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Some of the earthquakes they had eight months ago. Once that comes in and well be able to go through and look a bit better if we have anymore in the way of information. Just to give you a quick glance here Around The World anything from a 6. 6 to 6. 9 weve seen them all year. That is not many earthquakes. Tom, stay with us. Were going to continue our coverage. That is it for me. Im going to hand this over to brook baldwin to continue our coverage of this earthquake thats a 6. 4 in california. Announcer this is cnn Breaking News. Here we go on this independence day. We continue with this Breaking News out of Southern California. Thank you for being with me. Im brooke baldwin. Talking about this major earthquake. Preliminary reports indicate it was a 6. 4 magnitude quake. And just for perspective for all of us, those deadly quakes back in 1989 and 1994 they were 6. 9 and 6. 7 respectively. I youve been talking to briana, but you felt the building shake . Not only that, when you looked out from where we are located this is about a 15floor building. The entire building you could feel it moving and you could feel some of the moving in here as well. And you look down at the street and you could see some signposts going, the signposts sort of moving. That is from our camera above us, on top of this building. You see that jiggling a little bit there but sometimes thats just wind. But we certainly felt it and we felt it for several seconds. It wasnt just a quick move and then it went away. It went on, thats how we knew this was definitely a moderately large earthquake. We are now hearing 6. 4 downgraded from a 6. 6. We have just talk today the renowned Seismologist Lucy Jones which a lot of people know. She has books out. Shes been talking about earthquakes for many, many decades and people really trust and know her. She said just before this happened in ridge crest which is about 156 miles from los angeles, there was a 4. 2 just a halfhour before, so theyve got a jolt, and then they got the larger one at 6. 4. And the area in the 1980s had a lot of, you know, 4. 5 or 5 magnitude earthquakes. So this is an area that is familiar as is much of california with earthquakes. But this is moderately large earthquake and can do damage. And we were able to have a conversation with a hotelier that is in the ridge crest area. That hotel says, yes, we felt the floors sort of ripple and there is damage at least at this one hotel. And if there is damage there there is likely damage elsewhere in the ridge crest area. That area has about 27,000 people so its a fairly small town for california. But certainly all over. We are hearing reports from all over the place. Fresno said they felt something. Twitter is going crazy with people talking about whats happening. Which is pretty normal here. Whenever we be an event like this even if its small people are saying did you feel it, if theres problem, if theres damage, heres a number to call. But all the way in las vegas and they felt it. Santa barbara felt it, pasadena felt it. This was large enough for people across california and even into the next state to feel this. It gives you some idea of just the strength of this and what it can do. Now we need to find out what is happening at the epicenter. We will sure get some pictures in here shortly. That is a Picture Thereof los angeles just a few moments ago. And you see that camera on the top of our Building Shaking and it did go on for some time. The longer they go on, the more damage there can be. A lot of people trying to figure out what is happening there in ridge crest, and we will certainly get those pictures in soon, brooke. Keep working the phones. Im sure lots of folks are being called assessing damage there. Standby, thank you very much. We want to go into some more Affiliate Coverage there live in los angeles. Lets dip in. I didnt do that. I just maintained my coolness and to get everything into perspective since i was just waking up. Reporter and we were speaking earlier. You also experienced the north ridge quake. How does this one compare to that and have you learned anything from that one . I cant say it was as bad as that one, but it was right next door to it. It was pretty bad, this earthquake. Reporter and you tell me youre prepared. You stay prepared even though we dont have earthquakes every day, but its something you think everybody should be prepared for. Thats so true. My brother is really the one that does it. He keeps watt, canned goods, soy hes the guy. Now i know for a fact and we do keep a kit with band aids and medical emergency stuff there. But this lets me kno its really important for everyone to have their stuff together packed for earthquake preparedness. Reporter can you tell was there any damage to your building . I kind of received the property from the owner so when i get back home im going to physically check. Reporter and any damage for your neighbor snz. Im going to talk to them now. Reporter thank you so much for speaking with us. We appreciate it. All right, so just listening into this gentleman who obviously felt it. Any time you feel the ground move, so many people off work today, right, celebrating this holiday. It is noteworthy especially when were now talking about this 6. 4 magnitude earthquake. I just want to relay this, this is from Lax The Airport there. All lax runways have been inspected with no reported damage to the airfield or the tunnel. Operations remain normal. So thats the latest out of lax. Tom seder . Im being told that was a parade, okay, so people parading along through the earthquake in los angeles. I know the epicenter you were saying what about 150 miles away closer towards las vegas . Its in between bakersfield and las vegas. Pretty close to around Death Valley National park. But ridge crest is extremely close. 30,000 people live there. We have some information. Were Still Limited with the usgs but it is coming up now in just a moment. 6. 4, originally 6. 