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Fast for firefighters to contain them. At least for now. Cnns camera crews and correspondents are all over the fire zones right now. Nick valencia is in the devastated town of paradise, where nearly every manmade thing is now destroyed. Scott mclean is in malibu. Nick, give us a look at what is left of that town where about 26,000 people live. Reporter theres not much left, ana. 90 is gone, according to the mayor. This is already the most destructive fire in california state history. It continues to spread. Just look at the images around me here. These homes, this is not unique to this area. Much of paradise looks like this. It is just completely gone here. These homes here, just the chimneys stand. It just had to have been absolutely terrifying during those Early Morning thursday hours. This right here, the main thoroughfare, one of the main evacuation routes outside of paradise. All of these cars, they just didnt even stand a chance. Theyre already all burned out. You cant even recognize them, what make or model they are. Im going to wait for this car to cross. I want you to walk with me while i show you some of the more jawdropping images. We know this fire spread so quickly and was so aggressive. It started about 6 30. At its height, it was spreading at about a football field every three seconds. It swelled to half the size of san francisco. Its already bigger than the size of manhattan. Some of the things were seeing here that are shocking to us is this melted aluminum. Things like that, windshields that have melted into the steering wheels of the cars. They burn at about 2800 degrees fahrenheit, ana. Downed power lines are still a big issue, so are downed trees, which is why the mayor says it might take weeks before people are allowed back into this community. Paradise especially hard hit. 19 of the 23 deaths in this area happened in this town, four in a neighboring town. You also mentioned at the top of the show, more than 100 people unaccounted for. We should expect that number to fluctuate in the coming days, according to the sheriffs office. Last night they gave that number. They said theyre continuing to go through these devastated areas and trying to recover bodies. Ana . Just an awful situation. Nick valencia, thank you for keeping us apprised of whats happening. Cnns scott mclean is in malibu. Thats where two more people were found dead today, victims of these wildfires. Tell us about that. Reporter hey, ana. What we know from authorities so far is they were found inside a charred vehicle. There are still a lot of questions around the circumstances of those deaths, but of course, assuming they are related to this fire, that would bling t bring the total to 25 between this fire and the campfire raging up north as well. Here in malibu, were in the Southwest Corner of the fires footprint. It seemed to choose houses at random. For instance, this property here, you can see the home is still in perfect shape. The property looks basically untouched. Come on over here with me just to the next property, and you can see not everyone was as lucky. Obviously theres some charring through the bushes there. There are these Seaside Properties that are completely destroyed, like this one right here. That gorgeous home there overlooking the beach. Its completely and utterly destroyed. If you come down here, officials are warning about these downed power lines, downed trees. Theres a perfect example. A tree thats sort of burned out and just managed to keel over. You can see a little smoldering there in that tree as well. As these winds start to pick up, that only increases the risk that the fire will flare up again and start to spread. Heres another home. Again, you can see its still smoldering there. Even after this fire has come through. If you look through whats left of this house, and theres really nothing left, to the other side of the canyon, the fire went down and came back up the other side. You can see it charred to the top of the hill, but it didnt actually affect those condos at the top. A lot of the people in those condos slept elsewhere, slept by the beach because it just wasnt safe to be there while this fire was coming through. We spoke to some other people who said that theyve been over there on that side of the canyon, putting out spot fires with garden hoses, shovels, whatever they can find. But again, ana, heres the problem. The problem is that with the weather, the wind is coming from inland, its hot, it is dry, and that is not doing much for the humidity situation over here. Obviously that increases the fire risk. Then wind gusts, 40, 50 Miles Per Hour could be happening between today and tuesday. So fire crews and of course people who live here as well, theyre on high alert for what comes next. Scott, are evacuations still happening . Where is this fire moving right now . You mentioned the winds are still unpredictable. Reporter yeah, so this area is still very much under mandatory evacuation orders. In fact, i just spoke to one woman who said, look, shes stayed here, lives in those condos across the way. She said shes here because if she leaves, she wont be able to come back and wants to be able to do whatever she can to protect her property. Theres a lot of people who feel the same way. Theyve just stayed, hoping for the best. I spoke to one guy yesterday. He said he was try to fight off the fire with a garden hose, whatever he had, until he saw a power pole on his street burn out and fall over. Thats when he decided to get out. In terms of active burning, were seeing it in a few different areas. The actual footprint of this fire hasnt changed that much in the last couple hours. Obviously given how quickly things move through here, the fear is that could change and that could affect homes that havent been burned within the footprint or outside of it. Ana . Scott, thank you. Stay safe. We appreciate your reporting. For ways you can help those affected by the california wildfires, go to cnn. Com impact. And has california continues to burn, President Trump is making his way back to the