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Been added to tennessees most wanted list. These are pictures out of memphis, tennessee, where a Police Officer is dead. Officer shawn bolton shot and killed after he stumbled onto a small town drug deal murdered for less than 2 grams of marijuana. Thats the officer. This is the suspected killer here. This man is still on the run. Take a good long look at his face. Hes considered armed and very dangerous. Police are so desperate to find this 29yearold by the name of tremaine wilborne they are offering a bounty for his capture. After this officer and, might i add, marine corps veteran, was shot and killed. [ inaudible ]. Hes shot. Officer is shot. [ inaudible ]. Location at this time. [ inaudible ]. 364 delta. [ inaudible ] the subject bolted out. The officer is down or the suspect . Checking you are advising that the officer is down or the suspect. [ inaudible ]. Call the ambulance call the ambulance can you tell us what you know nick valencia as far as the circumstance of this car being pulled over this drug deal and the driver of this car who, by the way, is talking to police . Just a short time ago my producer spoke to the attorney for that driver who says that his client was instrumental in leading police to the arrest warrant for 29yearold tremaine wilborne. Officer bolton saw a car parked illegally, approached the vehicle and thats when the passenger, the man youre being looking at on your tv screen gets out of the car. Their struggle ensues between an officer and wilborne. There were witnesses to this. A resident ran to the scene and tried to use the officer to phone in to dispatch but it was simply too late. The officer was pronounced dead at the hospital, brooke. We know that the officer is the third memphis Police Officer to be killed in four years. The 19th across the country this year. And i can only imagine in the community there in memphis, its really resonated among folks there. Its a sobering number. Three Police Officers killed in the line of duty in the last four years. In memphis. Its a number not lost on Memphis Police director Tony Armstrong who took the chance on saturday night to address the public and he was visibly emotional. As a community we say often that black lives matter and at the end of the day we have to ask ourselves, do all lives matter . Regardless of what profession that person holds, all lives matter. We can tell you that the u. S. Marshal service has joined the manhunt for 29yearold Tremaine Wilbourn. 10,000 reward being offered for the capture of this man youre looking at there on your screen. Brooke . Nick valencia thank you so much. You bet. Im going to stay on this because Police Departments across the country are rallying around the memphis 36789 d and, of course the family of officer sean bolton who served his country as a marine and then back here at home. Im going to speak with his friend who lived with him and they served in iraq at the same time. Steve, thank you so much for your service and i am so sorry about the loss of your friend. Thank you for the opportunity to honor his memory. I appreciate that. Lets begin with honoring him by you tell me. Tell me about him. What brought you so close. And why did he want to be an officer . Well sean he was really just a very impressive human being and everything that we should want out of a Police Officer because as a person he was gifted and he used his gifts to try to take care of others. For instance when his long even longer friend passed away they were so close that his friends mother was a second mother to him and to make sure that she was getting care of he brought her in. He looked after her. He made sure that she was going to be all right. And hes just such a generous guy. As an officer, you couldnt ask for someone better. I mean not only did he know the law, he was fiercely intelligent. But he had the disposition to where he wasnt out to be a confrontational, to throw someone in prison or give them a ticket or ruin their life through legal action through some small thing. The important thing to him was, if he had to have an encounter with a suspect was, if he could, let them go with nobody coming out worse for wear as long as they understood what they were doing wrong, he would do that. You absolutely had to give him no other option for any sort of physical encounter, for an encounter to get physical. Thats the thing. You all would have these conversations as you worked the streets in memphis and given all of these officerinvolved stories that weve been telling the better part of the last year you have very frank conversations about, you know being killed in the line of duty issues of excessive force. Hes the officer who would rather give a warning than a ticket i hear . Yes. Absolutely. And when it comes to the other stories that have made National Headlines about police brutality, he was never quick to condemn the officer or the suspect because he wanted all of the facts to come out. He was incredibly fair in that regard. Before becoming an officer, as we mentioned, he served in iraq. Did he ever talk to you about the dangers of duty in Anbar Province versus on the streets in memphis . Well when he served in baghdad and like you mentioned he served in the southwest of the country in al anbar, where there was quite a bit of violence. I did the math one time and he and i were seven times less likely to die in afghanistan than we were in the city of memphis where we lived. So where other people from other parents of the country were over there and afraid daily that something awful was going to happen to him. We actually had a small bit of comfort in knowing that the numbers were on our side. Stephen clements, sorry. Thank you for your condolences. Three days away from the very first Republican Debate and in a new poll, donald trump is widening his big lead over his rivals. You can see the top there with the massive number of 26 , you have donald trump, more than double the support for jeb bush who is in second place with 12 and scott walker at 11 and every else at single digits. Even more impressive is the internal demographics that donald trump received. 35 from tea partiers. Thats double the support for scott walker or ted cruz and leads the field among republican men and women and though the lead for women is much smaller. Hes winning across the board when it comes to ideology leading among republicans who describe themselves as either very conservative somewhat conservative or moderate to liberal. And with much of the political world sort of transfixed on donald trump, we have to talk dems. Bidens political allies just got a big boost. A former top adviser to bidens son beau says hes joining this draft biden group raising cash for a potential presidency. Beau biden, you may recall recently lost his life to brain cancer two months ago. Since then the Vice President has been out of the political spotlight. Cnns jeff zeleny however, has said that joe biden has not ruled out a White House Run and democrats tell jeff he could wait until past august to make the final decision. Let me talk about the prospects for a potential biden come pain. I have Peter Beinart with me. Youve written a piece about a potential Biden Clinton matchup last year. The real question is timewise does he have the time can erase the cash to give Hillary Clinton a decent battle . I think its pretty unlikely. Not unless some scandal really caused her a lot more trouble. Unlikely . The problem is the operation has already gone to hillary. Hes missed that opportunity, a lot of the big donors and oppositions from hillary to the left has coalesced around Bernie Sanders. Hes a less viable political candidate had he gotten in six months ago. You dont think those joining team hillary would turn to joe biden . I dont think so. Shes obviously now the frontrunner. Shes gathered steam. It seems to me he would have to be pretty daring to lead hillary for biden. You pointed out Hillary Clintons hawkishness and how they really sort of are so far separate when it comes to Foreign Policy going back to bosnia you talk about libya, you talk about Osama Bin Laden and how that would be healthy for america to publicly debate this. Can you point out the real dichss when it comes to Foreign Policy . Right. They are on opposite ends. Hillary supported the surge. Biden reportedly opposed it. Hillary supported libya military intervention biden didnt. Hillary supported the raid on Osama Bin Laden. Biden did not. We dont really see in democratic president ial campaign. Do you think Bernie Sanders hes drawing large crowds. Is how he is doing, do you think that is widening her potential weakness . I think it is showing that there is a space for someone to her left. The interesting thing, though sanders is attacking her from the left on Economic Policy on policies towards wall street for instance. Hes not really drawing a contrast on Foreign Policy. Its not really where he stands out in terms of his persona. What will be interesting about biden, he will draw the Foreign Policy contrast. I dont think he will win. I think Hillary Clinton is still the frontrunner but its good to air these differences inside the party. Still you say unlikely. Peter beinart, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Next Homeland Security warning now drones could be used by terrorists as another airliner has a close call with one of these things in one of