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Yeah. Thats a surprising thing. Theyve taken the fact that this man has been good to the community and has been benevolent to the community and has been a great citizen for our town and made it something bad or sinister. Let me take you back to the last part of the attorneys statement, referring to the donations that this man, robert bates, made in the past to the Tulsa Sheriffs Office as well as contributions he made to the sheriffs election campaign. A reserve deputy since 2008, bates left the jail soon after he was booked there today. Earlier this month, Officials Say he was acting as support for this undercover sting operation when 44yearold eric harris ran. Other deputies tackled him, and that is when bate fired his. 35 77 instead of his taser as intended. We have video. A warning, you see a man die. So obviously its tough to watch. Roll your stomach now [ gunshot ] im sorry [ bleep ] [ bleep ] i shot him. Oh he shot him. He shot him. [ bleep ] stop fighting. Stop fighting. He shot me. He shot me. He shot me. With me is criminal defense Attorney Tom Mesereau who once defended michael jackson. Tom, welcome back to you. I just wanted to begin with this phrase excusable homicide. This is what mr. Bate attorney is arguing mr. Bates attorney was arguing. You hear mr. Bate saying im sorry, this was a mistake. Can you explain excusable homicide. When is homicide ever excusable . What its going to mean is the following the defense is going to argue this man is a good citizen, he has no criminal record he volunteers his time for the community, he makes donations to the Police Department and did not created the situation. The defense is going to see that a serious criminal who was trying to sell guns to an undercover agent set the stage, created the situation, to get away. This man did his best with what he knew to cope with the situation and made an honest mistake. The prosecutors are going to see that it was not simply a mistake. It rose to the level of culpable reckless homicide which they call manslaughter. A think its going to be a defense lawyers cowboys, it will be tough get a conviction on. You do . I do. Go ahead no, im sorry, continue. You think this man i think this mans going to testify. I think hes going look at the jury and say we made an honest mistake, i did my best under the stress of the moment. Hes 73 apparently he has an exemplary record. The defense will put on character witnesses to show what kind of person he is. I think at the end of the day they have a good shot at acquittal. That doesnt mean the charges arent warranted. I understand what the prosecutors are doing. Theyre saying this conduct cannot be tolerated, its up to a jury to decide. You know, i was actually i was hosting a show last night. I was talking to mr. Bates attorney. And even before he talked live on cnn, he was saying listen mistake happen. Officers make mistakes. Doctors make mistakes. Thousands and thousands of mistakes each year. My question is it fire kpierair to compare the two . When i think of doctors i think of wrongful death lawsuits, not slapping somebody with seconddegree manslaughter charges. Sure. I think the defense will argue that this is a civil case, not a criminal case. The man should not be staring at the possibility of being a convicted felon the rest of his life. The case belongs in civil court, not criminal court. What about the fact as i mentioned at the top, you hear mr. Bates say, im sorri, this is a mistake. You hear language well get into it in the next segment. That wasnt this particular officer. When you talk to the attorney for mr. Bates hell say he was supposed to play a supportive role, wasnt supposed to be directly involved in the sting, was to participate in inventory this apartment post arrest. Obviously all of that went awry. Knowing that how much of that might help this case . Well, the defense is going argue that this was a serious felon, a threat to the community, that he was trying to sell guns to an undercover agent, and that guns kill people. Unlike the South Carolina case where a man was pulled over for a busted taillight and was a threat to nobody. Theyre going to see that this was a serious case, that the victim set the stage, forced everybody to go after them there was concern he might have a gun himself and this was an honest mistake and doesnt rise to the level of felony conduct. Uhhuh. Tom mesereau thank you very much. And let me move. It wasnt just the fact eric harris was shot that disturbs his family today, its what happened after that when harris was on the ground. In obvious distress. We play another clip from this takedown. Again, a warning, its disturbing to watch. [ bleep ] you losing my breath. Your breath just after the deputy surrendered today, the family of eric harris released a statement saying they are pleased with the charges. But the Harris Family also said this let me quote, this is key, the sheriff has not addressed the callous statements made by a deputy to eric after he had been shot. We have not heard the sheriff address the deputy who forcefully grinded erics head into the concrete with his knee while eric was in need of emergency medical attention. We have yet to see any remorse on the part of the tcso or any indication that it is going to change its policies. Lets talk more about this language used and the broader repercussions and significances with steven thrasher, doctoral fellow at New York University and writer at large for the guardian. He just wrote a piece entitled the inhumanity of f your breath should stop. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for having me on. Stop us cold because why . Its a completely callous disregard for human life. We are seeing the disregard of black life throughout the country, but especially in this case. You have a man who is accused of crimes, we are not extending habeas corps us to him. The way we hear about the shooter, were supposed to think hes innocent. The man who has been killed murdered frankly, is left to die. And even after hes been shot without a court of law, this group of officers have decided that he is guilty he was worthy of being executed even one officer is saying it was a mistake. We see the knee go into the head of mr. Harris we see foul language used. We are protecting their faces visually. You dont see their faces but see this man youre saying this is way deeper than what were seeing in the video. This goes back to institutionalized racism . Yes. There are many problems with this case, but the most damaging is we think its an aberration. Its not. We can connect policing and its racial form to slave patrols the kkk, the protection of property to the way that black life is disregarded in capitalism throughout industry in american history. A world where we didnt need polices is a better thing that we should be going toward, not just a world where we have more cameras to record horrors like this. I hear your side of it. Other side as you well know you have Law Enforcement. His someone here with the nypb for a long time saying listen policing isnt pretty. With all the cameras, its lifting the veil of what we have to do on the streets with, in some cases, dangerous felons. This is part of a conversation i had here on cnn last night. Not playing hop its scotch. When you have a guy and havent got him cuffed they all yell i dont breathe. If you cant breathe, you cant say i cant breathe. That we know for a fact. Im the officer saying f your breath or i dont give an f. Youre in the middle of a fight. Youre in a fight, its a tough business. Thats what a lostt of Law Enforcement will say and theyre upstanding men and women. Law enforcement is difficult work. In the movie touch of evil, Charlton Hestons character says policing should be hard. Its only not hard in a police state. Were in a position where were in a police state. This does not look that hard for these people. You have a 73yearold volunteer paying to join the Police Department kind of as a game. You have these men, callous he wouldnt say its a game just guessing, according to his lawyer. You have callous men not taking it seems their work seriously. Using foul language, being incredibly inhumane. Not calling medical services. And it gets too easy for them to do this. It looks blaze the way theyre talking blase the way theyre talking. And not necessarily ferguson but since the eric gardner case in new york and Staten Island theres video of the Police Officers trying to arrest him and the whole role of you know where the body camera are, where are the dash cameras from the police units. You write, the footage of harris murder was captured by the type of camera of which president obama wants 50,000 more. To what end . To better document the pornography of our genocide, to allow officials to say with impunity the next cop to shoot harris meant to use a taser and not a gun . Thats different from what so many have talked to. It is because just reducing the amount of Police Violence is not a good frame for think thissing about thissinging for think willing about this. We dont want to have cops violating our bodies. I want is it not a step forward in the right direction . I think its misdirection. We want a world where this is not needed. You can look at any aspect of policing and its racialized. The way cops are trained. Weve seen instances where the images theyre used to shoot are black people. Arrests are disproportionately black. Violence is disproportionately black. Even police dogs as you look at the statistics its racialized. Give an example of what would be a step in the right direction, if its not body cameras, not dash cams. A step in the right direction would be to take money out of the prison industrial complex, putting money back in education, looking at really effective ways to address quality, not just 2016 campaign thing. It means looking at why are black people shut out generation after generation from slavery to reconstruction to industrialization to post industrialization from education and opportunity and putting money in the areas, not just waiting for something to happen and documenteding it after the fact and say figure we document enough we can reduce the problem that made such a situation happen in the first place. I appreciate your perspective and coming on my show. Thank you very much. Coming up next word of a compromise involving congress and the controversial nuclear deal with iran. We have details for you ahead from washington. Also any moment now Hillary Clinton will be holding her first event in away. A round table, pictures from monticello iowa, were watching and waiting for her, and fireworks inside a courtroom over one of americas Biggest School cheating scandals. This judge finally sentencing nearly a dozen educators. You sit there or im going to put you in jail. If you yell at me [ inaudible ] im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara®. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara®. Your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin. And the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. Youre watching cnn. President obama calls it a once in a lifetime chance to block irans path to a nuclear bomb. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee now starting to debate this bipartisan bill that would force the white house to allow congress to review, possibly reject any deal with iran. Secretary of state john kerry on capitol hill asking congress not to interfere with those delicate negotiations. We Hope Congress will listen carefully, but also give us the space and the time to be able to complete a very difficult task. Kerry wants time 2. 