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We continue along. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Thank you for being with me. Lets get to it. Donald trump just detailed what he would do if he is elected Commander In Chief, a first runup to his first Commander In Chief forum with Hillary Clinton tonight. Unlike the upcoming debates, the first one in less than three weeks, the two wont be on the same stage but they will face the same crowd, no doubt, the president ial contenders know that Absentee Voting begins in one week. And many people will be sending in ballots early. Many of those folks who are active duty military in his speech, speaking of, donald trump said he would boost defense spending, that he would pump up troop numbers, battalions, ships, jets, and he was there in philadelphia. He laid out his plan for rebuilding of the nations military and in doing so, he ripped into Hillary Clinton, into her foreign policy. Her emails and, oh, so much more. In a trump administration, our actions in the middle east will be tempered by realism. The current strategy of toppling regimes with no plan for what to do the day after only produces power vacuums that are filled simply by terrorists. Gradual reform, not sudden and radical change, should be our guiding objective in that region. Sometimes it seemed like there wasnt a country in the middle east that Hillary Clinton didnt want to invade, intervene in, or topple. Shes trigger happy and very unstable, whether we like it or not, and she said she didnt know the letter c means confidential or at least classified. If she cant remember such crucial events, and information, honestly, shes totally unfit to be our Commander In Chief. Totally unfit. Let me bring in retired rear admiral charles kubik, National Security policy advisor to donald trump. Admiral, welcome back. Nice to see you. Good afternoon, brooke. Now we hear trumps plans. He says once elected president , he will give his generals 30 days to essentially come up with a plan to defeat and destroy isis. But he has said for the last 16 months, admiral, that he has a plan all along. Hes called it a secret plan to defeat isis. Which is it . I think folks are really not getting the point. What mr. Trump has done today once again is articulated his strategic intent, his commanders intent. Now he is starting to roll out the Operational Planning details. Its all the same plan, and elements of it will still be classified and secret. But what hes saying is as a part of his plan he is not going to rely on his white house staff to direct the military. Hes going to go to the admirals, to the generals and ask them to develop an Operational Plan to support a strategic intent. As a part of that, there will be various courses of action and these courses of action will be both overt and covert he hasnt had a secret plan, admiral. Just so were all on the same page. Well, its the same plan, you know, brooke. Hes just now articulating the details. But parts of it are still going to be secret. Hes still going to be unpreageunpr unpredictable. We arent going to tell the enemy what or how were going to do it. Hes talked about the fact that weve got to fight the ideology now, weve got to look at economic operations, cyber warfare, and also our political aliningses. Hes given a lot of detail at the strategic level. Now we are talking at the operational level, hes going to go to the military professionals, not to white house staff. We give him credit for the detail today. Hes been slammed over and over for being vague so he provided a lot of detail today. So much so when he talked about libya and iraq that it was in direct contrast to what he actually said in 2011. Just to remind everyone, roll the tape. I cant believe what our country is doing. Gadhafi in libya is killing thousands much people. Nobody knows how bad it is and were sitting around, we have soldiers all over the middle east and were not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage. Thats what it is. It is a carnage. We should do on a humanitarian basis immediately go in to libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, they effectively and save the lives. So, which is it, admiral . Well, lets remember i think mr. Trump has clarified that when he made those comments, he was a private citizen. He was acting on the information that he was receiving primarily from open media. And he was reacting to the potential humanitarian crisis in libya. Hes learned since then, and hes clarified, that had he known that there was no humanitarian crisis, that Hillary Clinton was going to far exceed the mandate of the u. N. Resolution, and that in fact she was going to press an attack against a country in violation of the law of war and then lead to a disaster when theres no plan. Admiral, forgive me. Whether its libya or its iraq or guns or some other major issue, i mean for months folks have pointed out, critics have pointed out, at one stage he said, x, and at another stage he said y. If were talking about being elected to the top office in the land, shouldnt there be consistency . He clarified when he said x, he was operating with limited information. Once he got