6, thats not unusual to drop. But only 5 miles indepth. Typically Around The World a lot of times these will be 100, 200 miles deep. The shallower they are the more shaking stays at the surface. A lot of it has to do with the soil content and the makeup of that. Let me move on because that was at 10 33 local time. Theyve had significant after shocks. Dr. Lucy jones is saying this is not along the san andreas fault. This is an area of much smaller faults. And since back in the 80s there used to be a number of smaller quakes in this area that were 5. 0 magnitude or higher. However, this is right now we believe the strongest magnitude 6 quake in surn california since 1999 when they had a bit larger one. Now, when you have quakes of this size, 6. 4 or higher, theres 134 of them that happen Around The World annually. But this is going to blow your mind because this is what could still happen. When you have a 6. 4 magnitude quake, how many after shocks can you have and what is typical . Its typical to have at least one thats a 5. 4 or higher. Weve had a 4. 7. That would fall into this category. How many 4. 4 or higher . We could have ten of those after this event. How many at 3. 4 or higher, 100. Ill show you this map here. This is going to blow your mind as well. Its hard to see so were going to zoom in on this. If we can take this full. Any little yellow dot you see here is a tremor in the last week. Now,atory all over. Were going to zoom in for you. Anything in orange the last 24 hours, and then anything in red is today. Lets get in tighter. You can see the mountainous area, theres bakersfield, ridge crest. This is our main quake at 6. 4. Its a larger dot of red. Im counting now, one, thrwo, three, four, five, six, seven, eight shocks. This could go on for hours, days, even possibly weeks. Lets hope the energy is being released now is this is thefore shock that follows. All those after shocks, tom seder, thank you so much. Well come back to you as we continue this coverage here. Ive got a seismologist with me now and you are in l. A. Let me ask you the first question which is did you feel it . I was actually driving through central l. A. On the way to the airport to pick up my husband so i did not feel a thing although on the radio they were instantly having talked about having felt it. And when you hear now 6. 4, put it in perspective for us. Yeah, that is a goodsized earthquake, as youve heard. Its close to the 1994 north ridge earthquake and what makes all the difference is north ridge was in the middle of a city where this was in a fairly remote area. The closest goodsized town isnt ridge crest, which my family has lived in that area since 1946. Its remote. It was started as a navy base for weapons testing, but its a goodsized town, as you heard 30,000 people. And given the magnitude and distance i would expect that they saw light damage in that town. Listening to you, i was listening to a note of tom seders a second ago. He was saying in the last couple of weeks there have been smaller tremors in Southern California and seismologists have been taking note, maybe waiting for Something Like this. Is that typical ahead of something of this magnitude . Im not aware of any fo foreshocks, and there has been a smattering of 3s in different areas. I havent seen any notable uptick in recent weeks. Last question, we know those after shocks will continue for some period of time, whats your message to folks in this part of the country . They are going to continue to feel after shocks. There is a small chance of an even bigger earthquake can happen as they heard. This could in fact be t the foreshock to something bigger. Its only about a 1 in 20 chance. Anything that happens in that area is going to be remote, but earthquakes are possible any day and in any part of california. They dont take a holiday. Thank you and please continue on and grab your husband from lax and a happy fourth to you and your family. Let me get to this sound. This is from a witness who was actually near the epicenter of this quake. This is from kcbs. Oh, yes, everything fell. I was in the house. My boyfriend was here hooch he just left to go to his house, and plants fell, pictures fell offthewalls. Oh, theres another after shock. Things fell out of the cupboards. It was scary. It felt way bigger than a 6. 4 for sure. Is everybody okay in your neighborhood . Have people gone outside . I havent talked to my neighbors but i talked to my sister and she can see fires burning in the town. And at her house she as a big shop and all the tool chest with the tools in them fell over, everything fell out of her cupboard. She said there was glass over the floor in the kitchen. It was huge. Whbt tat about the power . My power is still working and the gas line looks okay. The cars were like bouncing up and down. It was just incredible. It was huge here. It was so scary. Well, i was in big bear for the landers quake, and it was as big as that, for sure. And describe the community to me, susan. Is it mostly flat areas, pretty hilly . You said your sister saw fires. Can you describe the landscape . Yes, very flat. Were down in a valley, about 45 minutes from death valley, and so its a very flat community. Theres a naval base here and the hubbub of the community. Its a very flat area so were still experiencing after shocks, theyre constant. We had a little one this morning that didnt wake me up. I guess it was a precursor about point something could you guys feel that one . Thats someone who definitely felt it and assessing the damage in her own home. Weve been wondering about damage assessments throughout this part of california. What have you learned . So we talked to as i said earlier a hotelier that said they felt damage there. You heard a woman talking about fires. Another person who lives in ridge crest says she definitely sees fires. She is concerned about that. As you know when these happen sometimes they can, for example, Break Gas Lines and that sort of thing which can create fires. We saw that happen in the San Francisco earthquake there where a whole area was basically burned down in the marina because of that. Which is why they tell people turn off your gas if you can, turn off your water, prepare youvls in these sorts of things and so you have no warning. Thats why if it happens right after if everythings okay and youre in a safe spot and you can do these things, you should definitely do some of the things youre taught here in california. Lucy jones whos a renowned seismologist has said, yes, there was a slight warning, a 4. 