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White house being forced to deal with a crisis. One that they didnt seem to expect and also did not seem prepared to handle. So far the president is being rather defiant in response to these accusations against two of his now former staffers. The latest being a speech writer who actually approached the white house. Said he knew these allegations were in his past and he offered his resignation and what he said was to avoid being a distraction to the administration. He also put out a lengthy statement where he forcefully denied the accusations against him and claimed he himself was the victim of Domestic Violence. Listen to what the president write this morning on twitter. He said, quote, peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true. Some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovering from someone falsely accused. Life and career gone. Is there no such thing any longer as due process. It is interesting that in this case the president is talking about due process because when he goes on the attack rarely does he concern himself with due process. Of course, this is the man during his campaign led the chant lock her up as it relates to hillary clinton. But this is not the only issue that the white house is dealing with this weekend. Theyre also dealing with the fallout from their decision not to release the democratic memo that was in response to the republican memo that had to do with the investigations and the concern about the fisa court. And the president tweeting a response about that this morning, pushing back on some of the criticism that the move to not allow the memo was political in nature. The president saying, quote, the democrats sent a very political and long response memo, which they knew because of sources and methods and more would have to be heavily redacted whereupon they would blame the white house for a lack of transparency. We told them to redo and send back in proper form. Of course democrats are concerned there is a bit of a high p hypocrasy in this statement. In this case hes relying heavily on their recommendations not to allow it. The white house said they are inclined to release the memo, but there will be some redactions. Democrats are concerned those redactions will be politically motivated as opposed to protecting those sources and methods. We will have to see what the response is. Well be watching. Ryan nobles at the white house. Thank you. Now, the president s defense of porter on twitter echoed what he said yesterday about his former aid in the oval office. It was very sad when we heard about it and certainly hes also very sad now. He also, as you probably know, he says hes innocent and i think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that hes innocent. So youll have to talk to him about that. We but absolutely wish him well. It might be a little jarring to hear the president defend someone accused of beating two of his exwives, but it is not entirely surprising. The president has a track record of men accused of abuse or harassment. Listen to what he said about his former Campaign Manager when he was accused of grabbing a female reporters arm so hard he left bruises. Hes a good person with a wonderful family. Four beautiful kids and theyre destroying that man over nothing. You take a look at that tape, and shes grabbing me. Maybe i should press charges against her. Shes not supposed to be grabbing me. Now, here is what he said about former fox news chief roger ales after he was accused of Sexual Harassment. I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, i know how much hes helped them. Were not done yet. The president also defended former fox news personality bill oreilly when he was accused of Sexual Harassment. Hes a person i noknow well. Hes a good person. I think he may you know, i think he shouldnt have settled. I dont think bill would do anything wrong. It doesnt end there. The president also defended and endorsed roy moore after he was accused of inappropriate behavior with teenage girls, including child molestation. If you look at what is really going on and you look at all the things that have happened over the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. He says it didnt happen and, you know, you have to listen to him also. And when then candidate trump was accused by multiple women of Sexual Harassment and assault, heres what he said about his own accusers. They just come out. Some are doing it through probably a little fame. They get some free fame. It is a total setup. People that are willing to say, oh, i was with donald trump in 1980. I was sitting with him on an airplane, and he went after me on the plane. Yeah, im going to go after you. Believe me. She would not be my first choice. That i can tell you. Joining us now cnn political analyst and Washington Post columnist. Alice, what is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear those sound bites i just played . Disgusting comes to mind. Disturbing also comes to mind. Look, i think were not surprised that the president , being loyal to friends and people that are loyal to him that he said that rob porter is innocent and stood by him. Thats fine if thats what he wants to do, but as president of the United States he should have followed that up with, however, Domestic Violence is abhorrent and there is no place for it in our society. But as you just outlined, it is a pattern. Whether hes talking about friends or colleagues or others in public service, he has they have always tried to down play these kind of allegations, whether were talking about Domestic Violence