Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20200518 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20200518

locals to travel safely and soon. as u.s. states push a head with piecemeal plans to reopen. the american death toll is about to reach a troubling milestone. in the coming hour it is will hit 90,000. close to 1 and a half million cases. both figures by far the highest of any other country. 48 of the 50 states have started reopening in some manner or other. new infections falling in the green areas. the red is seeing spikes. notice that includes texas. it's launched one of the most aggressive reopenings and may well be paying for it now. members ocht trump administration seem to be blaming loss of life on everyone but themselves. >> unfortunately the american population is a very diverse and it is a population with significant unhealthy morbidity. that make many individuals in the community in particular african-american, minority communities particularly at risk here. because of significant under lying disease, health disparity. and disease comorbidity. that's an unfortunate legacy in the healthcare system that we need to address. >> as for the u.s. president he's being slamming his predecessor president obama again. and his trade adviser is condemning the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention. >> early on in this crisis, the cdc which really had the most trusted brand around the world in this space really let the country down with the testing. because not only did they keep the testing within the bureaucracy. they had a bad test. that set us back. >> the cdc responding with a strong rebuke. quote we should remine him that the cdc is a federal agency. part of the administration. the director is an appointed position and doctor red field was appointed by president trump. if there's criticism at the cdc, ultimately he's critical of the president. and the man who president trump placed to lead the agency. all messy. let's look at texas. that state reopened two weeks ago. and the governor is expected to announce more reopening measures this week. on saturday texas saw its highest single day bump in positive o covid-19 cases since the start of the out break. cnn with more. >> reporter: this weekend texas reported its most dramatic increase in the numb of new coronavirus cases more than 1,800 cases reported on saturday alone. on sunday those numbers dropped to 785 new cases. but if you look that came based on less than half the number of tests reported on sunday. so if you do the math it's the same percentage. the growing concern among especially many big city leaders here in the state of texas as to whether or not the economy here is opening too fast, too soon. state health officials say the reason for the increase over the weekend was because of testing wg done in the texpanhandle are. where meat packing plants and worker infected with the coronavirus. there has been localized and focussed testing on the areas and that's in large part we saw a dramatic increase. 734 of the 1,800 cases reported on saturday we are told came from the texas panhandle region. this is still an area of great concern as the governor here continues to push for the reopening of the economy. and it's hard to imagine barring any other jarring medical data that would be coming out here this this plan to are open the economy will not continue. the governor scheduled a press conference monday announcing more reopenings. same day gyms and work out facilities will be allowed to reopen. since the pandemic started. >> florida is about to further ease its restrictions too. the state already allowed some shops and public spaces in most of the state to enter the phase 1 reopening. now the governor is going to inclupd two county bs hit hardest by coronavirus. starting monday, miami-dade and broward county in south florida can begin to reopen. miami-dade has a third of the cases in florida. more than 15,000. and on sunday florida health department reported a spike in new cases statewide. more than 700. still miami mayor says the city is taking a cautious approach. >> if we have businesses that are flag rantly violating the rules and are not mandating customers comply with the social distancing norm kp wearing masks inside, we'll have to shut them down. the big issue is airports and air travel. and i'm not sure anyone feels safe right now or feel safe traveling. that's going to be an issue. obviously we'll see how this reopening goes. we're hopeful and optimistic it will go well. hopeful cases continue to go down so we can enter the next phase. phase 2. in 14 days. some of the things across the country are concerning. the fact we had one day spike. it's one day. but it's something we have to look at and monitor and carefully. >> meanwhile in neighboring georgia the state has yet to see a sustained two week decline in new cases. which of course is one of the criteria for reopening suggested by the white house. georgia governor one of the first in the country to reopen restaurants and shops and tattoo parlors back in late april, the mayor of atlanta was against it. she explains how she feels now. >> when i was with you a couple of weeks ago i sthad i look forward to coming on and be able to say that i was wrong in the governor was right. i think right now we're somewhere in the middle. we were seeing spikes in the number of people testing positive going up between 25 and 30% as well as the death over a seven day period, right now we're seeing rates somewhere