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Example of why a smooth transition of power is essential. Smooth is not what we are getting so far. President trumps supporters saying the election is not over, saying they are prepared for a Second Trump Administration, Whose Campaign filing a lawsuit in michigan. Get this, president lost michigan by nearly 150,000 votes. The president elect says everybody relax. Hes trying to choose his words carefully. I just think its an embarrassment, quite frankly. The only thing that how can i say this tactfully. I think it will not help the president s legacy. I dont see the need, frankly. The president elect says hes calm, things will be fine. Republicans will come around. If they do, it will be because the math is simple, and the math is overwhelming. Joe biden has a lead in pennsylvania as they count the late mailin ballots it has grown modestly, 47,603, its close but we could go back in time. It is a bigger lead for joe biden now than donald trump had when he defeated Hillary Clinton in pennsylvania four years ago. Its not just pennsylvania. They continue to count votes out in arizona. This is one place where team trump has some reason to be at least more optimistic. Joe biden is still in the lead by 12,000 votes but that lead was 17,000 votes the other day. It has come down a little bit as they continue to count legally cast ballots in arizona. Thats what happens after any election, especially a pandemic election, when so many ballots were cast by mail, it takes a little while to count them. Georgia is another state in the news. Republicans screaming at the republican secretary of state saying somehow something has gone wrong. Whats their complaint . Their complaint is that joe biden is leading. His lead 14,112 votes in the state of georgia. Again, since we projected joe biden as president elect on saturday, some votes come in. Occasionally the president goes up two or three or a dozen but overall jokeds lead has grown as they count ballots. Secretary of state describing what will come next under republicans. So far standing his ground, doing this right, counting legally cast ballots. Yes, because its so close there will be some form of a recount, right . Yeah. Lets call it a recount in essence here. A secretary of state, a republican, has said that the trump campaigns request pressure from members of his own party played no role in this. This is whats happening. The state of georgia was going to do what they call a risk limiting audit after the election anyway before statewide certification. The secretary of state announced that that statewide race that would be audited was going to be the president ial race because of exactly what you said. Those margins are so slim. Roughly 14,000 votes that separate joe biden from donald trump. Now, the secretary of state called it a recount, recanvas and audit all at once. He called it a hand count by hand recount, but in actuality says the workers are going to be separating ballots, all of them in the state, and then rescanning them. I want you to take a listen to how he described whats going to happen. With the margin being so close, it will require a full by hand recount in each county. This will help build confidence. It will be an audit, recount and rec recanvass all at once. A heavy lift but work with the counties to get this done in time for state certification. Again, thats in just a little while here, john, november 20th. Here is the thing, the language they have been using is a little confusing. Some is not super clear. He has another meeting essentially in just a little while here to talk about more details on this. Those counties are trying to get to work as soon as they complete county certification to begin this heavy lift, as he called it. But each one of those ballots has to be rescanned now. So its something that is sort of a hybrid maybe between an audit and a recount, but were not looking at exactly what president Trumps Campaign was demanding here, although im sure the words sound really nice to the president right now. Let them do their work, as they have done so far. So far its important to know if joe biden remains in the lead in georgia. Diane, grateful for the hustle in atlanta. Jeff zeleny joins us as well. Hes keeping an eye on the Biden Campaign in delaware. Jeff zeleny, im going to pretend this is theofa normal day and start with you. Joe biden is president elect. He has to build his team right now. This is the conversation we would normally be having after an election in which the results are convincing and, sorry, irrefutable. Joe biden is the president elect. So we saw him today deciding to pay homage to veterans, his late son beau was among them. Hes trying to make his cabinet and administration in a time when its anything like normal. He is, john. We saw him in philadelphia a short time ago. It was that split screen image, in going commanderinchief and outgoing commanderinchief. As biden said in his first News Conference yesterday, theres one president at a time. That is a guiding force, i am told, behind all his thinking on the transition. Yes, they have teams in place. They announced