5 months to hash out a deal without meddling from congress. Joining me from capitol hill athena jones, cnn correspondent here. First, what is in this bill . Reporter good afternoon. New information coming in from my colleague, jim accosta at the white house. He says that according to josh earnest, the president would be willing to sign the bill as it stands now, the compromise reach between chairman corker and the ranking top democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, senator cardin as it stands. If its changed during the Committee Process that we see getting underway all bet are off. Lets tell you whats in the new compromise agreement. This bill would, of course require the president s to submit the final deal to congress for the final review. During the review period the president would not be able it temporarily waive the sanction thats have been imposed by iran by congress on iran. Congress would have up to 52 days to review the bill. Theres an initial 30day review period. Then after that if Congress Sends a bill either a resolution of approval or disapproval to the president , theres another 12 days taxed on. All in all, its a 52day review process. The deal would also require the president to certify that iran is complying with the deal every 90 days. And it would require the president to provide congress with detailed reports on a range of other issues like a report on the on Irans Nuclear program, reports on its Ballistic Missiles program and also whether it is sponsoring terrorism anywhere around the world and especially against america and its allies. So thats the language that we expect to be voted on a little while from now in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. We expect it to pass unless new amendment are added on. Generally speaking once a compromise is reached they try to keep away any amendments that would derail it. And if it passes, when it passes this committee, im told it will go to the senate floor soon. Brooke . Okay. Well watch that for the Committee Vote first. Athena jones on capitol hill thank you very much. Next were watching were waiting, weve got live picture for you. This is monticello, iowa. Hillary Clinton Holding her first big event as a president ial candidate. Can she shift the tide in iowa after her stunning third place caucus . Remember that eight years ago . Well see whats about to happen during the roundtable chat. Also napping on the job, you heard about this one airport luggage worker takes that to a whole new level, well up in the cargo hold after the plane had taken off. Hello. Find out how he got back to the ground safely. The bed reacts to your body. It hugs you. Its really cool to the touch. This zips off so i can wash ityes, please. vo visit your local retailer and feel the tempurpedic difference for yourself. Im brian vickers, nascar® driver. Im kevin nealon comedian. And im arnold palmer, professional golfer. Know what we have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Me, when i had a blood clot in my leg that could have traveled to my lungs. Thats why i took xarelto®, too. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. I took xarelto® for afib. An irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke from a blood clot. Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. Hey, well im glad we got together. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. I tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. Tell me about it. Lets see, golf clinic, or blood clinic . Ooh, thats a tough one. Not this time. Not with xarelto®. Anything else . Ill have another arnold palmer. Ok. Make mine a kevin nealon. Really, brian . Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. Get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u. S. And that numbers growing. Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. You may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Iowa iowa has a way of surprising, sometimes delve dis definitely disappointing frontrunners. Hillary clinton learned that the hard way eight years ago. Now shes back live pictures here as we are about to see she is back introducing herself to iowa voters. Shes holding a small discussion with students. This is Kirkwood Community college in monticello iowa. So lets bring in our political a team to talk about it. I have Briana Keilar following her every move on the move i believe from the community table. I have jeff zeleny in d. C. , our senior washington correspondent. I also have donna brazill, our democratic strategist and Margaret Hoover republican strategist sirius x. M. Host. Welcome to all of you. Briana keilar lets put the live picture up full. Heres the question lets talk about location location, location. I know this is a community school. A small venue. Im seeing a hood of a car open near where i presume Hillary Clinton will be seated. Can talk about why they chose this location. Reporter i think they picked it because they were trying to give a sense of what may be a First Campaign stop or even an initial precampaign stop might be for a candidate who doesnt have the 100 name recognition that Hillary Clinton does. Ive spoke weekend iowa operatives who spoken with iowa operatives who think this smart. She came in big last time in 2008 and ultimately it didnt serve her very well. Coming in with little more humility and asking people questions and getting to know their views, but also nationwiding to comenationwide ing to needing to talk about her topics is key to her success in away. So far democratic voters