Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 201611

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20161124

carrier air conditioning company to stay in the u.s., indiana, making progress, will know soon." meantime, trump issued a personal message of hope in this youtube video posted by his transition team. >> we are very blessed to call this nation our home, and that's what america is, it is our home. it's where we raise our families, care for our loved ones, look out for our neighbors and live out our dreams. it's my prayer that on this thanksgiving we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country, strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resolve. >> jason carroll working double duty for us on this holiday there in palm beach at mar-a-lago where we know the trumps are spending their thanksgiving. jason, we know trump isn't the only one on twitter today. tell me about what kellyanne conway has said. >> well, she's weighing in on the whole issue of who might end up being secretary of state offering up her opinion. as you know, mitt romney is the leading candidate here, one of the leading candidates. former new york city rudy giuliani be the other. romney very critical of trump throughout the campaign, some of romney's critics say he was too critical of donald trump. at one point saying of donald trump that a trump presidency would turn into trickle down racism. kellyanne conway tweeting about romney being up for the secretary of state position saying the following "receiving a deluge of social media and private communication regarding romney. some trump loyalists warn against romney as secretary of state." this is what kellyanne conway, trump's campaign manager, tweeted just a little earlier today. she also sent a follow-up tweet, brooke, basically explaining what it takes in terms of loyalty to be secretary of state. as you know romney and trump as well as mike pence met just last weekend in new jersey pence calling it a warm and substantive exchange. romney himself saying it was a far-reaching conversation, maybe we'll hear something about this next week. at this point we're hearing that mitt romney is sort of mulling over the idea of being secretary of state, checking in with his advisers, some of his family members, but not expecting to hear anything on this front at least until next week. brooke? >> so maybe because the president-elect has been so busy and nee deep in this transition and picking cabinet members perhaps that explains that "washington post" piece where they talk about how the president-elect has only taken two of these intelligence briefings whereas his vice president-elect has opted in everyday, do we know why trump hasn't daily? >> i would not be able to venture a guess nor would i want to venture a guess. the "washington post," yes, reporting at this point the president-elect has taken two security briefings versus mike pence the president-elect who has done a briefing just about every single day but we should also point out the pos"post" article who say in the past there have been presidents that have taken more security briefings than donald trump up to this point, the "washington post" points out it's not unprecedented but in terms of a reason why, once again, brooke, would not be able to venture a guess at this point. >> jason carroll, thank you so much. let's dig deeper here. i have josh rogin, cnn political onlyist who is also a columnist for the "washington post" and ryan williams, former spokesman for mitt romney. fellows, happy thanksgiving, thanksgiving f thanks for working with me today. josh rogin, on the daily intel briefings, jason is right to point out other presidents past have chosen to take these intel briefings daily, others had not in that beginning time. how unusual is this for trump to have taken two? >> i think what's most troubling about the report is that it fits a pattern of donald trump sort of casting doubt on the products of the u.s. intelligence community. remember, during the campaign he also asserted that the intelligence officials who were briefing him weren't giving him their honest opinions with really no evidence. this also is sort of unprecedented because we have a president with no political or government experience, right? so, you know, he has a higher curve to climb. i wouldn't hit the panic button just yet. he's got a lot of time to study up but let's hope as he gets closer to taking the oath after office that he starts to study this stuff. it's important. >> i remember one of the sources quoted in the piece, i want to say it was a hillary clinton supporter saying he has a lot of catching up to do. that said, let's take half a step back, josh, let me stay with you. what kind of intelligence and information would he be getting in these briefings? >> right, so first of all the threat assessments, stock? he talks about what are the threats to the united states, what groups are planning attacks, what do we know about those attacks? then he should be getting briefed on what are u.s. operations abroad? we're doing a lot of stuff all over the world, human operations, satellites, cyber operations. he should start to learn what that is. third of all it's intercepted communications from world leaders. we have a lot of information on what other countries are saying and doing and thinking about us. it's important to know that stuff if you're making decisions about how to deal with those countries. that's the you have? the briefings. fourth, general news, what does our intelligence community collect about what's happening in these countries so that we can get an accurate picture of that on the ground? some you can make up with open source information, most you can't. either way, what's the down side? you might as well take the briefing. it's not that much time out of your day, sit through it, who knows? you might learn something. >> at least we know pence is taking them daily. ryan, let me pivot to your former boss and governor romney that is really thinking this true on the thanksgiving holiday over whether he