Reported yeas and nays. Theyre having a vote if they will adjourn. They will if there are enough republicans on the floor to record their votes. Why thats important, too, what they will do now, democrats will take that vote and use that against the republicans to say that they chose to adjourn instead of dealing with what we consider a major issue that the American People want to see passed. This is now a Strong Political ploy by the democrats against the republicans. Do we still have audio of this . Can we still hear . Now theyre voting. Its just milling around. Got you. Its hard to see how many people are there. The question is, weve been talking about how, you know, wouldnt it be interesting if donald trump is the one who could broker a deal, considering his stance on this particular issue. Where does that leave your candidate, Christine Quinn . Look, i think thats a fair question. Could donald broker this. Weve seen no evidence that hes willing to put his Political Capital on the line tonight. Has he called speaker ryan . Has he called the nra into a meeting tomorrow at trump tower with the speakers representative and Senate Republicans who would support Something Like this . Its all great to say he could, and kind of conjecture. But we see no evidence that hes willing to risk any of his politics to move this important measure forward at a time when the country desperately needs it moved forward. David chalian, i want to talk to you about this. As you look at the optics, sometimes, many times the optics are sometimes more important than the politics and the outcome when it comes to the hearts and minds of the American People. Can you say whos winning . Is there a winner here . Well, i am a little confounded by the strategy at play here on the republican side, because i feel that a lot of turf has been seeded to the democrats to have their moment in the sun today. You have been talking about that moment where louie gomert came to the floor. I thought we would see a little bit more engagement like that. But this really has been the democrats day on this. They have successfully mounted a protest that got a ton of attention, dominated the news cycle. On an issue where they clearly have real passion from their base. Listen, this if you were watching the Democratic Base progressive groups in the days after orlando, they were really phone banking members of congress, social media taking over. This was something that these members were hearing from their core supporters, that this moment in time, that they wanted to see some action. And this is the action they came up with. What youre saying, the optics, i think the democrats win the day. I think that whether or not in the days to come theyre able to maintain that position is an open question. Lets stand by, everyone. Because we have congressman marlin stutzman, a republican from indiana. Were going to talk to him now about this. Were talking about who actually wins when it comes to the optics here. Do you think there is a winner in this particular situation, congressman. Good evening. You know, i dont know that theres necessarily a winner in the sense that, you know, from the optics of it. Its obviously a publicity stunt to try to draw attention to the issue. But this is not the way to bring an issue to the floor. You know, we have rules in the house that need to be followed. And theres been discussion about putting together a task force, a committee, to deal with this. Theres a lot of concern about whats happened in orlando, in other shootings around the country. But to take over the floor like this, i think is the wrong way for the democrats to do it. Theres going to be further discussion about it. Amongst republicans, weve had a lot of discussions on the floor today. I dont think this is the appropriate way to do it. Its looking very unorganized, and not necessarily respectful of the house rules. Our Political Panel is here. Dana bash among them. She has a question for you. Congressman, first of all, thank you very much for coming on. I appreciate that. Sure. Obviously you dont agree with the tactics, and im guessing you dont agree with the issue. Or am i wrong . Just looking at the fundamental substance of what democrats are pushing here, do you think, like the republican nominee for president , or presumptive nominee for president , does that people who are on a terror watch list, nofly list in particular, should be banned from getting a gun . I think thats the discussion we need to have further. Im actually the chair of the Second Amendment task force with the rsc. Right. We need to make sure we understand how the terror watch list actually works. Is there due process. How do people how are they selected to be on the list. We dont want the government having secret lists of americans that people dont even realize that theyre on, or once they do realize theyre on, wanting to get off the list. How do they get off the list and how do they appeal that process. I think thats where we could have a legitimate conversation about that. And i know that im open to it. Many of the other members of the republican conferences are open to that as well. Tonight and today is not going to further the conversation here in the near term. Thats a question that we have been having, all of us, on every single show here on cnn, in our private lives. You mean to tell me you guys in congress are not having that conversation right now . Isnt that the conversation thats being had right now . Isnt that the reason that we are here, and watching the democrats take over the house floor . Well, sure. Its on the floor because the democrats have taken over the house floor. Which, you know, i disagree with how this is being handled. I think that we should be following the rules. We have rules to protect the minority when we are in session to make sure that members of congress that are representing their constituents all across the country have