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No sign that moore is going to back down from these allegations, right . Reporter the event that he spoke at today was a full thrown rejection of this allegation. He painted it and rail on the support as a liberal attempt to bring down his campaign thats spearheaded by the Washington Post and rejected any notion and accusations of Sexual Misconduct and he said it is absolutely unbelievable that these allegations are now coming to light just weeks before the special election is due to be held in december and almost 40 years after the fact. Take a listen. To be attacked of allegations of Sexual Misconduct contradicts my entire career in law. I want to make it clear to the media present and the people present that i have not provided alcohol beverages, beer or anything else to a minor. I have not been guilty of Sexual Misconduct with anyone. These allegations came only four and a half weeks before the general election on december 12th. Why now . Reporter why now . The question that roy moore and his campaign and supporters are asking, in that question, hes insinuating some sort of conspiracy and his supporters are buying into it. They are wondering why these women came forward for a highly dramatic race. They are wondering who is encouraging them to do it. We have to remember boris, these women did not come forward on their own. They did not come forward together, they were found by the Washington Post, they had similar stories and they were convinced lie that newspaper of good old fashion reporting to tell their stories. They were reluctant to tell their stories and they had to be convinced. Alex, you are hearing others coming forward and corroborating of parts of this report including a former coworker of roy moore . Thats right. A former coworker who worked alongside roy moore who says she believes these women. She worked alongside him, her name is teresa jones, she told us it was Common Knowledge that roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird. We wonder why someone at his age would hang out at High School Football games and at the malibu you would not say anything. Now, we are not seeing much of my crack in his base of support. That could change if these allegations continue to mount. I should know in addition to this subjections of these allegations by roy moore, they a have launched the investigation in to the report, there is revelations of the motivation behind the article. These women and the newspaper had other motivations coming out. We expect the people of alabama to see through what hes calling a sugcharade. Looking over seas right now of President Trump and Vladimir Putin. He accepted the answer from Vladimir Putin. The two men spoke a few times during the summit in vietnam. The president says that putin denied any involvement in the election and he feels it is insulting to the russian leader to keep on asking him and the two countries are bigger things to address. Hes ensuring that hes moving on. The u. S. Intelligence committee is not moving on. Cnn asked the agency today if the position on russia has changed . The answer it is not. The russians did work to afinancial accountiaffect the results and attempting to tip the scale in trumps favor. The house criticized mr. President over his white house. Adam schiff twitted this. Mr. Trump simply cannot bring himself to put America First, whats his response adam. Reporter good morning from vietnam, you are exactly right, President Trump is once again questioning assessment of russia meddling in the 2016 election. They met three times south of here in da nange ov over the weekend. Vladimir putin brought up the election med lidling and trump later told reporters that he accepted putins words on that matter. I want to read what President Trump said. He said every time he referring to Vladimir Putin sees me, i did not do that. I believe and i really believe that when he tells me that, he means it. Now, of course, it is no surprise that President Trump is questioning the intelligent assessment, hes done that many times. Whats striking is hes taking putins word over his own intelligence agency. President trump in reaction, he also said that the former heads of the intelligence agencies are political hacks and putin was offended of the fact of the 2016 election kept oncoming up. There are two problems for the president on the story line. It is not just former official were questioning, hes also questioning his own intelligence agency. As you mention the cia came out after trumps remarks, they say they standby their assessment of the Intelligence Committee. Additionally, white house officials were worried going into the strip of any interactions of Vladimir Putin putin over the focus and story board is over shadowing and doing what white house officials were worrying about. Reporting from hanoi, we should not fail to mention that on this veterans day, americans and vietnamese leaders are siing side by side, a note to give you more hope in the future. Lets bring in our panel to discuss this and roy moore. Michael cher and dallas brir brinkley. Lets start with this bomb shell saying he believes Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence community. He appoi michael, help is understand the kind of intelligence that the president is choosing to ignore right now. We know one report included specific details that show that Vladimir Putin gave direct orders to interfere in the election. Right, look, thanks boris, the fact that President Trump taken this position consistently from before he was elected and during the transition and during his