americas busiest of air spaces. We have that for you. Almost in moments now, live pictures from the white house. Were watching for the president to make a massive announcement release one of the biggest innesh tiffs of his entire presidency. But theres definitely a fight brewing and it involves your energy bill. Well talk economics coming up. Also breaking news a verdict reached in the sentencing phase of the trial of james holmes the man convicted of the Movie Theater shooting a couple of summers ago in colorado. Life or death . The verdict may be ready any moment. S, we are twins. When i went on to ancestry i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. I was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. You start to see documents and you see signatures of people that youve never met. I mean, you dont know these people, but you feel like you do. You get connected to them. I wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. Being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com. The president of the United States unveiling his major Climate Change plan. Lets listen in. Not just on this issue but on generally making sure that weve got clean air, clean water, a great future for our kids. I want to thank all of the members of congress who are here as well who have been fighting this issue sometimes at great odds with others willing to take on what is going to be one of the key challenges of our lifetimes and future generations. I want to thank our surgeon general. You know hes been doing outstanding work and is helping to make the connection between this critical issue and the health of our families. You know over the past 6 1 2 years, we take on some of the toughest challenges of our time from rebuilding our economy after a devastating recession to ending our wars in iraq afghanistan and bringing all of our troops home. To strengthening our security through tough and principled diplomacy. But im convinced that no challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a change in climate. And thats what brings us here today. Now, not everyone here is a scientist. But some of you are among the best scientists in the world. And what you and your colleagues have been showing us for years now is that human activities are changing the climate in dangerous ways. Levels of carbon dioxide, which heats up our atmosphere are higher than they have been in 8,000 years. 2014 was the planets warmest year on record. And weve been setting a lot of records in terms of warmest years over the last decade. One year doesnt make a trend but 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have fallen within the first 15 years of this century. Climate change is no longer just about the future that were predicting for our children or our grand children. Its about the reality that were living with every day, right now. The pentagon says the Climate Change poses immediate risks to our National Security. While we cant say any single weather event is entirely caused by Climate Change weve seen stronger storms deeper droughts longer wildfire seasons. Charleston and miami now flood at high tide. Shrinking ice caps forced National Geographic to make the biggest change in the atlas since the soviet union broke apart. Over the past three decades, nationwide asthma rates have more than doubled and Climate Change puts those americans at greater risk of landing in the hospital. As one of americas governors has said were the first generation to feel the impact of Climate Change and the last generation that can do something about it. And thats why i committed the United States to leading the world on this challenge. Because i believe there is such a thing as being too late. Most of the issues that i deal with and i deal with some tough issues that cross my desk. By definition i dont deal with issues if they are easy to solve because somebody else has already solved them. And some of them are grim. Some of them are heartbreaking. Some of them are hard. Some of them are frustrating. But most of the time the issues we deal with are ones that are temporally bound and we can anticipate things Getting Better if we plug away at it even incrementally. But this is one of those rare issues because of its magnitude, because of its scope, that if we dont get it right, we may not be able to reverse. And we may not be able to adapt sufficiently. There is such a thing as being too late when it comes to the Climate Change. [ applause ] that shouldnt make us hopeless. Its not as if theres nothing we can do about it. We can take action. Over the past several years america has been working to use less dirty energy more clean energy waste less energy throughout our economy. We set new fuel economy standards that means our cars will go twice as far on a gallon of gas by the middle of next decade. Combined with lower gas prices these standards will save drivers an average of 700 at the pump this year. We double down on our investment in renewable energy. Were generating three times as much wind power, 20 times as much solar power as we did in 2008. These steps arent making a difference. Over the past decade even as our economy has continued to grow the United States has cut our total Carbon Pollution more than any other nation on earth. Thats the good news. [ applause ] but i am here to say, if he with want to protect our economy, security and Childrens Health were going to have to do more. The science tells us we have to do more. This has been our focus these past few years. And its particularly going to be our focus this month. Later in august ill talk about the extraordinary progress weve made and the jobs that come with it and how we can boost that even further. Ill also be the First American president to visit the Alaskan Arctic where our fellow americans have already seen their communities devastated by melting ice and rising oceans the impact on marine life. Were going to talk about what the world needs to do together to prevent the worst impacts of Climate Change before its too late. And today were here to announce americas Clean Power Plan a plan two years in the making in the single most important step america has ever taken in the fight against global Climate Change. [ applause ] n. Thats more pollution than our cars and airplanes and homes generate combined. That pollution contributes to Climate Change which degrades the air that our kids breathe. Theres never been federal limits on the amount of carbon power plants can dump into the air. Think about that. Weve learned about mercury, arsenic in our air or water and were better off for it. But existing power plants can still dump unlimited amounts of harmful pollution into the air. For the sake of our kids and the health and safety of all americans, that has to change. For the sake of the planet that has to change. So two years ago i directed gina the Environmental Protection agency to take on this challenge. Today, after working with states and cities and Power Companies the e. P. A. Is setting the first ever standards to limit the carbonless pollution dumping from power plants. [ applause ] heres how it works. Over the next few years, each state will have a chance to put together its own plan for reducing emissions. Because every state has a Different Energy mix. Some generate more of their power from renewables some from natural gas, nuclear or coal. This plan reflects the fact that not everybody is starting in the same place. So were giving states the time and the flexibility they need to cut pollution in a way that works for them. And well reward the states that take action sooner instead of later because time is not on our side. As states work to meet their targets, they can build on the progress that our communities and businesses. A lot of Power Companies have began modernizing their plants reducing their emissions and, by the way, creating new jobs in the process. Nearly a dozen states have already set up their own marketbased programs to reduce Carbon Pollution. About half of our states have set Energy Efficiency targets. More than 35 have set targets. Last week 13 of our biggest companies, including ups and walmart and gm made bold new commitments to cut their emissions and deploy more clean energy. The idea of setting standards and cutting Carbon Pollution is not new or radical. What is new is today washington is starting to catch up to the vision of the rest of the country. And by setting these standards, we can speed up our transition to a cleaner, safer future. With this Clean Power Plan by 2030 Carbon Pollution from our power plants will be 32 lower than it was a decade ago and the nerdier way to say that is 870 million tons of Carbon Pollution will be kept out of our atmosphere. [ applause ] the laymans way of saying that is its like cutting every ounce of emission due to electricity from 108 million American Homes or equivalent of 166 million cars being taken off the road. By 2030 we will reduce premature deaths from power plant emissions by 20 and thanks to this plan will will be 90,000 fewer asthma attacks from our children each year. [ applause ] and by combining this with greater investment in our Energy Sector and smarter Energy Efficiency, by working with the world to achieve a climate agreement by the end of this year we can do more to slow and maybe even eventually stop the Carbon Pollution thats doing so much harm to our climate. So this is the right thing to do. I want to