yesterday Agency Review teams. What that means is several dozen people across the agencies of federal government to start looking at the potential hires here. Theres some 4,000 political appointed positions throughout the government. So now they are essentially taking resumes. The help wanted sign is open. No question about it. But for the president elects part, he is intentionally taking a calm and cool approach. He knows he won the election. He has no questions about that. But we saw him even smiling at the question of will republicans come around. He said they will. They will and got a big grin on their face. Behind the scenes theres not worry yet, at least on his part, at this reluctance from republicans to accept this. Well see if that changes as weeks go forward here. He said, yes, he would like the president ial daily brief. He would like access to intelligence information. Theres one president at a time so he says he cant act on it now. Not a major imposition at this point. What he is doing is relishing in the fact World Leaders are calling him right here in wilmington. That is something he likes a lot as a longtime member of Senate Foreign relations committee, a former Vice President who traveled around the world. He is enjoying that. John, well see how long this cooler temperatures prevail. Thats the tone hes trying to set publicly to make sure that he is not viewed as being upset by any of this. Some democrats are upset that he, at least, for all we can tell is not, john. Kaitlan, this is veterans day, a day of National Holiday we pay tribute to americans who put on the uniform, defended their country, past and present and future even. Its normally a day after a president ial election, especially transfer of power, that america makes a statement to the world, the current president goes as commanderinchief to veterans. We saw the president elect going to an event on his own. That is supposed to send a signal, wow, america has peaceful transition of power. We havent seen the president in several days. We see on his tweets that he remains defiant saying im not giving up. He does. Speaking of the message sent to World Leaders, look what the secretary of state saying, denying reality saying theres going to be a Second Trump Administration when right now we know that is not the case. Its about to be a biden administration. So were seeing this overall as the president , his first public appearance in six days, with two exceptions of the president going to the golf course. That was not an event where press was allowed. We saw the president in front of our cameras. This the president coming out. He did what he was supposed to do, this traditional event where the president comes out with the Vice President. Something i noticed while we were standing there, i just went to the president with Arlington National cemetery, youre looking around and looking at who is there. General milley, joint chiefs of staff, general kellogg, Vice President S National Security adviser and there we have acting defense isnt, who, of course, has only been on the job since monday since President Trump fired his secretary, first major act since losing the election. John, what were seeing from the president behind the scenes, though hes not saying a lot publicly, hes continuing to sow doubt about the outcome of this election and attacking republican officials, the city commissioner of philadelphia today after not only talking about fantastical ideas about whether or not widespread fraud but, john, he did what the president and his allies are demanding these officials do, circulating lists of people dead he said voted in the election. He looked at the list. They took time from vote counting and what they are dealing with and looked through the list and said not a Single Person on the list circulating claiming to be someone dead that voted had voted since they died in philadelphia. The president moments later attacks him. You see this vicious cycle were stuck in here with the president and doesnt look like its ending any time soon. Even if they had, numbers are astounding. Put out in the campaign four people dead in georgia voted. Even if its true in most cases its a mixup and turns out not to be true. Even if its true, 14,000 people is a lead where four wont make a difference. They want to pick up two senate seats in georgia, want to keep them in the runoff in january. They fear defying the president and losing support. Around the country youre starting to see cracks from people with day jobs, people who speak to citizens as governors. Asa hutchinson who once served here in washington said if joe biden is the president , fine by me. I think hes doing the right thing in trying to prepare for the eventuality. He would certainly be easy to work with. I worked with him when he was United States senate. Head of the dea. I worked with him in congress. A Good Relationship there. Thats actually normal from one governor. Here is another governor who is not a trumpy. Charlie baker, my home state of massachusetts saying, mr. President , get over it. Im dismayed to hear the baseless claims coming from the president , from his team, and from