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Hamas must be held accountable for the tragic loss of life. Again, this is a temporary ceasefire. At least for now. The truce formally ends this friday morning. And the big story today, out of the mid east, are the talks now beginning in egypt. To try to cement this. To extend the ceasefire. Hamas is there. The plo is there, Islamic Jihad is there. Those are the three big factions out of gaza. Of course, the israelis, theyre there, as well. Egypt playing the role of mediator. Now, officials in gaza say the month of israeli air attacks, not just from the air, which well point out from land, by sea, that all caused 5 billion worth of damage. All estimates here run in the billions. And it is unclear now whether restoring gaza is up for discussion there in cairo. Throughout this conflict, we have shown you not only the death and destruction out of gaza, we have shown you how hamas was firing rockets from gaza at israel. In fact, we showed you this very picture. These rockets rising from gaza, from a populated area, just as israel has said. But now we have this today. And i want you to watch this closely. Youre looking at this indian journalist, who well talk to in a matter of seconds. This is an indian journalist from his hotel room in gaza. You see the tent, this blue tent . Hes looking out his hotel window, peering at this tenting, the comings and goings of a group of men who he suspected were building a rocket on. On the very next morning at the very same site, this happened. So thats the rocket being fired, the day after it was assembled at the exact spot the rocket has been fired. Thats the smoke we just showed a video of it. Okay. So were heading to the spot where we saw the rocketses being fired. So here it is. This is the closest look we have gotten at a rocket going up from gaza. Nearly all of those rockets either were downed by Israeli Defense rockets or fell in unpopulated areas. But as i mentioned a moment ago, that reporter youre seeing on the screen, we have him on the phone right now. Hes actually in israel as we speak. So serena vossen, beginning with just how did you come to know, youre standing there, looking at your hotel window at this tent and see the smoke. How did you come to determine it was a rocket being built . Reporter well, look, you know, just to put this into context now. Exactly a week before we saw this blue tent pop up at that spot, at the very same spot, a rocket launched. Exactly the same spot from across our hotel. Now this happened in the dead of the night. So it was not something we could video. It was also the first night we arrived in gaza. So obviously, there was a lot of panic and confusion as to what happened. We were obviously sensitized to the fact there was something about that spot which made it conducive for hamas or any of the islamic groups in gaza to launch rockets. Now, on the last day the penultimate day of our time in gaza, we wake up in the morning, a blue tent there, very incongress guous to see the tent in this exact spot and see this group of men walk out, very quiet, very assertive, doing something running cables. We see something protruding from the side of the tent. So putting 2 and 2 together, it didnt take, it i may make a lame joke, rocket science, to figure out what was going on with a link to some kind of dividend involving the firing of a missile. So we assumed it and you carry that they wrapped up their activity, they dismantled the tent, covered it with a piece of should be re and walked away. And then the next morning, by a coincidence, the morning countdown to the ceasefire, ten minutes before the ceasefire, there was a boom and the rocket went off. And we managed to get that video, as well. And then the two together. It was pretty clear what we heard was the assembling and firing of a rocket, most likely by hamas. And thats when we decided to go ahead with it. So since you mentioned this is before the ceasefire, this would have been presumably one of the final rockets launched, correct . Reporter absolutely. There were plenty of rockets launched before the ceasefire. This is very common practice, as you know, between hamas, stepping up artillery and other attacks before the ceasefire. So, yes, plenty of rockets. We were told almost 33 in the last 15 minutes. And this rocket was one of them. I believe it actually went off somewhere around 7 52, about eight minutes before the ceasefire. So it was sort of a calculated risk, knowing that you fire rockets just before the ceasefire kicks in. So there is a fairly strong chance there wont be a retaliation. And i guess thats the gamble hamas was looking at. Its stunning video. And this is really the first time were seeing a face to what has seemed to be the faceless members of hamas. Stay on the phone with me. If approximate i could just get you to hold on, because jim clancy, let me bring you and your veteran voice into this whole conversation. To the point, we have seen, of course, the casualties, we have seen the aftermath of shelling in gaza, and, of course, we have been reporting on the flip side the tunnel infiltration, the killing of idf soldiers. But this really for the first time puts a face on hamas. Well, you know, it exposes what i think most journalists that have worked in gaza and have been through prior conflicts already know. And that is the hamas does fire near some of these targets. They did fire near the hospital. There is Video Evidence out