Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170326

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170326

short on the ladder right now. in his early morning tweet might be sewing deeper divisions in his party. the president ripped conservatives blaming them for torpedoing his health care bill. this is what he wrote. democrats are smiling in d.c. the freedom cause cuss have saved planned parenthood and o jb care. could president trump work with democrats to score victory over the far right flank of his party? let's a talk it over with athena jones from the white house. >> it's a very interesting question about whether they are going to be willing to work with democrats. it's something we heard white house chief of staff reince priebus talk about several times in an interview this morning on fox news sunday this idea of working across the aisle, working with democrats, but also having the republican caucus come together. it gives us a a little bit of a clue about their legislative strategy going forward. watch. >> they are going to get to rel reforms, whether it be taxes, reform, infrastructure, this president is ready it lead. and sort of over with the games and the legislature. >> interesting to hear the chief of staff talk about how this president is is ready to lead, ready to talk to anyone who wants to make a deal. but he talked about games -- over with the games with the legislature. the bottom line is that getting anything done, getting the president's priorities accomplished is going to require working with the legislature. and it's going to require not just working with house leadership, but figuring out a way to deal with house conservatives who blocked this bill. also with moderate republicans in the house. what's interesting is when you have chief of staff talking about working with chief of staff, you have on twitter blasting democrats along with the house freedom kcaucus. the freedom caucus, the conservative members, they make up about 30 members of the house. so they are going to have to figure out how do you work with these groups, is it conducive to blast them and bash them and then still expect them to come to the table. doing things is hard. and doing big things is going to require these sides working together. >> taking a deep breath. got to love politics. athena jones live at the white house, thank you. let's turn our attention to the committee in congress trying to find out if there's an improper connection to president trump and russia. we were supposed to hear testimony this tuesday, but this man shut the hearing down. he chairs the house intelligence committee. he says the hearing was simply postponed. democrats say it was cancelled and they are fearhouse about it. one is call iing for nunez to sp down. suppressing answers, stirring confusion, keeping people in the dark, won't allow us to fulfill our mission. a few minutes ago i spoke to the congressman here ob cnn. >> i think this is a two-fold cam pawn by the leadership on the republican side of the house and the white house. it's distraction and obstruction. there's no way it can't account for the things taking place. they have done nothing to help the investigation. there's zero reason to cancel tuesday's meeting other than last week's public hearing went so horribly for them. >> what was the reason he gave you for canceling the hearing this week? >> e he gave no reason directly to the democrats. we spoke to the chairman and then without telling us, he he had gave the staff 15 minutes notice he was going to have this press conference where he a announce the cancellation. there was no discussion as to why. there's going to be other testimony. the two aren't mutually exclusive. tz because the public mood is fighting against them. >> congressman, it seems that this committee needs desperately to work together to get answers for the american people. can this intelligence committee handle the investigation without becoming too partisan. >> we can't say we saw evidence that the president was wiretapped. >> do you believe this needs to be handed off to an independent commission? >>. >> we need an independent prosecutor. but the house and senate committees have abilities this the others may not. we sgl in what way? >> there were a whole series of investigations. each one had their own merits. we need to do the same. >> have you seen more than circumstantial evidence of possible conclusion between the russians and trump campaign associates. it's a former criminal defense attorney is this. there's probable cause to believe that there was coordination. >> that was a democrat on the house intelligence committee. so joining me now to discuss further is cnn political analyst josh rogan and juliette cayenne. you just heard the congressman being very careful with his words describing what he's seeing as probable cause to believe that there was coordination between trump insiders and the russians. those are some pretty strong words for a member of the intelligence community. >> right, and that matches what the ranking member has previously said. it seems like there's enough to investigate ask no proof there's actual conclusion. but what i really got from that accident interview that you showed is there's no way for the house intelligence committee to conduct a a bipartisan cooperative investigation. i think that ship has sailed. that's abundantly clear. nunez cannot be seen as a credible steward of such an investigation. it seems like the damage between nunez and chef is is irreparable and with the rest of the committee. so something else is going to have to happen in order for the american people to have confidence that this matter has been fully investigated and put to rest. those people are appointed by the leadership. that could become a partisan exercise. there's no real magic bullet that's going to solve this. but the house committee i don't see how we get back to normal on that one. >> what's your take? can this process continue in its current form? >> no, i u agree with josh. we started the week looking very promising to the extent that comey came out so forcefully