Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150624 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150624

748 people. witnesses have described victims dropping dead on the streets as temperatures hit almost 45 degrees celsius or 113 degrees fahrenheit over the weekend. >> hospitals and morgues are just overwhelmed with the growing number of dead and frequent power outages have left many pakistanis without air-conditioning or running water. cnn correspondent simon mosin joins us with more on the death toll with this intense heat. the pakistani troops are handing out water and salt tablets but so many people need assistance right now. how bad are things today? >> reporter: incredibly bad. that is the official death toll we know about. and that is the official death toll. there are people living in rural communities and they may have buried their death immediately and not reported the number of deaths. the heat is incredible but not unprecedented. we had record-breaking temperatures over the weekend but this is a hot part of the world. and there is a criticism of the central government just not being able to cope. there are not enough morgues in the city. the hospitals are overwhelmed with thousands of people come into them. a lot of people telling us that in the evening, it's the month of ramadan here people are fasting. once the fast ends people are rushing to the hospital because they are incredibly dehydrated. and when i landed here the heat really hits you. and this temperature today is nowhere near the temperature people experienced over the weekend. it's incredibly stifling. and i'm taking shallow breaths it's so oppressive. >> and considering the heat is so oppressive saima, the government is being criticized for its response on this. and the pakistani troops only getting out in the past day. they have had to clarify these are an dom power outages. but how high is this death toll expected to reach? >> reporter: people are still coming into the hospitals. they are still saying that they are overwhelmed. mass burial services are taking place later today we understand. and the military you mentioned the government being unable to cope. the military the fastal disaster management authority stepping in. paramilitary troops are stepping in and volunteers and local residents delivering water and tablets to the hospitals, medicines even to try and support the failing government infrastructure. and that is why we are expecting to see more people suffering from heatstroke or sadly resulting in more deaths and as i say, it is a very large province with a huge rural community and you mentioned the electrical power. people don't have fans in this weather and these are power outages it's a regular occurrence in pakistan because of corruption and mismanagement on the power grid. and a lot of people outside of karachi, that is pakistan's largest city aren't even on the power grid. they are suffering the temperatures without access to hospitals, without access to any electricity at all. >> it is just heart breaking. our saima mohsin there. the official death toll is 748. and we now have our meteorologist, pedram javaheri with us here in the studio. we know that relief is on the way but it's too many days away. >> four straight days and a four-day heat wave and the last four days first, second third and fourth longest days of the year. you think about over i believe 20 or 30 million people across the country observing ramadan -- or in the city observing ramadan going without food ore water from 5:00 in the morning to 7:00 in the evening, 12 to 13 hours in the hottest, longest days of the year. >> a perfect storm. >> it kind of is. and heat is a silent killer. we think it is a killer because they don't have the air-conditioning or the infrastructure. heat kills more people than flooding or tornados or hurricanes. people don't think about that. but it does kill and it kills in an extended way when you have multiple days of heat. we'll show you what is happening. hottest temperatures across the subcontinent and that is what it feels like 42 celsius which is 108 degrees fahrenheit. we have been up to 135 degrees fahrenheit. your body shuts down in trying to cool itself and trying to sweat and you see in mosques with perspectives like this. the fans are not rotating in the picture here. you are seeing the perspective of the extreme conditions there. and in china, flooding taking place, incredible video that shows you what has happened in the recent days. rivers bursting their banks, cars washed away and hundreds of fatalities. they could use some of the rain in pakistan. but bring you back to the extreme heat. very interesting. we talk about this often, top five deadliest heat waves in recorded history, all since 1998. we had in india, 2300 fatalities. the hottest years on record also nine of the top ten have occurred since the year 2000 and 1998 in there as well. so it is almost identical in the hottest years globally with the largest number of fatalities. this pattern continues the fatalities will continue long term as well. >> thanks very much. see you again toon. trains that use the english channel tunnel have left london and paris packed with passengers. but others are scrambling to get to their destinations after they were stranded by pro tests that halted travel on tuesday. >> euro star suspended its service after ferry workers