there. Journalists have seen this. Its not a new tactic. But you know, it points out something else. The sordid tactics of hamas can be blamed for some of the casualties. But it is also the policies and the tactics that israel uses that count, as well. Use this case in point. Israel knows, as we all do, that hamas uses these tactics. But it did not fire on this hotel. It never fires where the International Journalists are. Why . That would be an International Public relations disaster for the israelis. But it happens over and over again. With u. N. Shelters and with hospitals. And with other places. You have to fault hamas, certainly, for using the tactic. But you have to understand, it is possible to hold fire. It is possible to maintain a more pinpoint response to that fire. Look, we have a debate thats going to brew. Theres going to be much more video that comes out. Theres going to be many more details coming out in the days ahead. We just saw the Prime Minister of israel really trying to get out in front of a lot of that. Thats my next question. Because we saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not too long ago using this video to precisely use this as an example of what israel has been saying, that much of the civilian casualties in gaza, hamas is to blame for that. I just in watching that News Conference in jerusalem, jim clancy, what did you make of his tone . And also the timing . Keep in mind, the ceasefire is set to expire friday morning. Well, he full well knows that. Theres not a lot of optimism about whats going on in cairo. They arent serious political talks. As far as i understand, at this hour, it is no more than talking about extending the current truce, with neither side really giving up anything in terms of lifting the siege or disarming hamas. Neither side is willing to go that far. At least at this stage. The talks arent that serious. But you look at whats going to come out and the Prime Minister knows that. You heard him there equating the palestinians with isis, with all the worst terror groups in the world. Dehumanizing the palestinians on that front. You heard him trying to get out in front of it. There is going to be a lot of information come out. Theres going to be stories from former Israeli Soldiers saying theyve been told that this was some of the soldiers did this, because it was retaliation for their dead comrades. They lost a lot of soldiers. More than 60 in this conflict. Theyre not used to that high of casualties in gaza. On the palestinian side too, theres going to be more revelations of hamas tactics. Who loses in all of this . Well, of course, you see israelis and the palestinians, because theres no political settlement here. The biggest waste, as was pointed out by steven walt in a tweet yesterday, he said the biggest waste, the biggest horror in all of this, is the fact that nothing has been accomplished because of the loss of all of this life. We are right back to square one. This is going to happen all over again. Too early to talk even winners and losers since this thing is supposed to expire friday morning. And to your point, the talks dont seem that serious. Just on a table, perhaps, extending this temporary ceasefire. Jim clancy, thank you. And we have video we have never seen before from gaza. I appreciate both of you. Now, to this story here. New details in this horrible, horrible story out of afghanistan. This u. S. Twostar general gunned down in a surprise attack. We now have a name today. He was Major General harold greene, now the highestranking american to be killed on the battlefield since seetim n unanimous. The avaccer believed to be one of the very afghans the u. S. Is training to take over security in that country. We now know major greene was standing outside of a building in kabul when this man said to be an afghan soldier hid in a bathroom some 100 yards away and shot through the window at this Group Standing outside. That assailant was killed by forces. Major greene, heres a little bit more about this man. He was known as an inspiring leader, a techsavvy general, who his friends say had a wonderful sense of humility. He leaves behind a wife and children, all of whom serve or have served in the military. And then flags. Flags flew at his home in falls church, virginia. Family spokesperson shared this with us. He really believed in what he was doing over there. And was really proud to serve. And the family has asked i pass along they believe that the army, as well as afghanistan, and america, has lost a true hero. Joining me now, barbara starr, live from the pentagon. Its a tremendous loss in and of itself. But the details youre getting from this defense official as far as this shooting, 100 yards away from a bathroom . Tell me more. Well, prook brooke, it appears by all accounts thats what happened. General greene and several other military personnel were standing outside at this facility in kabul, this training facility, when fire opened up from a nearby building. Apparently the shooter firing through a bathroom window, hiding in there, knowing he would be quickly found. He was and was killed by Security Forces on scene. They believe the shooter was a member of the afghan military, had been assigned to this facility for about two years. But a full investigation under way, as there always is with every u. S. Military death in afghanistan, whether its a twostar general or a private firstclass junior soldier in the army or a young marine. They investigate