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Window, the police car. Yes. The Police Officer was still in the vehicle. Yeah, inside the vehicle. So like i said, it was some kind of tussle going on. He also had a friend also. He runs on the side of the car, because all of a sudden they just take off running. Did you see i didnt the tussle was around . One person being pulled in or pulled out . He was exactly at the window. And i mean, he made it look like he was trying to get away. Thats when i decided, i better run outside with my phone and see what i can get. So i run out so quick. By the time i get outside, hes already turned around. Facing the officer. He is he had his arms under his stomach and he was halfway down like he was going down. And the officer lets out about three or four shots at him. So like i said, just like the body i took a few pictures in the video about how his body is on the ground, just like with his arms tucked in. Thats how he got shot or whatever. But like i said before, he went down, he was already like this. And he took like one or two steps going towards the officer. And he, like i said, let go about three or four more shots at him. Youre saying its your impression he was essentially falling down on to the ground or going down on to the ground . Yeah. Not because there is an account by a friend of the or allegedly a friend of the officer said that the officer is claiming, and sources of the investigation back this up, is what the officers claim is, is that mike brown was running toward the officer. Did you see him running toward the officer in any way . No. No. Not after when he was running away, no. Not at all. Like i said, by the time i come outside, im thinking that hes now hit, after i saw the officer shooting at him while he was running away. So im thinking that hes hit. Because now hes turned around. Like this. Like he was going down. It didnt even look like that he was giving up. It just looked like, you know, oh, im hit. Im going to go down now. Thats what it looked like. That was your impression. Yeah, yeah. So, again, that is Michael Brady. And that new account does differ from what weve heard from previous witnesses. For one, michaels friend who was there, Dorian Johnson, he says after being chased, brown turned around with his hands up to tell the officer he was unarmed. There was another witness, tiffany mitchell. She says that officer Darren Wilson was shooting just soon he got out of the car while chasing Michael Brown. And pj crenshaw, who took video of the aftermath from her balcony at her apartment also says Michael Brown was running away while the officer continued firing at him. But then you have that friend of officer wilson, remember she called into that radio show. Her name is josi. And she says Michael Brown shoved the officer back in the car, grabbed the gun, and then officer wilson was acting in self defense. As he shoved him away and shot at him. So all these different accounts. Anderson cooper, as you saw a moment ago, with that latest version, joins me now live from ferguson. And anderson, i know you just talked to Michael Browns parents. Let me just say that right out of the gate. So we want to talk about that in just a moment. But lets go back to Michael Bradys events. As you stood there and listened to his account, what struck you about that . Let me point out, that radio caller you mentioned, we should point out, is not an eyewitness. That radio caller got their account, she said, from the significant other of the officer involved that we have confirmed that it does jive with what the officer has told authorities, according to those close to the investigation. Michael brown its interesting. It doesnt give any definitive answers. Michael brady said there was some tussle at the vehicle. Was not clear on if punches were thrown, who was pulling who. Was not sure of the nature of that tussle. He then theres a gap in what he saw, because he moved to a separate room. And then he, as you pointed out, did not see hands going up. So there is conflicting reports on that. I think the bottom line is that this a lot of this is going to boil down to forensic evidence and other as many eyewitnesses as possible. We know there have been dozens of fbi agents on the ground conducting interviews. Only some witnesses have come forward publicly to speak. There are presumably other witnesses, as well. Whether witnesses who saw it or witnesses who heard what went on, who will be testifying before the grand jury. But a lot of this we know nothing about the forensic evidence at this point. And that is going to be critical in this case. We also mentioned attorney general eric holder, he was in town yesterday. He talked to Michael Browns parent. You just spoke to the mother and father. What did they share with you . Yeah, i talked to leslie mcfadden, mike browns mother and mike brown senior, the dad. I asked them about that meeting with eric holder and what kind of an impact it had on them. Listen. Did it make a difference that he came here, that he looked you in the eye, that he acknowledged you privately . Yes, it did to me. In what way . Because you can read a person. And