The approach ive outlined intensifies what we are doing but also recognizes that there is no, in my opinion, path forward to Ground Troops that would be in our interest. Secretary clibt nton, youve been criticized that you were too serious, that you didnt smile enough. You suggested there is a double standard. Im going to let all of you ponder that last question. I think there will be a lot of ph. D. Thesis and popular Journalism Writing on that subject for years to come. I dont take my advice and i dont take anything seriously that comes from the rnc. We were talking about serious issues last night. I know the difference between what we have to do to fix the va, what we have to do to take the fight to isis. Then just making political happy talk. And i had a very short window of time in that event last night to convey the seriousness with which i would aprop the issues of our country. Trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Vladimir Putin. I guess the rnc would have liked that. Thank you. Madam secretary. Like the hat. Appreciate that. This a new look . No, its kind of an old look now. Oh, youre bringing it back . Im bringing it back. Went shopping in your closet . You got it. Yeah, i do a lot of that. Last night, mr. Trump suggested in some of his Security Briefings that briefers made a suggestion or an insib situation that they were not pleased, the cia was not pleased with the decisions the administration and President Obama have made so far. Did you get the same impression in the briefings you got and can you comment otherwise on that suggestion from mr. Trump . I think what he said was totally inappropriate. And undisciplined. I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing i received. One more [ inaudible ] different standard and what does that mean going into the debates . Thats a very fair question. I have been somewhat heartened by the number of articles recently pointing out the quite disparate treatment of trump and his campaign compared to ours. I dont understand the reasons for it. I find it frustrating, but its just part of the landscape that we live in and we just keep foreigning ahead. Look, i think this is a really important moment for everybody in our country. As you have seen by the numbers of republicans concerned about trump coming forward and saying this is not acceptable, they are willing to put their names out there. People who have never endorsed a democrat. People who never endorsed before. Because they are so concerned about this man and how totally unqualified he is to be president and how totally temperamentally unfit he is to be Commander In Chief. So i know that he says outrageous things on a, you know, pretty regular basis and i know thats part of the kof raj and i know that it may be difficult to feel that you know exactly how to respond to some of his behavior. But were on the brink of Making A Very Critical Decision for our country. And if i were not the candidate, if i were not the nominee, if i were just a concerned citizen, id be out here doing everything i could to sound the alarm about someone like donald trump getting anywhere near the white house and i will continue to do that. Thanks. See you on the plane. [ inaudible ] well, you can look at the map and find aleppo. [ inaudible ] i love you, andrea, you are my kind of a woman, i tell you what, look at this, okay. I know, go ahead. I mean, the sympathy vote, the whole thing, i love it. [ inaudible ] yes. Matt olson, right. Right. [ Inaudible Comments ] no, thats not true. Look, republicans are just in a terrible dilemma trying to support a totally unqualified nominee. I have no sympathy, its their nominee. But im not going to tolerate them continuing to make misleading accusations and putting out misinformation about me. And heres the latest example. Matt olson, the very distinguished and effective former director of the National Counterterrorism center, was so disturbed by what he has seen coming from the Trump Campaign that he wrote an article that i guess came online in the last 48 hours pulling from public sources very clear statements by isis leaders essentially throwing whatever support they have to donald trump. They have, as matt olson pointed out, said they hoped that allah delivers america to trump. They have said they hope he is the president because it would give even more motivation to every jihadi, someone who has insulted muslims, has insulted a gold star family of an incredibly heroic captain khan. Someone who said he doesnt want muslims around the world to come to our country. That is republicans somehow trying to muddy the waters very clearly stated. Thats what i mean. Look, im not asking for any special treatment. I know the road that im on. Ive been on it for 25 years. And i just get up either day and keep moving forward. I love this country. I will serve it with my entire heart, mind and soul. I will do everything i can to protect america. And i will do everything i can to make sure donald trump is not president for many reasons. But this latest information coming from a distinguished Counterterrorism Expert should put every americans mind in motion to try to figure out what everyone can figure out what to do to prevent trump from being president. Thank you. See you guys on the plane. Appreciate it. Hillary clinton taking questions from reporters. She imparted more about her plans to defeat isis. She also trashed donald trump during much of this Press Conference. Now shes going to get on board her Campaign Plane and make her way to north carolina, where she will continue to campaign. With me to break this down is historian and professor of princeton university, manu raju joins us from capitol hill. Jeff zeleny will be with me momentarily on the phone since he was listening to this Press Conference and asked Hillary Clinton a question. Manu raju, could you hear Hillary Clintons Press Conference . Yes, i could, carol. Okay, just wanted to make sure. What stood out to you . What stood out to me, she said one of her goals to defeat isis would be to track down, hunt down, the isis leader just as the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton track down Osama Bin Laden. It was also interesting, how she doubled down on her assertion last night about keeping troops, not sending any more Ground Troops into iraq that was proposed by our colleague jeff zeleny. She said shes not going to get boxed in by making that assertion, even if she were to become president. She recommended, generals recommended that she do send in Ground Troops, saying that is not of course theres no pathway forward on that. Also, carol, really taking it to donald trump and not backing down on the assertion that isis is essentially rooting for donald trump to be president. At the end of that Press Conference, talking about how the thing that donald trump has said has been a gift, in her words, to isis. So clearly she senses an opening here. From some of the things that donald trump said last night. Including on the issue of the intelligence briefings. When donald trump said last night the Intelligence Briefers he met with suggested that they believed that the negotiations over iran were mishandled by the administration. She said that was irresponsible. That was reckless of donald trump. This is a big reason why Hillary Clinton believes its finally appropriate to company forwae f have Press Conferences. Particularly after things donald trump said last night, carol. Lets just take two steps back, julian. Was it surprising Hillary Clinton decided to talk to reporters right after this . No, at this point, theres been a lot of criticism about her staying away from the press. I think theres an effort now to show shes open to that dine of communication. I think many people thought the forum was

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