or Sexual Harassment. They down play it and try and discredit the women. That is really, really troubling. In this case what is really more troubling is when you have someone that has such a personal abhorrent behavior, that should be disqualifying for Public Office and public service. I think we really need to take a close look at the standard thats being set here and make sure we really speak out against Domestic Violence. Catherine, again, the question why. Why is the president s first instinct to believe the men and not the women . Presumably rejection. He has to protect his own reputation. If he blends any sense of credibility, greater credibility to these women accusers of other alleged predators of various strikes, then maybe people will start to believe increasingly the women that have accused him. I cant think of any other reason. Perhaps he doesnt see women in general as credible. Hes made lots of comments about women in general. Maybe that transfers to his likelihood to believe women when they are accusing his friends and associates as well. He was quick to throw Harvey Weinstein under the bus. Alice, the other thing that stood out about his tweet today was the president asking if due process still exists. This is coming from the same person who accused ted cruzs father of assassinating jfk and leading the chants of lock her up during the campaign. How do you square it . He looks at due process with regard to people that he aligns himself with and who he likes. The sad reality is that Domestic Violence is not partisan, nongender. This is a true problem. And we need to look at it that way. And i think we need to listen more to the people who are victims of Domestic Violence than those who are accused of it and not just by one exwife but by two and someone else. I think we need to take a step back and give these women a voice. Let them not be afraid to come out and speak and let them know that we are really taking a serious look at this. Im encouraged by Vice President pence, who has said when he was over at the olympics that there is no place for Domestic Violence and he is committed to taking a closer look at this when he comes back. I hope this is a time that we make some changes with regard to this. Republican congressman charlie dent is one of the few republicans. You mentioned mike pence as well, who is speaking out about the porter abuse controversy. Lets listen to what he told our colleague today. There has to be a zero tolerance toward that type of Domestic Violence that is being discussed in these two situations. Thats very clear. Of course we should be very sympathetic and empathetic to the victims, to the women who have been violated here, subjective of violence. That said, i think it is important for the president to acknowledge the victims. So now we have 12 democrat senators who have written the white house asking for more information about porter, whether he disclosed these allegations. Catherine, alice hit on this earlier. Are you surprised that there arent more republicans, the party of family values, also a party thats struggling with female voters that arent speaking out to rebuke this. You know, i am. And im not. On the one hand, this should not be a partisan issue. This should be something that everyone could make even the most bland of statements just saying, look, Domestic Violence is bad. It will not be tolerated. Why would we expect the people that line themselves up behind President Trump to come out and condemn this kind of behavior. There will be guilt by association. What benefit is it to stay silent . I dont think they want to be seen on the side of the people that are bad. So thats why you didnt see the evangelical Community Coming out against trump. Thats why you didnt see the evangelical community and, you know, the family values types coming out against trump when he has made lots of other comments about women, when hes made lots of other antifamily comments. You know, i think its not entirety surprising. Our politics are so tribalistic right now that it is hard for people on either side to be able to consistently hold to whatever principals they espouse if those principals occasionally go against the people on their team. Or to look inside themselves. Alice, i want to ask you about the president s decision to block the release of the democrats memo rebutting alelegd surveillance videos. He didnt do the same with the republican memo. Is this a double standard . Look, i think look, clearly it was, in my view, it is better to get more informs out there. We all knew he was going to put out the republican memo. With this one i think we also have to consider this was a more lengthy memo. We have to consider the possibility that democrats put some information in this memo that was potentially confidential knowing that this would cause the president to refuse to declassify the memo and have it released and that would give them an opportunity to say, look, hes not putting the same standard on us. If there is information thats classified in there, hopefully they redact only the classified information and im looking forward to a time when they do release it. I do take the president at his word when he says he will get it out. Republicans on the House Intel Committee want it released. The only thing we need to do is get out the classified information and put it out fully. I think it is important to have a response from the republicans and democrats. Ideally it would be at the same time, but better late on never. You do bring up the point for potential National Security. But a republican congressman tweeted he looked at this memo and he said it