acknowledging there was an investigation and then by nunez, whatever happened with this w k week, by this weekend, it's clear that can't continue. there's a senate. there's three investigations going on. there's the fbi investigation, which did learn about and i think it's important to know one of the reasons why comey was acknowledged is because he wants the public to know there is is this investigation going on. the senate also has its own investigation and they have been much more quiet. there was a little bit u of issues involving senator burg and his contacts with the white house, but he seems to have sort of quieted down. they are doing their work and so i think that in that investigation out of the house. i don't want to blame the entire committee. >> i know you know in a recent article that john mccain is among those calling for this independent commission that both you need to. happen. are dwrou hearing from any other republicans saying the same. >> i have seen graham say he's close to that. there are conservative who is have advocated for a select committee who are not in congress. but u so far john mccain is the only sitting member. i was with him in brussels at an international forum this past weekend and he said the united states public has a right to have some sort of confidence that this it issue has been adjudicated in a way that would move on. it's too important. we're not talking about the conclusion, which is maybe true, maybe not true. . we're talking about the russian interference in our election. and we need somebody to get to the bottom of that. we need somebody to do that independently. the select committee or whatever it is is going to have to happen. it's just a matter of time before more and more lawmakers come around to that. >> juliette, you had mentioned previously you were awaiting the testimony from sally yates, the former acting a.g. when president trump took office. now that hearing is cancelled. what do you make of this? >> i u think that's very unfortunate. some of these witnesses could be beneficial to the trump administration. it's clear nunez does not think that anymore. and so does not want them to have a public forum. sally yates was interesting. she's known in democratic circles because she was willing to get fired during the muslim ban, but we learned before that she had warned the trump white house about the former national security adviser michael flynn and about him possibly from the news reports possibly keeping from the white house in particular by mike pence his contacts with russia and the russian ambassador. the white house held on that information until the media reported on it. that's when mike flynn got fired. i was awaiting it because many of us are curious about michael flynn at this stage. what is he doing right now. and what he knew and in what stage. so sally yates is giving clarity regarding that because of her sort of very aggressive stance with the white house early on in the administration. >> we did hear from carter page and roger stone and paul manafort in the last couple days saying they would volunteer to go before the committee. some of thunderstorm in a public setting, to testify about what they know. josh wharks mo, what more are w learning about when and if that could happen? >> e we don't have any time iin. e we saw roger stone on a sunday show this morning denying any conclusion. he's the one most directly in the firing line because he's admitted to contacts he says were innocuous. i'm sure that's a subject of the investigation. manafort has been in the news because he's continue yulely accused of doing business with people related to the putin government. that may or may not have anything to do with the campaign. he might just be doing business with the russians for the sake of doing business with the russians. carter page is a separate case. he's more of a low level guy with incidental contacts. he did travel to moscow. but in the end, there's a lot less there because he was such an outside guy in the campaign. and then there's flynn, who has been very silent. i think he's just being prudent. i don't have any specific information. i know they have other reporting on that. but the point is that e eventually, all these guys are going to have to be cleared or indicted. barring any new information, it doesn't seem like indicts are coming. so it's an accusation that has to be resolved. if i were them, i would want to clear my name too. i think in one way or another, the only way to really do that is to face the congressional testimony and make their defense. >> could congress ask the president to come and testify before them? >> no, simply not. he wouldn't. but there's one thing that josh did say that is worth noting. while there's a criminal investigation going on and questions about the theory of that case in terms of how far up does this go and what does the president know and know it, which will be, plained through the process of an investigation of these four men that were just mentioned, i should say that it's important to remember and josh brought it up earlier that if the fbi investigation, we still have the bigger r national foreign policy issue of russia. we are watching russia today on the news, but its involvement with our campaign, that can't get resolved by the fbi or an indictment. and my worry is that we're going to be so focused on the fbi side of it that the bigger issue, the geopolitical issue does not get resolved, including directing or executive agencies. what to do in the instances of russian aggression. it's hard to believe. it seems too painful to want the to come tntemplate. >> very quickly add that i think she's right. the bigger issue here is the russian interference. there's a lot of committees working on that. foreign relations committee and as for the trump associates, they haven't been charged with anything. if they are, the presumed innocent until proven guilty ask that's something we should keep in mind. >> it's still the beginning of the investigations. josh roggin, thank you to you. extremely rare is unfolding on the streets of russia. hundreds arrested in mass demonstrations against the kremlin. we'll tel you why they are rallying. we'll take you there. today, unlimited gets the network it deserves. verizon. 