Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190831

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190831

show us where and what people there are about to go through. >> it's going to hit the bahamas over and over and over. and i'm glad you pointed that out. because i made a special map to point out what we are specking from the storm now. what the european model and the american model are pretty much agreeing upon. the storm right now is 150-mile-per-hour. we did have a wind gust to 166 from the hurricane hunter aircraft about an hour ago. the plane has now left to come back home and another plane son the way. but we won't get anymore pressures or updates by the 5:00 hour. here is what's going on. the storm is breathing well. the eye is going about 15 miles coo from one side to the other. we are expecting the turn around the bahamas and turning right. it appears that this is going to be a smooth turn. but it's not. this is saturday at 3:00. this is right now. there is nassau. there is free port. there is the storm at 10:00 p.m. sunday morning. there is the storm mat 10:00 p.m. sunday night. did you see it move? here is the storm 10:00 a.m. sunday morning, oh, my gosh, this thing has been in the bahamas now for 24 hours at 140-mile-per-hour. but wait. there is more. here you go. sunday, 11, 10:00 p.m. -- p.m. -- another 12 hours in the same spot and then finally begins to move by tuesday. so this is not turning. it's stopping and then making almost an 90 degree left-hand turn. if you believe that -- but it wouldn't have to go much farther west to have that over florida. that's why you've prepared in florida. don't let the guard down. you have to keep watching. let's hope it never gets to the bahamas and does that stop somewhere 60 miles east of the bahamas. it's possible but that's not the forecast right now. we will have more models by the time is gets closer. all we already know is that the hurricane warnings are posted for the bahamas and rightfully so. 36 hours of a storm at 140-mile-per-hour or greater in any spot will do unimaginable damage and harm to that area. storm surge, wind damage, an awful lot of rainfall coming down too like that's not even a huge problem at this point in time when your winds are 140. waves off the east coast will be 40 feet. that's not on shore. there will be breakers before that. but eventually this thing gets up to the carolina with large breakers. but neither model right now -- all model are in. the european and the american model none of them actually have the eye center over any part of the u.s. not saying that's eye wall backup that's the center of the eye. that's some good news just get this thing farpgter out to sea process. we'll all be good. >> fingers crossed if that happened. but even without direct landfall i imagine all the people who are there along the east coast will still feel the winds and the rains and the storm surge, no. >> no question about it. 20 inches of rain easy. because it sits over water and uses the water to make its energy and make it rain and rain and rain on shore. then wind even at 6 oh-mile-per-hour. imagine 30 hours of win on shore in west palm or port st. lucy. that would push water into the back bays and into the inner coastal. water could go up eight feet even without landfall. >> so important for everybody to continue preparations for the storm. chad myers thank you. people living on the coast in northern florida and southeast, georgia, being told today to prepare for the powerful storm's arrival. it will either hit with full force or with a glancing blow. cnn's diane gallagher is in jacksonville, florida. diane, how are people there getting ready? >> look, ana we have to point out exactly what chad said. whether it's a full force or glancing blow, wrk jacksonville has to prepare for flooding. a large part due to this right here, the st. john's river, the location -- kind of in between the ocean and the river here. they may have to deal with flooding in jacksonville. i have covered hurricanes in jacksonville. even if it's not a direct hit to florida, they deal with this kind of flooding in the downtown jair, simply because of the way it's situated along the water. and they've prepared accordingly, ana. there is supposed to be a football game, florida state versus boise was supposed to play right across the street from where i am. this should be filled with boats, people tail gating. active, instead they moved the game all the way across the state to tallahassee because they weren't sure of the track. and that's a lot of what we've been doing. we have come up the coastline of florida, my team and i. it's that uncertainty, not knowing when it was going to hit, just how intense the storm surge will be, how intense the winds are going to be, getting whether it makes landfall or not and how it affects the low-lying coastal areas. the oeft coast of florida is used to hurricanes. the people here are prepared and they know how to prepare and what td. but it's something that makes them nervous. schools in the surrounding area, jacksonville cancelled classes for students and tuesday. remember this is labor day weekend. a holiday weekend they weren't in school on monday to begin with. but they want to take every precaution they can to make sure if they do have flooding in this area they don't have people who are caught in it. they don't have kids at school people who return from maybe being on vacation for the holiday trying to get back here and get stuck in whatever comes this which from dorian. now, look, you're not seeing much around here right now. to be honest there are not a lot of active preparations going on in jacksonville. the gas station lines aren't here. the grocery store lines things like that. but remember we are a couple days out. they're watching in forecast and these communities trying to see exactly what to expect. but, again, we're likely going to see some flooding here because that's what happens due to the storm surge and due to the river here, due to the proximity to the observeren >> it's so eerie to see not a soul in sight behind threw, diane gallagher thank you for that update of all the people and organizations moving valuable items out of hurricane dorian's way. no one perhaps has as big a job as nasa, the space agency decided to move this mobile launcher at the fast clip of 1-mile-per-hour. a launcher is as tall as the statue of liberty, weighs more than 10 million pounds and will catapult the next space craft to the moon. but during the sterm it will be indoors for safe keeping. nasa's darryl n pachlt ille is the spokesperson for nasa. given the forecast good news for people in florida. does that change anything in terms of your preparations for the storm? >> no, ana, it does not. we met with our forecaster here at the kennedy space center early this morning. and it's been determined we are going to have potentially still hurricane force winds here at the kennedy space center as this storm comes by. so we want to make sure we're all buttoned up. bethe operation yesterday to move a very valuable piece of equipment, that mobile launcher that you mentioned, which is the further for the artemis program, the send the first woman and the next man to the moon. and learn to live on the moon. so we can live on another world like mars one day. we got the mobile launcher moved back to the vab behind me, behind door number three. high bay three. it's locked up tight. the ground systems crew here at the center finished their work yesterday. now they are hoping preparing and tearing are keggi oh taking care of families and loved ones making sure they're ready for the storm. >> that big piece of equipment, the launcher, that's huge. describe some of the challenges of moving something like that, and how vulnerable is that in a hurricane? >> well, our engineers tell us the moberly launcher can take winds up to 110-mile-per-hour. but when dorian started getting over that we decided, you know, it's best if we have is it inside. he don't want to test it. it's 400 feet tall. when you talk about the challenges to do this it takes about a 50 person operation by our ground team. they had to come in early in the morning, around 5:00 a.m. yesterday and it took about 8 hours to move that crawler -- or to move the mobile launcher with the crawler transporter from the launch pad upon a three-mile journey all the way here to the vehicle assembly building. on the way we