all of them. General greenes remains at this hour are on a flight back to Dover Air Force base in delaware for a ceremony that will greet him, coming back home, his family is expected to be there. So what we know is, this is one of those socalled greenonblue insider attacks that the military has struggled now with afghanistan for years. They have been able to bring the numbers down. There have been fewer of these in recent years and months. But clearly, still a threat, still a very difficult situation when an afghan member of the Afghan Security services picks up a weapon and turns it on those who are trying to help. Brooke . Hearts and prayers with this family, as the generals body is en route, as you point out to dover. Barbara starr, thank you very much. Just ahead, as the Ebola Outbreak gets deadlier, a group of American College students strappeded in high liberia where infections are on the rise. And hackers hacking into the emails of a billion people. Hear when you could be a victim. And Bowe Bergdahl today being questioned for the very first time about his disappearance back in afghanistan. All of this as we are seeing new images of him for the first time in weeks. Stay with me. Where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road . A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. 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The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. male announcer todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. You are watching cnn. Im brooke baldwin. Lets talk about this deadly Ebola Outbreak, as you know causing fear around the world. The latest numbers as far as the death toll is now up to 932 since monday. And we can tell you that two more countries reported deaths of its own people. They suspect had contracted the disease in west africa. When we look at the map here, you can see were virtually a where all of the deaths have been. Liberia, sierra leone, guinea. More than 1,700 people infected there. But now to the east, nigeria, and possibly saudi arabia joining this list. More help is desperately needed. And then to those two infected americans taken from liberia, transported, theyre recovering as i speak at Emory University hospital in atlanta. Both were given this manufactured drug before returning to the states. And we can report today, they are showing signs of improvement. But there is another story relating to this whole idea bowla outbreak that definitely caught our attention today. Now we know about these six students studying in liberia, one of the countries plagued by this virus. These students got stranded, because of flight issues. Flight delays. But there is some good news now. So lets go to cnns rene marsh who has more on this story. Tell me about these Tuskegee University students. Reporter theres six of them, studying abroad in liberia. And they were supposed to return on august 11, five days from now. We do know that will not happen. Because, as you just laid out there, the deadly Ebola Outbreak spiralling out of control in west africa. The problem is, their carrier suspended flights, meaning an extended stay. Before today, we didnt know how long they would be forced to stay there. Their families, classmates here in the states, they were concerned, because obviously, the longer they were stuck there, the higher the health risk they believe. But a short time ago, we received, as you said, some really good news. We now know new flight reservations were secured for these students today. They will leave liberia on august 17th. So they still have some time there. They will head to ghana and from ghana, back home to the united states. That will happen on august 18th. We should note, thats a week later than they were supposed to return. But as one parent told me, brooke, she says shell take it, because she is anxious, wants her child back home. The students are ready to get back home, as well. We should point out, we know theyre staying at a private residence, and so far none of the students have shown any symptoms. So thats good news too. Understandable concern. Ive been in touch with one of the students at tuskegee today and i think everyone is just saying get them home and as soon as possible. Rene marsh, thank you so much in washington on that. Next, Bowe Bergdahl. He is facing some pretty tough questions today, regarding his disappearance from his fellow soldiers before being captured by the taliban a number of years ago. But we also have this new image of pretty healthylooking bowe bergda bergdahl. Well take you live to san antonio, texas and get an update on that story, coming up. [ man ] look how beautiful it is. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And there are no networks. Is this a onesizefitsall kind of thing . 