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The known as, but now they say there is not enough evidence to keep him. Belgian authorities releasing the first video of the three airport suspects. Police apparently still have no clue who this man in the white jacket is or where he ran off to. Lets begin with our colleague alexander fields. She is live in brussels. Where to begin with all the raids and the arrests over the weekend or the woops with letting this guy go . Yes, lets start with that. People are wondering what was the evidence against him that would compel prosecutors to charge him with these very serious charges, terrorist murder, attempted terrorist murder. What kind of evidence did they think they had . Why wouldnt that evidence hold up with the magistrate who reviewed the case and decided to let him go . These are the most serious charges weve seen given to any of the suspects who have been rolled up in these raids happening across europe. Authorities directly linked this man to the brussels attacks, however, they did not specify what exact role he had had in the attacks. When they raided his residence on thursday, they didnt find weapons, didnt find explosives, but they took him into custody, announced the charges on saturday, and now today, fisfis c, being released. It just means they are being investigated. And if authorities find there isnt enough evidence, well, that doesnt mean that they will then proceed with those charges. In this case, it means that fisel c has been released, much to peoples surprise, given the gravity of those charges. Tell me about these three who were arrested yesterday. Now we have arrests spanning four countries. Right, youve got these raids that have been happening, you know, not just since these attacks in brussels in the last week but really since the attacks that unfolded in paris back in november. Over the weekend, we it see 13 raids in brussels. They picked up nine people. Three of them now facing charges related to terror activities. We dont know if those are linked to the brussels attacks. Police are looking for everyone who could have knowledge of the plots that unfolded and also looking for anyone who could be planning something in the future, not just in brussels but across europe. The key here, what investigators are really glued in on here, is finding the people who may have been involved in that brussels attack. We know there was the picture of the third man at the airport. Thats the third suspected bomber, the person in the hat, who we are now seeing video of. Police have never publicly been able to identify him. We know theyre looking for him. Theyre also looking for somebody who was seen in the metro station holding a bag. They believe he could have been the second possible attacker down in the metro station. So a major manhunt continuing in this city and well beyond for two possible bombing suspects, brooke. Alexandra field, thank you, my friend, live in brussels, belgium. Police are desperate to find those eight terror suspects. Those names are listed on the security bulletin shared amongst several European Security agencies. I have cnn contributor tim lister. He is there in europe. And cnn military analyst Lieutenant General mark hertling. On alexs point, can you tell us more about, you know, we know the belgiums arrested the man they thought perhaps was the white jacketed wouldbe bomber, charged him friday. A Government Official on twitter essentially called him a terrorist before the dna confirmed it was not him. What do you make of that . I think the prosecutors here are embarrassed. They really threw the book at this guy. They charged him with terrorist murder, attempted terrorist murder, association with a terrorist group, and three days later, a judge lets him walk free. So how strong was the evidence . Was it basically all they had. The taxi driver thought he identified him correctly as one of his passengers who he took to the airport that morning. Will they drop the charges . Its not clear the charges have been dropped, its just the judge says the evidence is insufficient to keep him in custody, so that is an extraordinary development. But we are seeing continuing raids in belgium across the weekend, in rotordam. They are trying to roll up, if you like, a Wider Network that extended to italy. The eight suspects still at large in europe according to security bulletins circulated by the European Security agencies, three of them had been in germany and holland. So this just goes on expanding, brooke. General, about how three people were arrested in raids yesterday, im curious, what would make these young impressionable men now behind bars . Why would they talk . Well, first of all, theres a lot of pressure and secondly, its their opportunity to talk. But, brooke, ill go back to your question about evidence processing. Youre talking about various levels of policing going on in europe. Weve had experience with this. We captured several terrorist cells and helped local governments prosecute them when i was commander in europe. But it caused us to force Different Levels of government to come together. You have the local police. You have the federal police. You have the counterterrorism police. And some countries, of the over 40 countries in europe, the capability of each country is different than the next. And then you have the language problem. So when you are talking about individuals who are fessing up when theyre brought into custody, its a challenge based on what they want to say versus how theyre questioned. And how they feel they might be treated. So all of those things are contributing to this very confused situation in many of the countries in europe. So, and ive had so many conversations about this, and belgium in particular has been heavily criticized for multiple reasons but, tim, i mean, in the wake of last time saw you, we were in paris in november. Did, in the wake of those highly orchestrated terror attacks, were changes on the way . Yes, changes are being made. Theyre not being made quick enough. Theyre trying to make them on a europewide basis. Youre talking about 600 different agencies and jurisdictions that somehow have to be brought together in a sort of commandant ta base or way to better communicate. Youve got better communication now. They see the urgency of the situation. They have the same problem. They share this influx of jihadists that uses both countries at its will. Youve seen a lot of belgium cooperation. Begin to tackle a French Network which was supposedly on the verge of carrying out another terrorist attack in france. The arrests started in france last thursday. Two in belgium, one in holland. So there is progress. The progress is only as good as the human intelligence allows it to be. Theres a long way to go on that. Especially here in belgium. Brooke, if i can add please, general, go ahead. If i can add to that, its not just the intelligence piece, there has to be the will to drive the intelligence. You can have analysts gathering information and a bunch of criminalologists finding evidence. But unless you have someone in charge over multiple states, multiple countries, multiple federal agencies and state agencies, unless you have one person driving that, that cre e creates a challenge. So someone who might have challenge in italy or germany cant drive it in belgium. If you have evidence in paris, it cant be used in the netherlands. And so on. Thats the challenge that you face in the countries, with the languages in europe. That is the crux of so much of this. General hertling, thank you. Tim lister, thank you. Were getting some breaking news into cnn. A highrise rescue under way now in houston, texas. Crews are trying to free workers trapped on the 20th floor of a building. Were told there was some kind of electrical outage. No word when the power will be restored. Well keep a close eye on these two and make sure they get down to the ground safely here. Coming up next, a bomber targeting christian families on easter inside a park. Many of the victims, children. Parents pushing their kids on swings. See who is responsible for this horror. Plus, they went missing nearly two years ago. Kidnapped nigerian schoolgirls are being used as suicide bombers. Ill talk to one young woman who managed to escape. And the world according to donald trump. A revealing new interview showing what trump knows and, more importantly, doesnt know, about the foreign policy. Details ahead. You wanna see something intense . New pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest prov formula ever. Strong is beautiful. 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This horrifying attack just another around the world in recent days. One in a busy shopping district in istanbul. Another in an iraqi soccer stadium. And of course at an airport and metro station in brussels. Joining me, nic robertson. Lets begin with the horrifying events in pakistan over the weekend. Tell me what you know. Its a Splinter Group from the pakistani taliban. The packistani taliban have bee decimated by drone strikes effectively taking out the leadership but the effect has been that some of the fighters have gone off to join isis. Some of them have formed more radical factions on the ground in pakistan. And this faction, jamatulahrar, have said they targeted christians here, but also in a place that is the heartland of support for the government for Prime Minister sharif, to send him a message, because the government has been cracking down on terrorists like them, reinstituted a program to hang terrorists. Its cracking down in the tribal areas where theyre at their strongest. This is a backlash, they say, against christians and against the government to say theyre not beaten and theyre going to continue to fight. The beginning of a new campaign. And the hospitals there were literally overwhelmed by the numbers of dead, dying and injured arriving last night, brooke. So, you know, you talk about the Splinter Group there in pakistan. As you well know, youve covered so many of these conflicts around the world, the global Terror Threat is expanding. Its isis in iraq and syria, were reporting later in the show a little more about boko haram in nigeria, and then there are Splinter Groups. My question would be, i mean, talk about the challenge for these counterterrorism officials and addressing so many brands of terror. You know, one of the challenges that face this kind of terrorism officials, whether nigeria, boko haram, whether its in ankara, turkey, with isis elements there, whether its in iraq and isis elements there, wherever these terror groups are, and this was typical of what weve seen in brussels and the network having its root in the molenbeek neighborhood and a couple of other neighborhoods where the police didnt feel they were able to go into. Its not just the terrorists themselves. Ip its the facilitators and parts of the community that turn a blind eye. In pakistan, thats a massive problem. Because there are areas in the country that the government literally cant go into the tribal regions. There are areas that are very religiously conservative. And its in those types of areas where authorities cant go where a conservative view of islam takes hold. Where people feel disenfranchised. That isis and these real ugly terror groups like the one that struck in pakistan are going to be strongest. And thats the Common Thread here when you talk about tackling them. That its not just the people and the organizations, but its getting to the communities and breaking them away from the communities, losing that Community Support so that they become more isolated and easier to catch. Nic robertson, thank you so much. Coming up next, how would a President Trump handle these different attacks . The republican frontrunner giving his world view in a new interview that is definitely getting some backlash. Hear why he says americans are not safe at home. Plus, Bernie Sanders has won five of the last six contests against Hillary Clinton, so what is he doing now . He is challenging Hillary Clinton to a debate, but her campaign said, well, that depends on one thing. Thats next. