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Story just ahead but first to the stunning public showdown between the nfl and President Trump. At this hour the president is not backing down from his controversial calls for the nfl to punish and even fire players who exercise their First Amendment right to kneel during the National Anthem as a show of protest of social injustice. We have great people representing our country, especially our soldiers, our First Responders and they should be treated with respect and when you get on your knee and you dont respect the American Flag or the anthem, thats not being treated with respect. Ive never said anything about race. This has nothing to do with race or anything else. This has to do with respect for our country and respect for our flag. Mean while, the nfl is making its position on the matter clear, not only does the league call the president s comments divisive but its standing in solidarity against them. At every single kickoff today in more than a dozen cities, these were the scenes, players, coaches and even team owners, kneeling or locking arms. This was the falconslions game in detroit. Owners of both teams took the field and locked arms with their players. The singer who performed the National Anthem, also took a knee and raised his fist in the air. And the home of the brave in nashville, at the titansseahawks game both teams stayed in their locker rooms. The anthem singer at this game also taking a knee and north of nashville in chicago, the steelers stayed in their locker room during the anthem as well. Only one player, army veteran, stood alone on the edge of the field with his hand over his heart. We are covering every angle and every view on this. We will start with cnns Boris Sanchez live outside the white house where the president has just spoken out again. Boris, what is the president saying now . Reporter the president clearly making this a focus of his sunday tweeting out about players that are kneeling during the National Anthem at nfl games, multiple times his latest tweet coming just about a half an hour ago, he writes, quotes, sports fans should never acone players that do not stand proud for their National Anthem or their country. Nfl should change policy. The president clearly digging in his heels after that friday speech in alabama in which he said that nfl owners should fire players that stage this kind of protest. He also spoke to reporters shortly after he arrived at the white house after spending a few days at his resort in bedminster, new jersey. Listen to more of what he said. I think that the flag has to be respected. Our country has to be respected. Theres plenty of room to do other things but our country has to be respected and ive always felt very strongly about that and, by the way, most people agree with me. Reporter one more interesting point about the sound byte that you played earlier where the president said that he does not believe that this has anything to do with race. This is strictly about respecting our country. If you recall back in august of last year when Colin Kaepernick first started kneeling during the National Anthem and many players started following suit, he made it clear that this was a protest about the way that he felt that Police Officers treat people in communities of color, so at least to these players it certainly is about race, now theres at least some dissension from the white house about what these protests significant kneeify. We have to put this in context. Its so important to point out that the president has chosen to reignite this controversy at a very interesting time, not only because of the legislative agenda ahead. This week republicans are going to try to pass another repeal and we heard but theres also the tax rollout, tax reform rollout that the president is scheduled to present later this week. And in foreign policy, tensions with north korea have never been higher. Lets remember that earlier today air force bomber planes flew north of the Demilitarized Zone just off of north korea. So much going on its certainly curious that the president would choose to focus on this issue at this time. The nfl and players were asked to join in these pregame ceremonies. Lets talk it over with former nfl player walter done ston. Thanks for spending time with us. I want to ask you what your additional reaction was when President Trump called for players who kneel to be fired. To say those words, youre talking about the president of the United States telling where we are right now. A lot of guys understand the reason why kaepernick is taking a knee. We dont think its in support who also have been supporters of the president who donated a lot of money to the president s inaugural committee, like sha hid kahn and others and yet are they defending the player do you think or players or do you think theyre simply defending their league and their product . Thats a very good question, you know. I will tell you that the nfl brand is a business and its a business first. And im not the one to say who theyre defending or whether theyre defending the player or whether theyre defending the brand or whatever but i will tell you it is definitely a business. And the fans are the ones that really somewhat control, you know, the success of that brand, the business being the brand that is, through their participation and purchases, sponsors of the league and other organizations that are involved and the things that the nfl is doing. But, you know, overall, the guys are very excited about this opportunity to really continue this continue, you know, the