u. S. From france. It should have been a fairly simple trip, traveling to paris to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of world war i. But President Trump is facing some fallout from his trip overseas. At a ceremony today, french president Emmanuel Macron took a shot at President Trump and his americafirst agenda. Translator patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests firsts, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life. And what is essential, its moral values. That came one day after President Trump and macron agreed on the need for more European Defense spending, which followed President Trumps angry and misleading tweet on friday, demanding europe pay more for its share in nato. White house reporter Sarah Westwood is joining us now. Sarah, this couldnt have been how the president thought this trip was going to go. Reporter thats right, ana. Its hard to imagine that just a year ago, President Trump and french president macron were sitting next to each other, having a great time in what looks like becoming friends over the 2017 bastille day parade. Thats not the kind of relationship we saw on display during this trip, which as you may recall was born out of the president s desire to have a military parade here in the u. S. That mirrored the one he saw in france last year. When that cost estimate ballooned to about 100 million, the president opted to go to france for this world war i anniversary instead. What we saw was a trip that began with what both sides chalked up to a misunderstanding about a supposed proposal for a European Military with macron and trump eventually both saying their views were aligned in terms of military spending and ended with macron, as you mentioned, delivering comments that many have interpreted as a repudiation of the president s americafirst isolationist foreign policy. Thats certainly not the kind of relationship the white house sought out to highlight with this trip, but it exposed a lot of the tensions that have developed between the u. S. And europe and france specifically since trump took office. A move that seems to have drawn the most criticism this week and came when President Trump canceled his trip to an American Military cemetery outside paris yesterday because of rainy weather. Now, that decision caused outrage on social media, including this tweet from the grandson of winston churchill. Take a look at this. He writes, they died with their face to the foe, and that pathetic and inadequate donald trump couldnt even defy the weather to pay his respects. How is the white house responding . Reporter the white house hasnt offered a great response to that decision. The reason given was that the weather was brad, so the president s helicopter wasnt going to be able to make it to that cemetery. Obviously anyone who covers the president regularly will recognize whats known as a bad weather call, when the helicopter cant make it to a destination, but its also how the white house handled that weatherbased cancellation. There was no statement of regret for the president s inability to go to that cemetery. The president didnt offer any kind of visits around france as an alternative. The president also chose to go alone to the arc de triomphe, where president macron delivered those remarks. There were a lot of optics that were not optimal for the president during this. Sarah westwood, thank you for that reporting. Showdown in florida. The republican candidate for Senate Filing three lawsuits today. So what does this mean for the recount under way at this hour . Stay with us. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. , we get to spend it our way. Valerie but we worry if we have enough to last. Cal ellen, our certified financial planner™ professional, helps us manage our cash flow and plan for the unexpected. Valerie her experience and training gave us the courage to go for it. Its our confident forever plan. Cal . And its all possible with a cfp® professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. 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Wait a second. I want to pick up on that. Youre accusing bill nelson of trying to commit fraud . His lawyer said that a noncitizen should vote. Thats one. Number two, hes gone to trial and said that fraudulent ballots should be counted. Ballots have already been thrown out because they were not done properly. He said those should be counted. And you think thats the senator himself committing fraud . Well, its his team. Nelson, the democrat, firing back. If rick scott wanted to make sure every legal ballot was counted, he would not be suing to try and stop voters from having their legal ballot counted as a intended. Lets get to cnns ryan nobles, still on the ground in floridas capital of tallahassee. Youve been there all week. So many developments. Lets start here with this new deadline. For the recount, if the counties cant meet it, what happens next . Reporter yeah, youre right, ana. Its already been a wild day on this first full day of the recount in florida. This development in palm beach is a very significant one. Susa Susan Butcher saying its simply impossible for her county to meet that deadline of having all the ballots recounted by thursday. The reason thats significant, ana, is because florida law specifically says only the votes that can be counted by the deadline are the ones that will actually be counted in the overall total. For democrats, that could be a big blow because palm beach is one of their big counties. If they have any hope of flipping these results and someone like bill nelson overtaking rick scott, they need every single vote in Palm Beach County to be counted. If they cant get it done in time, that could be a problem. I would believe that this could potentially open the door for another lawsuit from bill nelson and his team, pleading with perhaps a federal court or a local court to allow Palm Beach Countys deadline to be extended so those votes can be counted. At this point, the supervisor of election being clear she cant get it done in time. That could mean a whole host of votes counted in the