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. 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For Bernie Sanders right now, it appears he has the momentum, but does he have the math . Clobbering Hillary Clinton in three western states. Swept washington, alaska and hawaii, each by a massive margin of at least 40 percentage points, and now hes making a new case for how he can win. We are making significant inroads in secretary clintons lead and we have [ cheers ] and we have, with your support coming here in wisconsin, we have a path toward victory [ cheers ] lets get some response to that with Hillary Clintons press secretary, brian fallon. Nice to see you back on the show, brian. Hi, brooke, how are you . I am excellent. Let me ask you, noted just a short time ago that Sanders Campaign called Hillary Clinton a weak frontrunner. Theyre saying that your delegate lead comes only not the states where she faced little or no competition. Well, look, first i want to acknowledge they won three contests over the weekend. We tip our cap to them. There are states we expected the Sanders Campaign to win because theres caucus states, states that are very progressive, but it doesnt change the delegate math, and Hillary Clinton right now still up by 230some odd delegates, far more than president obama ever led Hillary Clinton by in 2008. She leads him by more than 2. 5 million votes in terms of the popular vote. In light of those numbers, youre seeing the Sanders Campaign start to flail as they explain what their path forward is. I think as a result, they were sort of straining to come up with arguments on this Conference Call they just hosted with reporters. There seems to be skepticism with reporters who were listening to it. As they mentioned, the ones they won so far were ones they didnt contest. Like iowa, florida, ohio, nevada, massachusetts, all of which Hillary Clinton won after a spirited fight was put up by Bernie Sanders. On the delegate math, i hear you loud and clear, i imagine you would argue shes really the one just based upon those numbers, you know, that she would be the powerhouse candidate here. But then if thats the case, shouldnt she be winning more or at least competing a little bit more in some of these states, especially over the weekend . Well, look, we have to make strategic decisions. We always knew there was going to be a set of states during this month that sanders was going to be favored in. Looking ahead to the schedule, we also know hes probably going to target the state of wisconsin. To be frank, hes probably well positioned in that state. He won in both minnesota and michigan and wisconsin is nestled up there in that same region. Its a very progressive state. So sanders is probably going to target that state and fare well there too. This is a contest that is won over the course of many months in terms of who can build a delegate lead among the pledge delegates. Let me jump in. The race is tight are without the superdelegates going your way. Senator sanders is saying theyll switch sides. How do you keep them from doing that . Well, were confident that the elect leaders in the Democratic Party that are worried about the high stakes in this general election and the possibility of donald trump being elected president are going to continue to believe as they have for a long time now that Hillary Clinton is the best candidate democrats can put forward to take on donald trump. Look, i think this is just another example of the Sanders Campaign having to reach to come up with arguments to justify how they have a path in the nomination. Tad divine is one of the creators of the superdelegate system and he has long argued tad divine is a top adviser to the Bernie Sanders campaign. He has long argued the role of superdelegates should be to ratify the choice of the voters. The choice of the candidate that gets the most pledge delegates. That right now is clearly Hillary Clinton. That lead is going to be very hard for senator sanders to overtake. So the idea that hes now going to try to make appeals to get superdelegates to overthrow the will of the voters as expressed through the pledge delegates just shows how much theyre stretching to try to come up with a justification in terms of how they have a path to victory. What about this debate . We know the sanders camp has challenged Hillary Clinton to a debate here in new york. Obviously the question is will you. We heard from Joe Bennington earlier today, he was on cnn, cheech strategist for the clinton campaign, and he said no, there will nobody debate unless sanders changes his to en. Youre saying the Sanders Campaign has gone negative. Do you agree . Do you think unless Bernie Sanders changes his tone, you wont debate . Well, look, its still only march. Theres plenty of time to consider a potential debate in april and if we have one, where the sight for it would be. The Sanders Campaign sent us a letter over the weekend, which i consider to be a stunt. Were coming off a week last week where we had serious issues being debated. There was a huge contrast on display why was it a stunt . Well, look, as i was saying, last week, you had a very important debate on national security. That Hillary Clinton laid down a plan to defeat isis that was true to our values. You had donald trump going around talking about closing off the borders and banning muslims from this country, bringing back torture. Thing the Sanders Campaign is struggling a bit for attention. Even in the aftermath of the three wins on sashtturday, the delegate math being what it is, people realize the Sanders Campaign has an uphill climb, so i think this is an attempt by them to get back on the peoples radar. Look, were going to be campaigning heavily throughout new york. Hillary clinton thrives in these debate settings. We have no issue with debates. Think the Sanders Campaign is increasingly telegraphing theyre going to be spending the next three weeks on the attack against Hillary Clinton. It was on display in the pages of the Washington Post on the weekend that doesnt change, youre saying no to a debate . Theres time to consider it. We have more than three weeks between now and the New York Primary so theres time to consider it. Weve put together debates on shorter notice than this. We are carefully watching the fact that the Sanders Campaign is saying theyre poll testing new lines of attack on fracing and wall street to try to campaign negatively against Hillary Clinton throughout new york. We dont think it will work. We think were well positioned in new york. Albeit, it will probably be a close contest. We think Hillary Clinton has a great deal of experience to draw upon and a lot of good will among new york democrats. We think were in good position there. But the Sanders Campaign is clearly trying to create issues and run negative attacks to try to get attention in light of the fact that the delegate math is stacked against them at this point. Ryan fallon, thank you. Well see you back here in new york. Lets take you now from the democrats to the republicans. Ted cruz is speaking live in wisconsin. Lets dip in and listen. Conservatives are coming together, republicans are coming together. And when it comes to civility, there have been other candidates who have demonstrated a willingness to go to the gutter. To make personal attacks. To make sleazy attacks. I think the people the American People are sick of that. That has no place in politics. No candidate should be doing what donald trump did last week which is attacking my wife and attacking my family. I recognize that the favorite thing for folks in the media to cover is Donald Trumps latest tweet late at night. But let me give an answer for the American People. Who cares . Who cares what donald is tweeting late at night . We need Real Solutions for the real problems in this country. Thats the focus of my campaign is jobs and connection growth and raising wages and protecting america, keeping us safe from radical islamic terrorism. I have no interest in going down in the mud with donald trump. Im going to stay focused where the voters and where americans are focused, which is how we turn our country around and how we bring back jobs and opportunity and security to this country. What about his ted cruz responding to a tweet. Donald trump talking about potential legal action with regard to delegate numbers out of lat the louisiana primary. Well talk a little bit more about that next hour. Ted cruz there in wisconsin. Next, americas top diplomat calls Donald Trumps campaign embarrassing to the United States. Trump responds to u. S. Secretary of state john kerry, reveals his world view from nukes to oil. Dont miss this. Christiane amanpour joins me live. 