around 15%. still the number ofs are better. but are going up. >> dr. rodriguez in internal medicine and viral specialist. with us from l.a. these downward trend in new cases in some parts of the country encouraging. but doesn't mean no new cases. still thousands a day. do you worry the social distancing that brought the numbers down could change now that states are reopening? the sites of full bars and restaurants. >> i'm not worried it might change. i'm concerned it already has changed. it's a combination of multiple things. one is people are obviously tired of being at home, staying at home. so the natural instinct is break free. however, there's a certain way of doing it and a reckless way. patients of mine should know better that are sort of tiptoeing into unchartered territory. and the fact that the cases are not spiking, you have to understand that the cases are still occurring. and as a friend of my another doctor said the virus will determine what it is that we do. >> it's interesting to talk about some numbers. u.s. has 48 out of 50 states reopening to varying degrees. the reality is only 17 states have decreasing numbers. 20,000 new cases every day since march 30. 1,600 people on average dying every day. but you have the president and others sort of oozing a sense that the crisis is passing. how worried are you about complacency? people saying it's over. everything is good. >> if you want to think of it this way. on average we have four plane full of people dying every day for the past two and a half months. at least four planes full of people dying every day. for two and a half months. if that were the case everybody would be shocked. people have not seen it personally. and once that starts happening, i have no doubt it will impact everybody. i think the complacency will die down. it will be real. i see it every day. >> it does seem frightening. i deal with it in my neighborhood. people think it's passed by and it's not a big deal. it's interesting sunday listening to senior white house official laying blame on the cdc. and singling it out for criticism. it's extraordinary to do that to the nation main disease experts. during a pandemic. and we're seeing the cdc world renown body also sidelined in many ways. it's advise on reopening buried. and it's not being allowed to speak to the public. do you worry about politics overriding science? >> absolutely. he starts talking -- it's very discouraging. you can tell there's an agenda. just the way he speaks is blaming china. the china virus this and that. politics the cdc is the world organization that other countries look to. i see things haven't been perfect. we need other countries to trust us because this is going to be a worldwide sort of team effort. to try to get a vaccine and a cure. in the old days, the buck stopped at the white house. we can start sharing blame all over the place. the white house start taking precautions soon enough. i belief so. did they not pay attention soon enough. believe so. if there is internal finding between the white house and cdc it should be kept behind closed doors. the hr fighting and pettiness the less trust people have on what they're told. >> a will the of people feel there should be more cdc speaking and less politicians. the president suggesting a vaccine could be ready fully approved by years end. that's a time line that you can speak to. has never been achieved in twice that time. what are the risks of fast tracking a vaccine? >> i hope that it's achieved. all the dominos have to fall in place absolutely correctly. the pitfall could be that we're cutting corners. if you have one best chance to do this correctly. as other friends of mine said we have been waiting for 20 years for an hiv vaccine. or hepatitis c. the danger is we get out a vaccine that is not going to do the job and we have to start from square one. at the end of day we need something safe. first of all. and effective. it may necessitate something that is unheard of. people volunteering to get the vaccine and be exposed to the virus. something that has many ethical ramifications. that maybe the only alternative. >> always a pleasure to have you and your expertise. thank you so much. u.s. secretary of state again backing away from a theory that he is promoted. and that is the virus came from a lab in wuhan in china. he says the u.s. is certain the pandemic originated in that city. many people believe that. he doesn't know exactly where it started. all from whom. he does insist china hasn't been transparent and says the u.s. intends to punish beijing for the response. we have the details. the thing with the secretary of state haes trying to have it both ways now. he suggested that intel pointed to it being a lab. now says probably not. a couple questions. how is that mixed messaging going down in china and how likely would it be china cooperates in any international inquiry? >> i think the chinese government are going to seize upon the latest remarks by pompeo. further proof he is in their words a pathological liar. trying to smear china and shift the blame away from the u.s. government. in terms of this particular claim that the virus was leaked from a wuhan lab, this has been disputed by experts and scientists. there's not even a great amount of consensus among u.s. intelligence official themselves or those from closest allies. these are the points the china government has been trying to highlight. they tr trying to turn the tables on the u.s. pointing to the u.s. past labs and