doesnt endanger National Security. Yeah. There was bipartisan support for releasing this. It is bizarre that President Trump suddenly shows deference to the fbi and National Intelligence community when it comes to the case of releasing a memo authored by democrats. How do you see the democrats responding now . Because arent they just giving more fuel to the fire to the attention of these memos, even the republican memo which they say is misleading . Potentially. I think on the other hand, are you familiar with the barbara industry sa indust effect. I think you could see this backfiring against trump in that it looks like he has something to cover up. When it looks like he has something to cover up, there will with more grounds to see. I appreciate both of you l y ladi ladies. That morning you both. Thank you. Still ahead, were u. S. Spied fooled by a russian selling secrets . A new report claims just that. You will hear from the author of that report just ahead in the cnn newsroom. With the most lobster dishes of the year. New dueling lobster tails has two tails thatll fight to be your favorite. One topped with creamy shrimp and scallops, the other. Steamed with lemon and herbs. And no, youre not dreaming, classics like lobster lovers dream are back too, along with decadent new lobster truffle mac cheese. But enough talking about lobster lets get to eating because lobsterfest wont last. So dive in today at red lobster two,that was awful. Why are you so good at this . Had a coach in high school. Really helped me up my game. I had a coach. Math. Ooh. So, why dont traders have coaches . Who says they dont . Coach mcadoo you know, at td ameritrade, we offer free access to coaches and a full education curriculum just to help you improve your skills. Boom thats lesson one. Education to take your trading to the next level. Only with td ameritrade. [ laughs ] rodney. Bowling. Classic. 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As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Awe. Welcome back. Dird t did the u. S. Get duped. American spies paid a russian man 100,000 after he claimed to have hacking tools stolen from the nsa along with compromising material from President Trump. The man never handed over these materials. According to the paper, the american spies agreed to pay the russian a Million Dollars for the intel and they were serious about this offer. At one point the u. S. Spies gave the one 100,000 in a briefcase has a down payment. According to the times, the nsa even used its official twitter account to send coded messages to the russian a dozen times. But the u. S. Spy soon had doubts. The paper writes his apparent eagerness to sell the trump kompromat raised suspicions. There were other questions about the russians rep liability. He had a history of Money Laundering and a thin legitimate cover business. A nearly bankrupt company that sold portable grills for street side sausage salesman. The american spies ended up chasing this russian out of the western europe and warned him never come back if he valued his freedom. I spoke with the reporter behind the story. National security correspondent for the New York Times matthew rosenberg. Here is part of our conversation. Apparently first your reporting caught the attention of the president and he tweeted this about your report today. According to the New York Times a russian sold phony secrets on trump to the u. S. Asking price was 10 million, brought down to 1 million to be paid over time. I hope people are seeing and understanding what is going on here. It is all starting to come out. Drain the swamp. Is this an accurate characterization of your reporting . It is not. It is not. Look, this is a complicated story. Thats pretty clear here. The americans were out looking for this vast trove of hacking tools, of Cyber Weapons stolen from the nsa and cia. The idea here, they werent going to take it off the market. They were just trying to figure out what was missing, what was out there in the wild. And they find this russian. He says i can give you everything. Theyre like, great, we can start unraveling this mystery. Then the russian says we will have to include this material on President Trump. I want to throw that in there. And the americans didnt really want that. They made it clear to the russian we want the Cyber Weapons. Dont sell us the other stuff. Tell us more because i want to unpack this first before you go further. They wanted the Cyber Weapons that had been stolen. So tell us about the guy who claimed to have these Cyber Weapons. What more do we know about him. To the russian who i interviewed multiple times in europe, hes a fixer of sorts for russian intelligence. He had connections to various russian intelligence and underworld connections as well. Hes done Money Laundering. Hes a hard guy to figure out. Thats one of the problems to figure out. The difference between a russian Intelligence Officer and an organized crime figure is often very, very blurry and it makes it hard to figure out who is who. At one point the meeting happened inside the Russian Embassy in berlin. They suspect it was the case. Im going to talk more about this secret operation with two people who now how these operations work on both sides. Steve hall is a retired cia chief of russia operations and jack is a former kgb agent. What stands out to you about what we learned now from matthews reporting . If i had to guess, i would say this is probably one of two things. Its either what we would refer to as an information peddler, somebody who has come somehow, you know, into possession of some interesting information and wants to make