scattered litter on the tracks in france which is the southern point of the tunnel. the strike was reportedly over expected job losses. >> travel slowed to a crawl on roadways. but many migrants saw a way to take advantage of the traffic jam. >> reporter: a line of traffic snaking its way through france. most places this is a travel nightmare, commuters try to avoid it. but in france it's seen as an opportunity. migrants are scrambling to board trucks to england. police try to control the situation. scenes like this are all too familiar where an estimated 3,000 migrants live in tents. many say the problem is getting worse. >> it's catastrophic. there is no other word for it. there is trash everywhere there is broken tents. and they burn buildings a couple weeks ago. there are 3,000 people living in conditions like that. and don't have -- they don't have enough of anything. >> reporter: on tuesday came an opportunity to escape the squaller. eventually shutting down the tunnel euro star rail and all ferry traffic, sparking travel chaos out to london. protesters were pushed to the side of the road the scene creating an 8 kilometer line of vehicles. let's turn our focus to the greek debt crisis. greece's prime minister meets with eurozone finance ministers in brussels. they are trying to reach agreement to reach a deal on bailout funds for greece. >> the country has one week to secure the deal or risk missing the june 30th deadline to repay the imf. for latest we want to go to elinda labropoulou. and we know of course about this extraordinary meeting planned in brussels for more talks in an effort to find a solution to the greek debt crisis. how close are they to finding common ground and what might a final deal look like? >> reporter: we get mixed reports from all sides about this possible deal. but the truth is that with deadlines being so close and the possibility of greece finding itself without a bailout at the end of the month and having to face this payment to the imf, i think all sides will do what they can to reach even a last-minute agreement. we've heard all kinds of suggestions being put on the table. this whole idea of a possible deal a possible delay or default. these are the three options that greece is facing. the idea of a delay is a strong possibility. it's been suggested by the head of the euro group last week and something that is gaining ground in some circles. by now what we're seeing looking at the proposals and i think there are a lot of questions on what greece has proposed a lot of them to do with tax raises also there this whole idea of pensions and more contributions from pensioners and a number of measures that the greek government has set for a long time are its red lines that it is willing to go no further. it seems to have crossed the red lines but at the same time the proposals it is putting forward do not seem to necessarily be what even the creditors think will be the best solution for greece. >> we'll watch and listen and see what comes out of that extraordinary meeting in brussels elinda labropoulou reporting live from athens. wikileaks says the u.s. national security agency wiretapped three french presidents in the past decade. this includes seahawks -- jacques chirac and francois hollande. you have a current and two former presidents spied on and the white house saying it's not targeting the french president's communications specifically. but how irritated are french officials over this? >> reporter: well there are a couple of reactions here this morning. all of this came out in the left-leading newspaper this morning, and on media website here in paris. and so there has been a little bit of time overnight for officials to get their act together and to react. there is a defense committee meeting happening now. i suspect we'll hear something after that. there is a parliamentary meeting, a group of members will be meeting with francois hollande in about three hours from now. i would say that on one hand there is an obligation to react. the french government has to react to these revelations. on the other hand there is an attitude of well this goes on. there was a former spy on french television this morning who said the world's largest spying agency is spying it's not exactly a scoop. and i think the number of people spied upon have been on television this morning saying they were aware of the fact or at least they were suspicious of the fact that they were being listened to and they just believed if you are in a position a high sensitive position in government it is likely that someone is listening to your television conversations. nonetheless there are calls for the french government to react strongly. there is a feeling they haven't reacted enough especially since the revelations about the spying from angela merkel in germany from some months ago. there will be a strong official reaction here but it's not anything that anyone would not have expected. >> the french government recently made adjustments to government surveillance in part because of what edward snowden and wikileaks have revealed. how does the french public view these kind of whistle-blower revelations? >> one of the things that is happening today is that the national assembly here is considering a bill which will toughen up considerably the laws on french spying on it own citizens and on spying abroad. so the government is about