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Continuing to come here to this city. We know the winds have caused considerable number of Power Outages across the city. Now above 60,000 customers without power according to jea, the Power Company here. Many bridges have been shut down across the intercoastal but not the bridge over my shoulder. Were told by the mayor that the main street bridge over the st. John will be shut down when the winds sustained at 40 Miles Per Hour but we are seeing gusts coming in at 35 to 40 Miles Per Hour. We know the major concern here beyond the rain coming down and the wind is the storm surge that when that storm surge comes in small communities here, san marco here in downtown jacksonville, the community of riverside, they will likely see the worst of that storm surge. And because the st. Johns river stretches far into nassau county, which is north of jacksonville down into clay and st. Johns counties and it will reach into those canals and tributaries. Many other communities will also see the impact of the storm surge. Youre going to see the kickup of the wind as the storm gets closer. Let me take you about 35 miles south to the city of st. Augustine, the nations oldest city. There was an a mandatory evacuation for that city and for good reason and were seeing the reason now. Streets flooded. I mean, they look more like rivers, more like the river behind me. And we know from the mayor that a significant number of people who live in that city took heed to the warning, to the request to leave but so many didnt. Heres what you said about a bed and breakfast there where some people are refusing to leave. Reporter how are you doing over there . Cant hear you. Reporter you doing okay . Good. Were moving up. Reporter are you worried . Have you called for help . Not yet. Reporter how many kids are in there . 20. Reporter 20 . You guys own the restaurant . The whole hotel. Reporter one of the parts of the state that was under the gun as the sun came up was the space coast, Cape Canaveral. Of course we all know from where that Shuttle Program so many years ago now that it shut down took off. But just south thereof weve got ryan young who is showing us some of the concerns along the Barrier Islands. Ryan, give us an idea of the damage the storm did as it passed through and what youre seeing now. We tried to make it down a1a and we were blocked by officer so were surveying whats going on because we have seen more people take to the road. Just in the last five minutes or so the wind is picking back up. We have a monitor out here and we can see the gusts have been over 50 Miles Per Hour. As we walk back this direction, though, and we wanted to show you this, this is the gas station that clearly had some damage done. You can see parts of the sign has blown apart. Now, you see this large collection of cars . When we first got here, no one was here. The Sheriffs Department is having sort of a briefing as we speak right now to talk about how theyre going to handle operations later on. If you look over there by the wall, you can see the collection of officers that have gathered here to talk about the nights operations and how things are going. When i talked to a few of the officers before, they said for the most part things have been going well. Now, weve noticed damage on larger structures, buildings like this one where were seeing the roof tilings blown off and partial roofs gone. But no real significant damage. Mostly signed like this chevron sign that you see here, victor. Thats the good news. As we got closer to the water, we did see high waves but it didnt breach at all. It didnt look like the water had pushed into homes along the waterway as well. So what weve been doing is just driving along the coast to make sure, to see how people are doing. The one thing weve noticed, it seems like most people have been staying off the roads. We see a few cars going by. Some of them just making sure the power is still on. Were still watching it because people are wondering what will happen in the next few hours. Of course the other concern, ryan, beyond the people on the roads there, if they stayed in their homes, if they heeded that request, that warning to leave, especially the Barrier Islands, because we know the florida coast, that little jut out, that point out of Cape Canaveral and where you are, do we know if most people took heed to the request to get off those islands . So we talked to a few people and i talked to a woman whos been here all her life and she said, look, i do not want to leave my home. She says i do not want to go. She said her kids have been calling from up north begging her to leave. She finally went to a hotel. We bumped into a group of people from wales who said they were coming in from a vacation, they wanted to be here in florida. They say this rain is nothing to them but they did understand the significance of it but they went for a walk and they were say, look, the hurricanes past, they dont see this as being a big deal. They didnt want to lose the money they spent from their vacation but when you understand there are people worried about their homes you can see the difference of someone worrying about a vacation. The winds are strong but we havent seen anything significant and talking to Police Officers we havent heard about any loss of life or anyone being injured so far, victor. Ryan young for us on the Barrier Islands on cocoa beach just south of Cape Canaveral. Ryan, thanks so much. Well check back with you. We know here in jacksonville there were about two dozen calls for help overnight and as we get into the later hours this evening and Hurricane Matthew comes closer to the river city here that there will be even greater concerns for the almost half of the residents here in the city who decided to stay. We know from the mayor, lenny curry, that 450,000 people estimated got out of the city, headed west