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But neither is the United States a safe place. Because were allowing thousands of people to come in here. Nobody knows where theyre from. Nobody knows who they are. And theyre coming in here by the thousands. And let me tell you something, were going to have problems just as big or bigger than theyve got. Well, off a plane from europe is cnns chief International Correspondent christiane amanpour. Always lovely to share space with you. I wanted to have you on to talk about all these different points. To me, he was asked when america peaked, teddy roosevelt. Many, many, many years ago. More than 100 years ago, right . Right, 116. Nobody would recognize that vision of america, certainly nobody overseas. America is still most richest, powerful economy in the world. So nobody recognizes that poor me version of america that donald trump with his make America Great again uses as his platform. In fact there have been many editorialsn the Financial Times and others that say the sky is not falling. America is great. Obviously every country has its challenges. Obviously there have economic challenges around the world now. Obviously there are major security challenges. Be by all intents and purposes, america is at this precise moment more safe than other nations from this kind of virulent islamic terrorism. Mostly because, by and large, americas muslims are much more integrated and part of the society that theyve come into than muslims in europe. Apples and oranges . Of course you had the San Bernardino yes, isis inspired. Thats not from overseas, that was somebody who grew up here. But in general, people believe its safer here than it is for instance in brussels. Donald trump, as is his want, because hes a businessman, speaks entirely in dollars and cents. If you read very closely those transportation scri transcripts, which he did over the phone its kind of odd doing these big interviews over the phone. Youve got to get a sense of, you know, the measure of the person, look into their eye, continue to push them, these kind of issues an advantage to interview that way. Yes, many talk about his distracted nature where he goes from one point to another and always comes back to the dollars and cents. Americas broke, therefore, americas weak. These are not true, right so everybody else has to pony up. This is a business mans view of the world. Presumably. But it doesnt make sense when he talks about, for instance, nato. Nato is not obsolete. Yes, it was created 60plus years agoing in response to the soviet threat. Still, nato is the organizing principle by which american and the western democracies security is taken care of. Nato is not just about the United States putting money in. Its about all the other countries putting in their 2 of gdp as well. They dont all, thats true. America wants them all to put more than they do right now. But a good number, nearly half of the nato countries, put their 2 of gdp in. The other countries do certain things that america doesnt do. Now, america, because it is the most powerful military in the world, does a lot of the heavier lifting. You know, you have a military operation and america will do the troop lifting, for instance. Or it will do, you know, many of those kinds of things. Many of the other countries, afghanistan or jealoelsewhere,i up a huge lot of the burden as well. What about allowing japan and is bei south korea to build their own Nuclear Arsenals . That puts on its head decades of the United States and its pacific allies security relationship, and this is one of the first times weve heard a serious candidate, if not the first time, who will probably be the nominee for the republican party, put that forward, and its not a republican sort of point of view that ive ever heard in previous elections. This poor me, americas weak kind of thing is not the way republicans generally see their view, americans view in the world. One of the reasons why japan does not have a Nuclear Arsenal is because of the horror that japan committed during the second world war. So japan has been kind of forced to be a pacifist pretty much state. It has a military but its not an offensive military capability. And so there was a tradeoff. Okay, you trade that off. And if theres a problem, well come to your rescue. In the meantime, youll help us keep the peace in many other ways in that region. So thats one of the reasons why japan doesnt have nukes. And then of course, well, when it comes to isis and the other things, you need allies to be able to go and help you. Just finally sort of reading everybodys been calling for specifics and he sat down with the New York Times and phoned the New York Times and i wanted to talk to you on Donald Trumps world view. Thats just a piece of what he got into. Christiane, thank you so much. Next here, they disappeared nearly two years ago, more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorists. Now there are fears that some of them could be used as suicide bombers. Well talk with one young woman who managed to escape. Her story and what she thinks now, next. Was only 16 italian. Outi he was 34 eastern european. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors we thought was italian was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. He looks a little bit like me, yes. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. 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One of those girls is sa. In order to protect her identity and her family back home, she goes by a pseudonym. She wears sunglasses to cover her face. I want to share my conversation with her earlier today. I spoke with sa and International Human rights lawyer emmanuel ogabah. Shes now in college. Heres our conversation. Welcome back to both of you. Sa, i know when we talked last year, now youre in college, you are pursuing this education that boko haram tried to take away from you. Do me a favor and just remind our viewers of how you managed to survive boko haram attacked your school, tossed you in the back of that truck. Tell me what happened next. After the boko haram attack, put us in the truck, going with us in the forest. So i decided to jump out of the truck. By the help of god, i was able to survive in the forest and get back home to my family. And now im here, continuing with my studies. Many other girls did not have your same fate and now were getting word of whats happened in cameroon. A couple of girls were arrested. Apparently perhaps drugged as well. Im wondering to you, does your reaction to the thought that a fellow classmate could have been forced to be a suicide bomber, your reaction to that . Actually, its really sad and, you know, the other girls, we havent heard nothing from them since the abduction and, you know, everyone is so worried that we really wanted the girls to come back but, you know so we have hope that it would still come back and whenever i see myself here studying, continuing with my study, i just pray, always praying for them they will come back. You know, thats all we want, the girls to come back home. Thats all we all want. Youre there in school and its like a whole other world away whats happening back in africa. I understand you and some of the other girls, youve been looking online to find out more about who these girls could be . Yes, weve been doing that since we came here. And are you hopeful in a sense it could be one of the girls, perhaps this could lead to others . Sure, it might be one of the girls, because probably, we dont know but, you know, when the abductions happened, i heard that she was 15 years old. I just turned 17, 18 two weeks before the abduction, which might be she might be one of the girls. Of course and, you know, its going to be interesting if really shes one of my classmates because, you know, thats all we want is the girls. Of course im pretty sure it might be she will be one of the girls. It might be. Not sure. Emmanuel, to you, hearing all of this, hearing the possibility these girls could be used as bombers, youre also the one whos helped so many of these young women. What do you make of all this . Well, brooke, one of the things we noticed is boko haram first started using girls as suicide bombers two months after the abductions. So that in itself was not a good sign. Since june of 2014, almost 100 girls have been used as suicide bombers in nigeria and cameroon. Its one of the worst things happening to women on the planet today. With regard to the specific situation, its not clear if this girl meets the demographic of the girls who were taken. Because as sa pointed out, she was 17. She just turned 20 actually yesterday. So if a 15yearold would technically not be one of the girls unless she lost a sense of time. Now that happened in captivity. If she was abducted at 15, shes lost her sense of time in the forest. Secondly, reports say shes malnourished. Again, she would look much smaller than her real age. So the odds really are 50 50 on whether this is one of the girls. Youre wearing sunglasses as you did the last time just to mask your identity and protect your family still living in danger. What do you want the world to know about you . Happy belated birthday, by the way. Here you are in college. Whats your message . Thank you. Well, you know, ive been wearing sunglasses in order to protect my family and i myself also back in nigeria because the terrorists are, like, everywhere. You wouldnt know who is the terrorist. You wouldnt know who is the enemy. So i always put sunglasses in order to protect myself and also my family back in nigeria. Because ive been here. The enemies are not happy with it, you know. So they might plan something to either attack me or something or my family at home. So thats why im wearing sunglasses in order to protect my family and i also. Cant imagine having to be so fearful like that, day in and day out. But what do you want the world to know . What are you studying . What would you like to become . I actually wanted to be a doctor. I want to study medicine here in the United States in order to get a good education and go back to nigeria and help other girls in nigeria that have been in difficult situation as me. They were scared to go to school because of whats happening. I can be an example and, you know, for the other girls to follow if i actually achieve my goals here in the United States and become something. You already have. Sa, thank you so much. Our best to you. Emmanuel, thanks to you as well. Coming up next here on cnn, we have new video of those three airport bombing suspects from brussels, one of whom is still on the run. See what clues are being discovered next. Your body is a finely tuned instrument. Diarrhea can throw it out of rhythm. Imodium multi symptom relief combines two powerful ingredients to relieve diarrhea faster and ease gas, cramps and bloating. Restore rhythm with imodium. Yourbut the omega3s in fish oil differ from and ease gas, cramps and bloating. Megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. Youre down with crestor. Alright now theres a way you can get crestor for 3. Adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. 