have to make sure that everything is stable and steady as she goes. it only goes 1-mile-per-hour. for good reason you wouldn't want it to sway back and forth in movement like that. >> no doubt. fascinating. you sent us a picture of door yaen yan taken from the space station. it's an amazing picture. tell us about it. >> yeah, that's awesome. that's from our cameras at the international space station. and you know we go around the earth every 90 minutes. and so when we got over the top of dorian's location we fired up our cameras, trained it on that angle there. and there you see it it is impressive and awesome sight from space. as you can see there, just the size of it alone, even though it's a smaller storm historically speaking, from that camera angle, from 250 miles above the earth's surface, it really shows you just how powerful it is. especially looking in the part of the picture where you see the defined eye. a great view from space to help understand the power of the storm, ana. >> that is an incredible picture. thank you darryl for sharing that with us. best of luck as you prepare for dorian to arrive. >> thank you, ana. >> we are keeping a close eye on the dangerous storm. within the hour president trump will be briefed on the response to dorian. plus, six weeks, 328 false claims, cnn breaks down president trump's many followshoods. and a woman gives birth alen in a jail cell, as nearby medical professionals do nothing to help. i'll show you more of the shocking video. you're live in the cnn newsroom. thanks for being here. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? 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>> one of the things that has always characterized in white house is that it doesn't operate with the normal discipline and strict yurs of a regular white house. normally there are well defined roles. people play the roles and abide by a set of rules enforced by the chief of staff and on down throughout the rest of the administration. this -- this white house has always been sort of chaotic in the roles that people play. and what madelaine westerhout seemed to play was not so much just a receptionist or secretary who books meepgts with the president but rather somebody mo -- whose job it was to make him happy. you know, we talked to somebody for our story today who said that one of her roles for example was to sort of indicator to the president's anger at ever being in a meeting or an event that was half full, right. she was always making sure that every time that the president appeared in the white house for some kind of event that there were lots of people rounded up to make sure the room was full. you know, that's not something in a traditional job description. but it is in this white house part of the kind of informality and sort of wide ranging kind of roles that these people play. and when you have that kind of informality you sort of have this kind of situation more often where, you know, the people get on his bad side and suddenly they're out. >> yeah, considering how close she was with the president, how much he, you know, maybe utilized her, given what she told reporters, didn't get into the public sphere as far as we know what could she have said that would have been enough for the president to say see you? >> there was a sense -- we reported that today too. he was ambivalent about firing her. there were people around him saying look this crosses a line you can't really allow to stand. i think the ambivalence reflected what you suggest, right? which is that he was close to her and he did sort of see her, you know, as part of a kind of inner circle like hope hicks, like some of the other people and frankly like his children, ivanka and the others who sort of obviously play a close consulting role to him. but, lack, from what the reporting suggested, "the new york times" was and at the meeting, from the reporting she went on at locate talking about the family and intimate details. and that really is a line that most presidents wouldn't -- wouldn't allow to be crossed without consequence. >> we should note cnn was not at the meeting either. let me pivot to another tweet of the president's in the last 24 hours. facing questions over whether he tweeted classified material with this picture that shows the apparent aftermath of an explosion at an iranian rocket launch facility. analysts say the granular level of detail in that picture appears far superior to pictures the u.s. published in the past or ever admitted to having. and there is that white mark on the photo circled there. looks like maybe the flash of a camera. someone perhaps the president took a picture of the picture. patrick, does it matter whether that picture was classified material given he is the president he has the authority though declassify it. >> it matters because of the possibility here that he took a material in such a ham-handed way and simply put it out on twitter as he does with so much commentary, bluster, lays, however he wants to promote information that he just wants to put out there. but this is information that one would say historically, you know, if the united states had in its possession would be handled with utmost care and discretion. the president -- we don't know this for certain. but for a president wouldn't normally be screen shotting material of this kind of highly sensitive nature of a place like iran and then just post going on twitter. for what purpose? >> it would allow iran to know also what the u.s. can see. >> absolutely. absolutely. but it's not -- the president at least -- we know the president to be such an impulsive communicator, this doesn't seem like it was some kind of three dimensional chess game with the iranians. it seems again like the act of someone playing around with photos and twitter and trying to put something out there. >> patrick healy and michael sheerer good to have you both with us. thanks, gentlemen. from big lies to the tiny exaggerations president trump makes plenty of false claims. next a six-week cnn analysis. you're live in the cnn newsroom. ♪ living well do you often wake up with chest congestion? or suffer excess mucus? try mucinex 12 hour. the bio layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus. and lasts for 12 hours. mucinex 12 hour. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. her saturdays are a never- ending montage of comfort. 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. welcome become. on this labor day weekend, a cnn analysis finds president trump spent his summer laboring to make claims that don't line up with the facts. he has made 328 verifiably false statements over just six weeks, according to our count. cnn fact checker danieldale started checking after the july 4th weekend. by your count the president is making an average of eight false claims a day. you have broken then down for us. what area ises is the president he cannage rating about the post. >> the number one claims is the kplee. 26% of the 328 false claims were about the economy in some way. you see in the top five as well we have trade and we have china. so a lot of the economic claims were about his trade war. and the other notable thing about this list is that immigration is down at number five. that's still high. but by nigh my analysis in the first two years of trump's presidency that was the number one subject will offis dishonesty. you see the way the economy and trade have taken precedents the last number of weeks. >> sometimes the false claims get repeated. what are the president's i guess you could call them greative hits. >> he says the same things over. number one is the claim it's only china not americans paying the cost of trump's tariffs. i've come on a bunch of cnn shows to explain why that's not true. number two is the claim that democrats support open borders. there is argument that he is metaphorical language. but he is making a clear suggestion that democrats want open borders. that's in the not true. number third is spot the biggest whom he were which is the one that trump got the veterans health care choice passed this is a program signed that law by barack obama in 2014. i want not a trump program. >> you've been looking at when the president offered tall tales the most this summer what did you find. >> it was rallies where he was worst per event pch. worst in cincinnati. the second worst was rally in manchester new hampshire. one was the energy speech in mid-august which was supposed to be about energy. making more than 20 follows o false claims. also on the speech was a speech to conservative teenagers. he made more than 20 false claims to a bunch of kids who came to hear the president. >> is it the large events where he makes false claims the most. >> per event, it is the large events, specifically it's his rallies. he had three rallies. that was enough to make rallies the number two ven yu on the list. but number one overall was his exchanges with reporters. when he stands in front of the marine 1 helicopter having some other back and forth. when he is having the dealings with the media he says a whole bunch of untrue stuff. >> okay, danieldale, really appreciate you bringing that to us facts first, right. >> absolutely. thank you. >> back to the top story. now hurricane dorian shifts east putting a whole new part of the country on high alert. the latest on the track, in just minutes. you're live in the cnn newsroom. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ love them, hate their laundry, protection. detergent alone doesn't kill bacteria but adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect. ® (door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious 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and the carolinas. cnn's chad myers is back with us from the severe weather center. chad, where is this hurricane now? and just how fast is it moving. >> moving about 8 to 9-mile-per-hour. and 380 miles from west balm beach. although it's not heading to west balm beach because it's going to turn. just so you have a reference for distance. it is a day and a half away from the bahamas. and this is the time that the bahamas are really going to have to do some significant soul searching, whether you want to protect your valuables or protect your yourself, because this will be a life-threatening storm in the bahamas. i'll get to that in a second. this is what the hurricane looks like from space. the visible satellite -- we don't color it. sometimes they're orange and red and blue and black. this is just the colors that the hurricane is seeing. and if you really try hard enough you can see the ocean through the eye. that's never a good thing. right now 150-mile-per-hour moving to the west at 8, 185-mile-per-hour gusts. hurricane hunters were in there and found a 166-mile-per-hour gust. that's probably more like it. there is the storm, really a tremendous eye. and barreling toward the bahamas. and i know the model here -- you lack at the map on tv or on the web, it appears like it's going to be a nice little curve. that's not what the models are saying at all. the models are saying it gets to the bahamas, it's staying there for 24 hours or more. stopping, like within -- the eye not moving more than 10 miles in 24 hours. that's doing one thing. two. it's use attention up the heat in the water, the upwelcome, the water spins if it sits there and spins long enough will get colder and may lower the intensity of the hurricane but then it moves it almost directly north and like this. it's almost a little bit of a right turn. it's a stop and then a turn. and so almost like, you know, using the blinker for 24 hours and making the turn. hurricane warning in effect for all of the bahamas, especially free porpt toward nasa and the lower islands only under watches. but you are seeing significant waves and surge, maybe 15 feet around there for surge. and waves 30 feet on top of that. now there will be brakers offshore so not overwashing all of the islands but they will be overwashing some of the islands. the prime minister of the area there i heard a bit ago on cnn international when i was doing a hit there, said if you are on the keys -- not the florida keys, the bahamian keys. get off. because your island will be overwashed with party o water. get to the mainland as high as you can. and really the water there on some of the keys are six to eight feet tall and mainly made of coral and sand. they are serious about, the balms for sure. does it make landfall in the u.s.? we don't think it will. but it's too close to call really. you can't let your guard down. it's too big. >> and we've seen it change course a few times in the last 24 hours or at least past couple of days. so could get again. thank you very much chad. >> you bet. >> dorian is already drawing comparisons to mushing matthew, the 2016 hurricane that took a long slow ride up the florida, georgia and south carolina coastlines. matthew did more than $10 billion in damage and killed 49 people. cnn meteorologist derek van dam joins from us hutchison island, a barrier island off port st. lucy in fl. derek matthew is not the kind of storm anyone wants repeated. why the comparison? >> well, i think first it's important for our viewers, ana, to recognize that each storm comes with the ewe neat neek challenges, variables and threats. but if we do the apples to apples kpirz. think about the track of hurricane matthew in october of 2016 riding parallel with the east coast of florida. now think about what dorian is doing. it's approaching from the east to the west, meaning it's running perpendicular to the shoreline when it approaches. and then we are relying on it to make the right hand turn. we are literally relying on expert meteorological analysis as well as data. and unfortunately the data that we put into the computer models that we look at so closely is only as good as what we have available to us. it's great over land but terrible over the ocean. and that's one of the reasons why the storm has been so notoriously difficult to predict, making it so erratic and changing the path so quickly. >> now florida beach communities have been trying to save beaches from erosion for decades. what kind of threat does dorian pose to the efforts. >> without a doubt, we have to remember we have an approaching category 5 teetering -- or category 4 teetering on category 5 hurricane. you combine that with king tides. that's actually an abnormally high tide for this time of year. literally the moon is rotating around the earth at its closest point. and it's exaggerating the tidal swings on the ocean. you combine the two variables, and we put communities on the coastline at risk to coastal erosion. you can see this home behind me here in hutchison island has been susceptible to coastal erosion. there is beach erosion behind it. as we the storm draw near the storm it picks up the surf it allows for more situations like this behind me. >> derek van dam we see people still enjoying the weather while it's nice. but we certainly hope everybody takes the precautions and stays safe. we'll check back. meantime a woman gives birth alone and in jail after hours of crying for help. yes, this happened in america. her attorney joins me live. they give us excellent customer otservice, every time.e. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the 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knocking on the door trying to get somebody's attention because according to the lawsuit her water had broken. relief though comes only in the form of a folded white pad slipped under the door that she puts on the bed. she pulse pants down to the knees and lies on top of it. about an half hour later you can see she is wrighting clearly in pain. at 10:444 in the morning gives birth. almost six hours after she says she told guards snefs in labor. the lawsuit claims the guards called for a non-ee mentoring van to take her to the hospital but that an ambulance wasn't called until after she gave birth. i spoke with sanchez's lawyer this week. and our local affiliate spoke with sanchez herself last year. listen. >> that pain was just undescribable. and what hurts me more, though, is the fact that nobody cared. i cannot fathom any legitimate explanation for not providing her with adequate medical care and taking her directly to the hospital where she belonged. >> the denver sheriffs department which operates the jail said in passport said she was in the medical unit and under the care of denver health professionals at the time she gave birth. to make sure this doesn't happen again, the denver sheriffs department changed policies to ensure that pregnant inmates in any stage of labor are transported immediately to the hospital. it also said that after this incident an internal investigation was done which found that deputies took appropriate actions, given the circumstances, and