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>> there's certainly a possibility that it the president was trying to further off load blame for the failure of the health care legislation on to paul ryan. there are certainly a lot of people in the white house including some of his most senior officials such as steve bannon who has been fighting against paul ryan and paul ryan types of lawmakers for several years, even before he joined the trump campaign. i think it's also just as likely that it can be explained away by what you pointed out that, that the countdown clock was promoting wiretap evidence or something to that effect. if you look at the president's tweets and line them up with his viewing habits, when you see are the tweets are a response to what he's watching on cable news as you get deeper into his administration. cable news for him is fox news because that's the wub network that tells him what he wants to hear. >> in the meantime, you have sites like breitbart now blaming paul ryan for the failure of the health care bill. even calling for his replacement. reince priebus tried to ease concerns about any tension. let's listen. >> does he want paul ryan to step down? >> he doesn't. he talked to him yesterday for an hour. he believes what he said in the oval office on friday. he doesn't blame paul ryan. he thought paul ryan worked really hard. he enjoys his relationship with r pr and thinks he's a a great speaker of the house. >> kind of an interesting dynamic we're seeing here. is president trump essentially being put between his base right wing media sites like breitbart the man responsible for pushing his agenda through. >> by the way, i don't doubt what priebus is saying there. we're sort of looking to see how much is the president actually aligned with ryan. one of the reasons we don't believe the words coming out of the president's mouth is because there is a bit of a credibility issue with this administration. but you look at where the president is now thinking about future legislation. he has not only the democrats, who he has to go up against, he has the freedom caucus and the far right wing of the caucus and demonstrated in his test of trying to pass legislation that they are willing to stare him down and to say no do to this the. he needs paul ryan. he needs to decide is he going to tack further to the right and bring in members of the caucus who could stand in the way of legislation or bring some democrats knowing that might be what that kind of legislation might be what it takes in order to get something through the senate once anything gets to the senate in the first place. what you're seeing with the media landscape is something that very much mirrors that. you're seeing there's a right wing media and far right wing media, which is willing to criticize paul ryan, which is willing to criticize president trump represents that same sort of far right freedom caucus fringe of the republican party. >> and then there's the mainstream media, which the president has had no problem attacking over and over and over again and yet after the obamacare repeal and replace plan failed to go through to even a vote, who does he call? he calls "the new york times," "the washington post," two of the places that he's assailed so often. why do you think he did that? >> there's an enormous discrepancy between what the president says and does when it comes to media. he always rails against the media. his rhetoric has gotten more and more aggressive. he calls the media the enemy of the american people. yet like you said, he calls these news organizations, he cares about how they cover him. he also sees them as a useful tool in terms of getting his message out. in fact, this is something he's been doing his entire life. in fact, what his phone calls to the mainstream media reminded me of was the fact that when he was going through divorces in new york, he would call up new york tabloids and spin the narrative his way. he lives in the media. we were just talking about how he watches fox news all day. he lives in and for the media and the media narrative. that's really how he measures his own level of success. by that level of coverage, that level of exposure, how much attention is being paid to him. he's always cared about the ratings. as much as his base might rally behind the anti-media cry, the truth is that he loves the media, obsessed with the media, cares more about the media perception of him than perhaps anything else. >> interesting. thank you very joining us. >> thank you. still to come, tragedy in mosul. the u.s. military launching a formal investigation into the deaths of potentially hundreds of civilians. was it isis? was it a u.s. airstrike or somehow both? we'll take you to iraq, next. you're live in the cnn newsroom. 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>> this deployment had been in the works for some time, we understand. but however, it is related to this intense battle that is beginning to take place inside mosul in that older part of the city where you're seeing this it fierce resistance by isis, as they dig in and hide amongst the civilian population. so the iraqi troops are struggling in this kind of critical part of the battle. so they are bringing in more advisers. u.s. defense official tells us in the low hundreds to hept a significant uptick in u.s. forces advising iraqi troops in this battle. >> today we also heard from the u.s. central command, as we mentioned earlier, what more have you learned about this investigation now into the deaths of all the civilians from the u.s. side? >> that's right. the military has con if you remember firmed is an investigation is ongoing. they have reviewed the strikes carried out in recent days and compared that to where these reports were coming from. where these reports of civilian casual tie casualties. they have identified one strike on the 17th of march that did take place in the neighborhood where these reports of civilian casualties are emanating from. the u.s.