Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180729

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20180729 21:00:00

The latest news and information from around the world with host Ana Cabrera.
have had to evacuate all of the hotels that are full, and some of the evacuation centers have reached maximum capacity, and so you have people out of the home, and many of them wondering if they have a home to come back to. ana. >> dan, what are the biggest challenges right now for firefighters? >> well, really, it is the elements, and another hot day. i just check ed the temperature and it is about 105 degrees out here, and so battling this heat of course is very difficult can just when you are past 7:00 or 8:00 at night, that is when the winds will pick up, and thisoin red flag warning, and the winds could push the fire more, and we s saw firefighters a moment ago, and they keep coming back and there are flare ups at times and they come in to pick up a piece of debris to ignite the homes in the neighborhood that are are
thursday, the carr fire jumped over the sacramento river to put it in the west end of redding. fry a day night into saturday, it doubled in size. so with the conditions right now, and the embers are jumping ridgetop to ridgetop, but it is the canyons and the steep slope, and whatever the degree of the slope is, the more severe, and the faster the flames are blowing and you can get them up to 50 miles per hour, and this is the severe slope. and now, across the states, the air pollution, and air quality is going to be bad, and we are starting to see the respiratory issues. the carr fire at 90,000 acres in a little while. and firefighters fighting this with a squadron of 17
helicopters a helicopters dropping retardant. and unfortunately, we are not seeing good news coming to temperature, the wind and the drought. no rain in forecast. this is crazy and we have seen already this year, ana, 4.3 million acres scorched in the u.s. now, that is below last year's number which was a crazy year, but it still above the ten-year average only here at the end of july. the numbers up to seattle and the normal high is 77, and they are in the low 90s and boise is in the triple-digits. i dont n't know how the firefighters do it, but we don't give them enough credit. >> yes, the firefighters and the emergency personnel, and the red cross and those responders working so hard to help those evacuated. we did some checking, and no month has passed without a wildfire since 2012, tom. >> yes, and we are seeing more and more each and every year. that is a big concern for those that are talking about the change in the climate that we will see more wildfires. it is a crazy month around the
globe, and talking about the 80 fatalities in greece, and sweden has fires burning for two weeks near the arctic circle, and at the canyon and a terrible year for the u.s. and other countr s countries. >> thank you for helping to walk us through it, tom sater. this hour, we are just getting started. tampering with the tapes. the president's attorney rudy giuliani is claiming that the michael cohen tapes were altered. and then the president weighing in to attacking the credibility of the special counsel, and calling out robert mooueller by name. and border battle as the deadline is passing. can children are in limbo, and this is as president trump threat threatens a government shutdown. and kidnapped as a baby. a woman finally gets to meet her biological mother 36 years la r later. you are live in the cnn newsroom.
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rudy giuliani coming out with a major claim that the tape that we heard of trump last week, the one secretly recorded by the president's friend and lawyer michael cohen is doctored. the tape that i am talking about is the one with trump and cohen heard talking about a possible payment to silence karen mcdougal that the president had a month-long affair with around the time that his son baron was born. and in that tape, they will discuss whether they should pay in cash or check, and the tape abruptly cuts off. here it is. >> so i am all over that, and i spoke the allan about it, and when it is time for the financing which is -- alan. >> no, no sh, no. >> the check -- >> no. >> and this is what giuliani is saying about the tape now. >> he abruptly ended that recording when the president said the word check, and what we
are investigating is how did that happen, and what did actually happen, and what was eliminated and then, he is going to have to raise that question with every one of these tapes, and how many of them did he play around with? we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly mid conversation turned it off. now we know that he did not do that for a good reason. >> cnn white house boris sanchez is live in new jersey near the president's golf club where he is spending the weekend. and giuliani is claiming that the one tape is dock toornd we know that fbi has more tape, and does he believe they are doctored, too? >> we don't know quite yet, ana. rudy giuliani has gone through the spectrum when it comes to talking about the president's former attorney michael cohen from calling him an honorable man to the flat out now calling him a liar, and taking to the sunday morning talk shows to dispute exactly what the president said in his conversation that recorded conversation with his former attorney, and the president and
his legal team clearly on the defensive here following the explosive claims made by michael cohen and namely the idea that president trump approved the meeting of june 16th with don jr. and other campaign officials, and russians, and to get dirt on hillary clinton, but something that the president has denied knowing anything about. this is rudy giuliani. >> we know something about 183 unique conversations on tape. one of them with the president of the united states, and after three one-minute involving the mcdougal payment. there are 12 others, maybe 11, 12 others out of the 183 in which the president is discussed at any length by cohen, and mostly with clearly corroborate
