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Parents had been living here in the United States as permanent residents with green cards. Congratulations to the family on this very important day, new u. S. Citizens for the parents of the first lady. Thats it for me. Thanks for watching. Ill be in the situation room, amanpour is next. Newsroom with brook baldwin starts right now. All right, wolf, thank you so much. High, everyone, im brook baldwin, youre watching cnn on this thursday, count with me, 889 days until election day, get ready for a showdown, not only at the polls, but with special counsel robert mueller. Rudy giuliani is the one setting up the stakes here negotiating if the president will do an interview with mueller. And giuliani on both sides of the argument here on whether the russia investigation will actually be a Drag On Republicans in november. Because just hours after he insisted that mueller should wrap this whole thing up by september 1, inaccurately saying that the Department Of Justice dictate that, not true, giuliani posited this, the republicans could benefit from prolonging the november elections. When i first got involved, i would have told you not testifying would have been the right legal strategy, then hurt politically. Now im thinking the continuance of the investigation would actually help because people are getting tired of it. And the president needs something to energize his base. Nothing would energize republicans more than, lets save the president. Now m. Barrett burger, a former federal prosecutor, at the The latest news from around the world with host Brooke Baldwin. Atop the Intelligence Committee to try to protect the president from the Mueller Investigation and revealing in rather stark terms that the House Republicans need to keep their majority in order to protect the president from mueller. Heres what he said. There there lies the catch22 situation where we see a probleproble problem. I mean we have to. So he appeared at a fundrai e fundraiser of kathy mcmorrisrogers. I have reached out to her office to see if he agrees with this assessment by nunes. Paul ryan also has not commented on this, but this comes after a long line of tradition of going after as part of the house Intelligence Committees probe, so these comments undoubtedly are going to feed those accusations that nounes will us his power to help the president. This is what i would call a record scratch moment where you have a member of the House Of Representatives, which is seen as talking to these folks at this dinner, paying a pretty penny with his donors, saying we in the House Of Representatives need to protect the president , save the president , really doing his duty of oversight over this administration. Sometimes the truth actually emerges and you get a pretty clear sense of what people believe. Its stunning. But what also is very distressing, its very clear the next three months are not going to be about governing, about doing good things for the country, its going to be a hand to hand combat, everything is going to be colored by how do we win the midterms. One of his quotes, just drilling back down barrett, if sessions wont unrecuse, and mueller wont end the investigation, were the only ones who can clear trump. This should be shocking to all of us that hes publicly commenting that his goal is to clear the president. But this isnt actually that surprising, this is just a public acknowledgement of what they have been doing this entire time. The sole focus of this investigation, i think we can put air quotes around that now, is to discredit the special proceeding, it will go on for some time. It wont derail whats happening with kavanagh . From the democrats point of view, they obviously want to hold the house before they start impeachment proceedings. But its becoming more apparent that its in the democrats best interest to stop talking about impeaching the president until after the midterm elections. Coming up next here on cnn, the judge in the Paul Manafort trial admits he messed up after repeatedly clashing with prosecutors. The judge admitting that he made a mistake in the trial. Also a Nightmare Scenario for two Young Children flying by themselves, their flight ended up diverted to another city because of bad weather, how these kids under the age of 10 ended up in a hotel room overnight. The father says both parents were left in the dark. The airline disputes that and is defending its actions. Well talk to the dad involved coming up next. And a nail biter in cin th election. Why hes not recusinging himself. sat hour one. Ing hard and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. And now you know. 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Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me now. Im still clear. How sexy are these elbows . Get clear skin that can last. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. You finayou know it chair . Woah laughter hahahaaaaahhhh gorilla glue. Of course. Gorilla glue expands into the materials to form an incredibly strong bond. For the toughest jobs on planet earth. A stunning admission from the judge in the trial of former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort. This judge is t. S. Ellis conceding today he was wrong for scolding prosecutors. Let me remind you that the admonished the prosecutor in front of the jury and then the prosecutors said they were going to file a motion to clear tn upe record and clear the air requwi the jury. And the judge said this morning, in front of the jury, i was probably wrong in that, This Robe Doesnt Make Me anything other than human. That was his apology. Is it possible do you think that he just forgot . How crazy it is that you have a judge in this megaimportant Trial Apologizing . I have never had a judge apologize to me. Theres a first for everything. I think he just did forget. I dont think we can attribute any bad motive to that, but it was a pretty shocking admonition of the prosecution. This was a role thule he had ma