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Conditioned escape route, even equipped with a track for a motorcycle a rails. The whole purpose of the tunnel to get el chapo out. I want to bring in Polo Sandoval who is near the prison. So did he have help from the inside . Are prison fwishls s officials being questioned . Reporter well, you know we know that at least 18 of these prison officials are currently in mexico city which is about an hours drive east of where we are just outside of deluca mexico. And i can tell that you investigators are very iger to find out if they possibly played a role in this escape because you also have to think about just a tremendous effort that was in play here leading up to the weekend escape. We did know that that very sophisticated tunnel from the inside of the prison facility you see behind me stretching out about a mile towards an unfinished very simple cinder block home was very sophisticated. So as a result, they have serious questions here investigators do as to who may have played a role. If you look behind me that is an actual construction zone. So there is a possible theory here that is in play that some of these accomplices were trying to hide in plain sight. Were continuing to see some of these legitimate crews working on this ongoing project. Of course there is no telling if these other individuals were actually trucking some of the dirt that was removed to create that tunnel right in plain sight in front of federal police about so that right now the priority is not not only to find out exactly how he was able to execute such a daring elaborate escape but also where this is dangerous individual. While short . Stature, still a towering figure in the criminal underworld. That manhunt under way right now. Joining me now to discusses this, don winslow, author of the cartels. I was reading this oped that you wrote. Hes escaped before, concealing himself in a laundry basket. He was recaptured last year and then locked up in that prison that was supposed to be immune to bribes. An apparently did little to accommodate the usually powerful cartel inmate. So first if you would sort of set the stage for us. In your view, what was life like in prison for him . Was it different than the first time around whereas you said it was more like a four star hotel . No i very much doubt it was any different at all. This is an unprecedented event. You have a man who as you alluded to second most wanted man after Osama Bin Laden who escapes not the once but twice from a socalled maximum security prison. He ran the prison the first time. There is little room for doubt that he probably ran this tile. It this time. Youre talking about a very ruthful powerful businessman with the power and intimidation and the money to buy his way out of prison. And i want to read what you had written in your oped. You say if this departure was like the last one, el chapo didnt escape, he checked out of a hotel and paid the bill with bribery, intimidation and black hail. So essentially what youre alluding to here is that you dont necessarily buy in idea that he escaped through that tunnel. You actually think he could have just walked out the front door. I think thats a possibility. He might have gone out of this tunnel. I think its rather unlikely. The laundry cart story proved to be false. But look at what were being asked to believe. Where he went out this tub he will tunnel or not that somebody dug a mile long tunnel with air conditioning, ventilation, trackshe will tunnel or not, that somebody dug a mile long tunnel with air conditioning, ventilation, tracks under a maximum security prison and nobody heard anything, nobody saw anything . Pamela if something dug a big tunnel under your house, i bet you the neighbors might have something to say about it. Right. Just makes you wonder this is someone who is a multibillionaire and prison officials in mexico, they dont make a lot of money. And corruption is ram pants as weve talked about. We know the us was trying to exfrom aex extradite him. Pants as weve talked about. We know the us was trying to extradite him. Why was the u. S. So desperate to get on the u. S. Soil and why did he not want to be extradited to the u. S. . What these drug lords fear more than anything else is extradition to the United States for two reasons. One, they go to a genuine super max prison where they cant control their organizations from the inside. And, two, theyre not going to escape. You know its bizarre, its right out of pages of this book i just did, the cartel, i describe you know, the escape and the Living Conditions and why they dont want to be extradited in that book. And now we have this news. So if hes caught again which of course that is the hope do you think the u. S. Will get him this timinge around . I doubt it. The corruption is not just of Prison Guards. The corruption goes wide and deep. Understand that these Prison Guards might not have had a choice. El chapo guzman has the power to reach out to kill them, kill their families. So its not take the money or dont at that time money. Its at that time money or we kill you. On a higher level of corruption hes used his power and influence and i think blackmail to block or delay extradition to the United States. Really interesting to hear your sperk difference. Perspective. Thank you so much. Thank you. And up next right here in newsroom breaking news out of the white house. President obama commuting the sentences of nearly 50 drug offenders in prisons across america. Hear why. Plus, the Nuclear Talks between iran and the west hit a major snag after indications that a deal was close. Hear what the big disagreement is all about and why a deleted tweet is involved. 