like it. They think its good. Okay. On that jeff zeleny, let me go to you. As briana alluded to eight years ago she flew in a jet, she wasnt in this scooby doo van, shes speaking at the smaller Community College not filling some big stadium. Shes stopping in diners along the way. Why do you think this might work . They believe it will work because they believe they need to let people get close to secretary clinton and shake her hand touch her. Sort of gain that tlauft they may have lost over the that trust that they may have lost over the years or have forgotten about her. They believe being up close and personal with her, and more important, the picture of this and the local newscast of this will be broadcast across iowa on they believe that is a good introduction of the kind of campaign that she will be running. But you know, the reality is over the next almost year before the Iowa Caucuses in january, she is going to have to give speeches and answer questions. So this is basically a warmup act for her. But at some point, we can see how scripted this event is. The people are waiting for her there. The rubber is going to meet the road when she actually answers questions from some democrats about why shes running for president. The video that she released over the weekend, it was very preplanned and programmed and was nice in many respects. But it didnt answer the question of what shes going to do. At some point those questions will have to be answered. Margaret, i wanted to turn to you, when you see the video specifically its more social, domestic issues. When you look at her recent job, secretary of state nothing on Foreign Policy yet. Are you wondering where that is . I mean, she was secretary of state, she surely has plenty to say about Foreign Policy. It was a glaring omission. She made a calculated decision pull the heartstrings and not beef up on substance too early on. That is the direct dichotomy, antithesis of what she did in her 2007 introductory video, riddled with issues. Her major criticism of thensenator obama of that he didnt stand for anything. He was just this feelgood idea. Shes almost the inverse, trying to reintroduce herself in front of a car the candidate who said she hasnt driven for 17 years. I think its great choreography for her now. Ouch. You know margaret calls it cove grier, donna brazill. At the choreography donna brazill. At the time, hearing about the chipotle stop, the van shes stopped at gas stations stopping at diners. Really a lot has been made about these moments. I dont know how the campaign feels because yesterday, you know the big story was it was the first weekday that Hillary Clinton, the candidate, is out and about and headed to iowa. Instead everyones talking about chipotle. Good thing bad thing, donna . I think this is a great way for her to Start Campaign that is still about change. Thats what the majority of voters still would like to see changed. Theres no question that she has to perform good at the retail level. There are over 1,700 precincts that will be held precinct caucuses that will be held next february. And what you have to do in a state like iowa, the first state in the nation since 1972 you have to reach people where they live where they play, where they study, and where they pray. And if you dont reach them then on that cold wintry night in february when they have to stand in the precinct and declare their support they will have the ability to say i talked to Hillary Clinton. They wont be talking about i saw her at a rally and when she was talking to reporter. Theyre going to say i met her there at my school or in my living room or at the labor union hall. Thats what they want they want to feel the candidate. They want to talk to her. Thats why its important that shes there today. Let me ask all of tough stand by. I have my eye keenly this live shot. I dont see Hillary Clinton yet. Lets sneak a quick commercial break in. Well be right back. Live picture from monticello, iowa, first big campaign stop. Im caridee. Ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara®. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara®. Your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. In a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75 clearer skin. And the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. Ask your doctor about stelara®. My tempurpedic made me fall in love with mornings again. I love how it conforms to my body. With tempurpedic the whole bed is comfortable. Its the best thing we ever did for ourselves. Its helping to keep us young. vo visit your local retailer and feel the tempurpedic difference for yourself. Next monday marks the fifth anniversary of the Worst Oil Spill in u. S. History. The deepwater horizon still in the gulf of mexico. Its called blowout the gulf of oil disaster. It was 2010 when the massive explosion spilled more than 200 million gallons of crude spilling from busted well. Took almost three months to stem the flow. Cnn investigative correspondent drew griffin returns to the gulf coast to explore the spills impact now five years later on the people this the economy, and the environment. Reporter louisiana, the marshes and shores once covered in oil. Today from our boat we spot two dozen workers wearing face masks, shoveling, working on a stretch of beach. We pull up to take a look. How you doing . Doing good. Drew griffin with cnn. Nice to meet you, sir. This is Philippe Cousteau . Stay away from the Hazardous Material. Thats the cleanup site. Reporter the Hazardous Material turned out to be bps oil. A 90foot long 30,000pound tar ball. We tested one and it matched the oil from the spill. Five years later, there is still oil. Oil in big enough clumps that it needs to be dug up