what the president has said in the tweets that he did not know about the payments to either one when it happened and only found out later, and these are the tapes that i want you to read them and hear them. >> giuliani is a long time prosecutors and making the case that as the president's defense attorney that michael cohen would not help the prosecution and he points to previous statements that essentially as you is sort of heard there c corroborated positions that the president has held in the past. it is going be interesting to see exactly what michael cohen says to the federal prosecutors the and how it plays out in court, ana. >> and giuliani talking to the press this morning, and the president speaking for himself on twitter on the attack. and what is he saying? >> yeah, the president launching some fresh attacks on the special counsel, and the most direct attacks yet naming robert mueller, and these are the tweets coming in under an hour
ago and the president is writing quote, is robert mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with president trump including the fact that he we had a nasty an contentious business relationship, and i had the fbi one day before he was appointed before the special counsel, and comey is his close friend. and also, why is mueller only appointing ainngry democrats an some working for crooked hillary and others have worked for obama, obama, and why isn't he looking at the criminal activity and the inclusion on the other side, and podesta and the dossier, and plenty to fact-check in the tweet, ana, and for the sake of brevity, the president's own departme department of justice has been looking into the claims of the conflict of interest for robert mueller, and ethics lawyers have been looking into this, and a spokesperson for the department of justice put out a statement writing, the ethics lawyers determined that the participation for him is appropriate, and in private at least, sources have been talking
about the alleged conflict of interests before, and golf fees disputed between him and the virginia golf club, and ro robert mueller, and spokesperson for the special counsel says that it was not an issue at all, and it was not part of the reason that robert mueller decided to leave that golf club, but as i said, that the department of justice has reached the conclusion that robert mueller is appropriate, and the president is calling the investigation illegal, ana. >> thank you, boris sanchez. i want to bring in cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi supervisor agent josh campbe campbell, and also, opinion columnist catherine. and now, start with you, josh. you know comey and mueller was mention ed ed in the tweet, andt are you making of the president's claims? >> well, sit by czar behavior a
-- it is bizarre statement, and one way to move the attention away from the investigation is to continue to perpetuate this lie that robert moouler who is a decorated vietnam veteran who is with a long decorated career would all of the sudden change is a lie. but the problem is that the more you repeat a lie, more people remember it. and he is peddling the conspiracy theories and nobody knows if he actually believe its it, but in regard to the beliefs, they distract, and deflect and trying to undermine mueller. >> so you are saying zero credence to the tweets about conflict of interest? >> right. we know that the department of justice went through, you know, if you are going line by line and not only the ethics lawyers looking at this, but who
appointed robert mooul nor the office and it is someone that the president, himself, had appointed, and he mentioned that mueller served undert president obama, and long term which is true, but also served under george bush, so it is not squaring with reality. >> and we know that mooul ser a republican, and rosenstein who appointed him is a republican, and jeff sessions is also a republican, and we could go on and on, but catherine, seven tweets attack iing mueller and e investigation, and are you sensing that something is perhaps going to be that the president doesn't like? >> possibly. i don't know what could give you that impression. i mean, this is reeking of odesperation, and trump is trotting out all of the greatest hits of how the world is out to get him, and everybody is biased, and the golf fees thing seems pretty desperate as well. but look, he is in an escalating feud with michael cohen and maybe something else is coming out from that trump is not
looking forward to, and we don't know what that is, but cohen has floated some test balloon s ts he has more incriminating evidence, and you have mentioned that giuliani is arguing that the tape released by michael cohen's tape was doctored. and so, it seem s ths that trum worried about what the next shoe is going to be to drop. >> i want to ask you about the tapes, josh, and how reliable are the recordings that cohen made, and abruptly, no way to tell if they were take n out of context, so what do the investigators do with it? >> determining the authenticity of the evidence is crucial aspect of the case. we have to remember that this is not investigative evidence. what we are seeing is one party unilaterally releasing a recording they made via the press and not a curt of law. so you have to keep that in
mind, that you don't have investigators who have weighed in on this, but i am assuming that down the road this does make its way into the court of law, it will be scrutinized by a team of fbi down in quantity, and i have used them on my case, a and they can look in to see if it is doctored or altered or simply incomplete, and that all part of it. but looking through the investigative lens, and obviously, concerned about what is on the tape, but aim curious and concerned about why the tape exist exists in and of itself. you know, the lawyer taping the client is not something that is, ethically they are trained to do. but the fact that cohen had to capture the moment that his client would respond to something that is a serious allegation lead nose believe that he didn't think that the response would be innocent, and he needed some evidence or cooperation or something to blackmail or cover himself down the road, and the whole thing smacks of malfeasance. >> i have to leave it there, catherine and i owe you a
question first next time. thank you, catherine and josh. up next, moves of a threat of a government shutdown by the president if his border wall is not funded. and what has been happening with the kids at the border that have not been reunited with their families. that is next. i'm really into this car, but how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? i tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if i'm getting a great price. this is how car buying was always meant to be.
