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Also a state of emergency, as California Wildfires rage out of control, overtaking whole towns. Im all right. Yeah, everything is okay. Thousands of people forced to flee. I guess were lucky its not our home. This is all thats left behind. Plus, its back to work for that kentucky clerk, kim davis. For me, this would be an act of disobedience to my god. Were live in the cnn newsroom. Lets talk. Good morning. Im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. A show of defiance and a refusal to back down. The kentucky clerk who spent six days in jail for refusing to issue samesex marriage licenses because of her faith returned to work. Holding back tears, kim davis told the media she will not authorize licenses on her first day back. I dont want to have this conflict. I dont want to be in the spotlight. I certainly dont want to be a whipping post. I am no hero. Im just a person that has been transformed by the grace of god who wants to work, be with my family. I just want to serve my neighbors quietly, without violating my conscience. So this morning, i am forced to fashion a remedy that reconciles my conscience with the judges orders. Effective immediately, and until an accommodation is provided, by those with the authority to provide it, any marriage license issued by my office will not be issued or authorized by me. I want the whole world to know, be no mistake about it, if my deputy clerks, who do not have my authorization or the authority, they dont have my authority to issue any license whatsoever. However, davis says she will not stand in the way of her dupe youties, as long as the marriage documents dont include her name. Joining me to discuss this, criminal defense attorney and martin savage, following the latest developments. Martin, i hear protesters behind you. Set the stage for us. Reporter good morning, carol. As you saw, you had the statement that came 15 minutes before the doors opened here at the county Clerks Office. You heard, once again, it was a kim davis, speaking emotionally, and also from the heart, saying that her faith is going to dominate over her job. And she cannot issue licenses, marriage licenses, to samesex couples, that goes in defiance to what she believes. The people gathered are people who believe like she does, and theyre in her corner and supporting her. You also pointed out that statement had an interesting kind of loophole. Essentially, it is that she is not going to interfere with her deputies issuing the licenses. Remember, the whole time while she was in jail, five days, those licenses were being issued by her deputies. So it implies you have this truce thats been called. Shell stay in the office, show up on the job, but she wont interfere, as the judge said she should not, but the licenses that are issued, she says, dont have any authority. The governor has come out in kentucky and said, no, they have every authority, whether her name is on them or not. Thats the way its broken down right now, carol. Okay. So does this mean she will not go back to jail . I pose that question to you, pai paige. I dont think shes going to go to jail. If she doesnt interfere and lets her deputy clerk do this, i dont think shes in violation of any order. The key point is that licenses get issued, and thats happening now, or at least we expect it to happen. No matter what she writes on the license or her view of whether its appropriate or valid, i think, as long as the licenses get issued, the governor is willing to stand behind them. I think were okay and she wont go to jail. Page pate and martin salvage i appreciate it. Kim davis might have rocked the president ial race. Samesex marriage is one topic expected to come up. Two days is the gop debate. The stage that will serve as the boxing ring is coming together. You see it there. 11 republicans will jockey for the spotlight in cnns main event. With donald trump surging and many other candidates languishing. Moderator, jake tapper, is predicting a testy atmosphere. Reporter this is the stage where all the magic will happen wednesday night at the Ronald Reagan museum and library. You can see and hear workers getting the stage ready. Normally, this floor doesnt even exist here. Were all getting prepared for what could be a momentum evening in president ial politics. Were joined live from the site of the debate, the reagan president ial library, in california. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. Were all counting down to the big night, two days away from here. Meanwhile, a new National Poll out today shows that donald trump is still in the lead, and hes posting his biggest numbers yet. Winning in iowa, New Hampshire, winning every place. Lets go trump lets go trump reporter Donald Trumps lead, reaching new heights above the stillcrowded gop field. This morning, a New Washington post abc news poll shows trump with 33 . His highest number so far. Trumps closest competitor, ben carson, coming in 13 points behind. People dont have energy. I dont think ben has the energy. Reporter collectively, the pennsylvania o washington outsiders hold 50 of the potential vote, both making their case on the sunday shows. Ill make great deals for the country. I have plenty of energy. Its ridiculous to think the only thing i can do is neuro surgery. Reporter Carly Fiorina hitting trump. The back and forth heating up with the debate two days away. Donald trump is an entertainment. I think i am a leader. What i do is talk to the American People about the issues they care about. Reporter a new cnn poll revealing that issues like gun control, abortion and illegal immigration are more important to voters this election season than in 2012. Theyre bringing drugs, theyre bringing crime. Reporter should he win the nomination, trumps push to deport immigrations could come back to bite him in the general election, if we cant clench the latino vote. Donald reporter the latest telemundo poll says immigration is the second most important issue in deciding their vote. 70 of latinos viewing trump negatively. Ive spoken to the shining city all my political life. Teeming with people of all kinds, living in harmony and peace. Reporter this, as a proimmigration reform group is up with a new ad, hitting republicans for their rhetoric on immigration. I said we should end birthright citizenship. Reporter the head of the National Committee warning the contenders about their tone. Each candidate is going to be accountable for their own words and own mouth, and so they should proceed with caution. Proceed with caution. Interesting words of warning from the rnc chief there. Guys, the stage is set. The podiums are up. The candidates are getting ready, and were all looking forward to wednesday night. Carol . I am, too. Thanks so much. Reporting live for us this morning. Be sure to tune in wednesday night for cnns Republican Debate. The main event with the top 11 candidates is 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Before that, we have the undercards facing off at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Two massive wildfires in california have now turned deadly. The blazes, just 100 miles east and west of sacramento, exploded in size over the weekend, giving thousands of people little time to flee their homes. Authorities say at least one person died in the flames. Charred cars, homes and businesses, hundreds of them turned to ash, images of the fires aftermath make california look like a war zone. More than 5,000 firefighters are on the lines, trying to save more towns from this same fate. Combine the two blazes, more than 115,000 acres are up in flames right now. Dan simon is live on the scene with more for you. Good morning, dan. Reporter good morning, carol. We are in middle town, california. This is one of the worst wildfires we have seen in recent memories. Half of this town is said to be lost. You can see this neighborhood, its just in total ruins. You have lots of twisted metal. Look back there. I mean, you really get a sense in terms of how hot this fire was. You have 400 homes that have gone up in flames with this valley fire. You got so many firefighters on the line, but really, theres only so much they can do, carol. This is what is called a fueldriven fire. This is what a fouryear drought in california looks like. Theyve warned us about this, said it could happen, and here it is. You have a lot of people who have evacuated. Some people have gone to the napa county fairgrounds, and thats where we caught up with one resident. Take a look. When i saw the flames in the back of the hill, i figured it was far away and we had nothing