Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20181126

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20181126

by throwing projectiles at them. we will not tolerate this lawlessness and not hesitate to shut down ports of entry for security and public safety reasons. all this happening as the incoming mexican government denies reports that it has reached a deal with the trump administration to keep asylum seekers in mexico while they're applications are pending. its something the president has also been tweeting about this weekend. let's get right to cnn's nick watt. he just arrived there in san eas i said droe, california. set the seen. >> reporter: about five minutes ago i heard if authorities here that they have now opened the pedestrian lanes north and south. they've been closed for about four hours since this incident went. it was supposed to be a peaceful process. some of them managed to overwhelm mexican police on that side and according to kirstjen nielsen they tried to climb over legacy fencing around this border, which is, by the way, one of the busiest land borders on earth. she also says that they tried to throw projectiles at u.s. officials on this side. cbp people on this side, so the border was closed for a few hours. this is a very busy day. thanksgiving holiday weekend, people i spoke to people who were stuck on this side of the border. they said they've been across shopping. one lady had to wait for a few hours. this is what president trump promised just last thursday. he said if we feel that the border gets out of control, we will close it down temporarily and that is what they did. its still closed to vehicles and as i was driving down here, they had roadblocks about two miles up the 5 freeway stopping cars coming down. there wasn't a huge cluster of people here. there were a couple hundred people waiting to get back across. most people just went about their daily business and didn't stand in line. there was also a very small group of protesters on this side but nothing really to speak of. as i say, ana, just in the last five or ten minutes they have reopened this border to pedestrian traffic only. >> live update right there as its happening as we speak. good to see that. obviously going to impact hundreds, if not thousands of people who come across that border every single day. i'm wondering, nick, do you see a large security presence there because we know that there are u.s. troops there at the border, we know cbp sent in additional personnel to that border point of entry specifically? >> reporter: they did. they knew that these demonstrations were going to be happening today on both sides of the border. the cbp said they prepared for that. they brought in extra personnel. i did not see any military. there's apparently 1,500 soldiers stationed along the border here in california. i did not see any evidence of them but certainly a large cbp presence. they closed this situation down. they had roadblocks two miles up the 5 freeway. this was fully closed down and they were telling local people here, listen, we'll open it again once we gain control of the situation, once things calm down. they were trying to work with the people saying, listen, hang tight. once its under control, we will try and open it and that's why some people weren't standing in line but as you say, its open now. they're coming back and forth. ana. >> nick watt reporting, thank you for that update. i want to bring in raphael romeo. southern california shutting down a border crossing. just how unusual is this. >> quite unusual and quite a headache. its the busiest border crossing point in the entire world and since we last spoke, we're getting reports that this might have been started by false information being spread on social media. people saying that as long as the migrants got to the american side they were going to have an opportunity to apply for asylum in the city of tijuana, the mayor saying that several people had been detained for spreading false information that led these people to go around the police and now we were talking about this before. it was essentially a numbers game. there were dozens of mexican federal police on the mexican side blocking esso the american side of the compare that to about 700 people who showed up for a demonstration at first peaceful but then we saw the images. they started running around those police officers and then it became a very chaotic situation. also getting reports about two people who were slightly injured as a result of the confrontation there with the american authorities. there was tear gas allegedly shot at people to prevent that they wouldn't get any closer to the crossing points. also, some migrants who attempted to cross the border illegally from tijuana, ana, were dispersed by officials on the american side and we have had the reports of two local journalists who we have been in touch with. all in all, the situation is slowly but surely getting back to under control, ana. >> under control, but not necessarily back to normal. raphael, you've been tracking along with all of us here at cnn this group what's been called a caravan coming across mexico from central america trying to make its way to the u.s. its our understanding there are up to 5,000 of them now. what more have you heard about this group? their stories? what they are trying to accomplish? are they asylum seekers? >> they're mainly asylum seekers and i've had the opportunity of being in the countries that they came from where the violence is just incredible. people fleeing because their children are being threatened with death if they don't join a particular gang. so their fleeing poverty, their fleeing violence, their fleeing lack of opportunity, no jobs, many of them are hungry and also we're hearing from the mayor of tijuana himself, ana, saying that they don't have the resources, they don't have the ability to take care of the needs of these people, calling on the federal government in mexico to send resources because they don't have the money and just a few minutes ago, he was tweeting that he doesn't want the situation that happened today to in any way be a problem in the bilateral relation between tijuana and san diego, california. he says there's a lot of business traffic between the two points, people who have family on both sides of the border and most of those things are done peacefully, unlike what happened today at the