Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20171216 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20171216

atlanta. >> and 5:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast. cnn world headquarters, news room starts right now. interesting meeting will take place in washington. what does it mean is the question. special counsel robert mueller and his team are to meet with attorneys for donald trump and it could happen as early as next week. >> the president's attorneys hope it means the investigation into russian election meddling is almost over. they say all requested documents have been turned over. they say all requested interviews have been completed. and there is no request they say to interview the u.s. president. however, that is still possible ahead. other lawyers in the case say not so fast. they warn the probe could drag on for months if not longer. and all of this comes as the president slams the fbi again. here is cnn's jim acosta at the white house with that. >> reporter: the president is ratcheting up his attacks on the investigators who are investigating the white house and trump campaign officials under scrutiny in the russia probe. >> it's a shame what has happened with the fbi, but we'll rebuild the fbi, it will be bigger and better than ever. >> reporter: mr. trump seized on recent revelations that an agent was removed from mueller's team after sending texts that were critical of the president. >> it is very sad when you look at those documents and how they have done that is really, really disgraceful and you have a lot of very angry people that are seeing it. it is a very sad thing to watch, i will tell you that. >> reporter: the president then once again denied any wrongdoing. >> they are spending millions and millions of dollars. there is absolutely no collusion. i didn't make a phone call to russia. i have nothing to do with russia. everybody knows it. >> reporter: before refusing to rule out the possibility of pardoning of michael flynn who plead guilty to lying to federal investigators earlier this month. >> i don't want to talk about pardons for michael flynn yet. we'll see what happens. i can say this, when you look at what has gone on with the fbi and just citiice department, pe are very angry. >> reporter: but ty cobb said there is no consideration being given to pardoning michael flynn. it is not the first time the president has tweeting that their reputation was in tatters. and he made his latest comments an hour before he praised law enforcement officials at an fbi academy where he again blasted the news media. >> the fake news back there, look. fake news. no, actually, some of them are fine people. about -- let's see. who is back there? about 30%. >> reporter: robert mueller's merry band of -- >> it is as if when bob mueller picked his team he was in fishing in the never trump aquarium. >> reporter: the attacks come little more than a year after sarah sanders tweeted when you are attacking fbi agents because you are under a criminal investigation, you are losing. democrats worry that the ground work is being laid for the president to dump mueller. >> i think the fact that bob mueller removed somebody for those text messages is in fact prove that bob mueller is committed to undertaking this investigation with the utmost of integrity. >> reporter: the president's intense focus on the mueller probe is yet another distraction for on gop leaders who are trying to pass tax cuts before leaving for the holidays. >> well, thank you. >> reporter: republicans want to move on the tax plan before incoming alabama senator doug jones is seated after defeating roy moore. mr. trump is ready for moore to concede that race. >> i think he should. he tried. i want to support the person running. we need the seat. we'd like to have the seat. i think we're doing very well on the tax. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: while criticizing the fbi, he had kind words for vladimir putin one day after the two leaders spoke, he thanked putin for praising mr. trump's performance on the u.s. economy. jim acosta, krcnn. and now let's go to moscow for reaction there. our international diplomatic editor nick robertson is on the story for us. let's talk about the president's conversation with his russian counterpart praising him for his comments on the economy. and what has been the sponsresp or reaction to that? >> reporter: what president putin said on thursday in his annual press conference, he was asked about president trump's first year in office and he said that he has done fairly well, that he had serious achievements and he based his an knoll sno aw well the markets were responding. and president trump later that same night picked up the phone, called vladimir putin according to the kremlin, they talked about north korea and other international concerns. but according to the white house, president trump thanked vladimir putin for acknowledging how well that the u.s. economy is doing. we know that this is something that president trump criticizes journalists for, for not covering that adequately, but he wanted to thank putin for that and also talked about north korea, striking perhaps neither the white house nor kremlin mentioning syria because we're two weeks or so of peace talks geneva and they have been critical of bashar al assad saying that he hasn't negotiated in good faith. and looking to his backers like russia to put pressure on him, that apparently even though it is a very topical issue in the state department that night apparently according to the white house release it didn't come up in the phone conversation. >> also wanted to get the optics of the president's comments on the way to the fbi academy. criticizing the fbi saying, quote, it is a shame what happened with the fbi. he goes on to say that it is a sad thing to watch. no real specifics beyond that, but this president known for down playing u.s. intelligence with regards to russia. how is the criticism being viewed there? >> reporter: well, if we look at it through the lens of president putin, how he views it, he didn't address this question specifically in that four hour press conference which again is the big opportunity taking on a wide range of subjects what president putin is thinking about the russia investigation, the allegations of russia election meddling in the u.s. elections, that broadly he thinks that these, you know -- that this is running counter to u.s. national interests, these are people who are opposed to president trump who are, you know, running this investigation. therefore it is detrimental to the u.s. interests. so his views run vaguely pair re parallel on this with president trump. >> nic robertson, thanks for the report. back here in the united states, republican lawmakers believe they have the votes now to get major tax reform to the president by next week. >> it would be the first significant overhaul of the u.s. tax code since the ronald reagan era and the first significant legislative victory for mr. trump. phil mattingly explains what is in it. >> 503 page republican tax plan, it is out. officially. republican lawmakers can now read the thing that they are likely going vote on as soon as tuesday next week. the key provisions, we've known a lot of them. the corporate rate dropping to 21%. the child tax credit boosted from $1,000 to $2,000. individual rate cuts across the seven brackets. a lot of things the republicans said will be crucial not only to economic growth, but also as they say helping middle class families. this is something that the democrats dispute saying it is too timted towa tilted toord towaward the corpo side. but here is the rub. republicans both like this plan and at this point want to vote for this plan. take a listen to house ways and means chairman kevin brady. >> we took the best of both ideas in here in many cases because we had a deliberate time table we had announced half a year ago to get this to the president's desk. we took the text that was closest to where we 240thought would he said and so a sort of a mix of the house and senate. the way it should be. >> what is amazing is on thursday of this week, republicans weren't sure how to deal with senator marco rubio, came out as a firm no. senator mike lee who was with rubio on the concerns of the child tax credit. didn't know where flake were go. senator rubio now is a yes. mike lee not a full yes, but definitely headed in that direction. collins as well. and what stunned some people, senator bob corker who was a no the first time around, he became a yes even though no major changes were made to get his vote. that gives republican leaders a lot of breathing room because they have two ill senators. john mccain, thad cochran. the reality is at this point in the senate, they can actually not have the senators attend and still pass this bill. as for the house, they feel very good about where they are as well. what does that all mean? on tuesday of next week, the house will vote on this plan. shortly thereafter, the senate will take it up as well. assuming the votes stay where they currently are, the president will have it on his desk by wednesday. phil mattingly, cnn, capitol hill. well, let's talk about that now with steven erlinger. so it looks like president trump is going to get his christmas gift on the tax bill. what does that