2 magnitude quake happened there in ridge crest about a half an hour before a larger quake happened. But you dont know that because we get little earthquakes all the time. People are relatively used to having a small shake and then they go, oh, wow, we just experienced an earthquake. When theres no damage, no issues it doesnt feel big, you go about your day, you go about your business. One of the things that could be here is it is a holiday. There isnt a lot of traffic, not a lot of folks out on the roads whether youre in los angeles or ridge crest. That can be a good thing because as you know those overpasses and all of the freeways that are here can be vulnerable in these kinds of earthquakes. Its what we saw, for example, in north ridge, which is a 6. 4. And that created quite a bit of damage. One of the big pictures we all remember, brooke, is when an overpass caved in, fell in and you saw that sort of damage which is incredibly scary to people. I cant help it because its one of the tools everyone uses now. Twitter its okay. Twitter, right. This comes from ava, she is a renowned director whos won quite a few awards. Shes lived here in los angeles her entire life, and she says that is the longest earthquake ive ever experienced, not jerky, smooth and rolling. That describes it perfectly. It was rolling. It did feel like it wept on for quite a long time, long enough for people to get on twitter and show the video of things happening. I can tell you here in the los angeles area, and were about 156 miles away from ridge crest. So giving you some idea its being felt all over the place. Santa barbara, pasadena, all of these places have felt it. But we should also mention las vegas felt it, and las vegas may have felt it even stronger. Why . Because of where this particular earthquake was centered. Ridge crest is actually closer to las vegas than it is to, for example, los angeles. So wherever this is epicentered that is where youre going to feel the strongest and have the most potential for damage and injuries. I do want to mention this to folks who are in the southern western part of the country. Do not call 911 unless you have been injured or there are injuries you can see. Because what happens is those phone lines get filled with people saying we felt this earthquake, we want to know Whats Going On, that is not the venue for that. The Los Angeles Police department are asking people unless theres injuries and an emergency please do not call us. Theres ways to get information online. But when those phone lines get jammed and there is an naerjs, there are fires, for example, people injured, there are damages people are concerned about, they cannot get the help they need as soon as they need it. So thats one warning to folks who are obviously concerned with what has happened. And the fact this went on so long, brooke, is significant because the longer the earthquake goes on, the more potential for more damage. And you heard there, there are people now two people have confirmed they have seen fires in the ridge crest area. Brooke . Thank you so much for all of that. I can tell youve been through this before. Great note on not calling 911 unless you have a serious injury. Live pictures here as theyve certainly got eyes on the skies, and note worthy now the reports of these fires in the ridge crest area which is closer to where this thing was centered. So hopefully we can get somebody on the phone from ridge crest. In the meantime i have maurice wadd on the phone with me. You are in los angeles and i appreciate you calling in. Youre from ohio. Have you ever felt anything like this and what did it feel like . Quite the wakeup call is what it felt like. Yeah, coming from ohio this was an experience to say the least. Hang on one second. Lets listen to this. This is seismologist speaking about the quake. The duration is how long the earth is Producing Energy, and earthquakes begin at an epicenter and happen along a fault, and they start at the epicenter and rupture down the fault. That rupture feed is 2 miles a second. If the fault is 10 miles long the earthquake is Producing Energy for 5 seconds. This earthquake at this magnitude likely that the fault is at least 10 miles long probably a right amount which means the earth produces energy for 5 seconds compared to the fore shock would have been Producing Energy for a quarter of a second. I did not have shake alert working on the computers at home. The computers here in the lab did give an Early Warning for this by about, it would be a pretty long time because its a long ways away. Rob, why dont you come join us . The head yeah, hes getting briefed and then well get the usgs representative here as well. We see right here is our shaking distributions. We have a system that recognizes that earthquakes are beginning and sends you the information that the earthquake has begun and an estimate of when shaking will get you depending on this travel time of the waves. So the system worked and said theres an earthquake of about 6. 