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Has them . Do we know . And we know that it covered two key topics, mccabes own topics with the president as well as what he was told about the former fbi director james comeys separate conversations with trump. We recall that comey documented the conversation, and he said that mccabe did that as did comey because he felt that trump would lie about his conversation s so his ability to corroborate comeys story is important here as Robert Mueller continues to investigate. And he is seeing the firing of james comey to his own termination late last night and saying in the statement in part, heres the reality, i am being singled out, and treated this way, because of the role i played, the actions i took, and the events i witness ed in the aftermath of the firing of james comey. The release of this report was only accelerated after my testimony to the House Intelligence Committee revealed that i would be able to corroborate former director com comeys accounts of his discussions with the president , and of course, the report that he is saying that is accelerated there was the Inspector Generals report that we have not seen and not made public, but attorney Jeff Sessions confirmed for the first time yesterday that it partially served as the basis for mccabes firing as he is being accused of misleading investigators and lack of candor about a separate inquiry, but clearly mccabe believes it is a mat over politics. Ana. And how is the president responding for that, we will go to White House Correspondent Boris Sanchez outside of the white house. And the president is clearly, boris, politicizing the firing of mccare after the fact as his attorney, and own personal attorney is calling for an end to the russia probe. And tell us what exactly each of them is saying. Hey, there, ana. The president has long accused the department of justice and the fbi of being political. He continues to push this idea of a deep state that is out there to desert fi his presidency and derail his agenda, and the president not only taunted Andrew Mccabe on twitter and suggested that he should be fired a number of times and now he is celebrating the firing and tweeted out earlier writing, quote, Andrew Mccabe fire and a great day for the hard working men and women of the fbi and a great day for democracy and sanctimonious james comey was his boss and made mccabe look like a choir boy. He knew about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the fbi. As you heard from laura, mccabe has denied the accusation, and separately, john dowd, the president s attorney found himself in a little bit of controversy today after suggesting that he was praying for an end to the russian investigation. And he initially made the comment to the daily beast saying that he was speaking on behalf of President Trump as his attorn attorney, and then later spoke to cn hbs and walked it back. This is the statement to cnn. He wrote in part, quote, speak ing for myself and not the president. I pray that acting attorney general rosenstein is going to follow the brilliant and courageous example of the fbi office of the professional responsibility, and attorney general jeff session, and bring an end to the alleged russian collusion investigation, and manufactured by mccabes boss, james comey based on the fraudulent and corrupt dossier. And this is coming after Robert Mueller be fired on the steps of Jeff Sessions firing mccabe, and therefore the firing of rob mueller is what many are claiming that he is doing here. But the white house has not publicly commented on the statement, but one source close to the president says that trump did not authorize this statement. And in fact, you get the sense from many around the president that they are annoyed that dowd went in this drirection and directly contradicting so much of what we have heard previously from the white house that they would comply with the special counsel, and the president himself said that he would not fire Robert Mueller and he is looking forward to sitting rosenstein said mueller is not an unguided missile and theres no reason for him to be removed. Thank you. The president , as we mentioned, has been on a tweet storm about really what he sees as a farreaching deep state conspiracy. Hell bent on destroying his presidency. First, he cited, quote, tremendous leaking, liar, and corruption at the highest levels of the fbi, justice, and state. The president minutes later with an addendum saying how many lies. How many leaks. Comey knew it all and much more. Joining me now cnn political commentator, scott jennings, Law Enforcement analyst josh campbell, and mark geragos. Scott, how many republicans are just wishing the president would stop tweeting and go play golf . Yeah, probably a lot. Honestly, because look, on the mccabe issue here, there are clearly things that happened inside the department of justice that were reviewed by career doj employees that led to a report that led to his firing. And so when john dowd comes in and when the president tweets, it takes away, i think, some of the credibility of the argument that mccabe was fired for good reason after an internal review. So the best course right now as a pr matter would be just to be quiet and let this unfold. That hasnt happened. I was interested in the reporting that people are annoyed with dowd coming in on this. I thought it was a huge strategic error for him to come out like that and it complicated