mean for the u.s. as far as what is in it? >> well, trump will get his christmas gift and a lot of wealthy people will get their christmas gift also. the deficit will go up by about a fritrillion dollars. republicans insist it will produce growth. we'll see. if it simplifies the tax system, that is great. i'm not sure it will. and there are a lot of people in big income tax states who will be unhappy because their deduction of state income tax as i understand it will disappear so that this will hurt a lot of more middle class people who are living in states like california and new york. but you know, those are states that republicans don't care so much about. after all, people who elected trump as president, they elected a republican house and senate and republicans have put together a tax bill and that's what we're going to get. >> we'll see what happens when we get it. eight years the u.s. moved from the largest creditor to the largest debtor nation, but we'll wait and see on that. let's talk about the mueller team. we know that mueller and investigators are going to meet with trump's lawyers perhaps this week and we know that the investigators are finished with interview of white house personnel. mr. trump has not been interviewed nor has the vice president. is this a positive sign for the administration? >> well, we'll see what comes out of it. these things are like a black box, i mean he is obviously preparing -- thinking about charges. the fact that he is through talking to some people doesn't actually imply that he is getting to the end muof his wor. what worries a lot of people is simply whether he will be in office in january because the rumors go on and on that trump will somehow find a way to fire robert mueller. he has certainly been attacking the fbi as we've just heard. this is a consistent theme with mr. trump. it is almost an obsession that has a lot to do with the election which is an obsession of his and with hillary clinton and with the e-mails. and his view that everyone is being unfair to him. and he feels the fbi is partisan. obviously democrats feel it isn't. his own attorney general braiprd the fbi. but there is a way for trump to make sure his supporters stay with him no matter what mueller and the fbi find. i find it a little disconcerting that the president of the united states who is the chief law enforcement officer of the united states is so readily willing to yuundermine the national police agency. but that is his politics. and he has freedom of speech just like everybody else. >> certainly would be quite the turn if he were to fire robert mueller after seven months investigations and the money spent there. and interesting to see how that would turn the trump administration. i want to talk when the alabama senate race that we saw this week. was that a rejection of roy moore do you think or was that a rejection of donald trump what happened there? >> i think to be honest, i think it was a rejection of roy moore. i think one can exaggerate the impacts of the president on this. i think that the president's support probably helped roy moore. but it was very, very difficult for alabamians to vote for a man who was under questioning for such despicable acts. he certainly denies them, but enough people have doubts. the democrats did get a vote particularly of blacks. and republicans who were nervous of roy moore. now, in two years time when i the seat comes up again with a different republican, we'll see what happens. but i don't see it as a major national defeat. now it hurts trump obviously in the senate because it simply narrows his margin which is one reason that they are trying to get the tax bill passed before, you know, doug jones takes his seat. but it looks like they would pass it anyway. so i think trump is worried about that. and i think that he was pushing for the seat because he is nervous about his majority in the senate. but i don't see it as an enormous rejection evof donald trump. i think we'd have to wait for the midterms to get a better view. >> all right. we will do that. thank you for joining us from brussels. the u.s. secretary of state mass a message for north korea, to stop testing and to start talking. still ahead, we'll look at the confrontation between tillerson and north korea's u.n. ambassador. plus central american migrants give up on the american dreaming. why some say they prefer mexico -- ahead. when you have a cold, pain from a headache can make this... ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. whole blendshair by garnier.ishing care. legendary olive haircare. infused with olive oil & olive leaf extracts. it softens and shines for naturally-beautiful hair. garnier whole blends legendary olive. find every blend at walmart. u.s. secretary of state says north korea must earn its way back to the bargaining table. >> rex tillerson spoke friday. here's what he had to say. >> the united states will use all necessary measures to defend itself against north korean aggression, but our hope remains that diplomacy will produce a resolution. as i said earlier this week, a sustained cessation of north korea's threatening behavior must occur before talks can begin. north korea must earn its way back to the table. the pressure campaign must and will continue until denu denuclearization is achieved. we will in the meantime keep our chan ems nels of communication . >> and his counterpart was in the same room listening on. north korean ambassador calls it a self-defense measure and blames the united states for tensions on the korean peninsula. >> let's dig deeper into 24 issue with that meeting at the security council. ivan watson is joining us from seoul. and you were saying that it is a good sign that neither didn't walk out of the room when the other was speaking. >> reporter: you yeah, and that has been a practice in the past. so in this cased hat american and north korean diplomat in the same room and in one case actually tillerson responding to comments and accusations that came from the north korean ambassador. so that is at least a sign of some kind of perhaps preliminary step to a dialogue here. but aside from that maybe little ray of hope, it was the usual kind of finger pointing where the u.s. was accusing north korea of ratcheting up tension on the korean peninsula due to its 20 missile tests this year alone, its sixth nuclear test. and then of course the north korean ambassador responding in kind. take a listen. now, there was one thing people were looking for and that was tillerson's comments about the possibility of negotiations without pre-conditions. something that he said on camera in a speech on tuesday. and that was essentially kind of rejected by the white house because the u.s. has maintained a position that for the u.s. to sits down with north korea for talks, first north korea would have to agree that it would ultimately do away with its nuclear weapons program and north korea has always said that is a nonstarter. well, on friday tillerson softened that discussion about possible talks without pre-conditions, as so we're not quite sure what the u.s. position is right now on the possibility of negotiations. but it does seem like he has tip towed back a little bit from the possible diplomatic opening he had suggested just last tuesday the possible diplomatic opening he had suggested just last tuesday. for years migrants have risked their lives for a better life in the united states, but increasingly now they are staying in mexico. >> president trump's tough stance on immigration is having an impact and many migrants say a trip north isn't worth the risk before leyla santiago has more in this report from a few months ago. >> reporter: every day hundreds cross this river no questions asked. >> it was very easy. >> reporter: this is the other border affecting u.s. immigration policy, mexico's southern border. it is so easy to cross here, we found people from guatemala opening crossing to buy cheaper groceries in mexico. what we didn't find? the floods of migrants that once crossed here fleeing violence and poverty. the reason? >> many people forgets about the american dream. they don't want to go all the way up there because they know that they will have problems. >> reporter: for years migrants who crossed the river came here, about three hours north. this was just two years ago, my grant s oig on their way to the u.s. packing a freight train known as the beast. >> only way that immigrants could get to america. >> reporter: standing on top of the train today, it is empty. but months ago, you would have seen hundreds of immigrants filling the train cars. so what has changed? you ask anyone around heerks they will tell you part of it is trump. the other part, next go is cracking down on immigration coming in from the south. the mexican government now patrols train stations forcing smugglers to find new routes, and those smugglers are also charging more money. >> so donald trump being president, they raise the price up to like 7,000. >> reporter: before president trump, how much was it? >> it was 3,000. >> reporter: so it is more than double. >> right. >> reporter: it costs so much more that this 13-year-old lost her leg when she fell off the train in january. her dream was to one day make to the united states. she has given up on that. not because of her injury, but -- because