Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 201507

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150730

malaysia's prime minister says it's very likely this debris is from the same model as flight 370. and police are urging island locals to scour the shoreline for more debris. tell us more. >> reporter: carol, police helicopters have been flying up and down the shoreline. locals have been encouraged by police to search for more debris possibly belonging to boeing triple 7, possibly the missing mh370, missing for 500 days. 239 people on board, which means 239 families waiting in very very tough circumstances over the last few months. indeed they may have to wait just a little bit longer because no one is confirming this is the downed plane. we have been here on reunion island talking to locals. here's what they had to say. a possibly crucial clue and major lead in the 17 month old mystery of missing malaysia airlines flight mh370. >> this is obviously is significant development. it's the first real evidence there's a possibility that a part of the aircraft may have been found. >> reporter: a piece of debris possible part of the a wing of what appears to be a boeing triple 7, the same model as the missing commercial airliner discovered washed up on an indian ocean beach on reunion island. teams dispatched to reunion island to investigate the debris which washed up more than 2300 miles away from the current search zone off the australia coast in the southern indian ocean. a group of people happening upon the wreckage during a beach cleanup. this man telling a reporter he saw a wing as he walked closer to the debris. the debris bearing the marking bb670. >> we're pretty clear that it would have been also part of mh370. >> reporter: flight mh370 vanished without a trace in march of last year with 239 souls on board shortly after take takeoff from kuala lumpur. the malaysian government declaring the missing plane an accident, everyone on board presumed dead. this may be the first piece of physical evidence bringing authorities one step closer to unlocking the mystery of the ill-fated flight. prime minister of malaysia has stated that it is very likely that this piece of the debris belongs to the boeing triple 7. he's asked the world to pray for the 239 families who have possibly lost their loved ones. the prime minister stated that this piece of debris will be flown to france to be investigated further. french authorities are not confirm that is the case. >> while the world waits the find out whether that debris is from flight 370, families of the victims remain skeptical. a group of chinese families said quotes we do not want to hear guarantees of 99% likelihood. we need confirmation of 100% certainty. those families demanding that officials reopen the family information center and hotline which has been shut down. >> reporter: as hard as it may be for some folks to believe, there are still a number of people perhaps the majority of the relatives of the certainly more than 150 chinese who were on flight 370, they still are holding onto hope that their loved ones are alive. this has been an agonizing 17 months for them. the information center was shut down more than a year ago. the help hotline has been shut down. the wife of one of the passengers said her heart is tortured. there's no support network, there are no psychologists. they're not with the other family members. they're having to cope with this on their own and having to deal with the fact that they still think there is hope that their loved ones alive. listen to sarah bajc. >> that thread of hope that i've been holding onto will have to break. and reality will have to take over. but up until now, i and most of the family members have continued to believe that until we have a body, we cabinetn't give up hoping they'll still come back. >> reporter: some of these families so shaken up it's still difficult to speak about. if it's confirmed to have come from 370 there will be some closure for us but i am also hoping it's not the plane, that patrick is still alive. these families need support and information they feel they are not getting through official channels lightright now. we remember the criminal investigation launched shortly after flight 370 disappeared. investigators checked the backgrounds of all 239 people. there was a lot of speculation about the pilot and the copilot. they haven't found any indication of a motive for why somebody would intentionally do something to harm this plane. the realgity is families still won't know what happened until the black box is found. because that wing could have washed so far away from the crash site they could still be years or even longer away from getting answers. >> will ripley reporting live from beijing this morning. thank you. malaysia's prime minister said in a statement that the plane debris will soon be on its way to france where it will be met by teams of french and malaysian investigators. i'm joined by miles o'brien and cnn aviation correspondent mary schiavo. this appears to be a flaperon that appears to be missing its trailing edge. what exactly is a flaperon? what does it do? >> in some ways you can think of a flap or flaperon arizonas an extension of the wing. you make the wing's shape change just a little bit on landing and takeoff because you want to give the plane more lift. and a flap does that. and the flaperon also helps turn the plane. it has two functions. basically it's a rudimentary part of the plane that helps with the lift landing. and then it can help you change the direction. >> if you're a passenger on board the plane and you're sitting over the wing you can actually see that piece of the plane move right? >> absolutely. if you're sitting at the window you could look out and see it move up and down. >> miles this is not a heavy part of plane, right? are you surprised this is what washed up? >> no, i'm not spriesurprised based on whether it's light or not. it's all a matter of displacement an aircraft carrier will float. it is a light piece everything on an airplane is designed to be as light as possible. what's interesting is why this piece? mary hit on the two key functions, it either caused the plane to turn and bank or slow its down and put it into configuration for landing. if it was deployed for landing on water it would break off as we've seen. either the plane was turning or it was configured for slow flight which would imply that a human being was doing that and configuring the plane to ditch. maybe they'll be able to determine some things by looking at how the medalical metal failed. >> because there were no signs of life jackets and this particular piece of the plane showed up that proves the plane was deliberately flown into the ocean to minimize the breakup of the plane. do you agree? >> no. this plane is different from older types of planes. when the triple 7 was designed it was designed to be entirely new. in fact computers designed it. one thing this plane does is that this plane was designed to try to save itself. so even if everyone on board was in incapacitated, the plane would fight to stay straight and level, would fight to maintain its fliability. if it was losing air speed, to try and put its nose down. the plane would try and save itself. the easiest explanation would be to say somebody put the flaps down. not necessarily so on these advanced fly by wire planes. >> i want to talk about the barnacles, miles, these little crustaceans that attach themselves to this plane part. the barnacles are only on the edges. why is that? >> i'm