before the trial, that he could sit in the courtroom can during the trial, its not common for judges to do that, but i think he did the right thing in this situation. This judge is known for keeping the train rolling, for keeping the train on the tracks. The judge has a reputation for being a docket rocket. But he has cut off witnesses, hes cut off attorneys, hes said next question, hes butted in to them as theyre questioning the witnesses, but he also hassed a m ed a moadmon, hes told them to rein in their facial expression, stop rolling your eyes at me and indicating to the jury that youre having to deal with this idiot judge as he put it. And then he said to the prosecutors, he said, look, i just dont want to give away my facial expression. He basically accused him of having tears in your eyes. And then he said he did not have tears in his eyes. Hes been a judge for years. This is judge t. S. Ellis. Thank you so much for that. Next here, she says, quote, the america we know and love doesnt exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the american people, and theyre changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us dont like. Yeah, didnt in there. Going on to partly blame legal immigrants for her unwanted shift in american demographics, lets discuss that, next. Are you taking the tissue test . With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com the build the wall sentiment of this Trump White House is once again morphing and fox news Host Laura Ingr Ingram Put Hers Smack in the middle of that conversation. From what we heard recently from the white house, she complained about legal immigrants as well. Listen to what she said. In some parts of the country, it does seem like the america we know and love doesnt exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the american people. And theyre changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us dont like. From virginia to california, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the countrys changed. Now much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases Legal Immigration that, of course, progressives love. Lets have a conversation. With me now cnn political commentato commentator, Mary Catherine hamm and cnn opinion writer ronald reyes. So welcome to both of you. And Mary Catherine, just starting with you, when you watch Laura Ingram Say what she just did, she comes across as ignorant and racist. So can you help me understand what she was trying to say . Well, actually i did look through all of Germher Monologud tried to reason this out in the most charitable way possible, but i couldnt do it. Because she says demographic shifts both legal and illegal, demographics matter, and then later she says its not about race or ethnicity, its about understanding that american citizenship is a privilege, and understanding about the rule of law. Except she lalso notes that Legl Immigration is not actually the rule of law if you say both of those things. That is preskicisely what i wanted to ask raul, because shes painting this picture and talking about not only ilLegal Immigration, shes blatantly talking about Legal Immigration as well. What shes talking about is these demographic changes that we didnt vote for, theres a collective we that she presupposes we dont want. In fact threequarters of Imgrai Imimmigraimi immigrants are here legally. The majority of these immigrants they came over legally and by a system of laws that our congress and leaders elected. So we did have our say in the types of people that we want here. What she seems to object to is the type of immigrants that are coming. Like what . Its very interesting that this segment began with her criticizirant about immigrations and then this undocumented immigrant that was accused of this crime. Whats she saying that she doesnt like . It appears as if shes complaining about the latino population in the country. The Fastest Growing Immigration Population is asians not latd te lat latinos. Normally we want to avoid any sort of trying to translate or interpret what theyre saying over there at fox. But this is a big deal because it was recently shared by the white house. Steve miller is out there pushing this plan to punish legal immigrants who receive benefits like welfare. Yeah oh, sorry. I thought you had a question. No. There used to be delineation speaking about legal and illegal. But when youre speaking only about illegal immigrants. But this is a clear blur of the line in both cases and it seems explicitly linked to demographics. I think theres a subsection of those that they ignore, is that people that have been accused or even convicted of crimes in some cases and that affects real americans. But when you look at actual stats about cultural assimilation and whether they are taking on the values of america, by Second Generation its the same as other generations of immigrants have been, when you look at Crime Statistics for new immigrants, those neighborhoods have sometimes less crime than native born americans. There are problems we need to deal with and can name, but its not about this entire community, and this entire community is part of what makes america great, if i may steal a phrase. Raul . Theres in Stephen Miller and his comments. Hes talking about legal immigrants, like she said, that is different than what were seeing before. But this summer we saw from gallup that support for immigrants is at a record high, which might be a push back against the Trump Administration, 75 of americans say immigration is a good thing. Theres 85 democrats and 25 republicans. I do have a question for you on this Gubernatorial Race in kansas, chris koback, still locked in this gubernatorial recount. This is just another example, and were talking about a few folks in the last couple of weeks. Allies in the trump world who are pretty swaptastic. If you know, especially if you have been a Secretary Of State for a long time, and you have people in place who you know well can do their jobs professionally. Part of your job