she has heard that the u.s. is deporting everyone. her family now symbolizes migration in the trump era, many choosing to make mexico their final destination. so the talk is working. impacting mexico. >> and now the problem will be here instead of the united states. >> reporter: mexico has seen a 150% increase in asylum applications since trump was elected. but many here don't consider his tough talk to be lasting policy. believing the flow of migrants will soon return. for jose, that time is now. >> i beg for money to get to united states. >> reporter: he begs for money to get to his daughter he has yet to meet. >> try to see my family. >> reporter: family ties for some, make it worth risking the odds. trump's tough talk will not turn into action. leyla santiago, cnn, mexico. sweeping overhaul of the u.s. tax code could soon because the law of the land. coming up here, cnn talks with some auto workers in michigan who voted for mr. trump. we will find out if they think the tax package will benefit them. >> plus protests in the middle east turn into more deadly clashes. we have a live report ahead from jerusalem. directv has been rated number one in customer satisfaction over cable for 17 years 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around the world. good to have you with us. >> u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson says north korea must earn its way back to the bargaining table. he spoke friday during a u.n. security council meeting on pyongyang's nuclear program. north korea's u.n. ambassador blame as the u.s. for the tension on the peninsula. at least these people were killed when an earthquake shook the island of java on friday. residents in jakarta also felt the tremor. it damaged a hospital also. european union says it is ready to move on to the next stag negotiations. they vow to leave the eu by march 2019. a key meeting in the russia investigation could come in a matter of days. the white house hopes that it will shed light on where the probe is headed and when it will end. evan perez has this story for us. >> reporter: president's lawyers are planning to meet with rob bhero robmueller and his team. the trump legal team is hoping that they can see signings that the end is near in mueller's investigation. they have had other meetings, but here is why this one is of significance. the white house says that everyone who works there and who mueller has asked to interview has now gone in for an interview. one of the last happened last week when don mcgahn sat down for his interview. the white house has also finished turning over documents requested. and there has been no request to interview the president or the vice president we're told. we have a statement from sekulow is he aez that we do not and will not discuss our periodic communications with the special counsel. of course trump lawyers know that mueller could still come back to ask for more interviews and for more documents. and it is important to note that there is no requirement for mueller to give them any information. they are hoping that he will show his cards and there is a chance that he won't do that. the mueller investigation is actually moving relatively quickly compared to typical white collar criminal investigations that often stretch into years. he has been on the job accept mon seven months and he has brought charges against four people. but that is not fast enough for the president and his supporters. the bottom line is that the president and republicans want the cloud of this investigation lifted. evan perez, cnn, new york. republican lawmakers are optimistic that they can finally deliver a major legislative win for the president with a major overhaul of the u.s. tax code. the final version of that bill was released on friday and it tries to promise something for everyone, but some may benefit a lot more than others. >> martin savidge spoke with people in michigan who voted for mr. trump to find out what they think of the tax package. >> reporter: in the motor city, i'm reunited with trump voting auto workers talking taxes. how many of you like the tax plan that you are hearing? things start slow. i got one. >> i guess it is okay. it is not a huge savings, but it is a savings. >> it is a savings. everyone will get a savings. i don't know about me personally, but for the country as a whole, it will be a good thing. >> i agree. >> personally i believe that it will be good, too. >> what do you think you save? >> i'm going to save probably between $1,000, $2,000 a year. >> reporter: that might sound okay, but -- >> not a big thing when you spread it over a year. >> no. does doesn't move the needle. >> reporter: i remind them what trump promised. a middle class family with two children will get a 35% tax cut. that is not what you're getting. >> i don't think they have achieve that. >> reporter: the others disagree citing all kinds of numbers especially the standard family deduction which is expected to double. >> that is huge. actually huge. >> reporter: amy isn't an auto worker, she is a teacher. and she didn't vote for trump. she doesn't like the tax plan. worrying for those who aren't rich or even middle class. >> who i believe will be hit hardest with this too. i think we're kind of ignoring that population. >> reporter: these factory workers and i will realize that the companies they work for will bren if it's the most and that is okay by them. >> i'm hoping in good faith that they use that money to reinvest in their people, to hire more people, to expand their businesses. >> and so the thinking is if the company does better, you all will do better. >> >> it brings up everybody, from the bottom up. >> you believe that? >> i believe that strongly, yes. >> reporter: what about the deficit i ask, which experts say under this plan will balloon by at least a trillion or no? is this fiscally responsible? >> maybe not shorts term, but i'm hope long term. >> you're taking a risk. >> i sure am. i took a risk when i voted for donald trump. >> martin satisvidge reporting. the cdc has apparently been banned from using certain words in the budget for next year like fetus and transgender that would be in any official documents for the cdc's budget. this is coming from the "washington post." the seven forbid think words are reportedly vulnerable, entitlement, i ddiversity, transgender and fetus. evidence-based and scien science-based. policy analysts were told about this list at a meeting to discuss the budget either. the "washington post" says they were not told why those words are banned. protests reignited across the middle east on friday over a decision by the u.s. president to recognize joouerusalem as israel's capital. >> four are dead, hundreds wounded in the clashes. israeli officials say one of the palestinians killed in the west bank had stabbed a police officer. cnn's arwa damon has more from jerusalem. >> reporter: there have been growing numbers of people taking to the streets throughout the palestinian territories and with that comes to a growing tomorrow of those who are wounded and those who are killed in the gaza strip, a 29-year-old man was shot in some of the more intense back and forth that took place between rioters and the israeli defense forces. a 19-year-old university student stabbed a border policeman in the shoulder before he was shot and later died of his wounds. there is a sense that in the upcoming days and weeks ahead, things will become even more confrontational. and there is also a very intense conversation that is happening between the palestinian leadership, palestinian president abbas as they try to figure out the best way forward and how to capitalize on this momentum that they have, momentum on a global level. remember a few days ago they met in istanbul where they signed a declaration that they would be recognizing east jerusalem as the capital of the state of palestinian urging other leaders to do so as well. turkey's president recep tayyip erdogan saying that they had already begun an initiative at the united nations to try to nullify america's declaration that jerusalem is the capital of israel. and they are also going to the united nations to look for alternatives, other nations that could is step in and take on that very challenging role of trying to immediamediate talks. there is an underlying sense here of uncertainty, there is of course the growing concern of more violence. arwa damon, krccnn. still ahead, zuma will be replaced. why the vote is so crucial to his legacy. >> and also a strong earthquake has rattled indonesia. the latest on the aftershocks coming up as well. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. we that's why at xfinityic. we've been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. now with instant text and email updates you'll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels so you don't miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you're looking for. because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. south africa is facing a pivotal moment. the ruling political party is voting for a new leader. the anc has runs country since apartheid ended in 1994 when its leader nelson mandela became the country's first black president. >> the anc helped lead the resistance movement against apartheid. president zuma is currently in power, but he is in trouble over allegations of corruption. thousands of delegates will be voting for his successor. >> and dave mckenzie is following this sorry from ttory anc conference. let's talk about the frontrunners. one is abdicating for an end of corruption, the other former minister and the president's ex-wife. >> reporter: and that is one question that is being asked, whether zuma's ex-wife will make a clean break if she is voted this as anc president. and here is why it is important. the anc president will be presumably according to history at least the next president of this country when we come to general elections. and so it is a crucial political decision. many people in south africa want to see a clean break from jacob zuma who has faced countless scandals over the years. and the other frontrunner is the current deputy president who is in some way a darling of the business community and investors who has repeatedly said he wants to he said corruptiepnd corruptt that popular with the rural voters and some see him as too close to the elite. so a tough choice and a very kochbs defen kons gwenn al oconsequential on. >> is the anc party thinking differently now looking for new faces on or still reliant on its veterans? >> it is a good question and the party has prided itself on unity over the last more than two decades. this party has all sorts of political persuasions inside it. but i spoke to a senior member of the party and former premiere and minister, he said that it is time for zoo mauma to be shown door. >> he is an outgoing president. we are ready to deal with this problem. >> reporter: he said that in fact time is to make a clean break with president zuma and that regime here. but there is a long way to go, multiple delays and court cases already and this could become a very contentious few days. >> david mckenzie following it live for us in johannesburg. thank you. well, people in indonesia are surveying the damage after a 6.5 magnitude earthquake rattled the island of java. at least three people were killed. seven others injured there. people in the capital jakarta also felt the ground shake about 200 miles from the quake's epicenter. >> and just looking at the images, you get a sense of the damage. hundreds of buildings damaged including a hospital that moved 70 patients to safer locations. officials say the after shocks on o are being felt. and these are really just big earthquakes. >> they are. and the last one we had was 5.4 which in and of itself is a pretty strong earthquake there. and once you have the structures that have been compromised because of the original shake, that will be an issue. plus the psychological drama of people just kind of lying there on the ground just afraid to go in their homes. that's where we're supposed to feel the safest and at this hour, not the case there for our good friends in java. by the way, that horrific quake that we had back in 2004, that sumatra the other island to the north and west. anytime we getting a different here, i get nervous. this was a relatively deep earthquake and that is good because the shale low on olow o get the waves that hit the surface and can really cause devastating damage. so there it is 57 miles deep at 6.5. and we had the 5.4, which is about average after the 6.5 and then things begincy and sbechin. taking you to california, 438 miles up in space, this is where the aqua satellite orbits the planet. there is the thomas fire, fourth largest now in california history. and so what is going on? well, weather conditions are terrible. 60-mile-an-hour winds are possible in the next 24 hours, once again firefighting efforts will have to deal with high fire spread potential and of course relative humidity which is why we have the red flag warnings. that will be between 5% and 15%. culprit is the area of low pressure moving in from the pacific, winds will kick up as a result. right now this is where we are and look at where we're going. this is not good. 50, 60-mile-an-hour wind gusts the next couple days. i do think that we'll get a bit of a break heading into sunday, but that is a slight break there because winds are forecast to come right back at us next week. and this will be ongoing. i don't think we'll rain here guys until 2018. so this is just going to be something that it will be difficult to contain. they are at 35% now and probably going to inch the next few weeks. >> so that is not rain on the match, that is the wind. police are investigating the death of one of canada's wealthiest couples. >> the bodies of the billionaires were found in their mansion friday. police call the deaths suspicious, but not describing them as homicides so far. >> and our partner network also reports that they are not currently seeking any suspects. sherman founded a generic drug maker in 1974 and was widely praised as a generous philanthropist. and donald trump has no shortage of catch phrases, but there is a new one here. we'll tell you about it ahead. jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. all because of a burst water pipe in their house that ruined the hardwood floors in their kitchen. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped them with homeowners insurance and the inside of their house was repaired and floors replaced. jack and jill no longer have to fetch water. they now fetch sugar-free vanilla lattes with almond milk. call geico and see how affordable homeowners insurance can be. type 2 to test people's knowledge about call geico so you have type 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there's directv. for #1 rated customer satisfaction over cable, switch to directv. and for a limited time get a $100 reward card. call 1-800-directv pain from chest congestion can make this... when you have a cold, ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. jewelry that tells her fshe's the best thing. that's ever happened to you. in a way that goes beyond words. it could be a piece jewelry designers created just for jared. or a piece we custom made just for you. because we're more than a store that sells beautiful jewelry. we are jewelers. the one, unique gift that tells her exactly how you feel. that's why he went to jared. lrich matte lipstick.s new color riche matte. 16 shades pulse with lush comfort. non-drying. never flat. it's addictive. matte addiction. new color riche matte. from l'oreal paris. this phrase seems to obs u.s. president's go-to answer for almost any yes. >> and jeanne moos says we'll see what happens. >> we'll see. >> it sure makes predictions about passing the tax bill less taxing. >> i think we're doing very well on the tax. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: and you can't help but pardon the president for relying on it. >> i don't want to talk about pardons for michael flynn yet. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: when in doubt -- >> we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. so we'll see what happens. >> reporter: it is the president's favorite answer. deployed at the u.n. >> as far as noerth korea is concerned, i think most of you now how i feel. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: that was in september. three months later, we're still seeing. >> and we'll see what happens with north korea. >> reporter: from hurricanes -- >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: to health care. >> we'll see what happens. no particular rush. >> reporter: it is perfect to fill time when the president is in no particular rush to answer. or maybe he wants to build suspense. >> something could happen with respect to the paris accord. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: it's like he thinks every question is a chance for a teaser heading into a commercial break. the phrase is so beloved by the president that he used it three times in a mere five second answer. again on the subject of north korea. >> we'll see what happen. we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: now, in a few cases we've actually seen what happened. >> we'll see what happens with mr. bannon. >> reporter: three days later, he went bye-bye. as for then fbi director james comey -- >> i have confidence. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: comey was fired less than a month later. so when the president mentions seeing what happens? >> i'm very disappointed with the attorney general, but we'll see what happens. >> reporter: beware your job could be eclipsed or if you're lucky, could you get pardon. >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. wonder if he uses that with melania. sounds like something you could say to your kids a lot. >> natalie, we'll just have to see what happens. >> thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen. >> and i'm george howell. "new day" is next, for others, amanpour is ahead. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪ ...studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. she said... my daughter is... ...dadgo pro with crest pro-health. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm... ...these crest pro-health... ...products help maintain a... ...professional clean. go pro with crest pro health crest pro-health... ...really brought my mouth... the next level. wifiso if you can't live without it...t it. why aren't you using this guy? it makes your wifi awesomely fast. no... still nope. now we're talking! it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. basically what everybody's been waiting for now for weeks. there's a final bill, there will be no changes. >> i think that we will be in a position to pass something as early as next week. >> for the country as a whole it's going to be a good thing. >> sources tell us that the president's lawyers are planning to meet with special counsel robert mueller and his team. >> when bob mueller picked his fishing in the trump aquarium. >> when you l

