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The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Taking responsibility for crimes that hes going to say he committed. But this does not open up a can of worms of him now going on to cooperate against bigger fish in this investigation. That we know of yet. Yeah. That we know of yet. Okay. Lets broaden out the discussion and bring in a couple other folks here sitting next to me. I know its a big day when we have four people at the desk here in new york with me. First, just talking Michael Cohen. Good do see all of you with me. Eli, i start with you. Freshly with the microphone popped on. Nice to see you. Lets roll with just how significant is this news from cara, period . Huge. We know the damage that Michael Cohen can do to the president if necessary. And we probably only have a pretty narrow view. He can hurt him on the Campaign Finance with the payments to mcdougall and ms. Clifford. Can he bring home the piece on the Trump Tower Meeting . Its reported that cohen will say that the president knew about the meeting before it on everything in any jurisdiction. Otherwise you dont get that elusive 5k1 letter to a judge. Taking a step back on what exactly i mean, this is somebody, Michael Cohen has been with donald j. Trump for a long, long time. Right . Way prepresidency and through the transition and into the white house. So what sort of knowledge may he have . Michael cohen goes back to donald trump at least a decade. You know . He knows him from real estate, from investing in real i state, buying from trump tower, his own apartments. He worked with him at the organization. He was involved in one of the attempts of a trump tower in moscow. He knows the actor, how the Trump Organization did business and how trump did business and where he steps in on the potential Campaign Finance violations striking these deals for donald trump. So, they go way back. You know, cohen did say he would take a bullet for him. That changed after the fbi raid in april when the trump distanced himself saying that cohen had done very little legal work for him and then weve seen this shift in cohens mindset here. So he knows trump well. He knows things he has tapes, right . We know that he has what must be thousands of hours of tapes but i think the question for the prosecutors here is, you know, Michael Cohen is going to plead guilty to violating the law in potentially a lot of ways. Is he truthful . Can they corroborate anything . He would be attacked as a witness and weve even seen that with the tape. We saw the trump we saw Donald Trumps respond and attack Michael Cohens credibility and only play out more at a trial to get to that point. To her point, ellie, how do they know that he would be telling the truth . And, and, if youre Michael Cohen and you have some goods to give, do you give up the goods and then take the plea deal . If you do decide to cooperate. Or do you take the deal and then spill the beans . Yeah. So the whole ball game is credibility. As cara said, if hes cooperating hes going to be a handful to get him corroborated. What does that mean a handful . He is going to have credibility issues all over the place because hes doing i would presume committing crimes, financial, campaign and otherwise with and for the trump people for decades. Ive done trials where the key witness has been a cooperating witness is a murderer. Im sure you guys have, too. We know how to corroborate that person. Look at the forensics, the body. Does it match up . In a way thats almost easier than corroborating someone like Michael Cohen where so much of what he has to say deals with complex Financial Transactions and word of mouth. So the number one thing that the prosecutors look for, can we bank a trial on him . Hows he banked up . I want to hear his tapes, number one. So important. I want do see the bank records. I want to see emails and theyre going to have to look at that and make a decision. Can we bank on this guy . He is a tough one. You were nodding. No. I agree completely. These kinds of crimes, if hes paying off people who would cause embarrassment to donald trump hes doing it in cash, most likely. Or hes doing it in a way its not traceable. Thats exactly the kind of corroboration youre looking for. Youre looking for a bank account which was debited by the same amount of money that was the bribe to give to the witness. If you dont have that, then its just a he said she said case and a witness on the stand attacked very aggressively because, you know, he is doing the dirty work and admits to it in the first place. Corroboration is the key. Okay. We have been talking Michael Cohen. Stand by. You mentioned Paul Manafort. Theres so much to get to on the Paul Manafort trial. Day four of deliberations continuing in virginia. One of the notes apparently passed along, the jury today asking the judge, what happens if they cannot altogether agree on a church . He faces 18 counts. What that very specific question could mean for both sides in this case. Well dive deep binto that. Im brooke baldwin. Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. You may choose any doctor that accepts medicare patients. You can even visit a specialist. With this type of plan there are no networks or referrals needed. Also, a Medicare Supplement plan. Goes with you when you travel anywhere in the u. S. Call today for a free guide. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, Trouble Breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. Ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. Pay no more than 5 per dose with copay card. All right. So quick update. We were talking about Michael Cohen. The president s former Personal Attorney before the break. And now we have just gotten a little nugget from Laura Jarrett here at cnn that theres a proceeding in regards to the cohen matter today. So in about two hours from now. According to this Southern District of new york. Immediately following the deputy u. S. Attorney will make remarks. At the entrance of the courthouse. So i have my lawyers next to me. Elie, you say this means almost certainly got to be a plea. The only possible thing other than a plea is theyre announcing an indictment of him without a plea. One way or another hes being charged. So either hes pleading to it today at 4 00 or going in and being arraigned and take it from there. I saw footage before showing they got the barricades out there. What does that mean . Big deal. They dont have them out every day. Something big is happening. Also breaking this hour, the jury in the Paul Manafort jutri just indicated they could be close to a verdict after asking the judge, quote, if we cannot come to a consensus for a single count how can we fill in the Verdict Sheet . The judge here, judge t. S. Eliot told the jurors to give deference to each other and keep deliberating. Jessica schneider is outside this courthouse in virginia so shes with me now and Paul Manafort, you know, charged with 18 counts, tax evasion, bank fraud, hiding foreign bank accounts. If this jury agrees on all but this one count, did the judge today indicate he would accept a partial verdict . Reporter so, heres the thing, brooke. The judge indicated that, yes, he would accept this partial verdict if it came to that. But he did so outside the presence of the jury. He made this comment in the courtroom where the Defense Attorneys and the prosecutors were present. As well as people within the courtroom. He did not tell the jury that. He did not indicate to the jury that he would potentially accept this partial verdict. Instead, what he did tell the jury was he implored them to go back into the jury room and continue deliberating on the one count, if only one count they were having issues with or to all 18 counts. He said go back and really work at this. This is known as an alan charge. Here in virginia it is a Sawyers Charge and the judge gave them a lengthy statement. Five minutes in all and he said, go back in. Specifically, he said, you should not surrender your honest conviction simply to reach a verdict but. Then he said it is your duty to agree upon a verdict if you can do so without vie latting your individual inclination so the judge said, look, go back in there. Defer to each other. Listen to each other. Talk this out. And really make another go of it to see if you can reach a decision here. Brooke, right now about 2 20, those jurors are about 2 20 into this deliberation that happened after that judge instruction. And after what seems like a little bit of a second go around here to see if they can reach a consensus. Its a watch and wait out here as we have been doing for four days. I know you have. Jessica, thank you. Well come back to you the second you get more. I have elie and paul and caroline with me. Paul, first, before we even jump into what jessica was talking about, you have essentially an unwritten rule of however many days a trial goes on equals x days of deliberation. The pattern in high profile cases tends to be one day of deliberation for one week of trial. Now, in this case, weve had about ten days of trial extending a little bit into the third week. Before it got submitted to the jury. So, that would suggest were at verdict time now today. Today. If it extends beyond today it starts to indicate a hung jury. I would think a verdict is in the wind today. Whats the deal . The jurys listen. This is complex. But if the jury comes to this judge and says, hmm, if we cant all reach a consensus on this one count, what are you thinking in what are you thinkinging hell take a partial verdict. By the way, theres nothing unusual about this, at all. Especially in a big indictment with a lot of counts. If the jury comes to the conclusion of 17 out of 18, normally the court will say, all right, ill take the verdict and the 1 count they havent agreed on theyre hung on that count, the prosecutor might have the right to retrial the defendant on that count if thats a critical, very, very important count but ive been looking through the counts and you can sever all of them from each other. For instance, the tax counts have to do with tax returns signed in different years. So maybe they have a problem with one year but they dont have a problem with the indictments on the other four years. Some of the Bank Fraud Counts deal with different banks. And different loans. So it could just be one loan that