protest i guess in support of not only kaepernick but also in antiprotests i guess against donald trump. Now the nfl has cracked down on players personal expression plenty of times. Youll recall a few years ago Pittsburgh Steelers running back Deangelo Williams was asked the nfl if he could wear pink on his uniform in honor of his mother who died of Breast Cancer and the nfl said no. So do you think this is different. Im not really sure if its different but i will tell you that nfl is very particular about the things that you can wear on your uniforms and things like that. There are some penalties and fines for that, but whether the situations different, i dont know. We will find out moving forward and im just interested in seeing whats going to happen next week because again, its obvious that all the owners and the entire nfl as a brand would come to the support of its players on this sunday, the question is what will we do moving forward . Walter dunson thanks for being part of the conversation. Thank you. Coming up more on our breaking news. We can confirm Jared Kushner, President Trumps soninlaw and Senior Adviser used a private email account to communicate with other white house officials. More on this next live in the cnn newsroom. For your heart. Your joints. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. 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Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. Hey richard, check out this fresh roasted flavor. Looks delicious, huh . Yeah. And how about that aroma . Love that aroma umph craveability, approved irresistibly planters. We are following breaking news involving President Trumps soninlaw and Senior Adviser Jared Kushner. Cnn has confirmed kushner has occasionally used a private email account to communicate with other white house officials. This comes after Trump Officials heavily criticized Hillary Clintons use of a private email server during her time at secretary of state and heres the statement we have from kushners lawyer. Fewer than 100 emails from january through august were either sent or returned by mr. Kushner to colleagues in the white house from his personal email account. These usually were forwarded news articles or political commentary and most oven occurred when someone initiated the exchange by sending an email to his personal, rather than his white house address. Joining us now to discuss, david gurgen. I want to remind our viewers what President Trump has said when he was a candidate about clintons email use in the past. She deleted the emails. She has to go to jail. She doesnt even remember whether or not she was instructed on how to use emails. Were you instructed on how to use i cant remember. Hillary clinton cant keep her emails safe and you know what, folks, she sure at hell cant keep our country safe. So david, how does this look for President Trump now that his own soninlaw used private email to talk to white house officials . Well, it doesnt look smart obviously and it is contradicto contradictory. I do think some caution has to be exercised here because were talking about 100 emails apparently over a several months time and according to the reports, early reports, certainly coming from the lawyer for kushners lawyer, theres no classified information on there, but so i dont think its in the same category of what we were talking about with Hillary Clinton with thousands and thousands of emails, she was secretary of state. But she was using a private server. Using a private server and it was, you know, we dont know how much of a Security Breach there may have been yet. Even so, you would think that the white house would have been well enough organized that on day one of the presidency having a private email account and talking to others in government would have been cutoff for everybody. It just you know, it would have been a lot smarter. It wouldve spared them yet another headache as they go, but i dont think we have should overplay it. Its one of those things that you say why did i they do that. I think a lot of people at home were talking about the nfl much more than kushner but nonetheless its an important story. And well see where it goes in the coming days. Do you think kushner is at risk in any way with the president . I doubt it. There was just a sloppiness as his crew took over because they were inexperienced and there were a lot of tensions and it was it was a messy white house. I think that general kelly has improved the discipline in the white house and i imagine hell wipe out these private email accounts pretty damn fast because theyre its you could have very well intentioned people who slip up and do something stupid using these email accounts. Youre not supposed to do it. All sorts of reason for historians and president ial records, all of the rest of, obama people were warned not to do this. But some wound up doing it, kushner wound up doing it. So its, you know, mark it up to wish they hadnt. All right. Lets move on to talk about the big story that is really catching fire today, the nfl coming out now in defiance of the president and his remarks after he had said that players who kneel during the anthem should be fired. Heres the president defending his own comments today. We have great people representing our country especially our soldiers, our First Responders, and they should be treated with respect and when you get on your knee and you dont respect the American Flag or the anthem, thats not being treated with respect. Ive never said anything about race. This has nothing to do with race or anything else. This has to do with