when youre looking at them and theyre looking at you in your eyes, it puts some trust back there. That you lost. And he did. And ensured there will be an investigation. Do you have confidence in the investigation . Because there is a the state investigation, the federal investigation. Do you have confidence that up until yesterday, i didnt. But just hearing the words come directly from his mouth, facetofa facetoface, he made me feel like one day i will. And im not saying today. Or yesterday. But one day theyll regain our trust. So certainly as far as the parents are concerned, that visit by eric holder, that meeting facetoface really had a major impact on the way they feel about things moving forward. So reinstalling trust, not just in these parents, but perhaps the beginning stages of doing so within this community. Anderson cooper, thank you. Well be watching your entire interview with the parents tonight. A special edition of ac 360 live from ferguson, 8 00 eastern right here on cnn. So as we talk about these different witness accounts, and there are a number of them, people who say they saw the shooting, with all distinct differences. The question now is how do you decide which is most credible . Let me bring in cnn legal analyst, danny cevallos. We ran through before talking to anderson just multiple accounts, right . And there are probably more than that, sure there are plenty of people who dont want to come forward because of, you know, that mistrust with the police department. Of all the ones youve heard, is there any that sticks out as most credible . Yeah. First lets throw out josi, the radio caller. Secondhand. We had josi fever for about a day and then we realized, wait, she wasnt even a real witness, even though her story was compelling. I think if you were to give an award to most credible so far, it has to be Michael Brady who we heard anderson interview. Hes an ideal prosecution witness, assuming there is some day a prosecution. Hes disinterested. He had no stake in the game. Unlike mike browns friend, Dorian Johnson, who had some interest. That will undermine his credibility. Believe me. But when you have a neutral witness observing these events, and then recounting them, then that becomes more credible. So if anyone were to pick one of your best witnesses so far, if there is a prosecution, it might go to mike brady. What about Dorian Johnson . You bring him up. He was talking, he has talked to cnn, put himself out there. We have talked to his attorney, and all of a sudden, he has gone away. I have to imagine that its his attorney now saying, okay. We have to stop talking. Im sure it is. Because remember, he have time you see a witness talk, no matter what their motives, if theyre interested or not interested, theyre creating another transcript. And there is one maxim when it comes to litigation, its virtually impossible for any of us to tell the exact same story two times in a row. So the more transcripts they create not even a paper trail. Inconsistency that may not be intentional, maybe just by omission. Thats something the defense attorney is taught to exploit. If there is, of course, a prosecution. Okay. Danny cevallos, thank you so much. Were going to continue exploring legal angles on this one. But coming up next, new questions about police force, as this chilling new video has surfaced, showing the deaths of a younger africanamerican man mere miles from ferguson. Does the video we are finally seeing contradict the Police Version . The Police Account . Well discuss that. Also ahead, isis militants demanding a 130 million ransom just before beheading an american. Ill speak live to a former Hostage Negotiator about whether ransom should be paid, period. This as the pentagon is getting ready to address the failed mission to save american journalist, james foley. Stay with me. Park starts with b. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Peanuts peanuts crowd cheers you are watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Lets talk about this new cell phone video. It shows two Police Officers shooting a young black man in st. Louis. His name,ca kajemi powell, killed in missouri. And police say he walked out of a Convenience Store with two energy drinks, doughnuts he did not pay for. Police say once he came outside, he came at them with a knife. And less than 20 seconds after their arrival on the scene, they opened fire. They killed him. Now we have that cell phone video of the Fatal Shooting and just a headsup, it is graphic to look at so we have chosen to just freeze frame the footage the moment before powell is shot by police. But you can still hear nine shots being fired. The policemen pull up. Yall are from the police . Banging up. Hes got his gun out. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Oh [ bleep ]. Theyve got their guns out. Dang oh, my god. Joining me now, hln Law Enforcement analyst, mike brooks. In atlanta. And mike, i mean, of all your years in Law Enforcement, you heard the Police Version a couple days ago. Now we see the cell phone video. Does the video back up the Police Account, in your opinion . In my opinion, i think it does, brooke. If you look at exactly what happened. It is interesting. They started videotaping this even before the police got there, because apparently this guy possibly with an altered mental status was acting so re erratically. You see Law Enforcement pull up and they get out. They did not advance toward the man. He pulled something out of his pocket, he said let me see your hands and he came at them with a knife. A weapon. And then you see him go towards the officer on the passenger side, and he goes up. In that parking lot. And then he just he keeps saying, shoot me, shoot me, shoot me. Theyre trying to tell him to drop the weapon, to stay where he was. Not compliant at all. As he closed in, they had to use deadly force. I know, mike. But help me understand. Im not the Police Officer. You have been a cop for decades. Why not use a taser . Why shoot him and kill him . Well, the chief of st. Louis police said they have tasers available to them. But in this particular case, what if they pulled that taser and you shoot and one of those barbs missed and hes still coming towards that officer . And keep in mind, a taser is only good for a maximum a maximum, brooke, of 15 feet when these two barbs come out. And many times sometimes those barbs do miss. But in this particular case, he had that weapon out. He came towards police. Police didnt come towards him. Now, if he had stayed back and not kept advancing on the officers, they might have been able to try to talk to him. Try to negotiate with him. But negotiation was not in the picture with him. He kept advancing on the officers. And once you get 20 to 25 feet with an edge weapon, you can close on an officer and do serious bodily injury, or death, in a matter of a second. Okay. Heres my other question, and heres the other but. From what ive learned about Police Training and tactics, youre trained to shoot in the center of the body. But why is that . Why not shoot legs . Is why not if you determine in those mere seconds you have as a Police Officer how much of a threat an individual is, and i know he had that knife. Why not just hit him in the legs, make him fall down . Why shoot him nine times and kill him . Because most likely if you shoot someone in the legs, theyre not going to go down, because youre not hitting any major organs. Look, a lot of people are asking me. Are cops trained to shoot to kill . No. Police officers are trained to shoot until the threat is negated. And thats what they did. Some people say how many shots is that . It depends. It all depends on where you hit the shots in the center of mass, in the body, or someones head. I just want to get some quick sound in, just to hear the perspective of these st. Louis police chief. This was his jurisdiction. He was talking to don lemon about the shooting. Roll it. Why use bullets . Why not use a stun gun . Certainly, a taser is an option thats available to the officers. Tasers arent 100 . So youve got an individual armed with a knife who is moving towards you, not listening to any verbal commands, continues. Tasers arent 100 . If that taser misses, that subject continues on and hurts an officer. Thats exactly what you said, mike brooks. Thank you so much for joining me, as always. Your decades in Law Enforcement always helpful. Appreciate it. Just ahead here on cnn, one man is giving young africanamerican men ten rules to survive an encounter with police. Well talk to him live about that. Of also inside the secret mission that st. Cloud to save the american journalist recently beheaded by isis militants. Ill talk with a navy s. E. A. L. About the risks. And today some good news. Two ebola patients leaving the hospital. Whats next for them . Stay with me. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. 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They battled their way to this oil refinery where they hoped to find foley and perhaps other americans held by isis. James foley is now dead. His shocking execution having stirred both deep concern and anger among americans. Speaking of anger, what about this . The story out today says ransoms paid by european governments to isis are one of the terror groups biggest sources of income. So thats where theyre getting their money, theyre getting it from ransoms, from governments. I want you to listen. This is an interview from erin burnett outfront. Kidnappings are working. The alqaeda affiliates have raised at least 125 million from kidnappings in the last five years, 60 million alone last year. France denies it, germany, spain, other countries. They pay ransoms. There were journalists from france and spain who were held with foley by the islamic state. Ransoms were paid for them. Theyre home safe now. Jim foley is dead. At one time, jim foleys captors reportedly set a ransom of 130 million. They didnt get it. They didnt get it from the family, not from his employers, not from the u. S. Government. The United States says paying ransoms to terrorists only encourages more hostagetaking. So chris voss joins me now, former Hostage Negotiator for the fbi, now managing director with insight security. We also have chad williams, former navy s. E. A. L. , author and speaker. So gentlemen, welcome