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Bound sea. What that tells us about earths rising temperatures. Live from cnn World Headquarters in atlanta, we want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. This is cnn newsroom. 5 00 a. M. On the u. S. East coast, we start with the u. S. President s pick for Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh. Mr. Trump pushing back against reports that hes trying to limit the fbi probe to keep agents from talking to certain people. The president tweeted late saturday that the fbi may talk to whom ever they deem appropriate. The investigation is looking into allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault against kavanaugh, which he denies. It is supposed to wrap up no later than next friday. Sources tell cnn these three senators, jeff flake, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, set the terms of the fbi investigation. They could also be key, these three, in deciding whether kavanaugh makes it to the Supreme Court. The investigation comes, of course, after Christine Blasey ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that kavanaugh drunkenly pinned her down on a bed after locking a bedroom door and tried to take off her colonial clothes at a they were both teenagers. Another woman, Deborah Ramirez, said kavanaugh exposed himself to her when they were both in college. Mr. Trump on stage accused democrats of railroading kavanaugh and he mocked the Senate Judiciary committees ranking democrat, ridiculing her for saying that she did not leak a letter from christine ford. Lets listen. Remember dianne feinstein. Did you leak remember her answer. Did you leak the document . What . No, no, i didnt leak well, wait one minute. Did we leak no, no, we didnt leak it. Lets chase that with the facts. We understand Dianne Feinsteins office indicated and she herself indicated she did not leak that tip. And we understand from the reporter from the intercept that the tip did not come from feinsteins office. Of course it is not about the leak. It is about getting to the truth, of course. At a rally saturday, President Trump also tied kavanaughs nomination to a battle against the Democratic Party itself. For more about that, here is cnns Boris Sanchez in west virginia. Reporter here at a rally in wheeling, west virginia, President Trump calling his nominee to replace Justice Anthony kennedy on the Supreme Court a brilliant man with incredible character, saying that judge Brett Kavanaugh suffered tremendously at the hands of democrats who were seeking to obstruct and destroy for the sake of power. The president not mentioning, though, Christine Blasey ford, or any of her accusations about judge kavanaugh. President , in fact, walking a fine line defending his nominee, but also suggesting that his accusations, the accusations against him are politically motivated. Listen to this. The entire nation has witnessed the shameless conduct of the democrat party. Theyre willing to throw away every standard of decency, justice, fairness and due process to get their way. They dont care how they get it. You see it happening before your eyes. I think it is actually an incredible thing that is happening, and i just hope you dont sit home because bad things will happen if you sit home. This week america also saw something else. On thursday, the American People saw the brilliant and really incredible character, quality and courage of our nominee for the United States Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh. A vote to confirm judge kavanaugh is a vote to confirm one of the most accomplished legal minds of our time, a jurist with a Sterling Record of public service. Reporter another name the president did not mention here in west virginia, arizona senator jeff flake, who sources inside the white house tell cnn that the president blames for the delay in confirming judge kavanaugh. The president did tout his endorsement of republican Patrick Morrissey who is running in west virginia, for the senate, against democrat joe manchin. The president touting successes hes made in the economy, the unemployment rate, et cetera, asking supporters here to go out and defend his agenda in november. He put it bluntly at the start of his rally saying that though he is not running in november, really he is. Boris sanchez, cnn, traveling with the president in wheeling, west virginia. Lets put it in focus with a professor of International Politics at City University of london, joining us this hour from our london bureau. At his rally in west virginia, mr. Trump had this description of his democratic counterparts. Lets listen. They were all saying, he should be on the United States Supreme Court. Thats why i put him up. And i will tell you, i will tell you, i will tell you, he has suffered, the meanness, the anger. The vote for judge ckavanaugh i as a vote to reject the ruthless and outrageous tactics of the democrat party, mean obstructionists, mean resistance. Okay. So lets look at these categorizations. So kavanaugh, the victim. And democrats, mean and angry. During the hearing, many will remember republicans voiced their anger that they were even there to have that meeting. Your thoughts on this . Well, clearly at one level kavanaugh came over and projected himself as a victim of a kind of political witchhunt or something. But it is a sort of poetic justice for him as well because you will recall back when bill clinton was president , amonica lewinsky investigations were going on, the younger kavanaugh was