respect for our country and respect for our flag. David, can the president get away with that argument that this has nothing to do with race . No, of course not. This is so bizarre, its so outside the normal what any president would do to wonder in the middle and cause this great controversy. You have to wonder. This seems so much an invitation to have us divert our eyes away from the big, big story of the day and that is his Health Care Plan is once again coming crashing down and other things and tuesday in georgia or alabama theres going to be a senate race that hes gone in and endorsed one of the candidates, his candidate is now behind. He might lose. It invites the interpretation that complete and total diversion. He just dropped it out there because he was coming into a tough week. Having said that, of course, this is about race. Over 70 of the people who play in the National Football league are africanamericans. And they saw what happened in charlottesville, they saw a president who said that the neonazis who were marching there were some very fine people and here they wake up and the president says, if you kneel in protest for social and racially equity and justice, youre an sob. Think of that contrast. Neonazis are very fine people but if youre kneeling at a game, youre an sob. Give me a break and ordering the nfl to fire these people . Thats way outside president s theres sort of a that when youre pressure able to tell everybody how to live and how to run their businesses. We dont elect president s for that reason. This is again way outside his lane and i think also it is the very day that he went out and said basically theyre losing fans in the nfl because they made the game theyve taken away they put in penalties for hard hits. Theyve tried to take some of the danger out of the game and he says thats wrong. He wants more brutality. He likes the hard hits. On that very day, we learned that a man who young man Aaron Hernandez of the patriots who committed suicide at 27 was suffering from severe degenerative brain damage, much of it thought due to the hard hits he took in football. You cant make this stuff up. Its very troubling. All right. David gergen well have to leave it there. We appreciate your insight. Take care. The president versus the players, the nfl not alone. Major League Baseball player now kneeling during the National Anthem. Im kneeling for the people that dont have a voice. The passionate statement from oakland as catcher. Stay with us. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. Ltry align probiotic. N your digestive system . 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And we make them for every moment in every corner of the country. We are the cocacola company, and were proud to offer so much more. So a professional baseball player is now part of the protest movement. Catcher Bruce Maxwell of the Oakland Athletics need for the anthem at two with games this weekend. Heres what he had to say about it. My hand over my heart symbolized the fact that i am and will forever be an american citizen and im more than grateful for being here but my kneeling is what is getting the attention because im kneeling for the people that dont have a voice and this goes beyond the black community, this goes beyond the Hispanic Community because right now were having an indifference and a racial divide in all types of people. Lets talk it over. Terrence moore, the executive director of new york city state Democratic Party and paris dein regard a former white house director. Thank you so much. Paris, ill give you a chance to give you a respond first to those comments we just heard from maxwell. Do you agree it goes beyond the black and hispanic communities whats going on through these protests . I do agree that it goes beyond the black and hispanic communities because i think this is not a racial issue. I think this is an issue that has to do with how we express ourselves as americans and how we can do that in a respectful manner that we can say, listen, i have a problem, theres an issue, racial disparities, white nationalism, white supremacy, whatever, is what you want to protest. That is fine. But the conversation then extends to everybody saying does your protest then become disrespectful to the flag, to National Anthem and to the many people who bled and died for our right to do that and that flag that were both black, hispanic, white, brown, et cetera. It does go beyond being a racial issue. It is about how we look at ourselves as our country. What is our culture. What do we stand for . If we no longer put our hand over the heart and stand for the National Anthem, what are we doing as a nation . This is what i believe in american exceptionalism. This is what i appreciate the american is trying to make us great again by bringing us together saying we are americans and unite around that flag and be proud of our troops and the National Anthem. Well racism in and of itself is disrespectful to this country and to this flag and to me, the way in which the president has sought in many respects to divide this country along those racial lines by a lot of the language that hes used, think about the fact that he ran last year saying that the country was not great, but Colin Kaepernick takes a knee and he all of a sudden is not a patriot. Donald trump became president of the United States. The fact that after charlottesville, the president didnt find it in himself to differentiate between White Nationalist and protesters who were predominantly of color protesting unity and peace. He couldnt differentiate between the two yes he wants an espn anchor fired. Yet hes asking nfl owners to essentially put these men in their place by calling them out and getting these sobs off the field. To me there is a clear racial anmoss that he has woven in his private life and now as president of the United States. I think right now the fact that hes been able to galvanize the players, the owners and the nfl commissioner is actually it has to tell you something. Theres some unification thats actually happening at least on one side. Terrence, you have called the president s words in alabama a dog whistle. Here is exactly what the president said. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off thefield right now. Hes out hes fired hes fired terrence, why do you say that is a dog whistle . First of all, okay, were in alabama doing this. If youre the president of the United States, the other thing to consider is the overwhelming majority of the people, probably 99 of the people who are involved in these protests are africanamerican so that is not a good picture particularly when you couple that with the other thing that weve seen with this presidency with charlottesville and beyond. The other thing too is eat been tweeting all day. We got the tweet today when hes basically saying that this is a great thing that the Pittsburgh Penguins are coming to the white house, what a great team and theres no theres no secret that the overwhelming majority of the National Hockey league is white. You contrast that against whats going on with the nfl, his attacks against steph curry and golden state warriors. Its just not a pretty picture. I want to add one more thing that should not be overlooked. It is not a coincidence that the breaking news of the hour is about Jared Kushner and him using his personal email account for official business. This is another way for donald trump to distract his attention or everybodys attention attempt to from his personal dealings to Something Else and what better way to do that than to attack a 14 billion business like the nfl or to attack a guy like steph curry whose got the largest selling amount of jerseys in the nba, so its all put together here at a distraction. Bass ill, our democrats at risk of coming out across as unpatriotic by protesting the president s comments . Something that the deputy chair Keith Ellison has said many times is the Democratic Party is the party of socio and economic justice. The two being able to support and promote that is not somehow exclusive from being incluf siff of other communities and races and being patriotic. Just because you want to see equality, you can be both. Ali fought against and protested against the vietnam war. He became a national hero. Were all in the process in the interest of trying to make this nation better, but you cant do that by saying protesters dont have a right to do whats in our whats in our First Amendment right to do. Paris, why isnt the president praising the fact that people like Colin Kaepernick have the right to protest in this fashion and thats what makes this country great . I dont know. Thats a good we for one of the reporters to ask him. On the same token talking about mohammed ali, this is the same person that came back to a Republican White House and received the highest honor on behalf of the country from a republican president george w. Bush who proudly put that around his neck. The question is, would that happen today . Would a athlete come and let the president of the United States put a medal honoring them . That is what the whole issue with steph curry was about. The idea that President Trump was attacking him is actually false. What happened was steph curry actually was saying things about not wanting to come because of the president and the president ponded so its important for us to keep that in mind. Were at a crazy juncture in our nation where coming to the white house to be honored by the president of the United States whose the president of all people is somehow something that should not be cherished. Athletes know something about being the team players, team sport, and when you lose a game you still stand up, you walk over and you shake the persons hand whose your opponent even if they beat you, you still shake your hand and stay good job, good job, this is what we need to look at, what were telling our children. We should be reminding our children, to be good citizens of this great country which you can grow up but it doesnt mean following in line, paris. Its not saying falling in line. I will say this again. The players have a right to protest, but when you do so in a manner that is so disrespectful to a large amount of the american people, you lose sight of what youre protesting about. This protest the last 48 hours has nothing to do with the original issues that Colin Kaepernick was talking about. This is a protest against the politics of President Trump, not the issues that may be valid to a lot of people that Colin Kaepernick was talking about and thats the issue. Terrence, ill give you will the last word. The problem with what was just said is that now is not just the players which is great. Now youve got the owners involved. Its just been reported that seven of the 32 nfl owners were at least a Million Dollars or more donors to the donald trump campaign. Two of those owners, one of the owners that was a big owner, robert kraft is the most powerful owner in the National Football league. He came out today and attacked donald trump. Hes on the side of the players in this regard. The other thing thats getting overlooked is that there are three teams in the National Football team that refused to come out of the locker room for the National Anthem. Unwith of which were the Pittsburgh Steelers. Now i mention that because the roonis have be asked pronfl as you can name. When you got these owners who are joining these players, it goes beyond just a bunch of players that are disgruntled and trying to disrespect the flag, this becomes a different ballgame so to speak. No pun intended. Gentlemen, thank you all for that thoughtful conversation. I really appreciate it. Coming up, were following other news. Out of tennessee where a gunman opened fire on church goers today who were leaving a service there. How this violent attack played out and the man police are calling a hero. Stay with us. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. vo dogs have evolved, but their nutritional needs remain instinctual. Thats why theres purina one true instinct. 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Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. Covered by most insurance and medicare plans. Tresiba® ready police are calling a 22yearold usher who confronted a gunman in nashville this afternoon a hero. The violence broke out when the gunman shot and killed a woman in the Church Parking lot and then went into the back of the church and started shooting there before the usher stopped him. Now this attack left at least seven people wounded including that brave young usher. Polo sandoval has been following the story all afternoon. Now the fbi and the u. S. Attorneys office there has opened a civil rights investigation. This is a tragic case but its also puzzling especially when those federal investigators tried to search for answers, sunday service was just wrapping up when the sound of gunshots basically shattered the peace. Now a woman is dead. A gunman is behind bars and federal authorities are now joining in on this investigation. Let me tell you what we know what authorities have said that a 25yearold man Emanuel Sampson allegedly arrived at the church armed with two business tales and shot and killed a woman in the parking lot. He then allegedly went inside the church when he was confronted by a 22yearold usher. The mans named robert engle. Engle apparently tried to confront this individual, stopping him after he injured an additional six individuals and that is when engle reportedly went out to his vehicle, hes licensed to carry a firearm, went back inside and confronted the gunman again. What i would say about mr. Robert engle, the usher, he physically engaged the shooter and during the struggle the shooter was shot. At this time we dont know exactly how that happened, whether he shot himself or whether the gun discharged during the struggle. Mr. Engle sustained serious injuries himself and hes the hero. Hes the person that stopped this madness and so were very, very grateful to him. Mr. Engle is among six people who are currently recovering in the hospital, six people who were injured inside that sanctuary. Were told theyre all going to pull through, as for the suspect hes currently behind bars expected to face murder and attempted murder charges. Hes a 25yearold who lived in a nearby county and he had attended service at that mass before about two years ago according to authorities, so theres a lot that we know but theres also a lot that we still arent clear on. Including the motive obviously. Do you know anything about the one woman who was killed . Not at this point. There have been several reports that have been circulating unconfirmed reports. Were still trying to get a hold of that right now but investigators do say she was in her 30s and shot and killed in that parking lot. Obviously once she is identified, that could also hold a key or at least more evidence suggesting whether or not the two knew each other, both the victim and the suspect. All right. Polo sandoval thank you very much for that report. The Trump Administration just unveiled some new travel restrictions. We will have those details next. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. Guys, know anything about this missing inventory . Wasnt me the cheeks dont lie, chet. Irresistibly planters. [fbi agent] youre a brave man, your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. You myour joints. Thing for your heart. Or your digestion. 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Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. I got some financial howd that go . Le ago. He kept spelling my name with an i its bryan with a y. since birth. Well, i happen to know some people. Do they listen . What . Theyre amazing listeners. Guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. The white house just unveiled new tailored restrictions on travelers from certain countries as replacement to the controversial travel ban. Joining us now laura jared and were just learning the details of these new restrictions. Tell us. Travel ban 3. 