not a barnacle expert but it seems to me just as a layperson who's spent a little bit of time around boats, that the amount of crustaceans on this particular surface pretty much match the amount of time in the water and the amount it would be moving. the kreeey with these crustaceans would be if it's sitting still -- and presumably it's moving about four miles a day on average. it seems that's what ulgdsyou would expect to see after about 15 months. >> this part of the story fascinates me. there are different kinds of barnacles, different kinds of these little crustaceans. that could be a vital clue right? >> there are over a thousand species of barnacles. some of these rely on currents. this actually are called goose gooseneck barnacles. that's going to be a huge item for people to look at. the australians have even said they're the ones tasked with looking at that. unfortunately because it's traveled a long distance we won't know where exactly in its journey the barnacles attached. >> tweet us your questions using the hashtag mh370qs. still to come in the "newsroom" donald trump might be topping a new poll but he's not exactly winning over one important group of the voters. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! 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against a lawyer who says mr. trump called her disgusting for needing to use a breast pump. >> she's a vicious, horrible person. >> people are looking at that and thinking okay if he blows up at a lawyer in a deposition -- >> excuse me. believe me i get along with people. i didn't blow up at a deposition. i don't blow up. i'm a person that knows exactly -- >> so she's wrong. that didn't happen? >> let's focus on substance. the debate is a few days away. dana bash did a fantastic job pushing trump on how he would fix health care. >> health care in this book you at the time said you were very conservative on most issues but liberal on health care. you advocated a single payer system sort of canadian-style health care. >> at the time we were having not the difficulty we're having now with obamacare. it's a very bad -- it's very bad. people are losing their plans. they're losing their doctors. one of the biggest problems nobody talks about is doctors are all leaving, they've leaving the profession. >> do you think the answer is a single payer system? >> no. i think we have to knock down the borders. i want to take care of everybody. you have a group of people that aren't able to take care of themselves. >> how do you do that? >> we're going to have to work out some kind of a deal with hospitals where they can get some help if they have no money and they're sick. if a conservative doesn't like the fact that i want to take care of somebody that if they're really sick and they have no money, i want to help the person. >> how do you do that though? >> we're going to have to work out a very smart deal with hospitals around the country. >> you're saying obamacare -- >> it's got to go. repeal and replace with something terrific. >> and that is? >> it can be done by private companies. >> let's talk about this. i want to bring in dana dash and chris moody. dana as i was listening to trump explain how he would change health care i guess the bottom line with me is he said i would come up with some terrific plan but me doesn't know what the terrific plan is at the moment. >> yes. it seems as though this is policy on the fly. it's evolving. just kind of trying to translate what i think he was trying to say is that he now supports republican concept of making it easier to buy insurance across state borders, which have been a long time idea among republicans. the fact that he started off, as i mentioned, 15 years ago, when he was considering a reason for the reform party presidential ticket talking about a singer payer universal health care system is a complete 180. it's kind of remarkable. >> the debate is only a few days away now. shouldn't he have a solid plan so he could present it on that stage as the leading republican candidate? >> well what's good for trump here is there's going to be ten people on that stage and it only allows people to have an opportunity to talk in sound bites. and that's something he's exceptional at doing. it's kind of hard to flesh out a detailed policy plan when you have to shafferre the stage with so many people. he's definitely going to be on that stage. as you mentioned with women he's not very popular. also 30% of republicans said they wouldn't vote for him and if donald trump got the general nomination that poll also shows he would lose to hillary clinton and joe biden and even bernie sanders. republicans are looking at that and worried and if this thing keeps going it could spell trouble for the gop. >> 37% of republican women would never vote for trump. he's got to be concerned about that. >> he absolutely is. he should be. 37 37% of republican women and when you look at the broader electorate if he were to get the republican nomination and presumably he would be running against democratic female candidate, two-thirds of women say not a chance. when he has the kind of conversation he had with me yesterday about a women wanting to allegedly pump because she was breast-feeding it doesn't necessarily help him. in his defense le arguehe argues it's a he said she said thing. >> it's hard to believe she would actually want to do that in front of a group of men. >> anybody who that is done that -- and i have -- it is not something understood to do in front of anybody for sure. but i think the broader point is that he appeals to men. he appeals at this point to a very specific sector of men in the republican electorate those who have traditionally helped republicans get elected. but as we saw back in 2012 you can't rely on those voters anymore. you have to broaden your base. so our question, what happened to flight 370? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging 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day from the malaysian prime minister office. and even though they are looking into the matter fact they're on route there to toulouse to investigate what's been discovered they're also exercising caution. this is a major development. this is a major break through in the search for mh370. on wednesday, we know that a piece of debris was found on reunion island. it seemed to be consistent with the boeing triple 7. malaysian authorities are on route to toulouse. french authorities are looking at the debris. a second team will be sent to reunion island tomorrow. if this is confirmed, this will be the first time physical evidence of this plane has been uncomp uncovered since it went missing in march of 2014. even if it's verified there are still a number of questions that need to be asked, what happened to the plane and the whereabouts of the 239 passengers on board. that is providing little piece of mind to the relatives of the passengers. >> since flight 370 disappeared all kinds of conspiracy theories have surfaced including that perhaps one of the pilots took down the plane on some kind of suicide mission. there's no evidence to support that. officials even studied the pilots body language before the flight nolthing unusual at all. what happened to this flight remains a mystery even as far as the criminal investigation goes. with me david soucie. he's a former safety inspector. welcome to both of you. david, i'll start with you. suicideal pilots are not unheard of. of course you remember the german wings flight. that pilot left behind ample evidence and they eventually found the black