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Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Former taliban prisoner, Bowe Bergdahl, faces questions today on why he did he say appeared from his Afghanistan Military base back in 2009. Let me share this with you. This is a brand new photo of sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. And by the looks of this compared to obviously when we saw him turned over from the taliban, it looks a heck of a lot healthier, looks stronger than when we saw him a couple months ago. Sergeant bergdahl was freed in that controversial prisoner swap with the taliban for those five guantanamo detainees. And today, Bowe Bergdahl is meeting with the armys lead investigator, the whole investigation may hinge on bergdahls intent when he disappeared from that military base back in 09. Was he simply taking a walk, planning to come back, trying to leave forever . Lets talk to nick valencia, covering Bowe Bergdahl in san antonio, texas for us at this hour. Nick valencia, first, its been a number of years. Who knows what Bowe Bergdahl went through, what he endured during those years in taliban captivity. What if he doesnt remember why he left that base . Reporter well, its certainly going to complicate things for the investigator, Major General kenneth dahl. Its going to be germane to his line of questionings. What happened that day in june in 2009 when Bowe Bergdahl disappeared from his post. What was his mindset. What was his intent. Was he deserting. And all of this Army Investigation into his disappearance, the side we havent heard from yet, is Bowe Bergdahl and all of that will change after today for his first formal interview with Major General dahl. His fraternity was quick to point out, brooke, this is not an interrogation. Its more of people surrounding a table, asking questions and expecting answers. Now, Major General dahl, after today, or after this session, i should say, concludes, will have 60 days from the time it concludes to submit his findings and recommendations to his higher ups and there are a variety of scenarios that could occur from that. There could be a Court Martial or maybe a less than honorable discharge, which would lead Bowe Bergdahl to losing his benefits or it could very well be that nothing happens at all. Brooke . Just quickly, nick valencia, on the issue of his parents. Do we know still, has he not talked to them . Reporter still surprising to many. As far as we know, and what our i understanding is at this point, bergdahl has not spoken to his parents, who are in haley, idaho. When i was there in haley, it was very emotional this year that expected reunion. That still hasnt happened here months later. And its not because he hasnt had the freedom to do that, brooke. Hes been able to call anyone that he wants. In fact, he reached out to this lead attorney, eugene if i had fidel, representing him, but not called his parents yet. Brooke . For reasons we cant pretend to understand. Nick valencia, thank you so much. Ahead here on cnn as israel is coming close to the end of the 7 2hour ceasefire with hamas, we heard from Prime Minister netanyahu this afternoon appearing before cameras and declaring that the militant tunnels are destroyed. Wolf blitzer went inside one of the tunnels and will join me next from washington. Plus, a gang of Russian Hackers has stolen more than 1 billion email addresses and passwords. But the reason behind the cyber theft is pretty surprising. Its not what you may think. Stay here. Fill their bowl with the meaty tastes theyre looking for, with friskies grillers. Tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. In delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. Friskies grillers. I make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. Lot in return with ink plus from chase. 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And thats what we did. If we could have done it didntcally, fine. If not, we did it militarily and the army told us they completed this activity. And then we went out. We went in to deal with the tunnels, we went out after we finished dealing with the tunnels. Wolf blitzer, let me bring you into this conversation. You are back just a couple days after spending basically a month in israel. You were inside one of those tunnels. And thats why this conflict to me seems very different. The focus really on these tunnels connecting gaza to israel, or egypt. And im wondering, why do you think Benjamin Netanyahu came out on this third day before the ceasefire expires to almost explain or lay out his case for the conflict. Because israel is coming under a lot of international pressure, a lot of criticism, for the operation over the past month, all the civilian casualties in gaza, all the palestinians who have been killed, and injured. The homes have been destroyed. The refugees internally, displaced people created. And i think he wanted to make the case that hamas is to blame, not israel, and in his opening statement, you heard it here, carried it live on cnn, made the point that hamas, for example, would have accepted that ceasefire three weeks ago, that israel accepted the one point forward by the egyptians and he says its idleca to what they accepted this week. 90 of those People Killed or injured by gaza would not have been killed or injured in gaza. And he also says there is now even more evidence, and the israelis have been saying this all along, that hamas deliberately places their rocket launchers in heavily populated civilian areas. And you had an indian reporter showing at the top of the hour, hes out of there now, but showing right outside the hotel, not far from a u. N. Facility, there was a rocket launcher. Constructing the rockets in the tent. And french tv video, as well. I think feeling the diplomatic criticism, the sbirt national criticism, seeing new evidence, he felt this was a good time to speak to the foreign reporters in israel, as well as the international community. But there has been this, you know, criticism, and its been mounting for a little while. This has gone on for week four. Why today, day three, before the end of this ceasefire, do you think today was the