-led coalition believes they were targeting isis fight rs and isis equipment. so what they are doing is review the intelligence from the strikes, surveillance materials, local intelligence reports from the ground from officials and social media. the investigation will take some time, but the military is constantly investigating these allegations. they have a process to pursue, but they do adjust procedures. when these reports come in in an effort to avoid these koind of situations in the future. >> ryan brown from the pentagon, thank you. still to come, it's a jarring image. a a candidate in a western democracy embracing vladimir putin. the same time president trump's campaign aids are being investigated for possible conclusion with russian. operatives. why a french presidential candidate's cozy relationship with putin is raising eyebrows. you're live in the cnn newsroom. . verizon. 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(avo) ask about namzaric today. russian president vladimir putin is now seeking to influence a key american ally in you were that has an election next month. . the fbi investigates the meddling in the 2016 u.s. presidential election. the french presidential candidate expressed pro-russian views after sitting down one-on-one with putin recently. brian todd breaks down what may be motivating putin to now influence other western politicians. >> vladimir putin's latest attempt to manipulate another country's levers of power. he meets in moscow with the far right presidential candidate, a woman who if she wins could tush turn a key ally upside down. she'd like to lift sanctions on russia. >> it's the world of vladimir putin. it's a world of donald trump and the united states. >> analysts say it's a stunning image for a a top candidate in a western democracy to embrace moscow at a time when in america president trump's campaign is being investigated over whether aids coordinated with russian. operatives. >> what's unusual is >> i think the question is how much is this at the front of our daily consciousness? that's where vladimir putin would like it to be. >> was le pen wants to bring france out of nato, she wants to bring france out of the euro, she wants to break a block which putin sees correctly as preventing russia achieving the dominant position in europe as a great power. >> reporter: and tonight, there's serious concern that putin will meddle in france's elections, like he allegedly did in america. french officials are worried that putin's hackers will fish for damaging information using similar tactics to how they targeted hillary clinton's campaign. russian hackers are believed to have targeted france before, with a devastatie ining cyber a on a french newspaper. but marine le pen has already gotten a boost from russia, a loan, three years ago, of about $10 million to her party in a bank owned by a close friend of putin's. >> the very fact that marine le pen is there this week and is there to drum up support from putin, received a loan from mew tin in 2015, that putin is trying to boost the far right in france. >> reporter: analysts say putin's attempts to help far right candidates with his right view, is aimed toward staying in power himself. he's got an election coming up next year, which he's reported to be worried about, even though there's almost no chance he'll lose. coming up, 14 inmates still on the run after a daring prison escape in mexico. details on the prison and how these prisoners got out. the trump rally on wall street could be in jeopardy. why? because the failure of health care in the house has big implications for tax reform and that's what's investors are really waiting for and now that health care didn't pass the house, the rest of president trump's agenda is in peril. the stock market has been pricing in the best-case scenarios, pushing stock to record highs then we saw all this uncertainty put investors on edge. now this obamacare repeal failing in the house could actually motivate republicans to move on quickly and perhaps come to terms on taxes. we're back in a moment. with e*trade's powerful trading tools, right at your fingertips, you have access to in-depth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. ♪ ♪ it's like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. it's your trade. ♪ ♪ e*trade. ♪ ♪ start trading today at [student] i can just quit school and get a job. 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[brakes squeak] credit karma, huh? yep, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. pabut with odor free blue-emu continuous pain relief spray, i can box out any muscle or joint pain immediately. blue-emu continuous pain relief spray, it works fast and you won't stink. there's a big man hunt under way in mexico, and 14 inmates are still on the run after using a tunnel to escape. officials say they snuck out on wednesday in the mexican city of ciudad victoria. these inmates were also stabbed to death during a riot that broke out friday after the guards destroyed some shelters that had been built by the inmates. layla santiago is joining me now from mexico city. layla, give us the latest on this story. >> reporter: let's go over the numbers, we have a captures, 14 still on the run. and we're starting to learn a little bit more about these inmates, the last hour or so, we learned the majority of them were in for crimes like kidnapping, homicide, robbery, but there were at least four that we know that were believed to be involved in organized crime. and this really speaks to the great influence, the power of cartels here in mexico. i mean let's go back just a few weeks earlier in march. the son of a very powerful, well known cartel escaped a prison and then let's take it back to 2015, when we saw el chapo also escape from prison through a tunnel, of course he's been extradited to the u.s. since then. but there's a lot of focus right now on the investigation, the key question, how did that happen? who is responsible? and that's something that authorities here have really remained tight lipped. when we checked