border, ana. >> the relationship between local officials on both sides of the border, the relationship between the u.s. and mexico is something we've been talking about this weekend because what we're seeing happen at the border comes on the heels of what we're learning is a possible deal between the u.s. and mexico, at least the incoming mexican government that would keep asylum seekers in mexico to wait while their court case plays out in the u.s. of the but now today mexico's incoming government is saying, no, not so fast. what more do you know? >> we had an opportunity to reach out to the incoming government in mexico and they sent us a statement essentially saying, number one, we are not in power yet so there's no way that we can reach an agreement officially, at least, with the u.s. government and number two, the statement says that president-elect andres manuel lopez obrador does not want mexico to become a waiting room for would be migrants into the united states. he says that they want to in any case respect the rights of migrants but they don't want to use mexico as a holding territory and to the work that belongs to the united states. again, andres manuel lopez obrador he takes office next saturday, december 1st, so no official deal yet from his transition team, ana. >> all right. thank you so much. we appreciate that reporting in atlanta for us continuing to stay on top of what's happening there at the border. president trump's holiday week full of eyebrow raising headlines. ♪ bum-bum-bum-bum-bum t-mobile believes it's better to give than to receive. some may disagree. 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(scream) ♪ bum-bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ with one notable exception. ♪ whoooo. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! the president is back at the white house after spending the thanksgiving holiday at mar-a-lago in what is typically a quiet week, instead was a rowdy and sometimes off key conchair toe of gull, gusto and gripes. here's just a sampling of what happened in the past seven days. the president locked in he sent long awaited answers to the special counsel's questions about campaign collusion. the president fought on twitter with both the supreme court justice and the admiral who oversaw the osama bin laden raid. the president called into question the legitimacy of the courts and floated asking congress to remake how the judiciary works, the president picked the side of a dictator over that of his own intelligence community on whether the saudi crowned prince ordered the murder of a "the washington post" contributor. many of those things all happened on thanksgiving in a marathon phone call with troops serving overseas that doubled as a political therapy session for a president frustrated with some on his own administration. on the coming weeks docket is a high stakes political rally, a potential showdown on the global stage and a possible congressional confrontation over border wall money amid what the white house calls a crisis on the southern border right now. cnn's sarah westwood joins me now from west palm beach where the president just left a few hours ago. one of the big questions this week, sarah, do we expect the president to meet with vladimir putin on the sidelines of the g20? >> reporter: ana, president trump is expected to meet with russian president vladimir putin when he heads down to argentina for the g20 meeting and that's significant. this is the first time that the president and putin have sat down since their encounter in helsinki earlier this year which was widely described as the president when the president declined to go after the russian president in that joint press conference they had after their meeting and tonight there has been escalating tensions between ukraine provoking an incident at sea. the president was monitoring that situation aboard air force one as he traveled from florida back to the white house this evening, the withohite house, n commenting on that. the president's relationship with russia has come under scrutiny not because he has declined to go after russia aggressively for russia's meddling in the 2016 election but also because, according to critics, this administration hasn't done a lot to punish russia for its annexation of crimea and aggression in the ukraine of the that will add another layer of complication to this meeting. the president at the g20 summit is expected to meet with chinese president xi jinping amid escalating trade tensions. that's another meeting at the g20 summit that will be highly watched. so when the president travels down to argentina he'll have a lot of issues that will start to boil over on his plate, ana. >> sarah, the president suggested last week he would be willing to shut down the government over funding for his border wall. just how dug in is the white house on that stance? >> reporter: well the president has said he's open to shutting down the government if he doesn't get funding for his border wall and this could perhaps be his last best chance to do so given that in january democrats will retake the house and they'll almost certainly try to stop any sort of significant funding for the president's border wall. the white house has asked congress to appropriate $5 billion for the wall that's not a number that democrats and even some republicans are thrilled with. the president has said, though, that if there was ever a time for him to do a shut down now would be it and, of course, he has for the backdrop of this funding fight the closure of the largest point of entry along the southern border that's between tijuana and san diego, that closure happening today as hundreds of migrants from tijuana were trying to cross the border this evening causing tensions between border patrol agents and those migrants. the president has been railing against this caravan of central american migrants for weeks now so he will have those images and this as the backdrop for his funding fight, funding runs out on december the 7th. >> not even two weeks away. sarah westwood reporting for us, thank you. with us now to discuss all of this a former presidential adviser to four separate administrations both democrats and republicans, cnn senior political analyst david gergen. david, a lot of tests for the president this week. which one are you going to be paying most attention to? >> think the g20 summit that's coming