thank, again, gina and her team for doing it the right way. Over the longest Engagement Process in epa history, they fielded more than 4 million public comments. They worked with states. They worked with Power Companies and faith groups and people across our country to make sure that what we were doing was realistic and achievable but still ambitious. And some of those people are with us here today. So tonya brown, wave go ahead. Theres tonya. Tonya brown has joined up with moms across america to spread the word about the dangers Climate Change poses to the health of our children including tonyas daughter semay. There is semay right there. This doctor has spent her career researching the Health Impacts of pollution at the Cleveland Clinic and helping families whose lives are impacted every single day. Doctor, thank you. [ applause ] sister joan marie steadmond has helped with leadership. Thank you for your leadership. Process plaus and shes got a pretty important guide on her side as pope francis made clear in his in cyclical this summer. Taking control of Climate Change is a moral obligation and this sister is living up to that every single day. Now, lets be clear. There will be critics of what we are trying to do. There will be cynics that say it cannot be done. Long before the details of this Clean Power Plan were even decided, the special interests were already mobilizing to oppose it. They will claim that this plan will cost you money even though this plan the analysis shows, will save the average american 85 a year on their energy bill. They will claim we need to slash our investments in clean energy. Its a waste of money. Even though they are happy to subsidize oil companies. They will claim this plan will kill jobs even though our transition to a cleaner Energy Economy has the Solar Industry to just name one example creating jobs ten times faster than the average economy. They will claim this plan is a war on coal to scare votes. Even as they ignore my plan to actually invest in revitalizing coal country and supporting health care and refinement for coal liners and their families and retraining their workers for better paying jobs and healthier jobs. Communities across the country have been losing coal jobs for decades. I want to work with congress to help them. Not to use them as a political football. Partisan press releases are not going to help those families. Even more cynical, weve got critics in this plan who are actually claiming that this harm minority in lowincome communities even though Climate Change hurts those americans the most. Were the most vulnerable. Today, an africanamerican child is more than twice than likely to be hospitalized from asthma and 40 more likely to die from asthma. So if you care about lowincome minority communities, start protecting the air that they breathe and stop trying to rob them of their health care. [ applause ] e stale arguments before. Every time america has made progress its been despite these kinds of claims. Whenever america has set clear rules for our air, our water, our Childrens Health we get the same scary stories about killing jobs and businesses and freedom. Its true. Im going to go off script here just for a second. Because this is important. Because sometimes i think we feel as if there is nothing we can do. Tomorrow is my birthday. So im starting to reflect on age and in thinking about what we were doing here today, i was reminded about landing in los angeles to attend a college as a freshman as an 18yearold. And it was late august. I was moving from hawaii. And i got to the campus and i decided a lot of pent up energy. I wanted to take a run and after about five minutes, suddenly i had this weird feeling like i couldnt breathe. And the reason was, back in 1979 los angeles still was so full of smog that there were days where people who were vulnerable just could not go outside and they were fairly frequent. And folks who are older than me can remember you know the Cuyahoga River burning because of pollution. And acid rain, threatening to destroy all of the great forests of the northeast. And you fast forward 34 years later and we solved those problems. But at the time the same characters who are going to be criticizing this plan were saying this is going to kill jobs. This is going to destroy businesses. This is going to hurt lowincome people. Its going to be wildly expensive. And each time they were wrong. And because we pushed through, despite those scare mongering tactics, you can actually run in los angeles. Without choking. And folks can actually take a boat out on that river. And those forests are there. So weve got to learn lessons. Weve got to know our history. The kinds of criticisms that youre going to hear are simply excuses for an action. They are not even Good Business sense. They underestimate american business. And american ingenuity. When president nixon decided to do something about the smog that was choking our cities they warned that it would ruin the auto industry. It didnt happen. Our air got cleaner. In 1990, when republican president george h. W. Bush decided to do something about acid rains, said electricity bills would go up lights would go off, it didnt happen. It costs much less than anybody expected because businesses once incentivized were able to figure it out. When we restricted leaded fuel in our cars cancercausing chemicals in plastic, it didnt end the oil industry or plastics industry. American chemists came up with better substances. The fuel standards we put in place did not cripple the American Auto industry. They retooled. Today they are selling the best cars in the world at a faster pace than they have in a decade. They have highfuel efficient cars giving consumers more choices more than before and saving families at the pump. We can figure this stuff out as long as were not lazy about it. As long as we dont take the path of least resistance. Scientists citizens workers entrepreneurs, together as americans, we disrupt those same old debates. Were inventing new technologies new industries. Were not looking backwards. Were looking forward. And if we dont do it nobody will. The only reason that china is now looking at getting serious about its emissions is because they saw that we were going to do it too. When the world faces its toughest challenges america leads the way forward. And thats what this plan is about. [ applause ] now, i dont want to i dont want to fool you here. This is going to be hard dealing with Climate Change in its entirety. Its challenging. No single action no single country will change the warming of the planet on it is own. But today with america leading the way, countries representing 70 of the Carbon Pollution from the worlds Energy Sector have announced plans to cut their Greenhouse Gas emissions. In december with america leading the way, we have a chance to put in place one of the most Ambitious International climate agreements. Its easy to be cynical. Its too big for humanity to solve. I am absolutely convinced that is wrong. We can solve this thing but we have to get going. Its exactly the kind of challenge thats big enough to remind us that were all in this together. Last month, for the First Time Since 1972 nasa released a single snapshot of the earth taken from outer space. So much has changed in the decades between the first and second picture. Borders have shifted, generations have come and gone. Our population has nearly doubled. But one thing that hasnt changed, our planet is as beautiful as ever. It still looks blue. And it is vast but also its fragile. As miraculous as anything in this universe. This marvel belongs to all of us. It belongs to these kids who are here. There are more than 7 billion people alive today. No matter what country they are from what language they speak, every one of them can look at this image and say thats my home. The generation to heal from Climate Change were the last generation that can do something about it. We only get one home. We only get one planet. Theres no plan b. I dont want my grandkids not to be able to swim in hawaii or not to be able to climb a mountain. I dont want millions of peoples lives disrupted and this world more dangerous because we didnt do something about it. And be shameful of us. This is our moment to get this right. Do Something Better for our kids. Lets make most of that opportunity thank you, everybody. God bless you. Thank you. This is one of those obama legacies Climate Change. The president speaking there at the white house. Unveiling his americas Clean Power Plan. He said this is the single most important step the u. S. Has made in the fight against Climate Change. A huge applause but ultimately he took a swipe at the criticism that has already existed, giving l. A. The smog an example and saying essentially the critics hes heard before called them scare mongering tactics, excuses for inaction. Lets unpack this though and talk about the politics of Climate Change. I have dan pfeiffer with me political commentator, and nick morris an economist who focuses on energy issues. Gentlemen, welcome to both of you. Dan pfeiffer lets talk about your former boss. Here he was. Legacy issue and even when the president started speaking he was talking about the economy and bringing troops home, diplomacy and now, of course Climate Change. My question to you, why now . Why is he tackling Climate Change now . Well this what he announced today is the end result of not just months but years of work on not just this regulation but on a series of steps hes taken with the executive authority to get with the Climate Change. He has said to all of us that he did not he has done everything in his power to deal with the issue of Climate Change. He used it as a moral issue, a climate issue, a National Security issue. The democrats have responded, Hillary Clinton, Martin Omalley those who want to be president , they are hailing this effort. But then you have the republicans who are already criticizing it. You have marco rubio saying this will increase cost of electricity, specifically pointing out, if you live in tampa, your bill would go up 30 a month. Calling it catastrophic. Ted cruz is saying that they are cooking the books. I hear you laughing but this is your area of expertise. Where are the republicans getting their number . Set me straight . 