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First place . Our rosa flores live from honduras this morning. How are you feeling, tracy . You look great. Thank you. You look great, man. Tracy morgan speaking out for the First Time Since that horrible accident. Thank you. Thank you so much. How long will his recovery be . And drugged. Pills to go to sleep, pills to play, pills to play at halftime. Pills after the game. Former detroit player on pills in the nfl did the nfl illegally give them pills to play . I was out of the locker room, on the streets, with my family, im still in pain. Lets talk, live in the cnn newsroom. Good morning, im carol costello. Thank you so much for joining me. We begin this hour in the middle east, where a ceasefire plan couldnt even survive the night. Just six hours after israel send the deal, it abandoned the plan by launching these new air strikes on gaza. Hamas militants there had scoffed at the ceasefire from the beginning and overnight, they fired more than 40 rockets into israel. I cannot condemn strongly enough the actions of hamas in so brazenly firing rockets in multiple numbers in the face of a good will effort to offer a ceasefire in which egypt and he is israel join together and the community strongly supports the ceasefire, the need, the compelling need to have a ceasefire. The region may be inching toward allout war. Israeli troops are massed along gazas border around Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau says a much larger offensive grows more likely. Cnns wolf blitzer is live in israel this morning. Wolf, save to say the ceasefire proposal is an absolute nogo at this point . Well, certainly, the israelis accepted it. Obviously, egypt put forward most of the most of the arab countries through the arab league were accepting it. The Palestinian Authority on the west bank, led by president mahmoud abbas, they welcomed it. Hamas reject it had right from the beginning, both the political wing of hamas, the military wing of hamas, they both ridiculed it, said it was a nonstarter. One hamas spokesman telling me it was a joke, so, they rejected it, but didnt only reject it in terms of their statements but rejected it for six hours or so firing a bunch of rockets into israel. So, after about six hours, the israeli government, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyau, the ceasefire, kept up by the israelis was over, now israel has resumed its military operations in gaza. So for all practical purposes that ceasefire is now gone. Unless they can revive it, back to where we were at the beginning although i Israeli Military operations will be stepped up further as we go along right now. About an hour before the israelis resume their military operations, i spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus spokesman. Listen to what he said about hamas. Hamas itself has said some problem mattek statements but lets be clear here, hamas runs the gaza strip and its not a democracy there in gaza. They rule the strip with an iron fist if they want to stop rockets being fired, they can do it. So far, they have done not enough. The first wave of undocumented immigrants sent back to Central America and this is on the beginning of those deportation. The group of 40, including women, teenagers and babies, left new mexico on a chartered flight back to san pedro soul la, honduras, a city known as the worlds murder capital. The newly returned immigrants processed by hon duran officials and sent on their way. Cnn following these my grant journey to and from the United States. Gary tuchman in southern mexico where the dangerous journey begins. We begin with rosa flores in honduras where the dream ends for these families. We are if he Migrant Center in honduras where all deet porties arrive by plane. Take a look, the center that you see is right next to the airport. Here with the first lady of honduras. A lot of politicians are saying all the kids to be returned to be returned to honduras. Is that the situation . She is saying there is no simple solution no simple answer, it has to be a collaboration between the u. S. And all the Central American countries to solve this issue, that its not going to be solved overnight. We have been standing by this barricade about an hour and a half and the flow of people has been interesting because only pastors have been allowed in, psychologists have been allowed in, now we have only seen three women come out of this building. One clue a woman may have been a deportee, her shoes didnt have shoelaces. Authorities remove those shoelaces. I talked to her briefly, she didnt want to talk us to on camera but she said she was ready to take a shower, get home and put this behind her. The processing of these 18 families took hours. The barricades that you see behind me, they never came down, we never got access to the actual processing center. Until we actually saw the kids walk out with their mothers, get on this bus. Now the kids received balloons and other goodies, got on this bus and now, they are headed back into the communities that they left in the first place, those very same communities that we keep on hearing with filled with poverty and violence. Now, we were able to meet up with one of the women. That was in that bus. And she was there with her daughter and she tells us that it was a very difficult journey. Her eyes were swollen. The little girl explained the trek, how difficult that voyage was, how they slept out in the forest, how they saw monkeys and snakes i and how it was difficult for them to get to the United States and when they got there, only to be sent back. Carol . Does that mean they will not try again . You know, that particular family, skid the woman, she said i just want the best thing for my daughter. I want her to have a chance. She wants her