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Also stepping up its rocket attacks. The pentagon has pushed back since last night against several reports that its looking at sending up to 14,000 troops to the region. Were told that is not what theyre looking at. Its much more in the range, 4,000 to 7,000 troops to the middle east. Further deterrence against iran. No Firm Decision has been made yet. Brooke . Got it. Barbara, thank you very much. From the pentagon to the halls of congress and the west. Anticipation and speculation what happens next into the impeachment inquiry into President Trump . We know nancy pelosi resisting calls to even pursue impeachment is now firmly in favor of it. The president leaves us no choice but to act, because he is trying to corrupt once again the election for his own benefit sadly. With confident and humility, with allegiance to our founders and a heart full of love for america, today i am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. Lets begin with cnns lauren fox who is there on capitol hill. Lauren, the president says he wants this process to be fast and then when you look at a calendar laid out by house democrats, he may get his wish. Flash the calendar up. A full house vote could take place, theyre saying, the week before christmas. My question to you is, what should we expect before then . Reporter quite a few steps, brooke, in between now and that vote on the house floor. One of them, they have to draft the articles of impeachment. That is a process that takes a little bit of time and i will fell y tell you while its clear the direction theyre headed in. Obstruction of congress, abuse of power, obstruction of justice with the mueller report. Still a debate within the caucus but there is a stepbystep process. Next week another hearing, a presentation in the Judiciary Committee from house lawyers who will go over the findings so far, because, remember, the Intelligence Committee had a twomonth investigation where they gathered quite a bit of information. That will all be presented again in a form that can be seen on American Television screens. That gives a sense where theyll be in the house of representatives. Also they have to vote out the articles of impeachment from the committee. Then you get to the vote on the house floor, but, of course, not very much time until christmas nap gives you a sense how quickly this could all unfold. Brooke . Quickly indeed. Lauren, thank you for that. For months critics of the impeachment inquiry claims this whole thing is nothing but a partisan exercise base wd on democrats hatreds President Trump. One of President Trumps biggest allies repeated that during wednesdays hearing. Chairman talked a lot about the founders concerned about foreign influence but didnt quote the founders being really, really concerned about political impeachment. Because you just dont like the guy. You havent liked him since november 2016. Well, this is what happened when a reporter from Sinclair Broadcast Group actually asked Speaker Pelosi if that was true. Do you hate the president , madam speaker . I dont hate anybody. Representative collins i dont hate anybody, not anybody in the world. Dont accuse me i did not accuse you. You did, i asked a question. Representative collins yesterday suggested democrats are doing this specifically because they dont like the guy. That has nothing to do with tshgts i think its an important point. I think the president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think he is cruel when he doesnt deal with helping our dreamers, of which we are very proud. I think hes in denial about the about the climate crisis. However, thats about the election. This is about the take it up in the election. This is about the constitution of the united states, and the facts that leads to the president s violation of his oath of office and as a catholic i resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. I dont hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love and always pray for the president , and i still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time. So dont mess with me when it comes to words like that. Dont met with me. Speaker pelosi there this morning and Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell mapping out this strategy on the senate side. Reading a book how this unique process was handled with previous president s calls impeachment American History and one of its authors is with me live from dallas and founding director of the center for president ial history at smu, Southern Methodist university. Jeffrey ingle, pleasure to have you on. I have to ask, first, your reaction when you heard leader mcconnell is studying up on impeachment by reading your book . Everyones historians dream. We talk about things that will actually influence policy and policymakers. The idea the majority leader was looking back noecht only to understand history, critical, but the nonpartisan history we tried to write to understand what happened in the past to go forward in the future better. My graduate adviser is probably pretty proud. Pretty proud. In terms what you wrote about, how impeachment is a doubleedge sword. Right . We could see that after the president said he wants the bidens, wants adam schiff, intel chairman. Speaker pelosi all to testify. What