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Lets go straight to evan perez who has been reading through the complaint. What you can tell us . This is one complaint from the Justice Department that underscores what all those warnings we were hearing before july 4th weekend about the concern that there were people here in this country that might be looking out to carry oatut terrorist attacks here. Alexander chicolo is the name he was 23 he was arrested in massachusetts and according to the complaint from the Justice Department he had plans to contrary out ancarry out and at being a in a crowd place. The not only attack people with firearms he took delivery of four firearms on july 4th. The not only attack people with firearms, he took delivery of four firearms on july 4th. From someone cooperating with the fbi. But when the fbi searched his home they also fond that he had improvised devices, bombs that he was making in his apartment. And those were intended to be set off in large crowds pamela. According to the after thefidavit from the fbi, he said these molotov cocktails also contained some kind of styrofoam soaking in motor oil about a that would allow for the device when the explosion happened for it to stick to peoples skin and make it harder for firefighters to put out the fire. This is something were still going through the complaint from the Justice Department and well be able to provide a little bit more detail later on. But this again underscores what all those warnings we were hearing before fourth of july about the plots the fbi was concerned about again tied to the fourth of july holiday. And we know he was arrested on the fourth of july and the documents have been sealed up until now. Makes you wonder if this is one of the plots director james comey alluded to that the fbi thwarted. Evan, stick around because there is another big top that i can were discussing today, and that is what white house announced that the punishment didnt fit the crime for 46 nonviolence drug offenders and now the president is commuting their sentences. And he gave more reasons why in a video posted to the white house website. These men and women were not hardened criminals. But overwhelming majority had been sentenced to at least 20 years. 14 of them had been sentenced to life for nonviolent drug offenses. So their punishments didnt fit the crime. And if they had been sentenced under todays laws nearly all of them would have already served their time. So heres how obama compares. He has issued 153 george w. Bush issued 200, though clinton the most at 457 and george h. W. Bush just 77. So im going to turn now to evan perez again. Evan, just set the stage for us. Van jones, as well. And theyre all leaving prison on the same day, is that right . Thats right. The plan is for these people to be set free, people who as the president mentioned received much stiffer sentences than if he were if they would be sentenced for the same offenses thousand. And the president has gotten this reputation of being a bit stingy with pardons, but on commutations, you see that hes it turning that around in part because the administration has changed the way prosecutors are treating some lower level what are considered lower level drug offenses. So the Justice Department encouraged lawyers and defendants to apply for commutations because these are people who again, her to be sentenced now would be getting much less time some were getting lifetime prison sentences, some of them were 100 years or more for crack offenses that today would be just a few years. Van, youve been passionate about this issue. Tell me why this is so significant and the mandatory minimum minimums. As evan pointed out there were people serving longer sentences for crack cocaine. Than for shooting cops. Lets be clear. That puts it in perspective. Were in a situation thousand where you literally have people who are doing 30 years, 35 years, life sentences for nonviolent drug offenses. I went to yale law school. 85 of that campus were nonviolent drug offenders. So youre not talking about people who cannot be given a Second Chance and frankly even people who have done things much worse should be given a Second Chance. But im very proud of the president because frankly the republicans have been getting way out front on this. You have ted cruz saying mandatory minimums dont make sense. Case kasich rick perry, Newt Gingrich saying you have a big stale government bureaucracy locking people up stealing their liberty for no good reason. And none of the science shows that it makes anybody better if they have an addiction issue to put them behind bars this long. Makes you wonder if the bipartisan spuptupport played in to this. I think this is going to be a big part of his legacy and i think it will be one of the few areas where youre going to be able to see finally republicans and democrats come together. Honestly im thrilled also that you have organizations pushing this for a long time families against mandatory minimums. Some of their people are part of this. People have been saying for a very long time this does not make sense. Its not good for america. Its not consistent with liberty and justice for all if youre putting one out of every four people locked up anywhere in the world are locked up here in the United States. And correct me if im wrong with this but 5 of the worlds population 25 of the prisons population. So this isnt just about the individuals. Its also about the overcrowding in our prison systems. So all right. Van jones, thank you so much for coming on and evan perez of course thank you. Up next rereading the tea leaves. A possible nuclear deal with iran. Does a deleted tweet hold clues on how this might turn out . My next guest says this deal is still too big to fail. Also cnn goes underground and inside the extensive tunnel system once used by mexican drug kingpin el chapo, including a tunnel hidden under his own bathtub. Its so shiny. I know, mommy, but its time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. If you want beautiful results, you know where to go. Angies list. Everyone can shop for services from highly rated companies, even without a membership. But as a member, you can save more. And you get exclusive access to ratings and reviews. Angies list is there. For all your projects big and small. Pretty come see what the new angies list can do for you. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . 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Just last week on capitol hill joint chiefs chairman Martin Dempsey said that he opposed the lifting of the arms embargo and the secretary of defense agreed. Take a listen. It doesnt sound like based on what youre saying given their activity in the region that it would be be a good idea to lift the arms embargo right now on what iran receives. Would you agree with peame on that that . We want them to continue to be isolated on military and limited to the kinds of equipment. All right. Lets talk about the potential iran deal and the arms embargo with the former Senior Adviser at the state department. So this last minute holdup over the arms embargo, do you think that this could actually kill the deal . No i dont think so. I think its going to be something that they will haggle over, if iran wont get this they will ask for something else. And there are also other little technicalities that they have to work out. I think both sides have put too much into this deal for too long and there is a lot of the prestige both sides riding on this deal going through. So i dont think they would walk away from it very easily. Are you surprised that this has emerged as the main Sticking Point . It was on the periphery and now all of a sudden its a huge issue. Well, in negotiations like this each party is connected to another part. So when they talk about lifting of sanctions in one area automatically an issue of what is covered under sanctions will come to the fore. There are also countries like china and russia which are very interesting in lifting of these sanctions. Because they look to see what is it that they can sell to iran and do business with iran once the sanctions are lifted. And there will be a lot of bonanza for them if iran is able to actually spend the money that the United States and the other european powers will unfreeze on arm sales from russia and china. So those powers have also been pushing it on the agenda. And of course russia does sell lot of weapons to iran. You talked about how big of a dealing it is for both sides. In fact iranian president quickly posted and deleted a tweet, it says iran deal is viger tovig victory of diplomacy and Mutual Respect over the outdated paradigm of canexclusion and coercion. And this is a good beginning. He deleted it but in your view is this a window into how they will try to sell the deal . Absolutely. Theyre trying to show this as a diplomatic victory for themselves that all this time and effort that they have spent has been productive for iran and theyre also going to try to rally the iranian public around this deal and make it much easier to sell it when they go back home. I think the sense with iranian government is that if they can show the iranian public that this deal is a good deal, that it will open iran to integration into the global community, whether bring economic benefits then that iranian public can ultimately perhaps parliament and the establishment will support the deal as well. And it makes you wonder how the u. S. Will try to sell it especially to those politicians who wanted the Nuclear Program essentially gone which likely will not be part of this deal. Thank you so much appreciate it. Thank you. And up next, is the sgchlt op establishment turn on donald trump . I think hes a wrecking ball for the future of the Republican Party with the Hispanic Community and we need to push back. And Rupert Murdoch also taking a swipe at the billionaire candidate as trump continues to draw large crowds with his strong stance on immigration. Does this pose a problem for the gop brand . Well discuss. Wish your skin could bounce back like it used to . 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Will stay with you forever. Especially if you dont leave. You got it booking right. Booking. Com booking. Yeah i think its safe as to say donald trump has our attention and he seems to like it that way. Take a look to how trump responded to hecklers in phoenix. I wonder if the Mexican Government sent them over here. I think so. Because im telling you i tell about the bad deals that this country is making. Mexico i respect the country theyre taking our jobs. Theyre taking our manufacturing. Theyre taking our money. Theyre taking everything and theyre killing us on the border. And mexico does not like it. So remember this. Dont worry, well take our country back. Very soon. Very soon. So while trump may be basking in the furor, they are drawing cringes from fellow candidates. I think hes a wrecking ball for the future of the Republican Party with the Hispanic Community and we need to push back. Big crowds loose talk a nervous gop. It is the trump effect. And joining me now to discuss all of this Gabriel Sherman from new York Magazine and also the author of the loudest voice in the room how fox news was built. And also joined by m. J. Lee. M. J. First to you. If you would just sort of set the stage with the divide within the go. Over trump and sort of how they respond to him. The Republican Party is clearly trying to figure out just how to respond to donald trump. You saw Lindsey Graham referring to him