they thought that was inadequate proof on and cant reach a Condition Collusion and all of the others they can. So if you have 17 counts where theres a verdict is that the Functioning Assumption and then just asking about one count you think . Reading the tea leaves in the text, theres more to the question they asked to indicate they had come to a consensus on the 17 counts. He delivered the alan charge which i love. Its so funny. Go back and make a decision and also dont, you know, change your minds so i mean, it is a little bit of a the idea to conserve resources. Nobody likes a hung jury. Its not that big of a deal one count the government is going do see it as a huge win with a conviction on 17 counts. And this is just further emblematic of this judge keeping the train on the track. Rock it, docket. He wants a verdict on all 18 f. Youre the prosecutor, you want the judge to tell them, look, you can hang on one count. Give us the other 17 and the fear is they misunderstand somehow and think if they cant get to consensus on 18, throw it all out. Which is the prosecutors dont want this. As paul said, you can have a partial verdict. If youre the prosecutor and 17 counts of conviction, even 10 and 7, 10 convictions of you take that every day of the week as a prosecutor. If pauls math is correct, today could be the day. Dont go too far. Well see. Back to the other Breaking News here. Michael cohen will appear in manhattan federal court. Is he about to accept a plea deal with prosecutors . Well take you live to that courthouse, next. Confidence and convenience plus get these 4 benefits from kenmore at sears. And save during our labor day event with your sears card. Get up to fifty percent off appliances. This high efficiency washer and matching dryer now 539. 99 each. And this fingerprint resistant French Door Refrigerator now 899. 99. Hurry in for savings to the sears labor day event sears and kenmore. 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We continue to follow the Breaking News of the president s long time fixer and former attorney. Cnn confirming that Michael Cohen who is facing possible criminal charges is in talks with prosecutors for a potential plea deal. Just over an hour and a half, a Court Proceeding involving Michael Cohens quote legal situation and not only under investigation for possible bank and tax fraud and possible charges related to secret payments including that sixfigure payoff to silence porn star Stormy Daniels. Bryn, what more do you know . Reporter an hour and a half or so from now we expect Michael Cohen to appear before a federal judge and because of that we are expecting to hear that if not before that a plea deal has been made between cohen and federal prosecutors. Now, the details of that agreement we still dont know just yet. You laid out the things, of course, have been investigated for four and a half months since that april raid of Michael Cohens hotel room and office and home. When it comes to bank fraud, tax fraud, all of these things were under a microscope for Michael Cohen but were not sure yet what investigators and cohen and his attorneys have agreed on to plead guilty to. Of course, when these Court Appearances happen, they have to go before a judge and Michael Cohen will have to admit to the same charges that he pleads guilty to and probably give a bunch of detail what hes pleading guilty to. We might get names and answers to questions people asking for four and a half months and this is an extremely significant. What we were originally hearing, this is an important thing to note, brooke. We were hearing as part of this plea deal there was not a Cooperation Aspect for Michael Cohen. Meaning, he wasnt going to cooperate with other investigations according to our reporting. But again, that could have changed in the last few hours. Literally everything is fluid up until this point. We know that were going to hear from the u. S. Deputy attorney after that 4 00 court appearance. Unclear to if well hear from Michael Cohen himself or his attorneys but like i said we are just standing by waiting for more information. A lot of movement here at the federal courthouse as we learn, wait to learn more. Brooke . Brynn, well check back with you. Thank you so much. That happening in about an hour and a half from now. Laura coates is with me now. Our cnn legal analyst. Laura, brynn alluded to the Key Information we could finally learn. Right . Names, crimes, et cetera. What are those key pieces you will be waiting to hear . Ill be waiting to hear about what is the charge to plead guilty to and the court may have some point have a discussion of a proffer of what evidence or charges they could have brought against a particular person, Michael Cohen. They probably wont go into great detail about the full scope of charges that were available to them. The full umbrella of it. But theyll focus on the particular charge they know that hell plead guilty to, he will be on the hook for. The most important thing to watch for is, you know, they may or may not disclose whether hes a full cooperator or an idea to keep things close to the vest for a cooperator of certain aspects of it but information from him what hes pleading