the president s weekend. The president is now bringing comey into the picture. You worked at the fbi with the fired former director, james comey. He also is tweeting today, saying mr. President , the American People will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honorable and who is not. Your thoughts . Well, its a very important story. And like many, i cant wait for it to be told. This is a story that has been long we have been waiting for a long time to hear. If you think about the discipline of someone like jim comey, and i would add to that andy mccabe, look at the past year and a half, the barbs and the arrows that have been taken by some of people, highest levels of government that have been directed to them. Yet we havent heard from them going tit for tat. I think what were going to see is a dichotomy in leadership. These arent the people who are going to go, you know, on social media and lob insults, but theyre going to be thoughtful about what they do. With the comey book, its coming out one month from today. I cant wait to read it. I think it will provide insight into the picture as far as what did he see, what did he witness and some of the stories throughout his career. Hell treat these issues with the seriousness they deserve and not just use social media to use 280 characters to tell a story but to do it thoughtfully and a way that sews the american what went on at the fbi. You mentioned what you know of these men, their integrity, their character, james comey and Andrew Mccabe. Were you surprised Andrew Mccabe fired back . Not surprised at all. I dont think if anybody really knows what andy mccabes voice sounds like outside of had fbi. Do you . Besides what we heard during hearings. Thats my point. Hes not going to go tit for tat, but think about the amount of insult hes absorbed over the last year and a half on him, unfair attacks on his wife, yet hes remained silent because thats what career people do. But now that hes off, the gloves will come off. Hes going to tell a story and its also an important story. One thing on that note that cnn has in our reporting is Andrew Mccabes conversations with the president included multiple times in which mccabe was ask ed about his wife and donations from an ally of clintons. Fact he was documenting these conversations with the president and also what james comey told mccabe about his interactions with trump in memos, how key would those be as corroborating evidence. Apparently, mueller has all those memos now. Yes, and one of the reasons you want those is from an evidentiary standpoint, you can get those in as past recollection recorded. Normally, it would be heresy if you just did notes. If youre doing them contemporaneously, thats a way to get it into evidence, number one. Number two is, part of the reason that the white house between down and between trump are so feverishly commenting on this and stepping on this story is because they know that the special counsel is closing in on them. Theres no other way when you start to connect all the dots, this is a classic federal prosecution and investigation. And they have they have tightened the noose, if you will, around his inner circle. Its only a matter of time. People keep complaining about kind of the glacial pace. This is on a fast track compared to normal federal prosecutions. And it is zeroed in right on the white house. So listen to republican senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley on fox news just this past thursday. If he did fire Jeff Sessions, how would that go over in the Judiciary Committee . I would only answer your question this way unless you push me on. I dont think he should be fired. Ill push you on it. What do you think would happen . It would blow up the committee. The chairman has done a wonderful job getting nominees out of the committee with a lot of obstruction. If you had to replace the attorney general with somebody new, it would blow the place up. It would be seen as an effort to undermine the Mueller Investigation. It would lock the senate down. I think Jeff Sessions has done a good job. So scott, the president s tweet storm today, john dowds statement, questioning rosenstein and whether he should get rid of mueller. Are you worried the president is gearing up to try to get rid of mueller, and do you see more republicans coming out and saying we need to protect the special counsel . Well, i think the president has been unhappy with Jeff Sessions, but he has not gotten rid of him, and i dont think he will. Precisely because it would put the United States senate on lockdown. I have a hard time believing you could get another attorney general confirmed under these circumstances, and also as you heard those two senators say, virtually every republican over there in the senate thinks Jeff Sessions has performed admirably and honorably and done a good job of moving the president s agenda. So i think youll continue to hear carping, probably about sessions, maybe about rosenstein. But it would be a crazy step to fire Jeff Sessions given what it would do to essentially blow up official washington and derail the rest of the trump agenda for the rest of the year. Just double checking that were all on the same page there, scott. In terms of getting to mueller, you think he would go through sessions ultimately to get rid of mueller . I think he has to. I think the protocol here is that mueller has to be fired by rosenstein, who works for sessions. So theres