to both of you. Thank you, brooke. Thanks for having us on. You got it. Chris, to you first. You know, if european governments, specific european governments are saying, okay, well pay, theyre paying, you know, eightfigure ransoms, and getting their hostages in return, do you think the u. S. Should do so as well . No, i dont. And first of all, brooke, id like to say that killing james foley was a dishonorable thing to do. James foley was an honorable man. In regards to the ransoms, the way the western europeans are approaching this is a little bit like if there was a bank robber that showed up and they made an appoint to immediately open the vault and dump all the money at the same time. The way they have responded is just idiotic. So its an uncontrolled way in which they pay. And you cant blame isil for wanting to do this, because the europeans open up their bank vaults to them. Its an unwise way to approach the problem. Do you agree, chad, that the u. S. Shouldnt open our bank vaults to these terrorists either . Certainly not. You know, when thinking about these types of issues, i look to the wisest man that ever walked the face of the earth, jesus of nazareth. And he says in matthew chapter 4, at least we see the principle, you dont make deals with the devil. And you certainly dont make deals with terrorists. Theyre like a bully on the street. If you take the money out of your pocket and give it to them, you think its going to happen again . Certainly will. So you certainly have to put up a fight. Sometimes you could win those fights, sometimes you lose. But at least you make them know that its going to cost them something. Theyre going to faye for this. Pay for this. And that principle that there is no rest for the wicked, that certainly is true, as well. Were going to go after these guys. And there certainly is a very special place in hell for men like this. I agree. Beheading james foley and also beheading children. The personification of evil. Chad, your expertise and experience is as a navy s. E. A. L. , let me ask about this rescue mission that failed to find and secure foley. We will be hearing details. Just a reminder to our viewers from defense secretary chuck hagel from the pentagon very, very shortly. But heres what we know, chad. We know that or at least were told u. S. Troops were dropped into Northern Syria. Actually had to shoot it out with some of the militants. They did kill some militants. But they couldnt find foley. You know, at that point he and others were already gone. In a situation like this, though, how do you go in, how do you rescue your target without getting killed by captors first . I mean, that has to be a massive risk. Well, you know, the element of surprise is very important here. So i cant give away any operational details. But the point is that well put up a fight. And were willing to lay down our lives for the sake of freedom to go after men like this. So instead of dishing out money, were willing to shed blood. If it was my own family, i would say i want the very best man on this. You send them out there, i know what theyre willing to do. I used to be one of these guys. And you know what, foleys own mother, you know, she put out that shes never been prouder of her son. That he did lay down his life, really, for the sake of freedom. And that is an example of the greatest act of love. There is no greater love than that, to lay down ones life for friends. And thats what we have troops ready to do, highly skilled men and women to go after men like this, that commit these acts of violence. I mentioned beheading of children by this militant group. This is what i have heard in interviews and accounts. It should be clear, cnn has not been able to verify that, but thats what weve heard. Chris, to you, as a former Hostage Negotiator, when you have found yourself negotiating with incredibly evil people, People Holding hostages, has it ever paid off to try to find a sense of humanity, if it exists, and appeal to that . Well, the essence of being a Hostage Negotiator is to be able to connect with the other side, as abhorrent as that may sound, to effectively influence the other side, you have to connect with them. You have to find out a way to even respect them in order to establish rapport. How do you do that, other than talk money . You find out about Say Something to them they dont understand that makes them want to hear more. You actually draw them into a dialogue, because then it becomes an informationgathering process on your part. You learn more about the adversary, and dependent upon the outcome, maybe something you use against them at a future date. Chris voss and chad williams, thank you both very much. And back to ferguson. Commotion erupts as a supporter of the officer who shot Michael Brown joined a protest. And shes not the only one who is out there demonstrating. Also, well speak live with one man giving young africanamerican men ten rules for surviving a police encounterment. And its been three weeks since two u. S. Doctors arrived with ebola. Today they are out of the hospital. Where did they go . Is the public safe . Thats coming up. Hi. Im henry winkler. And im here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. 