Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 201808

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180824 19:00:00

The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin.
against michael cohen. but give us your testimony and we'll sort out who needs to get charged. >> it can depend. it may not be with regard to state crimes. i know there was some talk today that the state- -- the district attorney locally looking in to trump's issues as well. it is just not general immunity for all things everywhere, but specifically as it relates to this. >> and this is the u.s. attorney who granted immunity to weisselberg in the cohen case, but as you point out, we learned the manhattan d.a. is also considering pursuing criminal case involving the trump organization and two of its executives. do you think that those two jurisdictions are talking to each other? >> i would guess they are. one of the hall marks of effective law enforcement and prosecution is cooperating with other offices. if you look back at the cohen case, it seems to be the case that that sprung out of the state's investigation of this guy friedman. so good prosecutors office
ago. if he had the goods, if there was a crime committed, why didn't we hear it the other day. there was no crime in that tape. so i feel like if cohen really had the goods, we would have heard it then and we didn't. so while i'm sure no one likes to have the government prosecutors in their lives in way and they should be worried, but i haven't yet seen a crime. >> and i wonder too if because this is not mueller's probe, remember he gave it to the other district in new york, now we're also talking about not only the southern district of new york, but the manhattan d.a. i mean, trump had once said family finances would be a red line. could the president get involved in any way in this? >> he certainly might try. if anyone might try, it would be him. but then i think we're getting into dangerous territory of obstruction of justice. if he tries to shut it down because it is going a place he didn't like, how is that possibly justifiable. the president doesn't get to say okay department of justice, i want you looking here but you may not cross this line into
here or i'll shut you down he especially when the over here is his own information. that is straight out obstruction of justice. obstruction of justice i think some perspective is important. i once did a case where we tried and convicted somebody of obstructing justice because he tried to get a witness to change one fact of her testimony. here we have trump trying to burn the whole thing down. so to me, this is flagrant obstruction of justice. >> which of the current cases, investigations, should president trump be most concerned about? >> so again, i mean i haven't really heard a crime. we are talking about -- obviously he should be concerned about all of it. and politically there are bigger problems for him certainly. but legally, you know, most of what he is accused of doing, while it might be immoral, while it might be sort of icky, i'm not sure any of that rises to the level of a crime. even the campaign finance stuff, cohen may have committed a crime, that didn't mean that trump committed a crime. i haven't yet heard the crime.
>> do you agree? >> wife certaine've certainly he as to michael cohen. michael cohen said that i did this with and for the president. that needs to be tested still, but i think ultimately the biggest threat to the president is from the mueller investigation. i think that is the one that if they hit the mark there, that is the only one that can really take him down politically. >> thank you both. always good to have you with us. great expertise and insight. on this friday, we have more breaking news. this time in north korea, president trump abruptly calling off the nuclear talks, canceling a trip by his secretary of state that was supposed to happen next week. what is behind the change in plans? muss saplus sad news, cindy tweeting i love my husband with all of moo my heart. he will disagree treatment for brain cancer. we'll here senator mccain in his own words.
and later the man who wrote good fellas says he sees eerie similarities between mob bosses and president trump. we'll see how some of the president's language is borrowed from the mafia. request booking a flight at the last minute doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. the first survivor of alzis out there.ase
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it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery. ends saturday. first u.s. president ever to grant a sitdown meeting with north korea's leader is admitting that the followup is not going as he had hoped. president trump is calling off a u.s. trip to north korea over lack of progress on nuclear disarmament. it has been nearly 2 1/2 months since his summit with kim jung-un and just a short time ago, he tweeted i have asked secretary of state mike pompeo not to go to north korea at this time because i feel we are not making sufficient progress with
respect to the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. joining us now, michelle company z kozinski and josh ro rogen. why the about-face? >> i know. we knew days ago that the trip was planned, so we started to think that the north koreans have possibly -- at the very least, showed some willingness to play ball this time since things have been going badly. it was only a couple weeks ago we heard the national security adviser saying that things were not where they wanted them to be even in the process of getting started on the path towards denuclearization. so then yesterday they have this big event where they gather the press at the state department, secretary of state announced that we have a new o. envoy to north korea now. they are all going to north korea next week. you know, good news it seemed.