will happen if the republicans actually call them . You know, thats a great question. Likely they will likely testify. One of the things successful i think in the sense of getting the bipartisanship necessary for a general National Consensus in the watergate era was that representati representative ro deno said whatever the majority wants well say, yes. I would not be surprised to see a similar thing go forward with judiciary now where essentially in order to combat the idea that this is an unfair process in some way to the president , that the majority leader will excuse me, majority leader in the committee will essentially say, yes to call whatever witnesses they want of the minority and basically let the facts fall out as the witnesses explain it. Wow. What about the democrats . What do you may how theyve handled the proceeding so far . I think actually falling into the same historical trap that they actually exploited in 199 for president clinton. Back in 1999 they were the ones arguing process, arguing this was an unfair partisan event. In fact, richard gephardt, the House Minority leader, the democratic leader at the time, used to say were going to win this thing by losing. That is to say, were going to have as many votes as possible procedural votes, small votes, didnt matter what the vote was on. So long as there was a vote and we could turn to our constituents afterwards and say that vote went down on partisan lines, essentially told the American People this was essentially a partisan event. I think democrats are essentially falling into that same trap with republicans wisely using their playbook from 25 years before. Hmm. Also the pace at which the democrats are taking all of this has been a talking point from both sides, but it doesnt appear either leader mcconnell or President Trump are on the same page. Mcconnell saying proceedings too rushed. Trump tweeting today saying, lets go. Rush it. Which way is up, jeffrey . You know, i think we have to take what President Trump says with the largest grain of salt possible. If he really wanted to rush the process, of course, he would allow the people hes currently not allowing to testify from his executive branch, executive office, from his white house staff to testify. That would speed things up tremendously. And essentially allow the American People to see everything that the republicans are currently claiming they cant get the evidence for, because the people who have the evidence are not allowed to speak. One big difference i think were going to see within the difference between today and within 1999, clintons impeachment, in 99 both Senate Minority and majority leader, trent lott and tom daschle in agreement clinton should not be found guilty had not commit add high crime. A crime, yes, but not a high crime against the state. We wont see agreement of that kind between the senate, in the senate today between republicans and democrats. This one one the partisanship will be not just for show but really vehement. We are in a whole new hyperpartisan reality. Jeffrey ingle the man who wrote the book the Senate Leader is readings thank you, sir, having you on, all your expertise. All of you watching, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be on cnn tonight in a special cnn town hall taking questions from the audience. Jake tapper moderating this evening at 9 00 eastern right here on cnn. A federal investigation and facts cannot stop Rudy Giuliani on a new in addition to pursue debunked conspiracy theories in a protrump news network. What exactly is he up to . And joe biden confronted by a voter calling him a quote unquote damn liar and challenging the guy to a pushup contest. Playing that entire exchange. And talking to the producer rolling on that viral hot mic when leaders were caught laughing at President Trump. The story behind the story coming up. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. 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Looks like president s campaign trail in iowa getting intense. Democratic frons rtrunner got o it with a neb the audience. Watch what happened. You on the other hand sent your son over there to get a job and work for a gas company that he had no experience with gas or nothing. In order to get access for the president. So youre selling access to the president just like he was. Youre a damn liar, man, thats not true and no one has ever said that. Let him go. Let him go. Look, the reason im running is because ive been around a long time and know more than most people know and i can get things done. Thats why im running. And you want to check my shape, lets do pushups together, man, lets go run. Do whatever you want to do. [ applause ] no one has said my son has done anything wrong and i did not on any occasion, and no one has ever said it. I didnt say you were doing anything wrong. You said, i set up my son to work in an oil company. Isnt that what you said . Get your words straight, jack. Look look, heres the deal. Heres the deal. It looks like you dont have anymore backbone than trump does. [ audience reacts ] let the guy talk. Let him talk. Wow. Cnn jessica dean is with the Vice President there in iowa. And our National Political reporter as well. Jessica, start with you. What more did the former Vice President have to say there . Quite a moment. Reporter