daughter to get an education. And so a lot of these families kind of leave leave it in the gray, if you will. They dont exactly answer the question. And some of them do some of them say we dont have another option, wither gonna try again. Rosa flores live from honduras this morning. Whatever danger they now face, their flight home was likely the safest part of a very long and very dangerous journey into the United States. A journey that some may try to repeat. Gary tuchman has been on that road north for days now. He joins us right where it gets really ugly. Reporter this is the southern mexican border, we have explained for people who want to illegally cross into the United States, going from guatemala to mexico is relatively easy but this is where the Serious Business starts, you walk down these dusty streets, the illegal immigration business is very open. As a matter of fact, look at this explicit sign. It says in spanish, welcome to the coyote pass. Coyotes are the human smugglers. And this is where people come to find human smugglers to get to the United States border. There are people up there, when we looked at them, saw we had cameras, many of them scattered. Passenger vans that snake through the border areas are all part of the equation. These vans are often very crowded, that is one is, also very hot, no air conditioning. Mostly commuters going to the city about an hour drive, a bigger city in the southern portion of mexico, often undocumented migrants are on this bus, go to chop actu they to get up north. Most often they cant afford these advance and they have to figure out how to get to chop tool la to get to this city. We found a man who wants to get to the United States but didnt have enough money to get on this van. This is luis moreno, 33, doesnt speak english. Talking to him, a man from guatemala in mexico, wants to go to the United States and as a matter of fact, he has been there. He has been caught three times by authorities, sent back to guatema guatemala. He has been caught five times in the nation of mexico, not the border, other cities. Four of the times on the beast, the train, so many people get hurt. He says riding on top of the train, tied down he wouldnt fall off, caught four times on the train, one time on a bus. So in eight times, he has been sent back to guatemala, but he still says he is ready to go back. Translator i want to go to the u. S. And work and help out my family. I cant do it where im from. Reporter one of the places people come here in chop actual virginia this Catholic Church and clinic, but this is when youre seriously hurt or seriously sick. For example, this man right here, you could see his foot. He was in the United States, got kicked out, came back to mexico and then got hit by a car while crossing. Really messed up his ankle. He says he still wants to go back to the United States but he wont be able to walk for the mention couple of weeks. Also this gentleman right here and you can see that he is missing his leg. He was also in an accident. This baby was born here six days ago. And this woman right here, this is malitsa. She is 20 years old. She is the sister of the baby. And this is her daughter, her mothers here, too. Her mother gave birth to the baby. But they have come from honduras. They hope to get to the United States someday. Thats what she just told me. Right here, they are here for the medical care of the baby being born, also some food and hoping to get some good shelter for the next few days before they continue. The journey to the United States is long and dangerous, success is anything but assured. Gary tuchman, cnn. As early as today, two texas lawmakers hope to introduce a bill that could make it easier to deport undocumented children. Right now the 2008 law requires unaccompanied minors to show up at the border who have a deportation hearing except if they are from mexico or canada. Republican senator john cornyn and democratic representative, henry cuellar, want to get rid of that hearing, except in certain cases. We are trying to find a solution and we are trying to roll up our sleeves and basically, you know, how do we stem the wave of humanity thats coming over to the u. S. And how do we make sure that we treat the kids with care, but at the same time, stem this wave coming in . We want to make sure all these all unaccompanied children are treated exactly the same, the children from Central America are treated the same way as kids coming over from mexico and canada, make sure if they do have a colorable claim to some immigration relief, say asylum, the victim of human trafficking, they have the opportunity if they wanted to present that to a judge, an immigration judge on a timely basis. Ahead in the newsroom, i will talk with representative cuellar about the bill he is proposing. Thats about 90 minutes from now, right here in the newsroom. As you might expect that bill has an uphill battle in both the house and the senate. In 12 days, lawmakers go on vacation. We will talk about all that with representative cuellar in the next hour of newsroom. But first, violence rages in the middle east after a cease falls apart in just hours. Are the two sides nearing war . I will talk with former state Department Official to get his thoughts. 