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Appears imminent in iraq. Several are poised trying to take it back. The Iraqi Air Force dropped leaflets on the city warning residents to stay in their homes and avoid isis positions. The leaflets also promise its victory time. Were going to hear the latest on the plan to retake most you will. What a difference this time. Theyre going in some complex terrain, isis a hardened enemy, yet they seem much more confident. Reporter yes. You have to keep in mind whats happened over the last two years in iraq. Back in june of 2014, when isil took over mosul, it was an absolute utter defeat for the iraqi armed force the and they lost one city after another. Tikrit, fallujah. Now the tide has turned. The Iraqi Armed Forces joined by kurdish fighters, supported by the u. S. Led coalition, have retaken all of those cities. The iraqi army is much better prepared, experienced, theyre battle hardened. This is in a sense the final battle for isis in iraq. Still holds towns south of you have also at the same time Something Else going on in syria. You have it was where a battle will occur at the ends of days. There, Turkish Backed free syrian fighters are about to take the city. Isis is about to receive a body blow to its global jihadist ambitions. The iraqi army, kurdish fighters are a raid around the city. Tens of thousands of fighters ready to go in. We understand there was intense bombardment not only by also by u. S. Artillery of areas in and around mosul in preparation for this battle. The inhabitants of that city, which ones had a population of 2 million, now perhaps 700,000 to a million. They are preparing for this battle. Some are digging bomb shelters in their basements. Others are stocking up food. Because Everybody Knows whats coming. Isis knows whats coming as well. Theyve made it clear that anybody who tries to abandon the city without permission will be executed. 14 isis members were executed yesterday. However, they have told wounded isis fighters that they can leave and we understand early yesterday morning, six bus loads full of isis members, women and children left mosul presumably for iraq a. Paula. In terms of whats going on now, a couple of questions. What defense does isis have against all of this and how will that end up in sparing the civilians . A lot of people commented even a victory for the Iraqi Military could mean a lot of suffering for the civilians still caught up there. No question about it. Weve seen time and time again, for instance in fallujah in june was using thousands of people as human shields as iraqi forces tried to retake the city. What isis is doing at the moment, theyve released many prisoners, people held for crimes such as smoking a cigarette, not wearing proper clothing or shaving, theyve released these prisoners and made them or helped dig a network of tunnels and trenches around the city which are typical defensive measures by isis. Of course, theyre operating from within the civilian areas. Thats the worry. As it battle intensifies it will become street to street fighting and people are living in those houses among them and have little in the way of protection or support. So it definitely will be a messy and possibly prolonged battle. Paula . We shall see. Ben wedeman there awaiting an iraqi operation. Im joined via skype in paris, the author of isis, a history. If we take what many hope will be the last chapter of that isis histo history, what can we expect to see here . Are you confident that the Iraqi Military is in a much better position to deal a real death blow to isis here . Yes, i think theyre much more prepared and much more in a better position than it was when mosul fell in june 2014. The question, paula, is not whether mosul will not only for the iraqi army but for its allies, the kurds and other militias, but how long it will take. Will it take a few weeks . Will it take a few months . And also, a very important question, is the post isis will the iraqi army and the Iraqi Government be able to provide reconstruction for the 800,000 civilians in mosul. Will the iraqi army and its allies, the kurds and others in iraq be able to put the iraqi house together . I think this is the question. The americans have invested a great deal. Not only in the training of the iraqi army, not only in positioning major American Military assets in terms of special forces, but also the americans have invested a great deal of time trying to bridge the divide between the Iraqi Government and the kurds. Between the turkish government and the Iraqi Government. Trying to impress on the Iraqi Government the need for a very important post reconstruction plan to provide medical supplies to the civilians in mosul. All in all, i think it seems to me that isis is on the retreat. Isis is besieged. It realizes this will be the last battle, the last major battle in mosul. Mosul is the second largest iraqi city. This is the capital, the de facto catch tal. If mosul falls in the next few weeks or months, this would mean the end of the territorial khalifa. It will be dismantled, in particular, with the fall of iraq and in the next few months. That is so important. Even though isis is likely to continue on