maybe to lake county, to lake city or headed north. Lets go now to meteorologist chad meyers to find out whats coming and when. How far away is the storm now . Were feeling the increased winds and seeing the rain pick up here, chad. I would say, victor, your closest approach to the center of the eye is still four hours from now. And i know right about this point youre at high tide but i dont think theres going to be a low tide. Not for the next four hours. The wind will continue to push the water into the st. Johns river just like its pushing it into st. Augustine right now. That is probably the hardest hit area that we can find is st. Augustine, florida, the oldest city. The water is in downtown. A couple feet deep, running through the cities all the way into the back bay as well and were seeing that because the wind is pushing the water in this direction and has been pushing the water for many, many hours now. So were piling the water up here along the coast. The coast wasnt there, the water would keep right on going around and thats how a hurricane goes but because the bay itself is getting in the way, thats what were seeing. Thats the problem that were going to see for the rest of the day. That water is going to pile up in st. Marys georgia, in brunswick, in savannah, but you know salve vannah is elevated. So talk about tybee down the river and also up toward charleston and myrtle beach. Its still a big hurricane. Its still about 100 Miles Per Hour so this thing continues to move to the north, pile water up, and will for many, many hours. We dont get into charleston until 8 00 tomorrow morning. Thats how lumbering slow this storm is and how lummering slow its going to continue to be. The wind for you probably is 75. Thats the highest youre going to get there in jacksonville or st. Augustine or Amelia Island and then it kind of makes it looks to me like because the land turns quickly, more quickly than the storm is going to turn, that charleston is really in the middle of where we think the landfall will likely be and thats where the biggest pileup of water will be later on this afternoon. Do we have a lot of wind damage coming in . No. Do we have an f1 tornado coming in . Probably not likely. The damage will come in with the water, victor. Chad, let me jump in here. You mentioned charleston there, thank you so much for that update, from that 2 00 update. I want to go to charleston where officials are giving us an update on the situation there. Lets listen in. Time t time to leave the city is quickly coming to an end and we expect weather conditions to deteriorate this evening and worsen throughout the night. This will be a dangerous storm. If you have made the decision to stay, please prepare and take appropriate precautions. Please make sure someone knows your plan and they can check in on you after the storm has passed. Tonight as conditions worsen, please remain inside and do not venture out as this storm will create very dangerous conditions. We expect a recordsetting high tide around midnight tonight and it will be no time to be out and about. There will be water everywhere. And with that, id like to turn it over to chief mullen. Thank you, mark, and thank you, as mark said, for your assistance in continuing to get information out to our citizens. Were listening here to the were listening to the officials there in charleston who are saying that, you know, as the conditions deteriorate late into the night, theyre saying simply the same thing weve heard from other city managers and emergency officials throughout the day and overnight that there comes a point when it just becomes too dangerous to send their First Responders out to help you so make sure there in charleston that you alert someone and have them check on you throughout the evening and into early tomorrow morning. Now, this is an emergency for the entire southeastern coast. States of emergency declared in florida, georgia, South Carolina, north carolina. Lets now go to georgia and we have on the phone with us dennis jones, who is the chief of the Emergency Management there in Chatham County. I understand there was an Evacuation Order for Chatham County including the city of savannah. Do you know, just an estimate, how many people heeded that call to get out of that area . Right now with a population of a little over 850,000 we estimate we have about 75 Participation Rate in the evacuation process. Okay, 75 which is a good number considering what weve heard from other cities. Whats the major concern for your team. Well, weve concluded our evacuation operation. Were finishing up any of the last people who may have been on the roadway. Were looking at sheltering those people who decided at the last minute that they need to have a place to go. Were encouraging people to basically make sure they here in a safe location. Make sure they understand the risk ris risks that are going to be imposed over the next several hours. We have several municipalities that have their Emergency Centers activated and our focus is situational awareness, making sure we know what the conditions are throughout the community and planning our reentry operations. So were taking a focused effort in the Emergency Operations center to make sure that we can get critical assets back into the county to render the area safe and restore essential services so we can get the general public back. Of course a call to your team and every team working to make things safe. Dennis jones with the Chatham County Emergency Management operations. The county including the city of savannah. People who have been to the city know there is a beautiful riverwalk there, a lowlying area. Hopefully that area completely clear as we know storm surges up and down the southeastern coast will be the major concern. We, of course, will continue to watch the storm as it comes along the coast here. Were going to take a quick break and continue our special coverage live from jacksonville. Well be right back. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. 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Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Im Victor Blackwell in jacksonville, the they is in the bullseye of Hurricane Matthew. Its continuing to scrape the eastern coast of florida. We just spoke with our meteorologist who tells us the winds in Jacksonville Beach are now gusting at 60 Miles Per Hour, a strong, Strong Tropical Storm force gust there and weve talked so much about the storm surge the storm surge is five to nine feet. That will stick around for the next six hours or so as the storm comes just off the coast here from here in the city along side the banks of the st. Johns river im seeing just over my shoulder flooding in the parking lot. Localized flooding in the streets. The National Weather service in jacksonville put out a tweet not long ago calling for people to move to higher ground, an alert that people need to get to higher space as the storm surge comes in, the rain continues. That in effect, that Flash Flood Warning in effect until 6 15. Now, the question of course is where does the storm go next after jacksonville. States of emergency up the coast, florida, georgia, South Carolina, north carolina. Lets go to South Carolina now to the city of charleston where our brian todd is and, brian, how are they preparing . Do we have brian . All right, seems like were having a bit of difficulty getting brian todd there. The storm started in earnest right now. They told us this Tropical Storm force wind would start to be felt about last hour. Were getting pelted with rain, we talked to one captain of a boat who told us a short time ago this is what hes worried about. This is one of the Marinas North of charleston. You see that mooring post right there, the one with the triangular top. Hes worried if the water levels top that or get higher that these boats will be released and start washing on to the streets and the buildings here you can see on the ash league rivley ri water levels are rising and were in low country in South Carolina. This is clearly at sea level, some areas are below sea level. They are worried about the storm surge that could get to tight 11 feet which could cause washover of these banks over here on to the streets toward the buildings over here and cause serious flooding inland. We were just starting to get this right now. We already have washover into the parking lot so we are into this id say maybe less than an hour of starting to feel the really earnest effects of the storm here in charleston and already some effects of possible flooding seen here. Evacuations are key. Governor nikki haley told us a short time ago 310,000 people have evacuated, thats about half of the people theyve asked to get out so shes not too pleased with that. Shes saying its not enough but the window for getting out of here is closing fast. Heres another thing i want to show you over here. This is the james island connector bridge. When winds get to 40 miles an hour and above, bridges like this one that from 65 feet or higher above the water are going to close. Its too dangerous to be on them. First responding teams have told them at the height of the storm they wont be able to get to people. One local Police Captain told us on the Barrier Islands that when winds get to 40 to 45 miles an hour he wont be able to put assets on the street. So when people get stranded, when they get to be in some really tough going with this storm they wont be able to count on First Responders to get to them immediately, victor. And brian, thanks so much there in charleston. We heard if new charleston they are asking to make sure you contact someone who can check on you throughout the night when the storm is at its worst because those First Responders cant get to you. Lets go to savannah where we have sara ganim with the Chatham County officials and we spoke with dennis jones, the head of the Emergency Management department there who says that there is a 75 Participation Rate in the Evacuation Order there compared to what were seeing in charleston, what were seeing here in jacksonville and farther south in florida. Thats impressive but that 25 is of great concern. What are you seeing and hearing . You know, all morning, victor, we were seeing people evacuate and heed that morning and, like you said, yes, were out with First Responders with the Chatham County sheriffs office, major Tommy Tillman here has been driving around making sure that people who are still here are safe, making sure that homes where residents have evacuated are safe. Theyre making sure theres no looting happening. That people who are out are not in vehicles that have broken down, stuck in stranded water. Can you tell me some of what youve been seeing out here . Is. Were starting to see a few limbs down and water puddling on the road. Weve encountered very few vehicles on the roadway. It seems most people are staying inside or heeding the warnings and have already evacuated. Victor, were on one of those Barrier Islands, we have seen some people and we have definitely seen some water begin to rise. These First Responders who are still out here will be out here all day. Theres a mandatory curfew going into place as the sun sets, right . When do you make the decision when its time to pull your guys off the road . Were constantly monitoring the conditions of the road and the weather. The wind is also a factor as roads water starts to rise and puddle on the roadway well start bringing our people out. It doesnt make any sense to put their lives at risk when well need them later on. Victor, everyone from city to state officials to even the president of the United States warning people here in the savannah area that there are places that could see a storm surge up to 11 feet. Thats a lot of water. Being out here on those Barrier Islands, you