> gilbert, say my name for god sake's! >> she won't start u"> > gilbert, say my name for god sake's! >> she won't start u" property="og:description"> > gilbert, say my name for god sake's! >> she won't start u">

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 201505

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150521

the first line rehearsed. the time for "newsroom," and see, it's kind of like a car. >> gilbert, say my name for god sake's! >> she won't start until you say her name. >> it's time for news with the room -- >> all right! all right! we all get it. thank you, gilbert. >> she can't start unless i say her name? >> she can start. happening now in the "newsroom," days after isis takes a key city in iraq the terror group storms syria's ancient city of palmyra, and isis is everywhere and fears ancient ruins are the next target. this is the chinese navy and you are approaching our military alert zone. >> a showdown in the skies, and chinese navy warning the u.s. to stop. only cnn is there. plus a family tortured and killed and their home set on fire. a d.c. murder mystery and now a suspect thanks to a pizza delivery. let's talk live in the cnn "newsroom." good morning. i am carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. an ancient city falls and a new enemy enemy surges and today residents tell us that isis fighters are going door to door hunting down government soldiers and likely next in the crosshairs irreplaceable antique wau tease. we have seen how isis deals with anything it deems a false idol. >> we are deeply concerned about isil's attacks on the syrian city which holds the ruins of paul meira. there are different reports of what is happening there, so it's hard for us to nail down exactly what is happening on the ground so this is something we are following and we are concerned about it obviously, and it has been caught in the cross fire about sometime, and we will speak about it and beyond that i am not sure what more can be done. >> this as the plan takes shape across the border in iraq. the u.s. scrambling to deliver 1,000 anti-tank rockets to the iraqi troops and it's a counter offensive to the isis wave of car bombs that brought down the city. we have a lot to cover for you. we are just hearing about isis seizing control of a gas field. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah that's right, at least according to a video that they did post to youtube claiming to have taken over some small oil installations, and in the grander scheme of thing, it's much more significant seizure of the historic city and then the capture of the capital of ramadi of al embar province. the iraqi government is right now trying to scramble capable fighting units to those various front lines, but it does not have that many at its dispose annual and we are seeing a converted effort on the way to try and push out more of the paramilitary iranian-backed units, and it's also highly controversial, and the government saying it will begin an intense campaign to try and arm up the sunni tribes and the u.s. also saying it will be expediting weapons shipments to iraq and all 6of this has to happen immediately, otherwise we could see more territory falling to isis. we spoke to a senior iraqi commander at a base in an area located right between ramadi and falluja, both of which are under isis control. it's from there that various units have been pushed out to establish definitive front lines and insure a firmer group on the little territory that the iraqi government does still control, and arm anbar province while waiting for the enforcements to arrive. the vast majority will tell you they are not surprised with the fall of ramadi, and officials have been calling for additional support as far back as november and the iraqi government did not respond to that and neither did the u.s.-led coalition to any significant degree and they are warning if the situation right now is not dealt with immediately, then isis would have full control over the province and truly pose a serious threat to the capital of baghdad. >> all right. the people who live in ramadi are desperate. do they stay or try to get into neighboring baghdad? if they leave they can be turned away and if they stay they can be put to death if they do not pledge their allegiance to isis. i am joined by our guests. colonel, i want to start with you, you heard that america is watching what isis does in syria and beyond that she cannot be sure what could be done. does that inspire you as a soldier? >> no i am disappointed our leadership would say that. as americans, we have the ability to find solutions to uncertainty. i don't buy that. i am disappointed and i think our jobs as americans, it's our job to amaze the world and find a solution. >> humanitarian workers are fleeing ramadi and syria and yemen, and i want to focus on the civilians fleeing in iraq. are they asking for more help from the united states? >> you know right now the humanitarian agencies are doing everything they can to help the people who have fled from ramadi terrified for their life, and our problem is stocks are running out and in two weeks we will not have emergency kits that we can provide people, and within the next few weeks the food pipeline breaks. we are desperate for international assistance. i think all of us know this is the time to stand with the iraqi people and to be generous and help the humanitarian operation so we can help the people being victimized by isil. >> to say these people have been through hell would be an underestimate, and they used car bombs twice the size used in the oklahoma city bombing, and i want to take you back in time to oklahoma city. this kind of bomb can wipe out city blocks, and that's what they did in ramadi. they killed 168 people. do we have those pictures from oklahoma city. we will put that up so you can see the damage these things can do. the united states wants to send 1,000 anti-tank rockets. will that work? >> it will help. it is not going to stop the war just like