in the months and years to come as a terrorist group, you make an important point about winning not just the war but the peace right now in terms of trying to retake mosul. We have sunni arab and shia militias working together. What gave you confidence that they have it right this time . What happens post an isis victory . Victory against isis . I think youre asking a very important question, paula. I think there are major differences. To constituencies, as soon as they have a major in this particular deficit, trust has not been failed so far. Even though both sides realize that isis is the enemy of all iraqis, the kurds and the Iraqi Government now seem to be walking together and both sides are coordinating their efforts. Theres a major probable plem between the turkish government and the the Obama Administration has been working hard to all in all, the morning after, it seems to me, the morning after the fall of mosul will tell us a great deal about whether the differences we seem to have lost him to be able to theres technical difficulty. But i think we understand what hes saying. The morning after, winning that peace is just as important as winning this battle against isis. Turning to syria. Syrian rebel fighters backed by turkey are advancing on the isisheld town in Northern Syria near the turkish border. Appears in some islamic prophecies as the sign of a battle between christians and muslims. Isis named the magazine, the beast. Rebels have taken control of villages around there. A 5,000 square kilometer area, the safe zone and clear of terror. Major powers are working on a ceasefire for syria. A meeting in saturday inded without breakthroughs. The u. S. , iran and turkey were involved in those meetings. Were joined live from istanbul. We heard extensively from switer land, ian, that expectations should continue to be low. It was described as a brainstorming session. If you look at your social media feed, you will see that the people of aleppo right now at this minute are still having to endure an awesome and bomba bombardment while they toil and talk in switzerland and london. Reporter yeah, paula. We saw that uptick in aleppo after the last ceasefire fell apart. People in aleppo will be watching what happens in switzerland and hoping, if they do have some sort of agreement or that yesterdays talks didnt bring about an agreement. But if they have another agreement it remains in place and doesnt fall apart. Due to the level of violence weve seen afterwards. The talks in geneva, there werent any great expectations. Both sides played down what was going to be accomplished there. Although they said they want to have some sort of agreement, some sort of cessation of hostiliti hostilities. Possibly getting aid in there. This was a skinny down talks. Only the Major Players as well as arab middle Eastern Countries were also in these talks. I said so that they could really get to the heart of the issues. But right now, both sides just not able to see eye to eye. We shall see if they can carve any path forward on an agreement. Thanks, ian lee. Another wikileaks email dump. Coming up, what the latest release says about Goldman Sachs. A ninth woman comes forward to accuse donald trump of sexual assault. New poll from the Washington Post and news Shows Hillary clinton leading donald trump by four points. Now, shes up 47 to 43 among likely voters. Polling was conducted during what may be the most controversial stretch of trumps campaign. But 64 of respondent say trumps lewd remarks about women caught on tape will not affect their vote. Trump is calling for a drug test prior to the next president ial debate. Republican candidate is suggesting that clinton took performance enhancers to improve her debate performances. Its not the first time hes questioned her health or stamina without evidence before. But it is a whole new line of attack. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. I do. I think we should why do we do that . We should take a drug test prior because i dont know whats going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end, it was like take me down. She could barely reach her car. So i think we should take a drug test. Anyway, im willing to do it. Hes willing to do it. The Clinton Campaign called the allegation a shameful attempt to undermine the election. Another woman is accusing donald trump of unwanted sexual advances bringing the total number of accusers to at least nine women. Kathy heller tells the guardian, the incident happened about 20 years ago at trumps maralago resort in florida. Its not been independently confirmed. The Trump Campaign said the media has gone too far in making this false accusation. Theres no way Something Like this would have happened in a public place on mothers day at mr. Trumps resort. It would have been the talk of palm beach for the past two decades. Reality is this. For the media to wheel out of a politically motivated democratic activist with a legal dispute against the same resort owned by trump should be embarrassed for elevating this claim. After Hillary Clinton resisted for months the release of by Goldman Sachs, seems like wikileaks has done it for you. It talks about wall streets role in financial