Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190811

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190811

charges after prosecutors accused him of sex trafficking dozens of underage girls, some as young as 14. his request to await trial at his upper east side mansion was denied and he was ordered to stay at the federal facility. prison officials say epstein was found dead in his cell early saturday morning, shocking news for epstein's accusers who have continued to speak out in the more than a month since his arrest. >> did jeffrey epstein rape you? >> yes. he raped me. >> reporter: jennifer rose, who said epstein raped her when she was a minor, told cnn news that she was angry at his death. "we have to live with the scars of his actions for the rest of our lives while he never will face the consequences of the crimes he committed." an attorney for epstein called for an investigation into epstein's death and released a personal statement to cnn blaming politicians, prosecutors, judges, the press, plaintiffs' lawyers, and jail workers for epstein's death. all these actors appear to bear some responsibility for this calamity, all seem to have a share of mr. epstein's blood on their hands, all should be ashamed of their behavior. epstein's death comes 24 hours after thousands of pages of revealing documents were unsealed in a case from an epstein accuser against one of his former associates. the 2015 defamation suit was filed by virginia guffre, who says epstein flew her around the world to have sex with powerful men, including prince andrew in 2001. a buckingham palace spokesperson denies her claims. a spokesperson for buckingham palace said in response, this relates to proceedings in the united states to which the duke of york is not a party. any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors is categorically untrue. after getting news of epstein's death, guffre's attorney tells cnn that the accountability should not end with jeffrey epstein's cowardly and shameful suicide. we are hopeful that the government will continue to investigate and will focus on those who participated and facilitated epstein's horrifying sex trafficking scheme that damaged so much. epstein struck a controversial deal with federal prosecutors in 2001 and pled guilty to state prostitution charges, spending just 13 months in custody. he got to go to his office is it hours a day, six days a week. epstein's legal team argued the plea deal was the reason epstein should be prosecuted in new york. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. many in law enforcement credit journalist julie k. brown for the fact that epstein was even arrested and facing charges. brown began investigating epstein in 2017. she refused to stop chasing this story. she's been relentless in exposing epstein and finding justice for his victims. julie k. brown of "the miami herald" joins us now. julie, thank you. just hours before epstein's apparent suicide, there was that massive document dump in the case. we just went through some of the accusations revealed. do you think it's a coincidence that epstein's death happened so soon after the release of those documents? >> i don't think anything in this case is a coincidence. i think everything that's happened, happened in the order and as the evidence came out. i'm sure that he could feel things kind of closing in around him. he had known, i'm sure, for quite a while that the release of these documents was imminent and they were going to be pretty brutal. i mean, they are. they tell a story about his sex trafficking operation and how he and other people really went out of their way to prey upon vulnerable girls and young women for years. and, you know, so i think that -- i'm sure he felt like this was going to be a really hard one to beat. >> julie, earlier i spoke with a private investigator, he worked with attorneys for epstein's accusers. let me just read you a quote from what he said. he said, epstein lived his life not in a 4x4 cell. he knew he only had two options, to turn and cooperate and become a witness against the people who indulged this behavior or he was going to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell and there was no way this individual, knowing who he is, was going to do that. let me ask you, you spent the last two years investigating epstein. would he be the type of person who would have killed himself without going to the feds and saying, i'll give you all these details about other involved for some kind of a plea deal? >> i mean, it's hard to say what was really going through his head. i think that probably what was -- what would have happened, he wouldn't have had a choice about that. i think that other people around him were probably going to cooperate or are probably cooperating. so even if he had started to name names or if he decided not to name names, it sort of got to the point now where the case was bigger than he is, and, you know, especially with u.s. attorney berman in new york, he was really determined, i think, to take this case as far as he can take it and hopefully find justice for these girls. and, you know, when you have a prosecutor like that so dedicated, that's sort of the opposite of what happened here in florida. they hid this case. they tried to sweep it under the rug here. and berman, from the outset, was right out there in front of the cameras announcing that he was going to really do everything in his power to find justice for these victims. >> and when epstein was first arrested, you've said there were powerful people sweating. do you think those powerful people are breathing a sigh of relief today or based on what we're learning about the ongoing investigation, do you think they're actually even maybe more concerned? >> they're not breathing a sigh of relief. i know i wouldn't be. i mean, this is serious. very serious. and, you know, i just think that everybody who even, you know, looked the other way, even people who weren't involved, should really take -- do some soul searching. and, you know, you just think, you know, we'll see where the evidence leads, but there were plenty of other people that knew about him and there were plenty of people that made a lot of money off of helping him. >> our thanks to julie k. brown. angry reaction now pouring in from the legal community, the attorneys who represent jeffrey epstein, many who feel cheated because epstein will never see the inside of a courtroom. first, these words from epstein's own lawyer. "i call for full investigation into the circumstances surrounding mr. epstein's death. the public needs to know exactly what happened and why and how his custodians could have let it occur." now from the victims' attorney, lisa broom represents several epstein victims and posted this statement from one of