presidency should come as no surprise. At the end of the day, President Trump believes the question of russia meddling under mines the legitimacy of his presidency. When he challenged of the obama hold over intelligence officials as questioning their assessment, that sort of made sense because those were not people he put in place. Now, you got his own intelligence community, the folks that he put in place to leave the cia and the dni and all the republicans on capitol hill. As i think you mentioned invested in months now of investigations based on the assumption and the belief that russia did meddle. All of that follows from the basic believes that the president has where he to accept the idea of russia meddling that would somehow under mine the legitimacy of his presidency and it goes beyond just pure politics and it would damage him politically. He sees himself as a historical figure and if he accepts the fact that russia helped get him elected and that under mind his standing on the worlds stage. Douglas, can you help us put this in context where an american president denied not only his intelligence officials but overwhelming number of congressmen in denying that russia meddling in the election, has there been a time in americas history where we see a division between the president and seemingly everyone else. No. Here we are on, which should be a veterans day moment with the president of the United States in vietnam, the documentary in vietnam right now had 4 million viewers. Reagan went to dday gets talked about dday, he should have talked about the service of marines and navy and army of vietnam and instead hes backing the kgb and dissing his own cia on foreign soils. It is an utter disaster. The trip had some momentum going and he stepped in and he cannot accept the fact that maybe his election had an asterick by it, that mean hes not a real president. To do that in this kind of way attack your own cia when you are in your asia trip is unbelieverabunbelieve unbelieverabunbelieve unbelievable. He says he believes Vladimir Putin and when he denies last years election, he means it. How do you interpret that in. Part of what the president has done is try to give some sense that positive relations with russia is going to somehow paper over this substantial differences and interests between russia and the United States that sort of the under scores of the president approach towards Foreign Policy that if he can be buddies or chums with these world leaders, that can pay over a feud of trades or Nuclear Proliferation ans and others and so i think there is always an effort by the president. These leaders, they really understand me and they bond with him, i think my sense of the reading of that comment was a sense of hey, the two of us understand each roar aother and really means it and i am taking his words. Now, douglas, i want to turn to the special election in alabama and allegations against Senate Candidate roy moore. Hes showing no signs that he plans to drop out, simply too late to remove him from the ticket and even if he drops out from the race, if he does end up winning, how do you see him working in republicans in congress that have spoken out against him opposed before these allegations came out. Well, if he wins and thats still a big if right now, hes still going to be evoked and theyre not going to be looking to be hanging out and party with him and photo ops with him. It is a vote and he will take it. I think Washington Post have done an amaze job. It is flawless piece of journalism that judge moore has not been able to attack it yet. The strategy of donald trump is to attack the press and he made in road of that in alabama. People think that the press makes things up and moore is being victimized. If they voted for donald trump in alabama, they can vote for judge moore without too much of a blink. Michael. President trump said earlier today he had not been able to devote enough time to analyzing the situation, the allegations against roy moore, previously the white house put out a statement if these allegations are true, he should do the right thing and step away. They also said that a mere allegation should not ruin someones life. Do you this i the presidenk the the white house should put a distance between themselves, as more people are coming out to corroborate these stories . If there are more allegations or a lot more corroborating evidence, i think you may see the white house try to put distance between themselves. One of the things this whole episode under scores is the way norms have changed and in part, frankly because of the 2016 president ial campaign and the access Hollywood Video comes out and none the less that access hollywood came out, we still elect as a country, President Trump. It is not long ago that allegations like this would very completely derailed a campaign for senate, just even in the hours after it came out. The fact that well see what happens the days ahead. The fact that it may not derail the campaign and he may elect the senate, it shows whats happening in alabama but also as a country, are kind of political norms have changed and what we as a country are willing to accept in a politician has changed. All right, we have to leave it there. Michael shear and kevin binkley. We appreciate the time. Now, what does it mean for middle class taxes of what Mitch Mcconnell say . Well take a look, next on cnn news. Pain used to shut me down during pickup games. 