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That means lock all doors, stay away from windows and the like. This is a heavily fortified area. There are a lot of police in that area. And right now, members of congress are actually on recess so probably not a whole lot of lawmakers. But as soon as we figure out more information, well bring it to you. Stay with me. Let me follow up with you. Congress is on recess. This is the end of easter weekend. The easter egg roll was at the white house earlier today. A lot of tourists in washington. Theres a visitors area. Youre wandering around the capitol each and every day at your job. Can you tell us how secure metal detectors, layers of security . Incredibly secure. Everybody has to go through a typical metal detector and screen. The only people who can avoid that kind of screening are members of congress themselves. You see a lot of post9 11, the capitol complexion has been heavily, heavily fortified and every single entrance and exit. If any officer sees a threat, theyre probably going to act. You know, well see exactly what happened here and if this happened actually happened on Capitol Grounds or happened near Capitol Grounds. Thats one of the things were looking at. Right now, the Senate Officials are warning and urging folks to stay indoors because theres a shelter in place. Because gunshots have been reported in the Capitol Visitors Center of the Capitol Building complex. A scary situation. Folks need to be cautious. Were not quite sure whats happening at the moment. Of course. Manu, stay with me, i just got handed one other note. Also im now being told from the white house the white house is on lockdown. Secret service cleared pennsylvania avenue. The white house north lawn. After reports of a shooting at the u. S. Capitol. Staff and press there are being asked to stay indoors. Thats just down the way at the white house. From d. C. Metro Police Spokeswoman alice kim, we are aware of reports of shots fired and to shelter in place. Were working with the Capitol Hill Police department to investigate the situation. If youre just joining us this is what we know. It is not a lot of information. Manu raju who works tirelessly for us on capitol hill has been recording this lockdown. Congress is on recess. There is a Visitors Center, its been a few years since ive been in there, right there. Is it in the Capital Building . Where is that . Its located actually right in between the house and the senate. Now, anybody can enter in and out of there. You still have to go through your metal detectors and your security screens. That is a place where tourists can go. Tourists can still go into the house and the senate buildings. Typically now when you go through your tours if youre a general member of the public, you have to first enter into that Capitol Visitors Center complex. It was built after 9 11 to help with the security of the complex. We dont know how serious this is. Oftentimes the police does act out of abundance of caution. Oftentimes the capitol does go on lockdown in certain instances if theres suspicious package. Or theyre not quite sure what to make of a situation. Here what we do know is shots have been fired. The extent of whether there are any injured or victims, we dont know. Clearly, given the security situation in the capitol, the police really does everything it can to show an abundance of caution, make sure that nobody else gets injured. Right now, theyre urging folks to stay indoors, if they are in the capitol and around the area, probably a good idea to stay away from the area as you just mentioned. The white house also being on lockdown. Its not a far stretch from pennsylvania avenue to the capitol to the white house, clearly thats where it looks like police are investigating right now this instance of shooting at the Capitol Visitors Center complex. Were looking at some video. The first images from the scene. Law enforcement rolling up. I dont know if this is cell phone video of somebody who happened to be in the area. First images. Folks running obviously in the opposite direction as there are reports as manu has been discussing, reports according to eternal emays of shots being fired. I have rod rick with me as well, former u. S. Marshal. Let me ask you one other question. I was handed this email that went out saying gunshots had been reported in the cvc, do you know what that is . Yes, Capitol Visitors Center. Clearly, its happened on Capitol Grounds. Whether it was in the Capitol Visitors Center, in actually the halls of the Visitors Center or just outside, its not entirely clear. That appears one reason why Capitol Police have been dispatched on this. Youre showing video right there of d. C. Police, metro police. So clearly, serious situation. Something that the police are investigating right now. Yes, this happened on Capitol Grounds, Capitol Visitors Center. That major complex right in between the house and the senate where we see thousands of tourists going through there week after week after week as they explore the nations capitol. This is a big tourist season as well. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. A lot of folks are in town. So clearly even if members of congress are not around, there are a lot of tourists visiting, touri ining the capitol. Breaking news here the white house u. S. Capitol on lockdown in the wake of apparently reports that shots have been fired according to this senate memo in the Capitol Visitors Center which manu was point out sees thousands of visitors each and every year. Art rodderic to you, former u. S. Marshal. As were seeing, you know, not only metro police, d. C. Police, Capitol Hill Police, whats happening right now . Yeah, i mean, you have all Law Enforcement agencies responding and ive been to that area several different types. If this did occur inside the cvc area, theres little vehicular traffic that come s up those roads. The police have established posts at various streets which do block off a lot of the access to a lot of the buildings there. You will see in that area, youve got several congressional and Senate Office buildings that are around that same area. Of course the cvcs right in the middle of the capitol there. Its kind of like the focal point. So youll have youll have the Capitol Police basically managing the scenario with assistance from other Law Enforcement agencies that will show it, any of the federal Law Enforcement agencies there. On the phone, cnn white house producer, kev joining me now on the phone. We know the white house is on lockdown as well. Tell me what you know, kevin. Right, thats right, im in the basement of the white house now. Maybe about ten minutes ago, uniformed officers with the secret service, all of the reporters, congressmen, guests, came inside, they cleared pennsylvania avenue, thats the pedestrian walkway where you often see tourists gathering for photos. I should say this is a very typical response when theres any security incident happening on capitol hill or any other federal building. The secret service likes to take every precaution they can as the celebration develops and as they learn more about whats going on. Its a very busy day here at the white house. We have the easter egg roll going on on the south lawn. They were estimating 35,000 people were going to come through the gates for that. But at this point, theres no indication whatsoever of any Security Breach here. This is just the secret service taking every precaution that they can as they try and learn more about whats happening up on capitol hill. So this is all clearly a response and out of an abundance of caution that they have grabbed all of the guests and media and you are now inside, in the basement of the white house. Clearing, as kevin points out, pennsylvania avenue. Just because of whats happening just down the road on capitol hill. Again, if youre just joining us, we have learned the white house and the u. S. Capitol are both on lockdown according to memos and internal emails within the u. S. Senate, gunshots have been reported in the cvc, which is the Capitol Visitors Center. Requiring staff and visitors in all building, all buildings of the u. S. Capitol complex, to shelter in place immediately. Manu raju, back to you, can you talk to me a little about how huge or perhaps not that capitol visitors complex is . It is gigantic. Actually since this was this facility was created actually a lot of major meetings take place there. Members of congress gather there behind close doords because theyve created huge auditoriums. Press galleries take place there, press conferences as well. Theres just so many tourists because that is meant for the main area for tourists to gather. This is the biggest tourist attraction in all of d. C. Far more tourists come through the capitol then are alloweded to come through the white house. Any time there is a Security Breach like this, its a very scary situation because you have so many, i mean, just so many tourists and so many different people coming from all over the world to see this majestic building. Even if its, you know, this situation happened when members of congress may not be in town, there were a lot of folks who were in town. That could create some pretty scary situation. We dont really have any Additional Information than what we originally had, other than we know Capitol Police are investigating these shots. It happened in the cvc complex and the senate and the house are both in lockdown. Theyre asking folks not to walk around the capitol. No matter what happened here, we know that gunshots were fired and there are definitely folks lingering around and thats what the Visitors Center is. Folks are just in the hallway. Checking out this building. Its a serious situation. The police are either acting out of an abundance of caution or try to figure out and get to the person who actually fired these shots. So well see exactly what happens. No matter which way you look at it, its serious, given how many people just go through those complex doors each day. Especially on the end of a busy tourism week, easter weekend. With your knowledge of this capitol visitors complex and with your knowledge of the Capitol Grounds, i mean, listen, you have press credentials. You go through metal detectors to