boxes. now we're looking at this little piece of the wing. could that at least solve part of the mystery? >> as far as whether it was suicide or intentional, this is not going answer that question. we're still looking for the black boxes which is likely at the bottom of the ocean back in the search year. this is just an indicator. i think it's profound for the families of these people on woerd e board, because they might be able to put away those thought that is thes that thatthe aircraft has landed somewhere. i don't think there's enough evidence from these parts to tell us whether it's a terrorist act or suicide. >> some people because that piece of the plane is intact it rules out an explosion, right? and other people saying because that part of the plane is intact it sort of proves the pilot could have landed a slow decent into the ocean and the plane didn't break apart. it just sort of stoungunk to the bottom of the ocean. >> and understand where they're coming from on that because this part doesn't have any damage to its leading edge. if the aircraft had gone in in a dramatic dive into the water, the water is like concrete. so this part would have collide with the wing in front of it and you would see damage to it. on a glide in or a ditching it would have torn that part off. which this would be consistent with that type of damage that you see on this part. >> i know you're skeptical of this whole thing. lay it on us. >> it's not that i'm skeptical of this whole thing. when i first saw the image i'm looking at a part that to me it looked very bull keyky to me. it's definitely an airframe piece. and something from a wing seems pretty possible. but it looked bulky. it didn't look -- a flaperon to me doesn't look as big as that particular picture. that being said boeing's got some pretty strong language talking about this has a high probability of being a triple 7. >> they said it's very likely from a triple 7. it's being flown now to toulouse france. how long will it take investigators to determine if it it's from that flight? >> it's probably been determined now. it's still malaysian government's accident investigation. let them do their due diligence, put their eyes on that part and be able to tell the world this is indeed is part of mh370. it's important. >> that probably sounds good to the victims' families as well. still to come on the "newsroom," this former police officer is about to appear in court accused of killing an unarmed black man. jean casarez is in cincinnati. >> reporter: 25-year-old police officer raymond tensing is just about to come face to face with a judge. we'll give you both sides right after this. it's a golden opportunity to elevate each moment. hit every mark. thread every needle. turn every ride into a thrill ride. come in to the lexus golden opportunity sales event, where you'll find some of the best offers of the year on our most exhilarating models. lease the 2015 rc 350 for $449 a month for 36 months and will make your first month's payment. see your lexus dealer. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. . happening soon a former university of cincinnati police officer will make his first court appearance. this is less than 24 hours after being indicted for murder. ray tensing, a white officer, shot and killed samuel dubose an unarmed black man during a traffic stop earlier this month. body cam footage contradicts his self-defense claim. >> go ahead and take your seat belt off for me. stop. stop! >> in the next frame samuel dubose is shot in the head. dubose's sister overcome with emotion last night when she heard that the officer was devastated. >> it just kicked me in the stomach to hear that because we're devastated. yesterday i left my brother at the cemetery. my mother buried her son. and he's devastated? i just think he really needs to rethink that. >> jean casarez is outside the hamilton county courthouse in cincinnati. >> reporter: it's a very busy day here today. the prosecuting attorney joe deters said he had looked at so many different police officer shootings and when he saw this it was out and out murder he says. the defense is saying wait a minute it's the state of mind of the officer. you don't know his state of mind and he believed he had reasonable fear of being killed. the prosecuting attorney says it's all in the body cam that all three officers on scene were wearing. protesters pleading for justice in front of the cincinnati courthouse late wednesday. emotions running high as newly released body camera footage shows ray tensing shoot and kill samuel dubose during a routine traffic stop. >> go ahead and take your seat belt off. stop. stop! . >> reporter: tensing now behind bars. the police officer turning himself in on wednesday after being indicted for murder. >> this is the most -- >> reporter: pulling overdue boes -- over passenger dubose for a missing front license plate. what happens next is hard to watch. >> go ahead and take your seat belt off for me. stop. stop! >> reporter: frame by frame, you see the police officer reach for dubose's door. dubose starts the car and the car starts to move. from a second body camera, you can here whatar what tensing says happened. the county prosecutor says tensing's account is misleading. dubose's mother says she thanks god everything was revealed. >> i'm so glad that the man that murdered my son is in jail now. >> reporter: and one of the most concerning things is this police officer incident report from the university of cincinnati taken shortly after this all happened. it says that officer tensing says that he was being dragged by the car as the driver was taking off and that he was almost killed and run over by the driver of the honda. two officers that arrived at the scene seemed to corroborate that in their statements. but the prosecuting attorney says there is nothing in that video that shows that at all. the defense is saying that there is a third body camera that has not been yet revealed publicly and that may give the answers to the questions that everybody still has. >> and the officer will show up soon for an arraignment, that is correct correct, jean? >> reporter: the defense attorney says it's also going to be a bond hearing. now the big question is will he get bond? because this is a very serious charge. he's facing life in prison. this is purposeful murder intent to kill murder. it's the top murder charge in ohio. and the question is will he get bail or remain in the county jail? >> the hamilton county prosecutor joseph detailer used uncommonly blunt language to describe the actions of officer tensing. >> it's an absolute tragedy in the year 2015 that anyone would be behayve in this manner. it was senseless. and i met with the family just moments ago. it's just horrible. >> the black community in hamilton county was taken aback by deters' tone because of inflammatory remarks deters has made in the past. they will hurt you. they will hurt your grandma. the root cause of this is there's in discipline in the homes. they don't go to cool you know. they live off the government. no personal accountability. they just beat people up for no reason. it's disgusting. welcome to all of you. i appreciate you being here. councilwoman i want to start with you. were you surprised by prosecutor deters' description of what happened that terrible day when mr. dubose was killed? >> you know prosecutor deters is an excellent prosecutor and he never holds back on anything. i think when he saw the video and they had done their week of research and investigation, i think he was just outraged at what