to put in place its own patriot act, as it were it's not going to be called that. of course. but the same kind of intense spying will be authorized by this bill. there is a general consensus here that in fact, the government should be monitoring conversations, monitoring television conversations in the hunt for terrorists. now whether that is expanded to include monitoring of friend hi governments as has apparently been the case with the united states vis-a-vis france that's another question and it could be authorized under this law. but whether it will be is another question. >> we'll wait to get that official french reaction to see how it impacts the relationship between the two nations. jim, thanks. the search intensifies for those two escaped killers in upstate new york. coming up how baked goods may have helped them break out. >> an overwhelming show of support in south carolina as lawmakers vote on a bill to remove the controversial confederate flag from the state capitol. stay with us here on cnn. you know, when i started my business, a lot of people didn't believe in me. but things took off when i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i can tell the doubters to stick it. hey, honey. stick it! stick it! 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its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. from upstate new york new details about how former prison worker joyce mitchell may have helped two convicted killers escape. mitchell brought baked goods to guards as a way to win favors for inmates richard matt and david sweat. >> and this source also says that mitchell admits hiding saw blades in frozen hamburger meat. and at one point she asked prison officials to move the inmate's cells next to each other. >> the two killers have been on the run since escaping june 6th and authorities think they are closing in. >> reporter: the small community of owls head new york is where the search for two escaped killers could finally end. hundreds of police officers on patrol within minutes of the cabin where the dna samples of richard matt and david sweat were discovered. >> i think we have a good indication they are here. but it's a large area. >> your gut is they are close right now? >> if they're here we're going to find them. >> reporter: the cabin is right up this trail into the woods. the state police officers behind me are well armed. this waiting could get monotonous but they can't be complacent. they have to be ready to use their weapons at any time. late in the afternoon, a flurry of activity. police started to race to one particular location in the town but it ended up being a false alarm. the two fugitives in the hunting cabin were taken by surprise and left in a hurry over the weekend. such a hurry they left personal items item behind including a pair of boots. >> without shoes or boots walking up this brush with vegetation and rocks would be difficult, obviously. but there are a lot of trails here. the issue is that the trails are a in open. it's unlikely they would risk being in the open with the police around. many of the homes in the hot zone are empty. but joyce lawson and irwin flurry are in their '80s and staying put. >> no place to go. and i'm not really frightened. if i was frightened i'd probably leave but i'm not. >> reporter: and tell me why. >> half the night i have troopers all over the place and all day too. >> reporter: you scared of these guys? >> these kids? are you kidding me? after what i went through? no. >> reporter: what did you go through? >> well i'll tell you what i went through north korea and south korea and i'm still here. >> reporter: during the war. >> yeah. >> reporter: so what's going on now is nothing compared to being a korean war veteran. >> not one of them scared me. >> reporter: so you can handle it? >> i can handle it. >> reporter: gary tuchman, cnn, owls head, new york. let's go to south carolina where lawmakers have voted to open up debate on a bill to remove the confederate flag from the grounds of the state alcohol.alcohol capitol. >> while some see the flag as a symbol of southern heritage others say it is a symbol of racism. martin savidge reports from charleston. >> reporter: hundreds of south carolinians rallied on the steps of the state house while state lawmakers debate the confederate flog and its place on the capitol grounds. >> it's an important issue for our state. >> reporter: today the fate of the piece of southern heritage hangs in the balance. >> our ancestors were fighting to keep human beings as slaves and continue the unimaginable acts that occur when someone is held against their will. i am not proud of this heritage. >> reporter: the controversy is not a new one. the flag was removed from the capitol dome in 2000 and raised on the state house grounds. but after last week's massacre, nikki haley, a republican, made it clear where she stands. >> it's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds. >> reporter: many prominent republican politicians have followed suit. >> this is a circumstance of where the people led the politicians. i came to conclude after going to charleston that we had to act and sooner rather than later. >> reporter: the rallying cry is sweeping the south from south carolina to mississippi, one of the few states where the confederate flag still flies. lawmakers who once embraced the symbol of the old south