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Im joined by a former secretary of state under george w. Bush, a former u. S. Ambassador to israel. Welcome, sir. Good to be with you. Nice to be here. Why didnt hamas accept this ceasefire deal . I think theres a serious risk within hamas with the militant military wing, they reject it had publicly, the ceasefire proposal. The political leadership, their spokesmen said the ceasefire proposal is still under consideration. I dont think it is a definitive rejection of a ceasefire because of the inner conflicts within hamas itself. Urge interesting. Still, hamas is still firing rockets into israel and his real has every right to defend itself f this continues, will israel have the ledge jet massey to go into gaza with Ground Troops . Well, thats difficult question to answer. The point is thats i real, as you know under former Prime Minister, ariel sharon, unilaterally withdrew from gaza, considered gaza to be an incredible burden of occupation and a replete with all the problems of having hamas there. They withdrew unilaterallism i do not think there is a real Strong Political will for the israelis to go in again. That is the last option, to go in militarily and to try to defeat and destroy hamas, certainly all of its military capabilities, but that would involve untold cash shouldnt test. It would involve a Great International uproar and so, thats the last option israel would want to use. But it is poised, as you know, carol, they have at least 40 to 50,000 israeli reservists that have been called up and that is the last option that Prime Minister netanyahu has in his pocket. I ask you that question because some feel that this is the time. You mentioned the split in hamas leadership. So, why not go in and take care of hamas once and for all . You know, we have seen this film before. 2008, 2012. Going in in a fullscale military Ground Invasion into gaza is replete with political consequences. And many of them could be negative. Its not its not a decision to be taken easily. I think what the israelis want is some sort of tenuous guarantees that after they have reduced, to some extent, hamas military capabilities the last week, their military coordinator made a statement that israelis have achieved some serious damage or hamas military capabilities during the last week to ten days. What they want san extended period of calm. They want to maintain the status quo. In other words, a ceasefire, calm, without having to go into gaza militarily on the ground and to really maintain the status quo on the west bank also. My personal view on this is that this is a shortterm tactical strategy, but in the long term, we are going to see this repeated and one day, it is going to get out of control, with devastating consequences for all sides, the israelis, the israelis and the international community. So the u. S. Secretary was about to go into the region to try to broker some sort of ceasefire, he changed his mind and sort of left it up to egypt. Was that the right move . Well, i think he thought, probably secretary kerry thought that the egyptians had made some Real Progress on getting the parties together to discuss to agree to a ceasefire in the beginning and this ento discuss the terms. As it turned out, that was not the case. So, he may very well reconsider his trip, but let me make one point, carl, before all of this happened, in april, secretary kerrys very sustained initiative to get the israelis and palestinians, netanyahu and abu massen to come to a peace agreement, just floundered and ended, unfortunately, in failure. When there is no hope for a piece peace agreement, and we have seen this consistently in recent middle east hist history, when theres no hope, bad things happen. After that we had the kidnapping of the three israelis and their murderer and the murder of the Young Palestinian boy. Then we had israel did some military activities against hamas target necessary the west bank. Hamas started lobbying its rockets, lobbing its rockets against israel and the whole situation escalated. That is sort of the immediate context where were at, but this is not sustainable in the long run. If all thats going to happen, and i hope what happens is a ceasefire, we have to get onto a longterm solution to the problem, which is really, as improbable as it seems, an Israeli Palestinian peace agreement. It does sound impossible, but i hope theres i dont know hope springs eternal, right . I dont know though. Mr. Ambassador its not impossible, but its its not impossible, but its the only longterm solution and if there is if we dont have that, we are going to continue to see this film replayed and replayed. Mr. Ambassador, thanks for your insight. I appreciate it. Still to come in the newsroom, the secret life of an alleged highpriced escort, the woman suspected in the death of a google executive describes herself as a model who loves poetry and monkeys. Friends say she was a drug addict and on a dangerous downward spiral. [ male announcer ] if you cant stand the heat, get off the test track. 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The porter was so incredibly. Careful. Careless. With our bags. And the room they gave us it was. Beautiful. A broom closet. But the best part but the worst part was the shower. My wife drying herself with the. Egyptian cotton towels. Shower curtain. Defined that whole vacation for her. Dont just visit new york. Visit tripadvisor new york. [ male announcer ] with millions of reviews, a visit to tripadvisor makes any destination better. The secret life of an alleged highpriced escort, drug addict and killer. Until now, not much has been known about alix tichelman, but former friends and online profiles are offering a glimpse into the world of a woman whos been linked to two fatal heroin overdoses, including a google executive found dead on his luxury yacht. Cnns dan simon has more for you. It is my understanding that reporter years before she wound up in this courtroom, charged in the heroin overdose of google executive, forest hayes, alex tichelman, model and call girl, was already showing a pattern of selfdestructive behavior. She clearly was like way gone in her addiction. Reporter mariah amario shared a house with her in san francisco. It was 2010 and tichelman, she says, was working as an exotic dancer and abusing drugs. According to