that because we have 1,000 anti-tank rounds and it will help and the iraqis have to be trained on it and it gives them a weapon and it's very effective against vehicles and it will help, but that's about it. >> so it will help but that's about it. what will it take colonel, to combat this? >> we have been talking about this for weeks. there is just not one single solution to this problem. there is a diplomatic, and there is a military and economic aspect to this here. we are very focused on the military side because we have u.s. soldiers on the ground there trying to assist the iraqis and the iraqis are fighting for their lives right now and there's a huge diplomatic aspect and a regional aspect. and general mcchrystal was on a few hours ago talking about setting up teams. this is where it goes back and americans, it's our time to start helping and amazing folks and to put together a plan in the region to move this along, and if we can't do that, we might as well pick up and come home and leave it for others to deal with. >> it does terrible things to the psychy of those in ramadi, and the iraqi military who has dealt with this for years and years and years. if you could describe to us what these kinds of bombings do to peoples' psyche and why they might flee? >> when isil comes into areas, they use the tactics that terrorize people, and therefore they don't have to have so many soldiers when they enter a town and what they do is they do a few of the bruteal attacks, and they run as fast as they can to safety. people were just terrified about what would happen to them if they stayed. they didn't stay. they ran as fast as they could trying to get to safe haven >> we will have to leave it there. thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. still to come police make major progress in the case of a d.c. family tortured and killed. it could all come down to a pizza crust. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] he doesn't need your help. until he does. three cylinders, 50 horsepower. go bold. go powerful. go gator. >>who... is this?! >>hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na >>she's just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. >>hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! why do we do it? why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people? why are we so committed to keeping you connected? why combine performance with a conscience? why innovate for a future without accidents? why do any of it? why do all of it? because if it matters to you it's everything to us. the xc60 crossover. from volvo. lease the well equiped volvo xc60 today. visit your local volvo showroom for details. right now a manhunt is underway in the nation's capital after a grisly murder in a washington, d.c. neighborhood. daron dylon wint we pulled up his arrest record and he is a jamaican citizen that served time for assault and burglary. he is accused now of killing and torturing a washington, d.c. couple and their child and the housekeeper. this is a calculated crime and one or more suspects were tracking the family before they were killed. joe johns is covering this for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. dna left on a pizza crust, which was found at the house led police to a match on a suspect, and sources now tell cnn's pamela brown just one more piece of the puzzle in the grisly murder in washington, d.c. police identifying a suspect in the slayings of a prominent ceo, his wife their young son and housekeeper. 34-year-old daron dylon wint now wanted on first-degree murder charges while armed. according to law enforcement officials the break in the case coming not from the grainy surveillance video released by police days ago, but according to the "washington post," from dna found on the crust of a domino's pizza that had been ordered to the house as the victims were being held. the 46-year-old, savopoulos and his 47-year-old wife amy, and their 10-year-old son, philip and a woman, their 57-year-old housekeeper, all found dead in their mansion that was set on fire. their blue porsche that went missing found ditched in a maryland church parking lot where it was torched. more lurid details of the gruesome details now emerging, and a source telling cnn the victims were bound with duct tape and signs of torture to the youngest victim. and meanwhile one of savopoulos' employees came with a package, cash. after the home was torched, one of the family housekeepers received a text from amy saying i am making sure you are not coming today. they believe money was a prime factor. >> the suspect is from maryland and last night authorities executed a search want on the last known address, and still they are asking the public for help to try and find him, carol. >> do police believe more than one suspect was at fault here? >> reporter: there has been some speculation and belief that there is another suspect, but so far we have not been given that name. there were suggestions that two individuals were involved carol. still to come in the "newsroom," miles of california beaches may be closed this memorial day weekend because of a massive oil spill. we will take you live to santa barbara next. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin pen technology from novo nordisk. levemir® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. we all eat foods that are acidic... most of the time people are shocked when we show them where they're getting the acid and what those acids can do to the enamel. there's only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, beaches may be closed this your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. california governor jerry brown, declareing a state of emergency over an oil spill off santa barbara's coast. it's feared up to 500 gallons of crude poured out of the pipeline, and some poured into the ocean and the rest is on the pristine beaches. the company that runs the pipeline says cleanup crews will work around the clock. we are joined with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol. it's blocked by palm trees but i am starting to seat first of the crews onshore and their task extremely difficult. let's give you a glimpse of what it's like when they get down and try to grab a hold of all of the tar now on the beach. this is the grueling work of khraep cleaning up a oil spill looks like, and they literally rake together seaweed and tar and put it in plastic bags. what also gets put into plastic bags anything else the oil has covered. if you look right there, those are palm tree tpraupbz. they are not just limited to where we are standing right now, and if you look off to a distance there's another cluster of workers with the rakes and the plastic bags trying to clean up the black misery on the beach. look at the seaweed right here. it's just all mixed in and every time even another little small wave comes in it seems that more of the tar balls and more of the oil comes washing ashore, and so they go ahead and they pick up another pile of seaweed with tar and put it in the plastic bag, and they are going to have to clean this beach up handful by handful. now back here live this beach closed as well as a beach down just the way, elcap atan. many had memorial day reservations and fish offshore and take a kayak trip and have a picnic and all those plans wrecked as the cleanup continues in santa barbara county carol. >> what do we know about the company that runs the pipeline? >> reporter: we know all american has been in the crosshairs of the epa and justice department before. in 2010 the company agreed to upgrade pipelines paying more than $40 million, and some of that in fines and this stemmed from ten spills in oklahoma texas, kansas and louisiana. and came out yesterday and was very apologetic and they are vowing to put 300 people on the scene today and out at sea to try and clean up this mess but locals very upset, especially activist anti-oil activist and the environmental defense says they are saddened by all of this and they are wondering why there was no automatic shutoff on the pipeline carol. >> thank you so much. still to come in the "newsroom," tense mow manies over the china sea after a u.s. military plane is warned to get out of the area, like now. >> aircraft you are approaching our military alert zone. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. ♪ getting older shouldn't mean giving up all the things she loves to do. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? 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(whistle) (yells) taxi!!!! ♪ where to? west 76th street. from us the orange juice growers to you the orange juice lovers. enjoy florida's natural. good morning. i am carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. a tense military showdown in the sky between the united states and china. cnn gets exclusive access to a top secret u.s. spy plane. our chief national security correspondent, jim scuitto, was on board one of the most advanced aircrafts when chinese military issues this warning. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. >> china's foreign minister says it's unclear whether that call was made to the same aircraft jim scuitto was aboard and that and seven others were on a surveillance flight and the goal to send a stern message to beijing the united states does not recognize the chinese buildup on the disputed islands in the south china sea. >> reporter: it's a standoff in the skies between china and the united states as beijing makes a massive and unprecedented land grab 600 miles from its coast. cnn got exclusive access to classified u.s. surveillance flights over the islands. the first time journalists have been allowed on an operational mission. >> just arrived on station now above the free islands that are the targets of today's mission. it's these three islands that have been the focus of china's building in the south china sea over recent years. >> reporter: in the recent years, they expanded. is there any doubt that is a future military installation? >> it appears to me a buildup of military infrastructure. >> for china, this territory is unnegotiable. and china depends the new islands closely, patrolling with coast guard and navy warships and ordering the pa out of the airspace eight times to this one mission alone. >> i am a united states military aircraft. i am operating with regard as requires under international law. >> chinese military sometimes shows it's frustration. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> the standoff is military to military, and civilian aircraft can be caught in the middle. you heard over the intercom chinese navy this is the chinese navy, and what was interesting, there was civilian aircraft and a delta flight and when it heard the challenge it piped in to say what is going on and the chinese navy reassuring them and the flight crew tells me that can be a nerve-racking experience for aircraft in the area. >> china says this territory is part of their history, claiming ownership back 2,000 years. many see economic and military motives as well, and the islands are rich in oil and gas deposits and they extend china's naval and air presence challenging the u.s. naval supremacy. >> some belief china's military buildup is meant to challenge the united states. our former cia director warns china's aggression could have global consequences including a war between the united states and china. >> you think war is a risk? >> yes, absolutely. >> war between the united states and china? >> yeah and that's not in our interests or their interests, and it's in our interests to work it out, but absolutely it's a risk. >> just this morning, china issued this response to that spy flight quote, china has undisputed territorial rights to the spratly islands and nearby waters, and china is entitled to conduct monitoring on relevant situations at sea and if air and prevent any accident. welcome, mr. ambassador. >> thank you, carol. >> do you agree that the dispute over these islands could come to a war