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[ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. We are just past the bottom of the hour. Im brooke baldwin. A sign of some normalcy. Governor jay nixon ordered the National Guard to pull out of the city. There was far less violence overnight after too many days of rioting and vandalism following the killing of a black teenager by a white Police Officer. But there was one clash last night drawing attention to the other side of the story. Look at this with me. People who support officer Darren Wilson are starting to let their voices be heard. Take, for instance, the woman right here showing support for officer wilson, alongside Michael Brown protesters. I want you to watch how that went down. Mike Brown Mike Brown mike brown so police eventually broke up an argument between that woman and the Michael Brown supporters. But with many conflicts, just like that one happening in ferguson often comes the question, whats the lesson here in my next guest says one of them is parents must teach young africanamerican men how to survive police encounters. In fact, youre looking at a diagram he has provided. Its starting some controversy. Its called ten rules of survival if stopped by police. David miller, let me bring you in. Joining me from baltimore. You founded the dare to be king project. This is all part of a curriculum you call life and survival skills geared toward minority youth. David, nice to have you on. How are you doing . Good to be here. Im doing well. Im doing well. Let me just begin with what was it about what happened in ferguson, you know, 11, 12 days ago now that compelled you to tweet out these rules . Walk me through them. I think the issue is much larger than ferguson. I think were dealing with a national crisis, particularly when we begin to look at the issues that young people have in communities when theyre confronted by a police and other Law Enforcement entities. And so we decided to put this poster together. We have actually been doing these kinds of workshops for the last five to ten years, really beginning to prepare our africanamerican parents and people with critical life steps. Because we know people will come in direct contact with Law Enforcement and our goal is to make sure young people can live through a police stop. Give me one example. A Little Something from the diagram. So for example, making sure young people always have their hands in plain sight. If you are walking down the street from debate practice or basketball practice, and youre confronted by the police, we want to make sure that young men are always in a situation where their hands shouldnt be in their pockets. Their hands shouldnt be in their coats. Make sure Law Enforcement can see their hands. We also realize a lot of times police are overtaxed, frustrated, there is a great deal of anxiety in terms of patrolling many of these neighborhoods. So we feel by making sure that Police Officers can see the hands of young people reduces the likelihood these Police Officers will be in fear for their safety. But isnt there an inference just in the sheer nature of this diagram . I mean, are you insinuating that police are not going to treat these young men with respect . That there is always an element of danger coming at them . One of the things that i think has to be said is that there are many great officers who put on uniforms, both men and women, every single day in america. But we also know that there are many negative Police Officers, Police Officers who should no longer be on the force, Police Officers who have Mental Health challenges. Police officers who were burned out, who were patrolling neighborhoods. And when we look at the history of policing in america, we see oftentimes that young black males have a very adversary relationship with Law Enforcement. Many police tactics, whether its stop and frisk, whether its stopping young men in the community, asking them a whole bunch of questions, even when these young men are not involved in any kind of criminal activity. I think its important, though, just to hear a Law Enforcement voice. Quickly, guys, can we play the sound bite . This was his perspective. If you get into the safety zone, if you challenge the officer, you get too close, and you walk towards the officer aggressively, and the officer feels threatened, that is the time. Or it happens that people actually engage officers in a fight. So that is the time a use of force occurs. An officer cannot just approach a Community Member and use force. That is against law. Just wanted to show that perspective quickly. David miller, thank you for your diagram. Hopefully this will help both sides of the equation here. Joining me from baltimore today. Just three weeks ago, their families were thinking about finel ral funeral arrangements. And now these two american ebola patients are out of the hospital. How did they bounce back so quickly . How are doctors so sure theyre no longer contagious . Well talk to our chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta, weighing in, coming up next. Two americans were mere