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under routine observation in atlanta, and he is expected to be released at some time today and the congressman is 78 years old. 100 days until the midterm elections and president trump is returning to the one campaign i issue that fired up the base in 2016. his promised border wall. >> we are going to build a great border wall. we will build a great, great wall wall. >> we will build the wall. don't worry about it. >> oh, we are building it. >> i promise that we will build the wall. and who is going to pay for the wal wall? >> mexico. >> and well, now apparently, president trump expecting congress to foot the bill for the wall, and meaning the american people, and threatening a government shuttown if he does not get his way, and tweeting that i would be willing to shutdown government if the democrats don't give us enough votes for border security.
we need a system of merit and great people coming into the country, and meanwhile, more than 700 children at the border separated from their parents have not been reunited with their families after the court order expired friday. kaylee hartung is in mcallen and you have been talking to the families in limbo, and what are you hearing from the families in limbo? >> well, in the past few days, the the government is patting itself on the back saying they reunited all eligible families by the court deadline, but 711 children at the government's last sle tally are separated because they are saying they are ineligible to be unified. reporting on this story, and the impact of the president's zero tolerance, no two families' stories are the same, but the common threads is frustration and chaos in communication, and so today, we will talk about a woman we will call alejandra.
a month and half ago, she and her 6-year-old daughter crossed the border fleeing gang violence in honduras. they were detained, and then alejandra were told these are the documents for release and she would reunited later in the day, but it did not happen. and today, she is sitting in a detention facility in texas the, and her daughter in new york and while she is looking for answers in limbo, this is what she is being told. are. >> translator: the first thing they ask can is always, do you know when it will be that my girl will be coming here to be reunified with me. no, i don't know anything they say to me. >> reporter: her daughter's attorney has been told that a red flag has been raised in the child's case by hh, is that is holding up the reunification. and hhs is saying that they won't comment on the specific case, because spokesperson told
cnn that parents in i.c.e. custody not reunited with their child have a issue of safety or parentage. and so the department of orr is working with dhs to evaluate if a parent is eligible for reunification on a case-by-case basis and will continue to put the safe toif children first during the process. and the mother said that she would not have come here if she knew they would have been separated. and another woman who crossed the border after coming here are the from el val isador, and they were not separated and they are on a bus to meet family members together, and awaiting their first hearing. >> so much more to the story to, this issue. and we will stay on top of it. kaylee hartung in mcallen,
texas. thank you. fresh attacks from president trump from his favorite targets, the news media. and four separate tweets aimed at the press just today s. this becoming a dangerous trend? we will discuss this live in a cnn newsroom. ♪ let's fly, let's fly away ♪ ♪ just say the words ♪ and we'll beat the birds down to acapulco bay ♪ ♪ it's perfect for a flying honeymoon they say ♪ ♪ come fly with me ♪ let's fly, let's fly away ♪ ♪ come fly with me ♪ let's fly, let's fly away ♪
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event in the rose garden. it was said that she asked inappropriate questions with the european president, and kaitlan collins was there representing all media in the pool media. and now, here is fox news host sheppard smith. >> we try to discover the motivation and underlying reason that historically those who regular and as a matter of pattern to degrade can and belit belittle the purveyors of truth and work to diminish the free press find the facts displeasing and keep you from knowing them. we are on guard, and we hope that politics aside for the greater good that you are, too. >> and the white house correspondents association weighed in as well saying that