between the united states and china? >> well as the admiral indicated, nobody wants that type of confrontation and it's not in china's interest or america's interest and what is more important, these islands are disputed by several countries, not just china and the philippines, but other countries, and china has disputes with japan in the north china sea as well, and we need to settle this diplomatically and peacefully without any further confrontation or any other actions that could inflame the situation such as the creation of what appears to be military bases and air trips on these islands. >> is that china's goal? >> well china, as you can see, is building a huge airfield there, and has many military-type ships there. they are essentially creating a military base and extending much further south from their border, which would make it possible for instance for china to assert more control over the other islands in dispute, and to challenge the fishing vessels or military ships or cargo ships from the other countries. >> what do you make of what happened aboard that u.s. spy plane that was flying over china with jim scuitto aboard? what do you make of that exchange? >> obviously china is trying to assert its authority and it declared this to be part of their air defense territory and basically warning all other military planes to give proper notice to stay away and of course as we heard from the broadcasts there was a commercial flight that was also involved, and you always have to be very very careful and concerned that a commercial flight might be affected and they might be confronted by military forces and so forth. >> and they are on a delta plane, and on the same frequency, and i don't know where the delta flight was in connection to the islands, and that's scary, if you are a delta pilot and flying and you hear a warning from the chinese navy to get out of the airspace. >> well there are military air zones created around all the different countries, including the united states and all the countries of the world, and typically commercial flights are exempt from having to receive permission to fly over these areas as long as they are recognized as a part of the military zone but away from the shoreline or the territory of a country. but when you have islands claimed by china so far out in the middle of the pacific, it could create a problem. as long as commercial flights are never affected we're okay. but how do you make sure that somebody on the ground does not confuse a commercial flight for a military flight and lead to some sort of confrontation? >> ambassador thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come in the "newsroom," saying good night and good-bye to a tv legend, next. we got the new tempur-flex and it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move it around. now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. when i flop down on the bed, and it's just like, 'ah, this is perfect." wherever you put your body it just supports you. like little support elfs are just holding you. i can sleep now! through the night! 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can you hear me? all right. we can't hear you, so we'll get our technical problems fixed and get right back to him. can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> you are back and you can hear me and life is good right now. okay. so we're talking about oregon's new program to kind of tax drivers based on the miles they drive. so how do you figure out how many miles people drive? >> well they all have a way to report those miles electronically from their car. so oregon will provide a device? >> no. the driver will get a device from the marketplace. odot oregon dot doesn't want anything to do with choosing devices. there's a lot of things out there that can do this. some of the things were built into the car already. let's let them decide how they want to report their miles. >> tell me how much it might cost me if i drive 100 miles per day. >> well the program starts out 1.5 cents per mile. so do the math. >> so not very much although i would suppose some people might object. let's say i drive a hybrid car or electric car and i don't use any gas. why should i be forced to for that when you could simply raise the gas tax and get money to fix the infrastructure. >> early on raising the gas tax or fuel tax makes sense to do it. not too much longer most of the cars are going to be very highly fuel efficient. there will be hybrids, hybrid electric -- plug-in hybrids and tropical storm. knot those cars don't use much fuel if any, so they won't pay for the roads. as we get more of those cars into the system all of a sudden the road funding starts to crumble and roads also start to crumble. >> so will your plan go into effect or is it just in the planning stages? >> well on july 1st we're going to have a program that's in effect for 5,000 volunteers. this is the big test to make sure it works perfectly before legislature might consider adding a group of mandating taxpayers at a different time. >> jim whity with the oregon department of transportation thanks so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. still to come in the newsroom isis taking control on two key front. look at why latest advances are so concerning for the united states. across america people, like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face lips, tongue or throat fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. air force base on sunday. a total of 22 marines were on board. investigators still trying to figure out what caused this crash. the gyrocopter pilot who landed an aircraft on the lawn of capital is heading to court. douglas expected to be arraigned on six charges. last moment he flew his aircraft on the capital lawn to protest big money in politics. the landing created an uproar over security concerns. hughes could spend more than nine years in prison if he's convicted on all counts. the next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts now. happening now in the newsroom isis making major advances on two front, seizing control of ramadi and now an ancient city in syria. plus more than 100,000 gallons of crude oil release freddie a ruptured pipeline off the california coast. dozens of workers wearing protective gear trying to clean the spill up and raking those car balls off the beach. the end of a late nighter ra. david letterman after 20 years. a writer from the beginning stairs his experience. let's talk. live in the "cnn newsroom." good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. another victory for isis as the new city falls to the terror group and washington admits it's at a loss to try to save the syrian city of palmyra. isis fighters going door to door hunting down