up is going to be extremely significant, because the emerging and possible trade war with china has, you know, caught the attention now of investors and people all over the world and there is an economic slowdown that's going on around the world and the robust american economy has been the one thing that has really worked well for the president and now he's got to protect that and how does he thread that needle with the chinese. i think it means his meeting with putin will be significant, not as significant with china. that's the most important bilateral relationship in the world. he's coming in at a time, too, when many in europe are questioning his leadership especially after he refused to accept the recommendations or findings on the khashoggi case and brushed them aside in favor of khashoggi and also there's a growing sense in europe and in much of the world that why is the president not only not listening to his cia but not listening to the 13 federal agencies that in the past few days issued a stark warning, a stark warning about what's ahead on the climate. >> right. >> when we've just come through all these forest fires in california and now the storms in the east that we've had, the drought problems that are facing farmers in the future, he's got his hands full. he really has his hands full. >> what is your answer to the question of why isn't the president listening to all of these advisers and these experts in these different areas? >> well, i'm afraid that he's -- first of all, he pays more attention and seems to put more credence in the views of putin and of the saudis than he does in his own government. and that is obviously very disturbing if you're in the intelligence business, that you're being dismissed out of hand. it appears to have, you know, at the very minimum what can say that, you know, that he's putting political point scoring political points ahead of making -- getting policy results. there is some view, i think, its a minority view but the democrats are going to start pushing this that perhaps some of his actions reflect his own economic self-interest of the trump organization. i think its too early to say that, but i do think you'll find investigations along that line as adam schiff has said. >> david, a pair of close outside advisers say this president should purge the administration of imbedded enemies, that he needs true trump believers, one conservative says that's bad advice. let's listen. >> if you took your advice at face value they want the republican coalition to be even smaller than it is and it is already melting away big chunks. its like arctic ice caps just meting away under donald trump and they want to define the republican party as blind support for one man rather than a whole group of ideas and i think that's suicidal choice. >> david, your thoughts? >> i think that view is essentially right. if the president were to choose more mainstream people and recruit them, there's a lot of mainstream people that don't want to go in at this point. for all the obvious reasons, but i to think that being surrounded by people -- like general mattis, he needs three or four more of general mattis's around him who are well anchored in reality and can talk to him adult to adult or shoulder to shoulder and president trump needs general mattis, he needs people like that around him. i think that the outside community, congress, many republicans in congress would welcome the appointment of three or four more people who were heavy weights that he would listen to, that he would get his administration back on track. >> do you expect this clash at the border today to help the president now make the argument that shutting down government is worthwhile if it means more money for the border wall? >> i don't think its going to sway people heavily on the border wall. he's got a series of headaches there. what we lack right now is a policy and a strategy to deal with this. he really needs to stop blaming democrats and sit down with democrats and the republicans to come up with a long-term plan. we can do this day-to-day and we can see tear gas stories and things that are going to tear at our hearts but we don't have a long-term strategy and its so obvious that it would be worthwhile for us to put far more effort into building up the economies of central america as we did with nafta in mexico and make it more desirable for people and safer for people to stay in central america rather than making these long dangerous treks. so i just think on several of these fronts, what we have, what unites all of this is a lack of firm strategy whether its on china or mexico or russia or on, you know, on brexit and what we want to see out of brexit with the brits and on climate, you know. you can go down the list. >> david gergen, always good to have you with us. thank you very much. >> thank you. take care. imbedded enemies, easy for me to say. two of the president's closest advisers have new details on the people they say are working against him and they're naming names. your live in the cnn "newsroom." 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>> we're hearing for the first time from mexican interior minster who told mexican media that as many as 500 people who participated in the violent acts or in the attempt to try to get to the united states will be detained and deported. he told that to a mexican millennial newspaper. he also said that this started with a group of instill gators who started telling people essentially not to obey police orders and try to run for the u.s. border and as we had mentioned before, there was information, false information, telling these migrants that as soon as they got to u.s. territory, they would be granted the possibility of requesting asylum, something that is definitely false. there's also a statement from the mayor of tijuana saying that they don't want to see that what happened on sunday in any way, shape or form be a problem for the bilateral relation between tijuana and san diego. there's a lot of links between these two cities of the people who have families and relatives, people who share many things across the border. he says he doesn't want what happened, the migrants trying to storm the border be an impediment to what has been a very successful relationship. the main news here is mexican interior secretary is saying that as many as 500 people who rushed the border can be -- may be deported back