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Dropping. When you realize how big and how much of an effort now that the fbi is taking on in trying to sort of disrupt some of this. The American Public has to have confidence in the Voting Process in this country, josh campbell, and you say seeing all of those intel chiefs was a great step. Absolutely. We heard a lot of specifics here today. But theres also there symbolic effort which is so important for the American People to see. This united front. Seeing the intelligence chiefs standing there and telling the American People we take this threat seriously. Those of us who cover the Intelligence Community know they take it seriously but the public has to hear it. There are too many challenges they are focusing on. Physical infrastructure security, the voting systems, ensuring confidence in those systems. But then also countering these foreign influence Operation Sway her can y herculean task. Even if no vote is changed, if foreign adversaries can persuade the American People that their vote wasnt counted it will sow that kind of chaos that we saw in 2016. This is a great step today. But, its great to see these intel chiefs and hear them come out and say from that podium the threat is real. Adjudicati juxtapose that from Sarah Huckabee sanders and the president its almost like you have two foreign policies and trump trumps his own administration. Think back to helsinki and what the president said or didnt say. It seems incongruous to what we just heard. Thats why this is so important. Weve seen mixed messages from the white house and the president himself. People are going to now look at that and then try to compare that to having these intelligence chiefs who spent their lives in Public Service working on these important issues standing there having the fbi director call out frush the podium of the white house and say they are a threat. Again that continued confidence that the public needs to know. Even if the white house will play politics with the issue they can find confidence in the Intelligence Community taking it seriously. Gentlemen, thank you so much. With me now, the former Attorney General under president george h. W. Bush and the dean at Belmont College of law and author of true faith and allegiance. A pleasure to have you on, sir. Welcome. Thank you. So seeing all those intelligence chiefs standing up there, despite what the president may say, do you see this as a Turning Point in efforts to battle Election Interference . Well, let me be clear and i think to reassure your viewers, the Intelligence Community has been working diligently, even before this Press Conference in addressing this challenge by russia. This has been a very important challenge to the united states, to our system of government, to our way of life and so theyve been on the case, and i regret the fact its taken so long for them to have this Press Conference but im very confident that this is something that theyve been focused on for quite some time. I think part of the challenge we have here is we have the president who is not precise in terms of describing what he refers to when he talks about a witchhunt. I would like to think hes only referring to this notion, this investigation that he somehow cooperated with russia in connection with the 2016 election, and that hes not referring to the actual investigation by the mueller team into russian meddling. Its the second thing which is vvery important and which i think today members of the Intelligence Community highlighting to American People they are focused on it and working against. You see it as the president not being precise. You, sir, with all of your experience inside of an administration, what do you make of this obvious divide between the president and his intelligence chiefs and due agree that its playing into precisely what Vladimir Putin wants . Well i think confusion and chaos and uncertainty and perhaps even fear is something that putin is driving towards and i think that in many ways hes achieving that. The divide, again, may relate solely to the fabricate that President Trump is focused on whether or not this investigation is focused on collusion between the campaign and the russian government and for whatever reason he refuses to acknowledge the fact that a very important component of the Mueller Investigation is into Election Meddling by russia. Sit second part which i think is vitally important and which is high liked today. Stay with me sir, i have so much for you just about the president s attacks on his own im all about my bed. This mattress is dangerously comfortable. 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Shes going, Johnsonville Brats are Made In The Usa were back. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Special counsel Robert Mueller is offering the president a compromise. Mueller suggesting he would cut the number of obstruction of justice questions. He wants the president to answer those questions in person. The president s lawyers offered written answers to obstruction questions. The Trump Legal Team wanted the sit down interview limited to things that happened before he took office mainly related to the Collusion Piece of muellers probe. This is happening just one day after the president said his Attorney General should the end russia investigation. So back with me former Attorney General alberto gonzales. And so mr. Attorney general the president s tweet from yesterday. The white house says whoa, whoa, that was an opinion, not an order to the ag, that trump wrote the word should and not must. Do you think it crossed a line . Im not sure that it did given the past statements by the president. Everyone knows thats the president s opinion and he would like to see this ended and everyone knows the president has ways to end this investigation if he wanted to. One of the thing i worry about, quite honor festally, by the Contact Whining is it makes the president look weak the fact that he keeps saying this investigation should be over. Rod rosenstein should end it. Attorney general sessions should do something. The president is the head of the Executive Branch. All these individuals work within the Executive Branch as does the special counsel and to continue to complain about it, to me just makes the president look weak and its very unfortunate. I think as a general matter its unfortunate for the president to be speaking about his Attorney General in this way, to be speaking about any investigation. I think he needs to allow the investigation to move forward. And if he does that, bob mueller will end the investigation and it will be over and well all know, you know, exactly what happened in connection with the 2016 president ial election. Okay. So the president complaining and whining and we know he wants this thing to end. You were once the ag. Put yourself in Jeff Sessions shoes. You read the president s tweet. What do you do . Do you ignore the president . This is not the first time the president has made this kind of complaint against the Attorney General either directly or indirectly. Im assuming the first time it happened Jeff Sessions had a private conversation with the president. They reached some kind of understanding. Now Jeff Sessions is probably immune to it. As far as hes concerned hes carrying out the president s agenda and most critics and supporters of President Trump believe this is probably one of the most effective cabinet members in carrying out President Trumps agenda and so long as hes doing that Jeff Sessions is quite comfortable serving as the Attorney General and taking these barbs. Weve had somebody reporting this week the president is worried the democrats could take back the house depending which way the midterms go and in the the end president s fate will be determined not by Robert Mueller but by members of congress. So with that in mind here is the president s attorney rudy giuliani. I have to say this, and i say this in my role not as a lawyer but as a concerned citizen and republican that this election is going to be about impeachment or no impeachment. Hes right. I mean is he correct that Anything Mueller finds will ultimately be up to congress to sort of jurors in congress . Well, i think there is a very serious question as to whether or not a president can even be prosecuted and thats certainly the position that the Department Of Justice as far as that i understand, and there are limits in terms of even with how far you can go. Thats why you see Robert Mueller negotiating trying to get an interview with the president , even if its limited. So at the end of the day i think what youre likely to see here is Robert Mueller coming up with findings and even though he may not be able to prosecute the president and believes the president engaged in wrongdoing those findings will be provide to congress and then up to donetsk decide whether or not these crimes reach the level of impeachment. Giuliani also said trump would be walking in to a perjury trap speak of this potential interview with mueller, walking into a perry trap if he agrees to do this interview in person. What would suggest to you hearing that. Would that suggest his client thats something to hide or hes doing his job and has his clients back. It could mean the president has something to mean. I want could also mean the president is undisciplined and says things, you know, off the cuff you think and not thinking much about that. Hes worried about that because obviously bob mueller and his team have interviewed a lot of people in connection with russian meddling. And so President Trump may Say Something off the cuff. But, again, theres a serious question as to whether or not the president could even be indicted for perjury. But he, could, of course be subject to impeachment if Robert Mueller finds possible perjury and defierce his findings to congress. Last question despite what were hearing from trumps attorneys he says essentially bring it on, he wants to do this interview with the mueller team. What do you think that is . Is this hubris . Is that naivete. A smoke screen . I dont know President Trump. Hes so different from the president i served. Im not in a position to answer that question. Who knows. Who knows is right. Alberto gonzales former u. S. Attorney general. Thank you for being on. Coming up next Paul Manaforts landscaper on the scanned today testifying about nearly half a Million Dollars he got from an offshore bank account. Details from this federal courthouse today. Ahead President Trump compares manafort to al capone. Theres quite a few similarities between the mob boss and trump himself. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Chicken thats right, chicken . candace new Chicken Creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my Chicken Creations chicken it to your door for you to enjoy. Sleep on it f hundred nights and love it or youll get a full refund. Returns are free and easy. I love my leesa. Today is gonna be great. Read our reviews then try the Leesa Mattress in your own home. Order now and get 150 off, and free shipping, too. Go to buyleesa. Com today. You need this bed. To the Paul Manafort trial day three. The trial of the president s former Campaign Chief sounding a bit like the lifestyles of rich and fap mouse. Manafort facing 18 couldnt of tax evasion and a banking fraud. Today landscaper testified he paid half a Million Dollars to maintain the grounds at one of manaforts seven homes. Manaforts home in the hamptons has a massive upon, Big Waterfall and some massive red and white flower bed in the shape of an bed. An 18,000 ostrich coat. Robert muellers prosecutors fighting to show photos like these to the jury. So far this judge here, judge ellis saying no, that essentially being wealthy is not a crime. This shouldnt be about his lavish lifestyle. Today manaforts long time bookkeeper took the stand testifying no, 14 times in a row, that she did not know about manaforts 14 offshore Shell Company bank accounts. Also today muellers star witness rick gates could testify we hear as early as tomorrow. Gates is manaforts long time business part and a deputy in the trump campaign. On the topic of manafort, why is President Trump using his name in the same sentence with notorious mobster al capone . Hes done it several times. Trump tweeting, looking back on history, who was treated worse, alfonso capone, Legendary Mob Boss Killer and Public Enemy Number One or Paul Manafort political operative and reagan Dole Arlington now serving Solitary Confinement although convicted of nothing. The fbi didnt think there was lining with Paul Manafort who really is a nice man. You look at whats going on with him. Its like al capone. Daily beast special columnist michael daly with me. Always a pleasure. Thanks. Why the heck do you think trump is comparing manafort to al capone . Thats a question i ask myself. Did you get an answer . Even though capone grew up about six blocks away from where manafort has his broken stone. Thats even crazy. Does trump know that . No. That cant be. I thought hes saying that manafort success treated worse than al capone. Right . Now to me, if i was manafort, i would be thinking hes telling me he can pardon me. This is a reason for me to pardon me. If manafort gets convicted before he starts singing to Anybody Trump can say this is terrible, hes being treated worse than al capone im going pardon him. Youre the second person in 24 hours who said the same thing. Something else came to me. You know, woodward, bob woodward the Washington Post kwauquote trump that power ultimately comes from. Trump says i dont want to say the word then he says fear. Al capone back in the day is quoted by his nephew as saying his organization was based on fear. And i dont know if trump knows that capone said that but trump could look at a guy like capone and hes dealt with a lot of like capone successors and all based on fear. Talk about that. You paint this picture of donald trump and New York City in the 80s and, you know, this teamster was a john cody, Mob Connected Teamster mob boss, everything came to a Screeching Halt except one place trump tower. Every Construction Site was shut down and cody said so. So, all of a sudden trump could see the whole city, could see fear causing the entire city shut down except for him. So thats where he saw power. And its kind of interesting that trump was at one point called to the Organized Crime Strike Force in brooklyn to answer questions about his relationship with cody. And the prosecutors are there. They got it figured hell show up with five lawyers. No. Trump arrives and walks alone down the hallway. No lawyers. I talked to one prosecutor who goes what . Its one thing if you grab some guy off the street that doesnt have two nickles. Trump has got his whole life goes with lawyers. One time he doesnt go for a lawyer he goes to answer questions. He goes by himself and he sits down with a notably tough prosecutor and the thing thats really interesting is that he apparently did a really good job. He apparently answered the questions. He apparently didnt panic or perjure himself. He knew how to like always tell the truth but dont always be telling it. Lets see how, you know, you talk about how fear is factoring into Michael Cohens world and who knows how fear will factor into Paul Manaforts world. Telling truth and nothing but the truth with regard to this president. Michael daly thank you so much. Next the first daughter ivanka trump taking the opposite view of her father on family separations, and also saying that the media is not the enemy of the people. Well discuss why, though, she has stayed so quiet until now. Led gears of his finances starting back in 2012 when he was rolling in cash from his clients in ukraine, making about 1. 9 million in 2012 and then fast forward to 2016 when he was practically broke. He lost 1. 1 million, he was 1. 