this type of the retaliation is wholly inappropriate, and wrong-headed and weak. it can not stand. let me bring in the cnn media analyst bill carter. and now, bill, this is far more than a cnn reporter, because there are fewer white house briefings and fewer pentagon bri briefings, and what do you think that this is all about? >> well, the pattern clearly of trying to be as nontransparent as they can be. i mean, that i are throwing up the roadblocks everywhere. they are not releasing what the president says to foreign leaders. they are not releasing the laws -- the logs of who is visiting the white house, and few briefings and no press conference, and so it is the whole of it, and at the same time, you have the president still claiming that the media is the enemy of the people. and you know, that is a loaded phrase, a really dangerous and loaded phrase. and the cnn and catalan kcollin is doing her job, and the questions are completely appropriate,
appropriate, and to make that kind of the call is showing that a, they are thin-skin canned and trying to control message. >> how significant that outlets like fox news are standing in solidarity to call out the move by the white house? >> well, it is significant, because fox news is sick ckocoen tick towards the president, and what he does. but this the past, they have had issues with the obama administration, and other news organizations stood up for them and said, no, they have to be included, and so there is a feeling among the professional journalists there, and of course, shep smith is one, and this is a fundamental question of doing a job and so everybody has the right to access to the president who let's face it is a representative not just of, you know, his party, but of the whole country, and all of the people in the country, and this is a government of and by the people, and he does not have the
right to shut down a free press and we put it in the first amendment for a good reason. >> and just again, to reiterate, collins was not in the room as somebody who was representing cnn, and she was there as the pool reporter to represent all media networks. explain why that is important. >> well, that is important, because that is a longstanding tradition that each time that there is a presidential opportunity, there is a pool reporter that. reporter represents everyone, and will give any information they get to all outlets so they are in fact a representative of all of the media, and the questions that were questions that anyone wanted to ask and everybody wanted to know what his feeling was about cohen which is what she asked about that day, and for her to be disinvited to an event after that is a chilling message if you want to be the pool reporter that you can't ask questions they don't like. so it is extremely bad precedent.
i think that the blowback has been pretty strong, and it is going be very interesting if they can keep it up. but, you know, this guy, this president goes after the press every opportunity he gets. and they support him on it with the base, and they are not paying attention to the constitution, and they don't oppose the first amendment, but that is what this is. >> and there is a new poll that showed that 90-plus percent of the supporters believe him even e over their own family members when it comes to the information sources, and i want to ask you about "the new york times" publisher a.j. salzberger, that they had a meeting that trump put out there, and trump put it out there, and he says that the language not just divisive, but it is increasingly dangerous, and he implored him to reconsider the broad attacks on journalism. is that statement, and that conversation with the publisher of the new york times and the president, does it help or hurt the president and the press? >> well, i don't know anything
that is going to help the relationship with the president and the press, but it is something that needs to be said. i happen to know that he is a very impressive young man, and he has the right idea that he wanted to confront the president. he is being criticized for some circles for meeting with the president, but it is an opportunity for the president to misrepresent what he said, which is what happened, so he had to come out with the statement even though it was off of the record, and the president then put it on the record, but the point is clearly the saint point that we were making. you keep abusing the press and saying that they are the enemy, and you opening the door the all kinds of danger, and not just in our country, but around the world. people in the media are being attacked namely by tyrannical regime, and this president prefers that, and he prefers that control. it is clearly dangerous, and mr. salzberger was right to bring it up and defend himself as ing a gres zifly as he has today. >> bill carter, thank you for joining us. >> all of the pleasure.