involved in the writing of the reports on that. This is clearly a Party Political question. Timed in a way to try to have an impact on the midterm election, so in a way, mudslinging is partisan and it does speak to a broader problem with Party Politics, a lot of people in america see it. That is important to point out. Many who support the Supreme Court nominee may see him as a victim, many, of course, who heard Christine Blasey fords testimony will see her as a survivor of this incident. So, of course, as you point out, very political through the lenses there. We know the fbi investigation is well under way. Agents have already reached out to Deborah Ramirez, following up on her claim, a third woman, Julie Swetnick has not yet been contacted, according to her attorney. President trump has said, though, this could be a blessing in disguise, this whole process of investigation. So could it, in fact, work toward his favor or is it just political spin from him . Well, i think they would have liked to have a very clean process of kavanaugh going through, but on the other hand i think to some extent hes right. Because one of the key things about midterm elections is that voters for the president or the government, the main party, which is in power, tend not to turn out in midterm elections. This has galvanized a lot of people, on both sides, so it seems to be that this is going to be what probably President Trump wanted in first place. A referendum on himself with years after his election. And i think in that regard, there is going to be it is going to be very difficult to see how this plays out, but i think he has riled up those supporters by saying that the democrats are playing Party Politics with this. And i think hes hoping that there will be a bigger turnout right across. But on the other hand, if you look at some of the democrats in red states, gop dominated states, they seem to be a little bit emboldened because i think they see that probably the their voters will turn out in live numbers and women who voted for the democrat for the gop in november 2016 have been slowly hemorrhaging away from that party and i think the kavanaugh nomination, never very popular, has seemed to sort of strengthen that particular tendency. Live for us in london, thank you for your time. Thank you. We turn now to indonesia, the death toll has doubled following a major earthquake and tsunami. Officials now saying at least 832 people were killed in the disaster, hundreds more are seriously injured or missing. Indonesias president is now in the hard hit city of palu, surveying the damage. The countrys Disaster Management agency says that at least 50 people are trapped under the rebel of this eight story hotel in palu city. Rescue workers there struggling to reach people in remote areas that have been cut off. This was the scene on the ground after the tsunami hit this area in palu city, indonesia. Massive set of debris, so much debris, goes on for many miles, wiped out many buildings, as far as the eye can see. Thousands of homes, yes, were destroyed, entire buildings buried under mud and debris. Tenstory hotel collapsed. A mosque collapsed. A couple of examples. 17,000 people are now homeless. Lets bring in the countrys manager for Catholic Relief Services in indonesia. Thank you for your time. I know youre monitoring this from jakarta. What can you tell us about the extent of the damage at this point and the need of people there . Hello, george. Thank you for having me here. The damage is reported to be quite significant, quite massive in both palu city and dengala. The government prioritizing the search and rescue mission to clear up but most importantly to find more victims in the debris of the collapsed buildings. Also, the Government Agency has start shipping relief aid to the area from other cities, including from jakarta. People are in need of im sure people are in need of shelter, as you said, you know, more than 17,000 people are displaced now. They need shelter, they need food and also they need other basic necessities to maintain their existence there. Help us understand as well the difficulty that the sheer difficulty of getting into the region. The challenge is that because the airport in palu has been damaged, and now in repair only for humanitarian relief materials, and basic needs and also military personnel who went there for search and rescue missions. So no commercial flight arrived there at the moment. So thats that will be really challenge for us, humanitarian workers to reach the area because we have to fly to other cities and reach palu by land from other cities. The death toll continues to rise as we understand. And many, many people trapped under rubble, many people still missing. Talk to us about efforts, you know, on that front, to continue searching for people who may be trapped. Yeah. Government is doing that with help from the military personnel who came with all the troops and personnel from other cities in indonesia as well. And this will be the priority for the government now before the first aid or material can reach the area. I want to pause for a moment here. I want to show our viewers the moment that was caught on video, the moment that this tsunami swept in. Lets look at this, just for a moment, well talk about it here on the other side. Lets listen. There it is, you know. People who were there, people who were on the ground, they had very little time. They had very little time to escape. Given what we have seen this massive wave coming in, the great