that they followed protocols. now denver health, which employs the nurses at the jail would not comment on this incident given the pending litigation. but said that their number one priority was ensuring that inmates receive adequate care. >> scott, thank you. mar y fumen you saw her with scott. is diana a sanchez's attorney. some of the details in the lawsuit absolutely floored me. your client was nine days away from her due date, had multiple factors contributing to a high risk pregnancy. but when she obviously went into labor they said it was inconvenient to take her to the hospital because they were in the midst of booking inmates. >> that's exactly, right, ana. i wish i could say this is a unique situation. but unfortunately experience tells us this is exactly how the denver jail and denver health do business, time and time again. assuming that inmates are exaggerating or lying when they bring up legitimate medical needs. >> i also think about the baby. and potential medical needs. your lawsuit also claims no one had proper clamps so they could cut the up bilkle cord. had to wit for fire rescue. no one dried or warmed the baby. no one administered drops to protect the baby's eyes. yet as scott reported the sfaf said sheriff followed the protocol. quoting here the deputy sheriffs took the appropriate actions under the circumstances. what's your response to that is this. >> honestly i'm flab earn gafted bid that response. the fact that they would say that nothing was done wrong when a woman gives birth in her cell all alone, feet away from a toilet after crying out in pain for hours and hours and hours in labor. and they did nothing wrong? i mean, i shudder to think what it looks like when they admit something did go wrong. >> policies are now changed. they say any pregnant inmate in any stage of labor is immediately transported to the hospital tp do you stee that as an admission they did something wrong with your client. >> i can't imagine why they would not have already had a policy in place stating something to profoundly obvious. if a woman is in labor, she clearly needs to go to the hospital. in is the united states. we're not living out in the woods somewhere. i mean, there is no legitimate reason for them not to have always had a policy that when any inmate expresses a serious medical need, especially something to obvious as being in labor that they're not immediately taken to the hospital. it's just atrocious. >> what does justice look like then? >> well, certainly one thing that we absolutely knead to make sure of is that something like this never happens to anybody else. this is the kind of horrible experience that we would never wish even on our worst enemies. spo justice certainly looks like ensuring it never happens again. and that denver and denver health take some sort of possibility for their conduct. unfortunately, they seem to be doing just the opposite. denver's investigation and conclusion that they did nothing wrong really doesn't -- doesn't lead us to believe that things would go differently next time, does it. >> as we mentioned this happened in 2018, a little over a year ago. how is the baby doing? >> so far i am very hopeful the baby is going to be fine. but i want to be clear. one of the things that denver seems to rely on is the fact that this time nobody died. but that doesn't mean that there is no problem here. the fact that this time they got lucky and didn't kill miss sanchez or her baby doesn't mean they are off the hook. something has to change when denver continues to treat inmates as though they are a throw away, not believing them when they express needs so obvious as going into labor and having a baby. >> mary neumann thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> please keep us posted. >> dramatic images from hong kong now as protesters set fire to barricades in the street. cnn takes you there next. but first they played a critical role in american history, helping to build railroads and other infrastructure. but today donkeys are often abandoned and abused. this week's cnn hero is trying to change it. mark myers has now saved more than 13,000 donkeys giving them a second chance at life. >> donkeys speak to my soul. >> that will lip will come rights. >> donkeys are like dogs, amazing animals that nobody gets. i understand what they're thinking. and there are so many donkeys in so many place that is need so much help. >> there is nothing cuter than a baby 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(speaking japanese) where am i? (woman speaking french) are you crazy/nuts? cyclist: pip! pip! (woman speaking french) i'm here, look at me. it's completely your fault. (man speaking french) ok? it's me. it's my fault? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. (pterodactyl screech) believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. mno kidding.rd. but moving your internet and tv? that's easy. easy?! easy? easy. because now xfinity lets you transfer your service online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. really? really. that was easy. yup. plus, with two-hour appointment windows, it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. on a weekend that honors america's work force here at home, we now know the name of the latest member of our armed forces to give his life in service to this country in war. the pentagon says sergeant first class dustin of hide park was killed. he was 31. part of the first special forces group airborne. ard's father wrote in a statement my heart has a hole so big i can hardly stand it, calling him a great son, father, brother and husband. he was the third service member killed in action just this week. pro-democracy protests in hong kong turned violent as police and demonstrators clashed in the streets. look at that, authorities used tear gas and water cannon near the legislative council building after protesters threw fire bombs on to police barricades. cnn's will ripley is on the scene in hong kong. >> reporter: just as hong kong police disbursed, one demonstration down the road that way, we walked this way and found this. i thought we were walking up to some sort of a rock concert or burning man. there were laser beams. you here cheers from the crowd, behind this barricade of fire they have set up in the heart of hong kong, one of hong kong's busiest streets shut down by protesters who burned an umbrella, they set up barricades and obviously there was enough propellant there because this fire has been going on for quite some time. we have seen protesters use their usual tactics. they have thrown bricks at police. they were hurled petrol bombs at officers and officers fired back. not sure what that was. we'll get a little bit further back from the fire there. police officers have used tear gas, a mainstay this summer, and they have also been using water cannons, shooting out water with blue dye to identify protesters. all of these gatherings are illegal. demonstrators came out anyway. smaller numbers. not the families we saw in the park. these are the people out here ready to fight. that's exactly what they're doing here on the streets of hong kong. i'm will ripley for cnn. the track has changed but the danger remains, florida as well as georgia and the carolinas are all on edge as dorian turns towards the southeast and these images from coco beach, the latest on the track next. you're live in the cnn newsroom. ? or suffer excess mucus? try mucinex 12 hour. the bio layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus. and lasts for 12 hours. mucinex 12 hour. my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all common types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. don't take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free... ...fearless... ...and there's no looking back, because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. his life is pretty comfortable. then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. i've been living a lie. (laughs) the serta icomfort hybrid mattress. not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. top of the hour, you are live in the cnn newsroom, i'm ana cabrera in new york, we follow the breaking news, a massive and powerful hurricane with destructive category four winds. hurricane dorian is still churning toward the southeastern u.s., but suddenly on a much less predictable path after shifting east. still people in coastal florida could start feeling tropical storm force winds as soon