them. "i will never have a sense of closure now. i'm angry as hell that the prison could have allowed this to happen and that i and his other victims will never see him face the consequences for his horrendous actions. i hope that whoever allowed this to happen also faces some type of consequence. you stole from us the huge piece of healing that we needed to move on with our lives." david boise who represents virginia guffre and one other victim says, quote, this is the end of one chapter but only one chapter of the battle to bring the sex traffickers to justice. jeffrey epstein did not act and could not have done what he did alone. justice demands those who acted with him also be held to account. and from brad edwards, the attorney for multiple epstein accusers, the fact that jeffrey epstein was able to commit the selfish act of taking his own life as his world of abuse, exploitation, and corruption unraveled, is unfortunate yet predictable. while we engaged in contentious legal battles for more than a decade, this is not the ending anyone was looking for. the victims deserved to see epstein held accountable and he owed it to everyone he hurt to accept responsibility for all of the pain he caused. epstein apparently killed himself in one of the most secure federal prisons in america. how did this happen and what's next for the vinvestigation? our legal experts weigh in next. every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. it's specially-designed with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. cascade platinum's unique actionpacs dissolve quickly... remove stuck-on food. . . for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. choose the detergent that lets your dishwasher do the dishes! cascade platinum. the number one recommended brand in north america. he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure. at t-mobile, for $40/line for four lines, it's all included for the whole family, starting with unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. and if you like netflix, it's included on us. plus no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees are included. and now for a limited time, with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. that's right, only $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. 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>> conv >> ana, good to be with you. first of all, this is appalling. there are many questions. you have to look and examine why someone who apparently was on suicide watch on the 23rd of july for which there was a suspicious episode, many of which believing it to be his suicide or him trying to take his life at that time, why he would only be on suicide watch for period of six days. to be clear, suicide watch is an indication that someone has some serious mental maladies for which they need to be constantly observed, that means under the observation of everyone else. why was it, even though you claim to have given him six days of daily evaluations, why was he allowed to get off of it thereafter? furthermore, once you go to the special housing unit and it's an extra security unit, why wasn't he examined and checked upon? to be clear, i'm not blaming the actual correction officers in that facility. they do a tough job every day, day in and day out. my questions lie with the brass who made the decision to take him off suicide watch so that he could kill himself and a measure of justice could be taken away from the victims. it begs the question why was there not added security? you knew what he was facing, you knew the stakes involved, you knew the guy wasn't used to prison cells and would be apt and inclined to take his life. there should have been a lot more care and direction in terms of who was looking at him, how they were looking at him and how he was being responded to. he should have never been taken off suicide watch in my view. >> shan, your key questions? >> it's appalling that somebody who is such a high profile defendant would have been allowed to have that time. it raises huge issues for the case. one thing that would have been helpful for the victims is this idea of the asset forfeiture, there could have been some compensation paid to them. it's very unclear what happens now with the forfeiture of his assets with his death. the second circuit court of appeals recently held in a somewhat analogous case that criminal restitution would expire if the defendant died. i think that's an open question. but there are still civil lawsuits pending as well, so i think there's some hope of getting some measure of justice. but most importantly, i think joey would agree, it really ratchets up the heat on following up on these other unnamed conspirators, to really find them, charge them, make them accountable and get them to cooperate to expose what really happened. >> shan, former mayor and prosecutor rudy giuliani says he believes epstein's death makes those other cases more complicated or more challenging. would you agree with that? >> i don't know if it makes them more challenging. i think there's a very strong paper trail. they've obviously already interviewed some of those people. it's clear if they were there and helped, i don't think it's necessarily more challenging. if i were the prosecutor, individually been very hopeful that epstein wouldn't have flipped because guys like that tend to be very narcissistic, always looking to cut themselves a deal. individually had hi i would have held high hopes that he would have been a cooperating witness. i think some of the other people involved will cooperate as well. >> attorney general bill barr says epstein's death raises serious questions and he's working with the inspector general who is opening a separate investigation. we've heard from sitting members of congress demanding answers. senator amy klobuchar, for example, saying the judiciary committee should call a hearing about this. joey, is that necessary? >> i think it is. it's nice that he's livid, but he should have been livid before such that there would be proper supervision in someone you knew or should have known had the ability to take his life. i just don't get it. it's nice that you're livid, sir, but what are you doing now? what is the investigation ultimately going to demonstrate? some breakdowns in the system? we know there were breakdowns in the system. the real issue to me is getting compensation to the victims. so let's go back to shan's point, which is a very critical one. whenever you're prosecuted, you get civil forfeiture allegations, or criminal forfeiture allegations, rather, which is the proceeds of your crime get taken by the government. the reason i raise these issues is because i think the victims deserve some measure of compensation. they're not going to get to see him in court. now certainly