as taking a wrecking ball to the party. And then we have others like ted cruz who has been more eager to come to Donald Trumps defense. I think its clear that the last thing republicans want going into 2016 was to be dealing with this when they were trying to respond to hispanic voters. Ic that thei think that the take oraway was trump represents that from the Republican Party. No doubt about it, trump has sparked the conversation on the campaign trail about immigration. In that sense 45shas he had a big from you . No doubt. There is an internal war going on inside the Republican Party and credit we saw Rupert Murdoch who owns fox news send out a very strongly worded tweet that basically called trump wrong. And that to me was a message that he was sending to his own news channel fox news that basically says youre giving trump too much oxygen, this is bad for the Republican Party. And i want to talk about one of your recent tweets. You said that youre hearing from multiple sources that several days before trump announced he was running that he hood a two to three hour private lunch with aile sflt. It was a meeting of the minds. Ailes views are largely in sync with trumps on immigration. Hes very hawkish. And in my book, i reported that he wants the navy s. E. A. L. S to go to the Mexican Border and shoot anyone coming across p this is pretty extreme stuff. So privately this is what the chief of fox thinks. And you see that trump saying that publicly. You could almost say done frtrump is speaking for ailes. So do you think murdochs tweets are a push back is this. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. Is this. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. S this. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. This. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. This. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. His. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. Is. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. S. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. Without a question. And it will be fascinating to look at fox news coverage. You started to see see this morning fox talk heads were pushing back to trump. Brit hume for one. Exactly. To you start to see some daylight there. Well, thanks so much. Appreciate it. Moving right along, coming up was Atticus Finch a racist all along . That is a big question. The recluseive author of to kill a mocking bird shedding new light on the iconic character. And scurrying through underground tunnels is all within a days work for max ken drug cartels. El chapo guzman used an elaborate tunnel system. Cnn takes you underground and inside his complex tunnel network. Nothing fits, huh . Not surprising. With that bloated belly. You got gas. I can see it and i know you feel it. Get gasx. It relieves bloating in minutes. Plus that uncomfortable pressure. No wonder its the 1 gas relief brand. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. You total your brand new car. Nobodys hurt,but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do, drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had a Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. New car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base Liberty Mutual policy. And for drivers with accident forgivness,rates wont go up due to your first accident. Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Underground tongue he will groundground tunnels are Standard Operating Procedures investigators say theyre how cartels secretly get around town. He El Chapo Guzman employed an extensive underground tunnel system. After his arrest last year nick parker got an upclose look at how elaborate these tunnels really are. Reporter on this quiet residential street with a school just across is one of five of guzmans safe houses. Were going inside to take a look. Before we enter, cameras and reinforced steel door reveal the priority of security. I think one of the first things that hits is you just how modest and basic it is. A small little kitchen. Some of the bedrooms here are pretty dingy. Marines tell us this was part of his strategy to have a very modest accommodations that he could hide in plain sight. In almost every bedroom of the house, there are two tv screen, one for security and one for tv. When you go in the bathroom, the picture of a normal house really does transform. Beneath this bathtub, a secret tunnel. So if you climb down the steps, you find yourself in the tunnel itself and you can see its been quite carefully constructed out of wood. You have to crouch a little bit, but youre quite mobile. And there an electricity system running throughout. The nearest safe house is 3 kim local coil kilometers in this direction. If goi through this door youre in the sewage system and the done he system comes out right here in another safe house just down the road. As you can see, it is very similar setup to the previous one. In all the houses evidence of life suddenly suspended. A childs slide, christmas decorations, and a fondness for mayonnaise. This safe house perhaps the most significant of all of them, this is where guzman escaped when he wassing pursued by mexican marines. They found they had missed him by eight minutes. And this is where he fled to through this bedroom and into this bathroom whereas you can see, there is another escape hatch underneath this bathtub. Max marines tell us they discovered this entire network when they arrested the head of guzmans security and he gave them this information. Once again underlines the very central role of intelligence in the arrests of one of the worlds most wanted men. Nick parker cnn. The pritsprison was supposed to be secure but its turned in to one huge embarrassment for mexico. Phillip