many other elected republican officials in washington. Ive been a republican for 40 years. This latest move to deploy the department of justice in all of this is so wildly inappropriate. And stalling an orderly transition process, especially at a time like this, is equally unacceptable. In a normal world, kaitlan, leaders listen to qualified talented people in their organization. By organization here i mean Republican Party. Im going to suspect that President Trump wont listen here. I think my favorite comment from the state official was the montana secretary of state who told the president it was time to tip his hat, bite his lip, and congratulate joe biden. As were seeing more of that across the nation, not just from officials in washington, what we are seeing is a Republican Party on edge because they are not sure how to navigate this. Privately they are incredibly dismiss of what the president is saying. So you see some of them are trying to choose their words very carefully, publicly. People like the attorney general bill barr all the way to Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. They are concerned about whats happening in georgia. Also, john, whats coming up in four years. If the president is going to end all of this by saying hes running for reelection in four years, even if he doesnt actually do it, it is going to have everyone in his party who wants to run for president that year on edge. Also those who know the president came out against them in the next four years, they could be very well in danger of losing their election. So the president still holds a lot of political power and were going to see just how much hell embarrass some of these officials by making them back up his baseless claims until hes ready to change his mind and concede the election to joe biden. By then im sure all of these claims they are pushing about fraudulent votes are going to go away, disappear. He has every right to try to continue to lead the party as an expresident but the math is the math. Kaitlan collins at the white house, grateful for the reporting. Jeff zeleny in wilmington as well. Up next, alarming new coronavirus numbers including texas. Texas now the first state to surpass 1 million cases. When dehydration gets real. Hey thats mine. Ill buy you a pony. Advanced hydration isnt just for kids. Pedialyte helps you hydrate during recovery. Hey, our workers comp insurance is expiring. Should i just renew it . Yeah, sure. Hey there, Small Business owner. Pie insurance here with some sweet advice to stop you from overpaying on workers comp. Try pie instead and save up to 30 . Thirty percent . Really . Sure get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. That is easy. So, need another reminder . No, im good. Reminder for what . Oh. Ho ho, yeah need workers comp insurance . Get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. The coronavirus numbers are simply depressing. More and more states reporting record high case numbers and hospitalizations, the death count also starting to head up. Lets look at the trends and they are not good. 45 states, 45 of the 50 states, orange and red. New infections this week compared to last week. 45 states including deep red 15, 15 of those 40 reporting at least 50 more new infections this week than last week. Trend line heading dangerously in the direction. Five states record, colorado, wyoming, montana, those states with a new record yesterday. Other states experiencing this as well as we go through this fall peak. Several states, four of them, rhode island, massachusetts, wisconsin, and nevada are trying to push stayathome restrictions, different variations of them. Governors in those states say its critical as the case count goes up rewind to the spring, state at home if you can. If you look at the trend line here, you almost dont need me to say anything. That red line going straight up. The first hill back in the spring, the summer surge we thought was horrific, that was here, around 60, 70,000 cases. Yesterday 136,325 cases in the United States. If you come up here to look at the death trend, this line sadly, sadly, every one is sad trending up again as well above 1,000, 1,415 americans died of coronavirus just yesterday, when you have those cases and hospitalizations which we can show you here. Hospitalizations now passing. Again, the first peak back in the spring when nobody knew the novel coronavirus, hospitalizations way up. More cases and we just hit about the same point back in the summer surge. Now, 61,964 americans hospitalized yesterday and all the experts will tell you that line is going up and in some places causing dangerous stress on hospital systems. Texas passing 1 million cases, the first to do that, not the last. You see california behind it, florida as well. New york and illinois down to half million cases. The red of the deaths down here. Its just a horrific period you see texas going above, which is why texas has a problem statewide, el paso particularly hard hit. The task force telling texans were at a crisis point. The communities reduces mobility. We get ahold of this crisis, we have the resources amongst the Health Care