they should be compensated for what he did. in the event the federal government pursues that, are they going to share any of the money recouped with the victims? that's essential to me. so you have your hearings, determine how there were breakdowns, what went on. but most importantly they need to, ana, bring the other -- remember, he was charged with conspiracy. you don't do conspiracy yourself. other people were involved. to what extent should those aiders and abettors be held accountable? and any monies recouped by the government should be shared with the people who were the subject of his alleged improprieties. >> i read a bunch of statements from attorneys of his accusers, one los angeles attorney calling on administrators of epstein's estate to freeze his assets and hold them for a victims' fund. you touched on this earlier, shan, joey has too. what is the impact of epstein's death on those civil cases filed against him? >> it complicates matters. it would be a great idea if the administrators of the estate created a fund and put those assets aside. they'll have some conflicting interests. they have a duty, a loyalty to the estate itself, whoever that may be. but if i was one of those attorneys, i would be thinking, i don't want to have this money just basically get dwindled away by defending case after case after case. it might be better to pool it all together and say, hey, let's put together a fund, let people take claims on that fund. >> shan wu and joey jackson, thank you, gentlemen. good to see you. >> thank you, ana, and you. coming up, i go one on one with former new york city mayor michael bloomberg. what's his take on the 2020 candidates and does he have any intention of running himself? 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>> well, some will see it as an advantage, some as a disadvantage. each state is responsible for elections in their state. so there is a whole plethora of different types of machines and systems in place. senator wyden who i spoke to yesterday here, he said one of the main things he brought away from this is that a voting machine should never be connected to the internet. he compared having a machine or equipment that's involved in voting connected to the internet as the same as throwing american ballot boxes on the streets of moscow. also the department of homeland security's top cyber official who was here also this week speaking with the hackers, said that we need to move back to -- we can keep electric machines and electric voting machines, but to have a paperback backup they can be confirmed with paper. >> artificial intelligence can make people appear to do or say things they never did. i know people at defcon were told that dnc chair tom perez was supposed to be there but unable to make it so he decided to connect by skype where he apologized for not being in attendance. except he did no such thing. let's watch. >> greetings, defcon. i'm dnc chair tom perez. my apologies that i can't come to las vegas. it will be something more subtle, like a slowed-down video, or even a deepfake of tom perez talking about cybersecurity. >> there you go. that was not real, of course. the dnc wanted to prove a point. what do you know about that video? >> so the guy you see on the left hand side of that video is essentially controlling dnc chair tom perez' face. that guy is bob lord who is a former tech executive who was actually hired by the democrats after 2016 to really try and shore up their cybersecurity. i think what the dnc is trying to prove here is that we saw misinformation run amok in 2016. they say this is the new wave, this is the next generation of disinformation. and you can imagine if it was to be used in the 2020 election for candidate to make it sound or appear that they said something, that could be troubling. we've also seen some fun -- there's, you know, fun use of this technology too, putting it on celebrities' faces, "snl" characters and things like that. but i think we've seen warnings from the u.s. intelligence community, just earlier this year, saying that america's adversaries, the likes of iran, russia, china, are looking at this technology and could use it in future disinformation campaigns against the u.s. >> donn donie owe as a result o ivan, donie o'sullivan, good to see you, thank you. coming up, the nationwide debate on gun control and whether anything could actually get done. woman 1: i had no symptoms of hepatitis c. man 1: mine... man 1: ...caused liver damage. vo: epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. vo: whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. woman 2: i had the common type. man 2: mine was rare. vo: epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. man 3: i just found out about my hepatitis c. woman 3: i knew for years. vo: epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. vo: before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. vo: tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... vo: ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. vo: taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. like the old "tunic tug". but always discreet is less bulky. and it really protects. 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joining us now to discuss, democratic presidential candidate john hickenlooper who served as governor of colorado during the aurora movie theater shooting. governor, people are afraid right now, they're afraid to go to the store and send their kids to school because they don't want to be next. as someone who led a state after a mass shooting, how do you lift people up during such grief and fear? >> well, it is part of the job of being a governor or a mayor or a president. you become consoler in chief. and you have to kind of be where people are. and, you know, in a fenwunny wa these shootings affect everyone, not just victims and the fast of victims, but the whole community. when you've been one of these shootings in your community, it's almost a form of trauma, when you hear of another shooting, you'll remember certain smells and sounds that will come -- it's not like a flashback, but it's a trauma that affects your life. >> right. as governor in 2013, you managed to get universal background checks for all gun purchases. you got a high capacity magazine ban limit. but you got those laws without any republican support. that obviously can't work on a national level. so what's it going to take? >> well, i think, you know, you asked earlier, what do you do to lift people up after one of these shootings. we waited after the shooting in the aurora movie theater, we waited for several months. i deflected all comments about, it could have happened, let's not draw conclusions, let's take time and mourn our losses. but you're right, we could not get the nra to