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In a moment. We begin in our nations capitol where protesters are gearing up for the justice for all march. About to get under way in two hours from now. The march is intended to call attention to recent Police Killings foll killings. Protesters begin their march near the white house and make their way to the u. S. Capitol as you see here. Organizers are calling for congress to take some action here. And. And demonstrations across the country. Lets bring in cnn correspondent at the starting site there at Freedom Plaza. Were also joined by van jones nearby. Reporter on the ground. Sorry. Just wanted to let you know van jones is expected at third and pennsylvania. Sorry to cut you off. Set the scene for us. What are you seeing this hour. Reporter a lot of energy here on the ground. Marches are starting to gather here at Freedom Plaza, just steps from the white house. A little of the scene here. A lot of protesters with tee shirts and signs out this morning. Obviously making reference to the high profile killings, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin. And we have a symbolic meeting of all four of those families. They will be marching together and this is the first time the four families are gathering. They will lead the protest down the symbolic place down from Freedom Plaza here in washington, d. C. All the way down the iconic streetlight of washington d. C. , pennsylvania avenue and near the steps of the capitol. We heard from the mother of the Trayvon Martin earlier o who talked to Anderson Cooper about this march and ant her feelings before. Here is what she had to say. I dont really believe that people are just going to change overnight. As the more deeprooted hatred that people have for African Americans. And if you are not an African American, a lot of people dont understand. They dont quite get it. They just think that we are complaining about something that doesnt really exist. And we are living this every day. This is our life. Reporter and a lot of protesters here said that they are feeling a sense of the symbolism today. One protester, her father marched in the civil rights marches in the 60s, long the same path. She spoke with him on the phone today. There is a sense that this is a symbolic moment. There are some comparisons made to the march in 63. Van, they are the demonstrators are asking for congress to do something. They want washington to act. What likely, if anything is Congress Going to do . Well, first of all i think it is very important to recognize this march is incredibly significant. Congress can legislate, can get more funds and more authority for federal Law Enforcement to oversee some of these departments. But, you know, when you have four mothers, four grieving mothers walking together. That is going to be an iconic image really to cap off this entire year. That is going to be powerful. You know, emmitt a young man in the 50s changed this country for the better. You now have four of them in the eyes of a lot of African Americans and the mothers of the four dead African American men marching together. Can that motivate congress . It can. We would not be talking about this today were it not for the protests all across the country. I think you will see some change the local state and federal level in 2015. We heard bill clinton say we need to make sure that people feel that everybody matters. That they matter, that their sons matter. How do we do that . Is that something that can be legislated . Seems like it has to be more. Reporter well it has to be both and the Civil Rights Movement was both. It was changing heart and minds but also laws and policies. I how to bill clintons staples were welcome and encouraging. To have a former president show the kind of empathy he did. Of course hes famous for showing empathy. I thought that was important. Laws and policies can local dis have to get the support of the local police when they run. That is an inherent conflict of the interest at the local level when the police are have to be charged by that same da. A that is the kind of thing that federal government has to step in to make sure we have good checks and balances. When the those con frikt of interest situations occur we need better laws and better policies as well as more open hearts and minds. I think this protest is going to give people a different window into the lives o these grieving mothers and hopefully d. C. Will listen and change the laws and policies too. Well see. Thank you. Now the mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, eric garner are expected to be there. And their sons with your unarmed when Police Officers killed them. Except for trayvon, youll recall he was killed by a Neighborhood Watch volunteer. And cnn exclusive Anderson Cooper sat do you know with all for of them to have a really important conversation about race. This audio released of your sister screaming they killed my baby brother. Umhmm. She was actually in the police car looking at her brother just bleeding there and nobodys doing anything. As a mom do you the video is released. Is that something you even watch as a mother. I yes. I watched it. I had to watch it. Im the one that released had video. You are. They had to get permission from me to release the video. Why did you want people to see that video. I think its very important that the world knows whats going on with my son. Hes only 12. Just hearing this is hard for you. Zblp yes. This is hard. A 12yearold, not even a teenager. That is horrible. For a mother to see her child laying there dead in the street. I know that was unbearable. I remember early on you and i met and you were talking