System here, i think thats what gets us through the winter. Hopefully the community will rally around like we did after august 3rd and really form the nexus of what should be el paso strong. Cnn medical analyst, former cdc disease detective. Thank you for your time. The numbers are troubling. I had the front page for Election Results but i want to hold this up. As we show Election Results what do we see, pennsylvania, new jersey, cases hitting high. No matter where you are in america. What needs to be done at this moment when you see the case trajectory, the hospitalization trajectory and sadly behind it death trajectory heading straight up. We need what weve needed from the beginning, john. We need a robust pandemic response. Im so concerned were not going to see that, at least until Inauguration Day. In the meantime things will continue to worsen. Right now we are on track to hit 1 million new cases per week every week by the end of this year. I want to explain what that really means to the Health Care System. What does that mean for your local hospital. Right now 60,000 americans are hospitalized with covid19, double the number from late september. In Public Health a metric we look at, john, is when 5 of your hospital beds are filled by covid19 patients, you start to worry. When you get to 10 of your bids filled with covid patients, you start to in act your surge strategies and you start to think about not delivering your regular standard of care but delivering a crisis standard of care. Right now thinking remember that 10 mark, 10 of beds filled by covid19 patients, that applies to 18 states. If you look at north dakota and south dakota, its not 10 of their bed, its closer to 25 . So when weve been hopeful over the last few months saying to people, look, the covid death rate is going down a bit. Look, your chance of surviving covid are increasing, thats good news. It wasnt because we had a cure, deluge of proven medicines, that hasnt happened. Those pieces of progress happened because of good oldfashioned clinical medicine noticing who needs ventilation, who doesnt, who needs to be put on their tummy to increase oxygenation to their lungs. All of that progress goes out the window if you cant get people into the hospital beds they need. Because were seeing so many different hot spots, it makes it harder, even impossible, john, for some hospitals to say, look, were overwhelmed, were over capacity. Can we shuffle some patients to you, share some resources . That just doesnt happen. Yesterday as we saw 1400 americans die from covid19 we expect that to double, maybe even triple by Inauguration Day so were mourning 370,000 americans who would have died by that date. I want us to make sure we are not normalizing this, not becoming numb to it, because were looking at these numbers every day. 1400 americans dying of covid a day is like three or four plane loads full of americans crashing and dying. This is unsustainable. Unsustainable. It is depressing every day to go through the numbers. We can be numbed by it without giving up. How significant is this cdc significance on masks. New studies cloth masks can reduce wearers exposure for droplets including filtration of droplets. It protects both ways, helps protect somebody else or explain that. Why or is it significant . Its really important, john, because we want our policies to be based on the best available evidence. What cdc is doing here is pulling all these studies, evidence from Different Countries saying, look, building evidence, mounting evidence that wearing a mask not only protects you but protects others. Weve been saying it from the beginning but still important to have that data. It gives me hope because it reminds me that even in the midst of this crisis there is a thing that we can all do, a Pretty Simple thing to get a cloth mask, make sure it doesnt have a valve, make sure youre wearing it properly, taking it off properly. That action plus physical distancing plus good hand hygiene plus avoiding the gatherings can make a dent in this pandemic. Unfortunately what weve seen is politicization of a small piece of fabric. Weve seen the masks become very polarized when actually its just a good Public Health action that can save. Weve seen models, and you and i have discussed models, wearing a mask if all of us do it can save tens of thousands of lives in the u. S. Tens of thousands. If it saved one it would be worth doing but tens of thousands. Doctor, thank you for your time. Thank you. Coming up vote count in pennsylvania even as the president continues to say theres fraud, without proof. Still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. A livcustomizeperlet. Iquickbooks for me. Okay, youre all set up. Thanks that was my business gi, this ones casual. Get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. Hi jen hi. So youre the scientist here. 