80 of our needs are met through carbonemitting conventional fuels, such as oil, natural gas and coal youre going to have Higher Energy prices when you restrict the output of those sources of energy. And it has very big Ripple Effects because energy is necessary for just about everything we make and do. So its not just when your energy bill comes in the mail or you fill up your gas tank its through all of the goods and services that we pay for and thats why it had a Ripple Effect where higher prices destroy a lot of jobs and cause a lot of families to lose income. What about the president s point about, you know technology evolving and saying we need to know our history and theres no excuse for inaction . How do you respond to that, nick . I think we can have markets above and a free market policy that rewards innovation and competition and will ultimately provide the affordable and Reliable Energy that American Families and businesses need. But this plan is restricting those Energy Choices that is artificially driving up Energy Prices and, most importantly, its not going to have a huge impact on global temperatures. No matter what your position on Climate Change youre talking about a few hundredths of a degree change in celsius over the next century as a result of these regulations. In my opinion, its all economic pain and no climate benefit whatsoever. Dan, can you respond to that . Sure. I think, as the president laid out, this is ultimately going to save people money. Its going to shift us to cheaper renewable technology. Its the right thing to do. Nicolas here he has a commonsense approach from the other side but from all of the republican candidates that you quoted they dont believe its real or it is real and we have nothing to do with it or its happening but there is nothing that we can do about it. We can do something right now that is going to make us more Energy Secure deal with Public Energy concerns deal with National Security. So we can do it. And the problem is its hard to have a debate with republicans when they refuse to accept what is clear, decided science that the flap net is warming and thats because of human activity. Are these republicans candidates off on this . I wont speak for all of the candidates. I think its obvious that Greenhouse Gas emissions are contributing to warming but we havent seen any temperatures warming over the last 18 years. Yes, weve had warming and yes emissions are playing a part but i dont think were headed to the catastrophic warming that some of the climate models project were heading towards and, more importantly, i dont think these regulations are going to make a dent in the overall global amount of Greenhouse Gas emissions and, therefore, were not going to see any mitigation in global temperatures. Okay. Let me mention again, in the kmoming coming weeks, the president will be going to nevada and to the Alaskan Arctic touting this plan. Thank you both so much. Thank you, brooke. Thank you. Breaking news here. In the sentencing phase of james holmes the jurors have put holmes one step closer to death. This decision came out just moments ago. Holmes was convicted back on july 16th on all 165 counts against him. It was july of 2012 he murdered 12 people and wounded 70 others when he opened fire when all of those people were in the theater, the midnight showing of the dark knight. In phase two of the penalty phase, the jury had to answer one question. So lets talk about this with cnn legal analyst danny cevallos. First, to my colleague sara sidner there in centennial colorado following this process for us. Sara tell me what has just happened. Reporter what is happening right now, its still happening. There are 24 counts here of murder. I want to explain that a bit because it sounds confusing. There were 12 People Killed but 24 counts of murder that the jury has found him guilty on. The next phase will be deciding whether or not he could be faced with the Death Penalty. What we have found out now is that they are now on count 21. So far, every single count of count 21 the judge is reading just now, the jury has said that the mitigating factors do not outweigh the aggravating factors. And what that means is that this case will now go on the sentencing part of this case will now go on to phase three where the jury will look again at whether or not he deserves the Death Penalty as opposed to life in prison without the possibility of parole. What we will hear in this third phase is the victim impact statements. It is going to be for sure a very emotional time. Were expecting to hear about 12 to 15 not just sure how many but between 12 and 15 people who will come and give their statements about what this incident what this attack this terrifying attack did to them. Whether its someone who lost a loved one and can never see them again or hear their voice or whether its someone who was injured in the attack who was gravely injured in the attack who was hurt who is still dealing with the pain of the attack. We expect to hear from 12 to 15 of those people in this next phase, the trial. And then the jury will look at all that they have seen and heard and they will decide whether or not james holmes will be put to death in phase three. Brooke . Sara sidner stay with me. Danny cevallos let me bring you in. From how i understand we hear the victim impact statements and then then the jury will decide death or not. That is that final step . Heres the process. First, the prosecution has to prove at least a statutory aggravating factor a list of items in each state usually means, killed a number of people at once maybe this is the second killing. Once that happens, though it bounces over to the defendant to introduce mitigation. Then the jury weighs mitigation against aggravation. Did the mitigating factors outweigh the aggravating factors. In these 21 counts so far they have been . Yes. And then the decision is making between life without the possibility of parole or Death Penalty. You could break colorados procedure down into four steps. Thats really where we are now. Thats the stage that we are coming into. Okay. And im just trying to put myself in a jurors perspective. They have to weigh they rejected the insanity defense . They did. That was at the guilt phase of the trial. Right. Hes been convicted on all 165 counts. How, then do they deliberate to figure out death or not . What are they having to check . What box are these jurors having to check . Well its a very in a way, its a very subjective analysis and you could argue as Defense Attorneys by presenting the Mental Illness the journal . Absolutely. Believe it or not, theres a method called the colorado method completely by coincidence, in selecting a jury that is designed to say, were trying to save this persons life. So you choose jurors and make arguments along the way during the guilt phase as well as in the penalty phase that lines you up and gives you your best chance to not necessarily get your guy a not guilty but keep him alive. And thats exactly what i think this defendant his lawyers have done smartly the entire time keep that evidence in of Mental Illness, not just on the guilt phase but to sort of prime these jurors for the eventual argument that this is a person whose life is worth saving. The parents sara sidner i want to ask you this. The parents in the denver post this is before the trial, the parents were quoted as saying the Death Penalty dave palmers parents, by the way, the Death Penalty is morally wrong, especially when the defendant is mentally ill. The parents and sister testified on james holmes behalf and the mother didnt even know she was seeing a psychiatrist and had she known, perhaps she would have acted differently. How have the families all together been sitting in this courtroom . What has that been like day after day after day . Reporter brooke its been extremely tough on all of the families as you might imagine. The Holmes Family usually sits near and behind him and the other families behind the prosecution. What is happening right now, the defense has asked that each and every juror be polled. So they out loud have to say, yes, indeed this was their verdict. All 24 counts. And the reason that there are 24 counts but 12 murders, there were two counts per person. One was about killing with intent and deliberation and the other one was about killing with extreme indifference to human life. Now the jury has said look he is guilty on all 24 of those counts. They say that they believe he knew the difference between right or wrong but they do see