extent of damage that has been left over, what are your feelings, just your overall feelings about how long it will take to help people in palu and throughout the region to recover, given what happened here. Im afraid that from our experience this will take a long time for people to stock the area because of the damage but also because, you know, there is relief, it is very hard to reach the area, so they will be some delay in providing support and the communities at this point. So, yeah, i think the construction will take a long time and we need support and help from all people and stake holders in indonesia and community itself to help them with the situation before the actual relief and reconstruction and recovery materialized in the next few months. Monitor, the situation in palu city from jakarta, thank you for your time and well keep in touch with you. Thank you, george. At the top of this hour, we heard from President Trump, maligning democrats after the hearing this past week. Well, the president had nice things to say at that rally about russian president vladimir putin. He may have been saving his most passionate praise for kim jongun. His latest compliment coming up here. Plus, typhoon is plowing across southern japan, hitting parts of the country already recovering from previous typhoon flooding and damage. Well have the latest as newsroom continues. What if your skin could light up the room . Aveeno® positively radiant sheer daily moisturizer. Lightweight hydration for positively radiant skin that lasts. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results®. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape. But when we realized she was battling sensitive skin. We switched to tide pods free gentle. Its gentle on her skin and out cleans the other free and clear detergent. Dermatologist recommended. Its got to be tide. 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It intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. Manolo . Look at my soft hair. I should be in the shot now too. Try head and shoulders two in one. North korea says there is mistrust with the United States, its foreign minister told the u. N. Saturday his country wants to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But he also said pessimistic views in u. S. Politics are hurting progress. For his part, the u. S. President doesnt sound pessimistic. Heres what he said on saturday about the north korean leader. And, you know, the interesting when i did it, and i was really being tough and so was he, we would go back and forth and then we fell in love, okay. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And theyre great letters. We fell in love. Lets go to cnns will ripley joining us from hong kong, hes been in north korea many times. That has to be one of the most bizarre things i ever heard a u. S. President say, they fell in love. Havent had a second date yet. A little slower in north korea, theyre a little more conservative about these things. My goodness. Got to wonder, after we heard there from the foreign secretary of the u. N. , what north koreas response will be to president saying that. I would imagine privately, natalie, kim jonguns mrpalace there was a congratulations to the leader because things are going according to plan. The North Koreans studied trump long before kim jongun ever sat down with him and the whole strategy was to try to figure out a way, after all of the fire and fury threats and the real danger of escalating to a military conflict how could the North Koreans turn the situation around. So they stopped launching missiles, dont parade the missiles, theyre still developing them, they still possess them, havent given any of them up yet, because the optics have changed, combined with all these letters, and messages, praising President Trump. It is completely the whole dynamic has changed. President trump saying hes in love with kim jongun, good warm relationship with him, hes open to a second summit, which is expected to happen later this year. Even though north korea hasnt actually given up any Nuclear Weapons yet, they have, you know, essentially done what we would be considered confidence building measures, getting rid of the nuclear test site, while holding on to the key assets, the missiles and the warheads, and saying theyre not going to give those up until sanctions are lifted and until there is a peace treaty. Theyre still far apart on the key issues, but if President Trumps love for kim jongun can help him, you know, help the North Koreans convince him to change the u. S. Position, then north korea might get exactly what they want at the end of this, and, you know, perhaps the u. S. Gets what it wants, which is north korea free of Nuclear Weapons. Thats a long time coming. And some very tough negotiations certainly lie ahead. Well, like or love or whatever, yes, denuclearized korean peninsula, thats what were looking for. Will ripley, thanks so much. From love affairs to weather, typhoon trami headed to japans main island. Already hit southern riuku island. If it makes landfall on japans big island it would be the fifth typhoon to hit the nation since july. Derek van dam is here with more about t loit. Another typhoon formed in the western pacific headed in the same location, five days from now. Unbelievable. They had such a busy tropical season. Lets get to the details of the current typhoon and then the next typhoon that is looming in the distance. We are monitoring typhoon trami. It is a category 2 atlantic hurricane