some money off of it so is either allowed to be in contact with western Intelligence Services or it could be what russians refer to as a provocation, which is something that might have been under control of the russian government, the Russian Security services in its continued attempts to sew disinformation and widen the cracks in u. S. Political and societial system. So its probably one of those two types of things. Jack, based on what you know of how the russians operate, how do you think . What do you think was going on here . My predecessor is entirely 100 correct. But as i was reading this article, i thought i was getting ready to be on the comedy channel, quite frankly. This is bizarre. This is completely bizarre. This is a tail of ineptitude on both sides. When you look at the way the russians operated, this is goonish, borish behavior. It is very much reflective of how this country is run these days. In my time we thought he had a little bit of intellect and elegance in our operation. This is awful. And then on the other hand, if, indeed, what the times writes is true, the eagerness of the cia, nsa to just buy stuff from what we would expect to be crooked people is just on the other side. It is inept on both sides. Thats what i was going to ask you about, steve, because you know how these intelligence operations work in the u. S. Again, these officials made a Million Dollar deal, even paid out hundred thousand dollars for what . Do you see any mistakes in how they handled this situation . What i would say is that what we see is probably from matt rosenbergs excellent work is probably 10 , maybe 15 of what actually happened. There is probably a lot more that was going on behind the scenes. Its the nature of human intelligence collection that you have to talk to a lot of people, many of whom appear to be whack jobs, to try to get to the bottom as to whether or not what they have is worth it. A Counter Terrorism is worth it. You cant just send them packing because theyre acting strongly and you are not sure about the information. You have to get to the bottom of it. So my inclination, because i have been on the other side of this where people look at an operation and say in the press or in the open discussions say what the heck were they thinking, that sounds stupid. And the fact is there is a lot there thats simply classified. You dont know about. Im not saying it is impossible for Intelligence Officers or intelligence organizations to make bad judgments but it is pretty complicated as we saw from matts article. I just want to throw in if you dont mind. Sure. There was background on this individual. And the background was really, really bad. He was shady. Thats when you start asking some questions and being really, really careful because he could have been a planned, possibly was a planned. What do you think about that, steve . I mean, is this sort of deal making common . Well, again, when you have a lot of these complicated operations out there, yes, you have to do your best to vet the individual. But the funny thing is that a lot of times individuals who have a very torrid past who dont, you know, come through and are not the best citizens in the world oftentimes have access to interesting information. Now, whenever you are dealing with the russians, though, you also have to take into consideration that its possible that the russians are trying to manipulate this situation. And so, thats why i was saying it is either one of two. It is either a peddler or the russians are trying to mess with out. Either way they have to make that judgment themselves. They are closest to it and have the best feel as to what is actually going on. You can never have one meeting with an individual and say, yeah, this isnt any good. You have to get to the bottom of it before you can say, okay, this doesnt make any sense. Because what if he had something legit. Jack, the New York Times says the u. S. Spies became worried this russian was trying to pit u. S. Intelligence agencies against the president and try to really stir up americas society, institutions, democracies. President trump now tweeting about this story today saying drain the swamp. I mean, does this tweet actually help putin . Which swamp is he trying to drain here . The swamp at this point is a russian swamp. The tweet shoots right passed the target. I think the president is always trying to find an angle to, you know, produce his message, so to speak. All right. Gentlemen, thank you both for joining us. Interesting conversation. Good to see you both. Drawing the parallels between President Donald Trump and president Richard Nixon. A new cnn op ed cowritten by Karl Bernstein says trumps russian response is eerily similar to nixon. Karl joins me just ahead in the cnn newsroom. s the mascara thats causing a frenzy . Lash paradise from loreal. My lashes look amazing . Fuller and longer no wonder theres one sold every 5 seconds. See what your lashes are missing try lash paradise mascara from loreal paris. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. At holiday inn express, we cant guarantee that youll be able to contain yourself at our breakfast bar. Morning, egg white omelet. Sup lady bacon fruit, there it is but we can guarantee that youll get the best price when you book with us. Holiday inn express. Be the readiest. But mania, such as unusualrder can changes in your mood,able. 