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If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. The clock is ticking for the republicans in the house and senate. The Senate Unveiled details of its plan a week after the house released its own version of legislation. Senate majority Mitch Mcconnell claims that he misspoke when he says no one in the middle class will get a tax increase under the gops proposal. Mj lee joining us now to break it down. How is mcconnell is walking it back. Not everyday we see the nate majority leader backtrack from a statement. Nobody in the middle class was going to get a tax increase under the senate bill. A new interview with the new york times, senator mcconnell says he now misspoke. You cannot guarantee absolutely no one sees the tax increase but what we are doing is targeting levels of income and looking at the average of those level and the average will be the tax relief and looking at the average. So a lot of average is used there. There are going to be other who actually end up paying more depends on what income bracket you fall under your financial circumstances and what kind of deductions you may be eligible for. This is something we are going to see play out a lot in the coming weeks. Mitch mcconnell and paul ryan, they are hearing from their constituents if the house bill or the senate bill passes, theyre going to end up paying t more in taxes. Help us understand the differences in the house bill and the senate bill. I know the number of brackets is one gap that they have to bridge. How likely is theyll bridge all those gaps before the end of the year. There are two bills we are talking about. One in the house and one in the senate. One of them is the number of tax brackets, there is four and verses serven. Tax deductions have so contentious. And in the house plan, it repeals the estate tax, the senate keeps it and also how the different bills treat mortgage interest deductions and thats also a key difference here. The goal for Senate Republicans is surpass something in the coming weeks. As you said, bridging the differences are going to be really challenging and all the while hearing from President Trump and hear from their constituents that they really want to see their Republican Party do something this year before the end of the year and theyre also looking for political victory here. And from donors who say that if this does not get passed, they should not look forward to funding in 2018. Mj lee, thank you very much for your perspective. Who would you believe, Vladimir Putin or u. S. Agency and why is donald trump prisidi with the president , well take a closer look, next. T. Rowice. Invest with confidence. 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I am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. I never felt i was going to die. We know so much about transplantation. And were living longer. You cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. My donors mom says you were meant to carry his story. President trump says he does not believe the Intelligence Committee conclusion that russia interfe interfered with the 2016 election. Some of the president s own hand picked appointees agreed that russia is responsible and they have said publicly multiple times. Listen. I am confident that the russians meddle in the election. Is there any decent of whether the russians interfere with the election . There is no defense. I stated publicly. No doubt at all. I stayed behind the intellige e intelligence. Russians did try to influence the campaign to what extent they were successful, i dont think we know. I want to bring in someone who help compile intelligence reports and been apart of these. President Obamas National Security adviser. You actually been there supporting President Trump during his meeting with Vladimir Putin. I am intriguing of what you think today. What does Vladimir Putin thinks when donald trump seems to contradict his own foreign agencies on foreign soils, seeming to side with the russians. It is interesting, donald trump has been changing his mind about a lot of things. I think a president should speak with both friends and enemies. We would have been better off if President Trump had not spoken to Vladimir Putin at all. Hes influenced by a Foreign Government than his own Intelligence Committee and by a bipartisan majority congress. What this tells us is that Vladimir Putin waged a successful, Operational Campaign against President Trump that led him to under cut his own government. Donald trump apiece putin and under cut the u. S. Intelligent community and congress. Part of the reason of the trip asia is so important is that because the president wanted to present a united front between allies and north korea. It seems like hes avoiding conflict with Vladimir Putin. What does it say to our allies of that part of the world and really all over the world. It is ironic a few days ago in seoul, President Trump says the United States does not run away from conflicts. He did exactly that today which tells Vladimir Putin can continue to do whatever he wants at no cause. It also tells us that kim jongun, that the United States does not respond to direct attack in the homeland. Thats a dangerous message. The other thing here i want to ask about the reason that donald trump gives for not confronting of Vladimir Putin. He rather talk to him about north korea or ukraine or syria. Can he do both . Dont our interest naturally align to the point where he can confront Vladimir Putin where we have to do something with kim jongun. The meeting is not determining whether both leaders are smiling at the end. I work for a republican president and a democrat, bilateral meetings involving talking in areas of mutual interests. Donald trumps failure to confront Vladimir Putin