about your son, Trayvon Martin. And one of the things you felt very strongly about was that medially authorities, police were trying to paint a picture who he was. And paint a negative picture who he was. Is that something you see happen to all these moms . I noticed that they blame the victim. And a lot of times that gives people a kind of ease and it kind of justifies why it was done. Regardless of what these kids were doing or even what mr. Garner was doing, it is minor. Those are minor things that they were doing and it should not have cost them their lives. He did loosesy cigarettes but he wasnt selling them that day. He just broke up a fight. Thats why the police was would because someone was fighting and he was breaking it up. And when the police game they went past the fight and went straight for him. So they were why would they do that . Lets expand the conversation now. The National Urban league is laying out a plan for Police Reforms that it hopes will keep other African American mothers from mourning their sons. President and ceo of the National Urban league is in washington for todays march. Go to have you sir. Great to be with you. Good morning. You laid out on action plan. It is the ten point journey to justice plan. And i want to go through a couple of the recommendations. As were watching so many people come together and ask for national action. You are calling for a National Comprehensive antiracial profiling law as one of the elements that could happen on a national scale. Tell us about this. Well twe think it is time fo a national antiracial profiling law which would prohibit profiling on race color religion National Origin gender orientation and the like. Because we need to be proactive in how we address i think the concerns that so many of us have arising out of these incidents. And a national antirarnl profiling law we think is a step. Now the Justice Department just prommal ga ama amal promulga. But it doesnt cover state and local Law Enforcement. And all of these incidences involve state and local Law Enforcement who are the offenders. So a national law we think is important. And we weve got to begin to have the conversation about that. Lets talk about you say state and local. Some of these can be implemented on the state and local level like a review a revision of the police use of Deadly Force Policies and strengthening highing practices. Do you believe theres the infrastructure state to state to press . The pressure that were seeing National Today at the Freedom Plaza there in washington. Do you think there is that pressure to sustain a push across all 50 states. No doubt there has to be pressure, reform and change at the local level. And this coming together in washington is the bringing together of people and a highlight on incidents all across the nation. Ohio with tamir rice. New york with eric garner. Michael brown in ferguson, marlene pennet in the state of california. And i would just, you know, make this comment. When i was mayor of new orleans, i orchestrated and led one of the most Successful Police Reform Efforts in the 1990s. We reduced crime. We did it without the kind of incidents that you see here in. And i want people to know all across the nation that you can have a Safe Community and a respectful police force that works in conjunction with that community. And that is what we see. So my reform the National Urban League Reforms that really embrace the entire Civil Rights Community is about saying lets take this moment and bring about the change that we need. These reforms could take place at the state and local level. Some of them may require national action. But whatever the road to their implementation is, lets walk that road. We heard from Martin Luther king the thard today that the success of his Fathers Movement was not just the march but then the followup with the policy soon after. Marc, thank you so much for your time. Thanks for having me. Washington isnt the only city these protests are taking place. Demonstrators are marching in new york today. And stay with cnn throughout the morning because were going to take you live to those rallies as they get under way. Meanwhile, sunny sky, beautiful beaches. Sound like l. A. Living. Essenti certainly not this. No. What the [ expletive ]. Clearly not something people in los angeles are used to seeing it. More of this remarkable video of a very rare twister there. Speaking of rare, it is saturday and the senate is open for business. So they at least will be soon. So many people complaining about congress not actually being at work. They are there on a saturday people, all to keep the government from shutting down. But as with all things in washington a solution will not come easy. The battle inside the chamber. Next. Its so delightful. Sos my surface, its just as powerful. You can write with a pen . You can say that again. I really like my surface pro 3. Hey whats that, is it a kickstand . Touchscreen too, its pretty slick, man. It comes apart i see. Its got a usb. I think i like your surface pro 3. No seriously, where can i get one . [ male announcer ] you wouldnt ignore signs of damage in your home. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. And if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. What youre doing now, janice. Blogging. Your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. Its called a fashion blog, todd. Well, ive been helping people save money with progressives discounts. Flo, can you get janice a job . [ laughs ] you shouldve stuck to softball i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. Wheres your wife, todd . Vacation. Discounts like homeowners, multipolicy i got a discount on this ham. Ive got the meat sweats. This is good ham, diane. Paperless discounts give it a rest, flo. All yeah, flo, give it a rest. Iits a lot of haggling and itan stakes so long. Ship. Craigs experience is completely different than mine. Yeah. Yes, mike has used truecar. At truecar, well show you how much others paid for the car you want, and how much you should. Because i used truecar there was no haggling about the price. They treated me so well, and it was just such a quick, easy experience. Get your car, and get back to the life you love. Welcome to the future of carbuying. In less than two hour from now, at noon, the senate set to meet many a rare saturday session as they try to hash out a massive spending package to avoid another government shut down. Last night they were supposed to adjourn for the weekend. But forced lawmakers from both parties back to work today. Aaron mcpike live at the white house. We heard from a lot of senators last night. What went down . Reporter well mike lee, junior republican senator from utah as well as ted cruz the republican from texas wanted them to guarantee they could get a vote. Harry reed said no so there is no unanimous consent so they will with working throughout the day. The conservative republicans really dont like this bill. Lots of democrats dont love it either but president obama is still urging the senate to pass it. This by definition was a compromised bill. President obama acknowledging the new political reality in washington, that he has to deal with republicans. This is whats produced when you have the divided government that the American People voted for. Had i been able to draft my own legislation and get it passed without any republican votes i suspect it would be slightly different. That is not the circumstances we find ourselves and i think what the American People very much are looking for is some practical governance and the willingness to compromise and that is what that bill reflects. There are a bunch of provisions in this bill that i really do not like. Specifically it rolls back some of the regulations on wall street and dramatically raises the limits donors can give to political parties. The American People are disgusted by wall street. In addition to funding obamacare programs, Early Childhood education and manufacturing initiatives the president points out it keeps the government functioning in crises. One of the things very important in this lems w legislation was it allowed us the funding necessary to battle isil, continue to support our men and women in uniform. We put a lot of burdens on our Defense Department and our Armed Services over the last year. Some of which were anticipated and some of which were not. This bill also contains the necessary funding to continue to make progress on our fight against ebola. Both at home and abroad. Now what we are expecting to see today is that we think that the senate will pass this stopgap funding measure to fund the government through wednesday and buys a little time to hash out disagreement and vote likely on monday of final passage of the 1 1. 1 trillion spending bil. Thank you. Known has seen this kind of weather in los angeles for nearly a decade. Yes that is a tornado tearing across south l. A. Roof, tree, trash cans everything flying. And some houses got buried in rocks. Debris up to the rooftops and now time to dig out. Details next. Female announcer sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon get three years interestfree financing on beautyrest black, stearns foster, serta icomfort, even tempurpedic. Plus, get free delivery, free setup, and free removal of your old mattress, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. But hurry sleep trains interest free for 3 event is ending soon. Guaranteed sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep what the [ expletive ]. God [ expletive ]. Oh [ expletive ]. Oh [ expletive ]. What the [ expletive ]. Oh. Oh look. Dont you feel his pain . Your morning bleep of the day. Yes. And five to spare. This is a tornado. And it is tearing across or at least it was. Several streets in south los angeles. All caught on tape. The guy who took the video and you can hear this. Was pretty shaken up. And so were a lot of other folks. A Day Care Center was damaged, roofs, debris. Thankfully no reports of injuries. This is the first in at least seven years. My goodness and this was part of a wild storm system that just pounded had whole west coast. And now it is moving on through other areas but there there is rain expected. So fortunately the weathers called down a bit. Lets get live pictures here. From camarillo springs california, northwest of l. A. There is a big clean up here. A chimney and a rooftop and all of the rock and mutt rushed in because of the mud slides. Homes buried. Degree all the way up to the tops of these houses. Cnns Stephanie Elam is there and got a firsthand look at things beyond this damage, even. Reporter when you look at where im standing it is aastounding the amount of rock off the mountain and down into the street. Im here at roof level of this house. And amazingly, nope was injured. Two inches of rain in just three hours. Pelting Southern California. In the heart of the city, a swift water rescue on the los angeles river. From the rising and rapidly moving current, First Responders pulled two people clinging to trees to safety. Including this woman. Other parts of the Los Angeles Area left ravaged by recent wild fires also getting doused with more water than the baked scarred land could handle. Crews began working to clean up the mud and debris enveloping these hope homes and blocking streets. Enas rain was still falling. The downpour