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These stories are all ahead this hour. Welcome to the viewers a in the United States and around the world. Im natalie allen. Im George Howell in the newsroom in atlanta. Newsroom starts right now. 5 00 a. M. On the east coast and we start with a feud between the u. S. President and professional sports. It got even more heated on saturday after the president disinvited the National Basketball champion Golden State Warriors from visiting the white house. He said in a tweet, going to the white house is considered a great honor for a championship team. Steph curry is hesitating, therefore, invitation is withdrawn. Nba star lebron james fired back calling the president a bum. He added this. Going to the white house was a great honor until you showed up. The warriors responded in lieu of a visit to the white house we have decided well kruktively use our trip to the Nations Capital in february to celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion. The values that we embrace as an organization. Heres the background. This all started friday when President Trump blasted Football Players who refused to stand for the National Anthem. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now, out, hes fired. [cheering and applauding] hes fired yeah, a lot of folks there cheering. A lot of folks not cheering that thought. On saturday, some League Owners shot back, calling the president s remarks callous and offensive. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell, critical statement said, divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the nfl, our great game, and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities. The president shot back, rog Roger Goodell of the nfl put out a statement justifying the disrespect certain players show to our country. Tell them to stand, he says. This controversy is not going away any time soon. In fact, it could become even more pronounced during sundays football games. Yes, we get more on that, cnns brian stelter. Reporter hey there, this controversy involves politics, patriotism, and two of americas favorite pass times. The president seemingly taking a baseball bat and swinging it at a hornets nest. First at a rally friday night, then on twitter saturday. Hes criticizing some of the best known africanamerican athletes in the sports world. That is causing some people to say there is a racial component to these controversies. The president speaking to a mostly white crowd in alabama was talking about the africanamerican players in the nfl who have been taking a knee during the National Anthem before games, protesting, they say, Racial Injustice and inequality. The president doesnt want to hear it. He says, those Football Players who do so should be fired by nfl team owners. He said it at the rally on friday, he said it again on twitter on saturday. Keeping this controversy going. Even as nfl commissioner Roger Goodell weighed in in a surprising move, he called the president s comments divisive even though he didnt name President Trump directly. So there is the nfl controversy, then the nba side. The president taking aim at steph curry, member of the championship Golden State Warriors team. On twitter saturday morning the president was apparently inspired or motivated or ticked off by a statement on the folks news morning show, fox and friends. 20 minutes after fox and friends mentioned that steph curry is thinking about skipping a white house visit, President Trump tweeted and said the invitation had been withdrawn. Weve seen lots of prominent celebrities and athletes and ceos having to make these choices about whether to attend a white house events. Whether they want to be associated with President Trump or try to avoid it. Curry said he was going to avoid it, now the warriors say they are definitely not going because the president has disinvited them. And so this rolls on. These controversies with a racial component to them continuing to fire up people on social media. Now the question, by the way, is what is going to happen on sunday, are even more nfl players going to take a knee not just to protest racism, but to protest President Trump. Brian stelter, cnn, new york. A big day for football in the United States. Well see the reaction on the grid iron. Reaction to the president s broadside keeps pouring in from across the sports world. Former nba great Magic Johnson tweeted, i support the nba World Champion Golden State Warriors, their owners, players and fans. Golden state players are champions and men of principle who give back to their community. Chris paul of the Houston Rockets said, with everything thats going on in our country, why are you focused on who is kneeling and visiting the white house . And from Richard Sherman of the seattle s Seattle Seattle seahawks, the behavior of the president is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. If you do not condemn this divisive rhetoric, you are condoning it. The silent protest has also spread to major league baseball. Take a look here at the catcher breus maximum well of the oakland athletics. Hes believed to be the First Major League player to take a knee during the National Anthem. During saturdays game against the texas rangers. Lets bring in Erica Rene Davis Sports Reporter with cache digital to talk more about this. Erica, thank you for being with us this hour. So, this movement started taking a knee to bring attention to the issue of police brutality, to racial issues in the United States. So, the president of the United States reframing it as an issue about the American Flag and the National Anthem. Yeah, george, thank you for having me. I have to say not only is donald trump guilty for reframing this as a flag issue. I think many of his supporters or all of them many