can see how much damage can be done with very little bit of water, what have you seen in the past in flooding . Weve had water come across the roadways, especially out towards tybee island when the water with gets up high enough it will cover the roadway, not just a little bit. It will be under water, like a foot of water, thats what were anticipating. Thats why the road to tybee has already been blocked off. People cant get out there even if they wanted to and once it gets that high they wont be able to get off the island no matter how bad the storm gets o out. A few hours ago people were saying this is the final warning for people to listen and evacuate. Still we talked to residents who were very upset that there were some elderly family members who were going to try to stay behind. Some people had neighbors with kids who were trying to stick it out. This area hasnt seen a storm like that in many, many years. Is that something you hear from residents who are going to try and stick it out . Thats right. They think that, oh, its missed us in the past and theyve gotten us all worked up and nothing happened. We left for no reason at all but you know, its just to keep people safe, with storms like this you dont know where theyre going. I know the track has changed many times and a storm this big hugging the coast all it takes is one degree of change and it will be right here on our laps. Its something you dont want to endure. You guys heard major tillman say it. Once the conditions get bad enough here theyre going to bring the First Responders off the road so people who are still here should listen to that warning to get out while you still can. Major tillman, thank you so much for having us. Thank you. Victor . Sara ganim there in savannah riding along with Chatham County First Responders trying to make sure they can batten down as much as they can before the storm makes it up into georgia. Im here in jacksonville where were still about three to four hours out according to chad myers until we feel the worst of Hurricane Matthew but we are seeing conditions here continuing to deteriorate. Trees falling. Localized flooding. Flash Flood Warning and Power Outages, according to jea, now above 70,000 customers without power here. Up next after the break, the politics of the storm. We all remember back in 2012 how then Superstorm Sandy made its way to the center of the political debate. Will it come unin the political debate on sunday between donald trump and Hillary Clinton . Ill toss it back to Brianna Keilar in washington after the break. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Thats a good thing, eligible for medicare . But it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay and could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about and which aarp Medicare Supplement plan works best for you. 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Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Hello there, im Brianna Keilar. Back to our hurricane coverage and Victor Blackwell in jacksonville, florida. First, lets talk politics, we are two days to donald trump and Hillary Clinton facing off in their second debate. This is sunday night. It will be a town hall. The audience is going to be able to asked questions plus this format allows candidates to walk around so town halls can be tricky. Think george h. W. Bush checking his watch, right . Or al gore invading george w. Bushs personal space. A lot can happen when clinton and trump meet again. Lets talk about it now. Joining me we have cnns senior wife correspondent jim acosta and we have james fallows, National Correspondent at the atlantic. First to you, jim. You had donald trump, he had a town hall which, including to those close to him, said it was a practice for sunday. He insists it was not practice. But how did this go and what does this tell us about sunday . Its interesting, brianna. Earlier in the week his Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway was saying the town hall format is tailor made for donald trump and then lo and behold we had this town hall event in New Hampshire last night but it wasnt really a true town hall. There werent citizens standing up and asking questions. These were questions that were being fed to a conservative talk show host who was then asking these questions of donald trump. And even donald trump during the event as you said stated that this was not a dry run for sundays debate. Heres what he had to say. They were saying this is practice for sunday. This isnt practice. This has nothing to do with sunday. Were just here because we just wanted to be here and, you know, hillary, frankly, they talk about debate prep. Thats not debate prep. Shes resting. [ laughter ] shes resting. And i want to be with the american people. I want to be with the people from New Hampshire and she wants to rest. [ cheers and applause ] it is true, brianna, trump has been doing more events than Hillary Clinton over these last few days. Today he came out and spoke with members of a National Border patrol union but we should point out donald trump is in debate prep today. He has been meeting with Kellyanne Conway, steve bannon, his campaign, other top Campaign Advisors with him as well as Chris Christie and the rnc chair reince priebus. So hes doing debate prep as well. Hes doing debate prep, but, james, we understand hes not doing maybe the same kind of traditional debate prep that, say, Hillary Clinton is doing. We know shes at a hotel in r ryebrook new york, shes practicing almost the format. Trying to connect with the individual voters. Donald trump didnt have that opportunity last night. This is something that can be tricky and we dont know if donald trump has been preparing that way. How does he need to navigate that and really connect with these voters . Well, its really strange for me listening to his clip about almost taking pride in not practicing