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20171216 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20171216

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atlanta. >> and 5:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast. cnn world headquarters, news room starts right now. interesting meeting will take place in washington. what does it mean is the question. special counsel robert mueller and his team are to meet with attorneys for donald trump and it could happen as early as next week. >> the president's attorneys hope it means the investigation into russian election meddling is almost over. they say all requested documents have been turned over. they say all requested interviews have been completed. and there is no request they say to interview the u.s. president. however, that is still possible ahead. other lawyers in the case say not so fast. they warn the probe could drag on for months if not longer. and all of this comes as the president slams the fbi again. here is cnn's jim acosta at the white house with that. >> reporter: the president is ratcheting up his attacks on the investigators who are investigating the white house and trump campaign officials under scrutiny in the russia probe. >> it's a shame what has happened with the fbi, but we'll rebuild the fbi, it will be bigger and better than ever. >> reporter: mr. trump seized on recent revelations that an agent was removed from mueller's team after sending texts that were critical of the president. >> it is very sad when you look at those documents and how they have done that is really, really disgraceful and you have a lot of very angry people that are seeing it. it is a very sad thing to watch, i will tell you that. >> reporter: the president then once again denied any wrongdoing. >> they are spending millions and millions of dollars. there is absolutely no collusion. i didn't make a phone call to russia. i have nothing to do with russia. everybody knows it. >> reporter: before refusing to rule out the possibility of pardoning of michael flynn who plead guilty to lying to federal investigators earlier this month. >> i don't want to talk about pardons for michael flynn yet. we'll see what happens. i can say this, when you look at what has gone on with the fbi and just citiice department, pe are very angry. >> reporter: but ty cobb said there is no consideration being given to pardoning michael flynn. it is not the first time the president has tweeting that their reputation was in tatters. and he made his latest comments an hour before he praised law enforcement officials at an fbi academy where he again blasted the news media. >> the fake news back there, look. fake news. no, actually, some of them are fine people. about -- let's see. who is back there? about 30%. >> reporter: robert mueller's merry band of -- >> it is as if when bob mueller picked his team he was in fishing in the never trump aquarium. >> reporter: the attacks come little more than a year after sarah sanders tweeted when you are attacking fbi agents because you are under a criminal investigation, you are losing. democrats worry that the ground work is being laid for the president to dump mueller. >> i think the fact that bob mueller removed somebody for those text messages is in fact prove that bob mueller is committed to undertaking this investigation with the utmost of integrity. >> reporter: the president's intense focus on the mueller probe is yet another distraction for on gop leaders who are trying to pass tax cuts before leaving for the holidays. >> well, thank you. >> reporter: republicans want to move on the tax plan before incoming alabama senator doug jones is seated after defeating roy moore. mr. trump is ready for moore to concede that race. >> i think he should. he tried. i want to support the person running. we need the seat. we'd like to have the seat. i think we're doing very well on the tax. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: while criticizing the fbi, he had kind words for vladimir putin one day after the two leaders spoke, he thanked putin for praising mr. trump's performance on the u.s. economy. jim acosta, krcnn. and now let's go to moscow for reaction there. our international diplomatic editor nick robertson is on the story for us. let's talk about the president's conversation with his russian counterpart praising him for his comments on the economy. and what has been the sponsresp or reaction to that? >> reporter: what president putin said on thursday in his annual press conference, he was asked about president trump's first year in office and he said that he has done fairly well, that he had serious achievements and he based his an knoll sno aw well the markets were responding. and president trump later that same night picked up the phone, called vladimir putin according to the kremlin, they talked about north korea and other international concerns. but according to the white house, president trump thanked vladimir putin for acknowledging how well that the u.s. economy is doing. we know that this is something that president trump criticizes journalists for, for not covering that adequately, but he wanted to thank putin for that and also talked about north korea, striking perhaps neither the white house nor kremlin mentioning syria because we're two weeks or so of peace talks geneva and they have been critical of bashar al assad saying that he hasn't negotiated in good faith. and looking to his backers like russia to put pressure on him, that apparently even though it is a very topical issue in the state department that night apparently according to the white house release it didn't come up in the phone conversation. >> also wanted to get the optics of the president's comments on the way to the fbi academy. criticizing the fbi saying, quote, it is a shame what happened with the fbi. he goes on to say that it is a sad thing to watch. no real specifics beyond that, but this president known for down playing u.s. intelligence with regards to russia. how is the criticism being viewed there? >> reporter: well, if we look at it through the lens of president putin, how he views it, he didn't address this question specifically in that four hour press conference which again is the big opportunity taking on a wide range of subjects what president putin is thinking about the russia investigation, the allegations of russia election meddling in the u.s. elections, that broadly he thinks that these, you know -- that this is running counter to u.s. national interests, these are people who are opposed to president trump who are, you know, running this investigation. therefore it is detrimental to the u.s. interests. so his views run vaguely pair re parallel on this with president trump. >> nic robertson, thanks for the report. back here in the united states, republican lawmakers believe they have the votes now to get major tax reform to the president by next week. >> it would be the first significant overhaul of the u.s. tax code since the ronald reagan era and the first significant legislative victory for mr. trump. phil mattingly explains what is in it. >> 503 page republican tax plan, it is out. officially. republican lawmakers can now read the thing that they are likely going vote on as soon as tuesday next week. the key provisions, we've known a lot of them. the corporate rate dropping to 21%. the child tax credit boosted from $1,000 to $2,000. individual rate cuts across the seven brackets. a lot of things the republicans said will be crucial not only to economic growth, but also as they say helping middle class families. this is something that the democrats dispute saying it is too timted towa tilted toord towaward the corpo side. but here is the rub. republicans both like this plan and at this point want to vote for this plan. take a listen to house ways and means chairman kevin brady. >> we took the best of both ideas in here in many cases because we had a deliberate time table we had announced half a year ago to get this to the president's desk. we took the text that was closest to where we 240thought would he said and so a sort of a mix of the house and senate. the way it should be. >> what is amazing is on thursday of this week, republicans weren't sure how to deal with senator marco rubio, came out as a firm no. senator mike lee who was with rubio on the concerns of the child tax credit. didn't know where flake were go. senator rubio now is a yes. mike lee not a full yes, but definitely headed in that direction. collins as well. and what stunned some people, senator bob corker who was a no the first time around, he became a yes even though no major changes were made to get his vote. that gives republican leaders a lot of breathing room because they have two ill senators. john mccain, thad cochran. the reality is at this point in the senate, they