of his supporters, i hate to over generalize, are responsible for reframing this being about the flag when, as you said, it is about police brutality. It is about Law Enforcement officials getting away, even sometimes on camera, mistreating and sometimes killing egregiously innocent men without having a fair trial within our justice system. I dont understand the value in donald trump continually antagonizing nfl owners. I dont understand the value in trump continually antagonizing nfl players who are peacefully protesting something that they perceive as an injustice. So, erica, speaking of these owners, several of them donated to the inaugural committee, supporting President Trump. They did release statements stating that they were offended, backing their teams, of course, given the president s comments. But, again, is there a sense here that the president is hurting many of the people who initially supported him . Well, lets just be completely honest, george. I dont know if you saw the nfl statement they relesioned today, but that was the quintessential nonstatement. That was the quintessential textbook version of, let me just Say Something to kind of sweep under the rug the real issue, but make it seem like we really care. I do feel like nfl owners understand the majority of their league, black men makeup the league. So, they have to stand up for them in a sense. But again, they are trumps home boys, like they are a part of his crew. So, they arent going to say anything thats too staunchly opposing Donald Trumps views and thats exactly what the nfl did today by releasing that nonstatement statement. The National Basketball champions, Golden State Warriors were invited to the white house initially, but that invitation was rescinded by the president , essentially saying that, you know, theyre disinvited now. Right. Theres been a lot of response from that. I have to say, kind of comical in light of all the negativity, its been really funny to watch the social media backlash because, you know, the warriors had not they had not decided that they were going anyway. So, what donald trump did is what he typically does before he could look like the loser. He made sure that his opponent was the loser. I really think a lot of the warriors for standing up and standing in solidarity and saying, we are not going to support a white house that continues to divide our country based on misogynistic values, based on racist values. You know, based on dividing the country anyway that it can. And its not just a knock at trump. Its a knock at his supporters. It is speaking out people who support his administration. It takes a very strong leader, steve kerr, the head coach of the warriors, and it takes a very Strong Organization to say, were not going. We are the champions, and we are not going to this white house no matter how much of an honor it is. We wont be there. Erica rene davis, thank you so much for taking time with us. Of course, mr. Trump not just picking fights with athletes at home. Hes also trading threats and insults with north korea. At the u. N. Tuesday he said the u. S. Would destroy north korea if forced to defend the u. S. Or its allies. Saturday north koreas foreign minister responded at the u. N. General assembly. The absurd reality a person like trump, a mentally deranged person, full of megalow mania, the person who has chastised even by American People as commander in grief, lying king, president evil, is holding the seat of the u. S. President and the dangerous reality that the gambler who grew old using threats and all other schemes to acquire a patch of land holds the nuclear button. These are what constitute the grave est threat to the International Peace and security today. Mr. Trump responded to the foreign minister in a tweet. He wrote, quote, just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u. N. If he echoes thoughts of little rocket man, they wont be around much longer, exclamation point. He goes on to say, little rocket man, that is mr. Trumps new nickname for the north Korean Leader kim jongun and it appears to be getting to him. North korea held an antiu. S. Rally saturday to denounce President Trump. Also on saturday, the u. S. Says that it flew bombers to the east of north korea. The pentagon says that it was a message to pyongyang over its nuclear ambitions. Our ben wideman following this story live in tokyo. Ben, lets talk about this. Weve been talk Berkshire Hathaway rhetoric from north korea, also met with name calling from the u. S. President. The things are now getting much more real, this show of force much closer to north korea. Reporter yes, its important to note that they flew along the eastern side of the Korean Peninsula and its on the northeastern side of north korea where these Nuclear Tests have been going on. So, it was probably more than just a show of force by the United States. In fact, a spokeswoman said it was intended to send a clear message that President Trump has, quote, many military options. They were also probably having a look at the terrain in that area in the eventuality, the possibility that the United States will take military action. So, in addition to these shows of force and this mud slinging back and forth between the two leaders, this is exacter baiting an already very tense situation to the point where a spokesman for the Ruling Democratic Party in south korea, south korea of course being a very close ally of the United States, put out a statement saying that the exchange of excessive verbal threats would only heighten anxiety. George . Ben, thats the other question. As far as residents throughout japan, residents throughout south korea, people have been accustomed to the rhetoric from north korea, but now that the rhetoric has been ratcheted up with the name calling from the