are joining a growing chorus. quote, as a christian i believe the state's flag is a point of offense that needs to be removed. >> i believe the same is true here in the commonwealth of virginia. >> reporter: and in virginia the state would take steps to stop issuing license plates bearing the flag. sears, amazon and wal-mart have announced they will remove confederate flag merchandise from their shelves. wal-mart's ceo explained his decision to cnn. >> we just don't want to sell products that makes anyone feel uncomfortable thanks for staying with us on "cnn newsroom." i'm errol barnett. >> i'm rosemary church. want to check the headlines for you this hour. the heat wave in pakistan has killed more than 700 people. hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed and frequent power outages have left many without air-conditioning or running water. the heat wave comes during ramadan with most pakistanis gore going food and water throughout the day. rail transit in europe is running smoother now. ferry workers burned tires over expected job losses. officials closed the tunnel that links the uk to the rest of europe. wikileaks is accusing the u.s. national security agency of spying on three french presidents. france's current president has called a meeting to discuss the allegation. the u.s. says it is not targeting president hollande. now another major story, two australian men who went off to fight for isis have reportedly been killed in iraq. the two were killed by a drone strike inside the city of mosul. >> australian authorities had issued arrest warrants for both men after they tweeted pictures of themselves holding the severed heads of syrian government fighters. the foreign minister says the government is now trying to confirm their deaths. >> meanwhile lawmakers in australia proposed a new bill that would allow the government to strip dual citizenships of those fighting overseas. >> people who leave this country to fight for terrorist groups overseas that hate us and are targeting us have committed the modern form of treason and perhaps we need a modern form of banishment. >> tony abbott there. and jessica rich is a correspondent in sydney. she joins us now with more. so when will the australian government receive confirmation on whether one or both of these men were killed. we understand the prime minister isn't convinced they are both killed and how is the government likely to respond to questions from his wife and children to return to australia given one of his young sons appeared in a photograph holding a severed head. >> that is a good question. we got a clearer idea in parliament this afternoon. australia's foreign affairs minister has spoken about the fate of one of australia's most notorious foreign fighters on a day that the government is fighting to strip the citizenship from those are dual citizens. the two most notorious recruits have been killed and indeed the daughter of one and the wife of the other has told cnn that he and her father were both killed in a drone strike. but our foreign affairs minister said this afternoon that she had been told that only one of them had been killed. she said these two have not been fighting for a noble cause. they are violent and deraged criminals. there is confirmation that one of them is dead. the fate of the other is however not yet clear. as for pleas for the daughter and the grandchildren come home the mother-in-law has begged the prime minister to bring them back from the middle east. a daughter took the children to i.s. held territory in syria. the family over there gained infamy when their father forced them to pose with the severed heads of dead soldiers. karen says that her heart is broken and her daughter has made the mistake of a lifetime. her legal team have spoken to the media and have said whatever you think of the deceased these children are vulnerable australians of a very tender age. they pleaded with the government to do more to try and get them out and karen, indeed, herself, she believes that the australian government has the resources to save its own citizens. the prime minister, however says the children will be dealt with in the same way that other families of criminals are dealt with and the families should really at this point be engaging with the authorities and not via discussions with the media. >> a lot to cover there and of course we'll wait to see if the bill becomes law. we'll be tracking that. jessica rich many thanks to you for joining us. appreciate it. the northern syrian town of tal abyad is free from isis. but the militants did leave their mark. >> arwa damon traveled there and spoke with the residents. they are trying to rebuild their lives but the dangers from isis lingers. >> reporter: isis may have been driven out of tal abyad for now but they still remain a military force that is quite formidable. and during our trip to the town we were able to see some of what they had at their disposal. this was an isis bomb-making facility. bags filled with a sticky white powder, low-grade explosives which is highly flammable. the ypg, the kurdish fighting force in control of tal abyad is busy clearing it out. half of a bed of a truck filled with mortar rounds they found here. tal abyad is a mine field of booby-traps. come take a look through here. see they found in there. it's hard to see through the greats but stacked along the walls