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150521 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello 20150521

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the first line rehearsed. the time for "newsroom," and see, it's kind of like a car. >> gilbert, say my name for god sake's! >> she won't start until you say her name. >> it's time for news with the room -- >> all right! all right! we all get it. thank you, gilbert. >> she can't start unless i say her name? >> she can start. happening now in the "newsroom," days after isis takes a key city in iraq the terror group storms syria's ancient city of palmyra, and isis is everywhere and fears ancient ruins are the next target. this is the chinese navy and you are approaching our military alert zone. >> a showdown in the skies, and chinese navy warning the u.s. to stop. only cnn is there. plus a family tortured and killed and their home set on fire. a d.c. murder mystery and now a suspect thanks to a pizza delivery. let's talk live in the cnn "newsroom." good morning. i am carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. an ancient city falls and a new enemy enemy surges and today residents tell us that isis fighters are going door to door hunting down government soldiers and likely next in the crosshairs irreplaceable antique wau tease. we have seen how isis deals with anything it deems a false idol. >> we are deeply concerned about isil's attacks on the syrian city which holds the ruins of paul meira. there are different reports of what is happening there, so it's hard for us to nail down exactly what is happening on the ground so this is something we are following and we are concerned about it obviously, and it has been caught in the cross fire about sometime, and we will speak about it and beyond that i am not sure what more can be done. >> this as the plan takes shape across the border in iraq. the u.s. scrambling to deliver 1,000 anti-tank rockets to the iraqi troops and it's a counter offensive to the isis wave of car bombs that brought down the city. we have a lot to cover for you. we are just hearing about isis seizing control of a gas field. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah that's right, at least according to a video that they did post to youtube claiming to have taken over some small oil installations, and in the grander scheme of thing, it's much more significant seizure of the historic city and then the capture of the capital of ramadi of al embar province. the iraqi government is right now trying to scramble capable fighting units to those various front lines, but it does not have that many at its dispose annual and we are seeing a converted effort on the way to try and push out more of the paramilitary iranian-backed units, and it's also highly controversial, and the government saying it will begin an intense campaign to try and arm up the sunni tribes and the u.s. also saying it will be expediting weapons shipments to iraq and all 6of this has to happen immediately, otherwise we could see more territory falling to isis. we spoke to a senior iraqi commander at a base in an area located right between ramadi and falluja, both of which are under isis control. it's from there that various units have been pushed out to establish definitive front lines and insure a firmer group on the little territory that the iraqi government does still control, and arm anbar province while waiting for the enforcements to arrive. the vast majority will tell you they are not surprised with the fall of ramadi, and officials have been calling for additional support as far back as november and the iraqi government did not respond to that and neither did the u.s.-led coalition to any significant degree and they are warning if the situation right now is not dealt with immediately, then isis would have full control over the province and truly pose a serious threat to the capital of baghdad. >> all right. the people who live in ramadi are desperate. do they stay or try to get into neighboring baghdad? if they leave they can be turned away and if they stay they can be put to death if they do not pledge their allegiance to isis. i am joined by our guests. colonel, i want to start with you, you heard that america is watching what isis does in syria and beyond that she cannot be sure what could be done. does that inspire you as a soldier? >> no i am disappointed our leadership would say that. as americans, we have the ability to find solutions to uncertainty. i don't buy that. i am disappointed and i think our jobs as americans, it's our job to amaze the world and find a solution. >> humanitarian workers are fleeing ramadi and syria and yemen, and i want to focus on the civilians fleeing in iraq. are they asking for more help from the united states? >> you know right now the humanitarian agencies are doing everything they can to help the people who have fled from ramadi terrified for their life, and our problem is stocks are running out and in two weeks we will not have emergency kits that we can provide people, and within the next few weeks the food pipeline breaks. we are desperate for international assistance. i think all of us know this is the time to stand with the iraqi people and to be generous and help the humanitarian operation so