guilty to and whether or not he will after being convicted of a crime at that point in time possibly held in jail until then and most people plead guilty leave and go home until they have their pending case. Case in point michael flynn. Well learn a lot from this. Hang on a second. I hear you on we may or may not know if hes fully cooperating. My friend Paul Callahan saying earlier typically it proceeds a plea. If hes pleading today, would that not infer cooperation . The distinction is its not the routine course that you walk in as a prosecutor, have a plea offer for a defendant and say, this persons going to proprovide information in the following cases for us and be a cooperator in that sense but you are absolutely right and so is Paul Incentive is underlying this entire thing. Theres an incentive to give you a plea offer. Theres reason they dont want do go through the grand jury experience, a full trial, to save tax dollars, to save their resources and focus on other things. If there is an incentive on behalf of the prosecutors to give him a plea offer, then there must be information he can offer them. There has to be something they cannot get anywhere else or cooperating in a capacity. Incentive, information. These are the things to be key to figuring out why they would want to extend the plea offer because not every defendant gets them, brooke. Right, right. You have been excellent. Thank you so much. Im going to pull away from you because our justice correspondent, i hear, has some Breaking News. Shimon, hit me. Thats right, brooke. Things developing. Michael cohen has turned himself in to the fbi in new york. There was video of him going into the building. Here we go. Im told that by sources he is there. He is now with the fbi. And then we should see him in court, you know, here soon in the next few hours. The fbi will likely tame him to court after hes processed and obviously the process of the arrest of Michael Cohen is now under way and then appear in court as we have been reporting around 4 00. For a presentment and what we believe will be a plea deal. Okay. Shimon, thank you. Caroline, paul, fbis got him. They got him. Im in shock. Quite frankly. This is not what we saw coming like paul said. We were all assuming and certainly Michael Cohen gave every indication that he was ready, willing and able to cooperate. But typical course would have been cooperation prior. Hes going to say exactly al aloecute and the crimes hes guilty of. They charge you with every single crime they can. Its kind of a confusing to call it a plea deal. Theres no deal involved. Its just pleading to the crimes pleading guilt. Correct. Pleading guilty. So the deal aspect connotes a cooperation and a plea doesnt exclude cooperation and at this point theres no cooperation. You know the mechanics of this whole thing, its off. Somethings somethings strange happening because usually when theres a voluntary surrender for processing, he is having the fingerprints taken and all of that in place before you appear in front of a federal judge. Is that happening now . Yes. Surrendering to the fbi, theyre doing preliminary processing. Okay. Now, if you have a deal worked out with prosecutors, you can usually set this up so youre doing this surrender, the first thing in the morning. You know . Might get there at 8 00, 8 30 when the office opens to make sure its all done before so you can get the arraignment done in the same court day and doesnt have to stay in jail overnight. I dont know what time he was spotted going into the fbi building but it sounds like it wasnt Early Morning because were only finding out about this story now. Why does that matter . I dont know. If theres a plea deal in place with cooperation, everything is set up in advance. So it goes smoothly. Surrender early in the Morn Sog The Processing is done and appear in front of a judge at a certain time. It doesnt sound like those things were all in a row and lined up in this case. So, it just feels odd for a plea deal or a cooperation situation. It doesnt it doesnt ring true to how these things usually work. Laura coates, your read . Its certain that one thing is sure. You dont surrender to the fbi for a misdemeanor, brooke. You surrender for a felony. Theres a Felony Conviction in Michael Cohens future. Coming at 4 00 p. M. Thats a very serious charge. Well over a year in prison for you facing that. A Felony Conviction. Otherwise they wouldnt have this. Second point of it, might be increptive again on behalf of the prosecutors if you have a waffling defendant. Who may change their mind. Theres some reason to put that person on the hook and have them sign the deal right now. The deal being you will agree to plead guilty to a particular charge. Still, there may be some things not going to put on the indictment that hes in front of the court for having him arraigned on and over his head as a carrot to have him cooperate later if you fail to be an informant, if you fail to give us information useful and value dobl t valuable to the information. What youre seeing haste is the strategy of the prosecution to say we have you here. The hook goes in and thats quite typical. What might one waffle on . Well, they might waffle