to worry about. Within 15 minutes, we were evacuating our home. I dont think there is anything left. There was a Propane Company right across the street from us. Not sure if they had anything in the tanks, but im sure if they blew, our house is gone. Reporter many thousands of residents have evacuated, and a lot of people just like that woman, wondering whats going on with their homes. They really dont know. Its going to take a lot of time to sort of sort things out. At this point, carol, this fire is 0 contained. The good news is the fire is not spreading as rapidly as it wasnt was. Hopefully firefighters will begin to make a dent on this fire. A lot of work to do and a lot of people displaced, carol. Dan simon reporting live from northern california. Still to come, record numbers of refugees flow into europe as the migrant crisis worsens. Tragedy strikes on the sea. Thats next. woman you want to eat. You want to eat, who wants to eat. dog do i want to eat . Yes, i want to eat. woman do you want to eat . dog do i want to eat, yes. Thats like nine times youve asked. Yes. I mean its beneful. I can actually see the meaty chunks and carrots right there. Look at it. Its beautiful. Mmmmmmm, thank you so much. But you know tomorrow night. How bout we just assume i do want to eat. You know speed things up a little. vo beneful chopped blends, a healthy blend. Your dog will love. Made with real beef. Plus carrots and barley that you can see. Beneful. Healthy with a side of happy. Moms knowafter brushing, mouths often need a helping hand. Listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. And for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. Which means you can watch movies while youre on the move. Sitcoms, while you sit on those. And even fargo, in fargo binge, while you lose weight and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. Why am i yelling . The revolution will not only be televised. The revolution will be mobilized. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. Technology empowers us it pushes us to go further. Special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. The microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. Information for an athletes medical care, or information to track their personal best. With microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and thats time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. Overwhelmed and desperate for a solution, the eu is meeting right now to figure out what to do about the worsening refugee crisis. Austria will deploy more than 2,000 soldiers to assist police with humanitarian aid and security. Germany forces id checks to stem the flow of migrants. Over the weekend, 6,000 people arrived in munich, forcing officials to turn the Olympic Stadium into a shelter. Its important to remind you the refugees are running from wartorn places like syria and iraq to flee conditions like this. Youll only see these pictures on cnn. This is drone video that shows the destruction in cobkobani. You can see the devastation there. Lets bring in our Cnn Senior International correspondent ivan watson, along the greecemacedonia border. Reporter carol, as you can see here, this is part of the steady stream of migrants and refugees that are coming from greece into mamacedonia. Theyre staggered in groups, several dozen at a time. Almost everybody you talk to had an earlier, dangerous voyage, done from the coast of turkey, on rafts, dinghies, barely seaworthy boats, that they pay a lot of money to ride to greek islands. There are scores of boats arriving each day. Thats where tragedy struck before dawn on sunday morning. One of these boats overturned. The greek coast guard says the death toll from the accident, 34 of the passengers drowned. Among them, 15 were children, 4 of them were infants. This is a risk that these thousands and thousands of people that are traveling each day across borders like this, this is a risk that almost all of them took at one of the first stages of their journey. You ask them where they want to go. Many say germany. Some of them say sweden. This country, macedonia, is just basically a transit for them. They will pass through here, likely, within a matter of hours and try to get to the next country on their trail, which is syria. Carol . Ivan watson reporting live this morning. Thank you. Checking of the top stories for you this morning. Joyce mitchell, the prison worker who helped two killers escape last june says she was at a low point in her personal life and marriage when she was befriended by richard matt and david sweat. She told nbc how it began with baked goods. A few months before they decided to get out, they were asking me for things. What did you bring them . I would bring cookies, brownies, stuff like that. Mitchell says she was scared of getting caught when she began smuggling tools the men requested. Prison staff never checked her bags when she brought those tools into the prison. In arizona, Police Say Three teenagers who admitted to shooting at cars and pedestrians with a slingshot are not connected with recent freeway shootings in phoenix. The teenagers were charged with criminal damage and conspiracy. Investigators are investigating drivers being hit by objects in a twomonth period. A kentucky state trooper was killed, eight months out of the academy, gunned down at the end of a highspeed chase. Good morning. We were able to confirm that the suspect is in custody after a man hunt all through the night. He was shot, and he is injured but he is alive. This all started last night when kentucky state trooper, 31yearold cameron ponder, eha a traffic stop along interstate 24 in kentucky, 10 20 in the evening. The facts, he got out of the car, went up to the suspect vehicle. The suspect vehicle, we dont know how long, but it took off. The trooper then got in his squad car and began a pursuit for nine miles. At that point, according to the information, the suspect car abruptly stopped. The officer then slammed into the back of the car a bit, and that is when the suspect allegedly began shooting through the windshield. Kentucky state trooper cameron ponder, who just graduated from the Police Academy this last january, january 2015, was shot multiple times. He was taken by ambulance, and he died about an hour later, carol. The picture we were looking at was the suspect, right . That was the suspect. Theres been a man hunt, but he was just caught. He is alive. The trooper obviously died within one hour. So at this point, hes shot and in custody. Our affiliate, kfys, is saying it was 5 30 this morning. It was an allnight man hunt. The 25yearold faces extremely serious charges. Many thanks. Still to come in the newsroom, as the republican contenders prepare to face off at the Ronald Reagan library, who is least like the beloved former president . The answer from Ronald Reagans own son, next. Are you moving forward fast enough . Everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. And a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. To move your company from what it is now. To what it needs to become. Building aircraft, the likes of which the world has never seen. This is what we do. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. [extracurricular activitiessands help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal. When you cant do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Two days until the big Republican Debate. The stage is set, the candidates brushing up on their talking points. The reagan president ial Library Quiet now, but in a few hours, workers will still be assembling the stage. It is no accident that the debate is at the Reagan Library. Of course, president reagan is the republicans patron saint. Jeb bush pulling a superman movie move in miami, to spotlight his close ties to the 40th president. Showing this throwback tshirt from his fathers 1984 campaign with president reagan. We expect every candidate on that stage to invoke the name, reagan. A fact that doesnt escape the National Immigration forum. It put out a new ad that contrasts how reagan talked about immigrants and how the current field of republicans talks about them. Ive spoken to the shining city all my political life. God blessed and teeming with people of all kinds, living in harmony and peace. Theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. If im elected, theyre going to be out of there day one. Birthright citizenship should be ended . Absolutely. We should end birthright citizenship. I will build a great, great wall. In my mind, it was a tall, proud city, built on rocks, stronger than oceans. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors. And the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. Thats how i saw it. And see it still. Okay. Lets talk about that ad and more with a former special assistant to president george w. Bush and a staff writer to the weekly standard. I appreciate you both being with me this morning. Good morning. Michael, i can already hear people say, president reagan was talking about legal immigrants. Yeah, thats right. You know, the big issue for a lot of conservatives on this immigration issue is that since the reagan presidency, since the 1986 immigration bill that promised to secure the border, promised a lot of things about keeping the southern border secure, in exchange for allowing those Illegal Immigrants amnesty, hasnt happened in those ensuing 26, 27 years. Thats where a lot of the anger is coming from. The conservative base. Reagan in the speech just now talked about high walls with open doors. Conservatives look now and say, there are no walls. Thats a problem. I think thats what a lot of candidates are speaking to nowadays. Its a different world than it was in the 80s. On the other hand, michael reagan, president reagans son, says even if president reagan were to object to the way were dealing with immigrants at this moment in time, he was always a gentleman. Lets listen to what he said. On that stage wednesday night, donald trump and why . I figured you were going to say that. Ive been following you on twitter. What makes him the least reagan esque . Reagan didnt attack the people around him. He didnt demean the people around him. He brought everybody together. At the end, if republicans dont bring everybody together at the end of the day, we do not win elections. What hes saying is president reagan was positive. He made us feel good about our country, not like it was falling apart from the inside and, like, were on the road to ruin. Thats exactly right. The shining city on the hill. He also had the Ronald Reagan 11th commandment, not to speak ill of fellow candidates. Trump talks down to jeb bush, speaking little of Carly Fiorina. We need a leader to say, heres how i would move the country forward, not tear people down. I think mr. Trump, unfortunately, is making the Republican Party look bad. Michael reagan said the person who most reminded him of president reagan was rick perry, who has since dropped out of the race. Its ironic, isnt it . Rick perry came into this race, beefing up on National Security policy, and all sorts of things. Tried to make a serious run after his disastrous run in 12. Hes the first one out. I do agree with michael reagan, that donald trump has a limit here in this republican primary because hes not someone who is uniting or brings people together. Hes also raising issues that other republicans are just diametrically opposed to, particularly on immigration, this chamber of commerce wing of the party, which is a real tension with the conservative base who, again, looks at the immigration situation and thinks, how come things havent been picked . Trump is limited, but he is bringing up these things that maybe reagan would be bringing up if he were alive today. His insults are causing other candidates to celebrate, namely Carly Fiorina. She released a new ad, and the debate is two days away. Lets watch that now. Look at this face, and look at all of your faces. The face of leadership. The face of leadership in our party. The party of womens suffrage. The face of leadership in your communities, in your businesses, in your places of work and worship. Ladies, note to democrat party, we are not a special interest group. We are the majority of the nation. [ applause ] this is the face of a 61yearold woman i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. [ applause ] you dont normally hear the words women suffrage and republican. I thought that was really interesting. You look at donald trump, he said that face should be president. Carly is saying, this face. The other thing shes doing, secretary of state clinton says, are we ready for a woman president . Carly is trying to rebut trump and say to hila hillary, theyr ready for me. I like the ad. I like it myself. Im excited to see them on the same stage, and im sure there will be fireworks. Arent you . Oh, yeah. Think about what happened in the fox debate, where Carly Fiorina broke out. What was it that broke out for her . She was criticizing donald trump for paling around with hillary and bill clinton. In fact, if you go to Hillary Clinton. Com, a redirect to Carly Fiorinas website, now it has the picture from trumps wedding with the clintons in the middle. Its great. I really think that trump has given feraiorina a great opportunity to shine on wednesday. I think shes going to really sort of deliver on wednesday, if she has trump as her foil. Well see. Thanks so both of you. I appreciate it. Thanks, carol. As we gear up for wednesday night, i want to look back at just how important these primary debates really are. Heres more. Turn mr. Reagans mic off. 1980, the republican primary debate. When Ronald Reagan catapulted himself to the nomination. I am paying for this microphone. Reporter he was funding the debate with his campaign money, to try to include all the candidates. Of course, he went on to win the New Hampshire primary and the presidency. In 1992, jerry brown and bill clinton got into a spat on the stage. He is fund giving money to h wifes law firm for state business. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for jumping on my wife. Mr. Clinton, dont try to escape it. George w. Bush and John Mccain Argued about negative ads. This is an attack piece. Not by my campaign. Paid for by john mccain. Its not by my campaign. Reporter who can forget when Hillary Clinton was asked about her likability . 2008. What can you say to the voters who see your resume and like it, but are hesitating on the likability issue, where they seem to like barack obama more . Well, that hurts my feelings. Im sorry, senator. Im sorry. I dont think im that bad. Youre likable enough. Thank you, sir. Reporter former texas governor, rick perry, would like to have this moment back from 2012. Three agencies of government gone, commerce, education and whats the third one there . Lets see. I cant. The third one, i cant. Sorry. Oops. Reporter of course, the fox news Republican Debate from last month. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie argued with senator rand paul over the governments mass collection of personal communications. When youre sitting in a subcommittee, blowing hot air about this, you can say things like that. I dont trust president obama with our records. I know you gave him a big hug, if you want to give him a hug again, go right ahead. Reporter this moment needs no introduction. Youve called women you dont like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. Your twitter account only rosie odonnell. No, it wasnt. Reporter this roster of candidates on stage again, you can expect more fireworks. Wow. Republican, wednesday nights debate can only sbe seen here wednesday night. The father accused of leaving his infant son to die in a hot car is in court this morning. Prosecution claims that ross harris was sectixting with an underage girl. Will it be part of the trial . Theres got to be a way to redeem our hotel points. I just want to take a vacation. This seems crazy. Tell us something we dont know, captain obvious. Ok. With hotels. Com, when you collect 10 nights you get one free. Oh. And this room smells like cat food and sadness. Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . He doesnt need your help. Until he does. Three cylinders, dual overhead cams and 50 horsepower. Go bold. Go powerful. Go gator. Get 800 dollars off select gators at a dealer near you. The father charged with murder for leaving his toddler to die in a hot car is back in court. The judge is hearing pretrial motions on evidence against justin ross harris, as well as the request to ban the media from the courtroom. The toddler was left inside the car on a hot day in june 2014. The autopsy showed the toddler died of hypertherm ia, or overheating. The father said it was a tragic accident. Nick valencia is outside of a courthouse with more for us this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning, carol. This is a story that gripped the nation last summer. A man accused of intentionally leaving his 22 month old son to die in a hot car while he was sexting. A prosecutor paints him as a wan wannabe playboy. The defense says its a tragic accident. Lets break the motions down. Starting with no media, no public. Can this happen . It is a tall order, not only georgia law but federal constitutional law, nick. Basically, the court has to find that there is a substantial probability that the defendants right to a fair trial will be prejudice, not speculatively, but will, in fact, be prejudice. Reporter needs concrete evidence. No reasonable alternatives to closing the court are available to the court. Reporter something that strikes me, no private conversation between the wife and the husband. I always thought that a wife could not testify or husband couldnt if its a criminal case. Theres something different. Normally, under georgia law, in a criminal case, if it involves cruelty to a child or domestic violence, there is an exception. If its necessary, the wife could theoretically be forced to come to the stand and testify about anything her husband may or may not have said that would be incriminating. Reporter we mentioned this removal of sexual charges. Justin ross harris charged with sexting with girls, one as young as 17 years old. Tell us about this motion. They want to separate oall o the counts involving sexting from the alleged murder. The evidence that supports the allegations would be irrelevant, in their mind. Reporter one doesnt have to do with the other . They call it improper joining of the offenses. The prosecutor will argue it goes to the overall motive of ma malice murder. Reporter whats the likelihood theyre accepted by the judge . Its dangerous to guess, but ill say she wont grant the motion to close the courtroom to the public because thats a hard thing to do. Its a tall burden to meet under federal law. Reporter there was a lot of interest on the case last summer. This man accused of leaving his 22 month old son in a hot car, in the blistering sun in georgia last summer. The pretrial motions expected to last several days. It wont wrap up today. Nick valencia live for us this morning. Still to come, the countdown is on, with days to go until his historic visit to the united states. Well tell you about concerns for the popes security. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results® which means you can watch movies while youre on the move. Sitcoms, while you sit on those. And even fargo, in fargo binge, while you lose weight and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. Why am i yelling . The revolution will not only be televised. The revolution will be mobilized. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. With just days to go until the popes historic visit to the united states, excitement is building. So are security concerns. In an interview over the weekend with abc this week, the chairman of the house committee, mike says there has been at least one threat against pope francis. The pope is a very im catholic. Hes a passionate man. Likes to get out with the people. With that comes a large security risk. We are monitoring very closely threats against the pope, as he comes into the united states. We have disrupted one particular case, in particular. As that date approaches, i think were all very be very vigilant to protect him as he comes into the united states. The pope arrives next week. First on his agenda, to meet with president obama and address a joint session of congress. Count yourself lucky if you live in one of these cities. The pope will also visit new york and philadelphia. Despite security concerns, the pope will mingle and maybe, just maybe, hell get out of his pope mobile and touch the faithful. Many in new york city are praying he does just that. I talked with one family who passionately believes that pope francis can perform miracles with one touch. Theyre not alone. Believes in miracles. Some say he is a miracle worker himself. Back in march, the cardinal handed him saints blood, as the pope kissed the vessel, it partially liquefied. A miracle, he said. A a miracle he said. A miracle. Some in the crowd we want because they believe, as do many catholics here in new york. When i heard he was coming, that was the first thing i thought about it. Maybe i have the opportunity and my children so that the pope can bless them, can touch their belly and cure them. Reporter she and her sister will spend the night at this salon, praying pope francis stops by when he visits a School Across the street. So, the night before the pope arrives, what will your salon look like . Wow, its going to be a lot of people because were going to wait for the pope to come the next day. My family, friends, a couple of clients. Reporter some people might be a little skeptical that the pope can heal or perform miracles. You know, god can do a lot of things. And he uses him to do and accomplish a lot of things that cannot be done without the faith. Reporter so, these are your boys. Tell us about your boys. Hes javier. Hes 7 years old. He has type 1 diabetes. And he is surel, hes 14, he also has type 1 diabetes. Reporter do you hope you get to see the pope . Yeah, i hope i get to see the pope. It would be an honor to see the pope. Reporter if he would walk in right now, what would you say to him . I love you. Because i feel it would be a blessing to be in his presence. Reporter do you feel he can cure your diabetes . Have i no doubt in my mind. Yes, i believe 100 he could. Reporter i know, seriously . But my mother believes, too. When she was a girl she visited a girl named road da weiss in canton, ohio. She had stigmata. She claims he laid hands on her and claimed her from being blind in one eye. Will you be here the night the pope will come to this neighborhood . Maybe. Reporter i think thats terrific. I will survive i will survive oh oh if you want to continue this conversation, head on over to cnn. Com. A little later this afternoon, my oped will be posted, mysteries of faith, you can follow me on facebook and twitter and tell me what you think. Can the pope perform miracles . Can other people of faith perform miracles . Id love to know what you think. Still to come in the newsroom, drama, history and hard hits. We have more on the first sunday of the nfl regular season. Hi. Hi, carol. For a lot of fans yesterday, yesterday was one of the greatest days of the year. Football is back. Well take a look after the break. But it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. Real madrid have about 450 million fans. Were trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. The microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. It will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. Many wbut hope. 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Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. The first sunday of the nfl regular season is in the books, so i was going to ask you how your team did, but that reminded me of how my team did, the detroit lions. And coy wire, i was excited. The first half was great, but then the same old lions showed up in the second half and i became depressed and i was glad that i had beer nearby. And probably lots of it. Im sorry your lions lost to the chargers in that comeback but they always have next sunday against the vikings, carol. It was an actionspacked start to the nfl season. Historic debuts, dramatic finishes like in last nights prime time. Cowboys hosting giants. Dez bryant across the field, escort theed to the locker room. He broke his foot. Out four to six weeks. Dallas trails by six. Ten seconds to go. Tony romo to touchdown to tight end jason witten. A comefrombehind victory, they sneak over the gmen, 2620. Marcus mariota joined Fran Tarkenton that will throw four touchdown passes on kickoff weekend. He was money, completing over 81 of his passes. Scoring a perfect passer rating. Mariotas opponent in this historic win, the only player selected ahead of him in this years draft, jameis winston. Carol, winston has lost only two games since high school, both of them to marcus mariota. A rivalry has begun. Speaking of rivalries, last nights u. S. Open featured one of greatest in all of sports right now. The best player in the world. Djokovic defeated perhaps the best player of all time, Roger Federer in four sets to win the u. S. Open mens final. Its his second u. S. Open title and tenth grand slam title. It was something to witness. This guys something else. Yeah, and hes going to join us around 10 30 eastern time, so be sure to stick around. Coy wire, thanks so much. I appreciate it. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts right now. Happening now in the newsroom two days to a gop showdown. Well, im a dealmaker. Ill make good deals for this country. Ben cant do that. Its ridiculous to think the only thing i can do is neurosurgeon. Thats not the only clash were expecting. This is it, the stage where all the magic is going to happen. Can anyone topple donald trump . Also a state of emergency as California Wildfires rage out of control, overtaking whole towns. Yeah, im all right. Yeah, everythings okay. Thousands of people forced to flee. I guess were just lucky its not our home. And this is all thats left behind. Plus, its back to work for that kentucky clerk, kim davis. For me, this would be an act of disobedience to my god. Were live. Lets talk live in the cnn newsroom. Good morning, im carol costello. Thank you for joining me. The embattled kentucky clerk who was locked up for refusing toish samesex marriage licenses is standing her ground. Early this morning as she returned to work, kim davis told the media she will not issue licenses on her first day back. I have thought and prayed very hard about what to do. The decisions have i made in this case and the decisions i will continue to make in this case are mine and mine alone. I dont want to have this conflict. I dont want to be in the spotlight. And i certainly dont want to be a whipping post. I am no hero. Im just a person thats been transformed by the grace of god and who wants to work, my family. I just want to serve my neighbors quietly without violating my conscience. And so this morning, i am forced to fashion a remedy that reconciles my conscious with judge bennings orders. Davis also said she will not stand in the way of her deputies as long as marriage documents dont include her name, but a major showdown could be brewing. Cnn learned at least one samesex couple will try to obtain their marriage license while davis is in the room, in the office and present. Joining me now to discuss all of this, legal expert and former assistant u. S. Attorney for the district of columbia, laura coates and on the ground in morehead, kentucky, Martin Savidge. Has that couple shown up . Reporter not yet, carol, but the stage has been set. This is clearly going to be a kind of marriage showdown, if you will. On the outside you can hear in the background, these are supporters of kim davis. They have been singing and they have been praying. And theyre here to show her support. But at the same time as you point out the samesex couple has announced theyre on their way, should arrive any moment. Theyll essentially going to have to go through this group to get in through the front doors of this courthouse and go right up to the desk. The question is, what happens at that point . Its presumed one of the deputy clerks, the last one i saw inside was brian mason, would be who this couple approaches. Then who knows . Last week brian mason was giving out licenses. So, has he had a change of heart or does kim davis in somehow influence him . We dont know. Well have to watch and wait and see what happens. Her authority is not behind these licenses. Shes hands off but shes not going to interfere, she says, and thats how she wants the fine line of the judges order, or shell go back to jail. Laura, will that satisfy the judge in this case . That okay if kim davis just doesnt have her name anywhere on those marriage licenses . It shouldnt satisfy the judge. She remains in contempt. The order actually says she did not directly or indirectly interfere with the courts order. And by her saying that her office, her name or her authority cannot be on the licenses and she does not authorize these licenses, she is even indirectly interfering with the ability of the licenses to be valid and the ability of people to actually get a license that will stand the test of time. Her statements on the courthouse steps or the county Clerks Office steps said, theyre mine and mine alone, all these decisions. But what she fails to realize is the judge has already ordered and already essentially told her, her decisions are not her own. She is a Public Servant who has to serve the public according to her official duties. Its no longer her and her alone decision to do so. And her decision to not authorize these particular licenses is still in violation of the court order and the Supreme Court mandate. So, laura, when this couple walks in to get their marriage license, will they receive a valid license if kim davis name is not on the marriage license . If her name is not on the license, i think you have a better argument it would not be valid. But if her Actual Office and authority is not on the license, that is the key. Of course, in kentucky, the state of kentucky issues drivers licenses without having the county clerks name. But the legislature in kentucky has already said that in order to be a license, a marriage license, it has to be issued by at least the county Clerks Authority and their office. So, she cant skirt that issue. Frankly, the legislature has refused to change that particular mandate of having the county clerk be in charge of it because they have not had a special session and they dont intend to until january. So, she has no authority legally and does not have the backing of the legislature, who is the authority to change and make the accommodation she seeks. All right. Well see what happens when that couple shows up. Carmen and shannon are their first names. Theyre expected to be right where youre standing, Martin Savidge, in about 25 minutes. Well check back. Thanks. Two days and counting until 11 republican candidates take the main stage at the Reagan Library and it should be quite a show. Expect fireworks. Jake tapper, one of the moderators, is crafting questions that will pit one candidate against the other. Trump fiorina anyone . With me is erroll lewis, and athena, you can set the stage with us. Good morning, carol. The big event is happening in two days and its going to be a big event, indeed. Were talking about a huge television audience. To give you a sense of perspective, 4 Million Viewers tuned into the first debate. That is more than twice the combined populations of the first four states to vote in this is contest next year. So, its going to be a huge opportunity for candidates to make an impression on voters. And this comes as a new National Poll out to today from the Washington Post and abc news shows that donald trump is still in the lead. And hes posting his biggest numbers yet. Take a look at that poll. You can see donald trump, first place at 33 . Ben carson in second, 13 points behind him. Everyone else is in the Single Digits. Jeb bush is there in third place but hes 25 points off the leader. And one more thing i should note about that poll, scott walker has lost the most ground since july. He was in second place at 13 . Now he doesnt even make the top several contenders there. Hes down to 2 . And i should tell you in what could be something of a preview, what well hear in two days from now, the top two candidates went after each other on the sunday shows. Take a listen to that. Im a dealmaker. Ill make great deals for this country. Ben cant do that. Bens a doctor and hes not a dealmab maker. Its ridiculous to think the only thing i can do is neurosurgery. Just the fact they would Say Something like that, they dont know what it takes to become a neurosurgeon. Thats pretty idiotic itself. So, a possible preview of the fireworks in store for all of us. Carol . Oh, i enjoy that. Thank you, athena jones, reporting live. So, could this debate make or break a candidate, namely donald trump . Doubtful. I think as far as breaking him, because the people who are supporting him are not supporting him because he had a great debate performance. Theyre supporting him for other reasons. Those reasons have to do with their anger at the establishment, the Economic Conditions in the country, a sense that Foreign Policy is drifting, immigration policy is in shambles. None of that is going to change based on wednesday. He dont think its going to be the catastrophic disaster his opponents keep hoping for. Which candidates do you think have to turn in a great performance to break through the noise . Anybody in the Single Digits is really going to have to step and up and really do something to get themselves noted. One of the things they have to do is try and steer things away from putdowns and insults and entertainment, where trump will reign supreme and get it more into policy, where certainly some of the governors and, indeed, senators have a track record. Give me your best guess which candidate can do that. Is it the low Energy Jeb Bush or see, there again, if we all focus on low energy as opposed to, what did this guy do during eight years running an important big swing state, fourth biggest state in the country, and some of that has to do with the moderators. What jake tapper does, what he and the producers set up