had happened and really felt like it was a senseless murder that should not have happened. i think it comes across very strongly, but those of us who know prosecute deters know he holds no punches, he lets you know exactly how he feels. >> i think the black community thinks that prosecutor deters has used inflammatory language in the past to describe actions by the black community. they were taken aback by his language. >> i think when you look at the video, it is shocking that you know samuel dubose was sitting there, he was not aggressive he was not violent and yet he was shot. this is something that is outrageous. so i think his tone matched that. i think people were surprised, though that he came out that forceful. but that's what the situation is. >> it's bizarre that this officer allegedly made up a story about what happened when he was wearing a body camera. did he really think he could get away with that? >> obviously, he thought he could, but it's very apparent here if you look at the video i think it's pretty descriptive of what occurred than particular day. however, when you go back and in this case the officer writes an entirely different report that is not congruent with what we see on this video certainly raised a great deal of issue. i think the d.a.'s comments in regard to that particular shoot ong that ing on that particular day, i think how he may have framed it -- i don't want to overlook the point, the most important piece is here that that was a pretty heinous crime that took place. but it's going to have its process in a court of law, which it should. and any other evidence that's brought forth will be looked at as well. what we know right now from the video that we all have witnessed,s the a pretty egregious act from what we can see thus far. >> it's also shocking. and maybe it shouldn't be. it's shocking that two other officers seemed to go along with this other officer's story. >> here's the thing. they need to be accurate in their statements. because in the sworn testimony and even during the administrative part if it's later determined that their statements were false, they can easily find themselves terminated and on the criminal side can find thoemsemselves indicted as well on perjury charges. it is going to be the cam evidence evidence and any other evidence -- what we can see here early on as laypeople, this is a pretty egregious case. and i would hope that his friend who were there with him, his partners who were there to back him up are going to be forthright in terms of what their statements are. >> joey what do you think? >> i think that the videotape doesn't lie. i mean it's hard to countermand what the videotape shows. it speaks volumes. if we look at a picture and we know that's worth a thousand words, thibtd whatnk about what a videotape will do. when you give the indication to say that you are being run over to say their being dragged, to say as a result of that you were fearful for your life it's troubling. therefore, you have a very motivated prosecutor who in essence is seeking justice. and in that justice, he filed a murder indictment. it also speaks volumes to where the prosecutor believes in case is. if you look at the speed in which this occurred if you look at sunday the 19th 06of july and you look at today where an so this is serious facing life in jail. officers get a lot of deference for what happens in the street. supreme court of the united states says that they need to make split-second decisions and what you do as a police officer, says the court, is evaluated by what a reasonable officer would do in common circumstances. so the critical question throughout this proceeding will be would a reasonable officer in his position would have acted in accord and just like this officer did and if the answer is no guess what. it's murder. >> all right. joey jackson, cedric alexander, councilman amy murray thank you all for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. we'll continue to monitor this story. jean casarez will be inside the courtroom and will bring you the latest in the next hour of "newsroom." es up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta! what do a nascar® 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threw stones at the soldiers, it led to a dramatic and awful overreaction. >> bloody sunday and the rise of terrorism tonight on "the 70s" 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. the next hour of cnn "newsroom" after a break. accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberyy apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. female announcer: right now at sleep train get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. save hundreds on beautyrest. or choose $300 in free gifts with stearns & foster. the triple choice sale is on now at sleep train. and good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. we begin with what could be the first major break in one of the biggest aviation mysteries in history. any minute we could find out this piece of debris found on a french island near madagascar in the indian ocean is wreckage from flight 370. that plane vanished without a trace last march with 239 people on board. right now a police chopper is scouring the coastline where that object was found. people living on the island are also being encouraged to help with the search. to put this into perspective, this is where the boeing 777 disappeared. for months authorities have been scouring a search zone off the coast of australia. here is where this debris was found. it's more than 2,000 miles away from the primary search area. we're covering all angles of this story and we have a team of experts, too. let's begin with cnn's christy lou stout in kuala lumpur. >> reporter: this is a break through. it's a major development. suspected debris of the missing malaysia airlines flight has been found off the coast of madagascar in reunion island. it has been a long and agonizing wait for the families of the 239 people who were on board this missing plane. if confirmed, if this piece of debris is in fact verified that there's a link to the missing jetliner this will be the first time we will have a tang i will sign physical evidence of the plane, since it went missing in march of 2014, and already we're getting reaction from the families. we heard this from the wife of passenger patrick gomez. she says quote, i am torn. if it is confirmed to have come from 370 there will be closure for us but i'm also hoping it is not the plane. i'm hoping patrick is still alive. carol, very key there that even though it provides some closure, if there is verification that this piece of suspected debris is, in fact, from mh-370. so many questions about what happened about what happened. we have additional reaction from the prime minister. he posted i promise the families of those last that whatever happens, we will not give up. we have had many false alarms before but for the sake of the families who have lost loved ones and suffered such heartbreaking uncertainty, i pray that we will find out the truth so that they may have closure and peace. i promise the families of those lost that whatever happens we will not give up. that should be very welcome news to the families of the chinese passengers who were on board this plane. most of the passengers were from mainland china, in fact 152 passengers were from the prc. the families of the chinese passengers issued a statement today saying that they don't want 99% verification of this piece of debris. they want 100% verification. they also want to know about