original count not counted in this recount. We both reached out to the Communications Director with the secretary of states office, which is called the department of state, there in florida. She responded just now via text, telling me florida law states that if a county does not submit their results by the deadline, then the results on file at that time take their place. So that seems to be the official p lawsuits scott filed today. Reporter thats right. So rick scotts filing a trio of lawsuits. They are dealing with both broward and Palm Beach County. The most significant one is one thats directed at the supervisor of election there is in broward county. Its accusing her of counting a batch of ballots after that noon deadline. Based on our communication already with the secretary of state, that would be against federal law. You cannot count ballots after the deadline. To kind of further illustrate this, there was a group of 266 ballots that were discovered in a mail facility in Miamidade County that didnt make it to the election facility until after the deadline. Theyre not counting those votes. So rick scotts team saying that batch of votes should not be included. Now, the other two lawsuits involve a direction that theyre asking for the Sheriffs Department in both of those counties and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to basically be in charge of the Voting Machines and the ballots while the recount is ongoing and after it ends. They want those machines and those ballots to be impounded, to prevent them from any malfeasance happening. It will ultimately be a judge that decides whether or not that happens. It is the responsibility of the supervisors of elections to be in charge of the machines and the ballots in these two counties. You know, ana, if it feels like your head is spinning, that is a good way to describe it. Here we are only day one of this lengthy and indepth recount. We already have a flurry of lawsuits, a flurry of problems, and we still do not know who the next u. S. Senator and governor of the state of florida will be. Thats florida for you, right . Ryan nobles, thank you for your continued reporting there. Great job. Top democrats say they have sent a letter to the department of justice demanding that acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker recuse himself from the russia investigation. Well tell you why some are even threatening a subpoena. Yeah, this is bob barnett in chicago. john foley i was there when bob barnett made the first commercial Wireless Phone call. We were both working on that First Network that would eventually become verizons. That call opened the door to the billions of mobile calls that weve all made since. 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Top democrats, some of whom are about to be in power come january, are calling on new acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker to recuse himself from the Mueller Probe. Theyre concerned that President Trump fired Jeff Sessions and appointed whitaker in his place to specifically rein in or even end the russia investigation. The appointment of mr. Whitaker should concern every american. Democrat, liberal, conservative, republican, who believes in rule of law and justice. Hes already prejudged the mueller situation. If he stays there, he will create a constitutional crisis by inhibiting mueller or firing mueller, even so congress has to act. First of all, i think he should recuse himself for any review of the investigation because of statements he has made already in the Public Domain about the fact this investigation should not you dont have confidence in him as americas top enforcement officer . No, i dont. The president s dismissal of attorney general sessions and his appointment of whitaker is a real threat to the integrity of that investigation. That investigation is of utmost importance in making sure that we adhere to the rule of law and that the administration is held accountable. Our very first wince afttness a january 3rd, well subpoena or we will sum, if necessary subpoena, mr. Whitaker. I want to make this very clear. If he doesnt recuse himself, if he has any involvement whatsoever in this russia probe, we are going to find out. A reminder now about the democrats we just heard from. Pelosi says she expects to be the next speaker of the house come january. And congressman nadler and schi ff are poised to be chairmen. Good to have you guys with us on this sunday. Kurt, you served as the Senior Adviser and spokesperson for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for roughly four years. So you were there the last time the house flipped. What options do democrats have when it comes to oversight and investigating the Trump Administration . They have a lot of options and a lot of authority, ana. The reality is everything thats going on right now within the Trump Administration is subject to disclosure, subject to discovery from democrats as soon as they take power next year. They can subpoena and request documents, emails, talk to other people in the administration about what discussions are happening around matt whitaker. How did this process happen . How did sessions get removed . What promises were made or agreements made about how whitaker would conduct himself in regards to the Mueller Probe . On top of that, they can also have public hearings where they can demand and subpoena anyone in the Trump Administration to appear and answer questions. They can have the confirmation hearings essentially that the senate cant because they have the oversight authority. Ryan, according to cnn reporting, white house aides have been shocked by the backlash to whitakers appointment. How is this playing out at the white house . Any sign whitaker will recuse himself . Well, the process as far as i understand it is that he will get a recommendation from ethics lawyers at the Justice Department, right. Then hell have to make a decision about whether to if they indeed recommend that theres a sound basis for him to recuse himself, as they did with sessions, then hell have to make that decision himself. I think