a progression of people here in the department of justice that they would have to go through, and i just at this point, given how far down the road we are, given what we know about the investigation, the wises course of action here is for the president and his team to do what they have been doing, cooperate, turn over documents. Submit to questioning and try to get it done as soon as possible. Firing people, going down a road that makes it look like youre trying to end an investigation that clearly has turned up some things, would absolutely derail this presidency. Josh, people are really fired up about this mccabe firing. On both sides of the aisle. The former cia director, john brennan, also put out a very strong response. He tweeted this. In response to the president , specifically. Saying, he would take his place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. Do you think brennan weighing in in this way is appropriate . Well, hes obviously free to express his opinion. He had had unique insight as someone who served in government for many, many years. I thing thats one data point we have, as far as someone who has been in the room, who made those decisions. Of course, a lot of people wisay he worked under the obama administration. They would, thats fair, but hes a career guy. Good you look at his time throughout cia, hes someone who has served the country well and did so well before he was a political appointee. I think thats an important data point. Let me point out one quick thing if i can with respect to what scott said. Im not disagreeing with what he said, but what are the consequences for people who politicize government, such as the fbi . I understand that people on the hill may not want to take any action or maybe upset them if session goes, but what are the consequences . If you look at the situation with andy mccabe, how much more political does it get . On a friday evening, 26 hours before he retires, the decision is made that hes going to be fired. Now, this is either the worst profile in courage that we have ever seen or theres something there about that investigation that we need to get to the bottom of. When did the department of justice know about these accusations for andy mccabe, and what did they tell the fbi . Was this a rush job. Were they looking at the calendar and saying we need to get this done because we need to get rid of him before the clock runs out and hes allowed to collect a pension . The longer it took to get an answer, the more questions really came up and then the last thing ill say is we still dont know the factual basis on which that dismissal happened. I think thats problematic. Its a disservice to the American People, a disservice to andy mccabe to lay out some conclusion without providing the facts on which that conclusion is based. But we do know, according to Jeff Sessions, that it was based on an Inspector General review, and it was firing that was recommended by the office of professional responsibility, who is also staffed by career professionals, not trump appointees. Youre right, ana, and the opr and fbi and the inspection division, these are career people. These are people who dont care about politics. My concern is, at what point did the doj go to the fbi and say, we need you to weigh in on this . Was it something they said, we need you to hurry up and get this done by a set date in time. If thats the case, i think its highly inappropriate. I worked in the fbi for over a decade, and i never recall seeing a case that had a deadline attached to it where you have to do this before x date. If thats whats happened here, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. Mark, if you were on the president s legal team, building a case to attack the cred blth of the special counsels case, what would you key in on . Would Andrew Mccabes dismissal play into your calculations . Well, clearly, what theyre doing is theyre trying to discredit the very origins of the investigation. If they do that, theyre going to say you cant trust it. Youve got to shut it down. Its kind of corrupt adnishio is the old expression, which means from the beginning or in its inception. And if its tainted from the beginning, if mccabe is tainted, if comey is tainted, then the whole investigation is tainted. The problem theyve got, the problem with this is its a fine line. Because remember, what youre doing is its a fullfrontal attack on the fbi and on to some degree related to the doj. I have talked to just recently as yesterday, with assistant United States attorneys who are completely outraged by this. Those are people that ultimately inside are going to do this president more damage than he even understands. I just its a very, very dangerous game theyre playing, and theyre playing in a way that i dont know that theyre going to be able to survive. Ultimately, at the end of the day. Mark geragos, scott jennings, josh campbell, never a dull moment around here. Thank you. Coming up, a democratic member of the Armed Services Committee Weighs in on the white house chaos and how it could affect dealings with russia and north korea. Plus, the stormy saga and new Court Filings by the trump team. Seeking 20 million from the porn star trying to speak out about an alleged affair. Say carl, we have a question about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . Uhhh. And i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Sometimes you need an expert. I got it. And sometimes those