more information he began to reshape his opinions and he began to realize that the real issues were how these conflicts were prosecuted and the fact that there was no plan for the day after. But youre clarifying that but when did he clarify that . No. He has. He has in even conversations with me and ive heard it on tv that hes basically said, hey, originally i didnt have the full story. Now i understand what about just quickly on his desire he mentioned today he wants to eliminate the defense sequester. All of those cuts. Are you a navy plan. Weve been chatting about my weekend in annapolis. I have a lot of sailor friends and a lot of ears perked when you hear donald trump talk about jumping the number of ships. I was on a cruiser in the persian gulf. I know there are 22. And the navy wanted an all brandnew and Congress Said heck no, were not paying for that. So instead they agreed to sort of have a compromise and modernize some of these cruisers. Im just giving this as an example because Congress Even really didnt even want to do that. How is he going to get congress to do everything he just laid out today . First of all, i think he pointed out today that the sequester was applied unevenly. Defense budget is onesixth of the budget. But it is over 50 of the sequester. So hes saying it is time to lift that from defense. He said it is also time to begin to look at a longer term plan to recapitalize the navy. I know the navy, for example, has a 30year plan and it is would be nice to bite it off in fiveyear chunks. It is going to take additional funding, but that funding is going to have to come from savings elsewhere and also from an increased economy. It is not going to happen overnight. But hes pointed out clearly that number of ships has dropped to 206. The navy is fighting to retain 308. He is saying looking in the years, we ought to be thinking as a goal of 350. When i was working as a young officer supporting john laymans 600ship navy, we almost got there. I think he is using that to show that, yes, dl is a need to recapitalize our military. Dont get too hung up on the numbers because they are so big and it is going to take a lot of money and it is going to have to be phased over time. Admiral kubic, appreciate your voice on the show. Thank you very much, brooke. Go navy. Thank you. Go navy. I mentioned that Hillary Clinton and donald trump will take part in what is being billed is a commander of chief forum. Hillary clinton will go first, winning the coin toss, answering the audiences questions. Then is Donald Trumps turn. The members will be mostly active duty. One guest happens to be the author of a pretty phenomenal book called columbine. It is a tough read but an important one. Dave cohen finally, i get to see you. You came to new york. Not for me, but for this. Thank you. I appreciate it nonetheless. I heard you call yourself a reluctant Hillary Clinton supporter. Yeah, thats fair. Okay. So you dont know the deal is you dont know which question you get to ask to which candidate. Exactly. Or even if you do. But if you had, i know you are prepared with questions. A question for Hillary Clinton would be what . Im still narrowing it down to Transgender Service members and probably army veteran suicide. And then traumatic brain injuries. But im leaning towards suicide with her. Whats the question on suicide . Well, its astounding. The Veterans Administration put out a report saying 22 veterans die at their own hands per day, which is just astonishing. Right now im taking part in the 22 pushups challenge. And im actually going to ask her if she would perhaps commit to doing it which i think would actually be fantastic and would be a way of really making everyone aware of that. But really i would like to know what she will do about that. Because im sure she is going to say that im very concerned about it and were going to do everything in our power and so forth. Just like you are interviewing pinning people down, it is like i dont want to just hear how youre going to do wonderful things. What specifically she might do to address that. Well talk pushups later. What do you Ask Donald Trump . Well, with him im sort of reevaluating after i saw his speech today. What i had been thinking of is talking about Transgender Service members. Because we had the ban lifted in june. But not quite. Ash carter announced a lifting, but with a oneyear implementation phase. That means the new Commander In Chief is going to take office midway through that. He or she can easily end that process. It wont be in place yet and reverse course and completely end it. So i want a commitment out of him are you planning will you commit to Going Forward or are you planning to reverse it . What are you going to do . He did mention he would take care of the Lgbtq Community during the rnc. I remember. I can see your eyes roll. Youre like well, you know, talking and walking are two Different Things. Quickly on walter reed. Did you break your back . I did, yeah. So you were in walter reed. Yeah. I lived there for five months. You were in pt with these amputees, these veterans. Yes, every day. Twice a day. It was kind of amazing. I was the only broke back. Everybody