enter buildings and that kind of thing. If you are a member of the public or a tourist and you want to go inside, whatsoever, are there few entrances to do that . How many are there, do you know . There are several. When you degree into the Capitol Visitors Center, sometimes you can enter through the senate side of the building if youre with a staff member orb with a member of congress or a member of the senate or the house and enter into the basement into the Visitors Center itself. Or you can enter from the outside of the Capitol Visitors Center complex. Theres several from each side in which you can get into. If youre just a regular person who doesnt have a staff member to go along with or a member of congress to go with, you have to enter from the outside. That means you have to go through a metal detector and proper precautionings. Rarely ever see folks skipping a metal detector. The only time youll see that is if youre a member of congress. You can of course skip those lines and sometimes aides travel along with them and skip the lines, even though theyre not supposed to do that, brooke, but typically this is, you know, a very, very secure process and any time that theres a problem, police will act rather expeditiously. So clearly something happened here that forced police to respond and thats one reason why folks are in a lockdown right now. We dont know whether this gunman is loose or what or if someone has been caught. Thats why theyre asking folks not to be around that area. Invaluable information from someone who is on the Capitol Grounds each day. Art rodderic is still with us. A u. S. Marshal. Talking about the angle of police responding, Capitol Police, d. C. Metro police. Whats protocol in this situation if shots were fired in a public area . I mean, the shelter in place alarm went out so i can tell you theres a lot of nervous people in the buildings there. I actually got a couple texts from some friends of mine that worked in the senate and House Building so theyre just waiting for the all clear. But, i mean, youve got some of the most experienced Law Enforcement agencies in washington, d. C. To handle this situation. The Capitol Police are excellent at handling these type of active shooter calls and any thing at the capitol. That area is fairly secure. Im surprised somebodys in there with a handgun in that area because there are Capitol Police all over that whole complex area. Okay. Forgive me, i was getting some information in my ear, thank you so much and stay with me. As were talking both about the white house and capitol hill. Lets be Crystal Clear now, these are two separate incidents. Weve been reporting, you know, the white house on lockdown. We were talking to our white house producer whos now in the basement. Staffers, guests, press, asked to step off the lawn area. That is because accord to what im getting, someone tried to jump the white house fence. That is now clear. This is why were totally focused on the capitol, these reports from the senate that gunshots were reported in the Capitol Visitors Center. That is around the Capitol Building area. That is what sketched thousands of visitors each and every year. Its d. C. Cherry blossom time. There was the easter egg roll today where 35,000 people were expected they p at the white house, so just imagine how many folks were around washington. Thats our first ambulance on screen. Some of the images in the wake of this. Dana bash is with me. Dana bash, i hear youre with me. Im not quite sure where you are in washington, if you are in washington. I am in washington, im in the washington bureau. Im not on capitol hill. But i am with you. Okay, so when we talk about manus been amazing talking about this capitol visitors complex and these reports from this email im seeing to staffers within the senate to shelter in place, stay away from doors and winnows because of reports of shots fired. Give me the lay the land of the u. S. Capitol building and this visitors complex. The visitors complex, as manu was explaining, most of it is underneath the capitol. The entrance is outside youre looking at the map there, more towards where the Supreme Court is. But most of the actual complex is underneath the capitol. This took years and years and tens of millions of dollars to build. I would just by way of kind of history here, on 9 11, i was coming on to the Capitol Grounds and at that point, i could drive right on to the Capitol Grounds. Reporters and others who work who had badges, we could get up very, very close to the capitol, even with our cars. That is no longer. Not just because of 9 11 but also because the cdc as you mentioned, the Visitors Center was built and finished. It is really just a maze. Ive covered the capitol for a very long time. The halls of the actual capitol ive pretty much got down. Underneath, i get lost every time. It is remarkable. It has, as manu was saying, not just places for visitors to go, which are really beautiful, but also a lot of work space for senators, for staff. A lot of the secure rooms are down there. And so it is just a huge, huge complex in the Visitors Center and so but i also want to echo what manu said. I wasnt covering the capitol but i was here in washington at the time when the two Capitol Police often certains got shot. I believe it was 1998ish. And at that time, they were doing their job and those two men from there on to today, i mean, we get to know these officers quite well. Those of us who cover the capitol. We see them every day. They protect the capitol. They are incredibly vigilant. You know, incredibly talented. Just like manu said, it is a very, very secure place. And we dont have all of the details of what happened. But you can get that the minute something did happen, the capitca Capitol Police were all over it. In the case of a lockdown, dana, you know, were told looking at this email, staffers, shelter in place immediately, you know, what is it like . Ive been on the Capitol Grounds when theres been a shelter in place and, you know, its scary, especially, again, as somebody who lived through 9 11, i was on the Capitol Grounds on that day and you have these, you know thats where your mind goes immediately even if its a false alarm. Not obviously necessarily of that kind of magnitude but to that, oh, my gosh, thats right, im working in the capitol, im working in a place that is a high target building. So thats certainly one thing that goes through your mind but it is unfortunately now i wouldnt say common place but it is a lot more common than it used to be to get these notices and to have these instructions not to move, not to leave. I remember one of the times there was a shelter in place, i was doing an interview with harry reid, then Senate Majority leader, and that was the time, as you remember, there was a woman who drove from the white house all the way to the capitol. She had a child in her car, she was unfortunately shot. That happened kind of down the hill right from where we were and there was a shelter in place at that time. It does happen. There is procedure. It wasnt like this. There was no procedure on 9 11. Anything close to this. And it is because of that horrific incident, not just in this building but in other buildings around the city, around the country, there are very, very specific procedures in place where there is some kind of danger like this. I cant knowledge being inside, you know, during a lockdown. Unfortunately, some of these members of congress, they are more or less used to having to take precautions, to your point, theyve been through this before. Dana bash, dont go too far. Ive mabeen handed some new information here. The white house was on lockdown. Apparently there was someone who tried to jump the white house fence. That person was caught. And were told the u. S. Supreme court is no longer on lockdown as well. Gloria borger, im being told manu raju, let me bring you back in, youve got some information for me. I was speaking with our congress am producer whos in the halls of the capitol now. He said there are dozens of police calls and fire trucks and other rescue vehicles around the Supreme Court side of the Capitol Visitors Center. Youre really seeing a huge response from Law Enforcement agencies to investigate whats happening here. We dont know exactly whether a gunman has been if theyve caught the gunman, if this person is on the loose or what. We know theyre investigating this, this shooting. We know theres a huge amount of police cars and fire trucks right on that first street side of the capitol where it bordered the Supreme Court and is one of the main entrances. As ted was just telli inin inin police are very calm. He was saying folks inside the capitol are nervous about whats happening out of the situation. There have been lockdowns in the past. Oftentimes, police do respond to incidents of a suspicious package but this is different. You dont see this level of response this often and you clearly dont see a gunshot happening on Capitol Grounds. So very serious situation. Police are taking it seriously. Just dozens of police cars all around the area. You see the pictures there because theyre trying to investigate and figure out whats going on. Thank you, manu, and thank you ted barrett for making that phone call to give us a better perspective of whats happening. Urging folks on Capitol Grounds to be calm. Can understand why nerves would be frayed especially when you see these pictures play out. Gloria borger. You know her from talking politics in washington. As we talk about this particularly the first street side, where you really see this Law Enforcement activity, this is right on the Supreme Court side. Tell me about the buildings around that area. First of all, brooke, this city is really full of tourists right now. You know, this is spring break. Congress may not be in session. But there are lots of people. Its Cherry Blossom season. We have houseguests planning to go to the capitol later this week, right. So this is a time when people are in town and they want to visit the capitol. If dana was pointing out, there was a tragic shooting in 1998 of two Capitol Hill Police officers. Thats really why we have a Visitors Center. There is yet another barrier before you get into the capitol where people can be checked before they head i there. I was a Congressional Correspondent for newsweek for ten years and i remember roaming around the capitol freely, barely a metal detector. Maybe one or two. I used to park my car right in front of the capitol where there was press parking. My, how times have changed. Yes, right. Now, of