compromise one moment. they actually were aggressively warning republicans that if you support universal background checks, which literally every republican i knew, every businessperson, everybody on boards i had served with, they all supported universal background checks. and yet the nra was so diligent and so focused, if a republican crossed them and crossed the line and supported a universal background check initiative, they not only would never get funding from the nra again, but they can be assured they would have a primary opponent who was well-funded. >> isn't that the situation we're dealing with now too? how do you get past that, how do you break through that to actually accomplish it in a bipartisan fashion, if you can't just rely on one party to do it? >> well, i think ultimately we are a democracy, and i think maybe we've gotten to the point where the rising tide of public sentiment is going to overwhelm the nra. and i think when you saw a year ago, the republican governor of florida supported red flag laws and universal background checks, and now mike dewine, the republican governor of ohio, is embracing these more progressive gun safety measures, that's the beginning of a tidal wave. i truly believe that mitch mcconnell is going to have to address this issue when the senate comes back in four weeks. >> a number of your rivals in the 2020 race have pointed to the fact that the el paso -- his fear of what he called an invasion is something he wrote about and he mirrored rhetoric the president has used had of some have gone so far as to call the president a white supremacist or white nationalist. take a listen. >> do you think president trump is a white nationalist? >> yes. i do. and we can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. he is a racist and white supremacist. >> do you think president trump is a white supremacist? >> i do. >> a few of your democratic rivals including beto o'rourke, by the way, have described president trump as a white supremacist. do you agree? >> unquestionably. >> he is not only egging on white supremacy and white nationalism but he is one himself. >> based on his words and actions, yes, he is a white supremacist. >> congressman beto o'rourke told me this morning he believes president trump is a white supremacist or a white nationalist. do you agree? >> i do. >> governor, do you believe president trump is a white supremacist or white nationalist? >> you know, what i worry about even more is that he's not a white supremacist but he's using the language of white supremacists and white nationalists. he's stoking the flames of racial hatred for his own marrow political benefit. and i think that's worse than being a white supremacist. he's almost pretending to be one for political gain. that is against everything that this democracy stands for. >> governor, your communications director told cnn you spoke to senate minority leader chuck schumer about a possible u.s. senate run in colorado. are you thinking about ending your presidential bid to do that? >> you know, i am 100% focused on my presidential run at this point. i told senator schumer, i've told pretty much everyone, i feel like i am the one person who has done what everyone else is talking about, that we've delivered near-universal health care coverage, we've beat the nra with universal background checks. we got the oil and gas industry and the environmental community to create major methane regulations. i feel like i've done what other people have done, and if you think, ana, you go back to 1900, every time we've beaten an incumbent president of either party, it's been with a governor or a former governor. i feel we're the ones who have to balance the budgets, we're where the buck stops. as soon as i start talking about senate or some other possibility, not only do i get distracted but my team gets distracted. and i want to give a little more time and just be 100% laser focused on trying to get this message out, that i've done -- i've achieved the big progressive goals that washington has been incapable of. >> fair point, you know, at a c point i just become stubborn. and i actually haven't sat down and figured out when that is. i probably need to do that maybe this weekend. but at this point i keep very focused on what i'm doing every day with my team to try and be the next president of the united states. and i don't rule anything out. but i don't -- right now i'm in the even thinking about it. >> all right. >> literally not think bag. >> former governor john hickenlooper. thank you for joining us. good luck op the campaign trail. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. why go with anybody else? 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New York , United States , Nebraska , Missouri , Las Vegas , Nevada , Iran , China , Florida , Colorado , Virginia , Ohio , Russia , Turkey , Utah , Americans , America , El Chapo , Tom Perez , Mike Dewine , Jeffrey Epstein , John Hickenlooper , Joey Jackson , Brad Edwards , Los Angeles , Bob Lord , Julie K Brown , Amy Klobuchar , Tom Steyer , Shan Wu , Chan Wu , David Boise , Rudy Giuliani , El Paso ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190811 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20190811

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charges after prosecutors accused him of sex trafficking dozens of underage girls, some as young as 14. his request to await trial at his upper east side mansion was denied and he was ordered to stay at the federal facility. prison officials say epstein was found dead in his cell early saturday morning, shocking news for epstein's accusers who have continued to speak out in the more than a month since his arrest. >> did jeffrey epstein rape you? >> yes. he raped me. >> reporter: jennifer rose, who said epstein raped her when she was a minor, told cnn news that she was angry at his death. "we have to live with the scars of his actions for the rest of our lives while he never will face the consequences of the crimes he committed." an attorney for epstein called for an investigation into epstein's death and released a personal statement to cnn blaming politicians, prosecutors, judges, the press, plaintiffs' lawyers, and jail workers for epstein's death. all these actors appear to bear some responsibility for this calamity, all seem to have a share of mr. epstein's blood on their hands, all should be ashamed of their behavior. epstein's death comes 24 hours after thousands of pages of revealing documents were unsealed in a case from an epstein accuser against one of his former associates. the 2015 defamation suit was filed by virginia guffre, who says epstein flew her around the world to have sex with powerful men, including prince andrew in 2001. a buckingham palace spokesperson denies her claims. a spokesperson