makeshift bombs, strands of detonation cord snaking out. this is a park where children used to play. the local commander says that something did not feel right. they put a warning on the gate and a resident told them they isis had booby-trapped it. >> you see the juice thing? you see the cable coming out of it? don't touch the door. isis no longer controls tal abyad but their terror lurks in every corner and the town is still cloaked in fear. a certain unease emanates from the adults anger evident in their voices their answers short and sharp. this man says that isis forced him to purchase from them black clothing for his little girls. the three say they were sometimes scared. now they are just enjoying being outside without head scarves and they want to go back to school. we went for a month and closed it they sell us they made it a base for the state, meaning isis. that was two years ago. now they say they are happy. in an environment like this one can only hope it stays that way. that particular family had fled to tal abyad from aleppo before isis took over the town. but when the terrorist organization arrived the girl's father said he could not afford to move his family anywhere else. >> that was arwa damon there. you can find out more on our website. a gallery of images you didn't see in arwa's report. go to a complex relationship with a religious group in the region threatens to bring israel into the crisis. the druves have their biggest community in syria and lebanon. some druze object to israel's medical aid to syrian rebels. several druze are under arrest. >> reporter: the israel military ambulance was the mob's first target in the golan heights. a druze mob attacked the ambulance with stones. but the target was inside the ambulance. killing one and leaving the other in critical condition, the mob furious that israel provides medical aid to wounded syrians, some rebels like the free syrian army rebels we met in april. but the druze community leader says that it was -- in the ambulance attack monday night. >> israel wants to take care and issues so i can understand israel. on the other hand i cannot understand israel taking care even if it's a humanitarian for the -- >> reporter: the druze are an ethnic and religious minority in the middle east. but the biggest druze community lives in syria where they have come under attack in recent weeks. last week -- fired at a syrian village and amateur video claimed to show he was killed. the druze have called on israel to protect their families in syria who face growing threats. israel is in a difficult situation trying to help the druze while treating enemies of the druze would being pulled into syria's civil law. >> we are not going to be a part of the anarchy going on around us. i call on the druze citizens of israel to observe and respect the law of the soldiers. >> reporter: and prime minister benjamin netanyahu meeting with the druze leaders as the war across the frontier draws ever closer. and we'll take a very short break here. still to come on "cnn newsroom." queen elizabeth has a busy day of events ahead of her in germany. we're live from berlin. that's ahead. you know, when i started my business, a lot of people didn't believe in me. but things took off when i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i can tell the doubters to stick it. hey, honey. stick it! stick it! stick it! nana? hi... stick it! can you give your mommy a message for me? stick it! get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. 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>> it's interesting. people always saying this is her last state visit but the palace dismissing that. if you look at her schedule it's absolutely packed. puts her grandchildren to shame. but today she travelled in a boat to meet angela merkel. so a lot of symbolism there and you have the world's longest serving monarch, the queen who has been on the throne for 60 years now and meeting the world's most powerful woman. the trip was organized two years ago it's a tense moment for uk-german relations. david cameron wants to renegotiate britain's position in the european union and he has to have angela merkel's support. so he is going to join the royal tour getting politics involved in this royal tour and he's going to have a meeting at the state banquet with angela merkel. it's a case of soft diplomacy, with the queen setting the scene and david cameron splitting in there and trying to get politics down in the background. >> something we have seen from the royal family, though they are doing what they can during their state visits to ease over relationships and not get into the nitty gritty of politics. and what about the decision on whether to vacate buckingham palace for maintenance? >> there was a briefing around the palace finances how they use public money, how they received and how they spend it. they are going to be receiving more this year because of the complicated way in which the finances are worked out. but i can speak to royal sources here and they added an extra line in response to the fact that the queen is getting more money but the maintenance on the royal palaces is so high and to get the work done that needs to be done including a complete rewiring and replumbing and work on the fascia as well it is going to cost 150 million pounds and one option they are considering is rather than doing