else was double or dr triple amputees. I never talked to any shrinks about this but it was kind of my impression the kind of worse case, the better their attitude. Those guys and the women had amazing attitudes with kind of two exceptions. But they were really amazing about it. But it was always Different Things than you would think. The biggest complaint all the time i hope this has improved but was their prosthetics and your stump atrophies considerably, especially over the first several months when theyre there. And when youre sort of between sizes, its hell. When its too loose, it moves around and does terrible chafing. They would be all red and sore. Then you are sort of waiting to get to the right size. Im hoping by now they have more sizes. But it was in a million years, thats not what i would have guessed was their problem. But their concerns and going about it is completely different. What i didnt learn that i always thinking about it, they had such amazing attitudes. But i saw them in pt and like my few sort of crying bouts were in my room with the door closed. So i never saw that with them. I dont know what was i talked to them. We were on the same schedule like 10 00 and 2 00 so i saw the same people every day, but, yeah, i never i never asked about that. Quite a place. I was there a couple years ago. M Montel Williams said, brooke, come with me to walter reed. Dave cullen, well be watching tonight. Good luck with your question asking. Good to see you as well. Under these circumstances. Yes. Just in here, another reminder, it is indeed 2016. We are getting word of an Arrest Warrant for president ial candidate jill stein. But why, you ask . Good question. Also ahead, Donald Trumps running mate now answering the questions donald trump will not. Was president obama born in the u. S. . Hear what mike pence has just said today. And it has everyone talking. The new I Phoew Iphone just rev without a key feature. 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Officials say this is an open investigation. Dr. Ben carson who is trying to woo black voters in to Donald Trumps camp says trump needs to apologize. He told jake tapper his candidate should say he is sorry for forcing the nations first black president to produce his Birth Certificate to prove he was in fact born in the u. S. But hours later in an interview with fox, donald trump came on tv and offered no such apology. You think it is time for donald trump to acknowledge that all that Birther Nonsense was a mistake and to apologize . I think that would be a good idea. Absolutely. I suggest that on all sides. Lets get all of the, you know, the hate and rancor out of the way. Do you think your Birther Position has hurt you among africanamericans . I dont know. I have no idea. I dont even talk about it anymore. I know. I dont know. I guess with maybe some. I dont know why. But i dont think very few people you are the first one thats brought that up in a while. He says he doesnt talk about it anymore. But it is important to remember, trump was one of the loudest voices on this issue back in 2011. Heres a look back. Why look, shes smiling. Why doesnt he show his Birth Certificate . And you know what . I wish he would. Because i think it is a terrible pall thats hanging over him. Barack obama should end this and he should provide the public with a Birth Certificate. And if he doesnt do it, hes doing a tremendous disservice to the public. Love to see what you know, perhaps it is going to say hawaii. Perhaps it is going to say kenya. You know who questioned his Birth Certificate . One of the first . Hillary clinton. Theres something going on. Look, theres something going on. And the words are now what does that mean, theres something going on . Theres just bad feeling. A lot of bad feeling about him. Well, heres a twist today. Donald trumps own running mate, mike pence, told reporters that he believes barack obama was born in the u. S. Joining me now, barry bennett, former. Campaign manager for dr. Ben carson, now a trump supporter. Also with us, angela rye, former director of the congressional black caucus. Barry, just begin with, why doesnt trump follow in the steps of mike pence and say, all right, youre right, he was born in the u. S. Done. Over with. Stop asking me. He probably should, right . The truth is no ones really talked about this issue much for years but it was a silly issue in the beginning. Obviously wasnt true. And it was a mistake to uk that about it years ago. But it would probably be a mistake to keep talking about it as well. Then what about looking at you, im also thinking of dr. Carson and the fact that he told tapper, yes, he should apologize, and perhaps even that would help him with the black vote in this country. What do you make of dr. Carson weighing in . You know, ben is a very strong moral person, so he has the right to do so. But if i could give both candidates some unsolicited and valuepriced advice stop talking about each other. Start talking about america. It is hurting. There are real problems. If you want to get elected, convince america you can solve these problems, not that your opponent is an awful person. Angela rye, what say you . Well, i