authorities, tichelman met hayes through the website, seeking arrangement. Com and she says her former roommate has long used the internet to meet potential male clients. She tell you why she did it . For the money, lots of money, she said she said they would pick her up and take her on dates and buy her things and give her money. Skied her if she had to sleep with them, i was curious, she said she never did thats not what they all say. Reporter according to her social media profile, tichelman studied journalism at Georgia State university but never graduate. Her father, bart tichelman, is the ceo of sinapsense, a California Technology company but she was living a very different life, into prostitution. The 26yearold had once claimed to be a Makeup Artist and posted this video on youtube. Its gonna take a little bit on a fluffy brush. Reporter as we know, authorities are investigating whether she played a role in a second death this one outside of atlanta, where tichelmans thenboyfriend, dean wry ya pell, also died of a heroin overdose. It was ruled accidental, but authorities are reopening the investigation. Dean hated smoking. He hated drinking. He and he most certainly hated drugs. I he was a man that was, you know exskeptical to even taking aspirin, let alone heroin. So do i believe that dean inn jekted himself with heroin . Absolutely not. Reporter thats wry yo pells former livein nanny who says she left her job because of tichelmans drug use and frequent outbursts. I really, truly believe that alix may have something to do with this and very happy they have reopened this investigation. Reporter no word yet from tichelmans public defender. She will next be in court on wednesday where she will be arraigned on numerous charges, the most serious, of course, felony manslaughter. Dan simon, cnn, san francisco. Still to come in the newsroom, the first wave of Illegal Immigrants deported from the United States, but will this help bridge the gap between lawmakers who think president obama suspect tough enough on immigration . We will talk about that next. So nice, so nice sweet, sweet, st. Thomas nice so nice, so nice st. Croix full of pure vibes so nice, so nice st. 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Happening right now, gonna take you out to arizona, protesters are beginning to line the street in oracle, arizona. They do not want undocumented immigrants in their town. They are planning to block buses in about an hour. They believe these buses will be carrying between 40 and 60 Migrant Children to a boys ranch called Sycamore Canyon academy and Sycamore Canyon academy has already agreed to take those children in. But as you can see, these protesters do not want the children to arrive at that academy. Word got out from the local sheriff via facebook that the children would be going there but federal officials are being mum, citing security concerns, counterprotests expected. We will keep an eyen at situation and bring you events as they warrant. Iowas republican governor also jumping into this hotbunt issue over what to do with Migrant Children from Central America. Governor terry brand says he doesnt want them dropped off in his state either. Well, im not aware of any. And theres been no contact from the federal government to the state of iowa about housing children here. I do have empathy for these kids, and i want to make but i also dont want to send the signal that send your kids to america illegally. My next guest says House Republicans need to get their act together to help resolve this crisis. Clarissa martinez decastro is with the National Council of la raza, oversees work on immigration and efforts to expand latino engagements in civic life and Public Policy debates. Welcome. Hi, carl. Hi. Glad youre here. Not just republicans. Colorados democratic governor says his state cant afford to deal with any more problems. Shouldnt most of these kids be sent home . Well, heres the you just covered in cnn, the fact that people are starting to be sent home. So what i find fascinating is that we have members of congress who have blocked every step of the way fixing our immigration system and when the problem festers, they rail against it. Now they are using this situation, the reason of which are different, to bring more of that agenda, what we have here is a constant talk about people pouring over the border, but they are not. People are being apprehended. And the government is following the law by housing these children until they go through the process that we are required by law to follow. So, these packs of angry people yelling at scared kids, frankly, i think has Many Americans appalled. We need to make sure that the process is followed and those who have a credible fear or have been trafficked, that we follow standards not only our country has but internationally. And you said there are underlying reasons these people are doing it politicians are doing it, what is that underlying reason . Theres a couple of things happening, looking at the situation in honduras, where most people are coming from, i think the United States has said this is the murder capital of the world. Other countries are experiencing this. This is not a phenomenon of people coming to the United States. It is a phenomenon of people trying to flee very violent environment. It doesnt necessarily mean that we can take everybody, but thats why theres a law on the books that allows people to go through a process. Unfortunately, and you mentioned mr. Cornyn, who seems to never have found a reason to vote against an immigration solution, is now jumping in the fray with legislation that i think mostly will deal with bringing more enforcement to the border, even though as the border chief has said, people are being apprehended. They are not breaking through. They are being apprehended. Well, i