course, we have barrier after barrier after barrier. Particularly troubling now when this is such a high peak of a tourist season and i can only imagine that the Visitors Center at this time of day on a Beautiful Day was pretty packed. And so people have to go through that Visitors Center before they before they get into the capitol. And, you know, the capitol, as dana was pointing out, is like a labyrinth. And so its hard to keep track of everyone. There is a huge presence of Capitol Hill Police officers everywhere. Theyre well trained. And theyre friendly. And they know how to deal with crowds. They know how to deal with this kind of a situation, unfortunately. They have all kinds of things all the time like suspicious packages. So im sure theyre getting it under control. But particularly if youre not from washington and youre not used to hearing this kind of thing, which we do all too much, i can imagine for tourists it would be hugely troubling. Also if you work in the capitol and youre on lockdown in your office, it would have the same effect, brooke. Gloria, stay with me. Im just getting a little bit of new information. Were learning from d. C. Metro police that capitol is still on lockdown but this is what theyre considering a isolated incident at the capitol, no active threat to the public. Tom fuentes what does that mean . They dont have a shooter on the loose theyre aware of. They dont think theres more than one thats going to conduct other attacks on other buildings. I think at this point, they feel its isolated to the Capitol Grounds and if there was a shooter that came in there, into that Visitors Center, that persons been neutralized and contained at least to the extent that they think that one visit wag involved and now theyre trying to verify if someone else is involved. Its not a largerscale attack. Lets hope you are spot on with regard to if i can add one more thing. The reason for the lockdown in these situations, the fbi has uncovered in the last 15 years two separate attack plans that involve creating some kind of a disturbance either fire or launching a drone with a bomb into the capitol or just phoning in threats so the capitol would be evacuated and panicked individuals would come running out the door on to the sidewalks into the park area where there would be terrorists waiting with automatic weapons. So thats the strategy of do not let everybody run out of the building in a panic and create soft targets if there are terrorists out there waiting for them to come out. Tom fuentes, thank you. Standby. Lets go to the white house. Michelle kosinski is our white house correspondent. Maybe some confusion earlier but to Crystal Clear, the white house being on lockdown a little while ago had zero to do with what were covering just down the road . Yes, whatever the threat was here i mean this is unfolding as we speak. For about 15 minutes the secret service shut down the pedestrian walkway in front of the white house. Thats in front of the north lawn. So that was closed to people companying in and out. Keep in mind, this is an extremely busy day, the day of the easter egg roll. So theyre coming and going constantly from a different entrance. It doesnt seem like this threat affected that activity at all. That has since been lifted and it appears, at least from where we stand, things are back to normal. Well take that, michelle kosinski, thank you so much, at the white house. Lets head back down to capitol hill. D. C. Police saying its an isolated incident. There is no active threat to the public. Dana bash, to you, my friend, whos covered capitol hill for eons, when we talk about the day after easter, we know dodcongre is on recess, who would be inside and milling about these different Capitol Buildings . Many more tourists than actual staffers. Many more tourists than members of congress. Because theyre on recess for spring break. And thats the very reason why theres so many tourists there because people around the country are on spring break. This is the time of year where it is packed in the halls of congress. Unclear if its exactly like that right now with the senate and the house, neither is in session, but, one of those times, brooke, you spent some time with me on capitol hill, and you know on a regular day it is sometimes kind of hard to get around, to move from point a to point b. Now during this time of year it is next to impossible. You have to give yourself an extra, you know, 10 minutes or so to get from to where youre going because theres so many people there because so many penople are coming and wanting to see the capitol and get a sense of how things work which is really fabulous and it is really wonderful. That they have this Visitors Center to help do it. As gloria was saying, the fact the Visitors Center exists is in large part of that shooting, they want to better protect the doors where the press goes in. The fact that it was so fortified at this point of entry and any other point of entry, no question, seems to have helped dramatically. Dana, thank you. We do have some new information. Lets go back to manu with some new developments. What have you learned since we last talked . The sergeant of arms is starting to tell employees of the senate there is one suspect in custody. Im reading this email theyve now sent to senate employees. Its start to circulate around the capitol. They said no further gunshots are being reported. One suspect is in custody. No further suspects appear to be at large. The u. S. Capitol police are continuing to investigate. All staff and visitors in all buildings are to remain sheltered in place. So the good news being that there is a suspect in custody. As we were mentioning on air earlier, does appear to be an isolated incident. Theyre asking folks to stay indoors, which is why the capitols still in lockdown. The news here being a suspect is in custody and nobody else appears to be at large as the Capitol Police continue to investigate, brooke. Ive got a little bit more. Let me add on to that. There is now a suspect in custody. Male suspect shot. Female civilian injured. Not a perpetrator, innocent bystander. At least woin jured. Male suspect to the hospital. That is the latest as weve been trying to get a little bit of information. This is still very active. The u. S. Capitol on lockdown as shots were apparently reported in or around. This is the part thats not clear. Was it within the visitors complex or not. That is what the email to Senate Staffers have said. Again, were learning one male suspect shot. Female civilian injured. She was just simply an innocent bystander. To everyones point, gloria borger, to you, to your point, to dana, to manu, this is the time of year everyones in washington. How sad and frightening all at once. That with all of these wonderful people who traveled to d. C. Who want to see how our country sort of works, that this would happen like this. Well, you know, the city is hugely crowded. Its beautiful because of the Cherry Blossoms. School tours and school buses are all over the city, you know, i wouldnt be surprised if you had kids on tour, you know, passing through the passing through the Visitors Center. So this is, you know, this is the height of the season where washington kind of displays itself. Last week was a beautiful was a beautiful week for that. And so i can only imagine how beautiful it is. This occurs and somebody, you know, a civilian is wounded, just waiting in line probably to get in for a tour. If were talking about this happening in the cvc, in the Capitol Visitors Center, and was talking with dana, day after easter, congress out, spring break, i mean, how many you talk about being a Congressional Correspondent for newsweek for a decade, how many people would you estimate would be within the house and senate sides at work today to be on lockdown . Its hard to say because a lot times people take off when their bosses are off and when their bosses are out of town or, you know, they also try and get some work done maybe and work on things they couldnt get to when congress is in session. If i had to guess, i would say that a large you know, maybe half of them are gone. Who knows. It was easter yesterday so a lot of people who work in Congress Live their families are from somewhere else because maybe theyre working for a congressman from california or, you know, indiana. So they may, you know, they may go home. The thing that we know is that congress is not in session. So that there were probably few, if any, members of congress in the building. But, again, its the peak of the tourist season. Tom fuentes, spring board off the point, where the tourists, and were now learning, you know, from Law Enforcement, there was a female bistander who was apparently injured and the male suspect was injured on the way to the hospital. What next as far as lockdown . Are they still going through building to building to building within the labyrinth on capitol hill . Yes, theyll search the area inside and outside the building. Also the question will be whats the condition of the shooting suspect . That person is not severely injured and is able to talk to investigators and, you know, if in a few minutes theyre able to determine that he or she acted alone and theres no other people involved in this plot and once theyve neutralized that shooter, theres no one else to be worried about. Think the lockdown will end pretty quickly. The other thing is they will worry about is theres a copycat, somebody sitting out there and heard the story that somebody fired shots at the Visitors Center and thought what a great idea. Im going to do that. So they have to worry about the other nut cases that live in the d. C. Area that may respond in person and decide to do something on their own. But once they figure out thats probably not going to happen and the individual that did the shooting is neutralized and providing information that he was alone, then i think this will be wrapped up soon. Lets hope so. Not to mention these offices will be closing anyway. Theyre not open extremely late. Right now its 3 30 p. M. Eastern time. They would have only been open a pretty short time for visitors anyway after this time. Thank you, tom. Were getting some new video. Lets pause and take a look and see whats happening. All right, so obviously shaky, sort of frightening video, taken by a witness. Was that in the cvc . Dont know. Dana bash, did you see that video . Maybe we can play it again. Looked like obviously panicked people trying to get out. Very much looks like that. It is very hard to tell