equivalent storm. As natali mentioned, the fifth typhoon to make landfall if it does officially make landfall on the main island of japan. Which, by the way, is very likely. Look at the satellite loop. You see the center of the storm running parallel with the islands. There is okinawa. We have an air force base located there. And several soldiers felt the impacts of the storm. As it races toward honshu, this storm has weakened somewhat, but still has created some damage and has the potential to create more damage as it moves across the main part of japan, the main infrastructure, the main location with the majority of the population. Winds have topped over 160 Kilometers Per Hour in some instances. Rainfall totals continuing to go up. Heres the latest on typhoon trami. It is now at 150 kilometer per hour sustained winds. Look how quickly it will exit within the next 24 hours. However, if youre in tokyo this morning, or waking up on early monday morning, to head to work or head to wherever youre going to be traveling, be prepared for strong wind gusts. The good news is the rain will come to an end very quickly on monday and then we start to focus our attention on the next forming tropical system this is typhoon kongrey. 120 kilometer per hour sustained winds. Here is guam. Here is the philippines. Japan just out of reach of this particular view, but if we expand the trajectory, you can see how this system is moving quickly in a northwesterly direction, almost a similar if not identical track to typhoon trami. It is expected to strengthen rapidly to potentially a super typhoon, believe it or not. This is no rest for the weary, right . We have all of our computer models coming into some form of agreement that the islands could seat impak see the impact of this. Where it goes from there, too far out from that. Goodness gracious, a difficult past few months. Okinawa twice. Not to mention the heat waves in between the storms. Derek, thank you. President trump says he is not limiting the scope of the fbis background check into his Supreme Court pick and while hes slamming democrats for, as he puts it, trying to keep judge kavanaugh off the Supreme Court, hes saying something entirely different about the fbi. Listen. Never been anybody that has been looked at like judge kavanaugh. I think it is going to work out very well. But the fbi, i believe, is doing a really great job. They have been all over it. Ways to lose stubborn belly fat. The roasted core wrap. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you. And visit coolsculpting. Com today for your chance to win a free treatment. Brushing only reaches and visit coolsculpting. Com 25 of your mouth. Listerine® cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. And now theres a new way to smooth. 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Welcome back to viewers around the world and here in the United States. Youre watching cnn newsroom live from atlanta. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. Here are our top stories. Rescue workers and the Indonesian Military are struggling to find survivors, but they are finding some of the powerful earthquake and tsunami more than 830 people are now confirmed dead. Hundreds more are wounded or missing and an official state of emergency has been declared. The countrys Disaster Management agency says many victims are still buried under the rubble of houses and buildings. The visionary and entrepreneur elon musk is stepping down as the chairman of his electric car company, tesla. It is part of the deal to settle fraud charges brought by the u. S. Securities and exchange commission. Musk will remain at ceo and has to pay 20 million as a fine. Regulators say musk misled investors when he tweeted he had secured funding to take tesla private. Egyptian activist has been sentenced to two years in prison for a social media post that criticized her countrys government for failing to protect women. Amnesty International Says she was arrested in may after she posted a video on facebook where she spoke about the prevalence of Sexual Harassment in egypt. A staterun newspaper reports she was jailed for publishing what they called what the government called false news. British conservatives are about to kick off their Party Conference in birmingham, england. This as top officials argue over brexit and Prime Minister theresa mays leadership. The former foreign secretary Boris Johnson just wrote an oped calling her brexit plans humiliation. The fbi Background Investigation into Sexual Assault and misconduct allegations against President Trumps nominee Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court is now in its second full day. And the u. S. President took to twitter late saturday to blast reports that hes trying to limit the scope of the probe. Sources tell cnn three key senators set the terms of the investigation and a republican aide says the fbis findings are expected to be private and available to senators. Then, senators will move forward toward a yes or no vote on kavanaughs nomination to the Supreme Court. For more about it, here is cnns kara scannell. Reporter an fbi investigation into allegations of Sexual Assault by Brett Kavanaugh is under way. A lawyer for one of the women who has accused kavanaugh tells cnn hes been contacted by the fbi and his client Deborah Ramirez will cooperate with the investigation. Ramirez alleges kavanaugh exposed himself during a party while classmates at yale. Kavanaugh denied the allegation. The white house ordered the fbi