yeah. Quite a moment and back and forth, you heard the crowd getting into it as well. Certainly this is not what joe biden wants to talk about on the campaign trail. Unsubstantiated claims spread by President Trump and went back and forth with that voter. When we asked about it afterward he said i was trying to shut it down. I didnt lose my temper. I just wanted to shut this down and tell this man this wasnt appropriate in this setting. What i was curious about, brooke, what i asked him about was, look, do you ever get frustrated youre here in iowa eight days trying to take your message to voters and this is the questions that follow you around . That do come back up . Heres what he said about that. Take a listen. Look, one of the things that is a competing instinct is, i i have overwhelming respect and love for my son, and i find myself occasionally getting frustra frustrated at assertions that remain that are simply not accurate you but as my son will say, dad, jut keep your cool. Just dont let it get to you. So, and i mean, im not im just not going to let myself respond to the kinds of assertions that trump is making, because it just plays into his game. Reporter and, brooke, what weve heard from him here on the bus tour when people ask him about taking on President Trump, or when hes pitching himself. Then he says, look, i want to play my own game. I want to run my own race in a way and not get down in it with President Trump. Whats interesting to also consider is, for some democrats they see him pushing back like this and they like that, because they think that it means he can take on trump. Toughness . Reporter seeing both sides there. And interesting listening to that again. I wonder if hell have to deal with this . I wonder if this is a bit of a microcosm moment of reporter for sure. Hunter biden, barisma, in the blood stream. We know why its in the blood stream. Will he continue to have to defend himself and his son . Reporter absolutely, brooke. You can bet that donald trump and Rudy Giuliani are not dropping this anytime soon, nor any of the republicans in washington who brought it up every chance they had at the hearings. I actually think this was a good moment for biden. Maybe went a bit far with the damn liar thing. To jessicas point, this is exactly what democrats want to see from him. That hes going to beat back the conspiracy theories, defend himself, come off as sharp and not going to let trump define him. If we remember anything from the 2016 campaign, its that trump is a genius at that. He sets the narrative of who someone is, and with biden obviously tried to paint him someone whos corrupt, who tried to get things done for his son, and none of that is true, according to our reporting. So i think that biden does have to very strongly take these on when he has these confrontations with voters. Its not bad for people to see that side of him, brooke. Yeah. In the end, americans get to be the judge. Maeve, thank you. Maeve reston in l. A. For us and how about this story . Attorney general bill barr, top cop in the united states, just suggested that communities who protest Police Brutality might find themselves without protection. Well explore that. Plus, while under the microscope of a federal investigation, the president s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is finding time to travel to europe to dig even deeper on debunked conspiracy theories. What the heck is he doing . Well be right back. And allergenlock™ bags that trap 99 of allergens, so they dont escape back into the air. If its not from irobot, its not a roomba™ doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. The best of pressure cooking and air frying now in one pot, and with tendercrisp technology, you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 ain . Or more on car insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. What are you doing back there, junior . Since were obviously lost, im rescheduling my Xfinity Customer Service appointment. Ah, relax. I got this. Which gps are you using anyway . A Little Something called instinct. Been using it for years. Yeah, thats what im afraid of. He knows exactly where were going. My whole body is a compass. Oh boy. The my account app makes todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Not my thing. Rudy giuliani. The man cant seem to quit ukraine despite the fact his actions there help set off the impeachment process against the president of the united states. The New York Times reports giuliani is back in ukraine. These pictures posted today show the president s personal attorney in kiev with a ukrainian lawyers and times reporting he went to ukraine and hungry to meet with ukrainian prosecutors to build the president s impeachment defense case. Giuliani would not confirm to cnn hes actually in ukraine but said this to a conservative news outled. Whats the ukraine trip all about . Well, i cant really describe it. I cant even confirm it. All i can tell you is that i am doing today all day, and all night, maybe, what ive been doing for a year and a half. Im representing my client. Matthew rosenberg Cnn National Security analyst and investigative correspondent for the New York Times. Matt, start with whos he meeting with, according to the times . Reporter meeting with three different people who are at the center