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Lavandera on a boat near dickinson texas, between houston and gal ves ston. Youve been talking to brave picture and showing incredible pictures, whats the latest . This is our fivtd chance to get into some of these neighborhoods. This is a neighborhood called bayou chantilly, just off of i45. You can see how devastating the floodwaters have been seth came up here earlier in the day, he was rescue iing people the last several hours. He did one last pass through the neighborhood. If you can focus in on this home in front of you, take a look at the roof, you can see the axe seen here throughout the day, who have driven up i45 and used it as a boat launch. And this is just one of hundreds of boats that are out on the water here in south houston, this is one particular neighborhood where this is unfolding. This is happening all across the city here this afternoon. Were seeing so many cars in drive ways. Talk about how quickly the water came up. Incredibly quickly. People went to bed thinking this was going to be i talk with one resident. You park your car up close to the right here, if you can point down, theres a car. You can see the car just under the water there, were you might not see anything. There are cars underneath here p. M. You can see what people have done to get themselves they use these towels as a way to get themselves off that steep ledge of the roof and on to the rooftop of the car, they were probably rescued earlier, if you look into some of these windows, you can see furniture and furnishings inside the home. Floating around in the living rooms and bedrooms of these of this community. So this is a devastating loss, we have not heard of any injuries or deaths that have taken place in this particular neighborhood. Still trying to get that information, all of this is incredibly fast moving and still developi developing, its hard to get a handle on all of that. Ive spoken to people who have been performing rescue missions, and i havent heard of anyone particularly injured or lost in these floodwaters. So far for this particular neighborhood that weve been able to report on, that is the good news here. Look back over this way, you can see a ladder. A ladder. Someone had put outside of their drive way they used that to get on the roof and on to higher ground. Weve seen that a number of times as weve floated through this neighborhood as well. You keep seeing cars you can see a lot of cars that are partially submerged. Ircant tell you there arent cars still under the water. Austin was telling us, he ran aground of one on his previous trip through here, and got stuck on top of it. This is all just a devastating loss as you mentioned in your question, how quickly people woke up in the middle of the night to Tornado Warnings, i spoke with one woman earlier she said she was on her rooftop and they started hearing sir do you need help . Youre good. Do you know of anybody back here that needs help . I just got here. He said he was trying to salvage some things if he could. How do people get back into this neighborhood, ed . Do you have to get there by boat . A lot of them by boats. We came, literally floated in off a boat off i45. You cant wrap your head around that. An interstate that is packed with car traffic, and its being used as a boat launch into these neighborhoods. Was there any kind of Evacuation Order that went out . There wasnt any kind of mandatory Evacuation Order. Officials had been urging people to stay home. What ive heard repeatedly from this particular area. Theyve had neighbors who have lived here for generations, and theyve never been worried about flooding, its always with stood the Tropical Storms that this particular area has seen. They felt confident even though this was a monster storm, they would be able to make it through. They woke up this morning, put their feet out of bed into knee high water and it kept rising. Incredibly dramatic, stressful for many people one woman we spoke with earlier, talked about how she was on her rooftop hearing the Tornd Sigh Run warnings going off. The sense of panic, thinking that here i am on top of this rooftop and theres going to be a tornado dropped down in this area as well. That is the kind of stress and pain that many of the residents here in this neighborhood have been dealing with today. And im curious, ed, as youve been floating around in this area, have you seen Emergency Personnel out there as well, hovering above in helicopters . I know there are some 3,000 people who the governor spoke of who are on stand by with the National Guard who are prepared to respond in this kind of emergency. We heard of teams coming in from different states, from california to new york, to virginia who are all making their way to texas. When were looking around in these images, i dont see any Emergency Personnel. What are you seeing . Well, you know, we have to be really clear, were in one isolated area, so its hard to kind of sometimes give the entire big Picture Scene of what is going on, beyond our immediate area. I can