safety. going to the korean war. saying it's the u.s. that should be investigated by the international community. especially with reports emerging from the u.s. and europe about first coronavirus cases in these places may have occurred before wuhan. this rhetoric comes amidgrowing international cause for the independent inquiry on the origin of the pandemic. interpreted as a move against china. that's what officials are pushing back strongly saying this is not a time to do so. most governments around the world are fighting this pandemic. the appropriate time for inquiry is after the pandemic is over. then the international community can sit down and review the experiences and shortcomings. and discuss ways for international cooperation and role of the w.h.o. >> we were talking about a few days ago about cases in wuhan. extraordinary testing effort under way there. in terms of numbers. millions of tests. what are the latest numbers there in china and in particular wuhan? >> the latest numbers from here is seven new cases in the previous 24 hours. a three of which were locally transmitted. none in wuhan. two in the northeast. where we have been talking about a new cluster of cases and a mystery patient zero. the third from shanghai involving somebody from wuhan. that's why yo you see the authorities are continuing the ambitious under taking of testing 11 million residents there. saying it's not mandatory. everyone above six is strongly encouraged to get tested. if you hear from the government you are positive. they haven't said how they will announce city wide results. something the world is watching closely. >> all right. thanks so much. we'll take a quick break here. when we come back, britain pledging more money in the race to the coronavirus vaccine. how realistic is the goal? so . i'm actually closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. i just want to know, am i gonna be okay? i know people who specialize in "am i going to be okay." you may need glasses though. guidance to help you stay on track. ♪ eh, not enough fiber... chocolate would be good... snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. with nutrients to help support immune health. with nutrients to help let's watch a cooking show. cookie show? cooking shows. cookie shows? play the great british baking show. [cookie monster] cookie shows! introducing at&t tv. watch with easy self-setup. shipped directly to you. only roomba uses 2 multi-surface rubber brushes to clean all your floors. and with patented dirt detect technology, roomba finds dirt throughout your home. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba. for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. especially lately. at farmers we've seen a thing or two. we've seen you become sweat-pant executives, cat coworkers and pillow-fort architects. we've seen you doing your part. so, farmers will keep seeing you through. with fifteen-percent-reduced personal auto premiums and immediate savings through our signal app, which gives a discount for safe driving. and then we'll do the next thing, and the thing after that, until this is another thing we've seen and done. brazil has surpassed spain as the worlds fourth most infected nation with more than 241,000 coronavirus cases at least. yet the brazilian president he's continuing to flout social distancing guidelines. on sunday he disregarded public health advice posing if r photographs with the crowd of supporters. in south korea researchers linked 100 cases of coronavirus to a single fitness class. showing how quickly it can spread. eight instructors initially tested positive went onto infect students and spread the virus to other people. they believe the warm mois atmosphere of the facility may have led to the transmission rates. >> the number of daily confirmed cases in the uk has been trending downward. the danger is far from over. the healthcare workers can attest. a new survey find nearly half of the doctors fear for their health. that number rises to 76% among black, asian and ethnic minority doctors. and 17% of those say in the last two weeks they have been unable to access personal protective equipment. meanwhile, number ten downing street trying to fast track a coronavirus vaccine. and offering more resources to do it. max foster reports. >> reporter: the british government pledging $100 million to accelerating the vaccine program. two centers oxford university and imperial college in london. ambitious time line. they are working with a drug company to mauk 30 million doses available by september. we don't know if they can develop a vaccine yet. the government announcing they recruited 17,000 contact tracers. the people who will be charged with tracking down anyone who has been in contact with someone who had the virus. that is due to be in place at the beginning of june. when schools and shops start. or due to start reopening. if the rate doesn't rise rapidly. boris johnson acknowledging frustration over the come plegs easing of the lock down. off the back of criticism the messaging was confused also concerns about the way the different nations appear to be on different paths on lock down. all issues no doubt due to come up monday on the briefing. >> italy will begin to further relax lock down measures in the hours ahead. taking what the prime minister calls a calculated risk as the country enters the next phase. it leaves health minister urging people to remain prudent. as they go out and risk contact with someone who could be contagious. italy hit very hard early. the country reporting lowest daily increase of death since early march. >> u.s. goes after his predecessor. again. obama warned of a pandemic and had a play book in place. but that's not how the president tells it. the coronavirus pandemic prompting some bad economic news for japan. now in a recession. we'll have a live report from tokyo. 