he has psychological problems. But now they are saying this is worth going on to this other phase and this is when the decision will be made in phase three as to whether or not he gets the Death Penalty. His family has pleaded for his life but were now going to hear from the victims and they are going to come forward and then after that brooke there is still a chance for more victims to come forward. As you know there are 70 people who were hurt. 12 families who potentially could speak who will then get a chance in the final sentencing when the judge puts the sentence out there to speak again. Were certainly going to be listening to a lot of the horrific stories that these families have been through. Brooke . Sara sidner on it for us thank you. Danny cevallos, thank you for breaking it down. Thank you all. Next it has been called a tchl tinder box, evacuations under way. Well take you there live. Into also word of a cap you are it of a suspect featured in cnns the hunt with john walsh. Hear what happened. Youre watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. Drought parched california is under seize by a raging wildfire. It doubled over the weekend to 60,000 acres. Its only 12 contained. More than 12,000 people have been evacuated since last wednesday. Firefighters are on the fire lines trying to control this fire. Its proving to be pretty difficult due to the weather conditions scorching weather conditions unpredictable winds. This fire is so intense, nasa has captured these smoke images from space. Stephanie elam is watching this. Stephanie, it is hot, hot, hot where you are and weather is not cooperating . Reporter not cooperating at all, brooke. That is a huge part of it. Its a multitier problem that they are dealing with. There has not been a fire that has come through this area and thats part of the problem as well. Youve got all of this tinder brush ready to go up in flames. Because of that this fire is dynamic because it keeps changing heads as far as which way it is going. Behind me, you have firefighters here. California has an interesting system where they will help each other out. If you have people available, firefighters available in Southern California there is a fire in Northern California they will work up here. As you look at the fire line what you can see here is that there is some burned out brush in front of us and if you look at the hillside you will see flames burning up behind me where the smoke is. That is back burn. That means that the firefighters are starting these fires to burn out any brush which could be fuel for the fire that may be coming this way later on this afternoon as they expect. They control these fires and watch the wind to see which way they are going and burn down the brush because if theres no fuel it will help them contain the fire and get it down. Around 3 00 4 00 is the worst time for this fire on certain edges of it. Thats when the flames start popping up. If you could look up over here brooke, you can see theres white smoke. Its active fire. It hasnt been really percolating since weve been out here since 4 00 this morning california time. The humidity has dropped and it heats up to 100 degrees. Brooke . Stephanie elam well stay in close contact with you thank you so much. Stephanie elam in california for us. Top of the hour breaking news here on cnn, im brooke baldwin. This story involves cnns reporting here. Police have arrested this outlaw mother as a direct result of the cnn series the hunt. Megan everett has been radicalized by proconfederacy groups. Police arrested her from a trip that came in hours after this episode from john walshs the hunt. Hunt. Megan was bubbly. When she became pregnant thats when things changed. Lily was a joy. After they broke up it seemed that she was trying to cut him out of his life completely. I had my daughter that first week and brought her back. I picked her up on the 13th i knocked on carlos door and he said megan doesnt live here. She moved. He slammed the door in my face. So i called the Sunrise Police department. And went there and theres no sign of a child or megan or any clothes or baby stuff or anything. Then reality kind of hit me. And then a pan neck hit me. What am i supposed to do now . How am i supposed to find her . Where do i go from here . She had assistance both financially and logistically to get out of this area. The longer she stays away the worst this gets. If she ever expects to have any kind of a relationship with her daughter in the future once shes caught its better if she just turns herself in and she will be caught. Its just a matter of time. And on that note we have an update. John walsh will join me about this incredible incredible update. Thats coming up. Also we have this next story about this armed and deang rouse dangerous cop killer who is on the run out of tennessee. This is the man on the run. This is the man police want to find. 29yearold Tremaine Wilbourn now listed on the states most top ten wanted list. Hes accused of shooting and killing a Police Officer. Officer sean bolton was approaching this illegally parked car when he interrupted a smalltime drug deal a deal so petty it was barely 20 worth of mary marijuana but it was enough for the suspect to pull out a gun and shoot and kill this Police Officer. A witness using the officers own radio to relay the news that the officer had been shot cnn now has part of that disturbing audio exchange. [ inaudible ]. 487 summer lane. Hes shot. Officer is shot . Officer down. [ inaudible ]. You are on the scene with 364 delta . [ inaudible ] the subject bolted out. The officer is down or the suspect . Call an ambulance officer sean bolton died after being rushed to the hospital. He was an iraq war veteran. A short time ago i spoke to a fellow veteran and friend of his about the real risks he faced day to day helping to make sure the streets of memphis were safe. I did the math one time and he and i were seven times less likely to die a violent death in iraq in a combat zone in iraq than in the city of memphis where we lived. The important thing to him was, if he had to have an encounter with a suspect, if he could, let them come out no worse for wear as long as they understood what they were doing wrong and wouldnt do it again, he would do that. You had to give him no other option for any sort of physical for the encounter to get physical. Let me go straight to our correspondent who has been on this nick valencia. As far as the investigation goes in looking for this individual do they have any leads, any clue where he is . This is an aggressive manhunt. If they have any ideas about his whereabouts, they are not making it known publicly. Tremaine wilbourn is wanted for the firstdegree shooting death of officer sean bolton which happened on saturday afternoon after 9 00 p. M. When bolton noticed an illegally parked car. He approached the vehicle and the man you see on the screen gets out of the car, confronts the officer, a struggle ensues and bolton is left shot multiple times. There were people in the area witnesses, residents who overheard the commotion, ran towards the scene and used the officers radio to call into police. It was simply too late. He was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. A 10,000 reward is being offered to lead to the arrest. A man turned himself into police. According to the mans attorney he was instrumental in leading police to this arrest of this 29yearold who, we should mention, brooke, was on soupuper viced probation for an armed robbery. Three officers in that city in memphis in the last four years have been gunned down in the lean of duty really underscoring the dangers that officers face every day. Brooke . 10,000 bounty for this man, i bet you that number will go up. Nick valencia on the manhunt, thank you. You bet. And another breaking story we were watching the gunman behind the colorado Movie Theater massacre from july 2012 the jury there has now agreed to consider the Death Penalty for this convicted killer. Moving officially now from phase two in the sentencing of this trial to phase three. Remember holmes was convicted last month on all 165 counts against him after murdering 12 people and wounding 70 others when he opened fire during that midnight screening of the dark knight in aurora, colorado in july of 2012. Sara sidner is following this trial. In the last 15 minutes as youve been walking us through the 24 counts tell me what has happened. Reporter extreme indifference and, two zsh do you have a problem hearing me . Is your mike on . Reporter hold on a second. Better . We got you. Reporter sorry about that. Technical difficulties. Basically, what were hearing from the jury is that all 24 counts they have unanimously agreed that the mitigating circumstances, i. E. , you can read into that, the Mental Health issues that james holmes has does not negate the aggravating circumstances, which means that this will go on to phase three and they will decide whether or not he gets the Death Penalty. This will be the final phase of this trial thats gone on now for more than 60 days more than two months. We will hear from them. The judge said that they will start speaking and listening to victims impacts. This court will start tomorrow at 10 00 local time which is noon eastern time. This has been an incredibly long trial, an incredibly emotional trial. The last people we heard from on the stand were the parents of james holmes lastly his mother who begged for his life. Now the jury is going to have to decide just that and that after that the judge will hand down the final sentencing depending on what this jury decides in phase three, which prosecutors say the case will take about three days. All right. Life or death here for james holmes. Well be watching with you in centennial. Sara sidner, thank you. Next more on the story we broke here at the top of the hour this capture of a mother on the run, profiled in cnns original series the hunt with john walsh how she was caught and is her daughter safe . Also a top adviser to joe bidens late son beau is trying to get him to run for 2016. How will biden react to that . And just how far donald trump really is. Youre watching cnn. Stay with me. No students ever photographed mean ms. Colegrove. But your dell 2in1 laptop gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. Thats that new gear feeling. Get this High Performance laptop bundle for only 399. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. When i lay in my tempurpedic contour, then i slowly feel it start to kind of wrap itself around me. My mind just goes kind of blank and the next thing i know its morning. With tempurflex youve got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress and it also adjusts to my body. My cloud feels so comfortable. 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Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. [ horn honks melody ] well, well. If it isnt the belle of the ball. Gentlemen. You look well. Whats new, flo . Well, a name your price tool went missing last week. Name your what, now . It gives you Coverage Options based on your budget. I just hope whoever stole it knows that it only works at progressive. Com. So, you cant use it to just buy stuff . No. Im sorry, gustav. We have to go back to the pet store. [ gustav squawks ] hes gonna meet us there. The name your price tool. Still only at progressive. Com. Lets talk about the race for the white house, shall we in political insiders hoping joe biden will launch a campaign for president just got a huge boost. A consultant says hes joining the draft biden group raising cash for a potential joe biden candidacy. The Vice President has been out of the political spotlight since his son beau lost his battle with cancer just two months ago but weve been told he has not ruled out a president ial run. Cnns jeff zeleny has been our point man. Also ill bring in donna brazile. Great to have you on. Thank you brooke. Jeff, whats the latest on this . The fact that the consultant who is close to the bidens is a sign the fact that hes joining the Draft Biden Movement is the fact that this is an active conversation. This is a live round. There is part of biden world that would like to see the Vice President go forward with this and try his hand at a president ial campaign. Its important to point out, brooke its not the entirety of biden world and the Vice President himself, im told has not made a desincision. The fact that someone who is close to him from his inner circle from delaware is moving forward with the Draft Biden Movement that blesses and paves the way forward over the next month or so. Were a long ways away yet from knowing if joe biden is going to be a candidate for president. It leaves you wondering sort of why now . If they do sense a vulnerability, specifically when it comes to Hillary Clintons campaign before i get you to marinate on that theres an ad in iowa and New Hampshire, eye graphical pieces talking about her life her mothers for example. Heres one of them. The senator who made sure the heroes and families of 9 11 got the care they needed, the secretary of state who joined the man who defeated her because when your president calls, you serve. And now a new type. Grandma. I believe that when families are Strong America is strong. There is a sense, donna, that Hillary Clinton is someone, you know the nation has known for many a decade and is almost like reintroducing herself to the country with these ads. Im wondering why she feels the need to do this. What does that say . We have a new generation of voters who did not participate in the 2008 campaign and i think its important that she continue to define her candidacy in ways that will allow that generation to feel a rt pa of it. That being said look as you know 80 of democratic voters like Hillary Clinton, they like joe biden. Hes a natural. Theres no question that they would like to have a robust debate about the future of the country and if the Vice President decides to run, i think he will be a very formidable candidate in his own right. They like him, hes authentic, hes natural. Hes the kind of person that walks into a room and knows everybody. That being said to run for president , you need money. Hillary clinton not only you know she has money, she has an organization in those early states. Im sure that the Biden Campaign can put together an organization. A lot of good strategists are still out there. Some of them are close to joe biden. So im not shocked that this conversation is being held today but lets see what happens at the end of the summer if he decides to jump in. Im hearing jeff zeleny saying a second ago, he hasnt pub electrically stated what he wants. He has a while. But im also wondering, does he really have a while to sort of get enough money together and then have a formidable push against Hillary Clinton . Really timewise jeff zeleny how much longer would he have to decide . Hes the unique figure of someone who could get in after labor day, at this late period. Hes so well known. He has a reservoir of support among the democratic activists. He ran in 1988 and 2008 and in 2007 spent time across iowa and across the state of New Hampshire as well. I think hes a unique figure in the sense that he could jump in somewhat late but not too late. The reality is the ball is moving along here. As donna mentioned before money. Campaigns take money. More than any of his other campaigns. That would be one of his challenges here should he decide to run. Jeff ive got to tell you all something. Its not a secret. Did you know that Fly Air Force two is quite expensive. When i managed al gores campaign i said im sorry. You have to go southwest. We cant afford it. So its a lot of money. But you know what theres a lot of goodwill. Joe biden is a good soul. Nowadays being someone who makes gas or whatever, socalled his liabilities, in a Campaign Season like the one that were experiencing that might be his strength that hes not like the politicians. He makes mistakes and sometimes speaks before he thinks. So i think theres a lot of goodwill. He can get in. The Democratic Party is meeting in minnesota at the end of the month. There are superdelegates and were all ears. Final question, donna brazile. If he does how would the president handle this . How would he pick a side . God, thats a tough one. Because joe biden has been indispensable. Hes been a great friend still a wonderful friend to the president , a good person as you know. But also Hillary Clinton has been a good friend and a wonderful person someone the president has relied on and continues to reach out to. I dont have any bets on that one. If he was smart, he would stay out of it. Right. I would. He may not. I dont know. Reagan finally endorsed mr. Bush. Donna, jeff, thank you very much. Next on the republican side the 2016 race of candidates will answer to voters tonight in New Hampshire. But donald trump will not be on that stage. Next, why trump is sitting tonight out. Donald trump keeps moving up and up. Take a look at the latest polls. Trump has a huge new lead with 26 . That puts him up by more than a 2to1 margin. You have scott walker at 11. All of this not all, but some of these republican candidates are getting ready for the Candidate Forum tonight in New Hampshire and trump will be one of the few who will not be there. This is not a debate tonight but it looked at as an opportunity to really hone your skills for the real debate. That is thursday night. This is the first Republican Debate here. So with me now to talk about this lou with the Trump Campaign and jennifer warner. So wonderful to have you both on. Welcome. Thank you, brooke. Thank you. Its great to be here brooke. Thank you. Thank you. Lou, first to you. I know what ive read but why is donald trump not doing this Forum Tonight . Its my understanding that mr. Trump had a business commitment that was long standing and unlike the other political candidates attending, mr. Trump has the welfare of the thousands and thousands employees and billions of dollars in assets and he has to strike a balance and i think thats what he is doing. And he has a very large firm to run and you can be sure that hell be in cleveland on thursday and people will get a firsthand look at what a formidable candidate he will make for the republican party. Let me get to thursday in a second. Youre telling me its a business commitment. Because he told the union leader something totally different. The fact that they are not throwing their support behind him, he can sense that they are not a donald trump fan. Thats the reason that hes not showing up, lou. I dont necessarily believe that to be the case. I think the union leader has not taken a very positive approach to mr. Trump. But be that as it may, mr. Trump has to run a business and he has other commitments. And i think that that certainly