tell you there have been a number of local authorities who have been navigating and coordinating with a lot of the volunteers who have shown up with their boats many weve seen several coast guard helicopters flying overhead. Game wardens trying to handle Traffic Situations out on the roadway as well 37. There have been a number of local authorities on the ground trying to do as much as possible. At this point, the demand and the calls for help have far exceeded anything that even all of the authorities combined have been able to keep up with, so that is why people like austin seth and hundreds of volunteers who have brought their own boats out here to try to help out, have been needed in this situation. So theres its an overwhelming amount of need here at this point for people trying to get out of harms way and into dryer and safer ground. Does austin have enough gas . I imagine theres such a panic, a rush to get in there and help as soon as possible. You have to start thinking about the amount of water thats there and the forecast calling for another round that could bring twice as much water as already has been dumped. Its hard to even imagine what that might look like. This neighborhood is already lost. Concern that you also hear from people is that this water all has to move somewhere. There are people downstream in other areas waiting for this we just hit a Mailbox Driving over this pickup truck. The other neighborhoods that as you mentioned, that rain will continue to fall there neighborhood is already lost. There are others who might not have completely flooded today, but are anticipating and very much worried they could be next. Everyone monitoring the radar, wondering how much more rain is going to fall. This rain cant end soon enough. No doubt about it, ed lavandera, Reporting In Dickinson Texas in this neighborhood thats been completely inundated with flooding. Unbelievable images, great reporting. Thank you for sharing that with us. Helping us to have a little bit of a sense of the devastation and emergency that that city, that state is under right now. I want to take everybody to downtown houston, this is the nations fourth largest city, almost completely under water as well. Forcing schools to close all week long. The rising water has been creeping up. Now its so high theres nowhere for it to go. Reporter thats right. The areas we were talking about yesterday, are completely submerged in water. This is a major intersection in the downtown of houston, its submerged in water. You can see that some vehicles are in water. All the people in submerged vehicles in this area have been rescued. You can see theres another vehicle to my left. The water is high, its difficult to show you here, and keep at a safe distance. That individual was rescued as well, and is safe. And this building to my left is the Harris County criminal courthouse between five and ten people were rescued from this building earlier because the water started rising inside the building. I talked to one gentleman who was inside, rescued by four First Responders who said that he had an injury, separate, not related to this Tropical Storm or hurricane. But he wrapped his leg in a plastic bag, four First Responders lifted him above the water to make sure that he was lifted to safety. And he said that the water rose so quickly that they had to be evacuated. Evacuated from a courthouse in downtown houston. Its difficult to fathom how much water is here. Beyond those vehicles, that you see at the in the distance, thats where Buffalo Bayou runs through, ana. Thats where we were to the left of those cars, thats where we were talking to you yesterday. We cant go there any more because the bayou is now a raging river headed toward the gulf of mexico. Heres the scary part of all of this. Houston still getting pummeled. If you just speak about the geography in this area. All of this water has to flow out into the gulf of mexico, we were hearing these amazing harrowing stories from a cnn correspondent looking at that community. All of this water has to go in that direction, thats whats so devastating, all of those people that live between houston and the gulf of mexico, thats where this Water Empties out. Theres so much worry about where this water is going to go. So long as its raining, its not going anywhere. You think about the people in the most vulnerable positions, we just got this statement from one of the big hospitals there in houston. Our Life Flight Program is currently grounded given the winds that are relentless what is needed is specialized vehicles for the high water. They are desperately needed. No way for some people to even get to that hospital. I understand another Texas Hospital was forced to evacuate . Youre right. Reporter thats right. Water started rushing into the basement of that hospital. Evacuated critical patients first, and then to other areas in this community. The reason why is because of these waters, you see all of this water piled up behind me. And you really wonder how long is it going to take . This hurricane now turned Tropical