even knowing, you know, that the inside of the capitol no, thats the cvc, thats the that is . Yes, that looks like the cvc. Cant say it 100 but it looks like it. You see those ropes there. For the tourists. Exactly, thats where people line up to get into the capitol. Theres a very as you would suspect, a very specific protocol for coming in as a tourist. That definitely looks like in the congressional Visitors Center. I cant even imagine how that feels to be a tourist, to be somebody from out of town or even from town, just in the capitol, to have that sense of absolute terror, not knowing exactly whats going on. Before i throw it back to you, i want to say i heard earlier from one Law Enforcement source about the fact that there was a male suspect and a female civilian injured. We were waiting to get the second source which we now have. I just want to underscore, you know, as horrible as it is that anybody, any civilian was injured, the fact it was so isolated and so contained and that the suspect was taken down so quickly, again, just gives you a sense of, you know, it doesnt look like it now, crazy for me to say as were looking at these pictures, but how fortified the capitol is and how hard these officers work to keep everybody safe because it is so important to keep these buildings open for the public. How awful for these good people to be in the capitol on their day after easter, maybe spring break, and to have this happen. Ian sha pir ra, on the phone with me, Washington Post reporter on the scene. Tell me what you know, please. I am right in between the Russell Bennett building and the u. S. Capitol. Sort of an at intersection where lots of tourists are spilling out from the Visitors Center area on to the nearby sidewalk. Its a lot of parents and children huddled together. Relieved that theyre out of there. Many of them are telling me they were inside a Movie Theater while this happened. They were inside i guess watching one of the tour guide movies. There was an announcement that went out that there was an active shooter in the building. The movie kept playing for several minutes and people stayed in their seats. And then police came by, sort of safeguard them in that auditorium. Other people i spoke with said that they they were in the cafeteria when it happened. Their descriptions were a little more vague than others. But thats basically where i am. Ian, invaluable. Stay with me. Lets just dip in and hear some sound from someone i believe was there. I think they kind of they got a hand on it pretty well. Yeah, it was scary hearing that kind of thing over the loud speaker. At the end of the day, i think they did the best they could given the circumstances. What did you hear over the loud speaker . It said Capitol Building lockdown, shots fired. I think it repeated twice. We didnt know if it was prerecorded or if it was parts of because we were watching the video at the time. So it came on over the top of that. And people kind of started looking around and trying to work out what was going on. And the lights are still down at the time. And then thats when we started seeing the exit doors opening and people coming in, that kind of thing. Ushering people into yes. Apparently the shooter was two theaters over. They ushered some people into our theater that had been in the theater next door and heard shots. The shooting was after you went through security then . Dont know, you know, as i said did you go through security . Its been a while since ive been in the Visitors Center. Describe what its like walking in the Visitors Center. So wait in line. I had an appointment today. Its a metal detector. And then you go through the metal detector. So that was my thought as well, how did they get a weapon into the building. You understand that the shooting occurred in a theater . Thats what the people that were shown into our theater said they heard from the theater next door. Thats all the information we kind of got. The police are great about coming in and trying to keep us updated. There was someone in our theater who wanted an armed guard in the theater and the police were explaining they were kind of stretched in terms of manpower. Not stretch bud they were making sure they had armed guards at every door and thats what they kept repeating. Their standard procedure is to keep guards on every door. How long were you inside that theater, if you had to estimate . I know minutes can seem a longer time. We were half through the showing of the material so im guessing at least half an hour, 40 minutes. And then as soon as there was another officer that came in and he kind of he asked what was going on. So he explained the situation. He asked us if we were okay. Turning off the promotional show that was on the television, which they did. They turned it off. They turned the lights up. People started asking questions. He was just answering them for people. They kept on making sure that if anyone came in, they asked if anyone came in and youre not next to the person you came in with, please tell us now. They were just very intent on making sure they knew where everybody was. Eventually, when they got the all clear, we all came out together. So about a half an hour to 45 minutes . From when the from the moments shots fired, i guess, yes. Your name again . My names jay blaskey. That is the first eyewitness weve heard from. All a sudden, shots were fired. This is what ian with the Washington Post was also saying, perhaps within one of the theaters at the visitors complex. As tourists were in town and wanted to check out the loud spe speaker, over the loud speaker heard shots fired, lockdown. Lets go to correspondent brian todd who was there at the scene as well. Brian todd, tell me what youre seeing and what you learned. Brooke, just behind me, that is an area where the incident occurred. Our photo journalist zooming in for you there, where you see some Emergency Response vehicles. Thats right at the capitol visitors complex entrance where this incident might have taken place were told. Were told a male suspect was shot at the capitol complex by u. S. Capitol police. That suspect now en route to the hospital. A female civilian bystander was injured by shrapnel. No Law Enforcement no Capitol Police were injured. The latest were told, a male suspect was shot at the capitol complex by u. S. Capitol police. That male suspect now en route to the hospital. A female bystander wounded by shrapnel in that incident. Theyre not letting any of us go closer. If you can see the scene down the street from me, this is east capitol street where were standing. We had to walk some distance to get where we were. We were cordoned off on several streets north and northwest of the capitol. The capitol is still on lockdown were told. Thats really the situation. People were told to shelter in place. People outside were initially told to take cover. We did get word theres no active threat to the public so this incident may be winding down. Were told a male suspect shot and wounded by Capitol Police. That suspect en route to the hospital. Brooke. Brian, thank you, and p. J. , for the hustle, just so we can have eyes on the scene there. We have word now were hearing from more eyewitness accounts. You left your wallet behind . And my cell phone and everything. It was more important to get out then worry about that. So what happened . Here with colleagues, lobby, going through security. We heard, get out, get out, get out, theres an active shooter, so we went out, went around to the side of the building. The Police Escorted us. When you start to talk about it, i hear it yes, most stressful experience ive ever had in my life. What went through your mind when you heard that, active shooter . Just get out and be safe and what could happen. Its pretty sobering for sure. The people that knew you were going to be here today, you fielding calls . My phones still in the Capitol Building. Maybe soon with somebody elses phone to let everybody know im okay. Youre on the Capitol Grounds often. This is a real threat that people come in. No, i think we need to do that. Continue to have life as usual. I dont think we should let a shooter dictate our lives. Were they kind of herding you in one direction . They were screaming at us to get out. They were pretty loud and pushing us. Youre concerned that the shooters outside. So the guns were drawn. They were out, you know, making sure we were safe but it was pretty anxiety producing. How many people in the Visitors Center when this happeneded . I dont know in the Visitors Center. Its probably about 20 people in the security line. Right where the shooter was caught. So maybe about 20 people. Do you sense a swell that something was going on before the shouting began . Just went out, out of the building. Whats going through your mind . Youre safe. Theyve got this gunman in custody. Well, my biggest concern is getting my stuff back and just that im safe and i need to process it with my colleagues that im here with and just continue to be safe. Life changing experience . Definitely but im not sure what that is yet. Im still processing. Im in shock still. Tell me your name. Dr. Vosovich. Have to be back in the lobby tomorrow . Yes, lobbying tomorrow, yes. One of the local reporters in washington. Just dipping in, listening to the eyewitness accounts. Some folks, you know, just wanting to enjoy what the capitol visitor complex can offer. And so shocking for, im sure, so many people in there. Dana bash is has been with us through all of this. What do you have . Ive been talking to a Law Enforcement official but to be perfectly honest with you, since we want to make sure all of our ts crossed, our is dotted, im going to get one more source on it, a little bit more information about what happened. And i will get back to you. You got it. You do that. Ill take it from here. Art rodderic has just been seated. Now i have you, former u. S. Marshal. You know the capitol visitor complex. We dont know exactly where it happened but listening to one of the eyewitnesses saying you know where that is, where . Exactly, the way the Visitors Center is set up, theres a long approach before you get to the doors. You have to walk down several flights of steps. The lines can wayne it to get i the front doors. You have security there. On the other side of security, you have a bunch of greeters. Then you walk down some steps into the area where you pick up your tickets let me hit pause with you. I just want to tell everyone. I just got in mine ear. Per u. S. Capitol police, the lockdown has been lifted. This is