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They continue to count votes there. It continues to be one of the sources of controversy, or at least in President Trumps view as he alleges fraud, fraud, and more fraud despite the fact theres no evidence. Joe biden 47,603 votes ahead. One of the questions has been pennsylvania accepted ballots that came after election day, postmarked by election day, showed up after election day because of the mail. The president said they shouldnt be counted. The state says theres 10,000 of them. If they are legally cast, they should be counted. Lets take the president s side. 47,000 votes ahead. If you think she is shouldnt be counted. Okay. These people want their votes counted but it wouldnt make a difference. A lot of what youre hearing wouldnt make a difference. Results from erie county. Show you results that came in this morning. Here is what officials are doing. Counting mailin ballots. Erie, Vice President biden got 643 votes. President trump had 682 votes. So the president makes up 29 votes. 29 votes in erie county. Again, when youre 47,000 ahead, 29 votes, every vote counts, that doesnt make a big difference in the math. One of the reasons it doesnt, they are also counting votes down here in philadelphia. This came in this morning as well. Okay. New votes in philadelphia. Right . Joe biden, 2,189. The president 185. A net plus 29 for the president , a net 2,004 plus for joe biden in philadelphia. President s team says philadelphia, rife with fraud, my colleague john berman, the question to somebody who does the work. What evidence of any widespread fraud have you seen in the count in philadelphia . I have not. I realize a lot of people are happy about this election and a lot of people are not happy about this election. One thing i cant comprehend is how hungry people are to consume lies and to consume information that is not true. Lets bring in pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor fedorman. Good to see you. Appreciate your time. Youve been using your own social media account because youre seeing from texas and elsewhere pro trump people alleging crazy, nefarious things happening in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Again, let me just ask you straight up. Have you seen any evidence at all of any widespread fraud in the commonwealth . Well, the fraud that we know that has occurred in pennsylvania in this cycle is a registered person in luverne county tried to vote for trump with his dead mothers ballot. Other than that, no, we have not witnessed any voter fraud here in pennsylvania. So we live at this interesting moment, interesting being a polite term, where its clear and convincing joe biden won the election. The president of the United States refuses to accept the as a result says hell sue in pennsylvania. 47,000 votes, ive never seen a lead like that reversed. Sue in michigan, 150,000 votes there. Again, doing this 35 years, never seen anything like that. I want you to listen toen wo of the voices of reasons, one of your senators, i know you disagree with pat toomey quite a bit, a republican senator but listen. Were on a path it looks likely that joe biden is going to be the next president of the United States. Its not 100 certain but it is quite likely. So i think a transition process ought to begin. If it turns out that the unlikely scenario actually comes about and turns out President Trump is determined to have won this election after all, then the transition becomes moot and expires and evaporates. Has it surprised you that are not more voices, thats a reasonable position. President can exercise his right to ask for recount or sue if he wants to. In the meantime start cooperating with president elect so he can take office ten weeks from now in the middle of a pandemic and take over as commanderinchief with the normal cooperation he should receive. Bottom line, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, the president would be on track to have a better thanksgiving than he has. Math doesnt care about his feelings, doesnt care about anyones feelings. The math in pennsylvania is damning for the president. You know, these contested late ballots, 10,000, oh, no, you know, were going to take that to the supreme court. Take it to the supreme court. You know what, spot the president 10,000 for all i care, the Vice President is going to be up 50, 60,000 votes when all the counting is done, if not more. The bottom line is theres no truth to any ofhis. At some point we all have to collectively accept yelling voter fraud when there is no evidence whatsoever of it is yelling fire in a crowded theater and it is harming the democratic franchise of our country and the peaceful transition of power. We cannot accept that. We cannot and we should not. Were all tired and were all exhausted, so were looking for humor at a time like this. I want to put up your tweet in response to the Lieutenant Governor of texas. Frankly, i know this is a serious subject. Hey, governor patrick, your counterpart in pennsylvania. Id like to collect your handsome reward for voter fraud. You go on to talk about the case you talk about. The cowboys blow. I like it. Youre a competitive guy and that might hold up to a fact check. Why did you do that . First establish the cowboys do, in fact, blow. I want my reward. He wanted voter fraud, from one fellow Lieutenant Governor to another, he can pay me in gift cards, thats fine. Bottom