2 Producing Energy, and the warning came through. Do we have a time of how much warning we got in pasadena . And the final magnitude, of course okay, so in los angeles there were a 48second warning that was the shaking was arriving. Obviously it was not damaging shaking. Thats one of the down sides to this only approach we have. The farther away you are the more warning you get and the less likely there is to be damage. And there are censors in satellites . How do we ever know theres an earthquake . We have censors called seismometers distributed around california. Weve recorded about 500 censors Seismic Network and they are distributed widely so we can try and catch them. As soon as we get enough nearby we can see that an earthquake is under way and we send that information out. And in fact one of the exciting things, these biggest earthquakes they arent at a point. So when were trying to predict where will be affected we need to know which direction the fault is going. We have a Prototype System and that worked here, too, so we got an estimate of the fault growing as it was happening. So its the first time weve ever really had that work. Can we talk a little bit about the motion . To me it sort of felt like i was aen on a boat and i felt a little nauseous. Ive heard other people say the same. So an earthquake produces energy at many different wavelength. Theres High Frequency energy that jerks you around and low frequency that rolls. The High Frequency energy dies off with distance more quickly than the low frequency energy. Think about a boom box. You hear the car going down the street, when its a long ways away all you hear is the drum beat. Thats the High Frequency energy getting away from the low frequency energy. If you feel its a rolling motion you know its pretty far away. When i felt the motion it felt pretty rolling motion and i could estimate it was at least a magnitude 6 and it had to be pretty far away. For those just joining us, can you back up to the beginning. Where was the earthquake centered exactly . The basis of the earthquake, the earthquake is near ridge crest, so the area to the east of the southern most part of the san andreas fault. Well have to have a Field Geologist to tell us. Its a sparsely inhabited area so the number of people who would have received damage is much lower. I think we need to check whats happening in ridge crest and china lake. Damage reports do not come here. We are seismologist measuring the movement of the ground. Damage reports go to the office of government services. Rob, can i ask you to come join us . So rob graves is a seismologist with the Us Geological survey and regional coordinator for Southern California. And let me just obviously were here because we had an earthquake to celebrate Fourth Of July. Were going to have people out, our geologists are heading out into the field right now to see if they can document any Fault Displacement obviously if any Damage Reports will come in. This earthquake was large enough where the shaking could have caused damage. One thing id like to note is that here in the l. A. Basin area because as lucy was explaining the waves, the low frequency waves tend to travel further than the High Frequency. Many people out in the l. A. Basin would have felt that rolling shaking whereas up here in the mountains people didnt feel it as strongly. So were going to have even in the l. A. Area well have disparity in terms of the shaking. I know its early but any takeaways from this quake . Wrap it up for us. There is a definition of a change in the news cycle. Usually at this point youre still asking us what was the magnitude. Luckily now we can give an accurate magnitude very quickly. Its not yet an hour since the earthquake. One comment i would make if youve noticed weve had a lot of after shocks. Those in general are not being felt in the l. A. Basten. I havent had a chance to keep track but weve had dozens, i think about three at this point. We will continue to have a lot of after shocks. This area is also characteresticly tends to have robust sequences. In 1982 there were 6 or 8 magnitude 4s associated with that event as well as dozens of magnitude 3s and it went on for six months. So we should be expecting lots of after shocks. And some of them will be bigger than the 3s weve been having so far. I think the chance of having a magnitude 5, i dont this is an off the top not calculated thing its probably greater than 5050. Some time this afternoon were going to have a larger after shock in this sequence. Is there any threat to the san andreas because of this . No increase in risk sightly. But weve never seen afo fore shock more than 10 kilometers that is significantly closer to this event and would probably have an slightly increased risk on garlock. But keep in mind the san andreas is an active fault so theres also that risk at play. Can you describe the Repeat Activity in the months leading to this quake . We dont have that data right at hand. No, nothing so if youre asking we have had a couple of other swarms in other areas of Southern California in recent days. Nothing like that was occurring up in this area in the last couple of months. There was a 4. 2 just about 30 minutes before the main shock, and that is a classicfo fore shock. I know when i saw that page come through this morning i was like i havent seen valley in a while. And there is a slight chance we could have an event larger than what were calling the main shock right now. Thats about 5 chance for every earthquake. And like any other earthquake this probably has about a 1 in 20 chance this is not the largest event within the sequence. Can you spell your name real quick . Rob, and last name graves graves. Were getting some feedback from viewers of the alert system and they say in los angeles it did not work. It worked. It was not broadcast on shake alert. The system worked but the usgs parameters can you elaborate on how the system operates . Unfortunately i dont have the details on what didnt occur or what didnt work properly. Were looking into that right now. So the system actually did detect the earthquake. It did work in terms of estimating that there was shaking that was going to occur. The signal apparently did not get out. So, you know, the system is still being tested. Were going to have to, you know, figure out Whats Going On with that. Obviously well have updates later on today. I will also point out the shaking in the los angeles region was not Strong