think the idea here, and there is theres this bipartisan plan that lawmakers are supposed to introduce in either the house or the senate today, we dont know exactly, but ill ask the congressman in the next hour of newsroom, but its supposed to speed up the process, so if the kids need a hearing, this he will gey will hearing in three days. Of course that takes money, that takes judgessome that a good idea . Is that possible . One of the reasons why our immigration courts is so backlogged is because we havent devoted any resources to improve that part of the system or frankly, to improve legal immigration, which is whats created an Incredible Opportunity for smugglers. Unfortunately, i have to see all the details of this legislation, but im not sure that it actually provides the resources needed to do that. And what we are concerned about, you saw it today, people are going through the process, some people are already being sent back. So the notion you need to take away a law that allow american to catch up with the rest of the world on how we treat children, that we need to take that away in order to deal with the situation concerns me, frankly. Senator feinstein, who was very served in that legislation, said that changing the law is not necessary. We are seeing the proof of that. People are going through the process and some of them were flown back just as you covered this morning. Clarissa martinez decastro, thank you so much for insight. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I will be right back. Ben well, that was close you aint lying let quicken loans help you save your money. With a mortgage thats engineered to amaze when salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold hes a selling machine put it there. And there, and there, and there. La quinta inns suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only a laquinta. Com la quinta keep players on the field at all costs and the money flowing n the nfl coming up under new scrutiny for how teams treat injuries a source says the dea is now looking into claims that trainers and doctors illegally happened out powerful painkillers without telling players of the risks. Former nfl player, jd hill, and cnn sports sports star, andy schultz joins me now. I want to start with you. Welcome, jd, start here. Andy, explain exactly what the dea is investigating. This is coming on the heels of Class Action Lawsuit that was filed by about 1300 former players, where they say they were just given painkillers left and right, left and right, werent informed about any of the risks, just to keep them playinging on the field. A member of the 85 bears, richard dent, said he played half a season with a broken foot, now he has nerve damage with that foot. Jim mcmahon, the quarterback from that team, said he got hooked on painkillers, taking 100 perk 1 hu100 percosets a month. That is incredible. They want to look at how they were getting the prescription drugs and whether or not they were being legally distributed to all the players. You mentioned that lawsuit. Jd hill is also part of that suit. Jd, you told me before you were given many, many painkillers, did you ever who gave you these painkillers . Were they doctors, were they trainers . Well, carol and andy, we to would get injured and get painkillers from doctors, get painkillers from the trainers, just go in and say you have youre in pain, an injury that you had sustained and so they would give you painkillers, not even telling you the side effects or what it was. There was no prescription that was given to you. And so, being an athlete, trusting the trainers, trust the doctor it is, they recommended something and we would take it. How many pills do you think pain killers did you taken over the course of your career . You know, i have never actually counted them, but i know that i had painkillers i had painkillers the night before the game. I had pain kimmers the day of the game. I had painkillers at halftime. I had painkillers after the game. And here its thing, is that, you know they didnt tell us about the side affects or even taking one drug with another drug. Some drugs, you cant even take together and then we didnt even know that. Some guys, if you drink beer or drink alcohol, there was never anybody that tells us, hey, you just played this game, you are gonna fly back from new york to california or from buffalo to new york, no new york city and you are on the plane after a game, drinking beer, drinking alcohol. And then you get i mean, drinking beer, taking pills, you get in the car and you drive. No one ever told us that about these side effects and not to do these things. So and that all created this drug culture that we are talking about. It affected you after you left the game of football as well, right . After the game, once you are released, you are put out of the good old boys club, you no longer can go back in the training room, you know, you cant go in and get that attention that you was receiving, so what happened . Some athletes go to the street to get these drugs, because they are gonna kill that pain. And so what happens, that leads to other problems that we know about. Are you glad the dea is now investigating . We are very pleased. Our attorneys were very pleased to know that dea is investigating because that means that they are taking our allegations serious about what has happened with us and thats good thing. Because its gonna not only show that they have a concern for the former nfl players, but its gonna also ensure that the nfl operates with integrity as well. Jd hill, many thanks to you. And andy, before you go the nfl saying anything about this . No, we reached out to them to see if they had any comments on this lawsuit or the dea investigation, they said, no, we do not at this time. Andy scholes, jd hill, thanks