the democrats sent a letter over to the Justice Department asking for the folks who are in charge of that process to seriously consider recusal. You know, its the sessions situation was very clear, i think. He was part of the campaign. He was a potential witness to some of the things that mueller was investigating. With whitaker, the two main arguments are, one, that he said prejudicial comments on cnn and on cnn. Com where hes basically kind of in some instances trying to discredit the investigation and said certain things that mueller might look into were not lawful. And two, he had a relationship with one of the with a person, sam clovis, who was overseeing papadopoulos on the campaign. Obviously papadopoulos has pled guilty to a crime. Hes part of the mueller investigation. And whitaker was had a political relationship with him, with his boss, sam clovis, in iowa. So theres that connection. So the question is, does that trigger enough is that enough of a trigger where he should completely recuse himself . Thats where the ethics lawyers at the Justice Department will have to study. And kurt, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell warned democrats against investigating the president earlier this week. Lets listen. The whole issue of president ial harassment is interesting. I remember when we tried it in the late 90s. We impeached president clinton. His numbers went up and ours went down. We underperformed in the next election. So the democrats in the house will have to decide just how much president ial harassment they think is good strategy. Does mcconnell make a good point there . No, because i dont remember Mitch Mcconnell being concerned or even calling it harassment when House Republicans, including my former boss, was investigating operation fast and furious during the Obama Administration or the four years they investigated benghazi and hillary clinton, which led to the disclosure that there was an email issue with hillary clinton. I dont remember Mitch Mcconnell or anybody in the senate for that matter who partnered with House Republicans to promote these investigations describing it as harassment of barack obama. So there is a stunning amount of hypocrisy from Mitch Mcconnell. Republicans have a long, public history talking about the need for aggressive and vigorous oversight of the executive branch. They spent the entire part of this decade basically issuing more than 100 subpoenas to Barack Obamas presidency. They had hundreds of hearings. They raised millions of dollars off of these investigations as well. You know, their body of work speaks for itself. For them to now try to trot out there and say, well, any type of executive oversight is somehow overreaching and overbearing and harassment, is laughable. Ryan, do you see it as a circumstance in which that could backfire on democrats should they go down this path of investigation . Its possible. I think its true that when the public sees the investigative apparatus of congress used in ways that seem overly partisan or unfair, then yeah, mcconnell has a point that there has in history been a backlash against that. But look, this is an administration thats had two years of sort of a blank check from congress when it comes to oversight. Republicans have not been interested in any way. Its been a pretty controversial two years with a lot of issues, a lot of things that have gone on. Theres some pentup demand in congress to take a look under the hood of the Trump Administration and ask some hard questions. Its one of the most important roles congress has. So i think frankly, the public having elected a democratic house, there would be a far bigger backlash if democrats said, oh, well, yeah, we dont want to exercise our oversight role. So i think mcconnell has got it backwards on this. The democrats were elected in part to serve as a check on an administration thats done a lot of controversial things in two years with no oversight from congress. Ryan, kurt, good to have both of you with us. Thanks very much. Thanks, ana. Even as votes are still being counted in some races across the country, one thing is for sure. The midterms made history. Up next, well talk to a woman whos been a leader in breaking barriers, the first openly lgbt person to be elected governor. Kate brown will join us in oregon after this. horn honking okay, okay, okay. clatter feeling unsure . Oh. nervous yelp what if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360 tm technology. The most available Driver Assist technology in its class. the new 2019 ford edge. a lot of paints say ordinthey can do the job,ver. But just one can behr through it all. Behr premium plus, a top rated interior paint at a great price. Family friendly, disaster proof. Right now save on behr premium plus 2gallon interior ceiling paint. Exclusively at the home depot. Hey, what are you guys doing here . Were voya. We stay with you to and through retirement. So youll still be here to help me make smart choices . Well, with your finances that is. We had nothing to do with that tie. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. You may have gum disease and could be on a journey to much worse. Try parodontax toothpaste. Its three times more effective at removing plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. Leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. The zip code youre born into can determine your future. Your school. Your job. Your dreams. Your problems. indistinct shouting but at the y, we create opportunities for everyone, no matter who you are or where youre from. For a better us, donate to your local y today. An historic election this week. Breaking barriers for women, minorities, and the Lgbt Community across the nation. In january, congress will seat a Record Number of women. Among them, well see the very first native american and muslim women heading to congress. Also, a former mma fighter winning in deep red kansas, where shell become the states first openly lgbt representative. And the first openly gay man elected governor in colorado. Joining me now, Governor Kate Brown of oregon, a representative