Enough to be damaging in that sense. So to be clear the signal was supposed to depot out, it should have gone out . Do you know that . I dont know. I want to hesitate before making any definitive statements until i can sort that out exactly. We dont know at this point whether it was all right, the system in the lab worked. So physically it worked. The shake alert l. A. System was setup with agreements that limited which alerts went out. Because we get a lot of false alarms at the lower levels. So whether or not the shaking reached the parameters that should have been alerted we dont know, and were trying to find out. But remember were not even an hour since the earthquake. Have you heard of any significant damage in the l. A. Area . If there was damage in the l. A. Area somethings really weird. This was not strong shaking in the los angeles area, so i would be extremely surprised if that were the case. Besides Damage Notifications do not come to cal tech, they go to the Governors Office of emergency services. Should we be preparing for a big one . One should always be preparing for a big one. This does not make it less likely. There is about a 1 in 20 chance that this location will be having an even bigger earthquake within the next few days that we have not yet seen the biggest earthquake of the sequence. Its certain that this area is going to be shaken a lot today and some of those after shocks will probably exceed magnitude 5. So youve been listening to Reknowned Seismologist dr. Lucy jones. She said there was a 20 chance that a worse one is coming. Again, if youre just joining us 6. 4 magnitude earthquake, epicenter in the middle of those red circles. Ridge crest about 150 miles from los angeles. Im getting tweets from so many of you guys describing what it felt like. Sarah snider, just bringing you back in, the word i keep hearing is rolling shaking. When it comes to ridge crest you were reporting when we spoke last about fires. Now youre hearing about rescues. Yes, and i should mention this. We are getting this in from several different people in the ridge crest area they have felt another fairly strong after shock there in ridge crest. You heard Seismologist Lucy Jones who everyone in this area certainly knows. She is known Around The World for her work with earthquakes. She said this area is going to see a lot of shaking today. She is on the money. They are feeling after shocks as we speak. People are talking about how strong they feel, and they definitely feel a rolling earthquake. It certainly doesnt feel good especially when youve had one that is about a 6. 4 magnitude. The other concerning thing, obviously, to people is this a precursor to something bigger . And again Sazmologist Jones Talking about the fact theres a 1 in 20 chance there could be something bigger that happens. She also told us before this Press Conference there was a 4. 2 the take that hit ridge crest. Is it possible the 6. 4 is a fore shock, absolutely. Hopefully not because the next size could be bigger and could be much more damaging. But there is damage were hearing from at least one hotel in the area there. Youre seeing some pictures thereof the lights moving around, back and forth. These are the things this is why in areas where there are earthquakes, whether its here or Around The World, ive experienced a stronger one in for example, chile. This is why they tell you to get underneath something thats solid. So that table you see there in the video that is where you want to go because things do fall. And a lot of people get injured not by the event itself but obviously it throws things off the shelf. If something is built with brick and youre outside, those things come falling off which is why Building Codes have changed over the years. There could be according to the seismologists there are after shocks people are experiencing. And frankly, its scary for people to go through this. You have no control over this. I do want to mention one more thing. I know i need to hurry, but there is something called a shake alert and i had downloaded it as soon as i found about it. The mayor here came up with an idea everyone should have an app and if theres a way to alert people even 5 or 10 seconds ahead of a big event, it did not go off on my phone. In other words, i did not know an earthquake was coming. But lucy jones said there yes it did detect the earthquake in los angeles, but it may not have been Strong Enough here for us to get the alert. I looked on the alert and it did say an earthquake had happened, i just didnt know not even a second before. This is stronger in ridgecrest and los angeles. You heard lucy jones saying we want to talk to people in ridgecrest and china lakes. Alexis, first of all, how are you doing . You okay . Im okay, yeah. Were good. So 6. 4 and you just heard the seismologist say there have been or will continue for a while to be after shocks. First of all, what did it feel like . It just started like shaking and then it just started rolling. When we hear the word rolling, how do you mean . Just like the ground underneath you is rolling, like youre on a boat or in the water or something. And its this rolling sensation. How long did it last . How many seconds would you guess . It felt like forever. It was probably a good minute or so. Was it frightening . Did you know what was happening . Oh, yeah, i was terrified. My husband just kept saying get outside, get outside. And i was like im not going outside. No thanks, honey, im going to stay inside and ride out whatever this is, and its my understanding youre from ridgecrest, so youre from this part of the country. You know, earthquakes, Southern California synonymous. Had you ever experienced Something Like this before . Ive experienced a couple when i was younger, not so much as an adult. This was one a lot bigger than any i do remember. Okay. And weve been hearing and you tell me if youve heard anything. There are reports alexis of some fires in the Ridgecrest Area as a result of this earthquake. Do