in with a government official from that state, what they told us was we have restored order, families are now being allowed to go to the prison and visit prisoners and more importantly for them, that tunnel, which is about 15 feet deep, 130 feet wide has been sealed with concrete. >> when you look at these pictures, that tunnel is no small tunnel, you just gave us the dimensions there. how is it that that tunnel was built? i mean do these prison guards for the lack of resources, are they not checking? or is there a suggestion that there could be some kind of complicity? >> reporter: again, all of that will be part of the investigation. but this is an older prison, built in the 1940s, one which government officials admit needs some upkeep and a little bit more attention, which may speak to how this is able to happen. >> all right, layla santiago, keep us posted. thank you. you're live in the cnn newsroom, i'm ana cabrera in new york. greet to have you with us this weekend, we hope your weekend is finishing strong. tonight the blame game, as pointing the finger at the democrats, he feels there's more guilt to go around. this time his target republicans. democrats are smiling in d.c. that the freedom caucus have saved planned parenthood and o-care, we have learned that texas congressman ted poe has resigned from the freedom caucus for their opposition of the bill. a spokesman for speaker paul ryan said that he and the president spoke today and both are eager to get back on their agenda. while it has been a tough week for the president, there was a silver lining,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170326 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20170326

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short on the ladder right now. in his early morning tweet might be sewing deeper divisions in his party. the president ripped conservatives blaming them for torpedoing his health care bill. this is what he wrote. democrats are smiling in d.c. the freedom cause cuss have saved planned parenthood and o jb care. could president trump work with democrats to score victory over the far right flank of his party? let's a talk it over with athena jones from the white house. >> it's a very interesting question about whether they are going to be willing to work with democrats. it's something we heard white house chief of staff reince priebus talk about several times in an interview this morning on fox news sunday this idea of working across the aisle, working with democrats, but also having the republican caucus come together. it gives us a a little bit of a clue about their legislative strategy going forward. watch. >> they are going to get to rel reforms, whether it be taxes, reform, infrastructure, this president is ready it lead. and sort of over with the games and the legislature. >> interesting to hear the chief of staff talk about how this president is is ready to lead, ready to talk to anyone who wants to make a deal. but he talked about games -- over with the games with the legislature. the bottom line is that getting anything done, getting the president's priorities accomplished is going to require working with the legislature. and it's going to require not just working with house leadership, but figuring out a way to deal with house conservatives who blocked this bill. also with moderate republicans in the house. what's interesting is when you have chief of staff talking about working with chief of staff, you have on twitter blasting democrats along with the house freedom kcaucus. the freedom caucus, the conservative members, they make up about 30 members of the house. so they are going to have to figure out how do you work with these groups, is it conducive to blast them and bash them and then still expect them to come to the table. doing things is hard. and doing big things is going to require these sides working together. >> taking a deep breath. got to love politics. athena jones live at the white house, thank you. let's turn our attention to the committee in congress trying to find out if there's an improper connection to president trump and russia. we were supposed to hear testimony this tuesday, but this man shut the hearing down. he chairs the house intelligence committee. he says the hearing was simply postponed. democrats say it was cancelled and they are fearhouse about it. one is call iing for nunez to sp down. suppressing answers, stirring confusion, keeping people in the dark, won't allow us to fulfill our mission. a few minutes ago i spoke to the congressman here ob cnn. >> i think this is a two-fold cam pawn by the leadership on the republican side of the house and the white house. it's distraction and obstruction. there's no way it can't account for the things taking place. they have done nothing to help the investigation. there's zero reason to cancel tuesday's meeting other than last week's public hearing went so horribly for them. >> what was the reason he gave you for canceling the hearing this week? >> e he gave no reason directly to the democrats. we spoke to the chairman and then without telling us, he he had gave the staff 15 minutes notice he was going to have this press conference where he a announce the cancellation. there was no discussion as to why. there's going to be other testimony. the two aren't mutually exclusive. tz because the public mood is fighting against them. >> congressman, it seems that this committee needs desperately to work together to get answers for the american people. can this intelligence committee handle the investigation without becoming too partisan. >> we can't say we saw evidence that the president was wiretapped. >> do you believe this needs to be handed off to an independent commission? >>. >> we need an independent prosecutor. but the house and senate committees have abilities this the others may not. we sgl in what way? >> there were a whole series of investigations. each one had their own merits. we need to do the same. >> have you seen more than circumstantial evidence of possible conclusion between the russians and trump campaign associates. it's a former criminal