of change herself, the first openly lgbt person to be elected governor. Good to have you with us. Thank you so much for having me. How do you feel about the direction of the country after the midterm elections . Well, im certainly pleased to see that we tripled the number of democratically elected women governors across the states, and im so delighted to have another colleague in colorado, the new governorelect there. I just want to reiterate, you are one of six women right now serving as governor. Youve been open about being bisexual and became the first openly bisexual governor back in 2015. Now the first openly gay man just elected as governor in colorado. Do you see this as a breakthrough moment in history . Absolutely on a number of levels. I think its so critically important that folks see a diversity of leadership in these governors offices, that we bring a diversity of voices to the leadership table. Certainly here in oregon, weve been able to progremake progres number of fronts, from making sure folks can get a drivers license thats gender neutral and making sure folks can get a birth certificate that reflects their current gender identity. Weve also banned conversion therapy. Ive made very, very clear that all of our students need to be safe and secure in our schools across the states. Its so important that we have leadership that reflects the diversity of the lgbt communities. But i think its so important for kids to see role models. You cant be what you cant see. I think its key to have governorelect polis support in colorado. The federal government has made a number of moves that could reverse lgbt rights, from narrowing the definition of gender to nominating people, several people, to the courts who have antilgbt records. Do you feel like the Lgbt Community is threatened right now . Absolutely. This administration is just taking us in the wrong direction across this country on a number of issues, but certainly in terms of lgbtq equality. Im so proud of the work were doing here in oregon to keep moving this state forward and to ensure that every oregonian, regardless of their sexual orientation, has the opportunity to thrive. We will continue to fight back against the federal administration with every single tool that we have, whether its through the courts, through leadership at the state level, through crafting executive orders, i will use every single tool to protect our community and this state. I look forward to working with my other governors across the country on these issues. I think its so key that weve tripled the number of Democratic Women governors across the states with choice on the line as well, with the new makeup of the u. S. Supreme court. Its so key that the states play a leadership role in making sure that women across this country have access to the full complement of Reproductive Health services. I was proud to sign into law in oregon the nations most comprehensive Reproductive Health care legislation, making sure that women, regardless of their income, their zip code, and their immigration status have access to the full complement of Reproductive Health services. That legislation is a model for the rest of the country, and it is so desperately needed now. Im looking forward to working with my other sorry. We have a bit of a delay. Finish your thought and ill ask my next question. I think its so key weve tripled the number of women governors who are democratic and prochoice. These women will help us lead the way and ensure that women across the country have access to the health care that we need. Okay. Youve talked about fighting back, but i also want to ask you about bridging the divide. Youve said in previous interviews that its still not easy to have conversations about your sexuality, even with your own family. Im wondering what youve learned through your experience about bridging divides and perspectives that could apply to the polarization in Todays Society on really any number of issues. Well, i think we see it at a number of levels. For me in oregon, the divide we see thats greatest is the divide between our urban and Rural Communities. As governor, ive worked really hard to spend extensive periods of time in rural oregon. When theres been crises in rural oregon, whether it was the occupation of the wildlife refuge or a tragic shooting at a local community college, i worked closely with republicans and democrats in the legislature to make sure that those communities had the tools and resources they needed to recover. But theres also this economic divide that were seeing in communities around the state. Our communities of color are lowincome communities, and our Rural Communities are really not seeing the Economic Prosperity thats driving what we see now as the lowest Unemployment Rate in this state in oregon history. And so that means also making sure that communities like pendleton and ontario have the tools they need to create goodpaying jobs. For me, that looks like investments in infrastructure, roads and bridges, investments in affordable housing, and of course investments in water infrastructure. Governor kate brown, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. You have a great day. You too and happy veterans day. Thank you to all those who serve in your state. Now, in the final episode of parts unknown, Anthony Bourdain takes us on a personal journey through new yorks lower east side. Heres a preview. You actually grew up here. What was that like growing up here, being a little kid here . My main problem growing up down here was that i lived on a gang block. Right. The gang on my block was called the hitmen. And you know, they were no joke, right. I remember theyd be hanging out on the stoop on the church across the street, smoking dust, all of them with their golf clubs and 007 knives and everybody would be listening to, of all things, craft work, transeuro express. Theyd be out there screaming were going to kill the next [ muted ] that comes out of that building. Im laying there thinking, wow, i got to go to school tomorrow, man. I was never a violent person. Christ, i was raised by hippies, but i was thrown into a crazy environment where i had no choice but to fight my way through it. I always had a cue ball and a sock in my pocket. Id split your head open quicker than you could say the final episode of Anthony Bourdain parts unknown airs tonight at 9 00 p. M. Here on cnn. Well be right back. Making my dreams a reality takes more than just investment advice. 