days away from dying after becoming infected by the ebola virus. And now they are diseasefree. This is wonderful news here. This is just an absolutely remarkable scene that we auto all witnessed earlier this afternoon atlanta universitys emory hospital. Dr. Brantly here in the beard was almost a month ago thought to die. He walked out in front of the media and staff there at emory, all the while holding his wifes hand. Dr. Brantly was discharged from the hospital today, but not before saying thank you. Today is a miraculous day. Im thrilled to be alive, to be well and to be reunited with my family. Through the care of the samaritans purse and s. I. M. Missionary team in liberia, the use of an experimental drug and the expertise and resources of the Health Care Team at Emory University hospital, god saved my life. And that second u. S. Ebola patient seen here, nancy writebol, also out of emory hospital, she was discharged privately on tuesday, she is with her husband recovering at an undisclosed location. Let me go to dr. Sanjay gupta, covering this for months and months and months. And to think, you know, hearing from folks who have known dr. Brantly and saying they were planning funeral arrangements to Flash Forward three weeks at emory hospital and he is walking out of there. Its stunning. It really is. And i mean, that juxtaposition, brooke, you know, thats real. Before the day before he flew, medevaced out of liberia, they thought he was going to die. His Health Care Team thought he was going to die. He had had a conversation with his wife, sharing those concerns. He got this experimental therapy. We know that by the next morning he was able to stand up and shower on his own and get on that plane. So he was very, very sick, you know, close to death, sounds like. And now you see him the way he is. And point out as well, brooke, and im sure you saw this. But hes Holding Hands with his wife, amber, as he comes in. He hugs every member of the 26member Health Care Team that cared for him. Besides what he said, the optics of that is very important. This is a guy who was in isolation up until the day before. And now theyre basically saying, look, if he can hug us, if he can hold his wife, he is not a risk to the Public Health thats been a concern, but the optics of this just as important as the words. So that was my question. I mean, if hes hugging these you know, good folks from emory, does that mean there is no chance that he can pass on ebola to anyone else . Is he immune from getting it again if he wants to go back and continue his work . Yeah. You know so two interesting questions. First of all, i think that the protocol, if you will, on how they handle this, they obviously make sure the patient is doing well. That hes recovered well, that his organs have recovered well from the disease. And then they do two blood tests that are separated by a couple of days. So you do one blood test, ebola virus, wait a couple days, do another one, a confirmation test. And thats when they basically say, you know, hes all clear. And hes healthy and also not contagious. The immunity question is an interesting one. You know, in some ways, getting sick from a virus is the ultimate vaccination, right . Thats what a vaccine is. You give a little bit of the virus to somebody, let their body recognize it and be able to fight it if it ever comes back again. Thats essentially what happened to him. Not the way he would have liked. But thats what happened to him. So i think its safe to say he is immune to that particular strain of ebola. Huh. Which is the most common strain. But there are other strains of ebola, number one. And number two, you know, the virus can change a little bit. Its why we get a different flu shot every year. Because the flu virus changes a little bit every year. And if it changed a bit, he would still have significant immunity, maybe not full immunity. So i guess the bottom line is, he would be pretty well protected but i cant imagine it would be any excuse not to still protect yourself, if he were to go back and do that sort of work again. You want to give yourself every benefit that you can. Just to see them in those suits going into emory and three weeks later out. Our best to them. I hope they get some muchneeded r r. Dr. Gupta, thank you so much, right . Appreciate it. Yeah. Coming up next, attorney general eric holder got quite candid about his own personal experience with police when he was in ferguson. Says he unders the mistrust there. Plus ill speak live with one of my favorites, ms. Donna brazil, about Deval Patricks comments, the first africanamerican governor of the state of massachusetts, and saying he is sick of whats going on. Stay here. vo if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what its like to deal with high. And low blood sugar. 