agree with barry. First and foremost that this is a silly issue. It has always been a silly issue but if only it was funny. It really is no laughing matter. The fact that donald trump would work so diligently to discredit this countrys first black president is not just unfortunate, its very disrespectful. Not only did he start and end with the birther issue, he also questioned Barack Obamas transcripts and whether or not he ever graduated from harvard university. He questioned whether or not barack obama was an Affirmative Action admitee. Love Affirmative Action, by the way. Of harvard university. But that is highly problematic when you are talkinging abo ing questioning someones competency because they dont look like you. That is a real problem here. Donald trump has a lot of work to do in this space because hes got to demonstrate to people that hes not a bigot, hes not a racist and hes not using racist rhetoric to pander to his very angry base right now. That is why this apology is so important and barry, that is why i agree with you and dr. Carson. Something you just said which is kind of evolved in this political cycle which i hope we can all bury back when this is over. You dont have to prove that you are not a racist. Right . You have to prove that you are a racist. No. No, no, no. In this country were innocent until proven guilty. Unless unless youre unless youre on the trump campaign. You are demeaning the entire issue. No, barry, but heres the thing. Let me prove weve got to stop pop. Barry, let me prove to you why he has demonstrated that he is either racist and or using race r racist rhetoric. Ill coudo this quickly. The North Carolina participant in a rally who punched the black man in the face. He talked about a black lives matter protester that got kicked and beat up at his rally, he said he got what he deserved. He took out a fullpage ad im not finished. It has everything to do with race. He took out a fullpage ad of this thats the problem. No. You know what the problem is . The fact that race baiters. Dont go there. Do not go from. I went there i went there you have no idea what my family looks like. You cannot go there. You owe me an apology. How do i owe you an apology . You called me a racism defender. No. Youre saying i have the burden of proof on me to say donald trump is not a racist is false. Donald trump has demonstrated he is a racist or using racist rhetoric. You have to prove someone is a racist. Hes proven it himself, barry. No, he hasnt. Come on. Yes, he has, barry. I tried to give you examples. What im telling you is, we have to start owning that racism existed in this country and is real. And he pandered he pandered to racists throughout this election. Youre denying it. You cant go around calling everybody a racist. I didnt call you a racist. I said that youre not owning the fact that racism exists and that your candidate yes, i am. Im telling you racism exists. Okay. Good. Your candidate has used racist rhetoric to pander to his base. True or false. No. That is where we disagree. Can i just ayeyiyi. I really love and respect both of you. I know we have 62 days to go. And we just all need to be respectful. We just do. Yeah. Here we are. We have to talk about the issues. I was about to talk about taxes. I understand race is a piece of this discussion. Im just i just i just i dont even have the words. I think im going to leave it. Lets fast forward. Barry bennett, angela rye, thank you very much. Thank you. Coming up next here, more than 500 murders in the city of chicago, passing a grim milestone. Gun violence there is raging. Ill be joined by the pastor whos just held this Memorial Service for a young man murdered one day before his 17th birthday. I dont want anyone else to get hurt. No mother should ever feel the way that i feel. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go long™. 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More misery in syria today. At least ten people were killed, another 40 injured as bombs fell on a rebelheld neighborhood in aleppo. It comes on the heels of an alleged Chlorine Attack at a market. This gas, this poisonous gas, said to have been contained in barrels that crashed down from the sky. Doctors say more than 100 people, including three dozen children, were admitted to the hospital with symptoms of chlorine gas poisoning. You can see here barrels left behind in the rubble. Here you go. Cnns Christiane Amanpour just sat down with u. S. Secretary of defense ash carter. He said russia ultimately bears the blame. This mornings episode suggests that at least as of this morning, things are definitely not Leddi Iheading i right direction. Actually in the wrong direction. In that area of syria. Exactly right. I think russias got to bear the responsibility. The president said they would trust gaps. Thats why the ceasefire for aleppo and elsewhere has not been implemented, even after 90 minutes of talks between putin and president obama. Are you skeptical that they will, that they can, the russians, that they have any intention of doing this . Well, well put that to the test. They have not shown that so far. Obviously if we could get them to a point where they