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cnn's fred pleitgen is there, and he says that it is carefully choreographed to show how the russian military compares to the united states. fred? >> reporter: a display of orussia's naval pow ner in the heart of st. petersburg. vladimir putin inspect iing the vessels from his own presidential boat. and then touting the advances of the country's naval forces. >> translator: the russian fleet successfully resolves the task of the country's capability, and makes a significant contribution no the fight of international terrorism, and plays a important role of strategic parity. >> reporter: and strategic parity means with the u.s. and allies. he showed a submarine nicknamed "the killer" to spy and find american vessels. on this day, vladimir putin's
message was clear, even though the russian military may not be as big or well funded, kit still be a threat to america, and the nato allies. last week, russia also showing off new missile technology, and including a hypersonic missile that it can beat other missile systems according to the kremlin. this after the president was discussing with vladimir putin to decrease arms in helsinki, and point that was reiterated. >> russia and the united states and the whole world has a stake in that of not starting a arms ra race. >> reporter: but while russia is interested in preventing the arms race, they clearly want to the show america and the allies that their forces are stronger and more advanced than at any time since the cold war. are fred pleitgen, c nshnn, rus
>> an american woman waited 36 years to find out the relationship with her birth mother, and she didn't know what happened to her and her mom on the day she was born. coming up, hugs, kisses and tears of joy when she meets her birth mother for the very first time. first, nearly 1 in 4 rural american children grows up in poverty. actress jennifer garner has teamed up to make a difference. >> i have grown up as i have often told people one generation, and one holler removed from poverty. >> for more than a decade, jennifer garner has stood up for america's poorest kids can as a save the children am bbassador. >> the playing field for kids in america is not equal. >> we have been working in primarily rural america for the last 75 or 80 year, and focusing on education, and making sure that kids are entering kindergarten ready to learn. we have a home visiting program and working with the parents in the home the make sure they are stimulating the kids socially and emotionally. >> reporter: save the children also offers a two-week intensive
program for students heading to kindergarten like elena who has autism. >> some the stuff that he has learned over the past year is really just, really blow iing m mind. i wish that you could have met her at the begin dg of la-- beginning of last year. >> we are run jessica babb's son, levi entered the program four years ago. >> he just took off. he has a desire to read that i love and admire about him. >> we all talk about kids of the future and we're not doing anything about it. we have to be out there aggressively helping them.
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up in the united states with her adopted parents. she says they were always forthcoming about her adoption and the country she came from. >> the story i was told was that my family had essentially never meant to keep me. >> reporter: but she says she always wondered if she had truly been abandoned as her documents state. >> reporter: she contacted chilean authorities in february to ask for help to find her biological parents. she got the answer she was hoping for. her biological parents were still alive and eager to meet her. her biological mother said she never intended to give her up for adoption. [speaking non-english]. >> reporter: she says she had a
very difficult labor and nearly died. [speaking non-english]. >> reporter: during that time, she and other employees of the state run hospital asked about their daughter but they never saw her again. chile was living under the military dictatorship and her family feared asking too many questions would put them in danger. >> with the politics at the time and adoption not being regulated until years after i was adopted, we're looking at the social worker who processed my adoption, there are a lot of things, elements of it that were just incomplete and inconsistent with what i was told. >> reporter: chilean government officials say there were so many