line, my dude wants voter fraud, i delivered in pennsylvania. That is the one lone case of voter fraud documented right now as of this airing. And you know, again, this needs to stop. Its absurd. And the fact that they are trying to call a bounty like if hes serious about voter fraud, guess what, weve uncovered some in pennsylvania. Whats my reward, you know . Like i said, the steelers are, by the way, 80. I just wanted to add that, too. The commonwealth is a big and beautiful state, chiefs gift cards would work out great. If you have to drive corner to corner as you do. Lieutenant governor appreciate your time and insights. Still ahead allies acknowledging joe bidens victory even if the president and the United States and his top diplomat will not. At university of phoenix, students with relevant Life Experience and eligible transfer credits save on average 11k and 1 year off their undergrad degree. See how much you can save. Meet omnipod it delivers insulin through a tubeless pod. Just one small pod replaces up to 14 injections and today you can get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial at omnipod. Com. No more daily injections. Its gamechanging get started with a free 30day omnipod dash trial today. Go to omnipod. Com for risk information, instructions for use and free trial terms and conditions. Consult your Healthcare Provider before starting on omnipod. Simplify diabetes. 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Mr. Biden speaking with several key allies including angela merkel, macron. He said this about the tone of the conversations. I know from my discussions with foreign leaders thus far that they are hopeful that the United States Democratic Institutions are viewed once again as being strong. Susan glasser joins us, Global Affairs analyst, writer for the new yorker. That was joe biden describing his conversations. I want you to listen to Boris Johnson on the other end of the phone for the conversations. Listen to his view. Ive had and have a Good Relationship with the previous relationship. I do not resolve that the duty of all prime ministers to have a Good Relationship with the white house. Im delighted to find the many areas the incoming bidenharris admission is able to have common cause with us. In particular, talking to president elect biden what he wants to do with the cop 26 summit. Of course, climate change, one of the many issues european leaders and other leaders around the world are, frankly, gratified they can get back to have conversations about facts and science. Well, thats right, john. It is remarkable, isnt it that here we are more than a week after the election and the president elect of the United States has had more conversations with foreign leaders than with republican members of the senate congratulating him. It tells you about our divisions but also how relieved americas allies are, many of them, to have a president in the white house again soon who doesnt view them as adversaries. A little more from chancellor merkel. Ive enjoyed over the years chancellor merkel excellent in her shaded and subtle ways when she says things. The phone call, the chancellor accepts close relation. They didnt get along whether it was nato, russia, climate change, i could go on. I love the little bit of shade there, trustbased cooperation. Theres no one donald trump has attacked more during his time in office than angela merkel. He seemed at times to have an obsession with her, a striking aspect of his view of the world. He sees germany, constantly refers to germany as ripping the United States off. Almost with the chancellors advisers on a magazine piece the chancellors advisers told me they thought of trump as even obsessed with her. She, in particular, will welcome the return of Vice President joe biden to National Office here in the u. S. We know the president , the current president has issues with strong and powerful women. Thats just a known fact. The secretary of state is about to hit the road as secretaries of state do. Hes going to france, turkey, georgia, israeli, united arab qatar in the days ahead after seeing this. Is the state Department Going to engage with the Biden Transition Team . If not, at what point does it hamper or pose a risk to National Security . There will be a smooth transition to a Second Trump Administration. Were ready. The world is watching whats taking place. He not only said that, which is ludicrous, he laughed about it. Its not funny. It wasnt funny. Here is the thing, john, to a certain extent the joke is on mike pompeo. Every single one of the countries you mentioned hes traveling to, their leaders put out a statement, made a phone call, recognized joe biden as the president elect of the United States. So i imagine there might be some awkward confrontations on this trip. Pompeo has been, perhaps, the most undiplomatic of americas secretaries of state ever. One striking apekt like with that comment yesterday has been his consistent playing to an audience of one in the white house rather than being focused on america and his place in the world, hes looked solely to his boss for approval. I think thats the reason that a former