you have any neighbors or friends or anyone whos reported, you know, seeing anything of that nature or even just damage . So the power is out in part of the town, ridgecrest heights. I live like out in the acres area so i drove into town and, yeah, we saw a fire. Can you describe where was the fire . It was over i would say in the east side of down like on your way out that way is where we saw a fire. I understand. I know obviously the Fire Department responding to that and some rescues. Have you felt after shocks . I did feel one, but i havent felt any of the others and thats probably because i was driving. Are you at home now . Are you hunkered down for potentially additional after shocks . Were just going to wait it out. Okay, el, happy independence there to you in Southern California. Alexis, thank you so much for jumping on the phone with me and hopefully this will end soon for you guys. Ive got carolyn who works at High Desert Haven Assisted Living Facility in ridgecrest as well. This is near the episuperof this earthquake. Carolyn, same question to you. What did it feel like . Well, it was like you could hear a rumble and the ground started shaking and you thought, oh, its just a little earthquake and then it hit hard and everything started shaking. And i thought, well, this might be it so glad i managed to get out of the room, and so im in an Assisted Living so we had people coming out of the room frightened and its a very scary ordeal. You work at this Assisted Living Facility . Are you helping folks in the home . Its an Assisted Living where the elderly live, and we assist them. And im the Residential Care manager here. And the powers out. I hear the power is out. Yeah, the power went out and then the backup lights came on and then we had another the after shock, and then they all went out. So right now our goal is to keep everybody hydrated, you know, and cool and keep them away from any windows, and were trying to cleanup the mess because we have a lot of tipped over dressers and tvs have everything, so pretty scary. So it was that strong that dressers tipped over . Yeah, we had dressers, pictures, tvs. You can see smoke out in the ridgecrest where theres probably been accidents and fires. It was scary. Were having another one right now. Right now . Yep. Hang with me, carolyn. Im a little out of breath because all i can care about are my babies, my children. Youre stuck at work and youve got to pull it together. Take a breath with me. Take a breath, and first are your kids okay . All my kids are okay. All accounted for. Are you okay . Yeah, i am. Its very hot in here. How warm is it about . It feels probably about 90. So 90ish degrees, no power. Youre at this Assisted Living Facility trying to worry about your children, taking care of all these folks in the home. How are the folks in the home faring . Everything at first they all kind of went together, they stayed together a little scared and now they finally are just now starting to pick up. In fact, theyre all getting ready to go to lunch. And were just kind of maneuvering in the dark. So we have doors open and fans blowing. Is that an announcement . So were being ordered back into the lobby area. Everybodys got to come out of their rooms so im going to have to go. Okay, you take care of everyone there and take care of yourself. Thank you so much for what youre doing and jumping on the phone with me. I appreciate it very much. Sarah snider, coming back to you. My goodness. I feel for those folks. You do. And i think one thing people forget is were always talking about the magnitude, right, and how big or small it is. But when you experience one of these theres a sense of a complete loss of control of your of the area that surrounds you. You really can do nothing but take cover. And it literally shakes you physically but it can also shake you quite emotionally with your family and youre wondering, you know, if this is the big one or if there is a bigger one to come. And in the meantime when is it going to stop because when these go on for seconds on end and some of them have lasted up to a minute in countries Around The World. Ive been to places where theyve experienced that and experienced it myself, it is quintessentially unnerving on many levels. You hear her voice crack. Its hard not to feel for people who are going through this especially when theyre in a position where theyre trying to protect their family, their children. I know i have heard from friends who say, look, their children actually really felt this one and they were terrified because for a very long time here people have not felt one this strong. And when you first feel one and youre not from here or youre a child whos never really experienced it, it really is unnerving. You have a loss of control of your vounsurroundings and we sh keep that in mind for those who live in ridge crest and surrounding areas. The closer you are to that epicenter the more youre going to feel a 6. 4 or a 4. 2. Yes, youre going to feel it and its not by any means over. You heard from Seismologist Lucy Jones. She was very clear in saying theyre going to feel a lot of shaking there in the ridgecrest and surrounding areas today. That is normally what happens when you have a seismic event. So thoughts to the folks dealing with this and trying to get through it, and we know now rescue crews are out. They are getting reports of medical emergency and of fires. Current County Rescue is out there as we speak, brooke. Im just thinking about carolyn. You just have to remember to breathe through it all. Sarah snider, thank you very much. Meteorologist tom seder, im curious if youre in ridgecrest like she was at this assisted Facility Place and you have no power and you are still feeling these after shocks, and is it in the 90s . No airconditioning. Yeah, thats true. I would be really concerned about the smell of gas. Im sure theres going to be an unbelievable amount of calls, brooke, to 911. Just the fright. You think youre smelling gas, you may not even smell it. Youve got toget out of there if you know how to turn it off. 6. 