experts need experts. On it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed Needs Insurance expertise. Its all good. Steve, youre covered for general liability. And, paul, we got your back with workers comp. Wow, its like a party in here. Where are the hors doeuvres, right . [ clanking ] tartlets . We cover commercial vehicles, too. I think theres something wrong with your sink. Come to my window ohh crawl inside wait by the light of the moon applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Our breaking news. President trumps personal lawyer calling for an end to Robert Muellers russia probe. Heres part of attorney john dowds statement, and i quote, speaking for myself, not the president , i pray that acting attorney general Rod Rosenstein will bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion Investigation manufactured by mccabes boss, james comey. Now, dowd initially told the daily beast that he was speaking on behalf of President Trump. Then he quickly back pedaled telling cnn he was speaking only on his own behalf. I want to talk more about this with democrat congressman ro khanna of california. Congressman, a lot i want to talk to you about. Lets start with your reaction to President Trumps personal lawyer calling for the Mueller Investigation to be shut down on the heels of the firing of former deputy fbi director andy mccabe . Well, its outrageous. And you saw that he walked it back. I mean, it leads to the question, why was mccabe fired . Are they really setting this up to fire mueller . Or to try to end the investigation. We all have had confidence in mueller. We should let him do his job. Find the facts, and have an independence of investigation. And the last two days have really been concerning in terms of the independence of that investigation. Based on dowds statement and the tweet from the president celebrating mccabes firing, do you worry that the president is on the verge of trying to fire the special counsel . I certainly wouldnt put it past them. And i think we need to ask some very basic questions. Was the president , or attorney general or anyone else, involved in telling the in part Inspector General what to do with mccabe . You mentioned in your earlier segment that these were career people, but theres a question, was there any political interference here. And if so, that goes to obstruction of justice. But mccabes firing and what mccabe said afterwards where he said he believes he was singled out because of what he did after the comey firing, raises huge questions of obstruction of justice. And i wouldnt put anything past this administration at this point. So i just want to make sure im understanding what youre saying. Are you worried that people inside the office of professional responsibility were pressured to recommend mccabes firing . Well, i think the question needs to be asked. The timing is very suspicious. Two days before his he qualified for pensions. And i think we need to know from the white house, from attorney general sessions, was anyone in the political sphere, did they have any communication with the career officials on this investigation . Did they have any influence on the timing of the investigation . On the recommendations . Did they ask for it to be expedited, or was this purely a career decision . And then we need to know who made the decision that he should be fired. Was this was the fbi director consulted . Was this a political decision . Was this a recommendation from the career officers . But it seems the timing seems very fishy. And the facts seem very fishy. We have also learned mccabe has memos of the conversations he has had with the president. They are now in the hands of mueller. Are you confident the truth, whatever it is, will all come out eventually . Well, i do think the truth eventually comes out in american politics. And im looking forward to seeing what mccabe has to say. And i dont want to prejudge the matter. What i have said time and again is mueller is one of the most trusted people in washington. He used to be a republican. He was trusted by republican administrations. What is sad is seeing people, for personal gain, tarnish his reputation, tarnish the reputation of career officers who have served for 20 years. Lets have an investigation. Let the facts play out, and lets go where the facts are. I dont want to prejudge the investigation. I want to preserve the independence of these agencies and the rule of law. When you say that, preserving the independence of the agencies, thats so important. So Many Americans are hearing that and saying yes, that is whats important, but the bottom line, with the president s tweets, and even Andrew Mccabes response, do you worry there has been some serious damage to the credibility of some of americas institutions, particularly the Justice Department . I do worry about it. I mean, you know, when you grow up, the one thing you love about this country is that we dont have unlimited power. The executive branch has checks on it. I mean, every high school kid, every kid in elementary school, frankly, learns that. For the first time in many, many years, certainly in my lifetime, youre seeing that questioned. Youre seeing people acting out of their own political interests and running roughshod over agencies that were independent, over Law Enforcement, and that american tradition, American Institution is being questioned. Frankly, its the exact opposite of conservatism, where conservatives usually