regulations, relations with russia and wikileaks itself. Remarks at a Goldman Sachs event clinton joked that she had to smooth things over with the leaders after the release of nsa documents. Clinton says it was painful. Leaders who shall remain nameless and characterized as vain, egotistical, power hungry, et cetera, i had to go and say, our ambassadors, they get carried away. They want to be literary people. They go off on tangents. What can i say . I had grown men cry. I mean, literally. Now, for more than a week wikileaks has been releasing emails it hacked from Clintons Campaign chairman, john podesta. One main demographic where donald trump needs to rally support, weve been saying this for many months, is women. As our dana bash reports, the campaign is using the best weapon it has to try and do that. Donald trump gets the raucous crowd but his daughters trip on the trail is speaking volumes. Ivanka trumps whirlwind tour. In the suburbs of philadelphia. I wouldnt be able to go into the Office Every Day if i didnt have a safe place to bring my child. She played it very safe. Fielding several of the same softballs at multiple events. Why she thinks her father would make a good president. Then ignoring our attempts to ask questions. First in chester county. Ivanka what was your reaction when you heard your fathers case . Then in delaware county. She preaches to the choir. Pennsylvania women already all in for trump, despite his lewd language caught on tape and the new multiple allegations of groping. Im voting for donald trump. You sound a little reluctant when you say that. Its been a hard road. He wasnt saying what he does to women, per se. I think he was bragging. Team trump is hoping local Media Coverage will help with the political rally not reflected inside these suburban philly events. Gop officials privately tell us that Donald Trumps 2005 comments hurt him here, especially among women. A new poll shows him trailing by a whopping 43 among female voters in the suburbs of philadelphia. The suburbs of philadelphia. Donald trump is the right person to get things done. A group called women for trump is feverishly trying to do that, even those not thrilled with his behavior. Im a feminist. Of course it bothered me. However, the topics facing this country are far greater than the words on that tape. On the suburban philadelphia streets, some female Trump Supporters are motivated by their opposition to Hillary Clinton. I think shes a liar. I think shes a fraud. I think she covers up a lot of things. The owner of this yoga studio in westchester, p. A. , says her female clients are more likely to vote hillary. Hearing a lot of women that are really starting to dig their heels in and feel em bourd about themselves based upon whats happening in the campaign. Even some who say shes hardly their first choice. If it were any other republican candidate, maybe i would try to write bernie in. Its not the time for a protest vote. Democrats at this clinton phone bank say trump is making their job easier. A number of people have said to me, im going to hold my nose and vote for secretary clinton has turned into steadfast support. The question is whether ivanka or any trump can turn that around in under four weeks. Dana bash, melbourne, pennsylvania. Now, a landmark climate agreement was reached in rue wanda on saturday. Derek van dam is with us. This is obviously the pollutants from air conditioners and refrigerators. You would think we would have handled this. You would think due to the protocols set back in the 90s. The fluorocarbons were detrimental no the ozone layer above us. Scientists introduced an option, a substitution to the cscs. Because well get rid of the cscs, but we still have to cool our homes and our refrigerators. We need our food to stay good and not spoil in a refrigerator. They introduced what is called hfs. Hydrofloral carbons. Ill refer to it as hfc. You need to understand this. Its fascinating to see whats actually happened. Now that the scientists have gotten away from the cscs and brought in the substitute hfcs, theyve noticed all right, congratulations, were no longer harming the ozone layer. It took them years to determine that the hfcs were a significant heattrapping greenhouse gas, similar to carbon dioxide. But 10 to 100 times more potent in trapping heat where we dont need it. Youve heard of Global Warming and Global Climate change. Carbon dioxide contributes to that. Thats a greenhouse gas. So is hfcs. We needed to eradicate those. A group of countries have gotten together, dozens of countries, this is an amendment to the montreal protocol set in the 80s. They said if we can decrease our hfcs by 10 through 2019, being the European Union and the United States. Some of the biggest polluters in the world, we have the potential to decrease Global Warming by the end of the century by half a degree celsius. The previous in paris trying to reduce by at least 2 degrees celsius. Considering nine of the ten last warmest years have occurred since the year 2000. Were starting to see this link between extreme weather events and Global Warming. Take whats happening across the pacific northwest. Oregon getting hammered by storm after storm after storm. You can see the damage left by what is called a significant low pressure that bombs out over the Pacific Ocean and uprooted, dozens and dozens of trees. Its left knaus without power in oregon. Historic weather events like this. Thanks very much. Just days after 21 girls freed in nigeria, well tell you whats next for them as they try to reintegrate back into society and reunite with their families. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. 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Iraqi government forces, kurdish troops and shia paramilitaries are standing by to take back mosul and other cities. Theyve dropped thousands of leaflets warning residents to remain inside their homes and avoid isis positions. Another woman accused donald trump of sexual assault, make the total at least nine. Kathy heller says the republican candidate kissed her without her consent at his resort in florida 20 years ago. Trump says theres no way the story is true. Another release of emails hacked by wikileaks reports to show the transcripts of speeches Hillary Clinton gave at Goldman Sachs events. It shows her discussing their role in financial regulations, regulation with russia and the Clinton Campaign has not confirmed the authenticity of them. The royal secession will be smooth. The countrys Prime Minister says the king died this past week after 70 years on the throne. He was seen as a stabilizing influence. 21 school girls are expected to reunite with their families sometime soon. Boko haram released them on thursday. David mckenzie joins us live with an update. David, they still havent been reunited with their families. What do we know about their condition . Reporter well, we saw those pictures of them coming to the area. They looked safe, certainly emotional and happy to be in safety here in the capital. It does point to the difficult, terrible conditions they were held by boko haram. And those areas of the northeast that the isis linked group still controls. We expect the family members to be coming one by one, getting to have that emotional reunion with their loved ones. With those 21 girls, now women, who were taken more than two years ago from chibok. Now some have come home and one source close to the negotiations saying that the negotiations will continue next week. They are hopeful they can get more girls back, but theyre negotiating for around 83, they say, the fate of more than 100 girls in captivity is unclear and certainly it will severe worries among those campaigning for their return. Paula . Whether or not money was paid. Whether or not commanders were released and the fact that right now the government apparently isnt negotiating for all the missing girls. What happened . Reporter as i said, theyre negotiating for those girls that boko haram says they can bring back. Its unclear if others have tragically been killed in the ongoing conflict in the northeast or if in fact, those girls have become radicalized or married off to commanders, which has been a theme weve seen many, many times. Refocusing again on the 21 girls released. I want to put out another number. 75,000 children this year at risk of starvation because of a man made hunger in some pockets of famine that the u. N. And others are calling as a humanitarian in the northeast. That and being able to access many of the areas controlled by boko haram. As they push in deep into boko haram territory, they do see the awful humanitarian situation thats been caused by this ongoing conflict for several years. Theyre now being forced to take helicopters into those zones to drop food aid and get life giving assistance. Polio has had a resurgence in the northeast of nigeria and donors across the world willing to give money to the cause here, to try and save the lives. You know, while the outrage was around these girls and put a focus on the issue here, theres a larger scale problem going on in northeast nigeria thats severely underfunded and definitely unreported. Its more than 3 Million People in the northeast there that are displaced. As you said, the aid communities have been very slow, unfortunately, in getting donors to get what they need there. Theyre talking about a widespread famine. Yet, david, boko haram is still a menace in that area. It will continue to stalk those people, wont it . Thats right. Throughout the region, its still operating. Its not a fight thats over. You have had a lot of successes from this Multinational Force backed by the u. S. And other International Actors moving in on the ground and in the air to stamp out the threat of boko haram. Even if they manage to win that fight in the foreseeable future, whats left . You have a region thats been destabilized by this terror group. Farmers implanted their seeds for several seasons, meaning people are food insecure. You have a portion of the country that in the past has been pushing for kind of isislike caliphate and again, they created that in some level, boko haram did. The fallout of this whole will last for years and years and offer the worst effect for the women and children who have been killed, raped and abducted in the thousands, not just the case of the chibok girls. All throughout the surrounding parts of neighboring countries. Am 