is creating that environment, let them handle it and handle it fairly. I think we all depend on the governors to do that and especially the Secondary Retary state. While we were discussing immigration, we now have news that a federal judge has blocked the Trump Administration from deporting Asylum Seekers who are challenging the rules of Jeff Sessions. Whats the story . Reporter thats right, a bit of breaking news, we understand that a federal judge has just blocked the Trump Administration from deporting a group of immigrants who have brought a lawsuit challenging some new rules established by Jeff Sessions that basically make it much, much more difficult if not nearly impossible for immigrants who have suffered from domestic violence, gang violence, that type of thing from qualifying for asylum in the u. S. Whats particularly dramatic is that this lawsuit was fwililed y this week, but the american civil Liberties Association went to court and got the judge to order them not to deport immigrants during this lawsuit. The Trump Administration had put one of those immigrants on a plane for deportation. And upon finding out about this the judge was infuriated and ordered the plane fto be turned around. A bit of a dramatic moment in federal fourth today regarding those rules that Jeff Sessions has put into place. Got it. Thank you for that. Coming up next, a fathers fight with an airline, his two kids flying across the country alone, but what exactly happened when their flight was diverted to another city and those two children were taken to a hotel by an airline employee. It dad says no one said a word to him. Lets get the full story coming up next. Which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptorpositive her2 Metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. 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I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me now. Im still clear. How sexy are these elbows . Get clear skin that can last. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Uncompanied kids. He said his two kids boarded a Frontier Airlines flight headed for orlando. The flight got diverted because of bad weather, so they stopped in atlanta that night. The dad claims a Frontier Airlines employee using her own personal car actually drove his kids to an Atlanta Hotel without letting their father know and spent the night there. The airline says they were in contact with the mother before taking them to the hotel. The according to frontier policy, the kids were attended to at all times by a frontier supervisor placed in a hotel room overnight and provided with food. Chad, the father of the kids, along with his attorney. And chad, first, on your emotions. Talk to me about what it was like going through knowing that your kids, both under the age of 10 went through this . Yeah, hi, brooke, thanks for having me. You know, very good question. I think the emotions are obviously running very high, the Frustration Levels were running very high. Regardless of whether jennifer and i should have put the kids on the plane as unaccompanied minors is really besides the fact. Once you decide to make that decision, and frontier decides to take responsibility for these children and then when they dont follow the protocol to let the parents know that, hey, heres what were doing with your kids, were actually going to take them off Airport Premises and put them in a hotel and were actually going to drive them to a hotel in an employees vehicle. Let me jump in. When did you first hear from the airlines what was happening with your kids . We never heard from the airlines whatsoever. So i think the statement said that the children were in contact with us. And that is correct, my son called me around 12 30 at night to tell me that they had been diverted to atlanta and waiting do see what was going to happen. And then 2 1 2 hours later i heard from my son from another una uncompanied minors phone, and that the flight had been cancelled and theyre trying to decide what to do with the other kids. You only heard from your kids because they happened to borrow a cell phone from one of the other kids on the plane, so you were not in contact with the airline . That is 100 correct. This is what frontier says, our records show that the children were in contact with their mother before being transported to the hotel and that their father was aware of. We understand how an unexpected delay caused by weather can be Stress Follful for a parent. I think the mother tried to contact frontier at the Orlando Facility and there was no information. So the issue is the communication between the airline and the parents. And chad, frontier is also saying that you went to the media to complain about this happening to your kids before you went straight to the airline. Why did you do that . Well, for one, we actually tried to go through the appropriate channels first, when trying to deal with frontier. Jennifer carters mother contacted them after the ordeal and they gave them a 1800 number that only gives recorded messages. I did zweereach out to them on twitter, and they gave me a recorded response, with the previous dealings we had had with them at the airport, it was clear they werent taking the necessary actions they should to try to reach out to us. Thats why we actually went to allen and then from there, you know, we went to the network. I got it. Al allan, what is protocol for unaccompanied minors like this, when theyre diverted to another city, is plrotocol putting them in an employees car and taking them to a hotel . No there is not. This is an Ad Hoc Procedure taken by airline employees because there was no policy they followed. So what they are they supposed to do with the kids . Delta actually has a policy and procedure for . Situatio this situation, but the other airlines dont. What do you want from the airline . I dont know that i want necessarily anything from frontier in regards to a excellent or a statement. But i would like to see changes in policies and procedures being put into place. Like allan mentioned, i think delta is the only airline that has a strict procedure in place, other airlines have come forward and said they have some type of procedure. And i dont think its industry wide through aviation, but i would like rules and policies and procedures put in place so this incident doesnt happen again. So next time if it does happen again, it may not end well for the kids. Thanks so much for your time, thank you, guys. Coming up next, a Rookie Police officer was involved in the Fatal Shooting of an unarmed man, reportedly todaying that he fd up and didnt know what he was doing. Well tell that story next. To homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. 