we can help the people being victimized by isil. >> to say these people have been through hell would be an underestimate, and they used car bombs twice the size used in the oklahoma city bombing, and i want to take you back in time to oklahoma city. this kind of bomb can wipe out city blocks, and that's what they did in ramadi. they killed 168 people. do we have those pictures from oklahoma city. we will put that up so you can see the damage these things can do. the united states wants to send 1,000 anti-tank rockets. will that work? >> it will help. it is not going to stop the war just like that because we have 1,000 anti-tank rounds and it will help and the iraqis have to be trained on it and it gives them a weapon and it's very effective against vehicles and it will help, but that's about it. >> so it will help but that's about it. what will it take colonel, to combat this? >> we have been talking about this for weeks. there is just not one single solution to this problem. there is a diplomatic, and there is a military and economic aspect to this here. we are very focused on the military side because we have u.s. soldiers on the ground there trying to assist the iraqis and the iraqis are fighting for their lives right now and there's a huge diplomatic aspect and a regional aspect. and general mcchrystal was on a few hours ago talking about setting up teams. this is where it goes back and americans, it's our time to start helping and amazing folks and to put together a plan in the region to move this along, and if we can't do that, we might as well pick up and come home and leave it for others to deal with. >> it does terrible things to the psychy of those in ramadi, and the iraqi military who has dealt with this for years and years and years. if you could describe to us what these kinds of bombings do to peoples' psyche and why they might flee? >> when isil comes into areas, they use the tactics that terrorize people, and therefore they don't have to have so many soldiers when they enter a town and what they do is they do a few of the bruteal attacks, and they run as fast as they can to safety. people were just terrified about what would happen to them if they stayed. they didn't stay. they ran as fast as they could trying to get to safe haven >> we will have to leave it there. thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. still to come police make major progress in the case of a d.c. family tortured and killed. it could all come down to a pizza crust. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] he doesn't need your help. until he does. three cylinders, 50 horsepower. go bold. go powerful. go gator. >>who... is this?! >>hi, i am heinz new mustard. hi na na na na >>she's just jealous because you have better taste. whatever. >>hey. keep your chin up. for years, heinz ketchup has been with the wrong mustard. well, not anymore. introducing heinz new better tasting yellow mustard. mmm! why do we do it? 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>> reporter: there has been some speculation and belief that there is another suspect, but so far we have not been given that name. there were suggestions that two individuals were involved carol. still to come in the "newsroom," miles of california beaches may be closed this memorial day weekend because of a massive oil spill. we will take you live to santa barbara next. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting levemir®. as my diabetes changed it got harder to control my blood sugar. today, i'm asking about levemir®. vo: levemir® is an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. and levemir® helps lower your a1c. levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. that's 50% longer than lantus® which lasts 28 days. levemir® comes in flextouch® the latest in insulin pen technology from novo nordisk. levemir® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. we all eat foods that are acidic... most of the time people are shocked when we show them where they're getting the acid and what those acids can do to the enamel. there's only so much enamel on a tooth, and everybody needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. i recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. we want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life and by using pronamel every day, beaches may be closed this your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. california governor jerry brown, declareing a state of emergency over an oil spill off santa barbara's coast. it's feared up to 500 gallons of crude poured out of the pipeline, and some poured into the ocean and the rest is on the pristine beaches. the company that runs the pipeline says cleanup crews will work around the clock. we are joined with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carol. it's blocked by palm trees but i am starting to seat first of the crews onshore and their task extremely difficult. let's give you a glimpse of what it's like when they get down and try to grab a hold of all of the tar now on the beach. this is the grueling work of khraep cleaning up a oil spill looks like, and they literally rake together seaweed and tar and put it in plastic bags. what also gets put into plastic bags anything else the oil has covered. if you look right there, those are palm tree tpraupbz. they are not just limited to where we are standing right now, and if you look off to a distance there's another cluster of workers with the rakes and the plastic bags trying to clean up the black misery on the beach. look at the seaweed right here. it's just all mixed in and every time even another little small wave comes in it seems that more of the tar balls and more of the oil comes washing ashore, and so they go ahead and they pick up another pile of seaweed with tar and put it in the plastic bag, and they are going to have to clean this beach up handful by handful. now back here live this beach closed as well as a beach down just the way, elcap atan. many had memorial day reservations