we did ask the state department just yesterday does this mean that this is because there has been some additional progress. they wouldn't say anything about it. and then all of a sudden today the president via a series of tweets announces that this isn't happening, that, no, there appears to be no progress. but he makes it all about china. he says that china isn't helping in this process. and let's maybe wait and see and get together soon with the north koreans won't we work out the trade deal with china. so it seems like this is absolutely coming from the white house, possibly more to do with trade with china than anything changing on the north korean side because things have not been going well there. but what is the state department saying about this right now? absolutely nothing, ana. >> crickets. josh, right after the summit with kim jung-un, trump hailed in a tweet that there was, quote, no longer a nuclear
threat from north korea. and now he is admitting that it is not going well. this is really a change in tone and one that doesn't come often from this president. >> what we're seeing is that trump's private frustration with the progress of the north korea nuclear diplomacy spilling out into public view for the very first time. and what that reflects is a change in the internal battle inside the top level of the trump administration over what is going on, how bad is it, and what we should do about it. national security adviser john bolton but not just are bolton, a lot of others, have been pushing the president privately to take what they call a more realistic approach, but what others cause a more hawkish roach. a approach. and that means talking tough, acknowledging the reality that there is no progress, and considering a pivot to a stance that is more public, more confrontational, might include more pressure mechanisms like sanctions. and it seems that today those hard liners have won the day
because the president is now taking that exact public position. now, that didn't mean we know what is going to happen tomorrow. remember, this could be a tactical play by the president. right before the singapore summit, he canceled the summit and everybody panicked. and then a few days later it was back on when kim jung-un did something to prove thhe was sti interested. so we have to entertain the possibility that the president is sending a signal of cut the crap and then everything can be okay again. and one last thing, when the president says i look forward to seeing you soon, but you're not going to see mike pompeo, well, isn't he cutting his own top diplomat off at the knees by canceling his trip and then saying deal with me, i'm the president. we'll talk about dealing with pompeo some other time. pretty astounding. >> or is he trying to to have it both ways, sort of maintain the close friendship so to speak with kim jung-un but at the same time saying you won't get to
talk. >> possible. >> president trump at the same time simultaneously in his own self playing good cop/bad cop here and signing this series of tweets like regards and respect and look forward to seeing you soon as if something is going to happen soon. but he is saying you know, we'll play hard ball, but i have a lot of respect for you and look forward to seeing you. i mean, it is really hard to figure out what is going on here and what the u.s. side wants to see. and u.s. allies are saying the same, that they are reacting to this like what is going on? and they are not getting a lot of answers either. >> josh, you wrote a piece before this announcement about this being a moment of truth for secretary of state mike pompeo going to north korea on this issue of denuclearization. what is the reality about what is happening inside north korea when it comes to its nuclear program? >> well, while there have been several steps to build
confidence and reduce tensions like bringing home remains of u.s. soldiers, stopping missile tests, those are all good things. but on the due nuclear track, there has been zero to little progress. last time pompeo went to ponk i pyongyang, it was largely viewed as a humiliation. now this time there is a good chance that could happen again and that would have been a huge blow to our whole diplomatic effort. it was a risk mike pompeo was willing to take along with his new special envoy. and now they have decided not to take that risk. and that just shows you that there is an acknowledgement inside this administration that this is not going as well as they wanted to and they fell li -- feel like they have to do something different. mike pompeo wanted to keep pushing and he got overruled. and now we have to wait for kim jung-un to make the next move. >> josh, michelle, thank you both. back to our breaking new
yous, the trump organization's money man getting immunity in the michael cohen investigation. details on what allen weisselberg may know and what that means for president trump's mounting legal troubles. (vo) this is not a video game. this is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body's own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn't exist until now. and today can save your life. ♪ ♪ - anncr: as you grow older, -your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad's got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide.