their opportunity to have their say. You know, we have different committees that are looking at this. Im encouraging our own leadership to actually take this headon. You look at where most Mass Shootings take place. Theyre in gunfree zones. We need to make sure there is Strong Security in places that may potentially be targets. Orlando, this is, you know, a huge event for us in modern times. And i think its important for us as republicans to realize whats happening, to realize what it is. But i also think democrats need to be realistic, and the president needs to be realistic, and realize this is not just a crazy person thats walked in as, you know, an american thats shooting at a bar. This is a person who has identified with a terrorist organization, isis, that is we have a transcript that has shown what hes willing what he was willing to do, who he was willing to identify with, and why he was doing this. So we have to have that part of this whole conversation as well. I think the democrats today are trying to separate the two, the terrorist issue from the that may be the impetus of what started this particular one. But there are other incidents. By the way, this man was an american as well. There are other instances that this the legislation that is being proposed now, it would have helped prevent that. Maybe not this particular one. But there are other incidences that it would have helped. Is this not a good starting point to have that conversation, or at least to have that vote . I think its really important that we talk about i mean, this man was an american. And he did buy his gun apparently legally, because he did go through a background check and was not stopped from purchasing a weapon. There are further conversations we can have about that. But i think we really need to have a conversation about terrorism that is being grown right here in america. I mean, in my own state, brownsberg, indiana, there was a young man just arrested because hes identifying with isis. Cant we do all of that . One doesnt preclude the other one. No, absolutely not. Thats why i think we should be taking this headon, looking at the facts, and the statistics about the where shootings take place. Look at the Mass Shootings that have taken place. Theyre happening in gunfree zones. We need to make sure there is security there. The only way were going to stop a shooter is to have a person, a lawabiding citizen that either has a weapon them that can stop them or security, or Law Enforcement to be there was security there with a gun. Youre right. But again, i mean, this man had a plan, that we had no idea if Law Enforcement had any information on. They would have stopped him. But that wasnt the case. I think that theres going to be in some instances where unfortunately people are going to be shot. Because we dont have enough people there to help out in a situation quick enough. Congressman, its dana bash. I know you have to go soon to vote. But one other question. You are the chair of the Second Amendment caucus. So given that, and given the conversation you say that needs to happen, do you think that the House Speaker should make a promise that there will be a vote, or a series of votes on this issue soon . I mean, if you did that, then perhaps it would take the wind out of the sails of the democrats who are waging this protest, making the argument that they dont have any vote in sight. Well, you know what, whether hes promising votes or whether hes i think the discussion needs to happen. It is happening. I dont think its happening in the way through an orderly process that the house typically goes through, through committees. In this case, i think that we should have, you know, an orlando commission, similar to the 9 11 commission. Because we know more about isis, we know more about homegrown terrorism congressman, just here in the country. People out there are looking at congress in general thinking, okay, you know, things arent working. And hearing that they want to talk more. Theyre probably going to say, really . Lets get things done instead of just talking. And maybe you can find consensus between you, somebody who is a proud supporter and defender of the Second Amendment, and but also wants to make sure that these guns dont get into the hands of potential terrorists. I think the issue, though, more importantly than anything, is that its terrorism. This is not an issue where lawabiding citizens we dont have a problem with lawabiding citizens. It is the person who has taken advantage of our laws and then, of course, going out and killing 50 people on a saturday night in a bar in florida. This person, this monster identified with an ideology more. We get the point on that. So then what about what happened in charleston . What about what happened in colorado . What about what happened in newtown . What about those instances . Youre talking about this one particular issue, which, yes, it is, as weve been saying, the impetus for this legislation. But there were others that came before it, that this would have had a meaningful effect on that. Sure. In the situation in charleston, i mean, again, this monster walks into a church, sits there, and decides to go ahead and kill the people that he had been worshipping with for some time. Im told you have to go vote. I believe so. Go vote. Get off television. Thank you. Well continue this discussion. Get out of here. So anyway, lets talk about this. You know, one question i did want to ask him, by the way, dana, thank you. I think you helped facilitate getting him and a whole bunch of our guests here. Dana working her sources while were on television, with her phone plugged into the charger. Well get this correspondent here a charger. He said the this is outside the normal process. It is. Most americans is the normal process working, though . No, the normal process is not working. But this was a takeover of the house. And because clearly democrats