to their countries of origin, meaning in central america, honduras, el salvador and guatemala. >> those who they can identify will now face deportation orders of the thank you very much for bringing us that information. today new accusations from a pair of the president's closest outside advisers, as we mentioned they're claiming in a new book that this administration is filled with embedded enemies, people inside the white house working to impede the president's agenda. >> look, we have seen individuals who, my guess s not only do they not support him when he was running but probably didn't vote for him on election day two years ago. >> there are people inside the white house who understand and are for this president's agenda and there are those who are there for their own agenda. >> all right. cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter is joining us. i want to take a closer look at this because neither of these guys are inside the white house. so you got to ask what is their motivation? are they after money with this book or influence? >> they're after both. this new book tells us two things one that the infighting, the back fighting, are still very much in affect and still very real and people who are on the periphery and outside of trump world who want to get back in, they're willing to talk about and that exploit that. there's money to be made through this infighting, through these if i have doms. this is their first book. it tells a story about a deep state. and the second book tells a similar story. it reminds me of that "the new york times" op ed, remember that anonymous op ed, we never found out who that was, that op ed writer was saying i'm trying to help the country and protect the country from trump. so i think that will be a very receptive narrative to trump's fans and the book will do well but among that core base. >> you mention narrative, fans. what's better for ratings than a comeback, the star of a previous season back to tango with the current stars, its the apprentice season 5, omarosa will be back. >> there is an element of drama to this. i don't think omarosa will be back. in this white house there's not just one enemy's list, there are several. this book shows that. this book presents one version of the enemies list, so-called limousine liberals like gary cohn. these are some pretty obvious names on the list but the others in trump's orbit would say the president himself is his own worst enemies. multiple enemies list. >> good to see you. brian's shows is on sunday every morning on sunday at 11:00 eastern. meantime, still ahead in the "newsroom," we have an cnn exclusive. a group of white south african farmers planning for a race war and say they have been energized by a tweet sent by president trump. we'll explain. your live in the cnn "newsroom." smart beds are on sale now during ultimate sleep number week. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. it can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. so you wake up ready to spin into the holiday season. don't miss ultimate sleep number week. it's the last chance to save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. ends cyber monday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. at&t provides edge-to-edge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your retail business. so that if your customer needs shoes, & he's got wide feet. & with edge-to-edge intelligence you've got near real time inventory updates. & he'll find the same shoes in your store that he found online he'll be one happy, very forgetful wide footed customer. at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that's the power of &. & if your customer also forgets socks! & you could send him a coupon for that item. whoooo. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfort. what we deliver by delivering. hi susan!hs) honey? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this new robitussin honey. the real honey you love... plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? new robitussin honey. because it's never just a cough. a murder trial set to begin tomorrow for the man accused of plowing his car into a crowd in charlottesville killing a protester, james alex field is charged with killing heather heyer as she marked against a white nationalist rally last year. the hate that sparked that rally has spread and grown around the world. now a group of white south african farmers say they've been energized by the alt-right in the u.s. and president trump's rhetoric. they believe they're in danger and the country is heading toward a brutal race war. keep in mind murders of white farmers in south africa account for less than 1% of all murders in that country. here's cnn david's mckenzie with this exclusive report. >> reporter: the unite the right rally in charlottesville, virginia, even if its bloody aftermath a young woman killed by a neo-nazi, president trump refused to pick sides. >> what about the alt left that came charging at the as you say the alt-right? do they have any semblance of guilt? >> reporter: the president would condemn hate groups but not before his initial comments were echoed globally. >> now these right wipgers in the usa restrain themselves in the face of such antagonism, i really don't know. >> reporter: that's an audio message from a south african sent from charlottesville back home to his followers. this photo places simon rush at the scene surrounded by nazi flags, he's in the corner wearing a hard hat. >> the time is now for you, white men, to arise. >> reporter: and he took to the alt-right media for support. >> help us to continue to fight the good fight. >> reporter: a constant theme -- >> we represent the white people of south africa who are presently being told that they can expect to see a genocide. >> reporter: for roush and his group the warning is more than just rhetoric. they are preparing for an all-out race war. what does it feel like for you to have your family here hiding in the bushes if this was a real world situation? >> it would be very disturbing but if you prepare for it, its not that bad. >> reporter: under the circumstances a drill, of course -- its a drill, of course. ketchup replaces real blood but make no mistake, roush is deadly serious about his founders' doomsday prophesy. >> there is a pervasive sense amongst certain sectors of historically white societies that those societies are