holloway joining me. The escape raises serious questions about mexicos criminal Justice System. Should we really be surprised that this happened . I dont think anyone on the north side of the border is surprised. If mexico is surprised, they have to be fooling themselves. We knew eches a mashe was a master of escape. This tunnel system is their wave getting people and things across the border. So how its a surprise is i dont understand me. We talked about the fact that the u. S. Wanted to xa x. Take dit him last go around. Why wasnt he . The United States made a formal extradition request. Even before they received it mexico said well let you know in about 300 or 400 years. They were i think assuming that he would serve out his prison time. We knew better than that. We wanted to get him here so we could get him into a super max where he would spend 243 hour as day in a cell. And some of his enemies in the drug cartels have been extradited to the u. S. So there is precedent. And i think that speaks to just how powerful and how far the ten ten in a cals reach. So why do you think he fought to not be extradited to the u. S. . Clearly he didnt think he could use the same sort of manipulation and power here as he does in mexico. We know he has his tentity cals into the u. S. But not the degree that you could tunnel out of the super max in colorado for example and go out in a tunnel that has lights and ventilation and a power cart to get things out. Youre not going to do that in a the United States. But mexico is entirely different. Their prisons are not quite the same. So when you infiltrate the criminal Justice System you infiltrate prison management if you will or you become the de facto management of the prison you can get out just the way he did. So if hes captured again which of course that is the hope what happens then . Do you think then he may be extradited here after what were seeing . Anything is possible but i think really in could be a blessing in disguise if the United States can manage to capture him somewhere else in the world and then bring him to the United States to stand trial, we have indictments in i think seven or eight different federal ju ris diksrisdictions throughout the United States. So if we can bring him here it might be a blessing in disguise that hes escaped. Do you think hes left mexico or is that his safe haven . Mexico is his safe haven, so ifs play hes playing it smart, hes probably still in mexico. But i dont think well ever see him again. All right. Okay. Still ahead, were following breaking news. Word that the u. S. Has disrupted a terror plot on the home front in the name of isis. An american at the center of it allegedly planning to target college cafeterias. New details coming in straight ahead. And up next, the book spts even isnt even out yet, but 55 years after to kill a mocking bird oig, the latest twist is turning the literary world on its head. Was atityticus finch a racist . Well discuss. Isnt even out yet, but 55 years this next story brings new meaning to the term spoiler. I about the you knownoe bet you know what im talking about. A new novel out tomorrow. Your chance to turn away. If youre still with me Atticus Finch into kill a mock bird is portrayed as a racist in lees go set a watchman. I know its wounding. But harper lee wrote this version of Atticus Finch before to kill a mocking bird. When she presented it to an editor, the editor suggested she rewrite the story in the eyes of finchs daughter and thats what led to to kill a mocking bird and the atticus that we all admire was born. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Did he climb inside of his skin walk around it. According to a documentary filmmaker who just met the 89yearold author lee wants the world to know her original version of finch. Shes issued statements, her lawyers issued statements. Her very Close Friends have been interviewed. Everyone says shes delighted and happy to have it published. I did ask her if she thought it was ever going to be published and she said dont be silly, of course i did. So that was her answer. With me now political commentator for the Alabama Media group, alabama of course a state where harper lee lives and the setting to her books. Also here, political commentator and democratic strategist donna brazile. Thank you both for being on with us. Thanks for having me. Youre in alabama and there has been so much reaction strong reaction to this. Really across the board from all over. And lets look at a couple of the tweets really echos the devastation of fans out there. One that we read says quote, the idea of Atticus Finch be racist is like spielberg doing a sequel in which e. T. Punches elg yot in the face and steals his lunch money. And then this one, my figures area husband since the aid great is a racist and my entire childhood is a lie. Why do you think this has struck such a nerve . Look i grew up here in alabama. I read this book in high school. A lot of people here in alabama and throughout the world, this was one of their coming of age books and that sort of taught them right from wrong, black from white, how, you know were supposed to behave. And lets face it in the last month or so weve really struggled especially here in the south with how we view our heros. And looking back on people who had feet of clay and here to find out that Atticus Finch or maybe this new version was not the perfect person we always thought him to be. It can be a bit shaking. You bring up a really interesting point, kyle because youre saying basically just recently especially in the south a lot of people have had to grapple with who are their heros especially donna we saw the lowering of the Confederate Flag and other huge monumental things have happened with Race Relations