to conduct a supplemental Background Investigation of kavanaugh that is limited in time and scope. The heart of the matter are the allegations by dr. Christine blasey ford, she alleges kavanaugh assaulted her during a house party while in high school. How this works is the fbi will fan out agents around the country to conduct interviews with any potential witnesses. Three of the people blasey ford said were in the house at the time of the alleged assault has said through their attorneys that they will cooperate with the investigation. None of them remembered the assault and kavanaugh has vehemently denied the allegations. Now, this is not a criminal investigation, so the fbi cannot compel anyone to talk to them, and they will not reach any conclusions about the allegations of the assault. But the fbi will submit 302s, though are the forms that agents fill out, summarizing interviews and impressions and observations from when they talked to these potential witnesses. Those documents will go to the white house and ultimately to the senators as they make their decision later this week whether to confirm kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kara scannell, cnn, washington. Lets get perspective now from cnn Law Enforcement analyst james gagliano. We appreciate your time, james. Thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. So lets talk about this investigation. What can the fbi do in this limited time in their investigation to allegations against the Supreme Court nominee . Sure. I dont think the time is going to be an issue. I think the fbi has been preparing for this, if not for the least couple of days, the last couple of weeks or so. This is something that theyre very good at. It is obviously not a criminal investigation. It is what we would call a Background Investigation. These are common, we do them for candidates or applicants who become fbi agents, we do them for federal employees that work for fbi every five years to make sure they maintain their top secret security clearance and in this instance, we do them for confirming justices. Now, this is going to be a special inquiry because it is the level of a Supreme Court justice, not just of Circuit Court judge, not just a federal judge, this is the highest one that we can do. So it will be it will be overseen out of headquarters. But then each of the individual offices where interviews need to be conducted will probably in all likelihood handle the individual interviews. Now, you say, well, in what case . Well, lets say the allegation that dr. Ford has leveled against judge kavanaugh took place in Montgomery County, maryland. So the baltimore fbi Field Division would handle the interviews, probably with a background check squad there. Thats probably how that is going to happen. Yeah, and can people who have been identified be forced to cooperate at this point . We have mark judge, whom professor ford said was in the room, with mr. Kavanaugh, when she alleges she was accosted by mr. Kavanaugh. And we have two other women who have come forward alleging incidents against mr. Kavanaugh. Can they be forced to cooperate, man must they . Im not a fence sitter if you heard me on cnn. I normally take a position and go on this one, a little more nuanced, my answer. If dr. Ford or any of these, you know, victims, people bringing these allegations is willing to fire a file a police complaint, in that instance, folks could be compelled to a grand jury subpoena. But there hasnt been one filed yet. In the instance of dr. Ford, she would have to file that with the Montgomery County police department, the d. A. s office could get grand jury subpoenas to compel people to testify. Absent that, fbi will go, knock on doors, ask questions of the people, some of them that you referenced, some that are going to come out of other interviews and from the testimony of judge kavanaugh and dr. Ford, and then theyre going to ask people questions. Can people slam the door and say, im not interested . Absolutely. So there is no mechanism that is going to compel people to cooperate or to provide information. The only way around this would be if congress, which has subpoena power, would execute the issuance of subpoenas, compelling those folks to come testify in front of congress. If they elected not to do that, then you could be held in contempt of congress. But long answer to your short question, no, the fbi in this instance, they can only call balls and strikes, they can only interview people that agree to be interviewed on a background or reinvestigation, so theyre kind of limited in what they can do. Theyre going to go back and ask questions of a crime that is alleged to have taken place 36 years ago. Now, im old enough to recall 1991, my first years as an fbi agent when Clarence Hill and anita hill and judge Clarence Thomas had that big showdown during the Senate Confirmation hearings at that point and time. Now, look, they were going back, and the fbi was investigating something, an allegation an alleged complaint about Justice Thomas behavior that was eight or nine years old. Were now going back 36 years. And, natalie, if you said to me, today, james, if a crime occurred, 36 years from now, could the fbi come back and relatively easily conduct an investigation of it, i would say, yeah, because technology is the way that it is, Police Sciences have matured and evolved, we all leave a digital footprint which you and i are doing now, since im on skype, there are lots of ways we can track things, social media platforms, scanners, trackers, but 36 years ago we didnt have those. And because there are some holes there are some gaps and vag vagueryes in the victims recollection of these events, it is like looking for a need until a haystack. Well see what the outcome of the investigation is. As you know, james, so many people were riveted with the testimony. Furious with the outcome. And now waiting to see what this investigation brings. Thank you for your insight. Really appreciate it. James gagliano, retired fbi supervisory special agent. Thank you. Back in their home states, u. S. Senators are facing protests over their upcoming Brett Kavanaugh vote. Why the decision could come down to just two republican women. Believe survivors. Cleans virtually 100 . Helping to prevent gum disease and bad breath. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ could light up the room . Aveeno® positively radiant sheer daily moisturizer. Lightweight hydration for positively radiant skin that lasts. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results®. Directv gives you more for your thing. If youve been waiting for a sign to quit cable, then heres some signs. Quit cable it came from the toaster. Quit cable uh. Quit cable now you can quit cable. Switch to directv for 35 per month. Rated 1 in Customer Satisfaction over cable. More for you quitting cable thing. Thats our thing. Call 1. 800. Directv. Recapping our top story, a renewed fbi investigation is under way into allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. The future of his u. S. Supreme Court Nomination may hinge on two women. Both republicans. Yes, senator Susan Collins of maine and Lisa Murkowski of alaska. Talk about two states far from each other. Are under intense pressure from voters back home. Cnns Kaylee Hartung reports from portland, maine. There are several people in the hallway so some wouldnt mind to kind of trading places. Reporter tensions so high in Susan Collins office today, cops were called to keep the peace. Quite full at the moment. Reporter in maine and alaska, home of senator Lisa Murkowski kavanaugh has got to go. Reporter tears and bullhorns. The Public Campaign to convince the two republican senators to oppose the nomination to the Supreme Court. It is huge in some ways, it all comes down to the senators from maine and alaska. On the other hand, she just needs to do the right thing, like, this shouldnt actually be a discussion, shouldnt even be shouldnt even be a difficult decision. Im a democrat and i voted for her. I was one of the people who signed in her name when she said she was going to stand up for women. I would never vote for her again. Reporter the effort to persuade collins and murkowski also playing out on television in their home states. Susan collins, it is your party that is mistaken. Reporter in portland, April Humphrey organized a sitin she hoped would draw 15 to 20 people. Instead, hundreds showed up. In november, we will remember. To have so many people come out on such short notice, it just was organic. This was not some sort of concerted effort to mobilize people and get people out. People are want to come out and they want their voices to be heard and feel like their voices arent being heard. What do we want . Justice. Reporter protesters gathered in the plaza outside the office and soon packed inside the senators office. Hold on, sarah, im right here. Im right here. It is okay. Reporter one staffer inundated, patiently taking notes and trying to keep order. Im happy to again pass on comments to senator collins. I called her office 17 times a day. I was traveling overseas and even trying to call through my skype account. And her voice mailbox has been full. But i wanted my face to be seen and my voice to be heard. Reporter Kaylee Hartung, cnn, portland, maine. So many people, so passionate about this one Supreme Court nomination, actress and activist America Ferrera is a survivor of Sexual Assault and a leading voice in the metoo movement. She spoke with van jones about the Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey ford hearing. Thats right. She says she watched the male republican senators come together and show solidarity. That is something that women are finally starting to do. Ill tell you something, those men in that hearing, they gained power from each other. They knew, ill go in this and lie through my teeth because all of my colleagues are going to sit here and do it with me. And so they know a thing or two about showing up for each other. Right. And that is, to me, what is what is really fueling this me too movement is women coming in to spaces with one another in new ways, being with each other in different ways, and saying never mind to all of these divisions and lines that we have abided by, and not just within the entertainment industry, but across industries. She says she is grateful for women like ford who are coming out and sharing their stories. Coming up here, we turn to the environment, new trade routes are opening up, might be good for shipping companies, but maybe not such a good sign for the environment. Well talk about that ahead here. Benjamin franklin captured lightening in a bottle. 