Storm really testing the infrastructure here in houston. Testing the drainage and the decisions made here in houston as we continue to get pummeled by rain. And were expecting more of it. Rosa florez in houston, stay safe. Thank you, my friend. Some of the most vuler in an are the elderly. This was taken in Galveston County earlier today. The owner and residents about two dozen people all together were rescued. The County Commissioner says some were found up to their waists in water, those you see in these pictures who were wheelchair bound were found up to their necks in water. In ten minutes, im going to talk to the owners daughter about this desperate situation. Lets head over to cnn in atlanta and tom. Im worried about those folks there, as i know youre looking at more rain in the forecast . Believe it or not, were not even close to the halfway point. We are watching unfold what will most likely be a one in 1,000 year event. It could be greater than that. The system will stall on us, without a steering current, its unfolding before our eyes. Many are wondering, why is it still a electron cal storm, hasnt it been on land long enough . Shouldnt this be called the remnants of harvey . When they are over land, they really fire up. Its feeding off its own rainfall, its called the brown ocean effect. Its just feeding on all the rain that its already dropped on the ground. It gives its energy and sustains its strength. Were watching in the brighter colors of push el and red, the heavier rain fanning to the east now, thats going to add moisture to the ground and provide possible flooding in louisiana. The feeder bands continue to pummel the houston area. We had rainfall rates just last night at 4 to 6 inches per hour south of houston. 10 inches in an hour and a half. And we just had another band move through, youll see it on the last couple images, give it another couple hours, i think youre going to get a little bit of a break, were looking at this system to regenerate as it makes its way offshore. The National Weather service has been busy, handling Tornado Warnings. Right now, nothing, thats great news. We still have the watch in effect, and Flood Emergency continues until 7 15. Heres what you have to know. It slides off monday afternoon over the gulf. It could generate a little more strength. Then where does it go . It goes to the north, leaving on friday. If you look at all the Computer Models have been in great agreement they agree. Lets pull it back off. The center could be close to where landfall was made. That could keep electrical crews from restoring energy. Most models and we concur, most likely it will be houston which will double the amount of rainfall that theyve already picked up. So not only will the waters continue to rise in eastern texas, theyre going to be slow to go away. We watch the mess start to move toward louisiana. The Computer Models have been on this system, its unfortunate were watching this event unfold. Look for more rainfall to come back into victoria, corpus christi, the heavier amounts continue to stay from galveston to houston. Our problem spot is now expanding. Thats going to be a big problem, rivers continue to rise rise rise. Oh, my goodness. Tom, you talked about the watches and warnings in effect. Ed was talking to people on their rooftops, hearing tornado sirens. Obviously people would normally go to lower ground, with the floodwaters, what do people do in a situation like this . Its a great. They tell you not to get into the attic. I mean, the possibility of getting a tornado if youre on top of your roof is slim to say the least. The Rescue Workers are doing what they can to get you down, theyre not going to go up in a Tornado Warning either. If you can go back down, thats probably the best. Do not stay in the attic, they do not want you there. Once you are in the clear, you should get someones attention. Hunker down in a doorway if its not flooded. The tornados are few and far between. I know weve had 112 already. There will continue to be more. Most folks, it will be best for them to get the attention of anyone with a 911 call, getting out there and waiving towels, doing what they can to get someones attention. The amount of rainfall thats going to double. The Tornado Threat should slide a little bit. That will be more toward the houston area, when it makes a secondary landfall. Dont miss tonight at 7 00 eastern, Texas Governor greg abbott will join us live, so stay tuned for that. Still ahead, we showed you the heart breaking photo a moment ago, elderly residents at this texas nursing home stranded and up to their waists or beyond in floodwaters. Details on how this picture went viral. And eventually led to their dramatic rescue. The owners daughter will join us live. On things like struts, brakes, shocks. All kinds of automobile parts. [king] guaranteed for life. Does he turn everything to gold . [kinbrakes. Not everything. [kinbrakes. Not everything. [kinstruts. Luckily, hes not a dog person. [kinshocks. Luckily, hes not a dog person. At midas were always a touch better with limited lifetime guarantees on select parts, complimentary courtesy checks and more. Book an appointment at midas. Com Whats Going On . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. 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Holiday inn express. Be the readiest. I was playing golf love golf. I used to love golf. Wait, what, what happened . I was having a good round, and then my friend, sheila, right as i was stepping into the tee box mentioned a tip a pro gave her. No. Yep. Did it help . It completely ruined my game. Well, the truth is, that advice was never meant for you. I like you. You want to show me your swing . Its too soon. Get advice thats right for you. Investment Management Services from td ameritrade. The life threatening flooding is only expected to worsen in the coming days. The elderly, especially those who cannot move by themselves are the most vulnerable before the break we showed you a picture. The residents sitting up to their waists or even their chests in floodwaters. Around noon today they were rescued. Not before the owner snapped this photo, sent it to her daughter desperate for help. The owners daughter is joining us live right now on the phone. I couldnt believe it was real as well. My mother sent it to me. I dont think anyone thought there would be a problem. When i texted her in the morning to check in, i was totally shocked. At that point didnt know what to do, i asked her what i could do to help her, and she said, they were waiting on the National Guard, and if we can contact anybody, her phone went dead. We were so upset thinking that we were in imminent danger, thats only we were calling Emergency Management, deciding what to do. To try to get as much attention, find somebody who lived near them. Get there with the boat. When we saw this Pictures On Social Media is this real . I thought it was it was my mom, but i recognized the Popcorn Machine in the photo for sure. She uses that. I couldnt believe it. I was of the same opinion when i saw it. I knew she was desperate. Everyone there is her family. She spends more time with them than she does her kids and grandkids. She loves earn there. She spent the last night with them there at the house. Rather than go home. She has a Disaster Plan in place, i mean, she had it in place, i spoke with her days before. They told her to shelter in place, thats what they did. I know a lot of people are watching this are relieved everyone there made it out okay. Take me behind the scenes and the emotion you were feeling from hearing what was happening on the other end of the conversation with your mom walk me through what they were doing prior to the rescuers getting there . It was a quick text maybe the power was out or Something Like that, to get those pictures in response very brief. But she needed help. At that point we had to try to do whatever to save them she said the water was rising. Theyre going to be dead within hours. At that point we tried calling Emergency Management, we tried everything we were really grateful, Dallas County Emergency Management office took our call and we told them we couldnt call 911, we were in tampa, we needed them to help. They were very good. They gave us updates at that point, we were very grateful to the National Guard and galveston Emergency Management we were stressed out trying to make sure they got help. There were reports on twitter they had gotten help, we did not confirm that until hours later. Have you been in touch with your mom since they were rescues . Just my stepfather. He texted me to let us know he did he was in the back of the National Guard truck and they were five. There were a total of 15 residents, 11 of them went to area hospitals. Everyone is okay. Once we knew that, we felt 10 times, 100, 1,000 times better. Its a helpless feeling being in florida and not being able to help when we know the people were could have easily died. And just again to reiterate that, we spoke with the local Public Information officer there for the department of Emergency Management who confirmed they all made it out we know the worst is yet to come for folks in that region. Were wishing you the best, thank you for spending time with us to do what you could to help by putting it on social media. That is the bright spot with social media being available. Were thankful everyone was able to get out safe. Fema is gearing up for a years long effort the immediate focus is still on rescuing people on the aftermath of this storm, the agency has pledged a long term effort to help the state recover. Femas going to be there for years. This disaster recovery, this is going to be a Landmark Event and were already in the stages while were focused on a response right now. Were pushing forward, Recovery Housing teams. Were already pushing forward, force us to be on the ground to implement National Flood Insurance Program policies as well were setting up and gearing up for the next couple years. Weve learned nearly 5,000 people from the federal government are on site in texas and louisiana, including the coast guard which has