the whereabouts of their loved ones and they want that search effort to go on no matter what. back to you, carol. >> all right. . i want to focus on the investigation. i want to bring in managing director and cnn aviation analyst peter goals. peter, welcome. >> good morning. >> good morning. so let's talk about that specific piece of a plane that was found that everybody is hoping belongs to flight 370. i hope we have a graphic. it's a flaperon. i want you to go over what exactly that is. it's on its way or is in france right now. investigators will look at it and then tell me what exactly they will look at when the piece -- when that piece of plane arrives. >> well the flaperon is part of the wing structure that helps the plane stay aloft and maneuver at lower speeds. it helps control -- it has a dual purpose, and it is a very light material. it could easily have separated from the plane on impact. the french who obviously have experience in analyzing these kinds of material air france flight 447 crashed in the south atlantic and the french recovered it recovered portions of it. they will be able to look at this piece, and they will be able to confirm without question whether it came from flight 370. this morning all of the investigators that i have spoken to remain optimistic. they think that this is a piece from the plane. they think this is an important event. >> a lot of viewers are asking about serial numbers or manufacturing numbers. there's a partial number supposedly on that piece of debris. can you get into that for us? >> sure. you know i was involved in the reconstruction of twa flight 800 which crashed off of long island in 1996 and we reconstructed almost 100 feet of that aircraft and we were able to do so because virtually every piece in the aircraft has a unique serial number that gives it a pedigree. these parts are extraordinarily monitored to make sure that they meet the standards. the same is true with this flaperon piece. they will get inside. they will dismantle the pieces they'll get inside. there will be serial numbers that they will be able to trace specifically back to this 777 if in fact it is part of the accident plane. >> and, peter, just by looking at pictures of this piece of debris does it tell you anything? >> only that it separated very cleanly along established lines. i mean what that means is it didn't appear to be krumplcrumpled. it didn't appear to have any kind of burning marks on it. there was no soot on it but after 500 days in the ocean, that sort of stuff would wear off. it's going to take microscopic examination along the fault lines where it broke off to give us some indication of what happened. >> also are you surprised that a piece of luggage didn't wash up or a life jacket? why this piece? >> well it is. this has been an extraordinary mystery. for over 500 days we have been hoping for some piece of identifiable wreckage and it is it's simply inexplicable why there's been not more of this material washing up. there were two typhoons that passed through that area that obviously disbursed it's material and drove it deeper into the ocean. it is just a very tough mystery. >> okay. so let's say investigators in france determine this is a piece of flight 370. where do we go from here? >> well it's really just -- what it does is it gives some confirmation that their original theory that this plane is in the ocean, that it's not somewhere intact on the ground that it has crashed, it confirms that piece. now, does it help us identify where it is? maybe because the science of tracking back ocean currents, boy, that's a very tough business and you may be able to narrow down the search area along the arc to the southern part of the arc with some serious analysis but what it primarily does is it says all right, the plane has crashed. >> peter goelz, thank you for your insight. malaysia has already dispatched a crew to the island. it's expected to be shipped to france for a full investigation. robin is on reunion island where that october was found. robin, before you start, i would like to put up a picture of the young man who found that piece of debris. can you just take us through how he found it and when exactly he informed authorities? >> reporter: yes, michelle. it happened yesterday, wednesday. a group of people were cleaning up the beach, and they saw something floating in the water. they got it and they immediately alerted authorities and immediately the pictures went viral because obviously this mystery of mh-370 gripped the world for months as the plane disappeared and the search continued, and as the world moved on accepting that it was just a mystery, the search did continue by the australian transportation safety board around the western coast of perth, and now this has obviously appeared. it went viral yesterday and people on the island of reunion have been asked by police to keep searching. we believe that malaysian officials will be here tomorrow, at least if they can get seats on the plane. we're told reunion island is where the debris has been found and they're dispatched a team to france this evening to help this piece of debris we understand will be shipped to france. that's according to the prime minister's office and that's where that investigation will take place to try to ascertain exactly what this piece of -- if it is indeed a boeing 777 piece of a wing. if it is that and exactly what it was doing, how did it end up there, and as the gentleman before me said that it's a clean break, what are the different i guess markings on it to indicate why this plane if it is mh-370 crashed. >> all right. robyn kreil reporting live from that island where they found hopefully what is a piece of the missing plane, flight 370. i want to take you now to cincinnati. i believe the arraignment hearing has started for the officer who is accused of murder in hamilton county. let's listen. >> the police department the past year and a half. prior to that you were a former employee of aen ex n[ inaudible ]. an exemplary record. he's not a risk to flee. he has family. his father is present in the courtroom. he resides in the township. the purpose of bond is to asthursure that he will appear. there's never been a reason to think he would not appear when he's told to be here. i would ask the court to consider a bond. i know you won't do that but i'd ask you to make it something reasonable so he could be released. >> very good. state? >> the government asks for never less than $1 million on a murder case. i think that's appropriate on a murder case and we would ask for a $1 million murder. >> very good. the defendant is facing the possibility of life in prison. it's the court's duty to ensure his appearance. the bond will be $1 million anyway. [ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a courtroom. you will conduct yourselves at all times appropriately. the next date is august 19th at 9:00 a.m. is the defendant waiving time? >> at this point he is not judge. >> very good. gentlemen, i will see you all here august 19th at 9:00 a.m. >> thank you, judge. >> stay seated. >> all right. i want to back up a little bit. this is officer ray tensing. of course, he's obviously a white police officer. he's accused of shooting and killing samuel dubose, an unarmed black man, during a traskt stop earlier this month. this was a hearing to set his bond. as you heard, the judge set a $1 million bond since, of course what this officer is charged with could get him life in prison if he is determined guilty. you heard the courtroom erupt in cheers and you heard the judge come down very hard on those in the courtroom saying, you know, you have to act with some decorum in here. we'll breck it down further after a break. i'll be right back. ak it down further after a break. i'll be right back. what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer? sfx: crunch what if one push up could prevent heart disease? 