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assuming there's not a second wave of the coronavirus i think you'll see the economy recover steadily through the second half of the year. for the economy to fully recover, people have to be fully confident. that may have to await the arrival of a vaccine. >> now on monday the u.s. president is set to meet with leader of the restaurant industry. which of course is being one ot hardest hit of the u.s. economy. they are expected to talk about government stimulus efforts. >> stimluck package that passed the u.s. house on friday could be in danger in the republican controlled senate. almost certainly will be. the heros act which authorizes some $3 trillion in relief would be the largest ever. white house trade adviser criticized democratic house speaker for provisions in the bill. including payments to illegal immigrants. >> so, nancy pelosi basically lst me with that package. when she has $1,200 for illegal immigrants. it goes downhill from there. >> the bill is unlikely to pass the senate. as majority leader mitch mcconnell called it dead on arrival. and president trump has threatened a veto. even if it passed in the senate. japan facing a harsh economic reality first quarter gdp data showing the country slipped into recession. in four and a half years. i'm joined by journalist in tokyo. sobering number. what's the impact and the plan? >> the impact is the japanese government and companies here need to do take unprecedented measures. this first quarter number is going fo seem optimistic. compared to the economy right now. the quarterly decline of 0.9%. among expectations. we are in a recession but the fear is we could see a drop on annual basis of 20%. i'm hearing 25%. in the current quarter. which would mean the japan economy is in the worst shape since the end of the second world war. exports are drying up. we know clearly how reliant it is on the supply chain particularly from china. and the tourism and the olympics both factors were supposed to be big support for the economy. those are gone now. and consumption even before state of emergency was declared in april was faltering. no one was buying anything then and certainly aren't buying now. the out look for the economy here looking very bleak. >> you touched on something on supply chain. i'm curious in the u.s. we talk about reducing depend si on foreign manufacturing. particularly china. what is japan's position on that? >> japan has made a very clear at this time around that it is going to pay money if your company considering building production here moving those factories away from china and building here. the rhetoric you're hearing from japanese government is similar to the rhetoric you're hear frg the u.s. administration in trying to get companies less reliant on china. complete decoupling is impossible. maybe looking to diversify if you are going to apply for fund and need the money this might be the right time to do it. buried in the lines of the stimulus package a small piece said the japanese government is willing to send $2.2 billion to make that transfer. maybe you can't build a huge factory in japan now. it's probably not viable. if you're in a business like a.i. or robot. it doesn't require a lot of land. this could provide further momentum for that. a move like this and peaceful times might be criticized as protectionist. we're in unprecedented times and the government could launch this kind of thing saying it's in the name of national security. >> yeah. fascinating. thanks for that. all right. quick break. the coronavirus has been relatively slow to hit most of africa. now the continent seeing a surge in cases and needs life saving equipment urgently. how doctors and nurses are coping in kenya. we're building a 5g network that will deliver unprecedented reach and reliability, and the highest capacity in history. with more coverage and more bandwidth to keep your employees connected, you will get the largest and most reliable network at an unbeatable price. t-mobile for business. only roomba uses 2 multi-surface rubber brushes to clean all your floors. and with patented dirt detect technology, roomba finds dirt throughout your home. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba. we're returning $2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. because now, more than ever, being a good neighbor means everything. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. being a good neighbor means everything. michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. india reporting its biggest surge in new daily infections with more than 5,200 new cases over just the past 24 hours. the country extending lock down until may 31 at least. cnn is standing by for us in new delly. tell us about the numbers and lock down. >> the debate here as in other countries has been lives vs. livelihood. phase 4 of the lock down announced last night we have there will be easing norms further. here's what they're doing which is different from the other three lock downs. asking the state to make decisions. they asked them to go ahead and reformatte zones in their representati respective states. after which they can decide whether they want to open up the economy. and offices a bit more. within the guidelines issued by the india government. this is at a time when we crossed over 5,000 cases in the last 24 hours. this is the highest that we have seen a jump off in the last 24 hours. this is worrying. even on sunday we saw close to 5,000 new cases. in india. this comes at a time when they have one-third of the total number of cases that india is witnessing. so now the plan is over the next few days the states are going to announce guidelines within the larger frame work announced by the government. we get to see whether they will allow 100% in offices or shopping areas will be open. staggering the hours. all of the questions will be answered over the next few days. in india. >> what does phase 4 mean for ind w india's poor? >> how are they impacted by this? >> important question yo ask. they have been affected the most out of the population in india. you know that india announced last week a huge stimulus package of $266 billion. which amounts to about 10% of the g dprks. part is dedicated to the poor as well as migrant workers. what we know the next two months in government will feed the poor and migrant workers of the india. three square meals. the numbers could be 18 million migrants and poor people that could benefit from the three square meals that the government offers. we know at this point that jobs have been offered to the unem plied. since april. part of the government is concerned. what's important and to be noted that india the government is go ahead and asked for special trains to operate where we have seen 30,000 trains go ahead and take people home. the numbers are at 1,000 special train operating. this is taken 1.5 million migrant workers and poor people back home. we're seeing them walk home. we're seeing them walk for miles and some die of starvation. a lot dying because of the accidents. piling onto a truck. it's been unfortunate and this remains a big challenge that the india government is facing as we speak. >> some very tragic cases. thank you so much there in india. africa seeing a hot spot of the coronavirus cases now. some leaders have down played the threat of the virus. and ignored social distancing guidelines. the "new york times" reporting some doctors in nigeria are begging for the personal protective equipment. and have only looser fitting surgical masks to wear while treating patients. many healthcare workers don't have the training needed to operate ventilators if their country has any. or many. the times reporting in doctors and nurses have been so infected hospitals are rarely accepting new patients. south after ra reported a record number. 1,100 in a day. the country has 15,000 confirmed cases. 250 deaths reported at least. and kenya the closing borders. and tengsding a curfew. >> while kenya has closed borders, new cases are still on the rise there. and doctors sounding the alarm. they warn if the numbers go much higher than will not have enough ventilators. that's just part of the problem. >> reporter: doctors at the largest covid-19 dedicated intensive care ward. grateful for a nearly empty icu. head doctor says admissions have been few so far. roughly 200 patients have been treated here. seven of them needed intensive care. but the numbers are rising. >> we have a capacity. that is not enough. if we get more than 24 patients requiring mechanical ventilation, we are going to have a problem. >> a chronic shortage of life saving equipment in the region. has doctors bracing themselves while the world health organization and private entities race to deliver much needed equipment across africa. >> as hospital we have requested 400 ventilators. we have yet to receive any so far. >> he's thank the hospital does have -- >> an oxygen plant. which generates oxygen. i know hospitals rely on oxygen. that can be a challenge. especially if you get huge numbers of patients at once. >> kenya, they have to travel to get access. >> the government vowed to mass manufacture to meet the demand. an intensive care specialist says sourcing equipment is only part of the problem. >> the bigger problem is the human result. the techal know how to operate the machine and safely. to guide the care. >> critical care is a specialty is fairly new in kenya. they have about 20 specialists country wide. mostly in the capitol. much of the critical care need have fallen in the hand of which this are less than 200 of 50 million. >> we could net work. and introduce a tell medicine for icu. i can have a number of icu contact me to tell me to receive patient. we have done this. try this. give me feed back in an hour. and we do that until they are able to do what we are able to do. >> that team is hopeful. they are spread thin. >> if we have a situation where one person can take three or five icu around the country. among 20 of us. that would give us good results. >> around the world. covid-19 reviewed absences in health systems as hospitals struggle to cope with the out break. it has shown the gap in critical care. >> there is a role. covid-19 has brought it to the fore. we are realize how important it is to trade critical care specialists. >> it is two weeks before the official start of the hurricane season and we are already seeing the first named storm of the year. heading straight to north carolina. we'll have a live weather update after the break. dangerous. for an everyde tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. let's