questionable documents back then authorities now have a name for babies like alisa. they're called children of silence, babies taken away from their biological parents in the '70s and '80s, in many cases without their consent or knowledge and given to their adoptive parents. those children are now in their 30s and 40s and asking about secrets that were kept from them for four decades. adoptions like these including travis toliver who didn't meet his biological mother until he was 41 years old. >> i wasn't given up willingly like i thought all these years and that makes me heart feel wonderful. >> reporter: in 2016, a prosecutor was given a list of
nearly 600 families. he heads an organization that helps families find each other and has an even larger list. >> we have 3,000 people looking for them. these are adopted people and families looking for these babies that were now -- were stolen from them. >> reporter: she says, during those decades there were entire mafia stealing babies from impoverished families to profit from their sale while the government looked the other way or simply ignored victims. >> doctors, mid-wives and social assistants looking for poor people to stole their kids because we need to understand these kids were sold. it's not for good. this wasn't for a good thing. they were a mafia selling babies to the outside chile. >> reporter: there will always

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The End , Seattle , Ten , 90 , 4 3 Million , 77 , I Dontn T , Credit , Triple Digits , Yes , Tom Sater , Concern , Change , Checking , Wildfires , Responders , Wildfire , Emergency Personnel , Climate , Red Cross , 2012 , Fires , Countrs Countries , Canyon , Globe , Fatalities , Sweden , Arctic Circle , Greece , 80 , Two , President , Rudy Giuliani , It , Tapes , Michael Cohen , Tampering , Trump , Children , Limbo , Threat , Special Counsel , Name , Credibility , Deadline , Robert Mooueller , Border Battle , Woman , Mother , Government Shutdown , Cnn Newsroom , Baby , Mla R , 36 , Crest , Help , Enamel , Gums , Gum Line , Crest Gum , Gum , Repair , Plaque Bacteria , Gum Damage , Crest Gum Detoxify , Life , Smiles , Vision , Limits , Check Up , Sun Up , World , Ultimate , Clarity , Technologies , Lens , Beauty , Protection , Essilor Ultimate Lens Package , Three , Pair , Homefice , Essilor , Better Sight , Shot , Neulasta Onpro , Risk , Chemo , Infection , Patients , Study , Decrease , 94 , 1 , Dose , Reactions , Lung Problems , Chemotherapy , Infection Risk , Cancer Patients , Spleen , Kidney Injuries , Neupogen , Capillary Leak Syndrome , Bone , Doctor , Trouble Breathing , Spain , Side Effect , Crises , Shoulder , Tip , Sickle Cell Disorders , Muscle Ache , Card , 25 , Tape , Lawyer , Friend , The One , Claim , Alyssa Cohen Grew , Payment , Son Baron , Affair , Karen Mcdougal , Check , Financing , Cash , Allan , Recording , Word , Sh , Question , Fact , Cnn , Conversation , New Jersey , Giuliani , Weekend , White House , Sense , Boris Sanchez , Golf Club , Fbi , Dock , Attorney , Man , Spectrum , Flat , Liar , Sunday Morning Talk Shows , Meeting , Claims , Team , Idea , Campaign Officials , Defensive , June 16th With Don Jr , June 16th , 16 , Anything , Dirt , Russians , Hillary Clinton , 183 , Others , President Of The United States , Conversations , Mcdougal Payment , 11 , Length , Tweets , Payments , Case , Statements , Prosecutors , Defense Attorney , Prosecution , Press , Court , Positions , Attacks , Robert Mueller , Attack , Twitter , Business Relationship , Conflicts Of Interest , Writing Quote , Comey , President Obama , Working , Inclusion , Activity , The Other Side , Isnt He Looking , Ainngry Democrats , Crooked Hillary , Is Mueller , Department Of Justice , Tweet , Sake , Lawyers , Ethics , Brevity , Dossier , Podesta , Spokesperson , Ethics Lawyers , Participation , Statement Writing , Sources , Least , Issue , Interests , Conflict , Golf , Fees , Virginia Golf Club , Ro , Investigation , Conclusion , Josh , Josh Campbe Campbell , Catherine , Law Enforcement Analyst , Opinion , Ed , Sit By Czar Behavior , Zandt , Statement , Attention , Lie , Veteran , Career , Robert Moouler , Vietnam , Problem , Beliefs , Nobody , Regard , Conspiracy Theories , Line , Credence , Zero , Office , Someone , Term , Reality , Robert Mooul , George Bush , Zundert , Mooul Ser , Iing Mueller , Republican , On And , Jeff Sessions , Rosenstein , Seven , Doesn T , Creeking , Impression , Odesperation , The Greatest Hits , Thing , Everybody , Golf Fees , Look , Feud , Evidence , Test Balloons Ts , Trum , Ths , Recordings , Taken Out Of Context , Shoe , Cohen Made , Investigators , Party , Law , Authenticity , Aspect , Curt , Iing M , Road , Part , Quantity , Tape Exist , Client , Nose , Allegation Lead , Response , Malfeasance , Cooperation , Border Wall , Up Next , Kids , Families , Border , Car , Truecar , Price , Prices , Deal , Area , Car Buying , Zip , Range , Stay , Holiday Inn , 15 , Hollidayinn Com , Business , Internet , Calls , Speed , Business Number , Network , Add , Devices , Anywhere , Tv , Voice , Eye , 4 90 , 34 90 , Nightly Sleep Companion , Sleep Support , Melatonin , Remfresh Usesody , Congressman , Hospital , John Lewis , Details , Saturday Night , Civil Rights , Base , Campaign , Observation , Elections , Atlanta , 2016 , 100 , 78 , Wal Wall , Democrats Don T , Great Wall , Bill , Mexico , Government , Tweeting , Shuttown , Votes , Border Security , Parents , Country , System , Merit , Court Order , 700 , Back , Kaylee Hartung , Mcallen , Story , Reporting , Tally , Impact , Isle , Zero Tolerance , 711 , Same , Stories , Threads , Frustration , Communication , Chaos , Alejandra , Daughter , Documents , Release , Gang Violence , Honduras , 6 , New York , Answers , Detention Facility , Texas , Translator , My Girl , Are , Reporter , Child , Reunification , Hhs , Red Flag , Shh , Department , Parentage , Safety , Ice Custody , Dhs , Orr , Parent , Process , Basis , Safe Toif Children First , Family Members , Hearing , Bus , El Val Isador , Press Just Todays This Becominga Dangerous Trend , News Media , Targets , Four , Newsroom , Lets Fly , Words , Acapulco Bay It , Come Fly With Me Lets , Birds , Honeymoon , Bones , Fracture , Path , Osteoporosis , Assistants , Blood , Calcium , Prolia , Cells , Jaw Bone Problems , Blood Pressure , Dental Problems , Thigh , Swelling , Hives , Throat Tightness , Rash , Tongue , Lip , Face , Groin , Chip , Take Xgeva , Side Effects , Infections , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Hospitalization , Spine , Can , Skin Problems , Muscle Pain , Joint , Isn T , Bones Aren T , Show , Kaitlan Collins , Journalism , Solidarity , Decision , Ta Tra , Ul , Questions , Event , Rose Garden , European , Media , Fox News , Host Sheppard Smith , Pattern , Motivation , Truth , Purveyors , Matter , Belit Belittle , Politics , White House Correspondents Association , Facts , Guard , The Greater Good , Bill Carter , Briefings , Retaliation , Type , Pentagon Bri , Leaders , Roadblocks , Everywhere , Onontransparent , Enemy , Press Conference , Whole , Logs , Laws , Phrase , Catalan Kcollin , Job , Message , Skin , Outlets , Call , Move , Appropriate , Kind , Standing , A , Sick Ckocoen , Administration , Tick , News Organizations , Feeling , Journalists , Shep Smith , Representative , Somebody , Amendment , Pool , Room , Opportunity , Pool Reporter , Everyone , Tradition , Media Networks , Anyone , Information , Precedent , Blowback , Guy , Supporters , Poll , Constitution , Salzberger , The New York Times , Information Sources , Publisheraj , Language , It Help , Publisher , Relationship , Right , Point , Record , Circles , Danger , Kinds , Saint , Door , Around The World , Tyrannical Regime , Control , Mr , Pleasure , Gres Zifly , Ing , Russia , Firepower , Coming Up , Smile , Surface Stains , Crest 3d , 3 , Febreze Air Effects Doesn T , Away Odors , Privacy , Mask , Place , I Love You , 2 , Things , Add On Advantage , Most , Odors , Hotel , Febreze Small Spaces , Febreze , Expedia , Shouldn T , 30 , Trip , Flight Unlocks , Discounts , Military , Fred Pleitgen , Naval Pow Ner In The Heart Of St , Display , Petersburg , Corussia , Vessels , Vladimir Putin , Forces , Advances , Boat , Fleet , Parity , Contribution , Terrorism , Fight , Capability , Task , Role , Allies , Submarine , The Killer , Kit , Missile Technology , Nato , Missile , Arms , Hypersonic , Missile Systems , Kremlin , Helsinki , Stake , Arms Ra , Arms Race , Race , Show America , Cold War , C Nshnn , Mom , Birth Mother , Hugs , Joy , Tears , First , Rus An American , 4 , Poverty , Jennifer Garner , Difference , Holler , Save The Children , Generation , Playing Field For Kids In America , Am Bbassador , 75 , Program , Kindergarten , Make , Education , Students , Autism , Elena , Stuff , Begin Dg , Levi , Son , La , Jessica Babb , Talk , Desire , Dishwasher , On Foods , Work , Dishes , Prewashing , Dont Worry , Smoothies , Forever , Credit Score , Credit Karma , Cascade Platinum , Wow , Mom And Dad , Formula , Weather , Stain , Home Depot , Adoption , Family , Answer , Employees , Run Hospital , Labor , Chile , Military Dictatorship , Lot , Social Worker , Officials , Babies , Cases , Consent , Silence , Alisa Clare Cohen , 70s And 80s , 70 , Secrets , Knowledge , Adoptions , Their 30s And 40s , 40 , Travis Toliver , Didnt Meet , 41 , List , Wasn T , Prosecutor , Organization , Other , 3000 , 600 , Mafia , Stealing Babies , Victims , Mid Wives , Sale , Good , Mafia Selling Babies ,

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