wants to take the secretary of state job or not. we talked about -- jason carroll was talking about kellyanne conway tweeting about some of the pushback the trump team is getting, including from some trump loyalists but also hard-line supporters, not thrilled they're considering governor romney. why do you think she vocalized that? >> well, i don't know what the reason was behind her tweet. i am encouraged to see donald trump has reached out to someone like governor romney who was a bit critic during the campaign but has a lot to offer as a statesman, a leader in the party. someone who would be a got fit for his administration. i don't know if he'll offer him the job. i'm sure he's considering other people but i'm encouraged he reached out. it shows he's willing to look beyond his inner circle as we've seen with the pick of nikki haley as the next united nations ambassador and it's reassuring people he's not going to stick to the team of people who helped hip win the election. he's looking for the best and brightest. >> on governor romney. let's say he were to say yes. when you look back at russia where governor romney said the u.s. is too soft on russia and you see the criticisms that trump is too buddy-buddy with putin. how would it work when they couldn't be farther apart on a key issue such as that? >> well, governor romney has been vocal about russia in the past. he was right when he said they are our number one geopolitical foe. he was mocked by obama at the time but he was correct. we have to see how it would work out in the administration but the president sets our foreign policy, the secretary of state runs the state department, provides at vice and council to the president but at the end of the day the president decides what the course of action is on foreign policy. and we'll see where donald trump is on this issue once he becomes president, he said some things during the campaign about reaching out to russia, that was his desire but look hillary clinton went over to russia with the reset button, that didn't work out, she changed her opinion on that after dealing with the russians, president obama said he looked into vladimir putin's eyes and thought he could trust him. that changed after he dealt with him for a number of years so we'll see where president trump is after he takes office and has to deal with the issue. at the end of the day the president sets the foreign policy agenda in this country. >> josh, one of the biggest headlines and it's mind-boggling to keep tabs on the list of potential growing conflicts of interest with the trump administration and a trump business. we talked about the japanese p.m. meeting with trump and also his daughter. we talked about the phone call with argentine president and potential properties in buenos aires with ivanka trump on the phone. there was the indian businessman meeting in new york with ivanka and eric and donald trump. what more do you know about these maybe blurry lines and will anyone cry foul? >> yeah, i would add to that the fact that he admitted on the record to the "new york times" that he talked to nigel farage, the guy pushing to be uk ambassador to the u.s., about keeping wind farms away from his scottish golf course so they won't obstruct the view. >> that's right. >> and he also said to the "new york times" "the president can't have a conflict of interest." that's the president-elect's interpretation of the law so it's not just the fact that he hasn't separated his business interests from his political work as president-elect, it's that he doesn't seem to see a need to in the future, he plans to just call himself exempt and that's troubling because, you know, there are -- the campaign's defense has been oh, well it's all public, everybody knows donald trump is a businessman so it's out in the open but the fact is most of it is not out in the open and it will be somewhat impossible for the public much less the media to figure out when he's blurging the lines between his business interests and the national interest and there's no plan that i've seen or anyone's seen about how he intends to make sure, reassure us beyond just "take my word for it, that he's not going to use his office for personal profit. >> josh and ryan, thank you both so much, enjoy your turkey dinners. coming up next, after a group of scientists, computer scientists, raises concerns about the election results, a former candidate wants a recount in three states and she just raised millions to do it. you'll hear from jill stein, green party candidate. also, a troubling story out of west virginia today. this white man accused of murdering a black teenager after they got in some sort of argument. police say the suspect is showing no remorse. even calling the victim a piece of trash. we have that story out of west virginia and the bombing inside syria escalates. a group makes a video with a message for the world. hear what they are asking on this thanksgiving day. thank you so much for being with me, i'm brooke baldwin. this is cnn. ♪ we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? 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(vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entrées, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. mother in-law with a glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. that just tastes better. with more vitamins. and less saturated fat. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. welcome back. you're watching cnn, happy thanksgiving. in the 15 days since donald trump was elected president, there have been many, many calls for a recount, but today green party nominee jill stein announced she will officially file for one. jill stein raised more than $2 million in less than 24 hours just to pay for a recount in the three rest belt states, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. stein's campaign says they have received quote/unquote very troubling reports of possible security breaches. you know trump won pennsylvania and wisconsin and michigan is still too close to call. but trump is ahead of clinton by more than 10,000 votes there along with his decisive electoral college lead. jill stein talked to cnn today. she emphasized the purpose of the recount is not to help hillary clinton or change the outcome of the election but she feels it is her moral obligation to verify results. >> there were lots of hacks taking place around this election, hacks into voter databases, into party databases, into individual e-mail accounts and what we also know, unfortunately, is that the equipment that we use, much of it is not just open to hacks, it basically invites hacks and malfeasance, tampering, human error, et cetera. some of the voting machines in use in wisconsin for example have been prohibited in the state of california because they've been proven to be wide open to tampering so what we're saying is, you know, not that the hacking or fraud has necessarily taken place, i don't think we have evidence of that, but i think it's only natural and it's good for americans to be reassured our votes are counted. especially after such a divisive and bitter election where 80% of americans according to a "new york times" poll basically said they were disgusted with this election, they didn't like the candidates that we were limited to, they were screaming for open debates and other choices. it was a very bitter election where so many people were voting against their worst fear rather than for the candidate they wanted. i think this is a very positive step and the fact that it's basically funded itself overnight reflects the incredible hunger out there among the american people to actually start doing something positive and to start creating an election system that we can believe in. i think it was pretty clear during the campaign, because i was asked this question all the time that i do not favor one candidate over another. to my mind, there are problems with our system that have basically produced two candidates that were the most distrusted and disliked in our history but what i think all americans can agree on and what i consider worthy of working for right now is creating a voting system that we can trust and there are glaring red flags right now about this voting system. >> is this worth your time, do you think? all this money? when there's no evidence and given how difficult it would be to hack into these systems? >> you know, we should not have a voting system in which we have to prove that there's been fraud or tampering in order to have confidence. in my mind, the american people are begging for a system that we can believe in. there's widespread cynicism and disgust with our basic institutions from the supreme court to the presidency to the press, you name it. we are off the charts right now in lack of trust for our basic institutions. for us to be able to trust our votes and know that our votes count and that they're accurate is just a basic principle of democracy. what we do know is that these machines have been proven in the laboratory of computer scientists and the scientists who look at election security, what we know is that many of these machines are wide open and vulnerable so many of them get programmed with similar information cards and, yes, they may not be on the internet, but they get programmed with basic cards that could be campered with at the county level. >> i'm curious. if hillary clinton had won the election would you still be doing this? would you still be pursuing this recount? >> what i was asked throughout the election was if there are concerns about the voting systems and the integrity of the vote will you challenge and my answer to that has always been yes. the green party has stepped up to the plate before in 2004. we challenged the vote in ohio where there was staggering evidence of vote tampering and some of the election officials who oversaw that wound up serving time in jail for that very fact so we have not shied away from i think what the american people are clamoring for. we did not have to work to raise that money. we basically let it be known, we put out a press release, put up a web site and a that money is raising itself because the american people want to take a step forward, they want to do something positive, we want an election system that we can believe in. >> very quickly, the filing deadline is tomorrow for wisconsin. are you going to be filing? >> absolutely we are and now we clearly have the funds to do that. >> jill stein, thank you so much. next we'll take a minute away from politics and tell you about this disturbing story out of west virginia today. this jailhouse interview of this white man accused of killing a black teenager after an argument. why police say the suspect is showing absolutely no remorse. would this be considered a hate crime? plus, new details today about the school bus crash that killed six children now. investigators say the driver made an unusual move before the wreck there in chattanooga. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at or you can call 1-800-medicare. medicare open enrollment. you'll never know unless you go. i did it. you can too. ♪ to be at and i am at yself is the peace with, i didn't deal this deck i'm just playing the game. that's all, that's it. meals on wheels has given me a mode of freedom that i wouldn't have otherwise. they make sure that i get the nuition that i need, and it's a balanced meal. my name is maurice mcgriff. america, let's do lunch. narrator: drop off a hot meal and say hello. volunteer by donating your lunch break at shooting in west virginia is raising all kinds of questions about whether race played a factor in this deadly encounter. the suspect here is after 62-year-old white man by the name of william pulliam. he's sitting in jail as i speak charged with first degree murder. he has confessed to shooting 15-year-old james means. pulliam says race had nothing to do with it, that he feared for his life after an argument. the mother of this slain teen says she's going to let investigators figure this one out. >> my son is in a safer place now and we all love him. that we know that justice