u. S. President , is there more anxiety among everyday people watching all of this play out . Reporter if you take into account the events of the last month, you have had north korea on the third of september conducted its 6th nuclear underground nuclear test. Within the last month, north korea has fired rockets over japanese territory. In addition to the mud slinging, so, it definitely has caused people to have far more concern. It was almost sort of a fact of life before this recent chain of events. I think whats most disconcerting for many people is the nature of the rhetoric coming out of the United States. Theyre accustomed to a much more thoughtful, balanced rhetoric coming from the u. S. And, for instance, just look at, for instance, if you go back in time to 2003 before the United States launched its invasion against iraq under Saddam Hussein at the time, at least the american president said, we are not an enemy of the iraqi people. But here what we seem to be seeing is that President Trump is threatening not to destroy the regime, but to obliterate the country, and thats a cause for concern. Cnns Senior International correspondent ben wedeman live in tokyo at this hour. Ben, thank you for the report. Southern mexico felt the effects of a 6. 1 magnitude quake saturday morning, less than one week after a more powerful quake struck just south of mexico city. The confirmed death toll from last weeks disaster has now risen to 307. And the hope that more survivors will be found under the rubble is beginning to dwindle. Ivan watson has the very latest for us. Reporter sirens rang out across the mexican capital when a 6. 1 magnitude earthquake shook central mexico. So far we have not gotten reports from the government of new casualties or significant damage, but the tremors did interrupt some of the dangerous and vital rescue and recovery work taking place at sites like this office building, a sixstory building that collapsed in tuesdays much bigger earthquake. Now, at this time there are rescue workers from four different nations at work here, from the u. S. , israel, japan, and from mexico. And overnight friday, the mexican rescue workers recovered the body of one victim from this collapsed building. We spoke earlier with an israeli Lieutenant Colonel from an Israeli Defense force rescue team, and he gave an update on this difficult work and was sounding rather pessimistic. We have here a sixstory building which collapsed for about three days already. And we believe that inside the building there are between 50 to 60 men and women trapped and unfortunately, we believe they are already dead. Reporter at the site of another collapsed building several blocks from here saturday morning, rescue workers recovered the bodies of two victims from that location. At this location, family members of the dozens of people missing have been conducting an agonizing vigil here, hoping for some kind of news about their missing loved ones. They have been assisted by an outpouring of volunteerism with ordinary mexicans coming out in droves, bringing in donations, aid, and supply, trying to help their loved ones and trike ying help their country men at this time of need. Ivan watson, cnn, mexico city. And during ivans report, you saw behind him the sea of people. You know, continuing that search effort. I was listening, and looking right at those people. You can appreciate what theyre up against and what people went through. A lot of work for sure. Germans are voting this hour and we could be seeing the start of a new era in german politics. Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to keep her job but a farright party could gain more political party. Well have more about it next. Wemost familiar companies,s but we make more than our name suggests. Were an organic tea company. A premium juice company. A Coconut Water company. Weve got drinks for long days. For birthdays. For turning over new leaves. 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Ensure, always be you. The german Political Landscape could soon be transformed. Germans are voting right now in their countrys general election. Chancellor Angela Merkel has been the leader of germany 12 years and experts say she could secure a fourth term. But heres what could really change german politics. A farright party could be elected to germanys federal parliament for the first time in over half a century. The alternative for Germany Party could even gain significant political power. Cnns Senior International correspondent frederick plitkin joins us now for more from berlin. Big day in germany. You also mentioned the marathon. So, people running in the background, they may not be running to the polls. Theyd be running for another reason. Hey there, fred. Reporter yeah, theres more than 40,000 people actually who are running the marathon here in berlin today which puts kind of a strain on the folks who are trying to vote because its really difficult to get around the city. But, of course, this is as you mentioned natalie, also a very important election here for this country and Angela Merkel as you say is the front runner, but the big question is, is she going to be as strong politically as she has been in the past . And i have an expert to talk to me about this. Its delker from politico here in berlin. What do you think, is she going to be as strong as she was before . Because internationally Angela Merkel is seen as the anchor of stability in a very messy world at this point. Well, i mean, i think that really is the significant question now. Is she going to be as strong after the election or not. Shes highly likely to be reelected for a fourth term in office. Shes been in office 12 years. But the question is who is going to be her coalition partner. German governments are based on coalitions. You