for buckingham palace said in response, this relates to proceedings in the united states to which the duke of york is not a party. any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors is categorically untrue. after getting news of epstein's death, guffre's attorney tells cnn that the accountability should not end with jeffrey epstein's cowardly and shameful suicide. we are hopeful that the government will continue to investigate and will focus on those who participated and facilitated epstein's horrifying sex trafficking scheme that damaged so much. epstein struck a controversial deal with federal prosecutors in 2001 and pled guilty to state prostitution charges, spending just 13 months in custody. he got to go to his office is it hours a day, six days a week. epstein's legal team argued the plea deal was the reason epstein should be prosecuted in new york. polo sandoval, cnn, new york. many in law enforcement credit journalist julie k. brown for the fact that epstein was even arrested and facing charges. brown began investigating epstein in 2017. she refused to stop chasing this story. she's been relentless in exposing epstein and finding justice for his victims. julie k. brown of "the miami herald" joins us now. julie, thank you. just hours before epstein's apparent suicide, there was that massive document dump in the case. we just went through some of the accusations revealed. do you think it's a coincidence that epstein's death happened so soon after the release of those documents? >> i don't think anything in this case is a coincidence. i think everything that's happened, happened in the order and as the evidence came out. i'm sure that he could feel things kind of closing in around him. he had known, i'm sure, for quite a while that the release of these documents was imminent and they were going to be pretty brutal. i mean, they are. they tell a story about his sex trafficking operation and how he and other people really went out of their way to prey upon vulnerable girls and young women for years. and, you know, so i think that -- i'm sure he felt like this was going to be a really hard one to beat. >> julie, earlier i spoke with a private investigator, he worked with attorneys for epstein's accusers. let me just read you a quote from what he said. he said, epstein lived his life not in a 4x4 cell. he knew he only had two options, to turn and cooperate and become a witness against the people who indulged this behavior or he was going to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell and there was no way this individual, knowing who he is, was going to do that. let me ask you, you spent the last two years investigating epstein. would he be the type of person who would have killed himself without going to the feds and saying, i'll give you all these details about other involved for some kind of a plea deal? >> i mean, it's hard to say what was really going through his head. i think that probably what was -- what would have happened, he wouldn't have had a choice about that. i think that other people around him were probably going to cooperate or are probably cooperating. so even if he had started to name names or if he decided not to name names, it sort of got to the point now where the case was bigger than he is, and, you know, especially with u.s. attorney berman in new york, he was really determined, i think, to take this case as far as he can take it and hopefully find justice for these girls. and, you know, when you have a prosecutor like that so dedicated, that's sort of the opposite of what happened here in florida. they hid this case. they tried to sweep it under the rug here. and berman, from the outset, was right out there in front of the cameras announcing that he was going to really do everything in his power to find justice for these victims. >> and when epstein was first arrested, you've said there were powerful people sweating. do you think those powerful people are breathing a sigh of relief today or based on what we're learning about the ongoing investigation, do you think they're actually even maybe more concerned? >> they're not breathing a sigh of relief. i know i wouldn't be. i mean, this is serious. very serious. and, you know, i just think that everybody who even, you know, looked the other way, even people who weren't involved, should really take -- do some soul searching. and, you know, you just think, you know, we'll see where the evidence leads, but there were plenty of other people that knew about him and there were plenty of people that made a lot of money off of helping him. >> our thanks to julie k. brown. angry reaction now pouring in from the legal community, the attorneys who represent jeffrey epstein, many who feel cheated because epstein will never see the inside of a courtroom. first, these words from epstein's own lawyer. "i call for full investigation into the circumstances surrounding mr. epstein's death. the public needs to know exactly what happened and why and how his custodians could have let it occur." now from the victims' attorney, lisa broom represents several epstein victims and posted this statement from one of them. "i will never have a sense of closure now. i'm angry as hell that the prison could have allowed this to happen and that i and his other victims will never see him face the consequences for his horrendous actions. i hope that whoever allowed this to happen also faces some type of consequence. you stole from us the huge piece of healing that we needed to move on with our lives." david boise who represents virginia guffre and one other victim says, quote, this is the end of one chapter but only one chapter of the battle to bring the sex traffickers to justice. jeffrey epstein did not act and could not have done what he did alone. justice demands those who acted with him also be held to account. and from brad edwards, the attorney for multiple epstein accusers, the fact that jeffrey epstein was able to commit the selfish act of taking his own life as his world of abuse, exploitation, and corruption unraveled, is unfortunate yet predictable. while we engaged in contentious legal battles for more than a decade, this is not the ending anyone was looking for. the victims deserved to see epstein held accountable and he owed it to everyone he hurt to accept responsibility for all of the pain he caused. epstein apparently killed himself in one of the most secure federal prisons in america. how did this happen and what's next for the vinvestigation? our legal experts weigh in next. every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes a lot of folks ask me why their dishwasher doesn't get everything clean. i tell them, it may be your detergent... that's why more dishwasher brands recommend cascade platinum. it's specially-designed with the soaking, scrubbing and rinsing built right in. cascade platinum's unique actionpacs dissolve quickly... remove stuck-on food. . . for sparkling-clean dishes, the first time. choose the detergent that lets your dishwasher do the dishes! cascade platinum. the number one recommended brand in north america. he borrowed billions donald trump failed as a businessman. and left a trail of bankruptcy and broken promises. he hasn't changed. i started a tiny investment business, and over 27 years, grew it successfully to 36 billion dollars. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. i'm running for president because unlike other candidates, i can go head to head with donald trump on the economy, and expose him fo what he is: a fraud and a failure. at t-mobile, for $40/line for four lines, it's all included for the whole family, starting with unlimited data. use as much as you want, when you want. and if you like netflix, it's included on us. plus no surprises on your bill. taxes and fees are included. and now for a limited time, with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. that's right, only $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. [upbeat music] no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? that's because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. so, try febreze fabric refresher febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics (bubbles popping) and cleans them away as it dries. use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. ♪la la la la la. why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. we're back with our breaking story tonight. high profile businessman and accused sex trafficker jeffrey epstein found dead in his manhattan jail cell, an apparent suicide. sources telling cnn epstein in his final days met with his teams of attorneys for hours at a time on a daily basis. the death took place at the metropolitan correction center, considered one of the most secure federal prisons in the nation, in fact the same facility that housed notorious drug kingpin "el chapo" and paul manafort for time. i want to bring in cnn legal analyst and defense attorneys joey jackson and chan wu, also a former federal sex crimes prosecutor. joey, what are your initial questions for jail officials responsible for watching epstein? >> conv >> ana, good to be with you. first of all, this is appalling. there are many questions. you have to look and examine why someone who apparently was on suicide watch on the 23rd of july for which there was a suspicious episode, many of which believing it to be his suicide or him trying to take his life at that time, why he would only be on suicide watch for period of six days. to be clear, suicide watch is an indication that someone has some serious mental maladies for which they need to be constantly observed, that means under the observation of everyone else. why was it, even though you claim to have given him six days of daily evaluations, why was he allowed to get off of it thereafter? furthermore, once you go to the special housing unit and it's an extra security unit, why wasn't he examined and checked upon? to be clear, i'm not blaming the actual correction officers in that facility. they do a tough job every day, day in and day out. my questions lie with the brass who made the decision to take him off suicide watch so that he could kill himself and a measure of justice could be taken away from the victims. it begs the question why was there not added security? you knew what he was facing, you knew the stakes involved, you knew the guy wasn't used to prison cells and would be apt and inclined to take his life. there should have been a lot more care and direction in terms of who was looking at him, how they were looking at him and how he was being responded to. he should have never been taken off suicide watch in my view. >> shan, your key questions? >> it's appalling that somebody who is such a high profile defendant would have been allowed to have that time. it raises huge issues for the case. one thing that would have been helpful for the victims is this idea of the asset forfeiture, there could have been some compensation paid to them. it's very unclear what happens now with the forfeiture of his assets with his death. the second circuit court of appeals recently held in a somewhat analogous case that criminal restitution would expire if the defendant died. i think that's an open question. but there are still civil lawsuits pending as well, so i think there's some hope of getting some measure of justice. but most importantly, i think joey would agree, it really ratchets up the heat on following up on these other unnamed conspirators, to really find them, charge them, make them accountable and get them to cooperate to expose what really happened. >> shan, former mayor and prosecutor rudy giuliani says he believes epstein's death makes those other cases more complicated or more challenging. would you agree with that? >> i don't know if it makes them more challenging. i think there's a very strong paper trail. they've obviously already interviewed some of those people. it's clear if they were there and helped, i don't think it's necessarily more challenging. if i were the prosecutor, individually been very hopeful that epstein wouldn't have flipped because guys like that tend to be very narcissistic, always looking to cut themselves a deal. individually had hi i would have held high hopes that he would have been a cooperating witness. i think some of the other people involved will cooperate as well. >> attorney general bill barr says epstein's death raises serious questions and he's working with the inspector general who is opening a separate investigation. we've heard from sitting members of congress demanding answers. senator amy klobuchar, for example, saying the judiciary committee should call a hearing about this. joey, is that necessary? >> i think it is. it's nice that he's livid, but he should have been livid before such that there would be proper supervision in someone you knew or should have known had the ability to take his life. i just don't get it. it's nice that you're livid, sir, but what are you doing now? what is the investigation ultimately going to demonstrate? some breakdowns in the system? we know there were breakdowns in the system. the real issue to me is getting compensation to the victims. so let's go back to shan's point, which is a very critical one. whenever you're prosecuted, you get civil forfeiture allegations, or criminal forfeiture allegations, rather, which is the proceeds of your crime get taken by the government. the reason i raise these issues is because i think the victims deserve some measure of compensation. they're not going to get to see him in court. now certainly they should be compensated for what he