and whether or not he tries to steer things back to policy, which is less entertaining in a lot of ways than the putdowns and insults, but if that can happen, then well have a much, much, much better debate for jake tapper says hes going to pit one candidate against the other, not just for fun, but he wants to point out important differences and wants the candidates to point out their sides. I imagine Carly Fiorina would be pitted against trump did the at some point in there. Would Carly Fiorina just be talking about the comments donald trump made on her face or will she talk about her experience, of which she has no political experience, but neither does donald trump . Theyre both business people. Im sure shes got something in her back pocket or purse or wherever she puts it as far as insults she can throw back at donald trump. If shes smart, though, she will resist that temptation. If she gets the opportunity, theres a lot of other people she could argue with, not like just donald trump over nothing at all. Scott walker is calling for the elimination of the National Labor relations board. Thats a big, big deal. Shes someone whos had thousands and thousands of employees. She has a view about Labor Relations but theyre not going to be on the same stage. Thats the difficulty of all of this. Even if theyre not next to each other hurling insults at each other, a debate of ideas, which is hopefully what we all want, is something thats long overdue in this debate. Youre so naive. Ill be watching. Ill be watching, too, errol louis, thank you very much. A trooper just eight months out of the academy was gunned down at the end of a highspeed chase. Jean casarez is here to tell us about that. Reporter cnn has just been able to confirm the suspect is now in custody. He was shot but alive. We do not know where those shots came from or who was fired upon this suspect, but hes in custody. Now, the trooper involved in this, this was a fatal attack, kentucky state trooper, 31yearold cameron ponder, was controlling a traffic stop, interstate 24. He pulled a car over, went up to the car. We dont know how long he was there at that point, but according to the facts as we know them now, the suspect vehicle pulled away and absolutely just left him standing in the street. He got back in his squad car and thats when the pursuit began. We understand about nine miles. At that point, according to officials, the suspect began to shoot through the windshield of the police cruiser, multiple shots hitting officer ponder. He was taken to the hospital. In about one hour he was pronounced dead. The suspect fled the scene, leaving the car there. There was a manhunt all through the night, but just as we have just told you, the suspect is now in custody, in police custody. Shot but alive. And, carol, this is a Death Penalty state. This was a trooper. And if it is shown that he, in fact, beyond a reasonable doubt shot and killed this kentucky state trooper, very serious ramifications. Jean casarez reporting, thank you so much. A town turns to ashes. Fastmoving wildfires devastate parts of california. The incredibly sad pictures next. You fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftCar Insurance. Uld save yeah, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast . You got to know when to holdem. Know when to fold em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run. You never count your money, when youre sitting at the ta. What . You get it . I get the gist, yeah. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Lease the 2015 rc 350 for 429 a month for 36 months. See your lexus dealer. Hp instant ink saves you up to 50 on ink. So you can print all you want and never run out. Plans start at 2. 99 a month. Novak djokovic is making it routine to win titles. The serbian tennis star beat rival Roger Federer to win the u. S. Open. The match was tense at times. Both players struggled at times, but djokovic was the last man standing at the end of the night. The win marks his third grand slam title of the year. U. S. Open mens champ, novak bjo djokovic joins me now. Good morning. I appreciate you joining us. Good morning. Does it feel just as good today as it did the other day, when you were holding the trophy . Well, the feeling more or less is the same. I mean, i felt a huge relief when i won the last point. And, obviously, very satisfied and proud of the achievement of winning the u. S. Open for the second time. Grand slams are the biggest events we have in tennis. Those are the tournaments you always dream of winning when youre starting to play tennis as a kid. You have the posters of the trophies on your walls, and to actually be able to make it, its quite special. Even though its the second time, it does feel like unique first time. Im trying to cherish every moment of it and enjoy it. Roger federer, he came with, what . He came with a new service return. He was all set to beat you, but you seemed to be his nemesis. Why . Well, i think we split 21 wins apiece. We played 42 times. Ive lost some big matches against him. Ive won some big matches against him so, i mean, its a great rivalry. Because of roger and rivalries, ive managed to become a better player, the player i am today. So i owe it to them in a way and they contributed to my success today a lot, so im enjoying to play roger. I think it was an ultimate challenge for me to go out on the court yesterday, compete against roger, in form, hasnt dropped a set the entire tournament. He was playing some aggressive tennis. He was always making me play an extra shot, pushing me up against the wall. Fortunately, i managed to find some big serves and just stay calm and electric atmosphere that is really characteristic for u. S. Open and triumph. Yeah, i wanted to ask you about the atmosphere because, sadly, the crowd seemed to be on Roger Federers side. Very loud applause for him and not so much for you. So, how do you how did you take that . Well, look, i didnt frustrate myself too much about it because i was expecting this to play out the way it played out. I mean, i dont criticize the crowd. And contrary, i absolutely understand why the majority of the crowd was on his side. The fact that, you know, he has won 17 grand slams and hes arguably probably the best tennis player in the game. Carries himself well on and off the court. Hes a great champion. You know, he represents the sport in the best possible way, so hes been there for so many years. And, of course, he deserves to have the crowd support. I was ready for that mentally. I was ready to have the you know, the very loud and great atmosphe atmosphere. And i was trying to feed off the energy that was coming our way. I think it was a fantastic match. It was one of the most amazing walkins i ever had on the court, you know. I saw basically 20,000 people being on their feet, applauding, welcoming us to one of the best grand slam finals that i was a part of. Youre very humble because youre a pretty great tennis players yourself, one of the best, maybe the best. Novak djokovic, thank you so much. The 2015 mens u. S. Open winner. Great talking with you. Thank you. Thank you. Youre welcome. Still to come in the newsroom california, its devastating there. California on fire. Fastmoving wildfires destroy hundreds of homes. The incredibly sad pictures coming your way. Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno®. 