0 coming here tonight. The Trump Administration unveiling new travel restrictions on certain foreign nationals from eight countries. The list is chad, iran, libya, north korea, somali, syria, venezuela and yemen and this will be a replacement to a central portion of that controversial travel ban which actually expired earlier today in which youll remember the president signed the first week in office it had several stops and starts along the way with federal courts blocking it but these new restrictions now coming into play. They vary by country and they include a phased in approach. So most of the new limitations you will see will not go into effect until midnext month, october 18th. Senior Administration Officially telling us. For the last three months the Trump Administration has been in the process of what it called a worldwide review looking at how foreign nationals are judged by their countries, seeing what the risk is for each and now the process has been whittled down to these eight countries, ana. The socalled bonified relationship exception that you remember the Supreme Court put into play late july, that still holds but only until october. So if you have a bonified relationship, like a grandparent for instance, or student. You can still come into the country until october 18th, but of after that date, these new restrictions will begin. I should also mention that people who have validly issued visas or who have green cards will still be able into the country. You wont see the same sort of broad pand moan wrum that we saw in january at the airports. Were also told that the Justice Department will be filing a brief later tonight in that Supreme Court case as ana the Supreme Court is set to hear the merits of the travel ban, the legality of the travel ban some time october 10th. Thats the initial travel ban. Theyre not letting that gonecessarily and its noteworthy that these are some new countries too that are going to be undergoing the restrictio restrictions, laura. Do you suspect well see more challenges to this particular order given the specificity in this one . Its hard to tell. Right now you see weve added north korea, so obviously not a muslim majority nation there in the same way that the original six were, but they are they do vary by country so they are a little bit more narrowly tailored at one Administration Official said in a call with so you may still see some challenges though to depend on exactly how they came up with this list, exactly how the administration decided that these specific countries were the one to target. All right. Laura jarrett, thank you very much. For that report. Meantime, Hurricane Maria will not let up. It is still turning off the coast of the u. S. Mainland now. And Tropical Storm warnings are up tonight along the entire North Carolina coast. Parts of the southern most virginia coast also impacted here. So where is this now category two storm heading after causing so much destruction in the caribbean . Our meteorologist julie martin is joining us from atlanta. Julie, should folks in North Carolina be concerned with maria off the coast now . I think its okay to be concerned. Particularly along the North Carolina outer banks. Now maria will not make a direct hit there, but the impacts are likely to be felt. Right now, a solid category 2 storm near winds are at 105 miles an hour. It is moving Straight North at around nine Miles Per Hour. Expected to edge its way closer and closer to the coastline by about wednesday, heres where it is as a category 1, 85 mile per hour winds sitting off the coast of cape hath ris. Mind you, the hurricaneforce winds extend about 60 miles from the center. So thats going to be enough to certainly bring up the wave action, some rain and certainly some rough weather there along the carolinas so taking a look at those Tropical Storm watches now up from surf city, North Carolina, to the virginia border, that means Tropical Storm conditions are expected. Now that would be winds at least 39 Miles Per Hour or higher. So, again, gusty conditions and particularly a very rough surf. And thats going to be a real danger for a lot of folks here across the eastern United States. Because, its not just going to be in North Carolina where those rip currents are going to be a factor, but across a large section of the east coast is all of that water continues to pile on shore. Creating those channels and with the weather as it has been exceptionally warm, a lot of people wanting to get in the water this time of year. Already a number of rescues taking place. Good morning there, thank you very much, julie martin for that updated information. Now lets talk about this new cnn film legion of brothers it tells the story of those that went into afghanistan right after 9 11. Now they fought with the Afghan Northern Alliance to drive the taliban and al qaeda out of power with minimal coalition casualties. But despite this early victory, the u. S. Remains mired in this lengthy war in afghanistan. Heres the clip from the film. The only person that walked into the country, i mean, you had the weight of the nation on your shoulders. You know, we, we were americas response to the most catastrophic terrorist attack on u. S. Soil, ever. And for a lot of us, you know, we felt that we had a responsibility to the people that died to set in stage that you just dont do that to america. And not pay a price. It was about, not retribution, but it was about justice. Whats that saying . About who will go, send me. You know. Sir . Who will go and who shall i send . Send me. Send me. Because im the dude that wants to make somebody pay for killing my brothers and sisters. Lets discuss. Peter burgen, he is a Cnn National Security analyst, producer of the film is with us, and also with us is scott neil who is a former Army Master Sergeant and also a green beret. Scott, first tell us why the title, legion of brothers. Well first of all, this special forces group which was the first in its called the legion, sort of our nickname. Legion of brothers is what it was. I was on a team for 17 years, and if you look at a lot of those relationships, theyve extended to today. And when you were first deployed to afghanistan, did you believe the conflict would be over pretty quickly . We didnt know what to believe. The