on the idea of, the idea of having your name at the other end of United States versus and trying to fare in court. Look at Paul Manafort. Right now he is restless and anxious thinking what do they mean by one charge is why they cant agree on something. Its anxiety riddled situation and may say ill test it. There was a period of time when i think Michael Cohen believed that he was at the not at the mercy but the pleasure of the president of the United States as a protector and backer and may have thought to himself, do i now get the opportunity to plead guilty and set myself up as the enemy of the president of the United States . Do i wait and hold out like Paul Manafort . This is difficult especially if you know you have to go into the custody of the u. S. Government to pull this off. You might be facing jail time immediately. He has children. She hit on exactly what i wanted to ask you about. We keep talking about the mat machinations. This person he thought he had his back and that person, the president , had his. Perhaps its almost like now just wondering what to do. Yeah. Well, unlike other normal criminal investigations and prosecutions, we have this looming pardon in the air and we know that the president has been really sending some signals in the people for whom hes pardoned recently. And the language that hes used. He feels they have been treated unfairly. A lot of people speculating that Michael Cohen, his behavior, was a cry for a pardon. So, i mean, who knows . Youre right. Depending on what they worked out with prosecutors. He may go to jail tonight, brooke. He may be there until sentencing. So, you know, i find that unlikely. The governments going do make arguments if they want him behind bars hes a flight risk, not showing up for sentencing. If i had to guess id say they let him out on probation prior to sentencing. On that point, about the pardon, giuliani has been sending messages, very clear messages, that cohen is the enemy. Disparages in all of the descriptions. The tide turned. Manafort even though hes on trial and the president , been very, very complimentary about him. The other thing i wanted to circle back on and i think we consider a point that laura coates raised and i think legitimate. While most of the time Cooperation Agreements are in place before you go into court and plead guilty, there are exceptions to that rule. You know where the exception is . Look at the manafort trial and rick gates. Gate indicted along with manafort and cut his deal postindictment. They wanted to put pressure on him and thats how they did it by inditding him. That could be going on here, too. I think we are getting theyre getting in my ear. Shimon . You are the one that broke the news that cohen is in fbi custody. What do you have now . Right. He is with the fbi now. Hes greeted there at the fbi. By investigators by The Public Corruption Unit at the new york office. Investigating him quite sometime now. He did surrender to them and processed. Were also getting word on the charges that Michael Cohen pleading guilty on and thats just handed to me so were told that as part of the deal hes expected, Michael Cohen is expected to plead guilty to multiple counts of Campaign Finance violations, tax fraud and bank fraud according to three sources. The deal were told will include jail time and substantial monetary fine. Cohen were told was a little concerned about forfeiture and lose a substantial amount of money and wanted to protect the money for his family and there were discussions over the amount of jail time, obviously he wanted less jail time. So it looks like he may get that. He may also be able to keep some of the money that he was concerned about, he was going to lose. The whole idea here, brooke, keep in mind, if the u. S. Attorney there was to indict him, it would be much harder for Michael Cohen to plead guilty to a lesser crime. Right . Sometimes multiple charges in indictments. Theres a process of the u. S. Attorneys office in manhattan pleading guilty they want you, the policy is that you have to plead to the top count and would have been much harder for Michael Cohen to get a sort of a better deal had he allowed Prosecutor Dos Prosecutors to go ahead and its expected any day now and looks like he negotiated a better deal for himself an appears may land him in jail for up to three years, again, substantial fine. Hell lose some other money. But really, the point here were told is that he wanted to protect his family in all of this. What we were just talking about, family piece of all of this for anyone. Shimon, thank you so much for those key pieces of information. Laura, let me just go back to you on now we know, pleading guilty. Multiple counts of Campaign Finance, tax fraud, bank fraud. In jail up to three years and to your point on family, worried about the money and protecting his kids and his family. I mean, the art of Self Preservation here. Thats what every defendant has to think about when youre an island of one and see the sharks of the prosecution circling around you. He experienced that and knew theres nowhere to turn. Campaign finance, Whose Campaign was he talking about . Campaign finance connection could only be to then citizen