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Yes, and you mentioned pennsylvania, thats the lets go now to july 28, this happened in sort of a few hours o outside of pennsylvania. A woman was approached by a man who said he was going to get into her car. She goines a little farther and encounters this victim, victor san santos, he was going all these dramatic movements. Ro roselli calls in and says he thinks he has a mental patient on the ground. He fires five shots killing this man right there on the street. So its an unbelievable story and whats sad about it and i think most tragic is that the d. A. , after filing these charges, says this was not racially motivated, this is inexperience, but i want you to hear more about what the d. A. Said. Sure. Theres no evidence that mr. Santos was armed with any weapon and no evidence that he had committed or attempted a forcible felony. I have approved the charge of manslaughter rather than murder in the firstdegree because murder requires malice. We are thankful for todays decision, and we will continue to show up and hold d. A. Martin accountable, because we know an indictment in no way means a conviction. I want to read a statement from the attorney of officer roselli, who says Officer Roselle believes now, as he did on july 28, that his actions were justified and appropriate based on the facts and circumstances evident at the time. But he said to another officer that he fd up and he didnt know what to do. So it just brings to light how inexperienced these officers are in dealing with these situations. What is the death count right now . 16 people, certified. 16 people, versus in the thousands. That was ten months ago. Today, the government of puerto rico is quietly admitting something unusual happened in the aftermath of that storm and the death toll, the subject of Great Controversy may be far higher than it first thought. A live report next. E this. Crisp leaves of lettuce. Freshly made dressing. 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Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me now. Im still clear. How sexy are these elbows . Get clear skin that can last. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Nearly one year later, officials in puerto rico have not yet finalized the death toll for hurricane maria, they are now acknowledging that more than 64 people likely died as a result of that catastrophic storm. Heres a new estimate. More than 1,400 people died. This is a new report that asks congress for billions in funds. Lets go to Layla Santiago to talk us through, 1,400, that is quit different from 64. Why isnt puerto ricos governor updating that official number . Reporter so the official response, brooke, and actually we just received a response from the governor of puerto rico on this is that they are waiting for the study they commissioned from George Washington university to be completed before they even touched that number 64. Now, i want to read to you just one portion of this statement that they put out from the secretary of public safety, Hector Viskara saying this is not the official number of deaths attributable to maria. Ad theyre talking about that figure 1,400, where does that come from . It comes from here, it went out to Congress Last night in which you mentioned theyre asking for money for Recovery Efforts s i puerto rico and what theyre acknowledging there, in the month after hurricane maria, if you look at the statistics, there is in excess of 1,400 reports, but they said they are not prepared to tie that directly to hurricane maria, and that is why the number remains at 64. So new mexico that g. W. Report is done, theyre saying yes, we acknowledge theres an excess of deaths, were not ready to touch the death toll. So whats the problem with that . That report commissioned by the government of puerto rico from George Washington university was due in may to have findings. And they did put something out about the methodology in establishing the death toll, but we havent gotten what we expected to get from that report. According to the officials i spoke to this morning, they are expected to get some information later this month, well have to wait and see when that happens. Lets get to the bottom of why this happens. You have heard me say this before, not only is this about closure from the families of loved ones they have lost because of hurricane maria, this is about understanding the numbers so you can possibly prevent it in the future. Any expert out there will tell you if you dont understand who died, what, when, where and how, theres no way of preventing in the future. Thats why those numbers are so important, especially right now because were in Hurricane Season and historically september is the month in which puerto rico tends to see some of these stronger storms come along and do some damage, so the timing of this is important to understand how puerto rico can possibly prevent this. One more thing i want to add in terms of timing. The government of puerto rico this morning as i spoke to them, made it a point to say these numbers have been out there before, but these numbers came out a day before the government of puerto rico had to release those numbers after cnn and Thi Journalism sued them, many of

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