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190831 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190831

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show us where and what people there are about to go through. >> it's going to hit the bahamas over and over and over. and i'm glad you pointed that out. because i made a special map to point out what we are specking from the storm now. what the european model and the american model are pretty much agreeing upon. the storm right now is 150-mile-per-hour. we did have a wind gust to 166 from the hurricane hunter aircraft about an hour ago. the plane has now left to come back home and another plane son the way. but we won't get anymore pressures or updates by the 5:00 hour. here is what's going on. the storm is breathing well. the eye is going about 15 miles coo from one side to the other. we are expecting the turn around the bahamas and turning right. it appears that this is going to be a smooth turn. but it's not. this is saturday at 3:00. this is right now. there is nassau. there is free port. there is the storm at 10:00 p.m. sunday morning. there is the storm mat 10:00 p.m. sunday night. did you see it move? here is the storm 10:00 a.m. sunday morning, oh, my gosh, this thing has been in the bahamas now for 24 hours at 140-mile-per-hour. but wait. there is more. here you go. sunday, 11, 10:00 p.m. -- p.m. -- another 12 hours in the same spot and then finally begins to move by tuesday. so this is not turning. it's stopping and then making almost an 90 degree left-hand turn. if you believe that -- but it wouldn't have to go much farther west to have that over florida. that's why you've prepared in florida. don't let the guard down. you have to keep watching. let's hope it never gets to the bahamas and does that stop somewhere 60 miles east of the bahamas. it's possible but that's not the forecast right now. we will have more models by the time is gets closer. all we already know is that the hurricane warnings are posted for the bahamas and rightfully so. 36 hours of a storm at 140-mile-per-hour or greater in any spot will do unimaginable damage and harm to that area. storm surge, wind damage, an awful lot of rainfall coming down too like that's not even a huge problem at this point in time when your winds are 140. waves off the east coast will be 40 feet. that's not on shore. there will be breakers before that. but eventually this thing gets up to the carolina with large breakers. but neither model right now -- all model are in. the european and the american model none of them actually have the eye center over any part of the u.s. not saying that's eye wall backup that's the center of the eye. that's some good news just get this thing farpgter out to sea process. we'll all be good. >> fingers crossed if that happened. but even without direct landfall i imagine all the people who are there along the east coast will still feel the winds and the rains and the storm surge, no. >> no question about it. 20 inches of rain easy. because it sits over water and uses the water to make its energy and make it rain and rain and rain on shore. then wind even at 6 oh-mile-per-hour. imagine 30 hours of win on shore in west palm or port st. lucy. that would push water into the back bays and into the inner coastal. water could go up eight feet even without landfall. >> so important for everybody to continue preparations for the storm. chad myers thank you. people living on the coast in northern florida and southeast, georgia, being told today to prepare for the powerful storm's arrival. it will either hit with full force or with a glancing blow. cnn's diane gallagher is in jacksonville, florida. diane, how are people there getting ready? >> look, ana we have to point out exactly what chad said. whether it's a full force or glancing blow, wrk jacksonville has to prepare for flooding. a large part due to this right here, the st. john's river, the location -- kind of in between the ocean and the river here. they may have to deal with flooding in jacksonville. i have covered hurricanes in jacksonville. even if it's not a direct hit to florida, they deal with this kind of flooding in the downtown jair, simply because of the way it's situated along the water. and they've prepared accordingly, ana. there is supposed to be a football game, florida state versus boise was supposed to play right across the street from where i am. this should be filled with boats, people tail gating. active, instead they moved the game all the way across the state to tallahassee because they weren't sure of the track. and that's a lot of what we've been doing. we have come up the coastline of florida, my team and i. it's that uncertainty, not knowing when it was going to hit, just how intense the storm surge will be, how intense the winds are going to be, getting whether it makes landfall or not and how it affects the low-lying coastal areas. the oeft coast of florida is used to hurricanes. the people here are prepared and they know how to prepare and what td. but it's something that makes them nervous. schools in the surrounding area, jacksonville cancelled classes for students and tuesday. remember this is labor day weekend. a holiday weekend they weren't in school on monday to begin with. but they want to take every precaution they can to make sure if they do have flooding in this area they don't have people who are caught in it. they don't have kids at school people who return from maybe being on vacation for the holiday trying to get back here and get stuck in whatever comes this which from dorian. now, look, you're not seeing much around here right now. to be honest there are not a lot of active preparations going on in jacksonville. the gas station lines aren't here. the grocery store lines things like that. but remember we are a couple days out. they're watching in forecast and these communities trying to see exactly what to expect. but, again, we're likely going to see some flooding here because that's what happens due to the storm surge and due to the river here, due to the proximity to the observeren >> it's so eerie to see not a soul in sight behind threw, diane gallagher thank you for that update of all the people and organizations moving valuable items out of hurricane dorian's way. no one perhaps has as big a job as nasa, the space agency decided to move this mobile launcher at the fast clip of 1-mile-per-hour. a launcher is as tall as the statue of liberty, weighs more than 10 million pounds and will catapult the next space craft to the moon. but during the sterm it will be indoors for safe keeping. nasa's darryl n pachlt ille is the spokesperson for nasa. given the forecast good news for people in florida. does that change anything in terms of your preparations for the storm? >> no, ana, it does not. we met with our forecaster here at the kennedy space center early this morning. and it's been determined we are going to have potentially still hurricane force winds here at the kennedy space center as this storm comes by. so we want to make sure we're all buttoned up. bethe operation yesterday to move a very valuable piece of equipment, that mobile launcher that you mentioned, which is the further for the artemis program, the send the first woman and the next man to the moon. and learn to live on the moon. so we can live on another world like mars one day. we got the mobile launcher moved back to the vab behind me, behind door number three. high bay three. it's locked up tight. the ground systems crew here at the center finished their work yesterday. now they are hoping preparing and tearing are keggi oh taking care of families and loved ones making sure they're ready for the storm. >> that big piece of equipment, the launcher, that's huge. describe some of the challenges of moving something like that, and how vulnerable is that in a hurricane? >> well, our engineers tell us the moberly launcher can take winds up to 110-mile-per-hour. but when dorian started getting over that we decided, you know, it's best if we have is it inside. he don't want to test it. it's 400 feet tall. when you talk about the challenges to do this it takes about a 50 person operation by our ground team. they had to come in early in the morning, around 5:00 a.m. yesterday and it took about 8 hours to move that crawler -- or to move the mobile launcher with the crawler transporter from the