donald trump and candidate for the presidency of the United States. We know that this particular person had a hand in the Karen Mcdougall and Stormy Daniels with a discussion of alleged Affairs Prior to the november election of the presidency of the United States. We know he has a connection there. We know that he has shell corporations essentially that were formed to process the payments and we know that the president of the United States on the back of Air Force One said i knew nothing about it although thats belied by his introduction in the california lawsuit held by michael avenatti. You are seeing a direct connection and probably why the campaign, the slanderous campaign perhaps from Rudy Giuliani on behalf of the president of the United States began because they were afraid that the very things that connect Michael Cohen to the president of the United States would be the very thing that the sdny prosecutors were most interested in. Just as you were talking, i was thinking, too, about the president in the back of Air Force One saying, i know nothing. Talk to Michael Cohen. Youre precisely right, laura. Stand by. David chalian is our cnn political director. Campaign finance. This is a direct link to the president. Yes. Laura just took the words out of my mouth. This is now a direct link to President Trumps campaign. Theres no doubt about that. But also step back here, brooke, and just sure. Imagine you understand how much the president consumes what is happening and the headlines and on cable tv throughout every day. And imagine being the president right now and observing whats happening as were awaiting a Manafort Trial Verdict out of virginia. Hes watching perhaps someone that there are few people who have been closer to this president than Michael Cohen over the years in his business. A personal lawyer. Youve heard the recordings of their conversations that lanny davis put on the air. This was something intimately involved with President Trump and now the president is observing him surrendering to the fbi and pleading guilty to some crime that is relate directly to his president ial campaign. That would be a lot of Pressure Ratcheting Up i would imagine that the president is experiencing as he watches this as much as he and the team want to distance the president from this, theres no distancing anymore. And i think that is made Crystal Clear in this news that we are getting right now about Michael Cohens plea deal. Listening to you, talking to the control room, do you have that sound bite pulled up of the president in Air Force One . Roll it. Did you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No, no. What else . Why did Michael Cohen make it . You have to ask Michael Cohen. Michaels my attorney and you have to ask Michael Cohen. Do you know where he got the money to make that payment . I dont know. No. It was david chalian, back do you. Laura was speaking and i was thinking about this. The direct connection to the campaign. Will you remind everyone the significance of that moment . Well, it was not a believable moment as it occurred and then, of course, you will recall in the days after Sarah Sanders asked Time And Again in the briefings about it, she was unable to sort of shed additional light on it without getting herself twisted into knots. We know that right there in that question on april 5th that was he says Michael Cohen is my attorney. Just remember, thats not that long ago, brooke, about how much this relationship has taken a turn. Right . Because it was not there long after Michael Cohen was not his attorney and in fact turning on him and you could see the president choosing his words so deliberately there in describing Michael Cohen and the relationship to him at that moment. It was just i believe a couple of months before that they were dining together. Michael cohen clearly seeking a way to stay in the president s good graces and how their relationship may be able to continue through this legal scrutiny. That did not happen here. And what we know as all the facts have come out since that it seems impossible that the president did not know that payments were involved to keep these stories at bay. David chalian, stand by. Everyone, stand by. What a massive, massive news day. We have live pictures there as we wait for the president s once Personal Attorney and now a man whos a fbi custody as we speak about to head to that courthouse and plead guilty. According to our reports, to multiple counts of Campaign Finance, tax fraud, bank fraud. Facing up to three years. Do not miss a beat. Well be right back. Welcome to the place. Where people go to learn about their medicare options before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . Yep. And youre retiring at 67 . Thats the plan its also a great time to learn about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Heres why. Medicare part b doesnt pay for everything. This part is up to you. 