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Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. Woman when a student understands a concept for the first time. Man when the students get it. Man their eyes get big, the lightbulb pops on. Woman i got it, i think i got it they light up. Its like magic. Woman this is not just a job. Woman the rewards i get are. Priceless. Man we help kids grow, and thats part of the rush of teaching. Narrator the california teachers association. Educators who know quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. Educators who know quality Public Schools im a senior Field Technician for pg e here in san jose. Pg e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. Raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. My oldest son now works for pg e. When i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, its always a pleasure. I love my job and i care about the work i do. I know how hard our crews work for our customers. I want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. Together, were building a better california. Two massive wildfires in california have now turned deadly, fueled by winds and four years of drought, the two blazes just 100 miles east and west of sacramento exploded in size over the weekend. Giving thousands of people little time to flee their homes. Authorities say at least one person died in the flames. Just look at these images of the fires aftermath. Charred cars, towns absolutely destroyed, homes and businesses, hundreds of them turned to ash. More than 5,000 firefighters are on the lines right now, trying to save others from the same fate. Combined the two fires have more than 115,000 acres up in flames. Cnns dan simon live on the scene with more for you. Good morning, dan. Reporter good morning, carol. Such a heartbreaking situation. We are in middletown, california, and looks like its a foggy day, but everything youre seeing, everything up in the air, this is all smoke. You can see the fire still smoldering in this neighborhood. Theres probably four or five homes just in this area that were destroyed. Were told that about half of middletown went up in flames. Its just an unbelievable situation to look at all this. Im seeing lots of burned out cars. I see a bathtub here. I see some appliances. We know that many thousands of people have been evacuated. Some of them have gone to the nappa county fairgrounds. Looks like a tent city over there, wondering whats happening with their home. One woman expressed the anxiety shes feeling. Take a look. When i saw the flames in the back of the hill, i figured it was far away and we had nothing to worry about. Within 15 minutes, we were evacuating our home. I dont think there is anything left. There was a Propane Company right across the street from us, amerigas. Not sure if they had anything in those tanks, but im sure if they blew, our house is gone. Reporter well, this valley fire has now consumed 61,000 acres, just 5 contained at this point. Firefighters really have a job on their hands. You got 1500 firefighters working the lines, but, carol, theres really only so much they can do because this is what a fouryear drought in california looks like. There is just so much fuel for this fire to consume, but hopefully fire crews will begin making some headway today. Carol . I hope so. Dan simon reporting live. Thanks so much. And good morning, im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. The clock is rapidly ticking down to the cnn Republican Debate that happens on wednesday night. Final preparations in full swing. Heres some timelapsed video for you. This is the stage under construction at the reagan president ial library in simi valley, california. Air force one will provide a dramatic backdrop for the 11 candidates who will participate in the prime time debate. Well be tuning in for tuesdays debate. The Majestic Library is no stranger to attention. More than 350,000 people visit each year to view not only air force one, but an exact replica of the oval office during the reagan years, right down to the late president s favorite jelly beans. Thats his grave you see there. Ronald reagans grave is buried to the west so he can always look out to the pacific ocean. Jake tapper is moderating the debate. He toured some historic artifacts on display, including a relic from the cold war. Reporter this is a real piece of the berlin wall. Came down in 1991. Reagan was here this 94 when we received the piece. Remember, wednesdays night debate can be seen only here on cnn. It starts at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Lets talk about politics of another stripe as one Liberty University tweeter put it, this has to be a joke. Today Bernie Sanders, who is staunchly prochoice, progay rights and a selfdescribed democratic socialist, is the guest speaker at Liberty University. Thats the school founded by jerry falwell. Its a sold out show but its unclear whether we cleared that up just a few minutes ago. Students are required to be at Bernie Sanders speech. The last president ial candidate to speak at liberty was ted cruz. You might remember, cruz had to put up with a large group of students wearing rand paul tshirts. With me now to talk about that, cnn senior political reporter. You were on the scene, set the stage. Reporter you know, there were looking at about 10,300 students here. They are expected to attend. Usually these are sold out. This is supposed to be not much different. The one difference, though, yes, youre seeing a progressive liberal democratic candidate come and address this crowd. You have really not seen democrats come to these weekly convocations, which is, of course, the Worlds Largest gathering of christian students. It happens here weekly. Last time a democratic candidate came was mark warner, a senator from virginia during his Reelection Campaign last year. Ted kennedy back in 1983 came. What Bernie Sanders is trying to do is showcase that he is the candidate that can cut across ideological lines. Not by talking about social issues. Hes going to say, look, we disagree about abortion. We disagree on gay rights. But hes going to say, these economic issues, about student loan debt, about income inequality, about the wealth gap, those are things that both republicans and democrats can agree upon. So youll hear him try to push those pop list messages with younger votes, who hes been doing well with in the polls so far. Bernie sanders, will begin speaking before that crowd of students. I want to put up a list, because the speakers who were scheduled for the future in a few days or few weeks are corey and sadie robertson, the duck dynasty people, scott walker and ben carson will speak to the students at Liberty University. So, sally, why is Bernie Sanders appearing here . Politics arent actually as different from the base of folks and the students at Liberty University as is being characterized, including by the senators campaign. 64 of millennial evangelicals, 64 , support marriage equality. So, i think sanders appearance today reflects a broader reality than progressive politics are, in fact, broadly popular with a wide majority of americans, including issues like Climate Change and income inequality and doing something to help the poor im not so sure students are into Climate Change. But polls show evangelicals, millenials, christian conservatives, are far more concerned about the planet and income inequality than their parents generation. These students in particular because theyre christian students, they are can concerned about social justice. They do care about the wage gap. The question s we all have different ideas about how to solve that problem, right . So, Bernie Sanders in speaking here, will he convince them that he has the right method to solving that problem . Well, look, i dont know. I think its a clever move on sanders part. Gets some good attention. I think broadly speaking, it shows that while you have republicans who seem to be moving further and further, competing if their primary to move further and further away from voters, you have Bernie Sanders showing progressive politics are more broadly supported than we tend to show. But, you know, look, 47 of americans said they would vote for a socialist if they were the most qualified candidate. Thats amazing. Stick with that to the 64, dont know. I want to head out to kentucky because the samesex couple has shown up to go in and get their marriage license. You know, kim davis returned to work, that kentucky clerk whos refusing to sign marriage license, even today after she spent six days in july. Martin, take it away. Reporter hey, carol, im with shannon and carmen wamplercollins. Welcome to you both. Congratulations to you in advance. Thank you. Reporter you have any idea what youre up against here . Well, we were encouraged today to hear kim davis wasnt going to interfere, so were hoping that well be able to get a license and that will go smoothly. Thats our best hope. We were hoping we wouldnt be a confrontation. Reporter you are clearly here to challenge all of this, correct . Were here to make morehead a better place for the teens growing up here for whatever reason cant be out or have family that are not supporting them. We want to make it safe for them. Were here to get a license. I grew up here. And, you know, never in my life expected that i would be able to do this here in my hometown where i grew up with my family. Reporter its a Beautiful Day for many reasons. It is. It is. Reporter are you nervous . I mean beyond just the nervousness of anyone on their wedding day or getting ready for it . Well, you know, its kind of crazy that this has to happen. And we hope that in the future it wont. Thats part of the reason were here, is because, you know, we understand personally how hard it is to live in a Community Like this and to be different, to be gay, and we want to be the face of