launch pad upon a three-mile journey all the way here to the vehicle assembly building. on the way we have to make sure that everything is stable and steady as she goes. it only goes 1-mile-per-hour. for good reason you wouldn't want it to sway back and forth in movement like that. >> no doubt. fascinating. you sent us a picture of door yaen yan taken from the space station. it's an amazing picture. tell us about it. >> yeah, that's awesome. that's from our cameras at the international space station. and you know we go around the earth every 90 minutes. and so when we got over the top of dorian's location we fired up our cameras, trained it on that angle there. and there you see it it is impressive and awesome sight from space. as you can see there, just the size of it alone, even though it's a smaller storm historically speaking, from that camera angle, from 250 miles above the earth's surface, it really shows you just how powerful it is. especially looking in the part of the picture where you see the defined eye. a great view from space to help understand the power of the storm, ana. >> that is an incredible picture. thank you darryl for sharing that with us. best of luck as you prepare for dorian to arrive. >> thank you, ana. >> we are keeping a close eye on the dangerous storm. within the hour president trump will be briefed on the response to dorian. plus, six weeks, 328 false claims, cnn breaks down president trump's many followshoods. and a woman gives birth alen in a jail cell, as nearby medical professionals do nothing to help. i'll show you more of the shocking video. you're live in the cnn newsroom. thanks for being here. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? 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>> one of the things that has always characterized in white house is that it doesn't operate with the normal discipline and strict yurs of a regular white house. normally there are well defined roles. people play the roles and abide by a set of rules enforced by the chief of staff and on down throughout the rest of the administration. this -- this white house has always been sort of chaotic in the roles that people play. and what madelaine westerhout seemed to play was not so much just a receptionist or secretary who books meepgts with the president but rather somebody mo -- whose job it was to make him happy. you know, we talked to somebody for our story today who said that one of her roles for example was to sort of indicator to the president's anger at ever being in a meeting or an event that was half full, right. she was always making sure that every time that the president appeared in the white house for some kind of event that there were lots of people rounded up to make sure the room was full. you know, that's not something in a traditional job description. but it is in this white house part of the kind of informality and sort of wide ranging kind of roles that these people play. and when you have that kind of informality you sort of have this kind of situation more often where, you know, the people get on his bad side and suddenly they're out. >> yeah, considering how close she was with the president, how much he, you know, maybe utilized her, given what she told reporters, didn't get into the public sphere as far as we know what could she have said that would have been enough for the president to say see you? >> there was a sense -- we reported that today too. he was ambivalent about firing her. there were people around him saying look this crosses a line you can't really allow to stand. i think the ambivalence reflected what you suggest, right? which is that he was close to her and he did sort of see her, you know, as part of a kind of inner circle like hope hicks, like some of the other people and frankly like his children, ivanka and the others who sort of obviously play a close consulting role to him. but, lack, from what the reporting suggested, "the new york times" was and at the meeting, from the reporting she went on at locate talking about the family and intimate details. and that really is a line that most presidents wouldn't -- wouldn't allow to be crossed without consequence. >> we should note cnn was not at the meeting either. let me pivot to another tweet of the president's in the last 24 hours. facing questions over whether he tweeted classified material with this picture that shows the apparent aftermath of an explosion at an iranian rocket launch facility. analysts say the granular level of detail in that picture appears far superior to pictures the u.s. published in the past or ever admitted to having. and there is that white mark on the photo circled there. looks like maybe the flash of a camera. someone perhaps the president took a picture of the picture. patrick, does it matter whether that picture was classified material given he is the president he has the authority though declassify it. >> it matters because of the possibility here that he took a material in such a ham-handed way and simply put it out on twitter as he does with so much commentary, bluster, lays, however he wants to promote information that he just wants to put out there. but this is information that one would say historically, you know, if the united states had in its possession would be handled with utmost care and discretion. the president -- we don't know this for certain. but for a president wouldn't normally be screen shotting material of this kind of highly sensitive nature of a place like iran and then just post going on twitter. for what purpose? >> it would allow iran to know also what the u.s. can see. >> absolutely. absolutely. but it's not -- the president at least -- we know the president to be such an impulsive communicator, this doesn't seem like it was some kind of three dimensional chess game with the iranians. it seems again like the act of someone playing around with photos and twitter and trying to put something out there. >> patrick healy and michael sheerer good to have you both with us. thanks, gentlemen. from big lies to the tiny exaggerations president trump makes plenty of false claims. next a six-week cnn analysis. you're live in the cnn newsroom. ♪ living well do you often wake up with chest congestion? or suffer excess mucus? try mucinex 12 hour. the bio layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus. and lasts for 12 hours. mucinex 12 hour. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. her saturdays are a never- ending montage of comfort. 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. welcome become. on this labor day weekend, a cnn analysis finds president trump spent his summer laboring to make claims that don't line up with the facts. he has made 328 verifiably false statements over just six weeks, according to our count. cnn fact checker danieldale started checking after the july 4th weekend. by your count the president is making an average of eight false claims a day. you have broken then down for us. what area ises is the president he cannage rating about the post. >> the number one claims is the kplee. 26% of the 328 false claims were about the economy in some way. you see in the top five as well we have trade and we have china. so a lot of the economic claims were about his trade war. and the other notable thing about this list is that immigration is down at number five. that's still high. but by nigh my analysis in the first two years of trump's presidency that was the number one subject will offis dishonesty. you see the way the economy and trade have taken precedents the last number of weeks. >> sometimes the false claims get repeated. what are the president's i guess you could call them greative hits. >> he says the same things over. number one is the claim it's only china not americans paying the cost of trump's tariffs. i've come on a bunch of cnn shows to explain why that's not true. number two is the claim that democrats support open borders. there is argument that he is metaphorical language. but he is making a clear suggestion that democrats want open borders. that's in the not true. number third is spot the biggest whom he were which is the one that trump got the veterans health care choice passed this is a program signed that law by barack obama in 2014. i want not a trump program. >> you've been looking at when the president offered tall tales the most this summer what did you find. >> it was rallies where he was worst per event pch. worst in cincinnati. the second worst was rally in manchester new hampshire. one was the energy speech in mid-august which was supposed to be about energy. making more than 20 follows o false claims. also on the speech was a speech to conservative teenagers. he made more than 20 false claims to a bunch of kids who came to hear the president. >> is it the large events where he makes false claims the most. >> per event, it is the large events, specifically it's his rallies. he had three rallies. that was enough to make rallies the number two ven yu on the list. but number one overall was his exchanges with reporters. when he stands in front of the marine 1 helicopter having some other back and forth. when he is having the dealings with the media he says a whole bunch of untrue stuff. >> okay, danieldale, really appreciate you bringing that to us facts first, right. >> absolutely. thank you. >> back to the top story. now hurricane dorian shifts east putting a whole new part of the country on high alert. the latest on the track, in just minutes. you're live in the cnn newsroom. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ love them, hate their laundry, protection. detergent alone doesn't kill bacteria but adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% with 0% bleach. lysol. what it takes to protect. ® (door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious 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and the carolinas. cnn's chad myers is back with us from the severe weather center. chad, where is this hurricane now? and just how fast is it moving. >> moving about 8 to 9-mile-per-hour. and 380 miles from west balm beach. although it's not heading to west balm beach because it's going to turn. just so you have a reference for distance. it is a day and a half away from the bahamas. and this is the time that the bahamas are really going to have to do some significant soul searching, whether you want to protect your valuables or protect your yourself, because this will be a life-threatening storm in the bahamas. i'll get to that in a second. this is what the hurricane looks like from space. the visible satellite -- we don't color it. sometimes they're orange and red and blue and black. this is just the colors that the hurricane is seeing. and if you really try hard enough you can see the ocean through the eye. that's never a good thing. right now 150-mile-per-hour moving to the west at 8, 185-mile-per-hour gusts. hurricane hunters were in there and found a 166-mile-per-hour gust. that's probably more like it. there is the storm, really a tremendous eye. and barreling toward the bahamas. and i know the model here -- you lack at the map on tv or on the web, it appears like it's going to be a nice little curve. that's not what the models are saying at all. the models are saying it gets to the bahamas, it's staying there for 24 hours or more. stopping, like within -- the eye not moving more than 10 miles in 24 hours. that's doing one thing. two. it's use attention up the heat in the water, the upwelcome, the water spins if it sits there and spins long enough will get colder and may lower the intensity of the hurricane but then it moves it almost directly north and like this. it's almost a little bit of a right turn. it's a stop and then a turn. and so almost like, you know, using the blinker for 24 hours and making the turn. hurricane warning in effect for all of the bahamas, especially free porpt toward nasa and the lower islands only under watches. but you are seeing significant waves and surge, maybe 15 feet around there for surge. and waves 30 feet on top of that. now there will be brakers offshore so not overwashing all of the islands but they will be overwashing some of the islands. the prime minister of the area there i heard a bit ago on cnn international when i was doing a hit there, said if you are on the keys -- not the florida keys, the bahamian keys. get off. because your island will be overwashed with party o water. get to the mainland as high as you can. and really the water there on some of the keys are six to eight feet tall and mainly made of coral and sand. they are serious about, the balms for sure. does it make landfall in the u.s.? we don't think it will. but it's too close to call really. you can't let your guard down. it's too big. >> and we've seen it change course a few times in the last 24 hours or at least past couple of days. so could get again. thank you very much chad. >> you bet. >> dorian is already drawing comparisons to mushing matthew, the 2016 hurricane that took a long slow ride up the florida, georgia and south carolina coastlines. matthew did more than $10 billion in damage and killed 49 people. cnn meteorologist derek van dam joins from us hutchison island, a barrier island off port st. lucy in fl. derek matthew is not the kind of storm anyone wants repeated. why the comparison? >> well, i think first it's important for our viewers, ana, to recognize that each storm comes with the ewe neat neek challenges, variables and threats. but if we do the apples to apples kpirz. think about the track of hurricane matthew in october of 2016 riding parallel with the east coast of florida. now think about what dorian is doing. it's approaching from the east to the west, meaning it's running perpendicular to the shoreline when it approaches. and then we are relying on it to make the right hand turn. we are literally relying on expert meteorological analysis as well as data. and unfortunately the data that we put into the computer models that we look at so closely is only as good as what we have available to us. it's great over land but terrible over the ocean. and that's one of the reasons why the storm has been so notoriously difficult to predict, making it so erratic and changing the path so quickly. >> now florida beach communities have been trying to save beaches from erosion for decades. what kind of threat does dorian pose to the efforts. >> without a doubt, we have to remember we have an approaching category 5 teetering -- or category 4 teetering on category 5 hurricane. you combine that with king tides. that's actually an abnormally high tide for this time of year. literally the moon is rotating around the earth at its closest point. and it's exaggerating the tidal swings on the ocean. you combine the two variables, and we put communities on the coastline at risk to coastal erosion. you can see this home behind me here in hutchison island has been susceptible to coastal erosion. there is beach erosion behind it. as we the storm draw near the storm it picks up the surf it allows for more situations like this behind me. >> derek van dam we see people still enjoying the weather while it's nice. but we certainly hope everybody takes the precautions and stays safe. we'll check back. meantime a woman gives birth alone and in jail after hours of crying for help. yes, this happened in america. her attorney joins me live. they give us excellent customer otservice, every time.e. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. we're the gomez family... we're the rivera family... we're the 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knocking on the door trying to get somebody's attention because according to the lawsuit her water had broken. relief though comes only in the form of a folded white pad slipped under the door that she puts on the bed. she pulse pants down to the knees and lies on top of it. about an half hour later you can see she is wrighting clearly in pain. at 10:444 in the morning gives birth. almost six hours after she says she told guards snefs in labor. the lawsuit claims the guards called for a non-ee mentoring van to take her to the hospital but that an ambulance wasn't called until after she gave birth. i spoke with sanchez's lawyer this week. and our local affiliate spoke with sanchez herself last year. listen. >> that pain was just undescribable. and what hurts me more, though, is the fact that nobody cared. i cannot fathom any legitimate explanation for not providing her with adequate medical care and taking her directly to the hospital where she belonged. >> the denver sheriffs department which operates the jail said in passport said she was in the medical unit and under the care of denver health professionals at the time she gave birth. to make sure this doesn't happen again, the denver sheriffs department changed policies to ensure that pregnant inmates in any stage