was far more punishing, sending mud and rocks cascading down. It is almost like quarry. It is just amazing to look at. The damage so intense. Officials deemed ten homes uninhabitable. But no reports of injuries. Cindy came here to check on her mother whose safe but shes still hard broken for these residents. This is their Retirement Community and where they have put that you are money in. And to add insult to injury, more rain is expected at the beginning of the week. Which is very necessary but for some this is such o a thing as too much of a good thing. Thank you stephanie. Thousands of demonstrators gathering in washington to gear up for a march. From the Freedom Plaza to the capital to stand in solidarity against Police Killings. And a High School Student in North Carolina found hanging from a swing. Was it suicide or a lynching . An exclusive report on a case the fbi is investigating now. Out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. With the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. Celebrate whats new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster with more of what you love try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon so hurry in and sea food differently. Were for an opens you internet for all. Sing. Were for creating more innovation and competition. Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. Live pictures here at Freedom Plaza in washington d. C. Just steps from if white house as thousands of people are expected to begin this march at the end of a week of outrage as its been called. Expected to start in about 90 minutes. They will head down pennsylvania avenue to the white house hoping to elicit some change and to get washington so legislate some change as it relates to Police Killings and to change the environment, change the relationship between police and their communities. Lets bring an attorney into the conversation here. Mr. Bolden, thanks for being with us. Do you think these marches will help expedite the review of cases like this at the federal level. Absolutely. The u. S. Government and local governments are the reactionary organizations and while they may agree with the concerns of the citizens and the police you still have to make government do what they need to do. So these protesters want to be seen, felt heard and want the decision makers, including businesses, government and all interested parties and communities across the community to make a change torqu, to buil different relationship with the place and special training and probably special prosecutions to make decisions on these type of issues. Because the relationship with local prosecutors and communities is simply too close to make those decisions. Hoping the congress will take action and president will. However you used the word relationship. And relationship is person to person. And changing that exchange between an officer and the community it serve, how do you start doing that. Because i dont believe that anyone would argue that you can change that from washington. Well, it could start in washington either through executive order or through federal legislation that requires states and Police Organizations to do different training to take kind of a holistic approach to these types of situations, as opposed to just being task oriented. For example i want to make an arrest. Im going to make an arrest and im not going consider anything else. That is the first thing. Secondarily, requiring Police Departments to build relationships with the communities so it shouldnt be life changing experiences. It ought to be constructive and positive if necessary. And if its negative no one should wind up being abused or losing their life simply because they had a bad encounter with the police. Police are trained to make a difference. We need tome this be better and we need your citizens to be educated and better that one, they cannot rest arrest and two once the Police Officer makes that decision to make that arrest they have to go. That is a tough thing for both sides. Do you think these are issues solely of race . A question of bad policing . Some combination . Well these circumstances take place in split seconds. And split second decisions. If i read as i read the grand jury transcript, if there was an altercation with the police, then Michael Brown showure shou arrested. The second part about getting out of the car and wanting to stop Michael Brown. I believe he had been shot once already. He was coming towards the wifr his hands up. The Police Officer alone. He had called for backup. And had he stayed in the car can just followed Michael Brown we may not have the situation were facing today. I just want to make sure i hear you correctly sir. You said something about a moment ago not only the police need to be trained but the Community Need to know not to resist arrest and once that decision is made to arrest a person what they should do. Are you suggesting that part of what should come out of washington is training for Community Members as well on how to deal with police sh. Im suggesting that in in every public and private school for young people, even adults quite frankly, most people the average joe and jane simply dont know their rights or the Police Rights when they encounter the police. Whether it is a traffic ticket or whether they are a suspect or whether they even called the police quite frankly. We know about first amendment. We know about our Fourth Amendment because we watch tv and also had some experience in that regard. But the reality is you can exercise your first amendment. You can exercise your Fourth Amendment. You can engage the police. But if you resist arrest, even if the police