of this entire ukraine story. Meeting with the former prosecutor lutsenklutsenko, the good prosecutor trump talked on his phone call with ukraines president back in july. Hes somebody who has, helped get this entire ball rolling when he met with giuliani in january in giulianis office in new york and he kind of briefed him on this idea, this whole story of this, you know, biden kind of corruption investigation. You know, hes also meeting with another former prosecutor general shokin, who is the guy who, Vice President biden was insisting be fired back in, back when he was in office in 2016, and that was part of a push by both the u. S. And its european allies to clean up ukraine. Seen as a corrupt prosecutor. Biden went to ukraine, not getting aid 1 billion unless you fire this guy. He was fired. Hes also meeting with another former official sorry, a current prosecutor, who has done this entire dossier laying out this Corruption Case against hunter biden and barisma the Ukrainian Company whose board he was on. Corrupt ukrainians are at the center of this kind of ukraine issue. You know, hes at the center of it and not just reportedly committing the same offenses if, that led to this impeachment inquir inquiry, reminder to everyone. Under criminal investigation for all of this working of his linked to ukraine and giuliani also asked about that. Lets listen. Are you in ukraine also gathering evidence to support your own defense . I am not here i dont have to defend myself. I didnt do anything wrong. I didnt do a darn thing wrong. Again, now being investigated by the same entities he was in charge of in new york. What is he thinking . Why take this risk . I mean, its kind of wonderfully brazen. My colleagues who broke the story pointed 0 eed out hes th filmingdocuseries, presented as the theory of impeachment theory, trump using this to extort the ukrainians. Its really the democrats are corrupt, the democrats who tries to interfere in the election. So rudy is there kind of doing as part of the filming this country to push th documentar push this idea. I dont know what it is. A wonderful brazen kind of way going about it. With this reporter whos been leading and in the thick of a number of conspiracy theories herself. Let me ask you, matt, switching gears from the federal investigation into the origins of the trump investigation. Sources say the task leading this, john durham, told attorney general bill barr he provided no evidence to back up the claim that the fbi spied on the trump campaign. Do you think that bill barr will accept that as the final say on how that investigation began . I mean, i imagine at some point hes going to have to. Looks like the i. G. Doing a separate investigation also found the same thing. That youve got two different investigations coming to the same conclusion. You know, the president can say black is white, up is down as much as he wants, but it doesnt make it true. The facts line up. We know a tremendous amount ar the Mueller Investigation and know how this russia investigation started and we know when they found two leading members on muellers team exchanged anticipate trump Text Messages they fired them immediately and were very clear about that. This idea theres Something Else there, some there there we dont know, somehow the facts dont add up and i dont know how barr avoids accepting that message. Thank you. Thank you. A hot mic moment with President Trump fuming when World Leaders gathered appeared to mock him. Coming up next, the man who captured this candid moment. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. 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And mikes won them, which is important right this minute, because if he could beat americas biggest gun lobby, helping pass background check laws and defeat nra backed politicians across this country, beat big coal, helping shut down hundreds of polluting plants and beat big tobacco, helping pass laws to save the next generation from addiction. All against big odds you can beat him. Im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Fumes, annoyed, bothed. People close to President Trump tell our white house correspondents thats how President Trump reacted after this video went viral prompting the president to call canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau twofaced. That hot mic moment was discovered by a parliamentary producer tore the cbc, canadian broadcasting corporation, and i talked to him a short time ago. So this is essentially a master class, what you have done in field producing, and you know, for the viewer who sees this moment play out across the world its this huge moment but for you, how much tape were you scrolling through before you found this nugget of gold . You know, brooke, i wasnt there wasnt that much tape to look at. For real folks who never look at tv feeds, summits are really a bunch of moments. The leaders arrive and the limos arrive, one by one by one they get out or they walk into a room and then theres sort of some interaction with somebody and then its over. What happened was, it was about 3 10 in the afternoon eastern time, and i was looking for extra pictures to go with a television item, my correspondent was sending from london. Traveling with the Prime Minister, and i was going through the royal palace feed. That is