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Not only is todays veterans day, but its also armistice day, which marks 100 years since the end of the First World War and serves as a chance to remember not just those who fought but what they fought for. In london, big ben signaled a moment of silence. [ bell tolling ] and as dignitaries lay wreaths in honor of the fallen, one english historian is taking old photos and videos and bringing soldiers who fought in that First World War and their stories back to life. Cnns nick glass reports. Reporter the trains are so much faster now. Listen to the station some 40 miles north of london. The station building itself hasnt changed that much in a century or so. The big difference on that summers day in 1914 is the main flat form was cro flat form was crowded with men in uniform going off to war. The way we remember the great war has changed. The images have been tinted. We have gotten to see the war in color for the first time. This is private flailanders d bill johnson. They were killed by the same which he will buried alive. Reporter dan is trying to identify the men on the platform and find out what happened to them. Hes the very first man to fall. Reporter so far hill has identified 11 of the men in the photo. Eight of them never came home. Their names are on the wall memorial just 50 yards from the station. Just colorizing old black and white stills makes the story more accessible to a younger generation. Doing the same to moving footage has been infinitely more dramatic. It just brings it to life. As of someone who had a long term interest of this, the last two or three years has been incredibly exciting. Im stunned to see the faces. You see the people. You see the humanity. Reporter Peter Jacksons documenta documentary, they shall know grow old. Both electrifying, funny and sobering. A film about camaraderie and animal savagery. We learned what it was like to be an ordinary soldier. He was a lucky one. He survived. Private ted ambrose didnt. He was 19 when he died. His mother could hardly bare to open it. It was quickly consigned to her attic for most of the 20th century. His pipe and tobacco, his army issues cigarettes, a locket of himself and his sweetheart and Service Medals he never lived to receive. We began in 2014 the tower lo london filled with a sea of poppies. Britains poet laureate has written a new poem. The great war she writes is the wound in time. Will we ever remember it quite so much intensity again. Nick glass, cnn, london. We salute the brave today. A facetoface apology from saturday night lives pete daid davidson last week. Hear how the former veteran took it and his message to america. Experienced homelessness. Erans we have reduced those numbers by almost half, but despite the great progress that we have achieved, there are still too many veterans who still need a place to live. This project is a comprehensive rehabilitation of the centers facility here in Downtown Boston to create permanent supportive housing, transitional housing and service spaces, a facility that really delivers on societys commitment to people who have served in the military. Citi® was the Financial Partner because they were able to come with the resources, both the Capital Resources and also the human resources, the experts in their fields, and without citis partnership we probably would not be here where we are right now. The goal for us at this project is to be more effective in the services that we provide so that veterans who have committed to put their lives at risk to protect this country have a home in this country. We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. 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Apology accepted. Newly elected texas representative dan crenshaw appearing on snl sitting side by side pete davidson. He apologized for mocking a photo of the former navy seal last week. After getting a few jabs in on, crenshaw took a more serious tone. Listen. Seriously, theres a lot of lessons to learn here. Not just that the left and right can still agree on some things but also this americans can forgive one another. We can remember what brings us together as a country and still see the good in each other. This is veterans day weekend, which means its a good time for every american to connect with a veteran. Maybe say thanks for your service. I would encourage you to Say Something else. Tell a veteran never forget. When you say never forget to veteran, youre imply that as an american youre in it with them. Not separated by some imaginary barrier between civilians and veterans but connected as grateful, fellow americans who will never forget the sacrifices made by veterans past and present and never forget those we lost on 9 11. Heroes like petes father. Ill say pete, never nforget. Never forget. Thanks for being with me. Were following breaking news. An urgent, out of control fire in california. The death toll jumped again when fire officials found the besiod of two more people when they were overcome by fire. Homes either burned to the ground or seriously damaged. Hundreds of thousands of people around los angeles have evacuated. Its just not safe to stay there. The most destructive is in northern california. Thats where about 6500 family homes have burned down. Some towns north of sacramento have been completely destroyed. Theres something else. Officials fear the death toll may still go up. More than 100 people who live in fire zones are not accounted for. Their families dont know at this hour if they are safe or not. Cnn dan simon is in paradise, california. Were told that nearly everything in that town was destroyed. How much warning did people have to

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