and fish offshore and take a kayak trip and have a picnic and all those plans wrecked as the cleanup continues in santa barbara county carol. >> what do we know about the company that runs the pipeline? >> reporter: we know all american has been in the crosshairs of the epa and justice department before. in 2010 the company agreed to upgrade pipelines paying more than $40 million, and some of that in fines and this stemmed from ten spills in oklahoma texas, kansas and louisiana. and came out yesterday and was very apologetic and they are vowing to put 300 people on the scene today and out at sea to try and clean up this mess but locals very upset, especially activist anti-oil activist and the environmental defense says they are saddened by all of this and they are wondering why there was no automatic shutoff on the pipeline carol. >> thank you so much. still to come in the "newsroom," tense mow manies over the china sea after a u.s. military plane is warned to get out of the area, like now. >> aircraft you are approaching our military alert zone. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. ♪ getting older shouldn't mean giving up all the things she loves to do. it should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. oh, that smells so good. aw, and it tastes good, too. we can provide the right care, right at home. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? 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(whistle) (yells) taxi!!!! ♪ where to? west 76th street. from us the orange juice growers to you the orange juice lovers. enjoy florida's natural. good morning. i am carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. a tense military showdown in the sky between the united states and china. cnn gets exclusive access to a top secret u.s. spy plane. our chief national security correspondent, jim scuitto, was on board one of the most advanced aircrafts when chinese military issues this warning. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. >> china's foreign minister says it's unclear whether that call was made to the same aircraft jim scuitto was aboard and that and seven others were on a surveillance flight and the goal to send a stern message to beijing the united states does not recognize the chinese buildup on the disputed islands in the south china sea. >> reporter: it's a standoff in the skies between china and the united states as beijing makes a massive and unprecedented land grab 600 miles from its coast. cnn got exclusive access to classified u.s. surveillance flights over the islands. the first time journalists have been allowed on an operational mission. >> just arrived on station now above the free islands that are the targets of today's mission. it's these three islands that have been the focus of china's building in the south china sea over recent years. >> reporter: in the recent years, they expanded. is there any doubt that is a future military installation? >> it appears to me a buildup of military infrastructure. >> for china, this territory is unnegotiable. and china depends the new islands closely, patrolling with coast guard and navy warships and ordering the pa out of the airspace eight times to this one mission alone. >> i am a united states military aircraft. i am operating with regard as requires under international law. >> chinese military sometimes shows it's frustration. >> foreign military aircraft. this is chinese navy. you are approaching our military alert zone. leave immediately. >> the standoff is military to military, and civilian aircraft can be caught in the middle. you heard over the intercom chinese navy this is the chinese navy, and what was interesting, there was civilian aircraft and a delta flight and when it heard the challenge it piped in to say what is going on and the chinese navy reassuring them and the flight crew tells me that can be a nerve-racking experience for aircraft in the area. >> china says this territory is part of their history, claiming ownership back 2,000 years. many see economic and military motives as well, and the islands are rich in oil and gas deposits and they extend china's naval and air presence challenging the u.s. naval supremacy. >> some belief china's military buildup is meant to challenge the united states. our former cia director warns china's aggression could have global consequences including a war between the united states and china. >> you think war is a risk? >> yes, absolutely. >> war between the united states and china? >> yeah and that's not in our interests or their interests, and it's in our interests to work it out, but absolutely it's a risk. >> just this morning, china issued this response to that spy flight quote, china has undisputed territorial rights to the spratly islands and nearby waters, and china is entitled to conduct monitoring on relevant situations at sea and if air and prevent any accident. welcome, mr. ambassador. >> thank you, carol. >> do you agree that the dispute over these islands could come to a war between the united states and china? >> well as the admiral indicated, nobody wants that type of confrontation and it's not in china's interest or america's interest and what is more important, these islands are disputed by several countries, not just china and the philippines, but other countries, and china has disputes with japan in the north china sea as well, and we need to settle this diplomatically and peacefully without any further confrontation or any other actions that could inflame the situation such as the creation of what appears to be military bases and air trips on these islands. >> is that china's goal? >> well china, as you can see, is building a huge airfield there, and has many military-type ships there. they are essentially creating a military base and extending much further south from their border, which would make it possible for instance for china to assert more control over the other islands in dispute, and to challenge the fishing vessels or military ships or cargo ships from the other