been directing hundreds of search and Rescue Operations. Brian todd is witnessing a Rescue Operation as we speak. As you can see, some dogs have been rescued here, were told some of these boats these are private rescuers, the omni hotel. Were told between 60 and 80 people are stranded. They just pulled some of these people out. This is brittany hayes, she was staying at the omni hotel. They just came and got you. It flooded to the second floor, it took this morning, probably 6 00 a. M. The hotel lobby started filling up, they brought all the Kitchen Stuff up to the second level, and that was about it. Are they trying to get people to upper floors . Yeah, upper floors, theres no power, theres fumes in there because of the diesel from one of the generators. The fumes from the diesel is fuming up. Is there anyone injured . No ones injured people are just, come get us. The hotel staff is calming people down, they gave us as much water as they could, theyre trying to keep us calm, but theres definitely people there. Im going to narrate here, theyve come in every 10 or 15 minutes, theyre going back over to the omni to pull people out. Theres a neighborhood behind the omni where people may need some rescuing. These are private rescuers deploying their own boats and theyre about to push off again. They told us they have a lot of work to do to pull people out of here. You told me youre from l. A. . What are your impressions of houston . I probably wont be back any time soon. Everyone is nice. People care and theyre coming to help. With the hotel, have they told you theyre going to try to put you guys somewhere else . Theyre going to take us to the other omni that has power. Thats where theyre taking us now. The sense inside the hotel, are people panicking or are they is the hotel calming people down. The hotel staff is awesome. No one should stay the night there Everyone Needs to be out of there for sure. Good look at the new hotel where you can be staying. You can see from her explanation here, there some people that need to be pulled out. We may get over there with some of these rescuers in a poet to see what those conditions are. We asked them earlier, they said they couldnt take us. We may talk to people as theyre coming off the boats. Hard to believe, the hotel, theyre so tall, they have to be evacuated. Keep us posted on the ground. Worth noting, we got a note from officials in Galveston County. And to brian and eds point. What were seeing. Emergency officials put out the call again on social media to ask people if they had boats and were able to come with their boats and with some gas, and try to aid in the Rescue Operations they were encouraged to do so. Were told 25 to 35 private boat owners showed up to assist. You can see how deep the floodwaters are in houston and tom sater saying theyre not even halfway through this event yet. Up next, the latest on houstons airports and how flooding is impacting inbound and outbound flights. Uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering 4. 95 online Equity Trades and a satisfaction guarantee. If you dont like their answer, ask again at schwab. Scuse me. Mind if i sit here . Not if you want your phone to work. Let me guess, you cant livestream your lobster roll. 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Now, the airports in terms of travel, theyre not doing any better. Bush intercontinental is currently at a halt. Harvey airport is at a standstill. No flights will be allowed in or out. Even if there were flights taking off today, it would be difficult. Every airport in the houston area is underwater. This is a tractortrailer sitting abandoned almost completely submerged. That was from earlier today at some places street signs are covered. In some cases, cars are entirely submer submerged how serious is the situation where you are . Reporter my colleague ed lavandera took you into a neighborhood in houston. Let me show you the highways leading into houston im standing on the access road here, you can see much of it submerged. Turn around head the other direction. The issue here is much of the interstate, at least this one is open, we are seeing people driving on the highway, if you want to get off that highway, you can make out that offramp off in the distance, it leads you directly into what looks like a lake. Thats going to be an issue. The water you see behind me appears to be spilling out of one of the bayous on the citys southwest side. I want to show you the video we shot earlier today. Speaking of some of those coast guard rescues. There were coast guard rescuers, having to drop that basket and be able to pluck that individual from a neighborhood and fly out of the area, thats something weve seen before, weve seen quite a bit, and we expect to see even more of in the coming days. Folks, try to avoid these spots right here. That will video you showed a little while ago, thats what we see now, will it get worse . Officials think it will. Ana. A lot of people have asked, why Werent People evacuated ahead of this. They knew the rain was coming. Ask people to evacuate, could have made for an even greater Nightmare Situation as he put it, so thank you for that reporting and giving us a look at the highways and interstates nearby. Up next, the devastation in rockpo rockport, our Martin Savage is there, they took the brunt of the hurricane when it made landfall. Well hear from a Swiftwater Rescue Team about how theyre going out saving people from these floodwaters. R premium plu. The best you can buy starting under 25. Only at the home depot. Pepsoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. 