by a crew like this digging down 30 inches trying to take it and remove it. The pockets of tar mats that exist are in areas known to us but which were deemed by the federal government to be better to leave alone there and let them be naturally exposed to through erosion and then for us to clean them. So as they appear, we are finding and removing them. None of them poses a threat to human or aquatic life. Is this going to go on for years and years . However long it goes, on the company is committed to cleaning up that which is exposed and oil. Okay. Dry griffin is drew griffin has more on the piece. I remember standing in waders in the oil five years ago. Flash forward now. How much of the area has been able to recover . The recovery may surprise you. The fish are back the identity thefters are back, the food is of into according to scientists still on the floor, the deep ocean floor. Theyre not sure how its going to affect or not affect the fish, the gulf coast years to come. And you have all these people so heavily invested in the environment there the fishermen, tourism they dont know what to do. They dont know. Should i buy another fishing boat should i not buy another fishing boat. Should i sell the boat a lot of stlem gotten out of the a lot of them have gotten out of the business. Theyre not sure what the future holds. God forbid we have another disaster then youve got the whole industry in flux. There is an emotional toll that has been going on for five years, even as nature has shown how resilient she can be. Make sure you watch this piece tonight. Drew griffin, thank you very much. Its a special report called blowout the gulf oil disaster, tonight, 9 00 eastern on cnn. Meantime, back to monticello iowa. Here she is. Hillary clinton. Ill be graduating in may, and. Graduation ill be heading to annapolis, the naval academy, major in systems engineering. Great. My name is ellen charmin, im a junior at monticello high school. I started taking kirkwood classes my sophomore year. I began taking an online class. Im currently in the arts and sciences academy. And by the time that i graduate ill have 48 credit hours done. Really . Yeah. Year and a half. Wow. Thats great yep. Okay. Im diane temple. Im an away girl at heart. For the last 21 years ive been a High School English teacher. I spent six years here part time as an adjunct composition instructor. Great. Im jason mclaughlin. 7 through 12th grade principal at central city high school. Were one of the eight partner schools that partner with the facility to send kids of all grades for opportunities. Were happy to have you here. Welcome to monticello. Thanks. Thank you. Ill introduce [ inaudible ] thats good. Thats a good luck omen. Yeah. Im drew mullin. Im a junior at central city. Im currently taking auto tech and biotech programs here. Ive had a great time. It gives a taste of the college experience. I plan to go on and do something with engineering after high school. Great. Good. Thanks. Im bethany moore. Im what they call a nontraditional college student. Im taking Business Administration management and i also am doing the continuing ed program here at kirkwood. Great. Well first i want thank you nick, for having me here and a few of my friends in the cloej. I just in the college. I just had a terrific tour of the advanced manufacturing laboratory. I got to talk with the instructor and four of the students all of whom are High School Students who are doing what you have described as the great taunt to miktsx your High School Years with College Learning and College Credits as move forward. And i am really pleased to be at a community dlaej is college that is visionary and effective and trying to serve as a bridge for people who are nontraditional but coming back to add to their stills all the beltway High School Students who are taking advantage of the opportunities and the cooperation between the college and the high school is something i want to see a lot more. This is a real model for how we can provide more Continuous Learning starting in high school but going as far as necessary to help better prepare not only young people but all people for the economy that is awaiting us. And before we get started because i want to hear from each of you, i want more information about what you see as challenges as students and educators and the opportunities you hope to take advantage of. I just want to tell you a little bit about why im here today. I think we all know that americans have come back from tough economic times. Our economy and our country are much better off because American Families have basically done whatever it took to make it work. Its fair to say as you look across the country the deck is stacked in favor of those already at the top. And theres something wrong with that. Theres something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker, theres something wrong when American Workers keep getting more productive as they have and as i just saw a few minutes ago is very possibly possible because of education and stills training. That productivity is not matched in their paychecks. And theres something wrong when Hedge Fund Managers baypay lower tax rates than nurses or the truckers that i saw on i80 as i was driving here the last two days. And theres something wrong when students and families have to go deeply into debt to get the education and skills in order to make the best of their own lives. I look ted figures. The average iowa graduate from a Fouryear College comes out with nearly 30,000 in debt. And thats i think the ninth highest debt load in the country. And people are struggling. I met earlier today with a young student who is piecing together work and loans. Knowing full well hes going to come out owing