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Live pictures of that federal courthouse in Downtown Manhattan where were waiting to see once the president s good friend, fixer, Personal Attorney, Michael Cohen is about to plead guilty to multiple counts of Campaign Finance. You have the direct link to the president s campaign here. Tax fraud, bank fraud and could be spending a couple years behind bars here. This is all happening in mere moments as were discussing the fallout, the implications, potential cooperation here. Weve got evan perez, our senior justice correspondent, over at the Paul Manafort trial. I want to talk about Michael Cohen. My goodness. What a difference a couple months make. Your reaction, evan . Reporter absolutely. Its a huge difference. I can tell you that one of the things in making phone calls on this story and reporting in the last 24 hours, we were trying to figure out how toreportsomeof this. We were checking in with the President Trumps own attorneys and they were closely monitoring the rumors that these talks were under way. Obviously theres a huge implication for the president. The idea that perhaps some of these charges that hes going to plead guilty to will relate to the payments to these women that were done back in 2016 in the runup to the election. So the question is how does this relate to the campaign . I think everybody is waiting to see the final language that Michael Cohen pleads guilty to. The other question is what type of agreement does this involve . This morning we were hearing that there was some discussion of how much cooperation he would offer. Obviously we know that Michael Cohen is not exactly the worlds greatest witness anymore after what weve seen in the last few weeks. Im not even sure that prosecutors would want him to cooperate against anyone in particular because its not clear that hes exactly a great witness to use in another case. Evan, thank you. Still no verdict where you are, correct, sir . Still no verdict . Reporter were constituesti waiting. Thats right. I want to bring david into this conversation, former cia. Your point is that Robert Mueller must be watching this whole Michael Cohen situation very closely. Absolutely. Let me set this up for a little bit so bear with me. Bob mueller is looking at the main line issues having to do with the russian Information Warfare on the campaign and its interference in the election. This has been shipped off to sdny to deal with. To the extent that bob mueller is working out trying to figure out the president s intent of the Trump Tower Meeting which is the meeting that established the most direct evidence we have of russian interference with knowledge of people in the trump campaign, to the extent hes trying to establish the president s credibility on saying i didnt know anything about it, in this case with Michael Cohen, you now have a case where Michael Cohen is pleading guilty to Campaign Finance irregularities of some kind. Well find out the details. The president said i didnt know about that. If hes pleading guilty to this in new york, that imp plies the investigators have the goods to back it up. They have phone calls or emails or something behind it. That says the president may have lied about whether he knew about those Campaign Issues and that gives mueller the ability to establish this happened before in that case, what do you think it means about that trump powto meeting . According to our reporting from a little while ago, it was cohen who said that the president did know, signed off on the meeting, right, which of course the white house has denied but the important piece of that is cohen said it wasnt just he who was in the room who heard the president say that. It was other eyewitnesses so presumably on your point about the trump tower, team mueller could corroborate with those eyewitnesses. Its that level of combining the tactical information theyre getting from the cohen deal, if there is a deal, or at least the guilty pleas, getting that tactical information and then going to the strategic level to say what does it say about trump and the campaign . This is something where bob mueller has known about this information for a while but we are finally, yet again, being exposed to something that he has been putting those Puzzle Pieces on together for months. Michael cohen in fbi custody waiting for him to arrive at this courthouse where he will plead guilty on multiple counts. It is major day here in america. Well be right back. [ coughs ] [ screams ] [ laughs ] whoa, whoa, whoa. Your one item would be the name your price tool . It helps people save on car insurance. Why wouldnt it save me . Why . What would you bring . A boat. Huh. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. And were told a substantial fine. Dont forget it was cohen linked to those secret payments including one to Stormy Daniels so should the president be worried about the man who once said hed take a bullet for him . I will use my legal skills within which to protect mr. Trump to the best of my ability. Ill do anything to protect mr. Trump. Im dedicated and loyal to mr. Trump. Youre the one breaking the news that hes in fbi custody and these counts hes going to plead guilty to. Give me what to expect. Quite moving, unfolding quite quickly here. He surrendered within the last hour. He was met by fbi agents from the new York Field Office there in Lower Manhattan by agents and

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