being diluted on other peoples' terms. >> reporter: when you use a term like diluted, i think nazism, i think eugenics, i think all of these horrible terms from the past, why is being diluted a problem? >> societies are in demographic terms being diluted. we are preparing for take storm like the canary in the coal mine of the same anxieties and distresses that are being experienced in western europe and in the usa. >> reporter: so a lot of oxygen comes from supporting the u.s.? >> yea, terrific oxygen. >> reporter: oxygen in the form of an inaccurate tweet from the u.s. president. there it was a tweet from left field, you asked mike penpompeoy the appropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. >> is that really the ends of the day about any kinds of fact or data, once trump put out that tweet, attention was drawn to this theory of white south african farmers under attack and being genocided in a way that had never happened before. >> reporter: a south african myth connecting white supremacists worldwide in videos, in chat rooms, on far right websites and in increasingly in the mainstream. david mckenzie, cnn. we're following breaking news out of crimea. ukraine is now accusing russia of firing on and seizing its nashvil naval ships. details next. don't go anywhere. unconvention, unexpected nudes. liquid matte formula. up to 16 hour wear. go un-nude with attitude. maybelline's matte ink un-nude. only from maybelline new york. ♪ the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? 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we arm ukraine. we provide lethal assistance but will president trump stand with ukraine when he did not confront vladimir putin over russia's interference with american sovereignty when they interfered in our election, will he confront vladimir putin when they're together at the g20 later this week over russian aggression over ukraine? >> that is one question we hope to get an answer on when he goes and meets with putin at the g20 as he's monitoring what's happening now in this region in crimea, he's also tweeting about what's happening here in the u.s. along the southern border with mexico. he's criticizing the mexican government. what do you think is the impact with u.s./mexico relations? >> it takes at least two to tango when it comes to border security. and we need the mexicans on board if we're going to implement any security measures that president trump has in mind. there are reports that president elect obrador supports this policy in the short-term. he'll probably withdraw support if this goes on because he has other priorities. he campaigned on populist agenda which included given financial resources to mexicans in need. if he has to divert resources to migrants that's money he's not using to fulfill his campaign promises. so if president-elect obrador is seen as doing president trump's bidding, that could be political suicide. >> you say mexico's maybe an ally trump loves to hate. he certainly seems to be loving right now in saudi arabia. >> he does and at this point we're really sitting at a table for two. its trump and muhammad bin salman versus all of our other allies that didn't assassinate an american resident in turkey and when the president issued that statement what was it a week ago, that really absconded the muhammad bin salman of any blame for khashoggi's killing. he not only green lit more saudi miss behavior, he dealt a big blow to multi-lateralism. we did not work in concert with saudi arabia. we went it alone like we did on iran or the paris climate accord or other issues. that's going to put a strain on a lot of our relationships including our intelligence sharing ones. we know that our intelligence partnerships have been under pressure because the president's own disclosures of sensitive information and intelligence leaks and now if you're a foreign intelligence partner you know that president trump really through the cia's assessment under the bus. he probably read it and basically said he didn't care what it had to say. so if you're a foreign intel partner the benefit of sharing intelligence with the united states has really been dimini diminished. >> thank you very much. back in just a moment stay with us. this weekend join t-mobile and get the awesome iphone xr, on us. it has an amazing camera. and it comes in all those colors! so, when they join t-mobile, we give them the iphone xr? 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>> absolutely, and the touch points are definitely less. you know, one of the things that we have a problem with in this country is we have things grown in one place and processed in another, so we really can't found -- that's why it takes so long for the cdc and other government officials to figure out where these contaminations are coming from and how to contain it without sickening more people. >> what do you see as the solution in order to prevent the contamination in the first place? >> well, one of the things that we have to just become entrenched with other in america is we need to know where our food comes from, right? we need to make sure that we get it from a source that we can trust, and, you know, that's not going to always prevent 100% of disease, but it will prevent some. we also need to reduce the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in our food supply, the things that are given to livestock like chickens and cattle to make them fatter and what's happening is the overuse of antibiotics is creating superbugs that can't be treated with antibiotics, and so that's another point of contention in our food supply that we real very to pay attention to, so when you're out there choosing to buy meat, make sure it's not raised with antibiotics. make sure you're going to a fasted to chain that has actually decided we're not going to sell meat that's raised with these antibiotics. >> okay. thanks so much. vanni hari, good information, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm ana cabrera in new york. thanks for being here. our breaking news at the southern border, the mexican government now says it's going to deport 500 migrants who just hours ago tried to rush the border near san diego at the san ysidro port of entry. that crossing the busiest in the western hemisphere only partially reopened last hour. in a statement tonight, the department of homeland security

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