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That is the opening line of a new cnn politics piece written by the two journalists who broke the water gate story in the 70s. Bob woodward and Karl Bernstein revisit what happened when Richard Nixon fired the special prosecutor investigating his white house. Earlier this evening, i talked with Karl Bernstein about how what happened 45 years ago is similar to the presidency of donald trump. Here is our discussion. We have no reason to believe almost anything that donald trump says. What is so extraordinary about him and his presidency is the incessant, compulsive, continual lying. This is not me sitting here as a commentator saying this. This is demonstrable truth. The number of lies and consistency of lying by the president of the United States, which ought to be concerned by republicans who are looking to see supposedly what the facts are here and instead seem to be forming a body guard around the president to prohekt him instead of protecting muellers investigation, its extraordinary. We have never had a president who lies like this certainly in the modern era, even nixon. When you write in your piece three days after the saturday night masker, 34 separate watergate bills had been introduced in congress. How do you think this congress, both houses, republican controlled, would react to a situation in which the president fired Robert Mueller . I think there would be inevitably move to impeach the president. But i think also trump would expect that and trump is banking that he could stop impeachment, defeat impeachment, defeat impeachment in the senate for anything. What were seeing here now, we know that trump told his council, his White House Council that he wanted the council to have mueller fired and the council said he would quit rather than fire him. Trump is determined to make this go away. But one of the things thats going on right now is the leaving of rachel brand. It is hugely significant because if rod rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney general in charge of this investigation were to be fired by the president , the next in command if rachel brand is going to leave, is this solicitor general of the United States noel francisco. There is every expectation im told by people in the white house that he is and would be very sympathetic to President Trumps view that he, trump, is the victim in this investigation. We also know he would have conflicts of interest based on what his law firms work is doing connected to the trump white house, the administration. So it doesnt sound like its that clearcut, right . It is not that clearcut. He would have conflicts of interest. But the most important potential conflict of interest, and let me Say Something thats a little new here, is that run of the reasons or factors that may figure in rachel brand leaving the Justice Department is that her husband is a partner in the sa Sidley Austin law firm that will take over the defense of rick gates who has been indicted with paul manafort. The white house has been apair for a while that rachel brand was going to have to accuse herself from any oversight of the investigation should rosenstein be fired. And the white house knows this, has been operated under the knowledge that she would not be in charge of the investigation. So their strategies have included that fact or a while now, that she would have had to recuse herself because of the conflict with her husbands law firm. Look, so far he has been hugely successful, the president of the United States, in getting 35, 40, 45 of the people in this country, if we are to believe the polls, to support him in both his presidency and in his view of this investigation, which is to make the conduct of the press, to make the conduct of the fbi, to make the conduct of the Intelligence Community the issue instead of the conduct of donald trump, his family, his businesses, et cetera, et cetera. It is extraordinary and its been based on a kind of body guard of lies so far. Our thanks to Karl Bernstein. You can read his article right now on cnn. Com. Ill be right back. Ine ringing lieutenant ray speaking. woman my name is cedricka. About four years ago a fire broke out in my apartment building, and you were the First Responder who was able to pull me up out of it. lt. Ray oh my god. 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Look, the United States is the Strongest Military power on the face of the earth, and we have never had to put that on display because we know how strong we are. So i would id be a little concerned about putting on some kind of display similar to what the russians do or what north corrkorea does because thats n what the United States is all about. I think we know who we are. We know the strength we have, and i dont think we have to resort to that. At the same time, if the president wants to have a parade that pays tribute to our men and women who serve this country, pays tribute to our veterans, then that certainly can be done. But if were talking about some kind of display of all of our missiles and equipment, et cetera, i think thats where i would draw the line. Why is that concerning to you . I think its concerning because in many ways when people put on that kind of parade it is because theyre insecure, because they have got to show the world that somehow theyre really tough. We dont have to do that. Thats not what the United States has to do. We have the confidence to know that we are strong, that were tough and that were the best fighters, warriors, the best Defense System on the face of the earth. I dont think we have to resort to kind of putting that on display in order to show others who we are. We know who we are, and that should be enough. Finally, the Washington Post is reporting that the president skips daily written deintelligee reports. You saw this is risky. Why . Well, you