defense attorney is this. there's probable cause to believe that there was coordination. >> that was a democrat on the house intelligence committee. so joining me now to discuss further is cnn political analyst josh rogan and juliette cayenne. you just heard the congressman being very careful with his words describing what he's seeing as probable cause to believe that there was coordination between trump insiders and the russians. those are some pretty strong words for a member of the intelligence community. >> right, and that matches what the ranking member has previously said. it seems like there's enough to investigate ask no proof there's actual conclusion. but what i really got from that accident interview that you showed is there's no way for the house intelligence committee to conduct a a bipartisan cooperative investigation. i think that ship has sailed. that's abundantly clear. nunez cannot be seen as a credible steward of such an investigation. it seems like the damage between nunez and chef is is irreparable and with the rest of the committee. so something else is going to have to happen in order for the american people to have confidence that this matter has been fully investigated and put to rest. those people are appointed by the leadership. that could become a partisan exercise. there's no real magic bullet that's going to solve this. but the house committee i don't see how we get back to normal on that one. >> what's your take? can this process continue in its current form? >> no, i u agree with josh. we started the week looking very promising to the extent that comey came out so forcefully acknowledging there was an investigation and then by nunez, whatever happened with this w k week, by this weekend, it's clear that can't continue. there's a senate. there's three investigations going on. there's the fbi investigation, which did learn about and i think it's important to know one of the reasons why comey was acknowledged is because he wants the public to know there is is this investigation going on. the senate also has its own investigation and they have been much more quiet. there was a little bit u of issues involving senator burg and his contacts with the white house, but he seems to have sort of quieted down. they are doing their work and so i think that in that investigation out of the house. i don't want to blame the entire committee. >> i know you know in a recent article that john mccain is among those calling for this independent commission that both you need to. happen. are dwrou hearing from any other republicans saying the same. >> i have seen graham say he's close to that. there are conservative who is have advocated for a select committee who are not in congress. but u so far john mccain is the only sitting member. i was with him in brussels at an international forum this past weekend and he said the united states public has a right to have some sort of confidence that this it issue has been adjudicated in a way that would move on. it's too important. we're not talking about the conclusion, which is maybe true, maybe not true. . we're talking about the russian interference in our election. and we need somebody to get to the bottom of that. we need somebody to do that independently. the select committee or whatever it is is going to have to happen. it's just a matter of time before more and more lawmakers come around to that. >> juliette, you had mentioned previously you were awaiting the testimony from sally yates, the former acting a.g. when president trump took office. now that hearing is cancelled. what do you make of this? >> i u think that's very unfortunate. some of these witnesses could be beneficial to the trump administration. it's clear nunez does not think that anymore. and so does not want them to have a public forum. sally yates was interesting. she's known in democratic circles because she was willing to get fired during the muslim ban, but we learned before that she had warned the trump white house about the former national security adviser michael flynn and about him possibly from the news reports possibly keeping from the white house in particular by mike pence his contacts with russia and the russian ambassador. the white house held on that information until the media reported on it. that's when mike flynn got fired. i was awaiting it because many of us are curious about michael flynn at this stage. what is he doing right now. and what he knew and in what stage. so sally yates is giving clarity regarding that because of her sort of very aggressive stance with the white house early on in the administration. >> we did hear from carter page and roger stone and paul manafort in the last couple days saying they would volunteer to go before the committee. some of thunderstorm in a public setting, to testify about what they know. josh wharks mo, what more are w learning about when and if that could happen? >> e we don't have any time iin. e we saw roger stone on a sunday show this morning denying any conclusion. he's the one most directly in the firing line because he's admitted to contacts he says were innocuous. i'm sure that's a subject of the investigation. manafort has been in the news because he's continue yulely accused of doing business with people related to the putin government. that may or may not have anything to do with the campaign. he might just be doing business with the russians for the sake of doing business with the russians. carter page is a separate case. he's more of a low level guy with incidental contacts. he did travel to moscow. but in the end, there's a lot less there because he was such an outside guy in the campaign. and then there's flynn, who has been very silent. i think he's just being prudent. i don't have any specific information. i know they have other reporting on that. but the point is that e eventually, all these guys are going to have to be cleared or indicted. barring any new information, it doesn't seem like indicts are coming. so it's an accusation that has to be resolved. if i were them, i would want to clear my name too. i think in one way or another, the only way