the feed we were all receiving. Sure. And, you know, Prime Minister trudeau arrived, greeted by the naval officers, was in the Cocktail Party and the pool photographer from the palace, the one photographer assigned for this photo op found a moment where there was a, i would call it a lady in waiting. Someone from the palace household staff wearing a blue dress, and she was blocking the Prime Ministers, the nerve netherlands, canada, uk, Princess Anne and president macron of france and moved out of the way and suddenly there was my Prime Minister, bam, the subject. And he looks like hes telling you a story at the local bar downstairs from cnn center. He is animated. He is not the political self. Hes telling a story, and i thought, okay. He sometimes says things, not bad things, not good things, but he says things. Hes a human being. Lets see what i can hear. Thats when i started to hear 40 minutes, press conference, doral doral key word. When the penny drops and you said, uhhuh. Theyre talking about the president of the united states. Is that what it was . Well, yeah. Seemed to me like they were and we were lucky, because Prime Minister trudeau was facing the camera, and you know, those of us who worked with longrange microphones are very directional whether at an nfl game trying to catch the staff or at a photo op, and i could hear the Prime Minister, because he was facing the camera. You just using my hands here. Hes facing. Everyone else a little off. You know, thats who i could hear. In television, we have four s o. Went upstairs trying to get rid of the white noise. Think of it like old cassette players getting rid of the his s is what we were doing. Our big tv political show into it. They put it together with the tweet, and shazam, i guess. Shazam indeed. I mean, the fact that you basically caused an International Incident in your astuteness and in Television Producing between these two World Leaders, has that sunk in . And whats your reaction to that . Last question. My wife mentioned to me when i got home. I, you know the human part of anyone is to giggle, because, you know, no one has been physically harmed by this, but a lot of people, a lot of political staff and others have had to do a lot of work behind the scenes including the Prime Minister and others to reconnect after that. So you know, there is, i dont know. Theres a human factor of, oh. Oh, geez, but this is what you do. You cant cover this up. You see it. It was a sanctioned photo opportunity, and you just happen to listen, and you could make out some words, and summits are very staged as you know. Theres not a lot of pictures, and were all looking for interactions in those fiveminute little moments where we see the leaders interact. Thats what we have. We wanted to hear the story behind the story. Appreciate it. Thank you. And nancy pelosi accepts the president s challenge announcing the house moving forward with the president s impeachment. How aggressive . 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Thanks for having me, brooke. Nome wa mr. Roggin on house judiciary, a former judge, federal prosecutor they leaned on to help draft these articles. You point out, his handwritten notes on display for years at the smithsonian. Take us inside the process and what did james roggin share with you . James roggin, one of the few people in history who have been part of this historic process to build a case against a sitting president and he basically told me, number one, it was really exhausting. Number two, as a former prosecutor it was also extremely exhilarating for him and it was the time of my life, as controversial as that may seem. He described late nights with a small group of his fellow republicans and then chairman henry hyde going through the starr report and pulling out the 11 potential impeachable offenses and narrowing it down to four. With the current situation, one point of discussion for democrats whether they broaden out the articles to include the mueller report. Interesting is what roggin told you about the political discussions happening in 98 among republicans, right . Members of congress would say, hey, im in a marginal district. Throw articles i can vote against . Tell me more about that. Right. So right now democrats are debating. Weve seen from reports and from my own reporting. Democrats are in disagreement whether to write up articles that are just focused on ukraine or whether to go broader. To paint a broad portrait of the president s wrongdoing. And they had the same i asked roggin if they had similar questions in 1998. They totally did. He really wanted to include other scandals clinton was allegedly a part of in the articles but turned out in 1998 impeachment was a really unpopular thing. Ultimately they tried to keep it extremely narrow and stuck with the starr report. Keeping it narrow. Yes. Back to your point, him saying, i had the time of my life. I asked about his attitude towards the process because he was in the throes of history. What did he tell you . He told me that he knew going in it was he told me going in it would be challenging politically because he comes from a leftleaning District Northeast of laflt l. Of los angeles. Impeachment was not supportive there, but he went in knowing it was going to be the trial of my life and i probably wont win reelection. He ended up not winning reelection. He lost by about nine points to adam schiff. Adam schiff. Yes, now the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, which is sort of full circle. How about that. Yeah. Elaine godfrey, thank you for sharing. Good to have you on. Thanks so much. Attorney general bill barr issues a veiled threat at communities that protest Law Enforcement, warning that they risk losing the very Protection Officers are sworn to give. Easy to wear, with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. New vicks vapopatch. Breathe easy. 