is his First Priority at this point. While the other candidates are pandering for votes, mr. Trump is out there working both his business and being the frontrunner in the president ial campaign. Despite what trump said listen whatever it is hes not going to be there tonight. Jennifer my question to you. There is a stereotype. This is a great thing in New Hampshire where the voters they want to meet these candidates and sit across them at a diner, eat with them get to know them. Im wondering if its risky that hes sort of blowing them off. What are you hearing . Is this turning off New Hampshire voters . Look brooke its not my job to speak on behalf of candidates or campaigns. Youre talking to voters. Well here in New Hampshire, forums are very very important. Its important not just that you take the voters seriously, its not about pandering, its about earning the vote of the American Voters starting in iowa New Hampshire, south carolina. Tonight is an important part of that and were excited that the candidates will be here to speak to the people directly of New Hampshire. Lou, one of my first thoughts when i read about this this could benefit donald trump by not being there because of the anticipation just continues to mount for when he is center stage thursday. Certainly. And mr. Trump has been in New Hampshire a number of times and he has certainly reached out to the people of New Hampshire. And i think the polls certainly substantiate that fact. I think we have a good seven months before the primary and there will be plenty of time for mr. Trump to be in New Hampshire and in iowa and everywhere else in the country. So his inability to be here tonight, in my opinion, is really not anything negative. In fact it will be very positive when he comes back again. One only had to be in laconia a couple weeks ago when he was there with overflow crowds. I saw it firsthand. I was astounded by the number of people. There is a huge outcry in New Hampshire for a person like mr. Trump, a person who has run a very successful business and who has said it like it is. Unfortunately, a lot of the other candidates are saying what they think the voters want to hear. Mr. Trumps words are resonating because hes not sheltering them in the talking points or hes not couching them in what the pollsters are telling him. Hes doing it from the heart. Okay. And thats what people want. Jennifer i heard your voice a second ago. Did you want to jump in and respond to any of that . Oh no. Listen i like i said a second ago, im not here to debate other candidates im not here to tell people who is the right person to vote for. We are very excited. We have the broadest most qualified field of candidates that weve seen in my lifetime. Tonight is an important part of the process. Thats just beginning to unfold. And ive been through a couple of cycles up here brooke. While the summer before is always an he can siting time as the candidates begin to come anyone who has been following politics in New Hampshire for very long knows that the polls today arent really measuring who folks have decided they are going to vote for on election day. Theres a lot that will unfold between now and then. I say all the time theres no such thing as a frontrunner in New Hampshire this early in the game. But i was here to talk about the forum, what an important step this is for our candidates to be directly in front of real voters for them to be able to measure them up. Here in New Hampshire, were not just looking at a policy perspective or political perspective but a personal perspective as well. Its hard work to earn the faith and trust and vote. I understand that. Weve got a long way to go. Jennifer lou, thank you so much. Its a big night for republicans tonight in New Hampshire. No doubt about it. Next, breaking news, and it involves cnns own story. Who was captured and how this individual was captured . Thats next. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. vo after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble. And stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not honda. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. Got some breaking news in the wake of one of cnns original series. A mother has been arrested as a direct result of the cnn program the hunt. Megan was on the run with her 3yearold daughter and shes accused of taking this child from her father because she didnt want her to get vaccinated. A tip came in hours after this episode aired of the hunt. Megan was very bubbly. Things became a little more personal. It just kind of progressively became more than just a friendship. When megan found out she was pregnant that was the game changer. That was a big change. Lily was always outgoing and a bundle of joy. After they broke up it seemed that she was trying to cut him out of her life completely. I got my daughter that first week and then i brought her. I went to pick her up on may 13th knocked on carlos door he opens the door and says megan doesnt live here. She moved. And he slammed the door in my face. I have the host of the hunt with john walsh with me on the phone. How did they find this mother . Brooke, the wonderful fans and viewers of the hunt helped us catch four people last year and now this is our first capture this year and someone did the right thing, thought that they had seen Megan Everett in gainesville, florida. We always protect the identity of our callers. Ive said it. You dont have to give us your name or get involved. You can remain anonymous. We gave the tip to the u. S. Marshals and the local sheriff around gainesville, florida, and they got Megan Everett. But the best thing of all, brooke i just got the news myself i felt like doing a cartwheel because now this little 3yearold girl lily is back safe with her father and many many people were very worried about Megan Everett. She was hanging around with this White Supremacist Group for a while, on the run with them. And everybody worried and anguished about little lily but shes safe today because of the bravery of a caller. Its incredible what you have done with your life and helping find all of these people and put them behind bars including this particular episode of the hunt. John walsh, kudos to you and your team truly. Thank you so much. You can watch this episode of the hunt on demand. Go to cnn. Coming up after baltimores most violent month in decades, federal agents are going to provide their plan and how they are hoping this will affect the city, next. I hate cleaning the gutters. Have you touched the stuff . Its evil. And ladders. Sfx [screams] they have all those warnings on em. Might as well say. youre gonna die, jeff. you hired someone to clean the gutters. Not just someone. Angies list helped me find a highly rated Service Provider to do the work at a fair price. Everyone can shop, but members get more with reviews, live customer support, and better pricing. Come see what the new angies list can do for you. Food should be good. Strawberries should sing. Lettuce should be dirty. Dressing, clean. Debates should be healthy. Hatchets buried. Tables should be full. And good food should be good for you. Were not saying these are the rules we should all live by. But its a good place to start. Panera. Food as it should be. I called for help as soon as i saw her. I found her wandering miles from home. When the phone rang at 5am i knew it was about mom. I see how hard its been on her at work and i want to help. For the 5 million americans living with alzheimers and millions more who feel its effects. Lets walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimers for good. Find your walk near you at alz. Org walk. When i lay in my tempurpedic contour, then i slowly feel it start to kind of wrap itself around me. My mind just goes kind of blank and the next thing i know its morning. With tempurflex youve got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress and it also adjusts to my body. My cloud feels so comfortable. It feels like somebodys hugging you. How can a bed do that . This is the best investment of your life because this is where dreams are made. vo theres a tempurpedic for everyone. Find the feel thats right for you. Boy once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. One day, it started to rain and rain. Water got inside and ruined everybodys everythings. The house thought she let the family down. But the family just didnt think a flood could ever happen. The reality is floods do happen. Protect what matters. Get flood insurance. Visit floodsmart. Gov flood to learn more. The city of baltimore taking a new approach to help deal with out of control violence. Today, federal agents are embedded with local officers. Ten officers from these five different agencies will be joining baltimores homicide unit in a program called be fed and city leaders, including the mayor and interim Police Commissioner are holding a conference to talk about this. The city experienced riots and looting and the six officers now criminally charged in the death of an africanamerican man in police custody, freddie fray, has ended its most deadliest month since 1972. There were 45 homicides reported and that follows the month of may with 42 deaths. The sun says the city has never seen two consecutive months with so many killings. So here to discuss, i have local Security Group ceo david katz. You know about the notion of federal agents embedding in a local police