to really do that is to face the congressional testimony and make their defense. >> could congress ask the president to come and testify before them? >> no, simply not. he wouldn't. but there's one thing that josh did say that is worth noting. while there's a criminal investigation going on and questions about the theory of that case in terms of how far up does this go and what does the president know and know it, which will be, plained through the process of an investigation of these four men that were just mentioned, i should say that it's important to remember and josh brought it up earlier that if the fbi investigation, we still have the bigger r national foreign policy issue of russia. we are watching russia today on the news, but its involvement with our campaign, that can't get resolved by the fbi or an indictment. and my worry is that we're going to be so focused on the fbi side of it that the bigger issue, the geopolitical issue does not get resolved, including directing or executive agencies. what to do in the instances of russian aggression. it's hard to believe. it seems too painful to want the to come tntemplate. >> very quickly add that i think she's right. the bigger issue here is the russian interference. there's a lot of committees working on that. foreign relations committee and as for the trump associates, they haven't been charged with anything. if they are, the presumed innocent until proven guilty ask that's something we should keep in mind. >> it's still the beginning of the investigations. josh roggin, thank you to you. extremely rare is unfolding on the streets of russia. hundreds arrested in mass demonstrations against the kremlin. we'll tel you why they are rallying. we'll take you there. today, unlimited gets the network it deserves. verizon. 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>> there's certainly a possibility that it the president was trying to further off load blame for the failure of the health care legislation on to paul ryan. there are certainly a lot of people in the white house including some of his most senior officials such as steve bannon who has been fighting against paul ryan and paul ryan types of lawmakers for several years, even before he joined the trump campaign. i think it's also just as likely that it can be explained away by what you pointed out that, that the countdown clock was promoting wiretap evidence or something to that effect. if you look at the president's tweets and line them up with his viewing habits, when you see are the tweets are a response to what he's watching on cable news as you get deeper into his administration. cable news for him is fox news because that's the wub network that tells him what he wants to hear. >> in the meantime, you have sites like breitbart now blaming paul ryan for the failure of the health care bill. even calling for his replacement. reince priebus tried to ease concerns about any tension. let's listen. >> does he want paul ryan to step down? >> he doesn't. he talked to him yesterday for an hour. he believes what he said in the oval office on friday. he doesn't blame paul ryan. he thought paul ryan worked really hard. he enjoys his relationship with r pr and thinks he's a a great speaker of the house. >> kind of an interesting dynamic we're seeing here. is president trump essentially being put between his base right wing media sites like breitbart the man responsible for pushing his agenda through. >> by the way, i don't doubt what priebus is saying there. we're sort of looking to see how much is the president actually aligned with ryan. one of the reasons we don't believe the words coming out of the president's mouth is because there is a bit of a credibility issue with this administration. but you look at where the president is now thinking about future legislation. he has not only the democrats, who he has to go up against, he has the freedom caucus and the far right wing of the caucus and demonstrated in his test of trying to pass legislation that they are willing to stare him down and to say no do to this the. he needs paul ryan. he needs to decide is he going to tack further to the right and bring in members of the caucus who could stand in the way of legislation or bring some democrats knowing that might be what that kind of legislation might be what it takes in order to get something through the senate once anything gets to the senate in the first place. what you're seeing with the media landscape is something that very much mirrors that. you're seeing there's a right wing media and far right wing media, which is willing to criticize paul ryan, which is willing to criticize president trump represents that same sort of far right freedom caucus fringe of the republican party. >> and then there's the mainstream media, which the president has had no problem attacking over and over and over again and yet after the obamacare repeal and replace plan failed to go through to even a vote, who does he call? he calls "the new york times," "the washington post," two of the places that he's assailed so often. why do you think he did that? >> there's an enormous discrepancy between what the president says and does when it comes to media. he always rails against the media. his rhetoric has gotten more and more aggressive. he calls the media the enemy of the american people. yet like you said, he calls these news organizations, he cares about how they cover him. he also sees them as a useful tool in terms of getting his message out. in fact, this is something he's been doing his entire life. in fact, what his phone calls to the mainstream media reminded me of was the fact that when he was going through divorces in new york, he would call up new york tabloids and spin the narrative his way. he lives in the media. we were just talking about how he watches fox news all day. he lives in and for the media and the media narrative. that's really how he measures his own level of success. by that level of coverage, that level of exposure, how much attention is being paid to him. he's always cared about the ratings. as much as his base might rally behind the anti-media cry, the truth is that he loves the media, obsessed with the media, cares more about the media perception of him than perhaps anything else. >> interesting. thank you very joining us. >> thank you. still to come, tragedy in mosul. the u.s. military launching a formal investigation into the deaths of potentially hundreds of civilians. was it isis? was it a u.s. airstrike or somehow both? we'll take you to iraq, next. you're live in the cnn newsroom. 