over. That said, a lot of questions remain. Please continue. When you walk down into the main area where you pick up your tickets, theres a bunch of greeters down there that help you get to where exact by the way, to even get in there, youre going through a metal detector. Just to get into that area alone. So if this occurred in the Movie Theater area, which is in the back portion getting deeper and deeper and deeper. Thats deeper into the facility. Which im sort of shocked at, that somebody was able to if youre walking through and you cant get there unless youre a staffer or of a staff badge or are an actual member of congress, you cant get to that area without coming through the Visitors Center. Congressmen and senators and staffers can get through their underground transport. Ive only been to the Capitol Center once or twice but never sat for a video. Are these relatively small areas . How many people on tour would be, dozens . Yeah, they have a couple of dozen probably, maybe 50. The setup is you go in and you can look around at how the capitol was built. They have different diaramas set up and then its Movie Theaters off to the side that give you a 15, 20minute movie as to the history of the capitol. And that sounds to me like where this might have occurred. Im not 100 sure yet, but i know there are a couple of Movie Theaters off that particular area. Thats what it sounded like from that eyewitness. Chris frates is with me now, live on the scene. Chris frates, what do you know . Good afternoon, brooke. We know House Speaker paul ryan has been briefed on the incident. He is not here in washington today. We also have updates on other legislative updates. Nancy pelosi is in san francisco. Her staff was not anywhere near the incident. Mitch mcconnell, republican leader, was home in louisville. His staff is safe so we know that three of the four legislative leaders were not here in washington during this incident. We have checked in with them and their staffs are safe. I have not heard back from Senate Democratic leader, harry reid, and his office so were still trying to make sure that the leader is safe and what his whereabouts were during this incident. But House Speaker paul ryan has been briefed and his staff is safe and sound. Frates, thank you. Again, if youre just joining us here, according to the loudspeaker and u. S. Capitol police, theyll have speakers throughout this entire complex. Initially over the speaker you would hear shots fired and then apparently they were saying that the lockdown has now been lived. We know that a male suspect has been shot by u. S. Capitol police. That person is en route or perhaps by now is at the hospital and there was a female who just an innocent bystander who happened to be hit by the shrapnel so she was injured as well. Art roderick is with us. Talking about how familiar you are with this Capitol Visitors Center there in d. C. Beyond that, you were talking or texting with the staffer on the hill today. Yes, i was. Ive got several friends who work up on the hill coming from the d. C. Area. So they knew they were in lockdown, they were texting me. They were assured everything was okay. The situation was actually taken care of pretty quickly. They were notified right away, hey, theres no threat, but were going to keep everybody in lockdown until were sure. They were told were just making sure theres no other actors involved in this active shooter incident. We have more sound from eye witnesses. Lets roll it. We were in the north theater during the little orientation video that you do before you go on your tour. Right in the middle of the video, they came over the loudspeaker saying that youre going to be sheltered in place action theres appear active shooter, and just to stay there. So we did. The video kept playing. Shortly after that the Capitol Police came in, told us that there was a shooting, that we needed to stay there. They had armed guards outside the doors. You hear the word active shooter and that is enough to strike terror to anyone in the United States. What was the feeling inside that theater . The first thing i did was start crying because any fear that we have in this world, i know i can put that before god and he can take care of it and thats immediately what i did. What about the other people . What was going on in there when they heard those words . A lot of talking amongst themselves, seeing everybody get their phone out to see what was going on. The lady next to us calling some of her family members who were not there with her. I think there was a lot of fear for people. The Capitol Police did a good job of keeping things safe. I can still tell this your voice is still a bit shaken up, which is very understandable. Certainly something we werent prepared for, thats for sure. Well, take care and thank you for talking with us. Again, just hearing from more and more people who on this beautiful spring monday wanted to head down to the u. S. Capitol building and it sounds like somewhere, according to these eyewitnesses, in one of these orientation areas that may be where the shots were fired. Manu raju, you know the u. S. Capitol building so well. We were talking to art roderick who explained how deep and down hallways you would have to be and the metal detectors and Everything Else in order to walk through with a gun. Can you lay out the space, how large would these areas be . It would depend on where the shots were fired, if this gun actually entered into the complex or if it happened as the shooter was entering. I think that were still we dont know, thats a great point. Thats one thing were trying to figure out. If the gun were in the Capitol Visitors Center complex, that raises a huge security alarm that someone could get a gun in the complex, especially at this time of such high people being on such high edge from all these terrorist incidents overseas. But if they were to get in, this is a huge complex and there are hundreds and hundreds of people just walking around. So any way you look at it, whether its going through that metal detector, there are lots of people going through, big lines or people trying to get into the Capitol Visitors Center complex, that creates such a huge security risk, no matter where the gun or where the shooting took place. Whether it was as the shooter was entering the Capitol Visitors Center complex, thats a huge question. Manu, thank you. We are hearing from more eyewitnesses who were inside. Take a listen to this. Obviously this had to have been pretty scary at the time. Can you describe to us where you were, what you heard, what you saw, what happened . We were just exiting the Senate Gallery from visiting there and they escorted us back to the Senate Gallery chambers, said the capitol was being put on a lockdown. And so they escorted everybody else. There was probably 40 people that they escorted back into a section of the Senate Gallery chamber and they did advice us about every five minutes, give us an update as to the lockdown and what was going on. Your kids, what kind of questions were they asking mom and dad . They were just worried that they didnt have their ipads. Okay. Well, you know what, sometimes ignorance is bliss, right . Yeah, it is. At 4 and 9, they really didnt need to know what was going on. Exactly. And everything. But with the updates, they gave us updates and they were congenial to us, very hospitable and made us feel safe. Everyone who has walked out has described sort of the same experience, that they were getting a lot of communication and that you were getting the updates, which in a situation like that with it unfolding, you dont expect to hear that from folks as youre walking out of a situation. Thats correct. In this, there was no lack of communication. Everything was well communicated as far as what was going on. You know, everybody was made to feel safe. And when you when you walked out, what did you see . Were there ambulances, Police Presence or were you able to just sort of escape . We kind of escaped all that. We came out the senate entrance and exit and so it was kind of closed off and nobody was around that. But it was an interesting experience, to say the least, on spring break. To say the very least. Were sorry that that happened but glad that everybody is okay. Obviously a learning lesson for the kids. We hope you enjoy the rest of your time here. Spring break, a lot of kids. Look at all these little ones walking in and around the u. S. Capitol building. Again, we have learned that it was Capitol Hill Police who took down that gunman who was injured, en route to the hospital, and there was a female bystander hit by some of the shrapnel from the shooting. Not entirely clear where this happened. We definitely dont know why this happened or how the gun got inside this capitol visitors complex. If it was on the periphery or deeper within. Gloria borger, how good Capitol Police were on responding to this and how prepared capitol folks were. If theres any place in the country thats prepared for Something Like this, i think youd have to say its the United States capitol. And this is something im sure that they have practiced over and over again, brooke. Particularly when theres one estimate i just read that you have a million and a half visitors in town during these sort of highpeak weeks. Theyre prepared for these crowds. And it sounds like from the interviews that weve just been watching that the tourists were made to feel safe. I think that thats really all you can expect in a situation like this. Absolutely, especially with whats happened oversea its as manu pointed out. People are on alert and sadly they have to be. Gloria borger, thank you so much there in washington. Again, the u. S. Capitol no longer on lockdown, but they have arrested or i should say the individual, the gunman is in custody. Let me be precise in my language. We have much more. Do not move. Continuing coverage of what has happened in washington, d. C. , continues now with my colleague, jake tapper. Good afternoon, im jake tapper. This is the lead. Were going to start with breaking news. A lockdown has just been lifted at the u. S. Capitol after Capitol Police shot a man and a woman was hurt by shrapnel. It was a frightening scene today as crowds flock to the Nations Capital this time of year. Many families in washington on spring break. Staffers inside local buildings at the capitol were told to shelter in place. We have a team getting all of the latest. Manu raju and brian todd are gathering information from air sources

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