and taking pride in rejecting the idea of rest. Its really surreal. This is a hard thing to do. Answering questions before tens of millions of people in realtime with a possibility for error and knowing how many campaigns have been helped or hurt by missteps. The idea that you would not want to practice for that or not want to be at your best is takes us back maybe to Richard Nixon in his 1960 debate against john kennedy where john kennedy made sure he took the afternoon off, was sitting in the sunshine, he looked great. Nixon here . Ed sneered at the idea of practice and looked worse. In the first debate it didnt seem to work out there that well with donald trump to come out without training. Well see if it works out better this time. I want to ask you about the hurricane. This could be affecting things in florida. Hillary clinton is doing better there, good news for her, not good news for donald trump but you have to Voter Registration deadline for mail in and on person on tuesday, we look at how there are hundreds of thousands of people without power, you can see how that might complicate things and the Clinton Campaign has had a request to adapt that be rejected by the republican governor. When you look at that, do you think that that is just thats how it goes . These things dont get adjusted or do you see politics at play and that there could possibly be an effect of this. I dont know of an exact precedent for this because i dont know of a hurricane thats come at this exact moment in the registration cycle. But speaking as a citizen rather than part of any political affiliation it seems against the american tradition. You want to make it easier for people to register. When there are hurricanes you extend deadlines for everything, for people paying their bills, for school assignments, for all sorts of accommodations so i would think as a citizen i would want the governor of any state, republican or democratic one, to make it easier rather than harder for people to sign up. Youre certainly seeing the Clinton Campaign thinking it will work to their advantage to have that extended perhaps republicans are concerned about that as well. James fallows, jim acosta, thank you so much to both of you. Coming up, we are going to v the latest on Hurricane Matthew, some of the worst yet ahead here in the coming hours, maybe even next hour as we take a look at these live shots out of jacksonville, florida. Theres a hospital there that is deciding to evacuate patients and staff. Were also going to talk with a dad who is stranded with his family at disneyworld. Pretty chaotic scene there. This is cnns special live coverage. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. 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Now although the bridge behind me, the main street bridge, officially has not been shut down and other bridges along the intercoastal have been just standing here it is not safe to drive across that bridge. We also know that jso, the jacksonville sheriffs office, is advising everyone to stay exactly where they are tweeting out just a few moments ago do not go outside until you get clearance from the Emergency Operations center. People across the city because of the threat of downed trees and power lines we have seen here pictures tweeted out. Weve seen video of the trees down. One at Edgewood Cemetery not far from where we are now we want to tell you about Emergency Operation operations taken by a chain of hospitals here. I have the chief operating officer at baptist hospitals. Give us an idea of the operations, we know at gnaw saw, how many people are we talking about . So we are a fiveHospital System and our two outlying Coastal Community hospitals are nassau and they transferred 15 patients to our jacksonville campus the then our beaches campus transferred 51 patients to baptist south which is inland. So i understand that people instead of being their families here in the city of those families who have evacuated working to take care of those patients. How many people do you have working and give us an idea of the situation now. Well, what we have in our Emergency Operations plan we have pert teams, prepared Emergency Response teams. So People Volunteer to come and staff through the duration of the incident, a second team comes after the event. That number is dependent but we have around 550 people on the campus taking care of these patients at this point. Do you have any update on if those facilities that have been evacuated, if they are being impacted now . If they are flooding, if theres damage there . We are do know that they are impacted to some degree but were not aware of major damage at this point. We have a very Skeleton Crew in each place. And so but at this point theres no visible damage at this juncture. We have leaking here there and yonder. All right, John Wilbanks with baptist health, the health system, Hospital System here across florida. John wilbanks, thank you so much. We are in florida on a what would have been a threeday weekend for many families who are coming here to spend some time with their families, maybe go to amusement parks. Although weve talked a lot about the impact on the coast, here in jacksonville, daytona, cocoa beach, on up into savannah and charleston, inland there are effects as well. Lets go inland now to orlando where we have a father who is there with his family at disneyworld. Supposed to be the happiest place on earth, but not on this weekend. He is hunkering down waiting to get food, some assistance for his family. Lets go to robert bruce. Robert, give us an idea of what youre experiencing on the weekend that was supposed to be fun for your family. Well, it started off fairly well. The weather started kicking in yesterday around 5 00 or so, disney closed up shop around 5 00 and we were at epcot at the time, when they thought weather was going to progress and get worse they decided the shut