of this meddling in the election, so meaning that Vladimir Putin thinks he has the upper hand. So very quickly because we are short on time. If the president of the United States is not standing up to Vladimir Putin and congress has done all about its cannot, who stands up to him . I think congress can do so and we can implement sanctions on time which will stooart to sd a clear message. All right, samantha. Thank you for joining us. It is been one week during the deadly shooting at sutherland springs. To mention James Clapper and john brennan is going to be responding to the president s comment that it is tomorrow morning at 9 00 a. M. , state of the union on cnn. As i mentioned it is been near aweek since the deadly shootings in texas church, the church is preparing to reopen their sanctuary tomorrow as we take a look at live pictures from sutherland springs, texas. The gunmans exwife is sharing shocking details of how he treated her. We have a live report there, next. Work keeps me busy. So ive asked chase sapphire reserve cardmembers to find my next vacation. Rome, show me something. Im having breakfast at the pantheon. What an amazing view. Of your finger. Look at this view. Your finger isnt that incredible. Your finger and check this one out oh its so amazing move your finger three times points on travel and restaurants on every continent. Sapphire reserve, from chase. Make more of whats yours. Today is veterans day, an event is holding across the country to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Later on pence laid a wreath at the national cemetery. After observing a moment of silence, the Vice President made this promise of the current and future veterans on behalf of the trump presidency. Well restore our military and well give our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marine and coast guard men, the resources they need to accomplish their mission and come home safe. Thats our promise to all of you. [ applause ] President Trump also released a video thanking veterans and their families for answering the call of duty. Tomorrow, the First Baptist church of sutherland springs, texas is reopening where a memorial is created to honor victims killed on sundays mass shooting. This is our church but it is not just us that are suffering. This tragedy has rocked our nation and has an impact on all americans as a country as a whole. It is our hope that it will be healing for everyone. Cnn Kaley Hartung is in sutherland springs, texas, and shes joining us live. Kaley, we are hearing for the first time from the gunmans exwi exwife. Reporter yes, a man who she says had a lot of anger and hatred and demons inside. She describes her marriage and told the story how he threatened her when she got a speeding ticket. He had a gun and he took that gun out and he told me, do you want to die, do you want to die . Reporter brennaman says he threatened to kill her and her entire family multiple times. It was that conviction that led to a year in military confinement and his bad conduct discharge, boar tavarris. Kaley, what can you tell us of security at the church and we understand some measures are being put in place. Reporter it is being put as a Memorial Service site. No services are held inside the sanctuary. That was early yesterday morning that contractor got inside to prepare the damage inside and create moem yemorials. They have been told to plan and be in place outside of First Baptist church for at least the next 30 days. Frank pomeroy is expected to deliver a sermon and we told as many as thousands of people will be present for that event and it will be monitored and fbi agents are expected to be onsite here. On this saturday night, people continue to visit this memorial outside the church. Six funerals are being held this weekend as well, boris. Tragedy, Kaley Hartung, thank you for reporting for us in sutherland springs, texas. A trip of some called the ultimate relaxation spot but the number of people heading there could jeopardize it. First, justthe 23yearold is os way to scott laland to compete his rock climber world cup. Climbing taught me how to navigate the world. Justin solace is legally blind and a professional climber. Being a young teen boy and losing your vision is one of the hardest things i could have imagined. I was about to get my learners permit. Doctors could not determine the cause of his vision loss. I spent two or three years not doing anything at all and so a friend of mine that worked a a local gym told me that i need to see rock climbing and i was hooked. He relies on his peripheral vision. I dont see holes but i see a feel of muscle memory. The next foot is at your weight. He directs justin up the wall. I learned a lot about how he climbs and what he wants to do here. Base on that i will call hold in a specific order. Together, they are headed to the 2017 world cup where justin will climb against others visually impaired competitors. On his first decent, justin suffered a major setback by stepping on a bolt that was not on a course. His first climb is disqualified. But, he regained ground on his second round and qualified for the finals. In the main event, justin challenged in the top spot coming in just short at finishing first. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. 