are wrong about it, you are recourse must come later. That is with the prosecution or the civilian Complaint Review board. That is with hiring a lawyer. And all of your rights against incrimination come into play. But on the street encounters the police you are not going to want to debate on argument as to whether you should be arrested or not. Then they have a license to bring reasonable force. And if you look at these incidences a number of them begin with this encounter and the police making a decision to make that arrest. And then we got problems. So training on both sides or teachings on both sides i think would be helpful. It would take a long time but the obligation is on part of the government and the police to make these exchanges and begin more positive dialogue with communities wherever they are. Idaho, washington d. C. Or new york. We appreciate your thoughts today. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for having me. Certainly. Listen to this. A black teenager is found hanging from a swing set. His death is ruled a suicide. But his family says it is something much more sinister. And it very well could be a linching or a staged linching, we dont know. Now the fbi is investigating the death of mr. Lacy and if he was actually lynched. Abe get in thanks, g. Let quicken loans help you save your money. With a mortgage thats engineered to amaze ive had moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis most my life. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara®. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® helps me be in season. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stelara®. Your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. 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I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . The internet of everything is changing everything. 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Its almost unthinkable, that in 2014 the fbi has just been dispatched to investigate a possible lynching. Yes the lynching of a black teenage ner North Carolina. The case got the attention of the naacp. And right now the group is holding a rally to highlight the case of his death. Earlier this week i travelled to North Carolina to speak with his family. I look for him and i dont see him. I listen for him and i dont hear him. The last time claudia lacy saw and heard hr 17yearold son was around the time he snapped this selfie. The caption, last night pick before the game. He was a High School Student in North Carolina and a lineman on the Football Team focused on a professional career. A physical fit, 17yearold, very athletic. Down to his food. But he has asthma, and had to exercise outside at night after the temperature dropped. Something his family said he did often. Lenin headed i out for a walk the night of august 28th. They never saw him alive again. His body was found dangling, covered in fire ants in the center of a mobile home park. Out in the open, trailers all around. People work around the clock at these hours of the day. Someone should have saw something but no one have seen anything. It was unreal. It was like a dream. It was like i was not seeing what i was seeing. The state medical examines office declared the death a suicide. But his mother doesnt believe. It do you believe your son was lynched . Yes. He may have been strangled somewhere else and then placed there or hung there while people were around watching him die. His mom said hed be depressed because a relative had died recently. She did not mean that he suffered from depression. When you lose someone close you are going to be depressed, upset and in mourning. He was focused on football, college and distracted by his exgirlfriend. She had been dating a 31yearold white woman. The age on consent is 16. Still some people did not like it. Lenins mother did not like their dramatic age difference. I was shocked. Disappointed. And i also initially told him i felt. I did not approve it of it. And some wondered if he was killed because he was in an interracial relationship. Racial tension can often exist just below the surface. And here it can breakthrough. Are there people in this community who didnt like that a 17yearold black male and a 31yearold white female. Im sure. The week after a teenager was arrested for desecrating his grave. There are too many questions. And it very well could be a lynching or a staged lynching. We dont know. But what we do know is there has to be a serious and full investigation of these matters. The naacp hired forensic pathologist Christina Roberts to review the case. Her first concern, basic physics. Lenin was 59, the crossbar is 7 and a half feet off the ground. With no swings or anything else at the scene he could have used. How did he get up there. His size and stature doesnt add up. According to the Police Report the caller a 52yearold woman was able to get the 217 pound teen down. [inaudible]. If you can. I got him down. According to the naacp review she was not provided with dimensions of the swing set. Without this estimation she would not be able to create the scenario. The belts used to fashion the noose did not belong to lenin. I know every stitch of clothing this child has. I buy them. The belts appeared to be dog lish lishs. There was a cut that would have made to take the body down. And he left home wearing size 12 air jordans but he was found wearing these 10 and a half air force ones. Shoes that were not with his body when he arrived at the coroners office. Hes going to walk a quarter mile can. This is a 17yearold black kid with a brand new pair of jordans. Hes going to just take those off and put some shoes that arent