have to find a partner to reach the number of seats necessary to governor a and thi going to be the question. Shes been with the social democrats, a grand coalition. There are a lot of people in this country not necessarily happy with what they see as a lack of viable opposition. Do you think smaller parties like the liberals will get stronger or is there a likelihood of a coalition between her party and the liberal democrats, for instance . I think there is a likelihood, but it depends how well they perform tonight. Recent polls suggest that they will fail to reach that hurdle, to just be able to govern together. Its just the two of them, the liberals which are expected to come back into the parliament this year. But i think whats crucial is that the number of groups inside the party is going to swell this year. We will have six groups inside the parliament which is something unprecedented. And among them you mention it is the farright, socalled alternative for germany, afd, which is the first time we have a farright party in the German Parliament in more than half a century. So, this is really significant. Lets talk about the afd, then. Youre absolutely right. Theyve said some things that seem outrageous by german standards. German leaders should be proud of soldiers who fought in both world wars. Which seems a crazy thing to say. Do you think that germany is actually moving towards the right or are people who vote for the afd by and large people who are protest voters . I think this is really, you know, sort of the big question for the next four years. This is really something we will see over the next four years, how is this party that is widely expected to enter the parliament. They are now polling at 12 which is far beyond the 5 hurdle they had to take. How are they going to act over the next four years once they are in parliament . Theyll be much stronger because they will receive institutional support, essentially public funding once they are in the parliament. And they will have much more of a stage on the national level. Reporter so Angela Merkel has brought a lot of stability to germany, but at the same time shes asked a lot of germans. If you look at the past couple years shes been in office, theres been balanced budgets in this country. At the same time germans had to bail out the banks. They had to bail out greece. They saved 1. 1 million refugees. Do you think that she is still very popular among germans or do you think she is going to get back into office because there simply isnt a viable alternative . I would say shes become popular again since the refugee crisis. I think this had to do with global developments. It had to do with the fact the brits voted to leave the European Union which took them by shock. Reporter what about trump . I think you have to see germans maybe more than any other nation in the world, they value stability. 125b stability is something important to germans. Merkel knows how to brand herself as an anchor of stability in these insecure times. Reporter delker, thank you very much. I can only echo what was said, german politics is like a tanker. It doesnt move quickly, it doesnt change speeds quickly t. Gets maneuvered very slowly. Stability is a big thing for voters here, natalie and george. Slow and steady. All right, fred for us outside a polling place there. Thank you, fred. Still ahead, we take a deeper look at the controversy of taking a knee when President Trump takes issue with a protest. Stay with us. Being the incredibly busy man that i am, ive asked chase sapphire reserve cardmembers to scout the world to find my next vacation. Elton, what are you up to . Im having breakfast in uganda. Uganda be kidding me, elton its a. Its a joke. James, were going to look for gorillas hang on, what . Thats a real silverback gorilla. Look at it no, dont look at it. Shhhhh stay. Okay. Im freaking out sapphire reserve, from chase. Make more of whats yours. [l vwho can turn the worldan jeton with her smile . 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This general election could change that nations Political Landscape. Experts say the german chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to win her fourth term in office, but for the first time the farright party, alternative for germany, is expected to win seats in the federal parliament. A 6. 1 earthquake hit southern mexico early saturday, making it three major quakes that have rattled the country in less than two weeks. Death toll from the 7. 1 quake is 307. Most of the deaths are in mexico city. The army reserve has sent in 3,000 troops to puerto rico to help with Hurricane Maria relief efforts. This as 70,000 people evacuate from their homes in the northwestern part of the island because of a failing dam that was damaged during that storm. The feud between professional sports stars and the u. S. President blew up into a major controversy on saturday. It certainly did. Donald trump provoked a vigorous backlash when he said this on friday at a Campaign Rally in alabama. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now, out, hes fired. [cheering and applauding] hes fired players and owners immediately began pushing back, but the president refused to budge. On safturday he tweeted if te player wants a privilege of making millions of dollars in the nfl or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our great American Flag or country and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, youre fired. Find Something Else to do. As if that were not enough, mr. Trump on saturday also rescinded his invitation to the National Basketball champs, the Golden State Warriors to visit the white house. He said it was because of star steph curry that was hesitating about attending so he disinvited the entire team. Stevie wonder showed his solidarity with professional athletes by taking his knee at an appeal for peace on saturday. The legendary singer song writer was at a packed concert in new york city central park when he stopped to kneel down and face the crowd. Im taking both knees. [cheering and applauding] both knees and pray for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world. And our globe. Joining me now is michael genovese, from Mary Mount University loyola. On the campaign trail donald trump would encourage people to hurt people who were protesting that didnt support him. They did sometimes. When u. S. Citizens, these athletes silently go down on a knee engaging their right of peaceful civil disobedience and injustice, he ridicules them and says they should be fired from their jobs. Isnt this a gross double standard . Well, you have a president who likes to pick fights. I mean, he goes out of his way to pick fights. He defines himself, it seems, by the enemies he makes. And his strategy here is very clearly to divide. He cant unite the country so lets divide and conquer. His basis confident will stay strong with him. I think the racial component of the attack on these athletes should not be lost. If he can unite and keep his base solid, he feels he can divide the rest of the country and govern in that way. But hes not, though, is he . Because hes not getting his agenda satisfied at all in washington and at the same time Race Relations are definitely not good in the country. As you say, he enjoys fueling the issue rather than working to heal. He seems to play the same card over and over again, divisiveness is his hallmark. But its not getting the job done. So, why does he cling to that . Well, i think he feels its good for him and for his base. Certainly not good for the country. And i dont think that its just that hes distracting us from other problems. I think hes defining himself by the problems he creates, by the heat and the temperature that he can raise. I think he feels that if he can be the man who Commands Center of attention, hes in good shape. So, its not an attempt really to deflect them from what hes not getting done. He needs this just for himself, is that what youre saying . Well, you know, to continue with the sports analogy, he needs to keep his eye on the ball. And the ball is north korea. Russia, china. Its not worrying about someone taking a knee or an athlete who doesnt stand up for the National Anthem. Thats a constitutional right. And while i wouldnt participate in that necessarily, you take that issue and you make that into something bigger than it really is. Right. So, lets talk about the bigger issues. North korea and iran, he had a tweet on saturday on international affairs, just heard foreign minister of north korea speak at u. N. If he echoes thoughts of little rocket man they wont be around much longer. So, yet again, hes using very dangerous dialogue, name calling, two very serious issues, right . At the same time he works to protect americans from people he deems are dangerous, hence the travel ban, hence the wall, and at the same time is fueling danger on a much, much more grand level. We need to start with whats very clear is that this is a problem with north korea that was started by kim jongun. Right. Hes a spoiled child, hes an overgrown sufferer of affluenza. He president gets baited and goes to kim jonguns level. What happens is you keep raising the temperature. You keep inching towards war. You keep taking the spiral and leveling it higher and higher. We need to deescalate. You have two people, like two spoiled children poking each other in the eye with a stick, and you know that that cant lead to good outcomes. Michael as always, thank you for talking with us. Thank you, natalie. Well, well update you now on puerto rico in the after magts of hurricane. The governor has extended the nighttime curfew indefinitely. They have a 20day supply of gasoline, but distributing it remains difficult because of damaged roads and destroyed gas stations. Who can drive in that . No, yeah. There is so much devastation there and flooding. The northwestern part of the island, there is an imminent threat of a cracked dam on the verge of collapse, some 70,000 people in that area have been urged to leave their homes. The resident commissioner of puerto rico spoke about the situation. Reporter what can you tell us about the dam . I know that the governor reported that there are some cracks on the wall and that it was he put it in these terms. He said it was imminent that it was going to break, putting at risk the lives of 70,000 people. What is happening there . We went last night, the governor and i, there is no communication on the island. So, there was no way to call the mayor, to call the police, or even by radio communication. You have to go in person. Exactly. Last night the governor and i were together and we traveled the whole island to get there. The problem with that is that the dam, the National Water service said that there was a damage, structural damage in the dam without saying specifically what it was. But when we saw the pictures, i mean, the water is eroding the whole area. Reporter right. So, that will put in danger more than eight neighborhoods near to that. So, those areas were evacuated by the mayor, and the governor signed a direct order to get those people, those families out just protecting their lives. And you know the thing about it, the Officials Say that dam is holding for now, but a lot of people certainly in a dangerous situation there. So, who will be next to feel the effects of Hurricane Maria . Yeah, Karen Mcguinness is watching that for us. Its trekking on. Hi, karen. It is. We received an update from the National Hurricane center at 5 00 a. M. Now it is finally a category 2, still a very powerful and