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Much of rockport is covered in water like houston and other areas. One of two deaths blamed on harvey so far. I understand, martin, people are trying to put some of their lives back to together even though the storm hasnt completely subsided there. What are you hearing in terms of what theyre preparing for next . Reporter well, what theyre trying to do right now is simply get over the shock of what has happened to their county. A massive amount of devastation that you see when you come into this town or even approach it. Its just such a huge scale and its everywhere you look. Just like what youre seeing behind us here, magnify that block after block. They have many, many homes they have to go through. And its not just homes. Its boats. Its a waterfront community. The other worry they have is natural gas. Because of the massive amount of damage, structural damage, you have a lot of broken pipes. So theyre trying to secure those and cap those off. So theyre still dealing with a number of dangers and hazards. They did not have any reports of anyone missing. And as you pointed out so far one person so far here has been killed. Have you learned anymore about that person who died . Reporter it was a fire. Apparently people say how does a fire start with the downpour and the winds, well they dont know exactly yet. But it could have been done pour lines or gas. People said all night long there were frantic calls coming in. They will never forget those terrible calls they couldnt respond to. Martin savidge in rockport, thank you. We are now told 1,200 at least have been taken to safety. In galveston alone thats over a thousand rescues reported over night. You can actually see Deputy Sheriffs swimming to someone who appears to be up in their neck in water. And it seems this is becoming all too common. 600 vessels have been activated. And 3,000 National Guard members have been coming. This is part of the states urban Search And Rescue team in houston which has been deployed. Thank you for spending time with us. Your team is on the way to houston right now. They specialize in water rescues. Whats the plan, exactly, when they get there . Well, theyll get there, with they hit the ground theyll get a specific mission. Theyll setup a base of operation and all the things necessary to get ramped up right away. Id anticipate unquestioningly theyll get to work right away with respect to doing Search And Rescue missions. So your team employs swift and search water rescues. What does that involve. That water fills up very quickly, has nowhere to go, and where a street may have been dry one minute, the next minute it has flowing water of several feet that goes very, very quickly. And the team that we sent along with other teams from around the country are specially trained, equipped and certified to deal with any rushing water, as well as any still rescues. Again, someone could be walking along and then no water and then water may appear or all of a sudden they get pushed up by water. Theyre welltrained, well equip would, well prepared. And theyre selfsustaining. They will not be a draw on the resources there. We heard from fema officials this is storm that has not been seen before. Whats your assessment . It seems very catastrophic and very reminisce want of some of the catastrophic situations with tutrina. 30 plus inches of rain, i mean thats unfathomable. Its unquestionably something thats very, very difficult to deal with. On a daytoday basis in challenging enough in the Law Enforcement business. But now add this especially at night where theres no electricity, pitchblack, rushing water, standing water. And weve heard before house fires starting from wires down, things igniting. It just is a major, major challenge and catastrophic situation. Real quick what is the best way for people who are stranded right now to signal for help . Well, certainly if theyre fortunate to have a phone, have a flair, have a flashlight, certainly their voice, anything of that nature. And obviously the most important thing is to get to the highest place they can if it involves a roof or anything. Its so important right now so we can get to you. Those First Responders are right are in that area as well as those coming in. We want to get to you by helping you. But try to help us by helping yourself right now. Thank you so much for spending some time with us. These are live images, by the way, of a rescue happening as we speak

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