of labor are transported immediately to the hospital. it also said that after this incident an internal investigation was done which found that deputies took appropriate actions, given the circumstances, and that they followed protocols. now denver health, which employs the nurses at the jail would not comment on this incident given the pending litigation. but said that their number one priority was ensuring that inmates receive adequate care. >> scott, thank you. mar y fumen you saw her with scott. is diana a sanchez's attorney. some of the details in the lawsuit absolutely floored me. your client was nine days away from her due date, had multiple factors contributing to a high risk pregnancy. but when she obviously went into labor they said it was inconvenient to take her to the hospital because they were in the midst of booking inmates. >> that's exactly, right, ana. i wish i could say this is a unique situation. but unfortunately experience tells us this is exactly how the denver jail and denver health do business, time and time again. assuming that inmates are exaggerating or lying when they bring up legitimate medical needs. >> i also think about the baby. and potential medical needs. your lawsuit also claims no one had proper clamps so they could cut the up bilkle cord. had to wit for fire rescue. no one dried or warmed the baby. no one administered drops to protect the baby's eyes. yet as scott reported the sfaf said sheriff followed the protocol. quoting here the deputy sheriffs took the appropriate actions under the circumstances. what's your response to that is this. >> honestly i'm flab earn gafted bid that response. the fact that they would say that nothing was done wrong when a woman gives birth in her cell all alone, feet away from a toilet after crying out in pain for hours and hours and hours in labor. and they did nothing wrong? i mean, i shudder to think what it looks like when they admit something did go wrong. >> policies are now changed. they say any pregnant inmate in any stage of labor is immediately transported to the hospital tp do you stee that as an admission they did something wrong with your client. >> i can't imagine why they would not have already had a policy in place stating something to profoundly obvious. if a woman is in labor, she clearly needs to go to the hospital. in is the united states. we're not living out in the woods somewhere. i mean, there is no legitimate reason for them not to have always had a policy that when any inmate expresses a serious medical need, especially something to obvious as being in labor that they're not immediately taken to the hospital. it's just atrocious. >> what does justice look like then? >> well, certainly one thing that we absolutely knead to make sure of is that something like this never happens to anybody else. this is the kind of horrible experience that we would never wish even on our worst enemies. spo justice certainly looks like ensuring it never happens again. and that denver and denver health take some sort of possibility for their conduct. unfortunately, they seem to be doing just the opposite. denver's investigation and conclusion that they did nothing wrong really doesn't -- doesn't lead us to believe that things would go differently next time, does it. >> as we mentioned this happened in 2018, a little over a year ago. how is the baby doing? >> so far i am very hopeful the baby is going to be fine. but i want to be clear. one of the things that denver seems to rely on is the fact that this time nobody died. but that doesn't mean that there is no problem here. the fact that this time they got lucky and didn't kill miss sanchez or her baby doesn't mean they are off the hook. something has to change when denver continues to treat inmates as though they are a throw away, not believing them when they express needs so obvious as going into labor and having a baby. >> mary neumann thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> please keep us posted. >> dramatic images from hong kong now as protesters set fire to barricades in the street. cnn takes you there next. but first they played a critical role in american history, helping to build railroads and other infrastructure. but today donkeys are often abandoned and abused. this week's cnn hero is trying to change it. mark myers has now saved more than 13,000 donkeys giving them a second chance at life. >> donkeys speak to my soul. >> that will lip will come rights. >> donkeys are like dogs, amazing animals that nobody gets. i understand what they're thinking. and there are so many donkeys in so many place that is need so much help. >> there is nothing cuter than a baby 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. on a weekend that honors america's work force here at home, we now know the name of the latest member of our armed forces to give his life in service to this country in war. the pentagon says sergeant first class dustin of hide park was killed. he was 31. part of the first special forces group airborne. ard's father wrote in a statement my heart has a hole so big i can hardly stand it, calling him a great son, father, brother and husband. he was the third service member killed in action just this week. pro-democracy protests in hong kong turned violent as police and demonstrators clashed in the streets. look at that, authorities used tear gas and water cannon near the legislative council building after protesters threw fire bombs on to police barricades. cnn's will ripley is on the scene in hong kong. >> reporter: just as hong kong police disbursed, one demonstration down the road that way, we walked this way and found this. i thought we were walking up to some sort of a rock concert or burning man. there were laser beams. you here cheers from the crowd, behind this barricade of fire they have set up in the heart of hong kong, one of hong kong's busiest streets shut down by protesters who burned an umbrella, they set up barricades and obviously there was enough propellant there because this fire has been going on for quite some time. we have seen protesters use their usual tactics. they have thrown bricks at police. they were hurled petrol bombs at officers and officers fired back. not sure what that was. we'll get a little bit further back from the fire there. police officers have used tear gas, a mainstay this summer, and they have also been using water cannons, shooting out water with blue dye to identify protesters. all of these gatherings are illegal. demonstrators came out anyway. smaller numbers. not the families we saw in the park. these are the people out here ready to fight. that's exactly what they're doing here on the streets of hong kong. i'm will ripley for cnn. the track has changed but the danger remains, florida as well as georgia and the carolinas are all on edge as dorian turns towards the southeast and these images from coco beach, the latest on the track next. you're live in the cnn newsroom. ? or suffer excess mucus? try mucinex 12 hour. the bio layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus. and lasts for 12 hours. mucinex 12 hour. my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured and left those doubts behind. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. even hanging with friends i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret, i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all common types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant, other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions, and all medicines you take including herbal supplements. don't take mavyret with atazanavir or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free... ...fearless... ...and there's no looking back, because i am cured. talk to your doctor about mavyret. his life is pretty comfortable. then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. i've been living a lie. (laughs) the serta icomfort hybrid mattress. not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. top of the hour, you are live in the cnn newsroom, i'm ana cabrera in new york, we follow the breaking news, a massive and powerful hurricane with destructive category four winds. hurricane dorian is still churning toward the southeastern u.s., but suddenly on a much less predictable path after shifting east. still people in coastal florida could start feeling tropical storm force winds as soon

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