intimidating storm system, with the eye that is still fairly clearly defined, but it has supporting winds with it 175 Kilometers Per Hour or 110 miles per hour. All right. This is the position right now, category 2. But as we go into the middle of the workweek, the Spaghetti Models are saying, all right, well hold together. Well continue to move it towards the north, but beyond that time period it edges dangerously close to the North Carolina coast. It is unavoidable to see that with these Spaghetti Models. The folks in North Carolina are probably casting a very weary and wary eye on whats going to happen with maria because back in october of 2016, they were pummelled by hurricane matthew. It did widespread damage. People up until earlier this year were out of their homes because the flooding was so bad. Their homes were destroyed, entire neighborhoods. This takes us through tuesday. Think beyond tuesday, we are looking at it edging a little bit further towards the west. There will be maybe some rainfall. That is if these tracks dont change drastically, which they have as we have seen with previous hurricanes like we saw harvey in texas. Like we saw irma in florida. Here we see in puerto rico a woman just outside of san juan who is trying to clean up the mud and debris that inundated her home. There you can see some Household Items just kind of piled up outside homes there, just in the street. Looks like there is still some standing water there. So, maria has cast this wide devastation on its journey across the caribbean and into the turks and caicos, into the bahamas, and we cant avoid looking at this. The gfs and the european model in near agreement. The gfs has it edging right near the North Carolina coast, and natalie and george, it looks like maybe some of those the western edge of Hurricane Maria is going to edge close to those areas, but its still just a little too far out to say definitively. Wow. That is a storm that doesnt want to give up, isnt it, karen . Thats right. Really unfortunate. Thanks, karen. Well stay in touch with you, of course. Still ahead, facebook is currently at the center of the investigation in the russia meddling of the 2016 president ial election for selling thousands of ads linked to russian troll farms. Ahead here, how the social media giant plans to deal with possible election interference in the future. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. At t Network Security helps protect business, from the largest Financial Markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyberattacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. Keeping the world of business connected and protected. Thats the power of and. 60 of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. Find the number thats right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. The better the fit, the better it protects. Always. U. S. President donald trump still thinks congress may repeal obamacare, even though republican senator john mccain has come out against the latest bill possibly ending the partys chances for undoing obamacare. But mr. Trump tweets that he is still hoping for support from two senators rand paul, who has already said no, and Lisa Murkowski of alaska. Heres what mr. Trump said. I know rand paul, and i think he may find a way to get there for the good of the party. And alaska had a 200 plus increase in premiums under obamacare, worst in the country. Deductibles high, people angry. Lisa m. Comes through. Mr. Trump is again calling alleged russian interference in the 2016 election a hoax. This after facebook agreed to give Congress Thousands of campaign ads linked to russian accounts. Thats right. Now the social media giant wants to create a new standard of transparency for political ads. Lori siegl has this report for us. Reporter more than 3,000 ads sold to a russian troll farm aimed at targeting u. S. Citizens to influence the election. And an admission from facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. Our teams have found and shut down thousands of fake accounts that could be attempting to influence elections in many other countries. Reporter but as facebook turns over the ads purchased by russia to congress, there is a new sense of urgency in Silicon Valley. Make changes or face regulation. And the pressure is mounting. I dont want the government making decisions about speech because the core Democratic Institutions are so unreliable. At the same time, these platforms play such a powerful role in making those decisions we want them to be somehow accountable. Reporter as zuckerberg promised to add more transparency to political ads on facebook, he said the company will double the number of people working on election integrity. Is it too little too late . He cant simply write math that we believe mutually chooses the best content. We are making choices that are incredibly consequential for what speech gets aired and seen by ordinary people, ordinary americans. Reporter while major tech ceos are beginning to grapple with the unseen consequence of their increasingly powerful platforms, there are some calls for Tech Companies to be regulated as utilities. Many in Silicon Valley disagree. I recently spoke to twitter and media founder ed williams about it. A congressman suggested there should be an act passing legislation to put Disclosure Requirements on social Media Advertising similar to the ones that we see on tv commercials. This ad paid for . Reporter what impact would that have . I dont think people would Pay Attention to it, not really. Reporter when it comes to regulation, williams isnt opposed. Hes just doubtful of the process producing good results. Id prefer no regulation to bad regulation. There is no obvious thing you would say to facebook or google or twitter, go fix this