can actually not have the senators attend and still pass this bill. as for the house, they feel very good about where they are as well. what does that all mean? on tuesday of next week, the house will vote on this plan. shortly thereafter, the senate will take it up as well. assuming the votes stay where they currently are, the president will have it on his desk by wednesday. phil mattingly, cnn, capitol hill. well, let's talk about that now with steven erlinger. so it looks like president trump is going to get his christmas gift on the tax bill. what does that mean for the u.s. as far as what is in it? >> well, trump will get his christmas gift and a lot of wealthy people will get their christmas gift also. the deficit will go up by about a fritrillion dollars. republicans insist it will produce growth. we'll see. if it simplifies the tax system, that is great. i'm not sure it will. and there are a lot of people in big income tax states who will be unhappy because their deduction of state income tax as i understand it will disappear so that this will hurt a lot of more middle class people who are living in states like california and new york. but you know, those are states that republicans don't care so much about. after all, people who elected trump as president, they elected a republican house and senate and republicans have put together a tax bill and that's what we're going to get. >> we'll see what happens when we get it. eight years the u.s. moved from the largest creditor to the largest debtor nation, but we'll wait and see on that. let's talk about the mueller team. we know that mueller and investigators are going to meet with trump's lawyers perhaps this week and we know that the investigators are finished with interview of white house personnel. mr. trump has not been interviewed nor has the vice president. is this a positive sign for the administration? >> well, we'll see what comes out of it. these things are like a black box, i mean he is obviously preparing -- thinking about charges. the fact that he is through talking to some people doesn't actually imply that he is getting to the end muof his wor. what worries a lot of people is simply whether he will be in office in january because the rumors go on and on that trump will somehow find a way to fire robert mueller. he has certainly been attacking the fbi as we've just heard. this is a consistent theme with mr. trump. it is almost an obsession that has a lot to do with the election which is an obsession of his and with hillary clinton and with the e-mails. and his view that everyone is being unfair to him. and he feels the fbi is partisan. obviously democrats feel it isn't. his own attorney general braiprd the fbi. but there is a way for trump to make sure his supporters stay with him no matter what mueller and the fbi find. i find it a little disconcerting that the president of the united states who is the chief law enforcement officer of the united states is so readily willing to yuundermine the national police agency. but that is his politics. and he has freedom of speech just like everybody else. >> certainly would be quite the turn if he were to fire robert mueller after seven months investigations and the money spent there. and interesting to see how that would turn the trump administration. i want to talk when the alabama senate race that we saw this week. was that a rejection of roy moore do you think or was that a rejection of donald trump what happened there? >> i think to be honest, i think it was a rejection of roy moore. i think one can exaggerate the impacts of the president on this. i think that the president's support probably helped roy moore. but it was very, very difficult for alabamians to vote for a man who was under questioning for such despicable acts. he certainly denies them, but enough people have doubts. the democrats did get a vote particularly of blacks. and republicans who were nervous of roy moore. now, in two years time when i the seat comes up again with a different republican, we'll see what happens. but i don't see it as a major national defeat. now it hurts trump obviously in the senate because it simply narrows his margin which is one reason that they are trying to get the tax bill passed before, you know, doug jones takes his seat. but it looks like they would pass it anyway. so i think trump is worried about that. and i think that he was pushing for the seat because he is nervous about his majority in the senate. but i don't see it as an enormous rejection evof donald trump. i think we'd have to wait for the midterms to get a better view. >> all right. we will do that. thank you for joining us from brussels. the u.s. secretary of state mass a message for north korea, to stop testing and to start talking. still ahead, we'll look at the confrontation between tillerson and north korea's u.n. ambassador. plus central american migrants give up on the american dreaming. why some say they prefer mexico -- ahead. when you have a cold, pain from a headache can make this... ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. whole blendshair by garnier.ishing care. legendary olive haircare. infused with olive oil & olive leaf extracts. it softens and shines for naturally-beautiful hair. garnier whole blends legendary olive. find every blend at walmart. u.s. secretary of state says north korea must earn its way back to the bargaining table. >> rex tillerson spoke friday. here's what he had to say. >> the united states will use all necessary measures to defend itself against north korean aggression, but our hope remains that diplomacy will produce a resolution. as i said earlier this week, a sustained cessation of north korea's threatening behavior must occur before talks can begin. north korea must earn its way back to the table. the pressure campaign must and will continue until denu denuclearization is achieved. we will in the meantime keep our chan ems nels of communication . >> and his counterpart was in the same room listening on. north korean ambassador calls it a self-defense measure and blames the united states for tensions on the korean peninsula. >> let's dig deeper into 24 issue with that meeting at the security council. ivan watson is joining us from seoul. and you were saying that it is a good sign that neither didn't walk out of the room when the other was speaking. >> reporter: you yeah, and that has been a practice in the past. so in this cased hat american and north korean diplomat in the same room and in one case actually tillerson responding to comments and accusations that came from the north korean ambassador. so that is at least a sign of some kind of perhaps preliminary step to a dialogue here. but aside from that maybe little ray of hope, it was the usual kind of finger pointing where the u.s. was accusing north korea of ratcheting up tension on the korean peninsula due to its 20 missile tests this year alone, its sixth nuclear test. and then of course the north korean ambassador responding in kind. take a listen. now, there was one thing people were looking for and that was tillerson's comments about the possibility of negotiations without pre-conditions. something that he said on camera in a speech on tuesday. and that was essentially kind of rejected by the white house because the u.s. has maintained a position that for the u.s. to sits down with north korea for talks, first north korea would have to agree that it would ultimately do away with its nuclear weapons program and north korea has always said that is a nonstarter. well, on friday tillerson softened that discussion about possible talks without pre-conditions, as so we're not quite sure what the u.s. position is right now on the possibility of negotiations. but it does seem like he has tip towed back a little bit from the possible diplomatic opening he had suggested just last tuesday the possible diplomatic opening he had suggested just last tuesday. for years migrants have risked their lives for a better life in the united states, but increasingly now they are staying in mexico. >> president trump's tough stance on immigration is having an impact and many migrants say a trip north isn't worth the risk before leyla santiago has more in this report from a few months ago. >> reporter: every day hundreds cross this river no questions asked. >> it was very easy. >> reporter: this is the other border affecting u.s. immigration policy, mexico's southern border. it is so easy to cross here, we found people from guatemala opening crossing to buy cheaper groceries in mexico. what we didn't find? the floods of migrants that once crossed here fleeing violence and poverty. the reason? >> many people forgets about the american dream. they don't want to go all the way up there because they know that they will have problems. >> reporter: for years migrants who crossed the river came here, about three hours north. this was just two years ago, my grant s oig on their way to the u.s. packing a freight train known as the beast. >> only way that immigrants could get to america. >> reporter: standing on top of the train today, it is empty. but months ago, you would have seen hundreds of immigrants filling the train cars. so what has changed? you ask anyone around heerks they will tell you part of it is trump. the other part, next go is cracking down on immigration coming in from the