75,000 children at risk right now. David, appreciate it. U. S. Officials say the destroyer u. S. S. Mason fired countermeasures in the red sea saturday after what they believed to be missiles coming from a rebel held area in yemen. Officials say it might have been a radar malfunction on the destroyer instead of an attack. The ship and its crew were not harmed. Now, also in yemen, two americans held captive by rebels are now free. The u. S. Citizens arrived in neighboring amman saturday. Theyve not released their names. The u. S. Is calling for the release of any other americans who may still be held in yemen. A saudi u. S. Led coalition is taking responsibility for a deadly air strike in yemens capital. The attack hit a funeral last saturday. You might remember the pictures. It killed more than 150 people, many civilians. Investigators now say Incorrect Information led the coalition, which is fighting rebels, to wrongly target that funeral home and kill so many civilians. South korea says the intermediate range missile that north korea has fired saturday failed after launch. Washington is calling on pyongyang to avoid the military is prepared for any other provocation. There may be more unedited damaging footage of dprup from his days on the apprentice. While the creator of the show wont release the tapes. Plus, its up to voters in one of the most important states of this or any other u. S. President ial election. Credit karma, why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to ride the 13l forever, do you . Credit karma huh . Yeah, its free. Credit karma. Give youself some credit. Former staffers who worked on Donald Trumps show the apprentice say the leaked video of his lewd remarks on women is the type of the iceberg. What the shows creator says he cant legally release any of those outtakes. Heres cnn contributor brian feldman. Youre fired. Donald trump had all of the power inside the boardroom. Now mark burnett, the reality tv guru could hold trumps fate in his hand. Rumors are swirling that outtakes from the apprentice are more explosive from this bombshell access Hollywood Tape. They let you do. You can do anything. And could make this casual sexist remark seem like nothing. But the apprentice raw footage is unacceptable. Nbc, which aired the show says burnett has it. Burnett says he cannot legally share it. And mgm says its restricted from releasing the material. Eager to do this is contractual and common in hollywood. British born burnett is one of the biggest producers in town and has been friends with trump for years. My first thoughts ever about donald trump, i was selling tshirts on venice beach reading this book, the art of the deal by donald trump. He wasnt selling tshirts for long. His participation in a french adventure competition gave him the idea for survivor. The show was a hit. Giving birth to a new genre. The voice and shark tank are among his other huge money makers. In 2004, burnett catapulted trump to tv stardom. Generally mark wants me to do exactly what i want to do. Hes a good guy. When trump got married in 2005 owe o. My son cameron was the ring bearer at the wedding of donald and melania. In 2013, his wife, roma downey produced the bible, miniseries. Its a calling. Faith could be one reason he denies a report calling him pro trump saying my wife and i reject the hatred, division and ma soj any that has been an unfortunate part of his campaign. What if it this reporter tells me she interviewed 20 former apprentice Staff Members say trump used uncomfortable sexist language. Including talking about openly which females he would like to have sex with. Weve heard a lot from the candidates and the pundits. What about the voters. Poppy harlow went to several states to see. No candidate has won the white house since winning that state since 1960. This neighborhood in cleveland, ohio, was one of the stroj hes for president obama in 2012. Mitt romney did not get a single vote from People Living in these homes. Not one. People living here have been struggling economically for a long time. They still are. To so the question is, will they come out in droves for Hillary Clinton the way they did for president obama. Hillary. Hillary is the best candidate. Thats a nobrainer. There have been decades of economic despair and a dwindling faith that politicians will help. I think the democratic platform is saying the same thing we have heard for the past 50 years. Over and over. War on poverty was declared. Jeff crosby used to be in gangs. That landed him in prison. Now hes working to keep kids from the same life he lived. Its one of the highest crime areas in cleveland. This is . Yes. About ten gangs over here. Whats up . I think the Democratic Party is taking us for granted. The Republican Party literally ignores us except for trump. Hes striving to make inroads. But hes a polarizing figure. Because he got money. That aint everything. Im willing to vote for a clown before donald trump. Really. With a red nose. I do agree with republicans sometimes, but i dont agree with nothing that donald trump stands for. That brings us to the second part of this ohio chapter. 