4 at 10 33 there was one before this at 10 05 that was the 4. 1 or 7. Thats the fore shock, but its only 5 miles indepth. Thats considered extremely shallow. That means more energy can be dispersed. She talked about High Frequency. Thats more violent shaking and then low frequency those are the wave actions you feel and its outwards further. She talked about how it traveled about 10 miles on the fault line. Thats because this was called a strike slip. That means the two parcels of land kept horizontal not like a thrust where one is pushed on below the other. The shake map came out, and i know this is difficult to see so im going to read these colors off. Ridgecrest in the middle and yellow, green, blue and you come out to fresno, long beach and vegas. 42,000 felt very strong shaking. Thats enough to do damage. 42,000 thats ridge crest. Very strong. So above that is severe, violent and extremely. Thank goodness we didnt have that. 4,000 strong thats out and around the ridge crest area. And then you get 21 million felt light shaking. Thats l. A. Up to the north, another 2 million felt weak. Barely could feel it. Thats probably out towards fresno and vegas. The usgs takes this information with their shake map population, the magnitude, the depth, and they have these models. We use these almost every other week when were talking about earthquakes Around The World and international. This is called a pager and this has to do with estimated fatalities, i know god forbid, but youll want to eto green. And that means theres a 65 chance maybe no one passes, a 30 chance of maybe one to two fatalities. Economic losses, in the yellow zone here, 35 says the possibility of 10 million to 100 million in damage. It wouldnt take much to get to 10 million if youre talking about fractures, Stress Fractures integrities of buildings being compromised, a lot of basements and cracks enwalls, gas leaks. You can have at least one thats a 5. 4 and dr. Lucy mentioned that. Could we . Absolutely, we could have a 5050 chance of having a larger one in our quake. This is pretty accurate at least one after shock is 5. 4. We havent had that yet. You can have 100 that are 3. 4. And already were seeing numerous after shocks just in the last hour where our numbers are going up to 6 and even 7 so this is going to continue as she said for a while. I keep Hearing Stories and people who live in this part of california and who can describe for me what it is theyve gone through. Linda king works at a market about 8 miles outside of ridgecrest. Linda, youre on the phone with me. How are you doing, and how shaky was it . It was shaky, very shaky. Define very shaky. If youre at a market are we talking things coming off Store Shelves or not bottles were coming off, items behind my counter where i was standing was coming off. No kidding. I didnt know quite where to go. I didnt want to run out by the gas pumps but it was very, very shaky. How long did it last . A couple of seconds or did it feel a lot longer . It felt a lot longer. Im sure it was seconds but long seconds, yes. Long seconds. And have you felt any shakes since. Yes, standing on the phone with you guys i felt another one just a few minutes ago. Have you counted since the big one hopefully that was the big one have you counted how many after shocks you think you felt . I dont really know because we were pretty shook up right after it, so im sure we were having after shocks. We didnt know if we were shaking or what was going on. Of course. Understand, understand. I felt also in the last 20 minutes two pretty good after shocks. So youre at this market, you see these bottles of alcohol coming down and you and another coworker, just the two of you guys when this happens, correct . My boss and i, yes. Your boss and you, and my producer told me its the understanding a ceiling collapsed. Customers were coming here because were closing businesses in ridgecrest. Stuff was coming down, the ceiling was coming down. The ceiling was coming down . Mmhmm. Yikes. And are you planning to stay put . Whats your situation right now . We are open. Were Open For Business. We have everybody calling to see if we are open because of the fact that all the businesses in ridgecrest have closed their doors because of severe damage. And, you know, during any sort of earthquake everyone says, you always compare it to the last big one youve ever felt. Have you lived in Southern California for a while, and how would you compare it to anything youve felt before . This is the most major one i have ever felt. The most major one youve ever felt. Yes. Linda king Open For Business there in your market despite the things coming crashing down on this Fourth Of July. Thank you for jumping on the phone with me and take care of yourself and good luck to you and your boss. Were pivoting between these voices coming in calling in and telling us what they felt. Im reading how many of you are feeling the rolling, shaking sensation youre describing all the way from las vegas to los angeles. Sarah snider shes been keeping an eye on lots of moving pieces in this earthquake. You have new reporting on the number of after shocks and maybe even rock slides . Yeah, so San Bernardino about an hours drive from l. A. And people will remember that name unfortunately because of the terror attacks that happened there, they are now reporting their rescue crews and fire reporting there are minor cracks in buildings there. But power lines down, and rock slides that are happening on certain roads in that area. You know, at this point when you have one of these events, this sort of thing happens quite often. Especially rock slides, something thats very dangerous here as youre driving along some of these roads, bridges. It is pretty common for rock slides and mud slides to actually happen hereafter an event like this. But, you know, keeping in mind how far away we are here in Southern California from ridgecrest, 156 or