day we heard from the Prime Minister . Im only guessing. Im not there. I havent spoken to his top aides, but my guess is, because of the video. The french 24 tv video, the indian tv video. I think he said, well theres some evidence now backing up the point that hes trying to make that the world has not really seen accurately whats going on in gaza. And here are two pieces of video that seem to back up this point that the israelis are making. I think he senses this is a good time to go out and speak on that point. And also, it is day two of this threeday ceasefire that hopefully is going to be extended into day four and day five and day six so that the diplomats, the israeli delegation now in cairo, the palestinian delegation thats now in cairo. Can meet with the egyptians, a group of american diplomats on their way over there, to try to help out, as well. So lets see if it can be expanded and the fight can go end. No more rockets coming into israel, no more israeli air strikes going into gaza. That would be productive if that could be achieved. It would. Wolf blitzer, well be watching for more on this coverage. Situation room, special two hours at 5 00 eastern here on cnn. Wolf, thank you. Next, this russian gang hacking into the emails and passwords of a billion people. Hear what they were after and whether you could be a victim. Plus, talking about iraq here. Escape from isis. You are about to hear a chilling story of a teenager who lived to tell his story of torture from the militants currently terrorizing iraq and syria, right now. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. So apparently russian gangs may have swiped your email passwords and usernames along with a billion other people. Apparently those russian cyber crooks do not want to break into your bank account. No, no. Instead they want to spam you. About 420,000 websites could be affected. Its possibly the biggest password hack of alltime. So here with me to discuss this, technology analyst, brett larson. He laughs now. I mean, it could be one of your passwords, my friend. Its true. 1. 2 billion Internet User names. Why are they why are the companies not saying, hey, its us, could be you. I think its doubleedged for them. If they come out and say its us, then those user names and password become more valuable on the black market. Then they can go then somebody could step in and be like, oh, its for amazon . We will give you this much money per hundred user name and passwords. So if they keep it quiet, they can do their spamming and what have it is they want to do with it while these sites sort of scramble and figure out, okay, where is the security breach, how do we fix the security breach. And once thats done, then theyre going to reach out to you and say, okay, its that what are we getting, once every couple weeks now . Its time to change your passwords again. I know. But what makes this also really unique, in addition to the number, is that the spam factor, because i get my spam and im like, delete, delete, delete, delete. But but there are people. Yes. And if you do the numbers, even if you said every one in 10,000 people fall for whatever the spam offer is youre making, its its instant weight loss, its something that has to do with your nether regions. Its money from a bank account you didnt know you had. If one in a thousand or ten thousand people respond to that and youve got 1. 2 billion, they got the money. Yeah. So its theres definitely its a numbers game. The more people they can get to spam with this stuff. And its also social engineering, because its not spam from somebody whom you dont know. Its spam from someone whom you do know. So its going to come from me or friend you have, who is like i just tried this amazing weight loss pill and it worked. You should try it too and you might be more inclined to click on Something Like that. I mean, weve all gotten them from our friends on facebook. Its usually how you know your friends accounts have been hacked. Exactly right. Random a trip to england . What is going on here . That sounds great delete. But the good news, if there is any good news in this, is that its the information is now out there. And i dont mean that as our user name and passwords. But the fact that its happened is out there is now we can respond to it accordingly and fix the problem. Okay. Lets get on that. All right. Brett larson, thank you very much. Thanks. Coming up, you heard about this story, this nba team hires the leagues first fulltime female assistant coach. Well talk live with the woman who has already coached at the professional level. Hear what she has to say. Big move in the nba. Also ahead, a story of survival from the militant group taking over syria and iraq. A teenager, 14, kidnapped, tortured, but lives to tell his story and his fight against isis. Youll hear it, next. Hashtag love dad when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Our aarp tek Program Helps people find better ways to Better Connect with each other. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities the militaries who used to be known as isis now calling themselves wanting to claim the islamic state. Theyre continuing their sweep across syria and into iraq in this bid to form a strict islamic nation. And its taking its toll. You have Amnesty International calling for urgent humanitarian aid for tens of thousands of iraqi civilians who have fled their towns in the ways of isis attacks. Those civilians, they are trapped. They have no food. They have no water. Dozens of children reportedly already died of thirsts. Today iraqs air force a civilian telling they his mosul, a huge city, second biggest city in iraq, killing at least 76 people. Local Officials Say militants used the building to hold people who oppose them or who have violated their strict islamic law. And we read this fascinating piece detailing the cruelty, the torture of this militant groups rampage through syria and iraq involving teenagers, young people. This is about a 14yearold who is snatched by isis and tortured part of his brutal scheme to really brainwash boys into joining their fight. Ious youssef simon, welcome. Hi, brooke, how are you . Lets begin with this teenager, with fellow classmates, taking exams in aleppo in syria. Gets kidnapped. And at first, by this group, hes fed well, hes treated well. But then that quickly changes. Yeah. Yes, correct. He was kidnapped with 147 other High School Students while they were on their way back from aleppo. They were kidnapped and for the first two weeks treated pretty good. But then from what i understand, isis tried to make a sort of test on them, if you will. And they gave them a list. They gave them a list of their family members. His family members who are fighting with ypg, which is the Kurdish Fighting against isis at the moment. And they wanted to confirm the list. And when he declined, didnt want to confirm, they took him to a prison, to a prison, which was is an old regime prison. And with about five other kids. And they put them in a cell. And then they started taking them downstairs to to the torture room. Yes, basically, the torture room. Tell me about the torture room. That was pretty horrible. They first put him in a car tire, put him inside a car tire ask started beating him up. And then they hang him on the ceiling from his hands. And then beat him up. And he could only stand this for half an hour. And half an hour later, he said, yes, this is accurate. And then they still kept him in prison for another 20 days. And then they started to trust him a little bit more so they took him and his friends to a school nearby, but in the sto school, they were still under captivity, isis guards. But they were again treating them much better. But they were giving them lessons on islam and jihad. On topics like how to jihad. What is jihad. What are the ways of making jihad. And this went on for about another month until they could run away. Before we get to before we get to his escape, reading your piece made me think about the broader picture. And as we have been covering isis, seizing these towns and most recently this hydroelectric dam over the weekend, that can flood mosul and possibly reach baghdad, im wondering, how many teenagers are brainwashed to join these terrorists . El wi el well, i think its a pretty big number, especially in the towns they control. They create these sort of schools for little kids, for todaylers toddlers and teenagers. Those are the kids they didnt kidnap. And as far as i know, there is there is at least 148 teenagers they kidnapped from this one city. And i dont have the exact number from other cities. But its you know he was not alone. He was not alone. And thank goodness, he and a couple other teenagers were able to escape and go home. And you somehow got this kid to tell and share his story with you. Yusef simon, thank you so much. Great read in the daily beast on who these different members of isis are. Appreciate it. Coming up, as an nba team hires the leagues first fulltime female assistant coach, i will speak live with a woman who has already coached men at the professional level. Well get her take on this big move from the spurs. And two americans who have the ebola virus while working in africa were given this secret serum. This serum never before tested on humans. So why isnt that drug being given to all of the infected africans . Well talk about that coming up here on cnn. Over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. For the first time American Kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. Its a problem that we can turn around and change. Revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kidinspired, chefcrafted food. We looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success . Making sure foods are made with high Quality Ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. Our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. Working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. We are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. Until every kid has built those lifelong eating habits, well keep working. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare changes. When frustration and paperwork decrease. When healthcare becomes simpler. So lets do it. Lets simplify healthcare. Lets close the gap between people and care. Noyou can watch live tv anytime. Its never been easier, with so Many Networks all in one place. Get live tv whenever you want. The xfinity tv go app. Now with live tv on the go. Enjoy over wifi or on Verizon Wireless 4g lte. Plus, now you get up to a 100 prepaid card when you purchase any new Verizon Wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. Visit comcast. Com wireless to learn more it is a pretty good day for becky hammond, a star basketball player, olympian, coach. Just stepped into the nba history books, because she has been named as the first female to be a fulltime paid assistant nba coach. And