is going to succeed in this matter. we're not going to put in the our hands, we're going to let the law put in the their hands. >> let's go to ryan young, the cnn national correspondent following this one for us. and so fill in the blanks for me. how did this argument escalate so quickly? >> well, really this is a tough story any time you see a mom sitting there having to talk about the fact that her 15-year-old son is no longer here you can understand how difficult this is for them but the details are something we are still trying to nail down. this is what we know. we know the 60-year-old man was going to a dollar store. he says he encountered three teens and there was some sort of exchange of words an argument of sorts and then he says the 15-year-old produced a gun and was waving it around. he says he got away from them, went to the dollar store and on the way back to wherever he was going he decided to cross the street to avoid the teenagers that he just had a little bit of beef with and that's when he says james means walked across the street and encountered him once again and when the gun was reproduced that's when he pulled his gun and opened fire. in fact, this man, william pulliam, gave an interview inside the jailhouse after being charged with murder. >> i don't like it. i didn't want to kill anybody. but, you know, they're not going to kill me. i felt my life was in danger. i'm sorry but -- i mean, i'm 62 years old, it's not going to let a bunch of folks beat me up. i don't care if they're white or black, nobody's going to do me like that. it doesn't matter if he's black, everybody i live around with here is black. i get along with all of them, ask them. >> brooke, something else that makes this difficult to understand the details coming out of this, in the place report there's a statement that's made that police say william pulliam made and that was "the way i look at it, that's another piece of trash off the street." he denies making the comment but you can see how this would cloud the situation. here's one of the comments that we've been trying to figure out, one of the details. did the teenager have a gun? we made the phone call to the police department to ask them was a gun different, that's something we have not gotten a answer to yet. this man is saying he shot the teen in self-defense. something else that's troubling? after shooting the team, he went home, had dinner before police arrived to arrest him. >> wow. quickly, why do you think police haven't said whether or not they found a gun on this young man? >> well, to give them a fair shot, we started calling them this morning, it's thanksgiving so not sure, obviously probably a small police department, hopefully we'll get details back on this one but this case is moving fast, we want to give them a chance to make that phone call back to us to figure out if the teen had a gun. >> ryan. thank you so much. a lot of people who knew james means say his death hits hard because the 15-year-old was trying to give back, be a part of his community. mourners held a candlelight vigil for him last night. a lot of them talked about his participation with this local nonprofit. he was part of a group called dream chasers, a group of teenagers who work on communication skills and career development looking ahead to their futures. with me now, obi henderson, the director of that organization dreams community development corporation. obi, first and foremost, especially on a day where we feel blessed to have family and friends around, my sincerest condolences to you. >> thank you. >> can you just tell me more about this young man? >> james means was a really good young man, he attended the dream chasers sunday sit down for the second time this past sunday and so we've been working with his family for quite some time and he's seen the impact that we've had on his siblings and his cousins and so this past sunday when he attended he really started to chime in and learn more about what we were doing and really got interested in the activities that were at hand and so it's a terrible loss of opportunity that we missed with this young man. >> how is his family doing? >> they're grieving. i just left his aunt's house and spoke with his mother. last night we held a dinner at grace bible church where it was more so an opportunity for us to come together, meaning family, friends, dream chasers and a time to reflect on the positive person that james means was and give an opportunity for friends and family to laugh and embrace the joy of who he was. >> to hear this suspect in this jailhouse interview, surprising he's even talking, let alone the words he's using and as ryan pointed out, he's taken it back but he called james means a piece of trash, he admitted to shooting him, also says it was -- james means flashed a gun on him and that he was doing this in self-defense. what's your response to all of that? >> well, james means was not a gang member, he was not walking around in the streets trying to promote violence and wreak havoc on people. that wasn't the type of person that he was. he was an honest humble very respectful young man and so i'm not -- i don't think those statements were accurate of him having to defend himself. he was a very mild mannered individual. >> obi, thank you so much for jumping on the phone appreciate it, again, we are so sorry. next, we'll talk about this jailhouse interview and what prosecutes or will use against him during a trial plus it is the first time donald trump has ever had access to america's secrets, intelligence briefings, that kinds of things. why is the president-elect opting to skip a number of these briefings? only taking two so far since being elected. we'll talk live with a former cia agent ahead. ♪ i want a hippopotamus for christmas ♪ ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ♪ so whatever your holiday priority, our priority is you. [and her new business: i do, to jeanetgo. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid. not a good time, jeanette. even worse. now i'm uncomfortable. but here's the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. send that invoice, jeanette. looks like they viewed it. and, ta-da! paid twice as fast. oh, she's an efficient officiant. way to grow, jeanette. get paid twice as fast. visit quickbooks-dot-com. there will be six separate empty seats at family's thanksgivings this thursday. six young children whose lives were lost too early when their school bus crashed on a winding narrow road in chattanooga, tennessee. they were on their way home from school. you see their precious faces here. these are the five young victims, including eight-year-old keonte wilson. we have learned the bus driver was not on his designated route when he ran off the road and plowed into the tree with 37 kids on board. as far as why, we don't know the answer. k investigators say toxicology report johnthony walker did not have drugs or alcohol in his system. it was his second accident in a school bus. the principal of a neighboring school who happens to be the cousin of nine-year-old cordayja jones says the driver's sister reached out to him. >> she called very emotional and obviously grieving and she was sharing with me that it was her brother. my was was on the bus as well so reassured he her brother was a good person and she said he was terribly heartbroken at the -- by the accident and she said that he was driving and he hit a curb or something and he tried to overcorrect the bus and caused it to flip over. >> the first lawsuit stemming from the crash has been filed by the family of an eight-year-old boy. the suit claims he sustained significant injuries and it names the driver as well as the company that runs the bus service. today as the memorial grows for these young victims, the ceo of the bus company says he is cooperating with federal and local investigators. he released this statement online. >> my responsibility now is to look for answers. answers about why this tragedy occurred and answers for how we can make sure that this never, ever happens again. i don't want to compromise that investigation. i want to know what happened. >> laura coates, let me bring you in, cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor. what a tragedy and to think of potential suits here with regard to this bus crash. i mean, obviously swede is a question. the driver, but the fact that he wasn't on the designated route when he was driving 37 kids, what liability should the bus company have now that we know that? >> well, the liability can be extensive depending upon what the investigation actually results in. one of the things about this extreme tragedy, i'm a mother of two small children myself, is the idea that it may have been accidental. however when there is a detour and what your obligations are to the company and if the company knows you take these detours in the past or have not corrected your behavior they may face liability themselves but remember this driver himself is facing criminal charges for vehicular manslaughter and homicide as well so his issue will be more than a civil lawsuit, it will be with respect to whether he can see jail time and this accident, if it is an accident, is one that is prosecutable and my heart goes out to those families of those six young children. >> even like the cousin was saying with allison this morning, prayers to this driver's family because they are obviously grieving as well. the story from west virginia that we talked about before the break with the 62-year-old white man sitting in jail charged with first degree murder in the death of this black teenager here, james means. first of all, just based on what you know -- and we don't know a lot -- could this constitute as a hate crime? >> yes, it could if, in fact, this is a man using his bias, which is apparently his comment about the man being a piece of trash. if that was related to the race of this young man it could be considered a hate crime and it's prosecutable. but the real issue brooke is i was shocked this man was talking in the jail. >> why is he talking? >> doesn't a lawyer say shh? >> they do and they should and everyone knows their miranda rights. if you watch "law and order" you can read them off the top of your head but a lot of people feel emboldened by their actions. this man went to dinner at some point after having done the shooting so he may have been emboldened by his act and didn't care and was dismissive about this man's life. if he said these things and already had his rights read to him and he said "i'll talk anyway" well, this is almost an open-and-shut case for the prosecutors. >> he called this young man a piece of trash after admitting he shot him. apparently he's taking it back, but that's out there. we also found, laura -- >> too late. >> i know, our charleston, west virginia, affiliate wchs is reporting this suspect should have been never had a gun because of some sort of domestic violence case in which he pled no contest to in 2013. how might that impact this? >> well, it's a huge aggravating factor. one of the reasons every judge across the country will tell people who have a conviction of domestic violence abuse and i believe it was having punched his pregnant daughter at the time was the conviction so this is somebody who we ree tunely say if you have a dv case, as we call them, you cannot have a gun because there's potential for extreme escalation and impassioned and irrational behavior so having a weapon is kind of like if a felon had a weapon and committed another crime. it's aggravating in terms of the penalty that is in place and it's treated as a penalty for that person. it's a very, very big deal. >> on the notion of the gun, this older gentleman sitting in jail says he did in the self-defense, he says he saw a gun on this young man, police apparently haven't fully said whether james means was armed. they need to do that quickly, don't they? >> absolutely because, of course, you're talking about you can use even lethal force to defend against three that will force used against you however all reports so far talk about it being a verbal altercation with