so miles and youre hearing about buildings cracked or rock slides, it gives you an idea of the power of this particular earthquake. And because it was shallow as you heard from Seismologist Jones that creates the potential for damage. And we now know there is damage of course in and around the epicenter there in ridgecrest. Were hearing that crews is reporting theyve gotten at least two dozen calls for medical emergencies and for fire. And so theyre out doing the best work they can to help people. But again far enough away from there, more than 100 miles away youve got cracks in buildings and rock slides happening in San Bernardino. Concerning to everyone. For some clarification here in los angeles one of the largest cities in the country, most populated cities in the country, not heard of any injuries or damage yet here. But certainly youre seeing pictures there. Thats pekoe rivera california, seeing pictures of things falling down or breaking. The earthquake comes through and i do also want to mention to you people should know there are going to be after shocks and we are hearing and you just heard from a resident there who was choked up as an after shock was happening right as she was speaking to you. There will be more of these. Seismologists very clear in saying youll get a lot of these not just today but tomorrow and the third day. So this event is not over, and the fear is theres a 1 in 20 chance there could be a stronger earthquake to come along. People should remember the rules of safety. Take cover. Get underneath something that is sturdy and strong in case things start falling offthewalls, off the ceiling or you have some incident with the ceiling. That is generally what injures people. If youre in a store try to find something or go underneath a register with somebody because things fly off of shelves, and that is usually how people get injured in these events, brooke. Talking to one of those eyewitnesses in ridgecrest and for folks just tuning in addition to the boulders and rock slides and the continued feeling of the after shock, there have been fires reported in the Ridgecrest Area. Tell us what we know about that. Were just getting that from County Rescue and theyre going out and trying to assess what is going on. Do we know for sure it was from this event, we do not yet. Sometimes what obviously happens is the gas lines get interrupted, they get damaged and you could have a fire. And so people are always alerted that if you smell gas, for example, in your house and you can get out and get to a safe place, if theres a way for you to do that you should. Those are very, very, very dangerous possibilities that theres going to be, a, an explosion or fire ignited from gas lines. And that could be but we have not confirmed, could be what has caused some of these fires in the area there where the epicenter is happening. And it is important for people to know and youre seeing video here from another resident. A lot of times to see when youre feeing it and to show it is a water in a pool. And you can see it sloshing. I talked to someone who tells me there was definitely a feeling of rolling. First a bit of movement, first a shake and then that rolling feeling. Brooke . Sarah, thank you so much. Standby for the mayor of ridgecrest, california, now on the line. Mayor peggy breeden. Thank you so much for jumping on. I imagine you have your hands very full right now. Bring us up to speed on what you know and how people in your community are doing. Right now we just 30 seconds ago had another one. Weve had this would either be our seventh or eight one weve had. Oh, my goodness, theres another one right now. Oh, my goodness. Are you okay . Breathe, just breathe. Okay, weve got as i understand weave five fires, we have broken gas lines. We have i do not know of any this is really good one. Hang on, before you continue, is it one after shock youre feeling or several in a row . I cant tell. It seems like its one. Is it still going . Weve had so many. No, it just ended. Weve had the police are out doing a marvelous job. The county has setup an Emergency Facility here. Senator Kevin Mccarthy im sorry, congressman Kevin Mccarthy i just got off the phone with. We have a lot of people. Im asking everyone as they listen to this please go next door to your neighbors. Just because youre okay doesnt mean they are. Knock on the door, make sure theres somebody there and theyre not in need of anything. The police, fire and all of our Volunteer Organizations are out working assessing the situation, trying to find out where places need to fight fires and i believe theyre under control right now. Can you talk to me a bit more ability those fires. Was it because of broken gas lines . I do not know that yet. Pg e, pacific gas and electric is out here assessing lines and turning off gas virtually everywhere. And thats what were doing. Were just please asking people to dont panic. I went down to our senior center. Were a city of about 28,000 people. They were having their Fourth Of July events there. They were panicky. I went down there, we got everybody out, no physical injuries, a lot of damage of in the facility. But so far im about half a mile away from the hospital and numerous ambulances are going by. I do not know if its because of the earthquake or just panic or what. But thats whats happening. And we have all sorts of organizations out helping. And so please, please, just ask them to go, if anybodys Listening Go Next Door and make sure your neighbors and friends are all right. Check on your neighbors, dont panic. Do you have a note for people as far as calling 911 . Because i imagine theyre overwhelmed . They are. Theres numerous 911 calls. And 911 certainly when you need help thats the place to call. Im asking them to make it for a real emergency and not just for information. Because im understanding theres a number of people calling for information. As im talking to you weve just had a second this image

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