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[ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a courtroom. you will conduct yourselves at all times appropriately. the next date is august 19th at 9:00 a.m. is the defendant waiving time? >> at this point he is not, judge. >> very good. gentlemen, i will see you all here august 19th at 9:00 a.m. >> a bit of drama in hamilton county ohio in cincinnati. that was officer ray tensing. he's accused of murder in shooting an unarmed black man during a routine traffic stop earlier this month. jean casarez was inside the courtroom. i have her now on the phone. jean where did the cheering come from? >> reporter: carol, it was really something in there. first of all, it wasn't that large of a courtroom but it wasn't that small of a courtroom. it was packed. four different rows completely packed. people lining the walls until the family couldn't get in and attorney mark o'mara walked in and he talked to court officials for maybe ten minutes because the family was here. they were standing outside and while they were standing outside, family members said that we want to go in there. we want to see this defendant, this police officer, because he says that he is devastated by this. well we're devastated by this and we want to be in there. they finally asked members of the community if they would give up their seats to the family and so people readily did, and they walked in and the proceeding as you saw was very short, very brief, but when that $1 million bail was announced by the judge, the family members of this young victim just started to clap and cheer and try to stand up. a few members of the community but really the family members of sam dubose, and at that point you saw the judge just absolutely clamp things down this is a court of law. i think they were exuberant, maybe not expecting a $1 million bail. as far as the defendant, we heard that his father was in the courtroom today, that packed courtroom. we don't know where he was or exactly who he was, but the defendant himself looked serious, looked stressed and scared and he was handcuffed as he walked in. >> all right. jean casarez, thanks so much. very interesting doings this morning. i'm joined by legal analyst joey jackson and the former commissioner of the boston police department ed davis. thanks to you both for being here. >> sure, carol. good morning. >> good morning, carol. >> joey just your reaction to what happened in the courtroom? >> you know, it's a preliminary step in the process and it's the first step carol. an indictment as defense attorneys remind everyone is an accusation. now it moves forward to being proved but i think with the $1 million, it shows it's a very serious case. of course murder carries life in jail. he's also charged with manslaughter which is 3 to 11 years. ultimately with the judge setting a $1 million bail it appears this is a matter that's going to proceed forward and he's going to have to defend. in terms of the nature of the defense, it may meet great difficulty depending upon and looking at that videotape. the video doesn't lie, and when you look at the videotape and match it against the report there's a lot of explaining the defense has to do here. >> exactly. and, ed is there any way to explain what happened? the prosecutor even the initial traffic stop the prosecutor in hamilton county i think he -- i'm trying to see -- he called it chicken crap because this driver mr. dubose, was pulled over for not displaying a front license. >> you have to agree with that assessment carol. i agree with attorney jackson. this is a terrible situation. it's unfolded on video. we get to see exactly what occurred. it's striking to me in a couple of areas. one is that this was such a low-key conversation up until the time that the officer drew his weapon. it exploded in violence and there were no indicators before that. there were no raised voices no stress. it was being handled fairly low key and then all of a sudden there was an explosion. i think every time you introduce new technology into a field you learn things and we're learning things here that need to be addressed by police training and policy as we move forward. >> i do have a question about police training. this was a university of cincinnati police officer. is he trained in the exact same way as your local police department? >> i don't know what the situation is in ohio. in massachusetts they are trained in exactly the same police academies. but, you know, i found that campus presidents, university presidents trustees don't have a good handle on what their officers are actually doing out there. they want security they want police they want to be safe but some of these agencies turn into doing enforcement that doesn't make any sense in a university setting, and, you know there's going to be an investigation into this but it doesn't appear to be a university setting there, so why are they stopping vehicles for minor motor vehicle infractions away from the university when they should be interacting with students. it doesn't make a lot of sense. >> i was curious, i think 75% of universities across the country have police officers on campus who are armed, university police departments. the others don't, and the reason they don't is they don't want something like this to happen. >> exactly. the university presidents that i have worked with over the years have made it clear to me they want a community policing setting, they want to feel secure but, you know, sometimes these organizations when they hire ex-police officers to be the chiefs of these university departments, they end up with municipal policing coming into the university and that might not be exactly what the trustees and the university president wants. >> all right. a final question for you, joey jackson, since you're a defense attorney. so there were body cameras on three different police officers. so you have the vantage point from three different ways right? >> right. >> and the police officer obviously lied on the police report because he claimed the car was dragging him. video evidence clearly shows it was not true. how do you defend him? >> and that he felt he was going to be run over. i think what we as defense attorneys do is we evaluate the case. number one, is it winnable? this case it does not appear to be. the next question is could you defeat the top count of murder and that's really what's at issue here. if you reduce that to manslaughter, make no mistake about it, for a defense attorney that's a win. why? murder carries a life sentence. manslaughter 3 to 11 years. so you have to demonstrate if it's manslaughter that it was acted out of some anger or out of some heat of passion. clearly there was bad judgment used and i think the difficulty for the defense, of course again is the police report matching it up to what the body camera says and it just doesn't lie. so if you can mitigate and lessen what he's looking at here i think, you know, of course you do him a great justice but the justice that needs to be done at this point, of course is for that victim and his family. >> joey jackson, ed davis, thanks to you both. i appreciate it. still to come in the "newsroom," a plain's wing flap found on the beach of an island in the indian ocean but will this major lead help determine what happened to flight 370? 