a lot of money. Were got to figure out in our country how to get back on the right track. Im running for president because i think that americans and their families need a champion and i want to be this champion. I want to stand up and fight for people so they cannot just get by but they get ahead and stay ahead. And a lot of people in the last few days have asking why do you want to do this . What moettivates you . I guess the short answer is ive been fighting for children and families my entire adult life probably because of my mothers example. She had a really difficult childhood childhood, was mistreated neglected, but never gave up. She had to basically be on her own at the time of 14 and just kept going. My father who was a Small Business man, believed you had to work hard to make your way and do what you had to do to be successful and provided a good living for our family. I was thinking about the lessons from my church. Youre supposed to give back. Youre supposed to do what you can to help others. And thats what i tried to do. And well have more time to talk about as that as we go forward. When i got out of law school i worked for the childrens defense fund. One of the project there was literally going door to door. This was back in the 70s when kids with disabilities were basically shut out of our schools. And thanks to your great former senator, tom harkin, thats no longer the case but i was knocking on doors asking is there anybody able to go school but not going to school. I saw blind kids and deaf kids kids left out. I wanted students to have chances who deserve them. And as first lady to fight for Health Care Reform and keep fighting until we get Health Care Insurance for kids. Then as senators dealing with the problems that faced new york after 9 11 and trying to help people get what they needed. The victims families and first responders. It was an honor to do that. Then as secretary of state standing up for our country. When i look at where we are as a country, im so absolutely convince tadd that there isnt anybody anywhere who can outcompete us, can do more to provide more people the chance to live up to their own godgiven potential. We cant take that for granted. I want to be the champion who goes to bat for americans in four big areas, four big fights. Because there are those who dont agree with what i think we should be doing. Theyre powerful forces. We need to build the economy of tomorrow, not yesterday. We need to strengthen families and communities because thats where it all starts. We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all even if it takes a constitutional amendment, and we need to protect our country from the threats that we see and the ones on the horizon. Im here in iowa to begin a conversation about how we do that. And to hear from people about whats on your minds, what the challenges that you see are. Ill be rolling out ideas and policies about what i think will work. But i wanted to be informed by whats actually working. And to bold what works going forward. And to stand up for those who have a different vision of our country, a different one that than i grew up with and i think is best for everybody. With that shes going to take questions. Keep in mind, this is significant. We wanted to stay with her for a couple of minutes because this is president ial hopeful Hillary Clinton. This is the First Official Campaign Event as a candidate for president , and that is in iowa of course. Remember how she fared eight years ago, actually placing third in the caucuses behind thensenator barack obama and then john edwards and then Hillary Clinton. Much different landscape here. Ive got jeff zeleny with me donna brazill, Margaret Hoover. I think, jeff zeleny since youve just been covering or covering her since the getgo, when you look at the themes, and some of this was echoed from the video announcement sunday, really the main theme economy, economy economy. And also of trying to be explaining to americans, yes, you may know us as the clintons, but let me tell you what it was hard work heres my mom, my dad came from. And sheer how i got to be who i am today. No doubt about it, shes hitting the pause button on celebrity. Millions of americans have never voted for her before. Didnt vote for her husband before. They dont know the story. They kind of picked up midstream on her celebrity not celebritiness. Shes taking it back a bit. The first time weve heard her amplify what she wants the campaign to be about. Interwoven was a message of how she. To be a champion for people. Not what we heard a rea rebuttal to marco rubio said about her yesterday. I can tell you i remember being on the ground eight years ago at her first rallies. They were loud, raucous affairs, and she was a Long Distance from everyone. I think this is a good way for her to sit around people and be reintroduce reintroduced. A quieter tone trying to take out the celebrity as much as possible. Its not entire possible. This is scripted. I think the message is important. Donna brazill, this is all to your point too. She wants people to say, yes, i was in the room with Hillary Clinton, yes, i remember meeting Hillary Clinton, not yes, i was in this stadium with Hillary Clinton. The stadium will come because thats also important in an campaign. I think for those american those democrats, those progressives independents who wanted to know exactly why shes running, she said it today, she gave four simple reasons why shes decided to step up. To rebuild our economy, to ensure that we have the skills, the people have the skills that they need community, Families Matter and keeping our countries safe and secure. She made it easy for those you us to know why shes running. She told us, could do it