this young man and this man and so far i have not seen or heard anything that would tell me this was a justified shooting by this man. however the investigation is ongoing. i'm sure he'll have a lawyer who will tell him to stop talking and tell him about what maybe his rights would be if it were self-defense. we'll see how the story changes. >> laura coates, we will, indeed, thank you so much for your time today. i truly appreciate it. >> thank you. thanks, brooke. >> next, what is it like to live inside trump tower there on 5th avenue in manhattan now that its most famous resident has been elected president? we will take you inside. plus, breaking news out of baghdad, we are getting word a truck has exploded killing dozens of people. we will take you there live. thoughtful, yoy purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entrées, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes purely fancy feast. breaking news out of baghdad, we are getting word a suicide truck bomb has detonated killing at least 57 people at a gas station. details are still scarce but it's believed the bomb exploded next to buses that were carrying shi'a muslim pilgrims. pilgrims who had recently attended a large annual event in a nearby town. isis, the sunni militant group, considers all shiites to be traitors to the faith and have claimed responsibility for the attack in an online statement. meantime, in syria, a desperate plea from within a city that has been described as hell on earth. aleppo, a city under siege with a near constant barrage of air strikes. now a group of civilians there have a message for the world. here's our report from neighboring jordan and i just have to warn you, what you're about to see may be disturbing to some viewers. >> reporter: with no end in sight to the plight of the more than quarter of a million residents in eastern aleppo who have been living under constant bombardment, who barely have functioning hospitals left and who according to the united nations are facing the real possibility of mass starvation because of the months long siege. the people of eastern aleppo have been trying to get the world's attention. they're desperate for any kind of help to end what so many people describe as this living nightmare. on wednesday a group that includes civil society members, activists and medical workers released a video statement with a message to the international community. >> we wonder why do we have united nations. why do we have human rights laws? this has been a slow motion train wreck and this message is from the people, don't look back years from now and wish that you can do something. you can still do. we ask you to talk to the air force killing us or have diplomatic liberty to force is syrian regime and russia's bombardment of the city aleppo to responsibility. the international community holds responsibility for any future consequences of aleppo besiegement hoping our voices will be heard and aleppo will be saved. >> reporter: the group also called for demilitarized humanitarian corders under the observation of the united nations and with eastern aleppo running out of just about everything, including food, they also called for humanitarian aid drops. over the past week of this renewed military assault on eastern aleppo, more than 300 people have been killed according to activists in what they say has been some of the most intense unprecedented bombardment of this conflict. the syrian regime says this is all part of its countrywide operation against what it describes as terrorist groups. russia says it is not taking part in air strikes on eastern leap this time. the united nations ha says it has a humanitarian plan for eastern aleppo, it's trying to get the approval of different parties in this conflict to the plan but with this recent military escalation, that's looking unlikely to happen any time soon and the people of eastern aleppo, the civilians are terrified the worst is yet to come. jomana karadsheh, cnn, omaoman. >> thank you. one phenomenal woman is working overtime to bring delicious meals to some troubled youth. they have a lot to be thankful for. we'll show you why after this quick break. and donald trump may be at his mar-a-lago estate for the holidays. he said he's still working up to on this thanksgiving next. bettel on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? 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>> man, it's like you just took a bullet to yourself because them your friends you grew up with. >> reporter: a worldwide view that touched schuyler jet, once a member of the mega music group the commodores who flew in from scotland to experience this day and diane's efforts firsthand. >> she's my hero. we're putting together a thing right now for every mom who's lost a loved one due to guns. >> reporter: the work here is never over. so you had a chance to meet brooke, she's really impressed. >> did she tell you i almost cried when i -- >> reporter: what do you want her to know about the efforts and people out there who don't live in chicago to know about what chicago needs right now? >> i think brooke knows. >> reporter: you haven't given up. >> i'm never giving up. >> reporter: why not? >> because young people always being born. >> ryan young, my heart goes out to you and to diane, thank you so much. i just needed a little love and inspiration. she was sitting with me at dinner the other night and saying brooke, why is it that you all just cover the bad that's happening in chicago and i said, diane, i'm sending my friend ryan to you. zbllt >> we try, and this is one of those things that when you watch that piece wow see kids that are happy but then when that young man said it feels like a piece of yourself dying every time one of your friends dies you understand this is a different story. this city will likely face 700 homicides this year. this is a problem. at the same time you have someone like diane putting the gloves on herself and fighting and people in the community are trying to fight

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