ambassador who worked with him told me he was like a heat seeking missile to the president s posterior. Heat seeking. Okay. Im going to quote that. Write that down and quote that one in the future. Susan glasser, thank you for your insights. Audience of one but thinks iowa voters might like that. That might be about 20 to 4 rather than their place in the world. Susan glasser, thank you for your time. Researchers found a new test that might be better than antibody tests at detecting past coronavirus infections. Since pioneering the suv in 1935, the chevy suburban has carried many things. Nothing more important than family. Introducing the most versatile and advanced chevy suburban and tahoe ever. Tech every customer has their own safelite story. This couple was on a camping trip. When their windshield got a chip. They drove to safelite for a sameday repair. And with their insurance, it was no cost to them. Woman really . Tech thats service you can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. A new study shows there might be a better test to detect past coronavirus infections. Instead of looking for antibodies against the virus, this test looks for a different kind of immune cell, a t chile. Joining us elizabeth cohen. A lot of people wondered when i was sick in january, february, april, was that covid . I couldnt get a test. I dont know if its covid. Maybe recently people wondered did i have covid or not because i never got tested. They go out and get antibody tests which is supposed to tell you if you had a past infection. The problem is they havent foolproof. They will look like you didnt have covid when you did. This is another kind of test, t cell test rather than antibodies. Its another cell used by your body, another immune cell. This detects t cells. One study shoes t cell more effective than antibodies test than catching people who have been infected in the past. It could be commercially available after thanksgiving. One caveat. Even if you test positive, yeah, looks like you have covid in the past,ette doesnt mean youre protected against cut covid infections. We dont know if thats the case yet. Were hoping to learn in the future if past infection means protection now. One of the many things were still trying to figure out. Thank you. Still ahead global European Union signing Coronavirus Vaccine deal with pfizer. Sier t. But we didnt stop there. We made a cloud flexible enough to adapt to any size business. No matter what it does, or how it changes. And we kept going. So you only pay for what you use. Because at dell technologies, we stop. At nothing. Because at dell technologies, wim dorothy hamill. As i look toward 65, im thinking about medicare. I know i want coverage that connects all the different parts of my health care to keep me aging actively. Aetna Medicare Advantage plans offer 0 monthly premiums. 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Correspondents around the world tracking other big headlines. Im Fred Pleitgen in berlin as European Union signed deals with pfizer to acquire 200 million doses of vaccine candidate if and when that vaccine candidate is approved by regulators in europe. The deal allows for acquisition of 100 million doses and they say deliveries could start as early as the end of this year. U. S. , by the way has a deal with biotech and pfizer with 1 million with option of an additional 500 million. Biotech and pfizer announced monday late stage trials showed efficacy of their vaccine candidate of more than 90 . Im Shasta Darlington in sao pau paulo. The president made controversial comments about kfd pandemic. In a speech on tuesday he said when it comes to coronavirus brazil needs to stop being sissies but he used a homophobic slur. He said everything was about the pandemic. He was sorry for the victims who died but added, quote, we will all die one day, unquote. Bolsonaro himself contracted coronavirus in july but repeatedly downplayed its threat insisting unemployment and hunger from lockdowns can do more damage than the virus itself. The number of daily cases has declined in the last couple of months but brazil is still the second highest country with number of deaths worldwide, more than 162,000 and it has the third highest number of cases, nearly 5. 7 million. Thanks for sharing your time. Hope to see you back tomorrow. Dont go anywhere. Brianna keilar picks up our coverage have a good day. Hi there, im Brianna Keilar and want to welcome viewers in the United States and around the world. As the nation sees one of its darkest days in the pandemic, another Crisis Brewing in the nations capital. President trump still has not accepted his loss for president elect joe biden and his administration is refusing to start the transition process needed to keep the government going and keep americans safe. His actions are causing alarm and panic at the pentagon. Firing top National Security officials including defense secretary mark esper and replacing them with trump loyalists. At the state Department One official calls it scary. The secretary of state mike pompeo is helping fuel his denial by refusing

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