not just any team grabbed her. Lets be clear. Hammond has been hired by the San Antonio Spurs who, by the way, are coming off their fifth nba title. How does she feel about the new gig . She is humbled. She says she feels humbled. Im a little overwhelmed right now, to be perfectly honest. And just its as great as it is, this opportunity, its also incredibly humbling at the same time. So im feeling a lot of emotions. But those would probably just be the to driving forces, just thankful and humbled. Thankful and humbled. Lets bring in another lady who is very familiar with basketball, made a little basketball history herself, nanny lieberman kline, former star player and head coach in the nba Development League and now general manager of the texas legends and a member of the hall of fame. Nancy, welcome to you. It is my pleasure to be here. So we were talking quickly in commercial break. You said its been a busy couple days for you, because of this news. And so you picked up the phone and called becky yesterday. What did she share with you . Well, when i left i left her a message initially, and then she called back and as she just said on tv, she was giving me thanks. And i was like, oh, no, no, becky, this is your time. You deserve it. Im so proud of coach popovich, the spurs and becky hammond. What that hire meant is respect. I dont think coach pop hired her because she was a woman. He hired her because she could do the job, and she was qualified. And i really appreciate that. I was just reaching out to a couple different friends i have, some professional athletes, Charles Barkley said this, spurs again prove theyre the best organization in sports. Professional Football Player said to me, this is not a gimmick. She is wellqualified. He loved that pop, coach pop said, it just so happens you are a woman. Do you think, though, because this is this is the spurs. This is not some forgive me, shmo team. They know what theyre doing. Do you think any other team could have pulled this off . I do think other teams could have pulled it off. But it did obviously, they didnt. And it took somebody with pops confidence, his beliefs. He had a chance to see her every day in practice last year up close and personal, to see how she worked with the guys. She already had years of friendships with parker ginobili, timmy duncan and the staff. But they got to see her basketball i. Q. , how she broke down film. Shes really the right person for this job. And its going to open up so many doors for people like myself and other women that aspire to coach in the nba. It will happen for others. Okay, coach. Lets ask the obvious question that people at home want the asked. And that has to do with shes a female. These are fellas. There are locker rooms. How does she i mean, i think i know what youll say in terms of maintaining being a professional. But just, you know, can you just answer the question that is sort of hanging out there. How does that work . Well, i can tell you, having been a head coach for the texas legends of the nba d. League for the dallas mavericks, a lot of people asked that question a couple years ago, whats the dynamics in the locker room. Its pretty much the same thing. At 40 minutes on the clock, our guys are going to be in the locker room, dressed, handle their business, and then the Coaching Staff is going to come in and give them the game plan and lastminute instructions. In practice, on the plane, in training situations, there are women in the workplace with men all of the time. The locker room really isnt that much of a problem. I mean, ive played in mens professional basketball, i played for pat riley with the lakers. I played for the jazz and Frank Lleyton two years in the usbl. You can handle a roorm locker room situation, because its all predicated by time and your responsibility when you have to be there. I look forward to this for her and for many other female trail blazers, including yourself, Nancy Lieberman kline. Appreciate you taking the time. Good luck to you. Thank you so much. Thanks. And a reminder to you. Tomorrow, cnns emmy nominated series the sixties, a special episode, the times, they were a changing. Jack, what is your definition of a husband . A husband is a guy who is in charge and should be all of the time. Theres something happening here women couldnt open a bank account in their own name. They couldnt get credit. The jobs we have are jobs that only men are able to do. American Psychiatric Association deemed homosexuality to be a mental disorder. Migrant farm workers are getting paid pennies to feed america. You have this bubbling up of a desire for really quality. What we are talking about is a revolution and not a reform. Stop hey whats that sound everybody look whats going down you cannot be given equality. You have to assume it. People looked around and said, look at this potential for change. Stop hey whats that sound thursday night at 9 00 on cnn. And we continue on. Youre watching cnn, im brooke baldwin. Have to begin with the middle east. That ceasefire, it is Holding Still today. This is day two for the ceasefire. But moments ago, we heard from israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Here he was from jerusalem, addressing a room full of reporters, full of journalists and said the ceasefire plan is the very same one that hamas rejected back on july 15th. He said that makes hamas responsible for nearly all the deaths in gaza

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