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Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. To serve and protect, those are the words that motivate and inspire people to join the police force. For many, it is a true calling, but attorney general bill barr thinks some communities dont show enough appreciation for the men and women who put their lives on the line 24 7. He suggests if you are critical of the police force, maybe you dont deserve their protection. Today American People have to focus on Something Else, which is the sacrifice and the service that is given by our Law Enforcement officers. And they have to start showing more than they do, the respect and support that Law Enforcement deserves. And if communities dont give that support and respect, they might find themselves without the Police Protection they need. In charge of the civil rights de vision of the Justice Department in the obama administration, bonita, how do you interpret bill barrs remarks and what communities do you think he is talking about here . Well, it seems pretty undoubtable that bill barr, the nations highest Law Enforcement official in the land was talking about communities of color that have in recent years expressed a lot of concern about policing practices, are speaking out about the need for police reform. And to have him do that to me is the height of irresponsibility given that we have equal protection under the laws of this country, and he is the attorney general of the united states. We were looking back, of course, into other things that he has spoken about, and as attorney general he has attacked liberal district attorneys who pushed for Police Accountability in cities like philadelphia and st. Louis and also in previous speeches suggested there should be, quote, zero tolerance for resisting police. You know, on the one hand, vanita, of course he is right. People should not resist police, but does he take it too far . His comments in this speech this week i think are way beyond anything he has said before. Hes literally advocating in those words abandoning communities that have been increasingly engaged in the fight for police reform, that are criticizing police practices, many of whom are urging and working with local Law Enforcement around the country to enact these reforms. This notion that that the attorney general would abandon communities that engage in constitutionally protected activity, activity that is profoundly american i also really wanted to ask about, you know, in listening to him he drew a curious parallel criticizing vietnam era protest and people who protest against police today are not showing enough respect and support for Law Enforcement. What are members of Law Enforcement saying about that . You know, there are a number of Police Chiefs that think that the rhetoric and the politicization of Law Enforcement in this administration has been really, really damaging. These kind of comments further erode the breach between communities and Law Enforcement, and we need to understand that trust is a cornerstone for Public Safety in any community. Police officers need to have legitimacy in their communities in order to have witnesses report crimes to police, in order for head of communities to serve for Public Safety. When you have these kind of comments that create and widen the gulf, this is actually detrimental to Public Safety. It undermines trust. Im curious, the final trust. Yes. When that trust go, the relationship between community and police is so key, when that trust is eroded, what is the result of that . The result is victims stop reporting to Law Enforcement. The result is Police Officers cant get witnesses to crimes to give them information in their communities. The result is that you can result in actual violence and harassment that takes us back, and it doesnt serve anyone. It doesnt serve Police Officers. It doesnt serve members of the community, and that is why you have Law Enforcement chiefs around the country also shaking their heads at these comments. They are not helpful and they actually are incredibly corrosive to the longer term effort to ensure that policing is fair and just in america. Vanita gupta, thank you. Thank you. And quick note before i let you go, do not forget Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be on cnn tonight in a special cnn town hall. She will be taking questions from the audience. Jake tapper will be moderating. Do not miss this. It happens tonight, 9 00 eastern right here on cnn. Im brook baldwin. Thank you for being with me. Lets go to washington. The lead starts right now. Both sides in agreement on one thing, that today is a sad day in the united states. The lead starts right now. 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