acceptance. You know, to say you are okay. We are from here. Were not just outsiders that, you know, people in these communities are gay and lesbian and have a right to, you know, feel at home where theyre from. If i might also say that we want to put a face on kentucky, a positive spin. Yes. There are some wonderful progressive people here, wonderful, loving people. Thats not what the rest of the country is seeing right now. Reporter what do you think of kim davis . I think its really unfortunate shes taken things to this extreme. I appreciate she has her beliefs and shes making a stand, but to stand in the way of the people she serves, exercising their rights is just wrong. I think its wrong. Reporter you expect to walk out with a marriage license . I do, yes. Yes. Thats why were here. Reporter i do. Keep it coming. Good phrase. Good luck. Thank you. Thank you. Reporter thank you very much for joining us. Carol, were going to watch this process because this is going to be the challenge of the day, to see if they can walk inside, and given these sort of ground rules kim davis has laid out here, shes not going to directly interfere. Whats going to happen once they enter inside, i dont know. Theyre giving other media interviews, so well have them on tape as they make their way through those protesters into that state office building. Thank you so much, Martin Savidge reporting live from kentucky. Still to come in the newsroom, tens of thousands of refugees are crossing through europe right now. Theyre looking for a home. Now with some countries due to restrict their access. I was going to the library to do my homework. It was a little bit of a walk to get to the bus stop. I had to wait in line to use the computer. Took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. Whats possible when you have highspeed internet at home . The Library Never closes. It makes it so much better to do homework when youre at home. Internet essentials from comcast. Helping to bridge the digital divide. You tuck here. You tuck there. If youre a toe tucker. Because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. Used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. Kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. Most common side effects include skin peeling. 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If have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common side effect is nausea. I never thought i would be a nonsmoker and im so proud. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. I have some breaking news to share with you. Authorities in kentucky say the suspect accused of killing a kentucky cop overnight im sorry. Im sorry. Can we can we back out of this for just one second . We have some breaking news. The suspect of killing a Kentucky Police officer is now dead. Police shot him during the arrest. I just wanted to pass that along before i brought you to morehead, kentucky, now, to the courthouse where kim davis has returned as a clerk. So, lets go back to kentucky. There we go. The samesex couple is in the courtroom trying to get a marriage license. Can you show us the license in a minute. Outside first. Whats your middle name . Its your sin that brought you here. More sinners. More sinners. Because he loves you hes calling you to his home today. Tells us in the scripture. What you long for. Only god can satisfy. Your mothers full maiden name . Anita joyce butler. Your mothers maiden name . For the whole nation destroys those who participate in homosexual and destroys nations that approve of that. So, young ladies today birth date . God is calling you to himself. He can lift you up it is not marriage. That certificate youre giving is not a valid marriage certificate. It is not all right. Youre looking this is taking place in morehead, ken. Carmen wampler and shannon wampler. Theyre both named wamplercollins because they took each others name even though they couldnt legally take each others name until the Supreme Court made that historic ruling. Kim davis is nowhere around. One of her deputy clerks is taking the information from the samesex couple. But protesters are also inside the room saying that marriage is between a man and a woman. Well keep you posted as to what happens next. Ill be right back. The 306 horsepower lexus gs. Experience the next level of performance, and theres no going back. Lease the 2015 gs 350 with complimentary Navigation System for these terms. See your lexus dealer. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. [extracurricular activitiessands help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal. When you cant do the normal things. [announceto help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that for most kids are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Former prison worker, joyce mitchell, says shes not the monster everyone thinks she is. She broke her silence to nbc news, describing from behind bars how because of depression and troubles at home she got caught up in a complicated web with two convicted killers who she eventually helped to escape. She also talked about how she sneaked in tools for the killers. I give them the star bit, four full size hack blades, a chisel. Thats a lot. It is. So, youd go in during the day. Youd see at least mr. Matt in the tailor shop. Yes. Hed say to you, hey, we breached the wall of our cell. We got out of the wall. He would let you know this . Yes. He actually had told me at one point, in one spot, that they had found a tool box, and mr. Sweat picked the lock and they found power tools in it. What was your reaction when you were hearing these stories . Wasnt it so astonishing to you that they were getting out of their cells at night yes. And going behind the walls of the prison . They were waiting until after, i think its the 11 00 bed check, and then they would go. Patrick johnson joins me now, the former warden. Thank you for being with me this morning. Youre welcome. Thank you. Just how she describes it, joyce mitchell, its bizarre, isnt it . It really is. And nothing from the interview really surprised me this morning. I thought she tried to transfer a lot of her blame on being depressed and having problems with her husband and her relationship and that a lot of people who go through depression do similar type things and dont act rationally. But the bottom line is, shes responsible for everything she did. She made those decisions and she should be held accountable for them. On the one hand she said she was flattered because she was having problems with her husband and so she was flirty with the prisoners. Then she used to bring them baked goods, like brownies and cooki cookies, which is strange to me. Do Prison Guards normally bring cookies and brownies to prisoners . No, they dont. Thats a red flag when they start asking favors from staff, whether theyre Corrections Officers or whether theyre support staff. She should have reported that immediately to her supervisors. She said she didnt know who she could trust inside the prison. Shes the one who wasnt being trustful. She was the one bringing these products into the Law Enforcement officials and said my life is being threatened and in danger. Certainly if she did this internally or with an outside agency like the Sheriffs Office or the state police, this would have been handled appropriately and it wouldnt have got to the point where it did. Patrick johnson, thanks for your insight. I appreciate it. 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Two most important things they can show you, how much a typical graduate makes ten years out and what the typical student monthly loan payment is of a new graduate. Those are important metrics when choosing a college thats important. You type in a typical name and all the information comes up, how much the student owes and the monthly payments. Its eyeopening in some cases, isnt it . Right. You need to do that research. You need to do more research before you make that bigticket purchase, you need to know more. Thank you for joining me today, im carol costello. At this hour with berman and bolduan starts right now. Hello, im john berman. 11 00 in the east, 8 00 a. M. In simi valley, california. Im joining you live from the majestic Ronald Reagan president ial library where just two days from now, well see round two. The republican president ial debate right here on cnn. 11 candidates face off on the main stage and a new poll this morning shows donald trump the one to beat. Trump has put even more distance between himself and the rest of the pack, with ben carson second. No one even

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