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>> reporter: i can tell you, carol, at this hour the critical point that they really want to get to is to be able to say either a, this is from a boeing 777 flight mh-370 or it's not. they're not there just yet. we know the next step here is really scrutinizing this piece of this wing that's clearly from an aircraft. the fact that they do have a number on that portion of the wing that is crucial, that is critical because they will be able to make a determination once they match up those numbers whether it's a maintenance number or a serial number they will be able to either a, rule in or out that this is part of mh-370. once that is done the next step is taking a really close look at that piece of wing. they will be -- you see that growth at the edge of that, the barnacles, they're going to be looking at that trying to make an assessment as to how long this piece was under water, does that match up with the time line of mh-370. i also spoke with some experts today who they themselves are already taking a look at the pictures and they're starting to look at the tear points the sort of damage that is obvious from the photos that we have available to us and perhaps investigators will do the same thing. they'll want to look at, you know the tear points the damage to the piece, does it suggest that perhaps this portion of the wing was in a certain position. if it does indeed suggest that perhaps it may tell whether the aircraft was slowing down at the time when things went terribly wrong, but these are all really small pieces of the puzzle so while they may be able to learn something from this piece here it may not answer all of our questions, carol. >> all right. renee marsh reporting live for us this morning. thanks so much. i want to bring in sara her partner, phillip wood was one of the americans on board the missing flight. she's become an advocate for the families of those missing. thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. >> good morning, carol. >> good morning. just tell me what you're feeling right now because i can't even imagine. >> well on the one hand i don't want it to be part of the plane because i don't want to give up that thread of hope we've been holding onto but on the other hand i want the mystery to be solved and up to now we've had absolutely no facts so this would at least be a small step in the right direction. >> some of the families in china and beijing said don't give us any information at all, investigators, governments of malaysia and china, unless you're 100% sure this part of the plane is from flight 370. do you feel the same way? >> well we've never received any valid information from the officials, so that's kind of a needless request, but it is disconcerting when the media blows it all up and out of proportion before we really know anything and i understand why that happens, but it is very very difficult for the families and, you know, we want the truth to come forward, and we're glad that you're bringing light to the story, but it's also a really difficult time and we need some proof. >> i can totally understand that and i can't say that i disagree with you at all. as far as the investigation, have you heard anything new at all from investigators from either country? >> we never have heard anything from the malaysian side. the australiang gacc has given an e-mail update of the ship movements about once a week but it's often just a cut and paste from the prior week so it doesn't really say anything. to the best of my knowledge there hasn't been any ongoing investigation in malaysia and it's in malaysia that the crime was committed. one of the things i really hope the world will do is pay attention to the fact that malaysia has still not come clean with what they know and they've also never been held accountable for any of the wrongdoing. >> it's just incredible to think that they've stopped investigating because you'd think they'd want to know what happened. >> well except if they know they're guilty of something. you know it might just be pure incompetence and sleeping on the job, but it's a very corrupt country, and the ruling party has been in power for a very long time so they have totalitarian rule and they will save face at any cost. even if that means covering up what might have actually just been one or two people sleeping on the job. why couldn't they at least come forward and say, oops somebody was sleeping on the job and here is what happened and we admit to it and move forward? so far there's been no admission of any wrongdoing by the malaysian government. >> do you have your own theory? >> i don't know. there's so many theories that they crowd each other out, and i have maintained from the beginning that until there is some sort of fact i will not go with one theory over another. >> sarah bajc thank you so much for being with me. i appreciate it. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> i'll be right back. 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>> >> you know possibly you notice he doesn't like to talk about the polls where he doesn't do as well or when you dive inside the polls. look the fact that a third of republican women, you see it on the screen more than a third, they say no way, no how. that's a problem for him. in a very large field though like this is it doesn't matter as much right now. if he continues to go along and the field gets smaller and smaller and smaller, that's going to matter more and more. the fact he has such a ceiling with a key part of the electoral, particularly the republican electorate is not good news for him if he wants to go the long way. >> so back to substantive issues. you pressed him on health care and immigration. it doesn't seem to me that he really has like a plan that he wants to lay out for the american people to tell us how he's really going to deal with these issues. >> immigration obviously was front and center and is front and center in his campaign. it's what propelled him initially because he was talking about illegal immigration and dealing with that at a time when most of the republican candidates kind of wanted to move on because the party itself many of them thought that the rhetoric that they had used really hurt them in the last couple election cycles. so the question was, you know, how are you going to deal, never blind the wall which we have heard a lot about, with the undocumented immigrants here and what he said actually surprised me a little bit because, you know, the idea is to give legal status okay. that's something that actually jeb bush wants to do which would be an anathema to many ambassador conservatives who support him. but he first wants them to leave the country. how do you gather up 34 million illegal people in this country and get them out? it's just -- >> and then grant them some -- >> it would be a very very large task and his answer is, well the politicians can't do it i can do it. >> final question he's in scotland. the debate is a couple days away. clearly he doesn't have all of his policy laid out so shouldn't he be studying for the debate? >> i asked him that question. i said are you going to be doing some debate prep on the plane going over there, going to be thinking about it? he insists he's not. he actually said something to the effect of i'm going to just be donald trump. but i asked about the policy. you can be yourself personality wise but it's a different issue when you're not