department. Thats not entirely you know unique. But i want you to tell me what they will be doing. Well typically, federal agencies have created task forces that specialize in whatever the agencys mission is. For example, dea has Narcotics Task force, atf, fbi, everyone does. So the federal local Law Enforcement cooperation is longstanding. This seems to be a bit different and i dont understand it at all. Putting federal agents embedded with homicide investigators. For the most part you dont have for example federal homicide investigators. You may work a homicide lets say youre an fbi agent. You may get several homicides in your career as opposed to a new york city investigator working 30 years and working homicides in brooklyn im not sure where they are going with this or who they got and what their background is. It doesnt make any sense. From evan perez, our justice correspondent, hes been all over the story, they will be answering 911 calls, working cases, atf also sending a group to work with the ceasefire units. Ive talked to these two active officers not too long ago who talked to me about what is known as the blue flu and they were saying right now they will be reactive but they are not being proactive. Exactly right. When you talk about, you know the greatest number of homicides in decades, two months in a row, do you think that is still behind that number . Theres no doubt. There is no question. The thugs on the street in baltimore by the way, here and everywhere else the president of the United States who intinge tifstinctively reacted against Law Enforcement. Theres always a but. It always has the potential to go bad. What we need to stress the most important thing is, no matter what the encounter is if you feel you are being unjustly treated by the police comply with what they say and then sue in court. That doesnt always happen. There are bad seeds among the neighborhood or among the officers. The problem now is because of those few bad seeds and by the way, not all of these incidents ferguson is an example of a cop doing the right thing and starting this chain of events. For cops who are bad, they are either corrupt or incompetent, the problem now is people are challenging Law Enforcement and, unfortunately, cops feel that if they get into something, even if its a close call youre not going to be supported. So what would you do . I have two years left until retirement three kids one in college. It can all go south very fast. This interim Police Commissioner kevin davis says they clear 36 of homicides when the departments average has been 46 . Gun seizeures are up 26 . How do they combat that . They need to do what giuliani well pregiuliani. The way its supposed to work stop question and, if necessary, or if its indicated, frisk. So you want the police to feel like they are part of the community. They have the support of the good people the hardworking people who dont want these criminals shooting up the streets and killing the local inhabits. You want cops proactive and to stop people that look like they are up to no good. You get a lot of bad guys off the street and thats not being done. David katz thank you. Youre welcome. More breaking news here. Now to cincinnati and the test results from that begin bottle that samuel dchlubose had in his car. It was not alcohol. It was consistent with air freshener. Remember the deadly encounter, this was officer ray tensing. He asked what Samuel Dubose he was asked what was in the bottle. It was recorded. What is in that bottle . [ inaudible ]. Bottle of what . Okay. Do you have your license on you . Yeah. Just moments later, dubose was shot in his head and killed. He died instantly. Officer ray tensing is now facing a murder charge. Cnns jean casarez is joining me with more on this bottle and what specifically you have learned about this. Reporter well we just got this information in from the Hamilton County Coroners Office. Plim near testing has that its consistent are fragrant products air fresheners and perfumes. I spoke with sam duboses sister. She said to me its air freshener in that bottle. I know what he kept in there. Look at the color of it. Ginn isnt the color of the liquid in that bottle. As you can see from the video, you see its yellowish tinted substance, not what we denote as ginn. Now, the Coroners Office is saying theyre continuing to test other items in the car for evidentiary value. They will not release any other results under the testing is complete. I think, brooke one thing this tells us he didnt stop him for alcohol, but this shows that sam dubose was telling the truth when he spoke words to the officer that day. Thank you, jean casarez. The u. S. Says it will defend the rebels but could put the u. S. At risk with the syrian government. Well explore that, next. Whoa what are you doing . Putting on a movie. Im trying to watch the game here. Look i need this right now ok . Come on i dont want to watch that. Too bad this is happening. Fine, what if i just put up the x1 sports app right here. Ah jeez its so close. He just loves her so much. Do it. Come on. Do it. Come on yes awww, yes that is what im talking about. Baby. Call and upgrade to get x1 today. Could u. S. Bomb Syrian Forces loyal to al assad in the war against isis . That as the president obama signed off on the decision Senior Administration officials tells cnn it was, quote, months in the making. This comes on the heels of news that isis is losing some of its ground in iraq. Intelligence officials describe the situation as quote unquote a stalemate, a holding pattern. So lets talk with Kimberly Dozier in washington. First, let me begin with that the sid ways between the how do you read that . Well there isis cant take more territory right now, but that its still managing to maintain some of the areas it controls parts of Ramadi Fallujah areas where the Iraqi Government has told us they are preparing the ground work for an assault, but they havent gotten there yet. Ive had u. S. Intelligence officials tell me that the sfle large territory that isis does control inside the iraq much of it is unpopulated, so really they mostly carry about the cities so watch in the next week and months whether the iraqi forces through the softening exercises as theyre calling them manage to lay the ground work and tails those cities back. To the broader theme, though if the United States is defending the Syrian Rebels the u. S. Trained Syrian Rebels against these attacks, wouldnt that mean the u. S. Could potentially go to war with Bashar Al Assads forces . They could, but theyve designed the routes of engagement at least as far as theyre explaining them to us to try to avoid that through geography. Theyre talking about defending the u. S. Trained forces that deploy in the northern part to those are the 60 rebels just the 60 u. S. Trained rebels . Hopefully to be supplemented u. S. Officials say, by future forces. Yes, in the north of the country where u. S. Ened other Coalition Planes are already conducting air strikes, where the forces of Bashar Al Assad already know to give them wide berth, knolls toss war planes would be talking to forces on the ground and acting in their defense. This is probably as much to give some as soon as of confidence to those forces on the ground and hopefully encourage other Syrian Rebels to try out for the team and join up. At this point, who wants to be a target if you dont have that kind of backup . On that point, you know precisely that point, theyre having a tough time recruiting these rebels. I know their main focus has been assad. Is this appeasing them as well . You know saying u. S. Will help you with assad if you hell u. S. Can isis. Does that make sense . A lot of the rebels have not wanted to sign up because they have to sign a pledge saying they will only use these new skills and new weapons to fight isis not to fight the forces of assad. So this at least puts something more on the Positive Side of the equation gives them another reason to join up. You know if you are fighting on behalf of u. S. And coalition, you will have their firepower to call on. But youre still not going to have a huge surge, i think, of forces coming to join. One of the other reasons they needed to announce this now is other militant force, chug alift with al qaeda, they have said theyre going to target the u. S. Backed sources. Thats got to be in the psychological operations realm a factor aimed at robs thor u. S. Trained forces of their steam. So this this kind of it sends a message to isis to al nasr and the regime of aassad that these forces are not to be messed with. Kimberly dozier thank you so much. That does it for me. Im brooke baldwin. Well see you at the same time tomorrow. Right now were going to washington the lead with jake tapper starts right now. \s. Will Hillary Clinton face a challenge from Vice President biden . Im jake tapper this is the lead. The politics lead. Hes come back to devastating tragedy before now buzz is building. The Vice President is weighing another president ial run. As donald trump cements his plays at center stage this thursday according to a brandnew poll. Is a candid biden the democratic answer to a candid trump . The National Lead a historic droid turning the states into a tinderbox. Deadly wildfires across california exploding in size and threatening thousands of homes with barely a drop of release in sight. Also n

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