believed in the independence of institutions and institutional democracy. I do think damage has been done. The good news is i think americas institutions will survive this. We still have an independent judiciary. We have a congress and senators, and i hope colleagues of mine on both sides of the aisle will stand up for American Institutions and independence. Congressman ro khanna, thank you very much for your time. Thank you. Coming up, the president s name officially linked now to a lawsuit to stop a porn star from speaking publicly about an alleged affair. Why he now claims Stormy Daniels owes 20 million. Stay right there. We just got married. Were all under one roof now. Congratulations. Thank you. How many kids . My two. His three. Along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. That is quite the family. Quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. A lot of colleges. You get any Financial Advice . Yeah, but im pretty sure its the same plan they sold me before. Well your situations totally changed now. Right, right. How bout a plan that works for 5 kids, 2 dogs and jake over here . That would be great. That would be great. That okay with you, jake . Get a portfolio that works for you now and as your needs change from Td Ameritrade investment management. Looking for a hotel that fits. Whoooo. Your budget . 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In court documents, attorneys retting Michael Cohen and the president himself say the porn star could owe as much as 20 million for breaching a nondisclosure agreement that kept her from talking about an alleged affair with donald trump. They have filed papers to get this case out of California State Court and instead before a federal judge. Daniels Attorney Says its just another example of bullying tactics by team trump. Its truly remarkable. I dont know that theres ever been an instance in American History where you had a sitting president carrying out a personal vendetta and seeking in excess of 20 million of a private u. S. Citizen who is merely trying to tell her version of the facts. He and his attorney, mr. Cohen, and now others, are seeking to gag and silence my client and keep the information from the American People. Joining us now, cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney, page pate. Whats your reaction, page, to these filings on behalf of the president . It does sound like another bullying tactic, and this is exactly the kind of thing that donald trump did when he was a private citizen. He had his lawyers act like bulldogs. They were always aggressive. But in this case, i think by being aggressive, theyre actually playing in to Stormy Daniels and her legal teams hands. Thats exactly what they want. If there was nothing to these allegations, if they were not true, the last thing you want to do is file a lawsuit in federal court. Take the case and remove it to federal court, where theres likely going to be hearings in front of a judge, perhaps even a jury trial, where all of this gets aired out. I would think thats the last thing you want to do if youre trying to keep her quiet. 20 million. Would you be worried if you were stormys attorney . Not at all. I understand the nondisclosure agreement does have a liquid ated damages provision. That usually means if one Party Breaches the deal, then they are they have to pay the 20 million. But in this case, thats crazy. No judge would enforce that type of nondisclosure agreement in a situation involving a private citizen, especially if these allegations have merit to them. If they can be corroborated. I think worst case, if she violates the nondisclosure, assuming one is even binding, shes looking at maybe paying back the hush money, which shes already offered to do. Stormy daniels attorney, michael avenatti, also said his clients story isnt the only one out there about trump. Listen. We have been approached by six separate women woo claim to have similar stories to those or to that of my client. Two of those women, at least two, have ndas. Were in the very early stages of vetting those stories. Page, what do you make of this legal strategy . Mentioning these other women and their stories, even though he hasnt vetted their cases . It is dangerous because obviously, you want to make sure if youre making an allegation, theres some merit to it, that its a truthful allegation. If it is true, it would put trumps legal team on notice that hey, youre not just going to have to deal with us. We may be able to show the judge a pattern of this type of activity, and if those other individuals also receive physical threats, then thats extortion. I dont think a judge would ever enforce a nondisclosure agreement if it was coupled with that type of physical threat. You bring up the physical threats. Youre right. Daniels attorney said his client had been physically threatened to stay silent. He didnt say who threatbed her. Heres how the white house responded. Obviously, we take the safety and security of any person seriously, certainly would condemn anyone threatening any individual. But i have no knowledge of that situation, and would refer you to the president s outside personal attorneys. So how do you see this playing out . Well, i dont know if were going to see direct evidence that the president was making any physical threats. And perhaps hes done enough to cover his tracks so that some lawyer who may have said something, some investigator who may have said something, hes