were frustrated that they knew that they werent even going to get a vote on the bill, which by the way deals with getting guns not getting guns into the hands of terrorists. Which is what the congressman was talking about. And i think that the question is, every time the democrats bring up the gun issue, they bring up isis and terrorism regarding orlando. There has to be a conversation that includes both. We did a town hall earlier this year with president obama, and we brought in advocates and opponents of stronger gun laws. Ive got to tell you, its almost worth going back and watching that again. Because you really do get an understanding of where both sides are coming from. On the gun issue. As we sit here and we say, you know, i think were of the belief that the system is broken, and this should be a vote and what have you, we have to acknowledge the country is very much divided on the issue of firearms, and your ability to own one and what have you. While weve seen polling go up and down on it, depending what year it is were not that divided on background checks. I think that i dont have the numbers, even with restrictions on certain guns, like assault weapons, i think most americans, even nra members, members of the military, Stanley Mcchrystal not an ar15, but the ability to have a gun, and what have you weve been asking why not, where theres overwhelming support, is it just political talking points . Why not start with this . Because the democrats want it to be their legislation and the republicans want it to be their legislation . Or they dont want to sign on to it because a democrat sponsored it . I think some issues, but not this issue. But i think there are some very strong Second Amendment supporters who believe that this is a slippery slope. And that the minute you start passing legislation like this, youre going to start invading the Second Amendment. And its chipping away at it. Its a strong argument. The slices are, they do have a majority of support. But it masks what i think mark is getting at and gloria is getting at is the cultural divide, one that is fervently felt by each side of the divide. Even if these individual slices of proposed legislation what are the sources telling you about whats going to happen next . I think republicans are going to have to play offense just like the congressman was just saying. That they need to have their own proposals. Republicans have said, Mitch Mcconnell being one of them, they dont want terrorists to have guns. They will have to have their own proposals. Peter king is a moderate republican, so they need to come up with something. I think donald trump can play a role here and actually help the party. You think that senate and House Republicans want to be talking about this in the fall . Donald trump has had a rough three weeks, maybe he could strike a deal. Hes already got the nras endorsement. He wants to take this issue off the table. Its a real test of leadership from congressional leaders standpoint. I think the bottom line is House Republicans are going to have to come up with their own proposal if they dont like the peter king bill, okay. Lets have a paul ryan bill. Lets have some type of bill so theyre not playing defense. Much more ahead in the breaking news. The democrats sitin on the house floor. Live coverage continues. Weinto a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. Are you okay . Yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. Thats how i know its working. Ah. You know you can go on creditkarma. Com and check it out there. Its completely free. Really . Yeah oh, that didnt hurt at all. Yeah, completely painless. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Yea, thats my daughter, my son, and thats my. Hey, koolaid man . Husband. Oh yeah [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your Homeowners Insurance through progressive. By bundling it with your Car Insurance you saved a ton yeah. Do you want to see the rest of the house . I can actually see a lot of it. Oh. Live pictures now from the house floor. Our breaking news, the democrats have a sitin going on in the house. Demanding action on guns. Mark, gloria, dana, and david, also with me andy dean. Christine quinn, bob cusack, editor in chief of the hill. Spending my wednesday night and thursday morning with you guys. As you guys watch this, christine, as we talked about, what does this mean for your candidate, Hillary Clinton, since the democrats are leading this particular sitin . What does it mean for Hillary Clinton . I think this speaks to a core issue. Of secretary clintons. Which is controlling gun violence in america. Getting guns off of our streets, preventing these mass murders. And also, preventing the murders that will happen on the streets in cities all across america tonight. Many of them of young children. So i think this speaks to the passion within the Democratic Party. The commitment in the Democratic Party to take care of the issue of gun violence. And i think, i dont want to make this about a president ial campaign or politics, but since youve asked, i do think it will boost the democrats moving forward in her campaign, and in this years elections. Andy dean, do you agree with that . Well, don, ill say this, this has to relate back to what you said before the commercial break, with all these Mass Shootings. I think what conservatives get angry about, and i do especially, when they get lumped in together, as if theyre the same, theyre not. Newtown, with lanza, or colorado, those are raving psychopath lunatics. Theyre not espousing a belief system. Theyre just flatout i have to push back on you. Not all of them are lunatics. The three shooters were. To the point of the president and the point of other people, the mechanism by which people died are similar. And that is the connection here, which were talking about. In which democrats are talking about guns. Go on. Don, this is where w