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President trump is suggesting he is not going to ask Vladimir Putin again if russia meddled in last years president ial election, because hes already accepted the answer. The two men spoke a few times during the asiapacific summit in vietnam. The president says putin denied any involvement in the election, he feels it is insulting to the russian leader to keep asking and that the two countries have bigger things to address. In short, he is moving on. The u. S. Intelligence community, though, is not. Cnn asked the c. I. A. Today if the agencys position on russian meddling had changed. The answer, it hadnt. Intelligence agencies are firmly concluded that the russians did work to affect the results of the election last year. Ranking member of the house Intelligence Committee today criticized the president for taking Vladimir Putins word over the findings of his own agencies. This coming from representative adam schiff of california. Writing mr. Trump simply cant bring himself to put America First. A comment echoed by senator john mccain who said this in a statement moments ago. Quote, theres nothing America First about taking the word of a kgb colonel over that of the american intelligence community. Theres no principled realism in cooperating with russia to prop up the murderous assad regime. Vladimir putin does not have americas interests at heart, to believe otherwise is not only naive, but also places our National Security at risk. I want to take a chance to remind you that tomorrow on cnns state of the union, former director of national intelligence, James Clapper and former c. I. A. Director john brennan will respond to the president s comments. That is tomorrow on state of the union. At 9 00 a. M. On cnn. On a much lighter note. Visitors in record numbers are flocking to some breathtaking incan ruins in machu picchu in peru. The sheer numbers threat ton overwhelm one of the modern wonders of the world. Were joined by cnns bill weir who joined it for the wonder list. What did you find . Its on the bucket list, everybody wants to go there, right . Hike the inca trail what we found was a glorious treasure, but its overwhelmed by people who love it to death. I think we have a little taste of my climb. Take a look. Most archaeologists believe that all of this was built as a spot of ultimate relaxation. And religion. For the vips of the inca world. Place to escape the crowded heat of cuzco and relax among the clouds. Worship the sun and the stars. [ speaking Foreign Language ] fernando has been in charge of the site for 20 years, he still gets giddy over new discoveries. All of this was covered by soil. By dirt. All of this, you can see. Down here, its all of this. Was finally uncovered. His team recently unearthed this celestial window. Carved without chisels. To track the path of the sun for planting and worship. After a tenminute climb i reached the spot i had seen photographed so many times. That high corner with the last inca ruler must have stood smiled at the sun and thought, it is good to be the king. Hmm, and maybe we should build another addition. Up there. Thats machu picchu, old peak. Wayapicchu, young peak. What kind of steps are officials taking to try to limit the damage that can be done . Theyve mandated that you have to have a tour guide. They limit the number that can go up there. Theyre trying to get their arms around it because the country is so rich with treasures. There are other sites just as magnificent. Those as publicized, theyre trying to push the crowds to the other sites of the country. But its a poor south american country. Theres a huge gold rush going on in the amazon, ripping some of the most precious rain forests around. This is up in bolivia where pollution is starting to take its toll. Its a beautiful place, amazing people. And it looks beautiful. Tell us about the gold rush. Whats being done to try to mitigate it . About 600 square miles of some of the most pristine rain forest in the western amazon is just been turned into this toxic wasteland, the miners go out on the los tigres, illicit Taxi Companies on dirt bikes, they go into the rain forest with a diesel pump and fire hoses. They wash the sandbags down and cut all the trees down until it starts to look like desert. They take mercury barrels and stomp it in order to get the gold to amalgamate. Look what it does to the amazon. Who knows how many centuries it will take to bring that back. Its a difficult balance. Economic prosperity versus maintaining the environment. Its been a consistent theme of the wonder list this year what do you hope people take away . That their little decisions add up. The gold that goes into our cell phones or rings, earlobes, it comes from somewhere and when gold hits 1,000 an ounce in the markets of london or new york, theres celebration. In the jungles of peru there are chainsaws and diesel pumps and popup boom towns and brothels and all the human costs that goes on top of the precious things that we covet. Important perspective. Thanks for joining us. You can watch the Season Finale of the wonder list at 9 00 p. M. Here on cnn. Thank you so much for joining us. My colleague, john berman comes back later tonight for one more hour of cnn news room. Starting right after smerkonish. Thank you again for joining us, have a good night. Im Michael Smerkonish in philadelphia. We welcome viewers in the United States and around the world. President s trump and putin together again. And trump again saying he believes putins claim that russia didnt meddle in the election. Really . And in alabama, he says the encounter never happened. She offers a significant amount of detail. Senatorial candidate roy moore denies making sexual overtures to a 14yearold back when he was 32. Ill ask mark geragos how to parse the conflicting nature i have beens. Video cameras record the shooting that killed 26 membe

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