stages is doing the who lot in one go meaning that the queen would have to move out and go to windsor. but the houses of parliament are considering the same thing. you could have a situation where the two most important buildings in london parts of the constitution, parolment and buckingham palace will be vacant at the same time. it's an unusual step. it has not been signed off by the queen yes. but it is something that people are talking about here and in london. >> we'll continue to watch the queen's state visit to berlin. we are looking at live images now. max foster will be tracking this throughout the day. max, thanks very much. we'll see you later. and next here on "cnn newsroom" the 40-year-old virgin is a fictional american movie but for some men in japan it's their uncomfortable reality. >> 41 years old, have a good job. but you've never had sex? you know, when i started my business, a lot of people didn't believe in me. but things took off when i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i can tell the doubters to stick it. hey, honey. stick it! stick it! stick it! nana? hi... stick it! can you give your mommy a message for me? stick it! get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. welcome back everyone. a popular fashion trend sends an australian woman to the hospital. the 35-year-old was squatting for hours while helping a relative move all while wearing skinny jeans. >> her position together with the tight jeans led to what's called compartment syndrome. the jeans cut the blood flow to her legs causing swelling and increasing pressure on nerves. after four days on an i.v. drip she could walk again. but can't figure out why she was squatting for so long. >> wear sweat pants, something loose. in japan an art class offers middle-aged men draw images of nude women but for some it's the closest they have been to a naked woman. >> and as cnn's will ripley reports it's part of a larger problem in japan that some are trying to change. >> reporter: tokyo's famous red light district caters to every sexual desire the kind of place that could make you think that most of japan is obsessed with sex until you meet people like this man. your 41 years old and have a good job. but you have never had sex in? approaching middle age he has never had a relationship or been kissed. >> are you a virgin? are you a virgin? >> a real-life version of steve carell's character, the 40-year-old virgin. one in four japanese men in their 30s who have never been married were virgins. while some prefer it that way, others would like their fortunes to change. their difficulty blamed on everything from a stagnant economy to japanese manga fans favoring fantasy over reality. for some of these men this nude art class is the closest they have ever been to a naked woman. >> classes try to help people feel more comfortable with their sexuality. and there is this textbook for virgins to help them break down their barriers to sex. class organizers know that the disconnect is leading to fewer relationships, record low birthrates and a shrinking population a crisis threatening the world's third largest economy. by solving the virgin problem we can solve other problems related to sex. his non-profit offers sex education and assistance. in japanese set woe have so much entertainment. why do we have to choose love or sex. this man is a mountain climbing 41-year-old who appears to lead a normal life hiding his virginity from family and friends. do you have hope you will meet someone soon? >> i always have hope. >> hope to fall in love start a family, hope that he'll one day have more than a sketch to call his own. will ripley, tokyo. >> hope they find love soon. >> i do too. the police department in winnipeg, canada admits that two officers inadvertently broadcast an offcolor conversation over a loud speaker. >> the loud speaker was on a patrolling helicopter but apparently the officers could not hear it from inside the chopper. listen as witnesses explain what happened. >> i heard a conversation coming from the helicopter. the conversation i heard was very sexually inappropriate. >> the first thing i made out is a word i can't say on television. and then he said $600 a week. i don't know the context. >> police say the incident is under investigation. and you are watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. stay with cnn. "early start" is next in the states. >> for the rest of you another edition of "cnn newsroom" begins after this short break. have a great day. >> see ya. you know, when i started my business, a lot of people didn't believe in me. but things took off when i got a domain and built my website all at godaddy. now i can tell the doubters to stick it. hey, honey. stick it! stick it! stick it! nana? hi... stick it! can you give your mommy a message for me? stick it! get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. ♪ happening now. the debate grows nationwide over the confederate flag. several states making new moves to vanish the historic symbol as new retailers push it from store shelves. we will tell you the new developments happening this morning. >> how joyce mitchell may have manipulated her coworkers to help two dangerous killers escape. stunning stunning new details this morning. good morning, i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman.

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