his and continue to walk down this dirt road late at night to a swing set in the middle of the trailer park and hang himself . And there are questions in the naacp review about his death being ruled a suicide. Dr. Radish noted her determination of death was based on the information she was provided by Law Enforcement and the local medical examiner. She would have likely called the manner of death pending while awaiting toxicology but the local investigator had already signed a manner of suicide. However the local medical examiner asked did he hang self . Will autopsy tell us . And left the conclusion on the manner of death pending. We interviewed radish. Instead a Department Spokesperson sent cnn a statement confirming the statements in writing. The comments were a synapsis of the professional exchange between the naacps independently retained forensic pathologist and dr. Radish. Local police and cinvestigates declined to speak. We dont have confidence in this group here to carry out the depth of investigation that needs to be done. Now the fbi is reviewing the circumstances surrounding his death. Theys all ive asked for, what is due rightfully to me and my family. Justice. Prove to me what happened to my child. As for the local Police Department. It is a small department. Only 11 people. It referred this case to the North Carolina state bureau of investigation. And so far that agency has only acknowledged that it has the case but had no further comment. 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An image he plastered over the streets of america during the u. S. President s first election campaign. This is a great example of how grassroots imagery and activism can make a difference. Sheppard has used simple images to make a statement and build a brand. Hes worth an estimated 15 Million Dollars thanks to his clothing company. And his prints sell for upward of 18,000. And still he takes to the streets to paint. I used or the far too treat to be considered mainstream. Now people consider me too mainstream to the street. There is validity in both. They are both useful platforms. Democratizing art is what ive been about. Today sheppard is in chicago scaling the heights of a brick wall with a bold message. What i think it takes to breakthrough as the street sa s artist is tenacity. Willingness to go out there and put work up and have it cleeb cleaned and covered by other art and not be to negative about it. Tenacity is crucial. And you can watch the entire ones to watch show at cnn. Com ones to watch. Lots of children are right now working on christmas lists or maybe they are already done. But what this brother and sister asked santa to bring them, well it is going to warm your heart. Plus were going take you live to washington. You see that hundreds, thousands even, thousands of people there at the nations capitol, setting up for a protest. And demonstrators are the demanding justice and Law Enforcement reform. Thousands are expected from across the nation. Live coverage continues at the top of the hour. Not to be focusing, again, on my moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance on humira. 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Oh my goodness. Is santa just and it took her a second like this really just happened. And dont you think santas got a big job next year. Living up to that. Riley is five. Redick is two. And their dad is just back from nine months in kuwait. His first deployment. And said im going to spoil them rotten. Thank you for your service and we hope you have a fabulous holiday with your children. Thank you for spending your day with us. So much more had next hour on the cnn newsroom. And we want to turn it over to anna cabrera. Love that story. Thank you guys. Have a great story. Happy saturday. The 11 00 hour of news room starts right now. Two major stories out of our nations capitol. First, thousands preparing to march against Police Brutality and racial profiling. They want justice for those who have lost their lives. It is an anguish and pain this mother knows all too well. That is horrible. To for a mother to see her child laying there dead in the street. Plus the senate returning to the hill in about an hour to try to avoid another Government Shutdown. The latest on the spending bill showdown. And then . God [ expletive ]. This is the terrifying sight that tears through downtown l. A. A look at the tornado that ripped apart tree, damaged buildings, those stories straight ahead. Thanks again for being here. Im ana cabrera in for fred today. 000 thousands are gathering in the capitol and within the hour begin a march on washington, part of a nationwide day of protests expected today. This is the culmination of a week of outrage over the recent killings of the eric garner in new york, 18yearold Michael Brown and 12yearold tamir rice in cleveland. Protesters start at the Freedom Plaza, near the white house. And then make their way down to the u. S. Capitol. In washington joining i us on the phone. What is the feeling on the ground there . Caller [inaudible]. Were having some technical problems i think with sunlands phone connection but you can seize these live pictures in washington where protesters are already gathering. Lets turn it over to our alexandria field in new york awaiting the perhaps tens of thousands of marchers gathering there in the next couple hours. Protesters are calling their protest millions march, a day of anger. What is the tone right now. Reporter this starts at 2 30. What we know is this is a much more organized and highly orchestrated kind of event than weve seen. Of course the rally here is a cry for justice for eric garner are, for Michael Brown. They