going to be able to effectively distance himself from that. If its a pattern of this type of activity, i dont think any of these nondisclosure agreements if others do exist, would be enforceable. If somebody is not voluntarily agreeing to a contract like that, then they cant be held liable if they violate it down the road. So any evidence of physical threats, whether it came directly from the president or his legal team, or even someone further removed from that, i do think that will play into this lawsuit, and it will only help Stormy Daniels and her team. One of the central questions has been whether this 130,000 hush money payment to daniels violated Campaign Election laws. Do you think its time for Robert Mueller to sit down with Stormy Daniels . Well, i think that might be a little bit beyond the scope of his current mission. I think he would have to go to the Deputy Attorney general to get approval to look into that. But every new fact that we hear about this payment, where it came from, who else was involved, does suggest that it had something to do with the campaign, that it was intended to help trump get elected, to try to keep Stormy Daniels quiet so this wouldnt be in the media right at the time of the election. If that payment was made for that purpose, then i think it is a violation of federal election law. Page pate, thank you very much for your expertise. We really appreciate it. A quick programming note. Im going to go oneonone with Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti at 8 00 p. M. Tonight here on cnn. Coming up, facebook is suspending a Data Research fund with ties to the Trump Campaign. 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It concerns those facebook personality quizzes so many of us enjoy filling out. It appears the results dont just disappear when the test is over. Facebook says it is suspending a data firm now with ties to the campaign for using information from the quizzes without users permission in order to target voters. That firm, Cambridge Analytica, denies violating facebooks terms. Cnns senior media correspondent Brian Stelter joins us now. There are a lot of layers to this story. Help us make sense of it all. It all involves Cambridge Analytica. Its this Mysterious Firm that promises to help political campaigns and other organizations target voters, to microtarget them, to figure out exactly what you as a voter wants to hear any given time and deliver that ad to you. Cambridge analytica has been out there selling those services for years. The Trump Campaign along with the Ted Cruz Campaign were two of the campaigns that bought their services in 2016. Go back further. Cambridge analytica in its infancy partnered with a professor who happens to work at cambridge university, no relation to the company, who created this personal quiz on facebook. I have done some of these, you have probably done some of these. Most of these are fine, no evil purpose behind it, but in this case, this personality quiz that about 250,000 people took, the data was used by the professor and then handed off to Cambridge Analytica and used to create profiles of voters. Whats remarkable about this is you start with the essentially 270,000 people. Then you connect all of their friends, and before you know it, you have 50 million facebook users information. Thats what was really remarkable about using this personality quiz to then go and grab so many peoples data. Now, Cambridge Analytica says we didnt use the facebook data to help the Trump Campaign, but a whistle blower named christopher wily begs to differ. Hes given an interview to the guardian in the uk and in the u. S. , and he says he has a lot of regrets about how he worked with Cambridge Analytica on this type of data project. He said this is insane, the company that created psychological profiles of 230 million americans, now they want to get contracts and work with the pentagon . Its like nixon on steroids. Thats really why this matters now, ana. If the election is long over, 2016 election. But Cambridge Analytica and other Companies Like it are still working on harvesting vast amounts of data about voters, about individuals, and using it to target ads and information to us. In fact, Cambridge Analytica has a contract with the state department, and they have sought other government contracts as well. This is an issue, in this case, an investigation in the times tomorrow about this particular use of facebook data in ways that the company now says were improper. But theres a broader issue. Facebook has been criticized very heavily for not doing more to stop people on facebook from being manipulated during the election. Obviously, with what we have learned of russias involvement on social media as well, did it surprise you, or what do you make of the fact they came out and said were punishing Cambridge Analytica. This is another black eye for facebook. I put a column up about this on cnn. Com. It starts with fake news, how facebook helped fake news spread, then the russian propaganda, now the story about the improper use of data. Again and again and genl, facebook is called to account for how its systems are used and abused, whether its election in 2016 or elections in europe last year. Now the midterms coming up here in the u. S. You know, Facebook Says its getting better. They say they know theyre vowing to make changes and suspending Cambridge Analytica is one of the changes. I was with a facebook executive last week. We talked about the midterms. She said, look, we know we have our work cut out for us. Every day, people come up with new ways to spread misinformation. Every day, people come up with new ways to manipulate these systems. Its kind of like a game of whackamole, but with worldwide consequences. How do you keep up with these advancements. Thank you very much, for breaking it dpoun. And dont forget to catch brian tomorrow morning on reliable sources at 11 00 a. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Coming up, United Airlines under fire again after one dog dies in an overhead bin, another ends up in japan by mistake. Now a third pet mixup to tell you about. Stay right there. Im carl and im a broker. Do you offer 4. 95 online equity trades . Great question. See, for a full Service Brokerage like ours, thats tough to do. Schwab does it. Next question. Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee . A what now . A satisfaction guarantee. Like schwab does. What are you teaching these kids . 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Tell us what happened in this most recent united incident. Which would be yesterday. It was United Airlines. It was a flight that was bound from newark to st. Louis. Then they realized midflight they had a dog ochb the flight that actually was supposed to go to akron, ohio. Believe it or not, they diverted that flight to akron, ohio, with 33 other passengers onboard. I guess dropped off the dog, and they do say they compensated the passengers. But that was just the third of many. Lets look at the second one. The second one was this week, a flight from oregon to kansas, and a 10yearold German Shepherd named irgo was supposed to go to kansas. Irgo probably never even realized he was on his way to japan. He gets to japan, and the owners are expecting to pick up irgo. Hes not there. They had to trace and find him. They brought irgo back within hours. Youre talking round trip to japan on a private carrier. Now the family has him, but one dog died. That was on monday. That dog on the united flight was a small dog, so it was in the cabin in that authorized airline carrier. We all know about it, has the air holes and everything. And the Flight Attendant said to put it up in the overhead. And they said it was a dog. And united believes that the Flight Attendant may not have heard that, but the dog went up there for a 3 1 2hour flight, and the dog was deceased when they went to get that carrier. Just in the overhead. Awful. Horrible. For everybody involved in these situations. Horrible, and the animals. Three in one week. Is that just a fluke . Or do you know more about the Bigger Picture in terms of these types of incidents. Its interesting because the department of transportation in february had just come out with their latest statistics which would be for last year. And they say that 24 animals actually died in care of u. S. Airlines. 18 of those, which would be three fourths of those, were with united. 15 reports of animals injured on flights, 13 of those were on united. United does respond by saying that these dogs were compromised to begin with. Either they had their own Health Concerns or the cages, the boxes they were in were not equipped and not proper for them. But its not a good statistic to be going with at this point for united. Yikes. Thank you very much for that information. Coming up, we have breaking news in the russia probe. Cnn learning special counsel Robert Mueller now has memos written by fired former fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe documenting conversations he had with the president. What it could mean for President Trump next. No matter how the markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. 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Our incredible cnn heroes. After carol rosensteins husband was diagnosed with dementia, she began to feel him slipping away and started to lose hope. Then one day, he sat down at the piano. I was seeing something magical happening before my eyes. The doctor told me that we were watching the power of music changing brain chemistry. Playing a Musical Instrument is like a fullbody workout for the brain. The music actually resurrected him. To learn more about this story or to nominate someone you think should be a cnn hero, logon to cnnheroes. Com. Youre in the cnn newsroom. Im ana cabrera in new york. Thank you so much for being here. The news this hour, fresh evidence the president desperately wants the special counsels russia meddling investigation shut down. Also, wort that Robert Mueller has his hands on what could be a key piece of corroborating evidence. Memos documented by the fired Deputy Director of the fbi, Andrew Mccabe. Now, mccabe was just dismissed by attorney general Jeff Sessions for alleged lack of candor. Or lying, essentially, to Justice Department investigators. Mccabe tells cnn he was pushed out because of what he knows and how badly it could damage the president. Mccabes dismissal is also the centerpiece of the president s campaign over the past 24 hours or so to shame his own Justice Department. The president hitting send on multiple tweets in the past few hours, broadsiding mccabe, his former boss james comey, as the sources of leaking, lying, and corruption inside the fbi. Now, before the tweets, a slip and then a correction from the president s attorney. Hinting that the president s anger at the

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