now. Oh, were not doing that because we dont have to. Theyre all trying to make the best as soon as they can. Reporter questions about content are complicated. The difference between a difference of opinion or a political belief and a difference in like wrong facts is really hard to suss out. I dont think anyone has figured out how to suss that out automatically. Reporter while they say they will disclose political ads who decides what constitutes a political ad on a platform and what is propaganda and an idea that some people say there needs to be editorial guidelines and you get into an area where most Tech Companies are like, thats not something that really fits in our model or that we would even be good at. Lori siegl there reporting for us. The u. S. First lady is in canada for this years Invictus Games where she chatted with the games founder britains prince harry. Well have the latest on melania trumps first solo trip abroad for you coming up next. Enamel is the strong, white, outer layer of your tooth surface. The thing thats really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime the more that we can strengthen and reharden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients teeth are going to be. Dentists are going to really want to recommend pronamel strong and bright. 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First Lady Melania Trump is on her first solo trip abroad saturday. She arrived in canada to lead the u. S. Delegation for the Invictus Games, paralympic Service Event for those wounded in combat. Prince harry launched the Invictus Games in 2014. They shook hands and shared competitive banter ahead of the big event. The princess girlfriend, did you know, actress megan markel also made an appearance in canada. I think they met there, but dont quote me on that. Quote people magazine. All right. A refugee from afghanistan is training for the biggest swimming competition of his life, a 20yearold was born without arms in wartorn kabul. But he hasnt let his disability come between him and his dream. A fittial ketu has this inspiring story. Hes the number one most inspirational swimmer i coach and he works so hard. Reporter from the deck he hangs onto the wall like any other swimmer waiting for instruction from his master swim coach dennis baker. Dolphin kickback to here, do a flip turn. The Team Immediately fell in love with him. Reporter its easy to see why. Swimming is like become a way of life. Reporter the 20yearold swimmer was born without arms in wartorn kabul afghanistan. Always a bomb exploding. Lots of people are dying. Reporter despite ongoing instability, he led an active life wrestling at a young age until he jumped into the pool for the very first time. First they say you cant swim without arms. I was scared of water. Reporter a lifeguard encouraged him to keep swimming. Day by day, i train by myself. Reporter until one day he left his life jacket behind and caught the eye of an afghan swim coach. I can do something in swimming. He taught me a couple techniques. Reporter he swam in the countrys first paralympic swim meet and took gold. When im swimming im showing myself and other people who i am. Reporter but who he was, an adolescent with a visible disability, he knew he needed a better life and he wasnt going to fi to find it in the middle east. Disrespecting disabled people. They see disabled people as a hopeless thing, cant do anything, useless. Reporter with the help of his older brother he made the toughest decision of his life, leave his family behind. He flew to iran and fled to turkey illegally as a refugee, a dangerous journey to United Nations headquarters. But i did it because to save my life. Reporter now he is preparing for the biggest competition yet, para swimming World Championships in mexico city. Im exciting, im nervous and im training hard and it will payoff. Reporter but hes missing something important. Now im trying to get my younger brother. I really want to get him over here. Reporter get his younger brother who inspired him to swim to the u. S. And by his side on race day. He is not in safe place. I miss him so much. Reporter a brothers bond formed by the pool and one giant kick. You have a distance swimmer 90 arms and 10 legs. Thats the beauty of the sport. I dont know what people think, but i do it because i love swimming. Truly inspiring. Amazing young man. Absolutely. And wish him the very best. Uhhuh. Thank you so much for being with us. For cnn newsroom im George Howell. Im natalie allen. Our coverage continues with new day after the break. And for International Viewers youll see erin burnett outfront. Thanks for watching. I am so busy. So ive asked chase sapphire reserve cardmembers to scout the world to find my next vacation. Dija, where is that . Im on a rickshaw in japan. Hes so fast this is delicious. Im sorry. Do you guys know who james corden is . Dont ask them that, its embarrassing. No. Okay, that is embarrassing. Sapphire reserve, from chase. Make more of whats yours. Zorba the greek by Mikis Theodorakis the allnew Volkswagen Tiguan with available pedestrian monitoring. The new king of the concrete jungle. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you switch to flonase allergy relief. 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Wouldnt love to see who respects our flag and say get that son of a bitch off the field right now. The guy who we put in charge is trying to divide us once again. Trying to figure out the leader of a country to go that route. Not what leaders do. Black people, black athletes get attacked by people like you and the president of the United States when they have every right to be here catch your Bruce Maxwell is believed to be the First Major League player to not stand

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