are joini ining under this phrase black lives matter. They are going to come here the and meet this afternoon. They are expecting tens of thousands of people. Theres been a massive social media effort to recruit people to join in. And there are a number of people Work Together to put this on. This is a little different ana from what we have seen in the last couple weeks in the sense that throughout this city and so many cities throughout the country weve seen groups come together more spontaneously, joining, chanting, singing, marchic, demonstrating. Today they are going to start at Washington Square park and they have mapped out the route they are going to take. They will assemble here. We dont know the there is a program or speaker. But the group moves from if Washington Square park to one police plaza. So they will be walking a couple of miles. Police are out here and setting up and preparing for the possible of tens of thousands of people. Some 45,000 rsvped apparently on facebook. Weather is on their side. It is possible well see a pretty big crowd out here this afternoon, ana. All right. Stand by as well check back in with you as that gets going in new york city. We have sunland joining us on the phone now from washington d. C. What can you tell us about the situation on the ground there right now . Reporter well this crowd has grown significantly just in the last hour. I would say well over a thousand, maybe more here in Freedom Plaza in washington d. C. The crowd is packed. It is almost a full city block. People are listening to speeches which is the pre rally before the march happens. There are a lot of signs in the crowd. Many saying i cant breathe, black life matters and a lot of people were bussed in from florida flor, connecticut. I spoke to one woman who road on a bus all night from detroit. And she said it matters im here. I didnt sit on the sidelines any longer. In a few hours the marchers start here and then take that iconic walk down pennsylvania avenue and ending on capitol hill. You will be there with them. Well check back in. Thank you so much. Lets take you now to the west coast where Mother Nature will not let up. Rain floods, mud slide, and even a tornado whipping through california. What the [ expletive ]. God clurs [ expletive ]. This crazy video is of an ef0 twister that hit yesterday. Around lunchtime. Everything throwing around there. Winds up to 85 Miles Per Hour were recorded. This tornado damaged an apartment complex and a couple of houses. Downed some trees. Fortunately no one was hurt. The first tornado in Los Angeles County since 2007. That storm also triggering flooding and mud slides burying some neighborhoods under dirt and rock. This is an image at the storms aftermath in camarillo springs, california. That is the roof of a home. You can see homes buried up to the windows. Rock and debris all around it and Stephanie Elam has been surveying the damage. Reporter when you look at the amount of rock that came off the mountainside into this community it is astounding. We are standing right at the roof level of these hoemts. It is completely unbelievable no one was hurt. Two inches of rain in just three hours. Pelting Southern California. In the heart of the city a swift water rescue on the los angeles river. From the rising and rapidly moving current, First Responders pulled two people clinging to trees to safety, including this woman. Other part of the Los Angeles Area left ravaged by recent wild fires also getting doused with more water than the baked scarred land could handle. Crews began working to clean up the muld and debris enveloping these homes and blocking streets, even as the rain was still falling. Camarillo springs, an area charred by wild fire, the downpour was far more punishing sending mud and rocks cascading down on these homes. They have a lot of rock to move. It is almost like a quarry. Amazing to look at. Damage so intense officials deemed ten homes unhabitable. Remarkably no injuries. Cindy came here to check on her mother, who was safe, but shes still heartbroken for these residents. This is their Retirement Community where they put their money . More rain is expected at the beginning of the week, something drought stricken california desperately needs but for the residents who live here there is such a good thing as too much of a good thing. What a mess. What an inconvenience for those folks. Lets get an update now from karen mcginnismcginniss. It sound like things could get even worse there. We are looking at kind of a double whammy. The first whammy was the fluid flooding and debris flow. This is the leading edge of our next system that moves in towards california again. This will be on monday. Perhaps does not have the volume of moisture that we saw with this last system that produced that tornado that we saw in Southern California with the amazing video there. But this one is still going to pack a punch with Northern California probably receiving the bulk of this moisture. Most of that will be well to the north of the San Francisco bay area but those snow levels continue to drop. Well see wet weather in Southern California. Now you have to remember this is an entire state that has endured a severe or extreme drought across the entire state. And now they are getting all of this winter moisture necessary winter moisture all at one time. Well, the ground now can just not absorb that much more moisture. But Southern California is not as dramatic. Northerner kra is going to be more dramatic than weve seen. For tomorrow we could see an outbreak of Severe Weather. Right now a slight chance for isolated tornado, high winds with a possibly for hail. You will be busy. Tracking it all for us. Meteorologist karen mcginniss. Thank you. Our other top story out of washington today, live to aaron mcpike where the battle of the Government Spending bill is set to resume today. They are voting to keep the government open for the few days in order to hammer out a larger bill. More after the break. Its just ordinary fleece but the comfort it provides is immeasurable. 