1 million in the hole. At one point he was in danger of losing his Health Insurance he was emailing asking for 120,000 so she could pay his bill including his property taxes. They really paint a picture, the bookkeeper does and prosecutors are painting a picture of Paul Manafort losing his golden goose which was the Ukrainian Government which had lost power in 2014 and then suddenly in early 2016 hes really practically broke and this is about the time that he decides to offer his services to candidate donald trump. As you remember he worked for donald Trumps Campaign practically for free. He didnt take a salary while he was working for the campaign. So the campaign and donald trump obviously is not a part of this trial, but this is what the prosecutors are trying to do is trying to show how Paul Manafort was manage the money and that he was using nefarious means to hide the fact he didnt have any money and to commit bank fraud and to hide money from the irs over the years. Wow. So under this umbrella of this Mueller Investigation i got a separate piece of news just coming in to us that he really is continuing to push to interview this russian pop star who encouraged that Trump Tower Meeting. This pop star may hold a lot of the answers . Right. I think by now Robert Mueller has talked to almost everybody who was in that very key Trump Tower Meeting in june of 2016. And now we learn that the father and son, the pop star in russia, who you mentioned was encouraging, was behind the idea of encouraging this meeting with donald trump jr. And Robert Muellers team is still asking for an interview. Apparently these negotiate Nego Have Bern going on for well over a year. And were told by his lawyer those negotiations are still ongoing. Dont know if theres a deal or not. What this tells us the robert Mueller Investigation, obviously theres still some key pieces that they are trying to put together. We now know, obviously, that they are still trying to work on an interview with the president , but as far as that Trump Tower Meeting which was a key part of this investigation, they really still want to talk to the two key figures, the two russian key figures who were a part of that, brooke. All right, evan perez thank you so much in alexandria. Staying in washington here, ivanka trump the president s daughter and officially his special Assistant Breaking ranks today on the separation of immigrant children from their parents by her fathers administration. That was a low point for me as well. I feel very strongly about that, and i am very vehemently against family separation. And the separation of parents and children. Moments ago the white house was asked to respond to ivanka trumps statement that this was a low point. The president himself has stated that he doesnt like idea of family separation. I dont think anybody does. We also dont like idea of open borders, we dont like the idea of allowing people in our country if we dont know who they are, where they are going and why they are coming. The president wants to secure our borders which is why he asked congress to fix the law. We havent been unclear about what our position is here. Lets go to kate bennett our cnn White House Reporter and a correspondent for new York Magazine who has written extensionively about ivanka trump. Kate, first to you. On this immigration policy, the policy is long done. Separations between the parents and the children has already happened. So why didnt she speak up when this policy was actually being made . I think thats the mystery, brooke in her role as Senior Adviser and what we all thought when she went into the white house being the voice for women and children, the heart issues. The New York Times reported back in june she did bring it up with her father at the time, but by contrast i just want to mention Melania Trump had already tweeted the tweet about governing with heart and booked her first trip to texas to the border to see it before we even heard from ivanka. I think she gets criticism with this complicit word and she has since the beginning of her fathers administration for a number of reasons whether thats fair or unfair, this certainly bringing thunder and saying how vehemently she opposed it but theres no tangible evidence of that opposition. Another reason why people question what she does behindthescenes and how influential she is with her father. I want to play one other clip and olivia i want to talk to you. Ivanka trump says she doesnt believe that the media is the enemy of the people despite her fathers insistence otherwise. First i have to ask you, do you think that were the enemy of the people. Sorry . Were the enemy of the people. No, i do not. [ laughter ] is that a view shared in your family. Youre looking for me to elaborate . Sure. No, i dont. I certainly i certainly have i can share my own personal perspective. Ive certainly received my fair share of recording on personally i know not to be fully accurate. So ive had some, i have some sense sensitivity or concerns around people who feel targeted but no i do not feel that the media is the enemy of the people. First lets just say, thank you ivanka trump because thats something her father has not been able to say, Sarah Huckabee sanders has not been able to say when jim acosta was asking her to say it at the briefing a minute ago, but also she seemed so surprised or taken aback by the laughter in the audience. Again i ask the question what has taken her so long to say this . There arent that many opportunities for ivanka trump to be publicly asked questions like this. Its not as though shes on the talk circuit. Shes not sitting down with magazines and newspapers all the time. She has a very controlled public persona. This is a pretty rare thing to see her in a setting like this being questioned by journalists rather than from someone like dr. Oz. Thats why i think we havent gotten a response from her like this before. I dont know if we should thank her. I dont think the bar should be that low where people get praised for something thats obvious. But i do think this is probably a reason why she is not typically out there being questioned by journalists. When shes asked questions like this with an obvious answer for a sane human being she does sometimes, i guess, believe things that are in opposition to what her father