watch a cooking show. cookie show? cooking shows. cookie shows? play the great british baking show. [cookie monster] cookie shows! introducing at&t tv. watch with easy self-setup. shipped directly to you. special delivery ♪ especially lately. at farmers we've seen a thing or two. we've seen you become sweat-pant executives, cat coworkers and pillow-fort architects. we've seen you doing your part. so, farmers will keep seeing you through. with fifteen-percent-reduced personal auto premiums and immediate savings through our signal app, which gives a discount for safe driving. and then we'll do the next thing, and the thing after that, until this is another thing we've seen and done. ♪ well, north carolina bracing for the first named storm of 2020, tropical storm arthur threatening to bring high winds, lots of rain. let's check in with meteorologist pedram. it used to be unusual for these named storms to happen before the start of the season. it's happening a lot lately. >> it is. sixth consecutive year, michael. that's a great point. sixth consecutive year we've had a pre-june 1st or pre-official start to the hurricane season form across the coast. not a menacing storm system on the satellite depiction. it is a tropical system. we've seen plenty of tropical system whether it's be weak or strong cause significant impacts on the coastal area to the eastern united states. rain bands pushing sbood carolina and we expect outer banks to be most directly impacted by this storm system. you'll notice the steering environment fortunately is such that the closest approach should keep it within 50 or so miles from cape hatteras which is about 200 miles away. it's going to veer before it skirts off to the east. you can thank the incoming storm system to the east of the u.s. to nudge the storm out of the way. the national hurricane center taking this seriously. tropical storm warnings in place there for winds as high as 60-miles-per-hour. as much as 3 inches could come down. rip currents for anybody thinking about going to the beaches, very dangerous as the storm comes in close proximity to north carolina. fortunately it is going to skirt offshore. what's happening across the bay of ben gong, you've got areas of thailand there. this storm system twice the size of the state of texas when you measure end to end, equivalent to a super typhoon or a strong category 4. when we talk about the bay of bengal, seven of the most deadly of all time have occurred here. it's a menacing storm system. putting more references on this. 1970 bhola, that cyclone took with it a half a million lives overnight. nar gis took lives with one landfall. an area not densely populated. we know we do have the largest refugee camp in the world right now. when you look at a storm system that moves ashore as a category three equivalent potentially, calcutta, home to 14 million people, and of course the refugee camp a little farther towards the east and south of this region. this is going to be a very big story for this part of the world once it makes landfall. >> that is scary, the size of that thing. pedestrian dra pedram, we're going to leave it there. this weekend, australia called on crocodile wranglers, chefs, and celeb ris to live stream the best of down under. as lynda kinkade reports it's part of a push to entwice australians to travel when it's safe to do. >> a stunning sunset, australians tick off their travel bucket list this weekend without leaving home. the virtual event hosted by tourism australia aims to inspire people to plan a trip once restrictions are lifted. crocodile wrangler matt riot put his body on the line to lure people out of their homes. >> i've worked with crocodiles and wild life my whole life. what i do is a very risky job. >> and in the coming months, many will weigh the risks on whether to travel. >> australians took 6.5 million outbound trips last year. there's a real opportunity to discover your own backyard. >> the push is being eyed as a recovery model for other countries. >> i think it is a big opportunity for the u.s. market. >> we know these visitors, typically the biggest travellers to australia, they still can't come. how much is that going to affect business? >> we're going to scale up as the laws and the restrictions scale up and stuff. so, it's just a matter of adapting. >> to 20 has delivered australia a double blow. first came the worst bushfire season on record. convinced brits to come was kwukly derailed as the fires took hold. tourism australia urged people to holiday locally. >> spread the word australia is open, open for tourists, open for business. >> less than two weeks later, australia was closed again, the coronavirus forcing a lockdown. >> australia has had a tough run. >> we have faced a challenging period. >> we restrictions starting to ease, there's hope business will be back and so too the tourists. >> i have no doubt there's desperate for people to come back. >> lynda kinkade, cnn. well from football to golf, professional sports shut down by the pandemic are slowly starting to come back. in germany the leaguer held attendance. in the u.s., nascar held its first race since the season was suspended. kevin harvick coming out on top. meanwhile charity golf match in florida helped raise millions for pandemic relief. rory mcilroy and justin johnson won the event which was held a month before the tour resumes. thanks for joining me, spending part of your day with me. mooim michael holmes. 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