south. the mexican government now patrols train stations forcing smugglers to find new routes, and those smugglers are also charging more money. >> so donald trump being president, they raise the price up to like 7,000. >> reporter: before president trump, how much was it? >> it was 3,000. >> reporter: so it is more than double. >> right. >> reporter: it costs so much more that this 13-year-old lost her leg when she fell off the train in january. her dream was to one day make to the united states. she has given up on that. not because of her injury, but -- because she has heard that the u.s. is deporting everyone. her family now symbolizes migration in the trump era, many choosing to make mexico their final destination. so the talk is working. impacting mexico. >> and now the problem will be here instead of the united states. >> reporter: mexico has seen a 150% increase in asylum applications since trump was elected. but many here don't consider his tough talk to be lasting policy. believing the flow of migrants will soon return. for jose, that time is now. >> i beg for money to get to united states. >> reporter: he begs for money to get to his daughter he has yet to meet. >> try to see my family. >> reporter: family ties for some, make it worth risking the odds. trump's tough talk will not turn into action. leyla santiago, cnn, mexico. sweeping overhaul of the u.s. tax code could soon because the law of the land. coming up here, cnn talks with some auto workers in michigan who voted for mr. trump. we will find out if they think the tax package will benefit them. >> plus protests in the middle east turn into more deadly clashes. we have a live report ahead from jerusalem. directv has been rated number one in customer satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. but some people still like cable. just like some people like wet grocery bags. getting a bad haircut. overcrowded trains. turnstiles that don't turn. and spilling coffee on themselves. but for everyone else, there's directv. for #1 rated customer satisfaction over cable, switch to directv. and for a limited time get a $100 reward card. call 1-800-directv iwithout writing a single word. this holiday create a gift from the heart that could only come from the pandora boutique at jared. a world of pandora including exclusive pieces designed just for jared. ready to be mixed, matched and stacked with help from jared's own pandora expert. the one gift that speaks volumes you'll both treasure forever. that's why he went to jared. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. welcome back tck to our vie around the world. good to have you with us. >> u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson says north korea must earn its way back to the bargaining table. he spoke friday during a u.n. security council meeting on pyongyang's nuclear program. north korea's u.n. ambassador blame as the u.s. for the tension on the peninsula. at least these people were killed when an earthquake shook the island of java on friday. residents in jakarta also felt the tremor. it damaged a hospital also. european union says it is ready to move on to the next stag negotiations. they vow to leave the eu by march 2019. a key meeting in the russia investigation could come in a matter of days. the white house hopes that it will shed light on where the probe is headed and when it will end. evan perez has this story for us. >> reporter: president's lawyers are planning to meet with rob bhero robmueller and his team. the trump legal team is hoping that they can see signings that the end is near in mueller's investigation. they have had other meetings, but here is why this one is of significance. the white house says that everyone who works there and who mueller has asked to interview has now gone in for an interview. one of the last happened last week when don mcgahn sat down for his interview. the white house has also finished turning over documents requested. and there has been no request to interview the president or the vice president we're told. we have a statement from sekulow is he aez that we do not and will not discuss our periodic communications with the special counsel. of course trump lawyers know that mueller could still come back to ask for more interviews and for more documents. and it is important to note that there is no requirement for mueller to give them any information. they are hoping that he will show his cards and there is a chance that he won't do that. the mueller investigation is actually moving relatively quickly compared to typical white collar criminal investigations that often stretch into years. he has been on the job accept mon seven months and he has brought charges against four people. but that is not fast enough for the president and his supporters. the bottom line is that the president and republicans want the cloud of this investigation lifted. evan perez, cnn, new york. republican lawmakers are optimistic that they can finally deliver a major legislative win for the president with a major overhaul of the u.s. tax code. the final version of that bill was released on friday and it tries to promise something for everyone, but some may benefit a lot more than others. >> martin savidge spoke with people in michigan who voted for mr. trump to find out what they think of the tax package. >> reporter: in the motor city, i'm reunited with trump voting auto workers talking taxes. how many of you like the tax plan that you are hearing? things start slow. i got one. >> i guess it is okay. it is not a huge savings, but it is a savings. >> it is a savings. everyone will get a savings. i don't know about me personally, but for the country as a whole, it will be a good thing. >> i agree. >> personally i believe that it will be good, too. >> what do you think you save? >> i'm going to save probably between $1,000, $2,000 a year. >> reporter: that might sound okay, but -- >> not a big thing when you spread it over a year. >> no. does doesn't move the needle. >> reporter: i remind them what trump promised. a middle class family with two children will get a 35% tax cut. that is not what you're getting. >> i don't think they have achieve that. >> reporter: the others disagree citing all kinds of numbers especially the standard family deduction which is expected to double. >> that is huge. actually huge. >> reporter: amy isn't an auto worker, she is a teacher. and she didn't vote for trump. she doesn't like the tax plan. worrying for those who aren't rich or even middle class. >> who i believe will be hit hardest with this too. i think we're kind of ignoring that population. >> reporter: these factory workers and i will realize that the companies they work for will bren if it's the most and that is okay by them. >> i'm hoping in good faith that they use that money to reinvest in their people, to hire more people, to expand their businesses. >> and so the thinking is if the company does better, you all will do better. >> >> it brings up everybody, from the bottom up. >> you believe that? >> i believe that strongly, yes. >> reporter: what about the deficit i ask, which experts say under this plan will balloon by at least a trillion or no? is this fiscally responsible? >> maybe not shorts term, but i'm hope long term. >> you're taking a risk. >> i sure am. i took a risk when i voted for donald trump. >> martin satisvidge reporting. the cdc has apparently been banned from using certain words in the budget for next year like fetus and transgender that would be in any official documents for the cdc's budget. this is coming from the "washington post." the seven forbid think words are reportedly vulnerable, entitlement, i ddiversity, transgender and fetus. evidence-based and scien science-based. policy analysts were told about this list at a meeting to discuss the budget either. the "washington post" says they were not told why those words are banned. protests reignited across the middle east on friday over a decision by the u.s. president to recognize joouerusalem as israel's capital. >> four are dead, hundreds wounded in the clashes. israeli officials say one of the palestinians killed in the west bank had stabbed a police officer. cnn's arwa damon has more from jerusalem. >> reporter: there have been growing numbers of people taking to the streets throughout the palestinian territories and with that comes to a growing tomorrow of those who are wounded and those who are killed in the gaza strip, a 29-year-old man was shot in some of the more intense back and forth that took place between rioters and the israeli defense forces. a 19-year-old university student stabbed a border policeman in the shoulder before he was shot and later died of his wounds. there is a sense that in the upcoming days and weeks ahead, things will become even more confrontational. and there is also a very intense conversation that is happening between the palestinian leadership, palestinian president abbas as they try to figure out the best way forward and how to capitalize on this momentum that they have, momentum on a global level. remember a few days ago they met in istanbul where they signed a declaration that they would be recognizing east jerusalem as the capital of the state of palestinian urging other leaders to do so as well. turkey's president recep tayyip erdogan saying that they had already begun an initiative at the united nations to try to nullify america's declaration that jerusalem is the capital of israel. and they are also going to the united nations to look for alternatives, other nations that could is step in and take on that very challenging role of trying to immediamediate talks. there is an underlying sense here of uncertainty, there is of course the growing concern of more violence. arwa damon, krccnn. still ahead, zuma will be replaced. why the vote is so crucial to his legacy. >> and also a strong earthquake has rattled indonesia. the latest on the aftershocks coming up as well. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. we that's why at xfinityic. we've been working hard to simplify your experiences with us. now with instant text and email updates you'll always be up to date. you can easily add premium channels so you don't miss your favorite show. and with just a single word, find all the answers you're looking for. because getting what you need should be simple, fast, and easy. download the xfinity my account app or go online today. south africa is facing a pivotal moment. the ruling political party is voting for a new leader. the anc has runs country since apartheid ended in 1994 when its leader nelson mandela became the country's first black president. >> the anc helped lead the resistance movement against apartheid. president zuma is currently in power, but he is in trouble over allegations of corruption. thousands of delegates will be voting for his successor. >> and dave mckenzie is following this sorry from ttory anc conference. let's talk about the frontrunners. one is abdicating for an end of corruption, the other former minister and the president's ex-wife. >> reporter: and that is one question that is being asked, whether zuma's ex-wife will make a clean break if she is voted this as anc president. and here is why it is important. the anc president will be presumably according to history at least the next president of this country when we come to general elections. and so it is a crucial political decision. many people in south africa want to see a clean break from jacob zuma who has faced countless scandals over the years. and the other frontrunner is the current deputy president who is in some way a darling of the business community and investors who has repeatedly said he wants to he said corruptiepnd corruptt that popular with the rural voters and some see him as too close to the elite. so a tough choice and a very kochbs defen kons gwenn al oconsequential on. >> is the anc party thinking differently now looking for new faces on or still reliant on its veterans? >> it is a good question and the party has prided itself on unity over the last more than two decades. this party has all sorts of political persuasions inside it. but i spoke to a senior member of the party and former premiere and minister, he said that it is time for zoo mauma to be shown door. >> he is an outgoing president. we are ready to deal with this problem. >> reporter: he said that in fact time is to make a clean break with president zuma and that regime here. but there is a long way to go, multiple delays and court cases already and this could become a very contentious few days. >> david mckenzie following it live for us in johannesburg. thank you. well, people in indonesia are surveying the damage after a 6.5 magnitude earthquake rattled the island of java. at least three people were killed. seven others injured there. people in the capital jakarta also felt the ground shake about 200 miles from the quake's epicenter. >> and just looking at the images, you get a sense of the damage. hundreds of buildings damaged including a hospital that moved 70 patients to safer locations. officials say the after shocks on o are being felt. and these are really just big earthquakes. >> they are. and the last one we had was 5.4 which in and of itself is a pretty strong earthquake there. and once you have the structures that have been compromised because of the original shake, that will be an issue. plus the psychological drama of people just kind of lying there on the ground just afraid to go in their homes. that's where we're supposed to feel the safest and at this hour, not the case there for our good friends in java. by the way, that horrific quake that we had back in 2004, that sumatra the other island to the north and west. anytime we getting a different here, i get nervous. this was a relatively deep earthquake and that is good because the shale low on olow o get the waves that hit the surface and can really cause devastating damage. so there it is 57 miles deep at 6.5. and we had the 5.4, which is about average after the 6.5 and then things begincy and sbechin. taking you to california, 438 miles up in space, this is where the aqua satellite orbits the planet. there is the thomas fire, fourth largest now in california history. and so what is going on? well, weather conditions are terrible. 60-mile-an-hour winds are possible in the next 24 hours, once again firefighting efforts will have to deal with high fire spread potential and of course relative humidity which is why we have the red flag warnings. that will be between 5% and 15%. culprit is the area of low pressure moving in from the pacific, winds will kick up as a result. right now this is where we are and look at where we're going. this is not good. 50, 60-mile-an-hour wind gusts the next couple days. i do think that we'll get a bit of a break heading into sunday, but that is a slight break there because winds are forecast to come right back at us next week. and this will be ongoing. i don't think we'll rain here guys until 2018. so this is just going to be something that it will be difficult to contain. they are at 35% now and probably going to inch the next few weeks. >> so that is not rain on the match, that is the wind. police are investigating the death of one of canada's wealthiest couples. >> the bodies of the billionaires were found in their mansion friday. police call the deaths suspicious, but not describing them as homicides so far. >> and our partner network also reports that they are not currently seeking any suspects. sherman founded a generic drug maker in 1974 and was widely praised as a generous philanthropist. and donald trump has no shortage of catch phrases, but there is a new one here. we'll tell you about it ahead. jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. all because of a burst water pipe in their house that ruined the hardwood floors in their kitchen. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped them with homeowners insurance and the inside of their house was repaired and floors replaced. jack and jill no longer have to fetch water. they now fetch sugar-free vanilla lattes with almond milk. call geico and see how affordable homeowners insurance can be. type 2 to test people's knowledge about call geico so you have type 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what happens. >> we'll see. >> it sure makes predictions about passing the tax bill less taxing. >> i think we're doing very well on the tax. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: and you can't help but pardon the president for relying on it. >> i don't want to talk about pardons for michael flynn yet. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: when in doubt -- >> we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. so we'll see what happens. >> reporter: it is the president's favorite answer. deployed at the u.n. >> as far as noerth korea is concerned, i think most of you now how i feel. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: that was in september. three months later, we're still seeing. >> and we'll see what happens with north korea. >> reporter: from hurricanes -- >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: to health care. >> we'll see what happens. no particular rush. >> reporter: it is perfect to fill time when the president is in no particular rush to answer. or maybe he wants to build suspense. >> something could happen with respect to the paris accord. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: it's like he thinks every question is a chance for a teaser heading into a commercial break. the phrase is so beloved by the president that he used it three times in a mere five second answer. again on the subject of north korea. >> we'll see what happen. we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: now, in a few cases we've actually seen what happened. >> we'll see what happens with mr. bannon. >> reporter: three days later, he went bye-bye. as for then fbi director james comey -- >> i have confidence. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: comey was fired less than a month later. so when the president mentions seeing what happens? >> i'm very disappointed with the attorney general, but we'll see what happens. >> reporter: beware your job could be eclipsed or if you're lucky, could you get pardon. >> we'll see what happens. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn, new york. wonder if he uses that with melania. sounds like something you could say to your kids a lot. >> natalie, we'll just have to see what happens. >> thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm natalie allen. >> and i'm george howell. 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