down the parks friday. Behad planned to visit universal on friday. Its been raining most of the time and orlando is lucky they didnt get the brunt the way they thought. Services have been shut down for quite some time. We had a car rental to visit friends in jacksonville for the next three days and we were fortunate to find a different car after hertz shut down but were waiting on word on how bad jacksonville is before we visit them. My extended family is with us as well, my parents and motherinlaw. They had Flight Cancellations and theyre flying out of tampa so they were able to get arrangements made. So things have been panning out for people inland. Its just been very wet and chaotic when everything was shutting down. There was very little food to begin with and as you saw from the video there was a lot of people waiting in line for quite some time to get in and through. And youve come to florida from nebraska, i understand . Yes, yes. So bad weather isnt necessarily foreign to us. I hear that. Listen, robert, i hope things get better for you. You say things started out well, its good that you have your family safe with you. And, yeah, well all wait to see what happens here in jacksonville, still three to four hours out. If things get worse, if things get better, give us a call, you know how to get to us. Robert bruce in orlando. Robert, thanks. Now, we know the storm here in florida is now a fatal one. A report from officials in st. Luc lucie county that a 50yearold woman suffered cardiac arrest and died. Were told thats being considered stormrelated because it was at the height of the storm there and First Responders were unable to get to that woman but we know beyond the woman here in florida more than 280 people, according to reuters, have died in haiti. The situation dire there. Well take a quick break then well get an update on the response and what officials are seeing across that country. My insurance rates are but dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. My ancestor, lady eleanor, made it big in textiles. My greatgrandfather bernard wrote existential poetry. And uncle john was an explorer. I inherited their cando spirit. And their double chin. Now, im going to do something about it. Kybella® is the first of its kind injectable treatment that destroys fat under the chin, leaving an improved profile. 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Lucie county of one stormrelated death. But if we go to the island nation of haiti, there are more than 200, nearly 300 deaths being blamed on this storm. Lets find out what the situation is there now. We have with us on the phone from portauprince, rather skype by portauprince, a freelance journalist yvesto gowan. Give us an idea of the situation there as First Responders get to the people who try to get help. Victor, its an ongoing process. The storm ended two days ago but everyday there are new things being discovered, new information coming out. Theyre able to access the more remote areas to identify when help is needed, how many people have perish sod its a daybyday, hourbyhour situation. Ivesto, i was in portauprice last year and there were so many effects from the earthquake in 2010 that had not been repaired, infrastructure problems, of course. Is most of the damage were seeing in portauprice or the outlying provinces there . Theres hardly any damage in portauprice. All of it is in the south, southern part of haiti, many coastal communities, a couple larger cities down in the south have either been leveled or nearly leveled or completely flooded so the damage is extensive. Its staggering, in fact, so im not surprised the number will go up, to be quite honest. All right, still the latest number we have is 281 deaths being blamed on this hurricane. Give us an idea of the response that were seeing yvetot . Its starting to pile up. Right now im at the airport. It reopened since yesterday and i know there are military planes coming in, bringing in relief supplies, medical choppers, theres more air traffic, especially today. Especially today. So were hoping its going to increase because as they get further and further into discovering the damage there is, i suspect were going to need a lot more help than what were seeing currently but its starting to happen, thankfully and thank god. All right, yvetot gouin joining us, a freelance journalist in portauprince saying most of the damage and disruption outside of portauprince and other provinces. We heard from president obama asking americans to remember the people of haiti as people here in florida and up and down the coast look to what weve seen overnight. Some may say many communities dodged a bullet. Haiti did not dodge that with more than 280 deaths there. Well continue our live special coverage of Hurricane Matthew still a solid category 3 storm. Live from jacksonville after the break. Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tv character taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. Im live in jacksonville here awaiting, unfortunately, Hurricane Matthew still a strong category 3 storm with sustained winds of 120 Miles Per Hour. Weve been feeling pretty Strong Tropical Storm force winds here where we are in san marco just alongside the st. Johns river. Let me give you an idea closer to the beach whats being felt. The storm surge as predicted now five to nine feet. Those areas were under a mandatory evacuation, neptune beach, we know the storm surge here expected to be three feet. Thats down from the six to nine that was forecast earlier but still according to the Mayors Office three feet still life threatening. Many communities here alongside the st. Johns river flood during an afternoon thunderstorm, during a noreaster. But with this sustained rain over the last couple days now and the storm surge, no question the community of san morocco, riverside sin

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