countries. >> what do you make of what happened aboard that u.s. spy plane that was flying over china with jim scuitto aboard? what do you make of that exchange? >> obviously china is trying to assert its authority and it declared this to be part of their air defense territory and basically warning all other military planes to give proper notice to stay away and of course as we heard from the broadcasts there was a commercial flight that was also involved, and you always have to be very very careful and concerned that a commercial flight might be affected and they might be confronted by military forces and so forth. >> and they are on a delta plane, and on the same frequency, and i don't know where the delta flight was in connection to the islands, and that's scary, if you are a delta pilot and flying and you hear a warning from the chinese navy to get out of the airspace. >> well there are military air zones created around all the different countries, including the united states and all the countries of the world, and typically commercial flights are exempt from having to receive permission to fly over these areas as long as they are recognized as a part of the military zone but away from the shoreline or the territory of a country. but when you have islands claimed by china so far out in the middle of the pacific, it could create a problem. as long as commercial flights are never affected we're okay. but how do you make sure that somebody on the ground does not confuse a commercial flight for a military flight and lead to some sort of confrontation? >> ambassador thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come in the "newsroom," saying good night and good-bye to a tv legend, next. we got the new tempur-flex and it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move it around. now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. when i flop down on the bed, and it's just like, 'ah, this is perfect." wherever you put your body it just supports you. like little support elfs are just holding you. i can sleep now! through the night! 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can you hear me? all right. we can't hear you, so we'll get our technical problems fixed and get right back to him. can you hear me? >> yes, i can. >> you are back and you can hear me and life is good right now. okay. so we're talking about oregon's new program to kind of tax drivers based on the miles they drive. so how do you figure out how many miles people drive? >> well they all have a way to report those miles electronically from their car. so oregon will provide a device? >> no. the driver will get a device from the marketplace. odot oregon dot doesn't want anything to do with choosing devices. there's a lot of things out there that can do this. some of the things were built into the car already. let's let them decide how they want to report their miles. >> tell me how much it might cost me if i drive 100 miles per day. >> well the program starts out 1.5 cents per mile. so do the math. >> so not very much although i would suppose some people might object. let's say i drive a hybrid car or electric car and i don't use any gas. why should i be forced to for that when you could simply raise the gas tax and get money to fix the infrastructure. >> early on raising the gas tax or fuel tax makes sense to do it. not too much longer most of the cars are going to be very highly fuel efficient. there will be hybrids, hybrid electric -- plug-in hybrids and tropical storm. knot those cars don't use much fuel if any, so they won't pay for the roads. as we get more of those cars into the system all of a sudden the road funding starts to crumble and roads also start to crumble. >> so will your plan go into effect or is it just in the planning stages? >> well on july 1st we're going to have a program that's in effect for 5,000 volunteers. this is the big test to make sure it works perfectly before legislature might consider adding a group of mandating taxpayers at a different time. >> jim whity with the oregon department of transportation thanks so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. still to come in the newsroom isis taking control on two key front. look at why latest advances are so concerning for the united states. across america people, like basketball hall of famer dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills and comes in a pen. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. and the needle is thin. victoza is not for weight loss but it may help you lose some weight. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face lips, tongue or throat fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. air force base on sunday. a total of 22 marines were on board. investigators still trying to figure out what caused this crash. the gyrocopter pilot who landed an aircraft on the lawn of capital is heading to court. douglas expected to be arraigned on six charges. last moment he flew his aircraft on the capital lawn to protest big money in politics. the landing created an uproar over security concerns. hughes could spend more than nine years in prison if he's convicted on all counts. the next hour of "cnn newsroom" starts now. happening now in the newsroom isis making major advances on two front, seizing control of ramadi and now an ancient city in syria. plus more than 100,000 gallons of crude oil release freddie a ruptured pipeline off the california coast. dozens of workers wearing protective gear trying to clean the spill up and raking those car balls off the beach. the end of a late nighter ra. david letterman after 20 years. a writer from the beginning stairs his experience. let's talk. live in the "cnn newsroom." good morning. i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. another victory for isis as the new city falls to the terror group and washington admits it's at a loss to try to save the syrian city of palmyra. isis fighters going door to door hunting down

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