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>> this deployment had been in the works for some time, we understand. but however, it is related to this intense battle that is beginning to take place inside mosul in that older part of the city where you're seeing this it fierce resistance by isis, as they dig in and hide amongst the civilian population. so the iraqi troops are struggling in this kind of critical part of the battle. so they are bringing in more advisers. u.s. defense official tells us in the low hundreds to hept a significant uptick in u.s. forces advising iraqi troops in this battle. >> today we also heard from the u.s. central command, as we mentioned earlier, what more have you learned about this investigation now into the deaths of all the civilians from the u.s. side? >> that's right. the military has con if you remember firmed is an investigation is ongoing. they have reviewed the strikes carried out in recent days and compared that to where these reports were coming from. where these reports of civilian casual tie casualties. they have identified one strike on the 17th of march that did take place in the neighborhood where these reports of civilian casualties are emanating from. the u.s.-led coalition believes they were targeting isis fight rs and isis equipment. so what they are doing is review the intelligence from the strikes, surveillance materials, local intelligence reports from the ground from officials and social media. the investigation will take some time, but the military is constantly investigating these allegations. they have a process to pursue, but they do adjust procedures. when these reports come in in an effort to avoid these koind of situations in the future. >> ryan brown from the pentagon, thank you. still to come, it's a jarring image. a a candidate in a western democracy embracing vladimir putin. the same time president trump's campaign aids are being investigated for possible conclusion with russian. operatives. why a french presidential candidate's cozy relationship with putin is raising eyebrows. you're live in the cnn newsroom. . verizon. 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(avo) ask about namzaric today. russian president vladimir putin is now seeking to influence a key american ally in you were that has an election next month. . the fbi investigates the meddling in the 2016 u.s. presidential election. the french presidential candidate expressed pro-russian views after sitting down one-on-one with putin recently. brian todd breaks down what may be motivating putin to now influence other western politicians. >> vladimir putin's latest attempt to manipulate another country's levers of power. he meets in moscow with the far right presidential candidate, a woman who if she wins could tush turn a key ally upside down. she'd like to lift sanctions on russia. >> it's the world of vladimir putin. it's a world of donald trump and the united states. >> analysts say it's a stunning image for a a top candidate in a western democracy to embrace moscow at a time when in america president trump's campaign is being investigated over whether aids coordinated with russian. operatives. >> what's unusual is >> i think the question is how much is this at the front of our daily consciousness? that's where vladimir putin would like it to be. >> was le pen wants to bring france out of nato, she wants to bring france out of the euro, she wants to break a block which putin sees correctly as preventing russia achieving the dominant position in europe as a great power. >> reporter: and tonight, there's serious concern that putin will meddle in france's elections, like he allegedly did in america. french officials are worried that putin's hackers will fish for damaging information using similar tactics to how they targeted hillary clinton's campaign. russian hackers are believed to have targeted france before, with a devastatie ining cyber a on a french newspaper. but marine le pen has already gotten a boost from russia, a loan, three years ago, of about $10 million to her party in a bank owned by a close friend of putin's. >> the very fact that marine le pen is there this week and is there to drum up support from putin, received a loan from mew tin in 2015, that putin is trying to boost the far right in france. >> reporter: analysts say putin's attempts to help far right candidates with his right view, is aimed toward staying in power himself. he's got an election coming up next year, which he's reported to be worried about, even though there's almost no chance he'll lose. coming up, 14 inmates still on the run after a daring prison escape in mexico. details on the prison and how these prisoners got out. the trump rally on wall street could be in jeopardy. why? because the failure of health care in the house has big implications for tax reform and that's what's investors are really waiting for and now that health care didn't pass the house, the rest of president trump's agenda is in peril. the stock market has been pricing in the best-case scenarios, pushing stock to record highs then we saw all this uncertainty put investors on edge. now this obamacare repeal failing in the house could actually motivate republicans to move on quickly and perhaps come to terms on taxes. we're back in a moment. with e*trade's powerful trading tools, right at your fingertips, you have access to in-depth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. ♪ ♪ it's like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. it's your trade. ♪ ♪ e*trade. ♪ ♪ start trading today at [student] i can just quit school and get a job. 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