prepared on policy and he claims he's been looking and reading and studying. obviously he's not going to do what most of the other candidates have been doing, carol, which is really intense debate prep practicing what it's like to be on a stage with all of these people. he's not doing that but it's hard to believe he's not at least thinking through and bouncing off some ideas with his aides. >> with his people. dana bash thank you so much. i appreciate it. still to come in the "newsroom," after more than a year could debris found on an island beach be from mh-flight flight 370? we'll talk about that. scotty mccreery here. in my city raleigh, north carolina. we'll start off here. this carousel dates back to 1911. it has 52 animals, all hand carved. >> i'm a little big for this i think. beautiful. in north carolina we have a very rich sports history, so what better place to go in downtown raleigh than the north carolina sports hall of fame. >> some of the biggest displays we have michael jordan mike krzyzewski and david cox. >> north carolina is actually home to nascar. here we have two of the greatest drivers ever the intimidator, dale earnhardt, and to my right richard petty, one of the cars he actually raced in back in the day. and if you want a great bite to eat, you have to come to the angus barn. we're going to take you down to the wine cellar. they have wine in this room from all over the world and wines that range from $50 or this one at a $16,000. we're here in the wild turkey lounge. can you tell us about the lounge and the turkeys? >> these turkeys all used to hold wild turkey bourbon in them and they have the largest collection in the world. we have over 600. >> goodness gracious. thank you for joining me and i'm getting kind of hungry so i'm good to grab a bite. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures with polident. for the best first impression. love loud. live loud. polident. number 1 dentist recommended. 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[announcer]stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free,thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. as that plane debris heads to france for its initial processing investigators are likely tasked with two key kes, questions, is this from fliltght 370 and if so, how did it end more than 2,000 miles away from the search zone. i want to bring in meteorologist chad myers and david souci. chad give us a scenario where this is possible. >> we have circulations across the world, across the globe. the southern atlantic the north atlanta. the reason why the fukushima debris ended up on the west coast of america. we're talking about this one here the indian ocean. this is the issue with this and this is what i have done now. i have pushed this forward and i have said, okay if a piece of something floated on land floated on the water and landed here at reunion island where did it come from? how did this possibly happen? i backed it up 14 to 16 months. where could this stuff have come from? there's a number of places that this could have actually come from. could have come from africa could have come here from the maldives could have come from indonesia, but also could have come from the area right down here that they have been searching for. so it doesn't say that it's only here but it doesn't exclude the area either. it's not a plus or a minus. it just says it could have come from here. how does that happen? let's move here. it's the gyre the motion of the ocean. as it comes in from the search area and brings it back to reunion island. i showed those circumstances lation circulations as round and they are not round. because the land isn't a perfect circle they wobble back and forth. how does it get here from here? there is a current. there is a current that travels just to the south of india and it would push it right here in about 14 to 16 months it would be right here where it is. now, there may be much more still in the current. this may be the first piece of debris we find. we just know this would be the first piece that we've seen so far and there could be some into madagascar and it could actually get around the southern cape of africa and eventually years from now if still floating it could get all the way to south america. >> unbelievable. so david, tell us how this complicates the search for the missing airplane if this debris is from flight 370 that is. >> yeah. and that's still an if. we need to make clear that is still an if but how it complicated is the fact that -- what it doesn't do is complement the way -- the assumptions as to where the aircraft might be. remember there are two different searches going on. the surface search was given up northern a year ago. it's the under water search that's going on right now, actually because of the winter months and the rough seas it's been postponed, but the search they've been doing has nothing to do with the surface search and there's also been a lot of weather between -- during this last 16 or 17 months that could have drifted these parts and pieces and who knows where. so there's a lot of things a lot of questions still but this hasn't really provided us with a lot of answers. >> hopefully we'll know very soon because that piece of debris is on its way to france. investigators will look at it and hopefully we'll know in a couple hours whether it's from flight 370. thanks to both of you. i'll be right back. ...served my country... ...carried the weight of a family... ...and walked a daughter down the aisle. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest reason to walk... ...calls me grandpa. ask your doctor about lyrica. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. checking some top stories for you at 58 minutes past. rolling stone's managing editor is resigning. he's not saying if his departure is linked to a lawsuit that's just been filed against the magazine. three members of the university of virginia fraternity are suing "rolling stone" for defamation that alleged frat members gang raped a female student. closing arguments expected in the james holmes murder trial. the jury will decide if he should get life or death. his mother broke down as she said her son's psychiatrist never warned her he was having homicidal thoughts. where is the minnesota dentist who killed cecil the lion. walter palmer has gone underground as news of his african hunt stokes worldwide outrage and the outcry against him keeps growing. protesters gathered outside palmer's office yesterday demanding he be prosecuted. all right. breaking news to pass along. it's about that piece of debris. boeing investigators have a high level of confidence that the debris found on reunion island does indeed come from the 777, not just comes from a 777, not just because of the photos that have been analyzed but because there is a partial number that corresponds to a 777 part. according to -- that's according to a source close to the investigation. despite the confidence in the statement, investigators from the u.s. want to see the part, they want to see if the part is believed to be this flapper on a part on the wing that opens and closes before they make a final determination. in fact we'll keep you posted. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me today. "berman and bolduan" starts now. it is one of the biggest mysteries in aviation history. right now more than a year after flight 370 disappeared, a major lead is washed ashore and at any moment we could get information that this piece of wreckage may

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