know, my experience is that the pdb, the daily intelligence brief, is a very important document because it provides intelligence on what threats the United States is confronting in the world. And there is an awful lot of work that goes into putting that intelligence briefing together. And if president doesnt want to read that but just relies on some kind of personal briefing, oral briefing, something is going to be missed. You are not going to pick up all the nuances of the intelligence that is in that report. And in the end, the president is the commander in chief. It is the president who makes decisions regarding how we protect ourselves from those threats. I think its to the president s advantage to take a little bit of time to look at that daily brief and read it in order to really understand what those threats are that face our country. I know you were cia director when president obama green lighted that Undercover Mission to take down to sa ma bosama bi. How challenging would that have been if president obama never read the president s daily brief . Well, its hard to believe, you know, that you could really fulfill that kind of mission without really taking the time to look at all the factors involved. And actually thats a pretty good example because the reality is that we had to brief the president a number of times using written materials and using presentations in the National Security room to really brief the president on what was involved because it was a risky operation. There were risked involved. And, yet, the president having read all of the documents, having heard all of the briefings made the decision that we should go with that operation. I think to make that kind of decision any president , any commander in chief, ought to look at all of the information that is there and that is presented in order to hopefully make the right decision about what the United States should do. Again, that was former white house chief of staff, also former cia director, also former defense secretary leon panetta weighing in there on President Trumps handling of doca. We will have that part for you tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. In the meantime in south korea, the medals are already going out to winning athletes at the winter olympic games. It is sunday morning already. Whats happening on the sidelines of the games has people talking about possible warming of relations on the korean peninsula. The delegation from north korea invited the president of south korea to pyeongchang. No word yet if president moon accepted that invitation. I want to show you one more image from the south korean games. So take a look. This is south koreas president moon smiling and chatting with the north korean head of state. But trapped in the middle there like a third wheel, the ioc president thomas bach. These images have gone viral in south korea. Social media users jokingly calling thomas bach the human dmz. Well be right back. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. But i realized something was missing. Me. 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Two Longtime Police officers ambushed and killed after responding to an odd 911 call. Authorities say a caller dialled the 911 dispatch center and hung up. The officers came under fire as they responded to that address connected with the call. A male suspect is now in the hospital. The two officers killed where 39yearold eric doring and 17year veteran. The other victim was 54yearold anthony Melania Trump arelli. Westervilles police chief teared up when he spoke about these fallen officers. Watch. First of all, true american heros. Gave their lives today responding to a call for assistance out of a potential domestic situation. Both officers gave their lives in protection of others. Those are true american heros. President trump tweeted his condolences, writing, my thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers, their families and everybody at the Westerville Police department. Ohio Governor John Kasich is also reacting to the tragedy in his hometown of westerville saying, quote, the finest among us are those who risk it every day for our safety and the officers were those people. Were learning new information about the shooter who carried out the las vegas massacre. An autopsy report on Stephen Paddock said he had antianxiety medication in his system at the time of his death. It also confirms he died of a selfinflicted gun shot wound toed the head. Paddocks brain remains in a research lab as they look into underlying reasons behind his behavior. He opened fire at a Country Music festival in october, killing 58 people and injuring nearly 500 others. Back here tomorrow at 5 00 eastern in cnn newsroom. Stay tuned for the sechbtities, terrorism at home and abroad right after a quick break. Discover a new take on nude. New matte ink unnude from maybelline new york. Unconventional, unexpected nudes. Liquid matte formula. Up to 16 hour wear. 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You can possibly believe that. The terrorists are saying theyll blow up the school, killing all the children inside. The German Police have been waging a relentless war against the terrorists, capturing some, killing some. The finnish army are the terrorists. Not us. No one, even the most powerful, has immunity from these urban guerillas. There are 298 people held hostage. Those people, they have good ideals. Theyre just going about them the wrong way. We are ready to go on into martyrdom. The communique ended with the appeal revolutionaries of the world unite

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