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Donna, we know the attorney general had mentioned he yes, hes the attorney general. He also is a black man and understands what the community is going through. Do you think he pointed out that distrust as a black man . Look, eric holder is a father, hes a former judge, a former prosecutor. Hes now the nations chief Law Enforcement officer. I think eric went to st. Louis and ferguson yesterday to reassure the community that he, as a chief Law Enforcement officer, has taken this case seriously. There is a federal investigation. He has dispatched members of his team, the fbi, the civil rights division, the Community Relations division. This is quite personal, i believe, in many ways, for someone like eric holder, who has been stopped, as he mentioned. He knows what its like to be stopped, to be searched. And i think being able to relate to some of the frustration and some of the concerns of the people, not just in ferguson but across this country, there is nothing wrong with it. It at the same time, he is sworn to upled whold the law, to make that this investigation is thoroughly done. The bar is very, very high. The federal investigation will not replace whats being done at the state and local level. But i think going there to reassure the community that when it comes to their civil liberties, that the u. S. Constitution guarantees to all citizens. And to talk personally to a mom. Hes a father. I applaud him. And he also talked to roy blunt, claire mccaskill, the governor. Im glad he went yesterday. So it was obviously in a professional capacity. But as you point out, personal. Personal for the first africanamerican governor of the state of massachusetts, for deval patrick. He says, im sick of it. Im sick of unarmed black men being shot by police. Im sick of the lawlessness on the streets. I think everyone is just tired of when are we going to get through with this kind of thing and he goes on reading his comments. He also brings up police and how police in this country should be better trained. And that just seems to be a theme, donna, i keep hearing and keep reading about our nations local police department. Do you agree . Look, we have a lot of great Police Officers. We have a lot of them who are doing their job each and every day. I have to say that as a you know, i have Police Officers in my family. I know we have good cops out there. Good Police Officers. Absolutely. But, you know what, we have bad apples too. We have bad apples in every profession. And we need to make sure that the police divisions, these police departments, theyre under a lot of pressure. We need to make sure they get the kind of community training, the human relations training that all of us need when were dealing with the public. And, you know, i agree with the governor. Im sick of all the lawlessness, the violence. As you know, school is open all across the country. And, you know, we have to pray that our kids are going to be safe, that they go to safe schools and safe environments. So this is something that we all should take some measure of reflection and focus on what can we do to start the healing process, as president obama announced. But also as the governor said, how do we stop this . Weve got to stop it. The lawsness, but also the singling out, the targeting of people, simply because of the way they look. That needs to be stopped, as well. Bringing up the young people. I keep thinking about the young people in ferguson, the innocent children. And just to think of the distrust, the seed of distrust being planted because of what theyre experiencing in person in their own hometown. Donna brazil, thank you so much for coming on. Just ahead, one night after this [ bleep ]. Hands up that officer is now removed from duty. And next we talked to a cnn producer who saw this whole thing go down. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . 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Get back get back youre going to kill him . Get back. Whats your name, sir . [ bleep ]. Your name is go [ bleep ] yourself . Wow. One of our cnn producers was in that crowd when you heard and saw all of that unfolding there, Law Enforcement. Steve castenbomb joining me live. You were a few feet away from that officer. What did you see . Reporter his muscle from his rifle came right across me as i was walking through. It was a very chaotic moment, brooke. What happened was, some of the Tactical Unit Police Officers started chasing somebody in the crowd who had thrown a boggs bottle at them. And suddenly the Police Officers were mixed up with the protesters. We had a lot of Police Officers working together. And some of them arent used to working side by side. And some of them have never done crowd control before. This particular Police Officer comes from a very small police department, perhaps maybe shouldnt have been out here in this crowd. But he obviously got spooked. And i walked right by him as he was saying those horrible things, threatening to shoot people if they came close. And as you know, he has since been suspended, brooke. He will not be out there again. Glad you mentioned that. He has been suspended, indeed. Steve cast ten bomb, thank you so much for being there. Lets stay in ferguson as we roll along, top of the hour, im brooke baldwin. The National Guard has been ordered out of ferguson, missouri. It seems cooler heads are prevailing in the city that has really become this flash point

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