in 30 seconds or less. Shes going to have spend thousands of hours in the state of iowa going to all colleagues spreading the message so people will hear it and understand it. And they will comfortable standing up for her next february. Are you right about the stadiums. Margaret hoover your reaction . Republicans need to take notice. That was a format that plays to hillarys strengths, not her weaknesses. Speaking intimately about what motivated her to public service. She as a young woman care good kids with disability and care good making the country better. That is an incredibly as operational, very appealing on aspirational, very appealing message. It seems that the small environment where shes speaking not scripted but, you know, rather authentically plays to her best strength. Frankly, you know, republicans should be wary because that appeals to the generation, it appeals to a new subset of voters that youre right, dont know her as a celebrity. Theres authenticity there that i think has been hard to catch with Hillary Clinton previously. Okay. Margaret and donna and jeff thanks to all three of you. Lets move on. Next what happens when a popular sitcom gets serious . Well talk one of the stars of the hit show new girl about the recent episode on police and racial profiling in america thats gotten a lot of buzz. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. 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Now with more not episode from new girl. I feel she wouldnt respect me. Do you know what i think . No, i dont. This is something you cant understand. Because im not black . Because i dont work for nasa . I cant fix a rocket ship . If you dont work at nasa, theyre not going to just let you walk off the street and fix a rocket ship. Youre missing my point. You lost your right to talk to me about race during the o. J. Trial. Why does it have to be a white bronco . Why not just a bronco . I can talk about this. We grew up together. We went to the same schools. I love you, but youre white, im black. I understand where shes coming from. When we were a kid we would run from the police. Even if we did nothing wrong, it was out of habit. He is one of the stars of the show. This was his First Episode for the show. Lamome morris joins me live. Good to see you sir. Hey how are you . I am wonderful. Lets begin with your character. You play this officer. And the backdrop, you lied to this girl, hid the fact that youre a cop. You cowrote the scenes this. Is a lighter comedic show. You took this and took a serious turn. Why did you want to go there . I get a lot of feedback on twitter about being a black cop, especially with everything going on in america. And people make jokes fun of the fact that i have a cat named ferguson which is ironic. After the Darren Wilson situation, i decided i actually had a moment where i felt like i didnt want to wear a Police Uniform anymore on the show. After speaking with Liz Merriweather the creator rob rozelle, coauthor of the show of the episode you know we came to a conclusion that maybe i should write the episode you know with them. And add some opinions and also stay in the uniform but keep the voice of my people you know, the voice of myself as well as try to show both sides of the fence. I understand you talked to a couple of different people. You had to get permission to collaborate and write this real scene. I hear you wanted to be more aggressive and had to tone it down. If you could have written it differently, how would you have done it . Yeah. You would have seen the show would have been all about winston. I would have been surrounded by beautiful women, lots of sex scenes. Stop it. Stop it. A lot of girlfriends. Yeah. Seriously i would put it like this lots of buzz words were going around in my script. Words like slaughtered, murdered brutalized, but you know you cant you cant put that on the show. You can use them in different context, but in this context you wouldnt be able to do that. We had had to turn down the militant side. Like sid, play both sides of the fence. I am aware that there are two sides to whats been going on. Can we can we get a little personal as far as i knew you grew up on the south side of chicago and growing up, did you fear the police . As a kid, i did. When you hear the sirens, your okay automatic reaction is to run. Let me stoup, why is that . Why is that . It wasnt so much protect and serve, it was more youre in trouble. Even if but nothing wrong you assumed when you grow up seeing black men in handcuffs, hispanic men in handcuffs, you just think that oh this is what i look like theyre coming for me. As a kid, as you grow older, you start i have friends that are cops you know. My mom, you know, taught me better. So i know thats not the case for all Police Officers but when youre young, they all wear the same uniform. Its the same. Like when you sau see a trex coming the dinosaur with the short arms run. Thats what Police Officers look like as a kid. Finally the last couple of seconds i have i know youve been active and reading different stories that have been out there involving officerinvolved shootings questions over why individuals have resisted arrest. Big picture, how do you see it all of this . Its terrible. Its not a good situation. I felt like i should were a bulletproof vest when i came to speak to you youre kidding, right . I am kidding. I will leave that to 50 cent. I thought when you walk down the street you get worried. You get worried because you dont know if today could be my day. Although its its strange. Its strange to see that in 2015 people still have to march and preach and hash tag blacklivesmatter. Duh. Ial do i have to tweet why do

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