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allen weisselberg. he was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about michael cohen. a source previously told cnn weisselberg knows, quote, anything and everything about the finances of the trump organization. cnn anchor michael smerconish is joining us now. what do you make of this new immunity deal? >> on the surface it doesn't make sense. there has to be much more going on here than meets the eye. michael cohen is not a mob boss. right? you don't have to treat this case like it is the prosecution of john gotti and give everybody else immunity especially where michael cohen walked into the feds and told them what he knew. if you already have pecker, why do you need weisselberg and vice versa. i just cannot believe this is all about offering immunity to both pecker and weisselberg to go after michael cohen alone. if i were the president, i think i'd be very nervous about what is going on in the southern
district of new york. and frankly, ana, i don't think that you put together all these immunity deals if the only thing you're going after is conspiracy to commit election fraud. so i can't fully explain to you, but i'm absolutely not buying the explanation that the feds gave immunity to these two individuals just to go after michael cohen. and if i were michael cohen, i'd be saying geez, why didn't they give me immunity. none of it makes sense. >> you mentioned michael cohen and the words mob boss. other people have used mob boss in talking about president trump himself this week given some of the language he's used about flipping, some of the comments he's made about manafort and the conviction there. the "new york times" has an article out today where the guy who wrote good fellas draws similarities between trump and a mob on boss, quoting from the article here, it writes, when i first heard that trump said to comey let this go, it just rang such a bell with me, said the
author who has chronicled the mafia in books and films. trump was raised in that environment, it was normal aized to him. what is your take? >> my take is that the president has a very attenuated ear and that he knows how to reach his base. and maybe it is a guy thing, those of us who can recite every single line from godfather 1 and 2. 3 not so much. but i think that he taps into a vein of some support that exists for those that the feds are going after. i think he knows what he is doing in this regard and he is laying a predicate so that he can later say, look, they invested all that time and all that money and this is the best they could come up with? >> i've talked to trump supporters who say that they love that he does not talk like a politician. not sure this is what they had in mind though. but there has been more talk
from the president himself this week of the possibility of impeachment. and yet democrats have been a little wishy-washy on this issue. what is the risk of raising that if you are a democrat? >> well, i think that the democratic ideologues, those on the far left of the party, really want this and for them that is what the midterm election is all about, retake control of the house and then by a majority get an impeachment vote and throw it over to the senate. but we don't know what mueller knows. but if this is all that exists with regard to the president, meaning that allegedly he participated with michael cohen to make sure that hush money was paid to a playmate and/or porn star, i just don't think that rises to the impeachment test. we ran that experiment or one like it in the 1990s. so i think that the democratic party needs to be very careful not to prematurely overplay their hand, keep their powder dry and see where if at all this
investigation goes in a big sense. >> anderson cooper just interviewed a manafort juror who voted to convict him on all counts even though ultimately he was only convicted on eight of the 18. she is also a trump supporter and the full interview by the way airs tonight. but listen to this part of what she said. >> how would you feel if the president pardoned paul manafort? >> i feel it would be a grave mistake for president trump to pardon paul manafort. >> why? >> justice was done. the evidence was there. and that is where it should stop. >> michael, would this be a grave mistake? >> well, i'm not surprised at all to hear a juror say that particularly one who voted for conviction because if he should offer a pardon, her view is going to be, hey, what the hell, i sat in that courtroom for w k
three week and my time wasn't worth anything? i think the president is setting the stage for a pardon of paul manafort and the argument that he will one day make maybe is to say that robert mueller set off on this wi67 hunt lotch hunt lo collusion, couldn't find it, and the best he could do was tax fraud rkt fraud, tax evasion of events that precedesed the presidential election of 2016. i think that is the case he is getting ready to make. >> we should note rudy giuliani saying that he and the president have talked about pardoning people including manafort, but that they would not do it -- that the president would not move forward with any pardon of that nature during the pending investigation. so michael smerconish, we'll see where it all goes. thank you so much as always. michael has his show tomorrow morning at 9:00 eastern. up next in the newsroom, senator john mccain, his family now announcing he has discontinued treatment for his brain cancer.