200 miles south. Were in pike county, ohio. This Place Matters a lot. Not for the number of votes but because of what it represents. It used to be solidly blue but its been moving more and more red. In 2012, this was the closest county in the country. Mitt romney won here by a single vote. Just one vote. Its 96 white. Largely blue collar and unemployment here is high. These are exactly the voters donald trump has been speaking to. With his message, if it isnt resonating here, hes in trouble. Id say right now, youre looking at a coin toss. Among Union Workers who, until now, have been solidly blue. Have you ever seen anything like that before . Donald trump says hes the one to bring these jobs back. Hes the one to build up your industry. Donald trump is saying that. Thats total propaganda. Where is his merchandise made . What does he have to offer to american industry . Nothing. Many here believe trump and see him as their best shot as getting ahead. Since 2000, ohio has lost nearly a third of its manufacturing jobs. Got a lot of things that is amazing that hes telling us he can do for us. Andrew shanks runs a Real Estate Firm here. It means more jobs, more better paying jobs. You voted for president obama in 2008. Yes, i did. But her faith in the Obama Administration has faded. I think frum trump is a businessman and the country is a business. When we met angie, she was leaning towards trump. Now after the access Hollywood Tape surfaced, shes reconsidering. Youre a lifelong democrat . Yes. So youre voting for hillary this time around . No, im not. My dad is a coal miner. They put the coal miners out of work. We left ohio asking this question. Why does economic pain from one town to the next push some people left and others right . That was our poppy harlow there. These interviews were taped before the access Hollywood Video surfaced. Cnn called back the Trump Supporters that poppy talked to in that special and almost all said they still support donald trump. Coming up, the push for onscreen diversity gets a big move at the london festival. I had so many thoughts once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my wife. What were building together. And could this happen again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . I spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. But eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Whmy doctor. Houldnt hamy dentist. Veryday . Definitely my wife. Wait, i know what i want. Make sparkling water at home. And drink 43 more water every day. Sodastream. Love your water. A push to try and cast more in films is getting a boost in london. Heres the report on the progress being made. The actor, david ayele yoe has two reasons to be happy. He stars in two films being screened at londons Film Festival this week. Both are bold african stories with a considerably large cast of black actors. But its the fact that such a situation is remarkable which caused the actors smile to be replaced by a frown as he addressed a symposium on diversity in film. The odd bone given is not going to do it. Dont pat yourself on the back because you made that black drama. Bully for you. Thats not diversity, my friends. Its got to be baked into the foundation. If you his 12yearold sons reaction to news that he had won a part in the film proved to be a sweet moment which revealed a bitter truth about his business. The first thing he said to me is oh, wow, daddy, are you going to be playing the best friend . I didnt really know what to say. But what i knew is that that statement was a product of what he had seen. His remarks came as the British Film Institute revealed a report looking at diversity in uk cinema during the past decade. The study showed that black actors absent from almost 60 of the 1,172 uk films made during this period. Ee dris elba and others were among six black actors with leading roles. Black faces were sparse among the nations most prolific acting talent. The bfi is launching black star during london Film Festival. A threemonth showcase of screenings, releases and raising awareness of black talent on screen. This thing is only going to happen, only get to the point where i dont have to get to these talks, i dont have to give these talks and we dont have to talk about diversity. If we actually start to do diversity. The ohm way that happens is in the demographics or the Decision Makers changes. It began with the oscars so white debate in hollywood a as contenders emerge, british cinema put diversity back in the focus without resource to the cnn, london. Great films there. That wraps this hour of newsroom. Im paula now ton. Ill be back with a full hour of news. Thanks for watching cnn, the worlds news leader. On the brink of battle. The coalition of forces prepares to retake mosul after more than two years of isis control. A breakthrough at the latest syria talks, leaders meet again searching for a way to bring peace to the wartorn country. Donald trump is accusing Hillary Clinton of taking performance enhancing drugs on the same day another woman accuses him of sexual assault. I am paula newton. This is cnn newsroom. A major battle against isis draws near and iraq and antiisis forces set to launch an offensive from mosul. It was iraqs second

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