orders were very open. They were to kill and capture al qaeda dislodge the taliban for power and low and behold less than 100 green berets and the cia counterparts basically overtook the country and did exactly what that mission was, but yet were here today. Peter, after all of these years, the war in afghanistan does rage on, do you believe this is a war, the u. S. And afghanistan can win . Well win is kind of a broad term, but, certainly trying to stabilize the afghan government, reversing the taliban advances which have been pretty swift in the last year or two. You know, were still in South Carolina more than half a century after the end of the korean war. South carolina at the end of the korean war is one of the poorest countries in the world, now its one of the richest. And thats under a american National Security umbrella. Theres a lot thats gone wrong in afghanistan, but theres a lot thats gone right. I think the Trump Administrations actually taking the right approach saying were not going to withdraw any time soon. Weir going to make sure that the afghan army and police can sustain themselves. Scott, i know in this film, one of the missions thats highlighted is right after 9 11 that actually were some of the first casualties, and it came about because of friendly fire. Tell us a little bit about that. Well, in any war in history, theres kind of this fog of war. And its really the battle of the unknown. And what youll see in a documentary is really the effects are on the team today and theyre reflecting backwards and at the time it was really unknown whether the taliban had done a counterattack or exactly what happened. The soldiers on the ground, they just, you know, saw the explosion and reacted to it, and it took, you know, a couple hours really to sort out what really happened. And its still studied today why those events happened. And you talk about the psychological or the emotional toll you and other members of your unit went through. Help us to understand the impact. Well, the impact is very frank and honest conversation, weve spent so long at war now, almost 16 years. A lot of us went on to iraq and back to afghanistan. And some of us became contractors and others, weve lost the way. So of course, we really, its the first time weve gotten together since our retirements or since we left service and had a conversation of what we went through and what its done to our families as well. Peter, what would the American Public be surprised to know about the role of special forces in the u. S. War on terror . Well, i think scott says in the film, you go into a vfw and somebody might have one tour or two or three tours, and the special forces, you know, after doing five or seven or ten tours. And thats a lot of strain not only on the soldiers, but their families. Special Operation Command has put in place nor predictable deployments, but, you know, were looking at a long war that doesnt seem to have much of an ending. And the people who are largely conducting that long war are special forces. So i think the film highlights the valor, but also, you know, suggests that there are certain costs that the American Public should be aware of. Scott, you and your team members waited 15 years to fully tell your story through this film. Why did you decide to do it now . What do you hope it will accomplish . Well, the green beret model is the quiet professionals. And we have this understanding once youre active duty or once youre in service and doing missions that you really, you know, dont open up and once we all retired and peter burgen and trish that and greg and came to us with this proposal, i thought it was time amongst all of us that we got together and with the right format just let us open up and tell the stories, you know, as we see them. And i thought the film and the documentary came out great. Scott, how do you feel about whats happening in afghanistan today . A lot of emotions. A lot of blood and treasures been spilt over the ground that ive watched reports saying its regained by the taliban. I dont think were losing. I think were a little bit lost and i just had conversations with some of the other green berets going back once again in this latest round of surges to fight over the same ground weve all fought over for 15, 16 years. Well, scott, neil, thank you for your service and thank you for being here, peter burgen, thank you as always. Also for being here. And do not miss this portrait of heroism and sacrifice on and off the battlefields of afghanistan. The cnn film legion of brothers premiers tonight at 9 00 eastern right here on cnn. Another programming note, dont forget tomorrow night is a big night on cnn. Senators will debate Lindsey Graham and senator bill cassidy on your health care. Cnn town hall event, thats at 9 00 eastern on monday night. And coming up next, will ripley takes an exclusive journey to north korea. See places you have never seen before, secret stayed inside north korea airs next. Thank you for being here this weekend. Im anna cabrera in new york. I hope you have a fantastic start to the week. Finish strong tonight. Good night. The following is a cnn special report. This is the north korea you know. This is the north korea youve never seen. Stories youve never heard. Is that a legend or did that actually happen . Our general is really a person who heaven sent to us. Places youve never been. People with a common enemy. Who do you want to fight . Translator to fight the sworn enemy, americans. What if i told you im an american, do you want to shoot me too

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