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render their verdict. with his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment. listen to part of john mccain's last interview on cnn with jake tapper shortly after he was diagnosed. >> every life has to end one way or another. i think it was a playwright who said i always knew no one could live forever, but i thought there might be one exception. so you have to have joy. joy. listen, those joyful memories of the campaign in 2000 are some of the most enjoyable times of my life. we were the underdogs, we were fighting our way up. we went to sedona, i remember -- i mean everything was so magic about that campaign. and i'm very grateful for having the opportunity. i'm very happy. i'm very happy with my life. i'm very happy with what i've been able to do. and there are two ways of
looking at these things and one is to celebrate. i am able to celebrate a wonderful life. >> and that is wonderful. joining us now on the phone, ana navarro. ana, i know you are very good friends with the senator. how are you holding up? >> oh, you know, i'm so glad you played that clip because it is such a reminder that john would not want us to be sad right now. john does not want us to be mourning. john does not want us to be sad for him. in all the years i've known john mccain, i've never heard him complain once. i've never heard him have a pity party. this is a guy who has always been about the future. and i think the best thing we can do for john mccain right now is be inspired by him. live like he did. what he was saying to jake there is such the epitome. john mccain i know. i'm so happy to hear his voice,
you know. i miss hearing his voice. it has been a long, long time since i've spoken with him and he hasn't been able to speak on the phone for a while. and i think of his voice, but i can hear his voice in my head. and i can think about the lessons and the experiences and the joyful moments. john mccain is a guy who loves to laugh. he loves life. and i remember having spoken to him right after his diagnosis, and i called him to comfort him and give him words of strength. and i ended up bawling on the phone, crying so hardy could hardly get a word out. and it was him who comforted me hardly get a word out. and it was him who comforted me. gave me strength. talking about how fortunate he was, how full his life was, how long he had lived, how many times he had cheated death. he lived much longer than he
ever expected. and so, you know, the last thing john would want is for us to be sad for him today. >> we should all channel a little john mccain. i don't care what party you belong to, he is somebody we can all admire and appreciate for the way he has lived his life and the way he has shown his character and fought so hard for what he believes. and i want to bring in cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. senator mccain chose you to break the story of his illness last july. what do you think prompted this decision by the senator to end treatment? >> well, i'm sure it was a very difficult decision. and you are sort of having these decisions all along when you are getting this sort of treatment. you may remember initially they thought he had this blood collection only, that was above his left eye. behind his eyebrow. and they found the tumor at that point when they were taking out
the blood collection. that was july of last year. after that, you know, it is the question of chemotherapy, radiation, constantly sort of doing in some ways you know the analysis, is the risk of the therapy and the toll that that therapy takes on the body worth it, is it doing its job. and at some point you say, you know, you get to the point where you say the risks are no longer worth it. and i think that that is what has happened now. i think over the past couple weeks i've heard from people that he had a seizure last week, he's had some tee decline and i'm sure that is part of the decision as well. it is not an easy decision, usually done with family and doctors on obviously. >> and just on a personal level, what is the best lesson he showed you you during your time together? >> he's always been just a very generous, humble person. you heard all these incredible stories. i read his books. and how tough he was and what he endured, but you never -- the
humility i think and how you could be strong still without having to remind people of all the amazing accomplishments and his credentials. he just acted a certain way as opposed to sort of telling people to respect him, he really earned that respect. >> sanjay gupta, ana navarro, thank you both. up next, senator lindsey graham, he is doing an about-face on whether president trump should fire jeff sessions. we're live on capitol hill with details on why we're seeing this change of heart. but first, a be reminder to wat the new film rbg and discover the life and career of ruth bader ginsburg. . >> conventional expect stapatio marriage were very different. back then men supported families financially while women took care of the home. the law reflected that.