just in the past year or so. Do you think that has played in at all into this the reaction that atticus was a racist . Essentially it pokes holes in to someone who was a hero to so many. I still believe that you can read both books and can away understanding what that particular era was all about. I read it in 7th grade. Mr. Lookckwood yes, i remember my teachers name. It was a long time ago, trust me we talked about redemption. We talked about forgiveness. It was a moment of healing and transgression and explaining how can an innocent person be accused of something in the case of in the book of to kill a mocking bird it was rape. And imagine in 7th grade talking about rape. But then as you know, the book used the n word several times and we had to discuss that, as well. So i think, you know the new book im interested in reading it. It wasnt on my list, my bucket list this summer to read but im going to include it because i think its very important to see mr. Atticus and this other part of him, to learn that her dad wasnt upright, moral man, but that he was bigoted, but her long time boyfriend. Spoil alert. Im sorry. On that point on the flip side of this, there has been the reaction of, look, this is real life. People arent this cookie cutter heros like Atticus Finch may is been in the first book that this shows that people evolve and they change and what is your take on that approach to it or that perspective about it . Well, i think it makes this character just that much more human and perhaps atticus is the hero we want and this new atticus is the hero that we have or what weve come to learn is you know wasnt really who we thought it was. But again, its important to see these as two very different books. This is going to be very interesting for english professors and colleges all across the country to talk about. I had a professor in college who said that the key to being apenglishap english an english major is being able to talk at length about books we havent read and we havent had the chance yet to read this new book so we dont quite know what were dealing with. But i think its going to be lessons in you know, just the complexity of people and also about the creative process. And really dealing with disappointment. I was reading one article that said you know, to kill ato kill a mocking bird is maybe what you read in high school and the new book in college or when youre a little older as an adult. I want to ask you both do you think, kyle and donna, that it was a good or bad thing that this book has come out and that the world knows that atticus was a racist . She wrote this book. This was the original book before edited. Before exactly. Which i think is interesting. She wrote it before to kill a mocking bird. Right. But she wrote it after the 1954 case in brown v. Board of education. She wrote it at a time when young people across the south began, young black people gap to sit at lunch counters. And it was an inspiration for so many back in the day during the sif civil rights movement. So im interested in reading to see what a white man in alabama in 1930 was thinking because im sure although they may not think out loud like that anymore, im going to read it for that purpose. I want to see just the thought process and when she came back from the north and her eyes are opened to the reality that her father is not will this upright moral fair and bamlanced human being but in fact has beliefs and feelings that are out of touch with her home life look its a work of fiction. Ill probably have a glass of wine and just enjoy it on the couch like i do now. Kyle, what is your take . I think what you said a moment ago is very much it. To kill a mocking bird is the book that you read when youre growing up. This might be the book that you read when youre grown. The first book is very much a book about Atticus Finch and about this one incident which curiously tom the defendant into kill a mockingbird is acquitted has been acquitted in go set a watchman, one of the other differences here. Thats right. I just think that this is going to be the book that we read when were grown and its something that maybe is a lot more like real life than what we read into kill a mockingbird. And by the way, its purportedly the most preordered book since the harry potter series. So a lot of anticipation. Donna, kyle thank you so much. Really interesting conversation there. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Top of the hour, im pamela brown. Breaking news into cnn. An mernamerican plotted in the name of isis. Lets bring in Alexander Field and buck sexton also a former cia counterterrorism analyst. First, alexander, what you can tell us about the alleged plot . Law enforcement sources are telling us that this is the son of a Boston Police captain, a 23yearold man from adams, massachusetts, someone who has been suffering from mental illness, that recently he had expressed interest in martyrdom online and in conversations, his interest in supports isis with an attack. Authorities finally moved in after he received four firearms from somebody cooperating with the western Massachusetts Joint Terrorism task force. After the arrest they did a search at that time they found he also had parts of molotov cocktails in his apartment and they say he had purchased a pressure cooker. Authorities say that the plan was to use nice improper advised explosive guys to launchdevices to launch an attack targeting perhaps College Dormitories or cafeterias. He also took a pen were told and stabbed a nurse in the head leaving a puncture wound behind. This might speak to the mental illness, of course sources saying he suffered from. So on that note, buck does this sound like someone who is

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