so much. Im back in a minute. Over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. For the first time American Kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. Its a problem that we can turn around and change. Revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kidinspired, chefcrafted food. We looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success . Making sure foods are made with high Quality Ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. Our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. Working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. We are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. Until every kid has built those lifelong eating habits, well keep working. That are acidic. Ds most of the time people are shocked when we show them where theyre getting the acid, and what those acids can do to the enamel. Theres only so much enamel on a tooth, and Everybody Needs to do something about it now if they want to preserve their teeth. I recommend pronamel because it helps strengthen the tooth and makes it more resistant to acid breakdown. We want to be healthy and strong through the course of our life, and by using pronamel every day, just simply using it as your toothpaste, you know you will have that peace of mind. Do you love live music but hey skyhigh ticket prices . Problem solved. Yahoo and live nation are teaming up to bring the concert experience to you for free and you wont have to leave your house. What gives . This is all going to be ad supported, this is why its going to be free. Everybody loves free and its the next best thing to being there. This is kicking off tonight, carol. You are going to be stream these concerts on your phone and even on your tv. It wont cost you a dime. Yahoo and live nation are teaming up to do this. They are going to be offering a different concert every day for an entire year. Tonight, its the Dave Matthews band and the names get even bigger, k. I. S. S. , Justin Timber lake. By the way, Justin Timberlakes is the most expensive ticket for the summer. What you do you go to this tab on yahoo tab call screen, you are all set to do. Screen is actually a youtube like service which is a directly competitor to youtube, but yahoo is trying to let everybody know, heres screen and were coming out big with these big concerts for a year. Still to come in the newsroom. Say it aint so. The end of an era as Archie Andrews says goodbye to river dale forever. Well talk about the comic characters dramatic death. For nearly 75 years, Archie Andrews and the river dale gang have been entertaining us with their high School Ventures if you are like me, you remember archie this way. Sugar, honey, honey, you are my candy girl and you got me wanting you there are several archie universes. And in river dale, readers will bid fare well to archie. In a dramatic and political twist, archie is shot dead during an assassination attempt on his gay best friend. This is the life with archie cover that will hit stands tomorrow. Even though it is hard, archie died as he lived, a hero. When i was a kid, i remember archie as going to high school and hanging out with veronica. I dont remember him being remotely political. When did that happen . Archie isnt political. Teenage archie still exists. Hes going to high school, still choosing between betty and veronica. There is an alternate universe, hes in his mid 20s. He deals with more life situations. In one universe hes married to betty and in the other universe hes married to veronica and whats his life like in both university universes. This is serious stuff. You are dealing with issues like gun control and gay rights, now we hear that archie is going to die in a heroic way protecting a gay friend. This all kicked up for us in life with archie number 16. A water shed moment was a gay character who married. We explored some issues that people felt very passionate about and that gave us the courage and also a lot of insight into being able to move forward in i guess you could call them hot button topics. River dale is an all encompassing place, welcoming place, a place where everyone is included, so when archie takes the bullet for kevin, which is what he does, hes really showing really whats the best of river dale and whats the best of america. I mean, he would take the bullet for betty, veronica, but he takes the bullet for kevin, so its the new river dale being born which is epit miesed in kevin. Arent fans going to be devastated . Hes dying in this one universe. Hes still around. We celebrate our 75th anniversary. Teenage archie skill still exists. In life with archie, this one series wrap up, but archie as you know, hes still around. Hes just dying in this life with archie magazine right now. So with this archie dying, what message do you want to send ultimately . Really, that people should be accepted for who they are, for what they are. I dont want to spoil exactly who the shooter is, but its someone who doesnt agree with not only kevins lifestyle but his political views and really the message were sending here is that whoever you are, wherever you live, you should be welcomed, you should be accepted as archie is in river dale, as the whole gang is in river dale and as they welcomed kevin when he first came to river dale, thats really the meveng message. Acceptance for all. Thank you for sharing your insight. We appreciate it. Thank you so much, carol. The next hour of cnn newsroom starts now. Happening now in the newsroom, cease fire. Or not. Secretary of state john kerry postponing his trip to the region. Plus, deported. This is a facility where all of the deportees are processed. 40 women and children out of america and back in honduras. How are you feeling . You look great. Tracy

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