stop doing the wrong thing and started doing the right thing in syria, it would be very good for that thats a decision theyre going to have to make. But meanwhile, they bear the responsibility of the consequences of things that they could avoid. Lets go straight to our Senior International correspondent arwa damon who joins me live from istanbul. If you want to just talk more about the attacks specifically, we look at these pictures. It is just tough to look at. Has the Syrian Regime stepped these attacks up . Reporter look, brooke. Heres the reality of the situation. This red line when it comes to chemical weapons, the one that the u. S. Administration had allegedly put forward that it did not stick to, because that red line was crossed back in August Of 2013 with that massive kaem chemical attack that happened in a damascus suburb that left hundreds, if not more than 1,000 people dead. The images and aftermath of that attack were not just little childrens wing trying to get oxygen into their lungs. It was of little children covered in white shrouds because they had been killed. The other thing that is really significant in all of this that we need to remember is that when you survive this kind of an attack, when you survive being hit by this type of substance and the activists and medical workers say they know its chlorine because theyve been hit by chlorine in the past and theyve grown to recognize the symptoms. You do not have a proper medical facility to go to to get treatment. And that is because the vast majority of the aboveground medical facilities that were makeshift to begin with were deliberately targeted according to activists and aid workers attributed to the syrians. They have generator supplies that rely on diesel which is in short supply because aleppo is under siege once again by the regime. If you survive this kind of an attack, if you are that lucky, you dont get to breathe a sigh of relief because the next day brings even more violence, like what we saw. 24 hours after that alleged Chlorine Attack, there were even more bombardments that happened in aleppo, even more people who lost their lives. We have to talk about this, we have to shine a light on this. Arwa damon, thank you for helping us do that. Well be right back. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. 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He had been shot in his head and his mother is numb with grief. I dont want anyone to feel this feeling that i am feeling. Because its not a good feeling. And its hard for me. Every day. I cant sleep. I cant eat. I cant do nothing but think about my baby. Joining me now, reverend Marshall Hatch sr. , the Senior Pastor of the new mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church there in chicago. He was just with elijahs mom eofficiating his funeral. Reverend, welcome. Thank you, brooke. We appreciate it so much. Let me just begin with first of all, i dont know how you do it but i have to begin asking about sharita, the mother. How is she holding on . Welling, its devastating. As any parent can imagine. There are no words to express one of the participants in the funeral Family Member i think was quite articulate and moving when she said when we lose a spouse, were either a widow or widower. When we lose parents, we are an orphan but there is simply no word that we have when a parent loses a child. Its devastating. I understand that they actually had to hold this service in is it your facility in there were so many people yes, our facility here. It is one of the largest on the west side. So we needed a big space and we were glad to help. How many times do you have to do this . More than i would care to mention. When you have the minors that are killed in the prime of life, it is particularly devastating to watch the promise of a community being just literally wiped away. Then of course ive had the unfortunate task of also when we had the double Police Shooting here, betty jones and quintonio legrier, back in the winter, i had to do both those services in one week. Tell you the truth, it is a tremendous burden. You know, i was raidi ireadi the commissioner Xh Cook County said, it is an issue in these streets, jobs, lack of educational opportunities. I wish we could just put our finger on one thing but because you see this as much as you do, what needs to change, reverend . You know, elijah sims is a tremendous case in point. The tragedy. He was four blocks in to the city from oak park which is a thriving community. In fact, there is a Condo Building Boom going on in oak park. And then just over into the city, of course, is a community that has the highest number of homicides. So we had an adjacent suburb thats booming. Then the inner city where we have these compounded tragedies. The truth is if he had been four blocks to the west he would be alive. But four blocks east into the city and his life is over tragically. I think it makes the point that resources matter. And they matter so much that even in adjacent communities we live in two different realities. We have A Tale Of Two Cities literally blocks away because one community is well resourced, and the other one is underresourced. And i think we all know that resources matter. I mean we made the case. Only people that say that resources dont matter who people who have the resources that allow for thriving communities. Understand. Four blocks. Please pass our condolences on to this family. I am just also sorry for you that you are tasked with something so tremendous far too often. Reverend hatch in chicago, thank you, sir. Well be right back. Thank you. Remember us in your prayers. Yes, sir. Energy is a complex challenge. People want power. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. The challenge is to capture the emissions before theyre released into the atmosphere. Exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. Our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. Thats what were working on right now. Energy lives here. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the Supermarket Shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. When children vanish, some parents hear what happened and some never do. Others wait, sometimes for decades hoping they will get an answer, and then they do. Two parents just got their answer 27 years later. October, 1989. Three children were ridings their bikes at night. One had a flashlight, one had a movie they just rented. On this rural, dead end road, a predator was watching them and waiting. That predator stood before court with the boys parents listening just feet away. And you know what he did . He described every last horrific detail. That night, he put on a mask, he grabbed his revolver, and jumped from his truck. The boys thought they were going to rob them. They offered the videotape. He told two of the boys to run or he would shoot, jacob was told to stay. Jacob asked what he did wrong before he was handcuffed, driven away, and sexually assaulted. The man said he was cold, didnt give him his clothes for half an hour. Jacob asked to go home and the man said he couldnt. Then the man Saw A Police Car Drive By and he panicked. He turned jacob around and shot him in the head. The man left for two hours to return to jacob. A year later he noticed a piece of jacobs red jacket sticking out, so he buried him again, somewhere else, the exact place that investigators recently found him. All of the details, the horrific nightmarish details, to report here. Why am i telling you all of this . Theyre important, theyre important because two parents wanted to know. They waited 27 years to know and this was a mothers message minutes after she knew. What i want to say is that jacob taught us all how to be fair, and loving and kind. And it is a World Worth Fighting for and his legacy will go on. I want to say to jacob, im so sorry. Its incredibly painful to know his last days, hours, minutes. We love you, jacob, we will continue to fight. Our hearts are hurting. We will try to pull i would love to talk to you all, im just not ready yet because for us, jacob was alive until we found him. We need to heal. His parents thought their son could have been 38. Somehow, some way, but jacob never saw 12. Im in. One, two, wait, wait. Wait wheres tina . Doing the hand thing . Yep we are all in for our customers. Ally. Do it right. Then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business iphone, iphone, oh boy, i guess im an addict. I know a lot of you are excited too. Will the new iphone 7 and 7 plus still have headphone jacks. That is the thing today. The answer is no, the rumors are true. There are wireless aerobuds called air pods, also lightning adapters. They will have two camera lens, water and dust resistant, our tech expert is here with me to, you know, get everyone excited, the new phone, first of all, all right, i get it is a thing now with the Wireless Headphones and im super uncool, but why is this so exciting . So, it is basically like apple says, they said outright that we have courage to move this industry forward. Whether you think they should tout themselves like that or not, it is true in the past they have moved industries forward. If you think about it like this, you awant a smaller, thinner device, right . And you want it each time. They needed to make space so they removed the headphone jack, and now to do that theyre moving to the air pods that are wireless. They have microphones in them as well. And they kind of look futuristic. They look a little awkward and weird. Well see if they get better at keeping the air pods in your ears, which has been a known issue in the past what about the two cameras, 20 seconds. On the iphone 7 plus, we get two 12 megapixel camera, one with wide angle, one with telephoto so you can get further in on your zooming. Okay, the zoom, that is huge. Okay and, and, adjustive focus. Thank you, out of time, the lead starts now. Thanks, brook, so was Donald Trumps plan all along to ask for a plan . Think about it . The lead starts now. Mr. Trump says he knows more than the generals do, but now he is going to ask them for a new plan to destroy isis. And is the solution as dangerous as the problem. What about the spraying to stop the mosquitos spreading it. Plus apples tradition of making stuff you already

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