believes and what the administration believes. But i dont think that she really did stand in opposition to what trump has said about the child separation policy. She said that she opposed it. As you know in the previous conversation theres no evidence of that, its been a month since that policy ended. Theres still i think 700 children who have not been reunited with their families. But her language on it was not actually that different from what trump himself said. So i think Sarah Huckabee sanders was trying to conflate a few things, as the white house has said previously that it was not their policy or not a policy at all whatever that means, but i think that even as she was saying she opposed it, she really didnt say anything that suggested that she did anything to change it. Just lastly, ive just been curious, kate, do you think that ivanka trump is laying the ground work for some sort of political future . I do. I dont think i dont have reporting on this but i talked to a number of people who know her, her ambitions are not secret. She wants to do everything. Have a brand. Be in the white house. Be a working mom. Be a pillar of society. I dont think its beyond the realm of possibilities that these sort of safe as olivia said not doing a lot of interviews, answers, shes not wading too much into these issues meaning she might be lining herself up for something in the future. Thank you both so much. Thank you. Coming up next the Trump Administration weighing in on an idea to stop screening at more than 150 smaller airports across the country. A lot of experts calling the idea dangerous, so well talk to a Information Tsa Training Specialist to get his take. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum so lets promote our Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this. Surfs up. Earn a 50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. 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Why would they want to change this . How would this be anything more than wanting to cut costs at quote lower Risk Airports . It is stunning that they are considering this. Al qaeda and isis consider to see commercial aviation as a priority target. That includes 50 person Passenger Jets. Isis has told supporters in the west attack any target big or small. If they were able to blow a 50person Passenger Jet from the sky from one of the small airports where they are proposing to have no screening then you would have a lot of panic and big Economic Impact and very significant loss of life. They say that 9 11 was a failure of imagination to anticipate. We dont need a lot of imagination to see that without screening at these airports you could have greater opportunity to take control of an aircraft. Of course, we saw what happened on 9 11. On 9 11 where some of these hijackers came from a small airport in maine on into boston on to reeking terror in this country. To you, paul, what is the alternative . If you take all of these Screening Devices away from the smaller airports what would we have instead . We dont know what that looks like yet. We are seeing a reduction in a move to save 115 million that impacts about 10,000 passengers a day. 115 million. So over the tsa budget of several billion dollars, its a small amount of money. The challenge here is to see how much risk we are willing to take 17 years beyond 9 11. When we look at the risk overall we know that aviation is still a hot bed for attacks. We know that not just locally or nationally. We know that globally. It is interesting to see the tsa move to this position and even consider it. To me this looks like we are just so far beyond 9 11 that we are starting to beget the pain and anguish that was caused. I couldnt find this. Can you give me another example other than saving money why the tsa would want to do this . No. This is pure risk. They are looking at the Risk Calculation and saying how much risk is in the smaller airports. These are the smaller airports that go to connecting flights. Its just looking at risks and saying there is a great reduction of risk there. Lets reallocate that money and that staffing to higher Risk Airports. How would that not be telegraphing to the terrorists what airports would be vulnerable . Last question. It would absolutely be telegraphing that very fact. Al qaeda and isis have been doing a lot of r d into laptop bombs and shoe bombs. If you dont have screening you dont need these sophisticated devices to bring down an aircraft. Rudimentary explosives could be brought on board. It could just be an extremist inspired by isis who perhaps goes on to the internet and learns how to build these kind of bombs. There are investigations into jirj jihadi activity in all 50 states. If the vulnerability is there they will go after it. Thank you so much for coming on. Coming up next, it was a show of force at the white house. Intelligence chiefs all warning that russia right this very moment is trying to attack the mid term slaekzs. They were also questioned on why the message from the president seems to be so different from what they put forth. We have those details ahead. It or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious Lung Problems allergic reactions, Kidney Injuries and Capillary Leak Syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, Trouble Breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. Pay no more than 25 per dose with copay card. I knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. My main focus was to find a team of doctors. 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