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These new arctic routes can significantly reduce travel time, but they say this was a one time trial run to gain operational experience and test vessel systems. The different the right lets bring in andrew repken from National Geographic society. Thank you so much for talking with us. Great to be with you. We have clear evidence that the earths climate is warmer. That is also opening up new trade routes in the north. Is it a good thing, obviously, probably for commerce, but is it a good thing in the Bigger Picture . How do you characterize it . It is complicated like so many aspects of Climate Change. This is my 30th year writing about it. Mostly at the New York Times and a couple of books. The issue with the the reality going through the northern passages, this one over russia, is you cut off thousands of miles of sea miles. So the good news there is not only convenience and efficiency for shipping, but a lot less fuel is used. You can say if you can get ships over the top of the world instead of going around the fat part, that would be much fewer missions. There are issues with local impacts of shipping. As the arctic ocean opens for the summer season. The soot, the diesel fuel used by ships is notoriously among the more polluting kinds of fuels than we burn all around the world. So there is soot that can land on ice and make it melt quicker. But overall, it is inevitable. It is, like, humans, were opportunists as well as being kind of a powerhouse on the planet now. Even as there areioi igrowing impacts from Climate Change, there are opportunities and they will be exploited. Talk about the complexities. The arctic isnt like it is not like setting a thermostat, where everything goes to some normal temperature. Sea ice, i got to camp on the sea ice at the north pole in 2003 for the New York Times, and the ice is moving several miles a day, so the camp we were at was not at the north pole. And ice there is very unpredictable. The passages along the coastlines can be clear one month and blocked the next, russians are still using icebreakers. Nuclear powered icebreakers to have to accompany much of the shipping there, even as sort of an insurance measure. And containerized shipping, the new thing, it is a container ship, lots of traffic through the arctic already of ships that are not in a hurry. So, i want to ask you what is causing the new northern sea route . What is causing it . It is all about efficiency. You mean the actual passages . Yes, the climate. Warmer warming climate, ocean currents particularly is the ocean warms. And you have more open water, becomes selfsustaining because sunlight that would hit the bright surface of sea ice and reflect back into space is now hitting the ocean and heating it up more and sao yo you have a lr open season. It sustains itself. That leads to more opportunities for ships. What is wrong with this picture . What is good for arctic shipping is bad, Bigger Picture, for what . The reasons behind this. It is going to remain unpredictable. Even the article in the guardian indicated maersk that owns this ship says it is experimental. Theyre not going to ship all their products that way. It is the unpredictability that matters more than anything. The arctic is not predictable. Even in the long run were heading toward an arctic with much more open water in summers routinely by mid or late century. By the pathway, scientists told me for a decade, computer models and other observations of arctic variability show you it is not a smooth curve and there will be seasons when it will be unpredictable. The last thing you want if youre a shipper, is unpredictability. We appreciate you coming on and helping us understand it. Andrew repken with the National Geographic society, thank you. Youre welcome. Great. And now to a different part of the ocean, the right whale population. It is in decline. Normally 450 north atlantic right whales are left on the planet. And the u. S. National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the species could die out in just a few decades. The reasons, the population decline is caused by Climate Change and fishing policy or a lack thereof. Earlier i spoke about this with charles green, the director of the ocean resources and Ecosystems Program at cornell university. There are natural changes in climate that lead to good decades for right whale and bad decades for right whales. But were now seeing the impacts of Climate Change itself. And so the warming conditions are making prey less available to them in the gulf of maine and looking for better foraging grounds. Thats where they found themselves in the gulf of st. Lawrence without any of the protections in place. Well, with the right whales moving north into canadian waters, the government has added those protections to try to save them, but it is not looking good. Saturday night live premiered its 44th season a few hours ago with a biting satire of the Brett Kavanaugh hearing in washington. There was a surprise guest appearance by Actor Matt Damon as the controversial Supreme Court pick. Take a look. Lets go live to the Senate Hearing room, where two of the oldest white people ive ever seen are about to run a circus. Dr. Ford has no evidence, none meanwhile, ive got these. This is a bunch of crap. I like beer, okay. I like beer. Boys like beer. Girls like beer. I like beer. I like beer just little snippet from snl. See more on the internet. Thanks for watching cnn newsroom. Im natalie allen. Im george howell. For our viewers in the United States, new day is next. For viewers around the world, African Voices is ahead. Thank you for being with us. Cnn, the worlds news leader. See you next time. Ways to lose stubborn belly fat. The roasted core wrap. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . 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