did. in the event the federal government pursues that, are they going to share any of the money recouped with the victims? that's essential to me. so you have your hearings, determine how there were breakdowns, what went on. but most importantly they need to, ana, bring the other -- remember, he was charged with conspiracy. you don't do conspiracy yourself. other people were involved. to what extent should those aiders and abettors be held accountable? and any monies recouped by the government should be shared with the people who were the subject of his alleged improprieties. >> i read a bunch of statements from attorneys of his accusers, one los angeles attorney calling on administrators of epstein's estate to freeze his assets and hold them for a victims' fund. you touched on this earlier, shan, joey has too. what is the impact of epstein's death on those civil cases filed against him? >> it complicates matters. it would be a great idea if the administrators of the estate created a fund and put those assets aside. they'll have some conflicting interests. they have a duty, a loyalty to the estate itself, whoever that may be. but if i was one of those attorneys, i would be thinking, i don't want to have this money just basically get dwindled away by defending case after case after case. it might be better to pool it all together and say, hey, let's put together a fund, let people take claims on that fund. >> shan wu and joey jackson, thank you, gentlemen. good to see you. >> thank you, ana, and you. coming up, i go one on one with former new york city mayor michael bloomberg. what's his take on the 2020 candidates and does he have any intention of running himself? 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[man screams] [scary screams] (burke) quite the circus. but we covered it. at farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ believe it or not, we are just 15 months away from the 2020 presidential election. while that might not seem too far off, maybe it had seem far away, but you know how fast time goes. much of the focus is on election security. defcon is a hacking convention going on in las vegas. since 2016, senators, congress men, and secretaries of state are showing up and listening. the goal is to make voting machines and the process more secure. donie o'sullivan has more from las vegas. how vulnerable are we? >> normally when we think of hackers, we think of the bad guys. a lot of folks here in vegas at the convention are good guys. they've taken voting machines and said to the u.s. intelligence community and lawmakers and the voting machine manufacturers, saying, hey, we are as good as the bad guys, our skills, our skill set, we can do what they can do, but we want to tear apart these machines, show you how they're vulnerable so you can prepare the machines for the 2020 election. there's a room in a convention center here in vegas full of voting machines and voting equipment, and folks have just been running riot on them for the past few days. when i asked, actually, the organizers where they got these machines, some of these machines, by the way, are still being used the same as the ones being used in u.s. states today. they actually got many of the machines on ebay. a lot of these voting machines being used in the u.s. are available to buy on ebay, which is incredible. >> a scary thought, when you think about people who have nefarious intentions being able to test out whatever on these machines. donie, the u.s. elections are obviously very complex. there are so many people involved, you can't simply do a manual count. but if these machines are hackable, are our elections safe and are these machines reliable as a way to vote? >> well, some will see it as an advantage, some as a disadvantage. each state is responsible for elections in their state. so there is a whole plethora of different types of machines and systems in place. senator wyden who i spoke to yesterday here, he said one of the main things he brought away from this is that a voting machine should never be connected to the internet. he compared having a machine or equipment that's involved in voting connected to the internet as the same as throwing american ballot boxes on the streets of moscow. also the department of homeland security's top cyber official who was here also this week speaking with the hackers, said that we need to move back to -- we can keep electric machines and electric voting machines, but to have a paperback backup they can be confirmed with paper. >> artificial intelligence can make people appear to do or say things they never did. i know people at defcon were told that dnc chair tom perez was supposed to be there but unable to make it so he decided to connect by skype where he apologized for not being in attendance. except he did no such thing. let's watch. >> greetings, defcon. i'm dnc chair tom perez. my apologies that i can't come to las vegas. it will be something more subtle, like a slowed-down video, or even a deepfake of tom perez talking about cybersecurity. >> there you go. that was not real, of course. the dnc wanted to prove a point. what do you know about that video? >> so the guy you see on the left hand side of that video is essentially controlling dnc chair tom perez' face. that guy is bob lord who is a former tech executive who was actually hired by the democrats after 2016 to really try and shore up their cybersecurity. i think what the dnc is trying to prove here is that we saw misinformation run amok in 2016. they say this is the new wave, this is the next generation of disinformation. and you can imagine if it was to be used in the 2020 election for candidate to make it sound or appear that they said something, that could be troubling. we've also seen some fun -- there's, you know, fun use of this technology too, putting it on celebrities' faces, "snl" characters and things like that. but i think we've seen warnings from the u.s. intelligence community, just earlier this year, saying that america's adversaries, the likes of iran, russia, china, are looking at this technology and could use it in future disinformation campaigns against the u.s. >> donn donie owe as a result o ivan, donie o'sullivan, good to see you, thank you. coming up, the nationwide debate on gun control and whether anything could actually get done. woman 1: i had no symptoms of hepatitis c. man 1: mine... man 1: ...caused liver damage. vo: epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. vo: whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. woman 2: i had the common type. man 2: mine was rare. vo: epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. man 3: i just found out about my hepatitis c. woman 3: i knew for years. vo: epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. vo: before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. vo: tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... vo: ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. vo: taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. vo: common side effects include headache and tiredness. vo: ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. i had a few good tricks to help hide my bladder leak pad. like the old "tunic tug". but always discreet is less bulky. and it really protects. 