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for the second day in a row, president trump is hammering attorney general jeff sessions the day after sessions hit back. the president is now counterpunching. in his twitter rant, the president demanding sessions go after trump's political opponents. president trump's criticism of sessions could be eroding republican support for the nation's top law enforcement official. senator lindsey graham one of exceptions' strongest supporters and key member of the senate judiciary committee is suddenly signaling it may be time to replace sessions. >> clearly attorney general sessions doesn't have the confidence of the president, that is an important office in the country. and after the election i think that will be some serious discussions about a new attorney
general. >> and that is a stunning reversal for graham. here is the republican one year ago predicting the president would pay a heavy price if he fired sessions. >> jeff sessions was the most loyal support he were of donald trump. he is a rock solid conservative. but the reason i like him so much is i often disagree with him, but i've never believed that he was a man who lacks integrity or a sense of fair play. if jeff sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay. >> and that was then. for more on this what is behind this sudden change from senator graham? >> reporter: i think you had a lot of republicans up here on capitol hill questioning that very thing. this certainly was a stunning reversal by senator graham and a reversal that carries significant weight. his voice carries a lot of weight among his republican colleagues up here on capitol hill so this turned into
something of an essence of a green light signaling to president trump that he would potentially be okay if president trump wanted to fire sessions after the midterm elections. also, notingly yesterday, we heard from another key republican, senator grassley, his comments really telegraphing a bit of the same sentiment. senator grassley's chairman of the senate judiciary committee. he had previously said about the potential that he didn't have time to get another nominee through his committee but yesterday he changed the tune a bit saying potentially there would be time if trump wanted to fire sessions and led to another nominee and would have time after brett kavanaugh the supreme court nominee, getting him through. that a small but significant shift of grassley. he said publicly he had nothing to do with the back and forth
and no love lost of grassley and sessions and openly feuding over criminal justice reform and could have played into it. graham, as well. cracks, if you will, in the republican defense against sessions, especially notable as at the time where trump is really escalating the feud with his attorney general. >> talk to us a little bit more about the timing then. is it looking like the midterms is a factor in all of this? >> reporter: yeah. we have heard that from republican leadership yesterday after the very notable comments of graham, the notable comments of grassley. again, not connected specifically to sessions but indicating some openness at the possibility of the firing and every context you hear republicans say after the midterm elections. of course, firing sessions, that potential ramification of that to not help republicans in midterms and caveat and they include in every step of the way. >> sunlen, thank you.
up next, we'll stay top of the breaking news. granted immunity in the investigation of hush money payments. what this means for the president. but first, we want to take a moment to honor this week's cnn hero. florence phillips, helped more than 5,000 immigrants in nevada learn english and other cultural skills to help them be successful in the united states and more than 300 of her students have already become citizens. >> it is the immigrants that made the united states. it was the immigrants that came here to have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of doing whatever they wanted to do and they're the ones that made this country. we are giving them the key. >> come on in. >> to unlock all doors. and that i see the pride when they say i am an american.
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fraternity and its members in history. and now, more than two dozen young men face criminal charges. my colleague alison kamarota has a look at what happened to piazza inside the walls of the house. >> can you describe the gauntlet? >> just run through the house and there's like stations of alcohol and you're supposed to drink it as fast as you can. and people are, like, yelling at you. >> encouraging you to drink? >> encouraging you to drink as fast as you can. >> it begins with a handle of vodka. the brothers are made to stand in a line and pass it between each other until it's empty. >> reporter: next, the pledges run through stations manned by the brothers. shotgun a beer, run upstairs. chug from a wine bag. and then bag down stairs for beer pong. >> how's it supposed to be alcohol free? tim piazza from 0 to 18 drinks
in 82 minutes. his blood alcohol was nearly five times the legal limit to drive in pennsylvania. >> cnn's alison camarota joins us. what happened to him is stunning and afterward is truly disturbing. >> it is chilling. and it's unconscionable and may be criminal. what happened was there were all of these brothers, beta brother who is saw him and saw him in real distress and they didn't do anything. in fact, they prevented him from getting help. they didn't call 911. they didn't get him medical help. the best that they did was try to keep the body turned over so he wouldn't choke on his own vomit. >> moments ago, a pennsylvania judge threw out the most serious charges against piazza's

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