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joining us now to discuss, democratic presidential candidate john hickenlooper who served as governor of colorado during the aurora movie theater shooting. governor, people are afraid right now, they're afraid to go to the store and send their kids to school because they don't want to be next. as someone who led a state after a mass shooting, how do you lift people up during such grief and fear? >> well, it is part of the job of being a governor or a mayor or a president. you become consoler in chief. and you have to kind of be where people are. and, you know, in a fenwunny wa these shootings affect everyone, not just victims and the fast of victims, but the whole community. when you've been one of these shootings in your community, it's almost a form of trauma, when you hear of another shooting, you'll remember certain smells and sounds that will come -- it's not like a flashback, but it's a trauma that affects your life. >> right. as governor in 2013, you managed to get universal background checks for all gun purchases. you got a high capacity magazine ban limit. but you got those laws without any republican support. that obviously can't work on a national level. so what's it going to take? >> well, i think, you know, you asked earlier, what do you do to lift people up after one of these shootings. we waited after the shooting in the aurora movie theater, we waited for several months. i deflected all comments about, it could have happened, let's not draw conclusions, let's take time and mourn our losses. but you're right, we could not get the nra to compromise one moment. they actually were aggressively warning republicans that if you support universal background checks, which literally every republican i knew, every businessperson, everybody on boards i had served with, they all supported universal background checks. and yet the nra was so diligent and so focused, if a republican crossed them and crossed the line and supported a universal background check initiative, they not only would never get funding from the nra again, but they can be assured they would have a primary opponent who was well-funded. >> isn't that the situation we're dealing with now too? how do you get past that, how do you break through that to actually accomplish it in a bipartisan fashion, if you can't just rely on one party to do it? >> well, i think ultimately we are a democracy, and i think maybe we've gotten to the point where the rising tide of public sentiment is going to overwhelm the nra. and i think when you saw a year ago, the republican governor of florida supported red flag laws and universal background checks, and now mike dewine, the republican governor of ohio, is embracing these more progressive gun safety measures, that's the beginning of a tidal wave. i truly believe that mitch mcconnell is going to have to address this issue when the senate comes back in four weeks. >> a number of your rivals in the 2020 race have pointed to the fact that the el paso -- his fear of what he called an invasion is something he wrote about and he mirrored rhetoric the president has used had of some have gone so far as to call the president a white supremacist or white nationalist. take a listen. >> do you think president trump is a white nationalist? >> yes. i do. and we can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. he is a racist and white supremacist. >> do you think president trump is a white supremacist? >> i do. >> a few of your democratic rivals including beto o'rourke, by the way, have described president trump as a white supremacist. do you agree? >> unquestionably. >> he is not only egging on white supremacy and white nationalism but he is one himself. >> based on his words and actions, yes, he is a white supremacist. >> congressman beto o'rourke told me this morning he believes president trump is a white supremacist or a white nationalist. do you agree? >> i do. >> governor, do you believe president trump is a white supremacist or white nationalist? >> you know, what i worry about even more is that he's not a white supremacist but he's using the language of white supremacists and white nationalists. he's stoking the flames of racial hatred for his own marrow political benefit. and i think that's worse than being a white supremacist. he's almost pretending to be one for political gain. that is against everything that this democracy stands for. >> governor, your communications director told cnn you spoke to senate minority leader chuck schumer about a possible u.s. senate run in colorado. are you thinking about ending your presidential bid to do that? >> you know, i am 100% focused on my presidential run at this point. i told senator schumer, i've told pretty much everyone, i feel like i am the one person who has done what everyone else is talking about, that we've delivered near-universal health care coverage, we've beat the nra with universal background checks. we got the oil and gas industry and the environmental community to create major methane regulations. i feel like i've done what other people have done, and if you think, ana, you go back to 1900, every time we've beaten an incumbent president of either party, it's been with a governor or a former governor. i feel we're the ones who have to balance the budgets, we're where the buck stops. as soon as i start talking about senate or some other possibility, not only do i get distracted but my team gets distracted. and i want to give a little more time and just be 100% laser focused on trying to get this message out, that i've done -- i've achieved the big progressive goals that washington has been incapable of. >> fair point, you know, at a c point i just become stubborn. and i actually haven't sat down and figured out when that is. i probably need to do that maybe this weekend. but at this point i keep very focused on what i'm doing every day with my team to try and be the next president of the united states. and i don't rule anything out. but i don't -- right now i'm in the even thinking about it. >> all right. >> literally not think bag. >> former governor john hickenlooper. thank you for joining us. good luck op the campaign trail. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. why go with anybody else? 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