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Reporter harry reed asked for unanimous consent to adjourn and reconvene on monday but that was not okay with those two junior republican very conservative senators mike lee and ted cruise who really wanted to guarantee a vote on this amendment that would strip funding from president obamas executive order on immigration. Harry reed said no way he would do that. So mike lee specifically abouted. Listen to those two on the senator floor last night. I dont see any reason why we should wait until monday at 5 00 p. M. Again, i take him at his word. When the Republican Leaders promised this bill is all designed so come january and february, just a few weeks from now, we will see both houses stand together and make clear that when the continuing resolution expires for the department of Homeland Security this body will not appropriate money to dhs to carry out president obamas illegal and unconstitutional amnesty. Now the him that cruz was referring tot beginning of the sound bite was Mitch Mcconnell. Because come january when republicans take control of the senate he is going to have plenty of headaches as well. And i talked o a lot of republicans who were very upset with both cruz and lee who were standing in the way of this compromise that was ready to sail threw. What were looking at through is a set of procedural votes. One is on a stopgap funding measure to keep the government open through wednesday so that on monday they can have this vote on final passage for that 1. 1 trillion spending measure. So were kicking the can down the road. It is stuck in the senate right now. May ha maive have a fair compromise. I think both parties are found there is a lot they dont like about the bill and the way its put together. But you have the snafrt senato brokered the compromise talk about they took a lot of good with the bad and making that argument that while everyone has been complaining about the bill over the last couple of days that there are some good aspects of it, you know, adding more money for the military. Obviously keeping the government open and a shutdown would be a huge disaster once again. Its ironic weve just been through a election where voters told us how tired they are of this in washington and now you are having this chaos play out all over again. And we just heard from a couple of republicans who dont like the bill. Democrats have also been grand standing to some degree on this bill as well. Liz bit warren saying its time for all of us to stand up and fight. If democrats now are voting against this bill, which the president has already urged them to pass, is this going to help or hurt their party, aaron duke . Ana, one thing we should point out is the bill is ultimately expect to pass. Of course president obama is urging passage. There was question whether or not he would ultimately sign it earlier in the week. Now we expect hes very much expected to sign it before he leaves for vacation on friday. He goes to hawaii with his family for a few weeks and we do expect it to pass and it will be signed some time this week. But this does hurt both parties because there has been a lot of complaint from both sides of the aisle. Maeve, i want to ask you one last question. And ill let you also finish aarons perspective of going to off what she just said. Its really interesting as reported yesterday, this chaos this week has actually really shown this lost art of compromise in congress. And the fact that, you know, everyone is willing to go to the edge on these bills at this point. Because they dont want to be seen by their constituents as compromising at all. And that is a very different era that were in right now than we were, you know, several decades ago. We saw the last time this happened and there was actually a Government Shutdown how badly this hurt the economy. And while were talking about the economy, i know one of the big issues that democrats have been upset about in this particular bill since we already talked about immigration on the republican side but democrats are upset with republicans for including wall street roll backs of reforms that were implemented actually in the crisis 2008 and 2009. Are the republicans arguing that these reforms from wall street arent good for the country . Yes. I think that the broader argument that republicans ma have made that the dodd frank bill that added new financial regulations really has stifled the banking industry. I dont think weve seen a lot of republicans out there defending a lot of this profession on derivatives that has angered warren and pelosi and others. And in fact you have this alliance between warren in the senate and visittter the louisi republican saying we should not be giving Big Christmas presents to big banks. I think well see that play out more as republicans gain more control other things. Well expect that to be the big fight next year. Aaron mcpike and mavev reston, thanks to you both. Well be checking back with you again next hour. Ahead though. Four mothers who know the pain t sting of losing a child. Video playing those shows how long he had his hand around miss sons neck. Its like it was a thrill kill for him. He never let up off of him. For from eric garnerss mother talking about the confrontation that cut her sons life short. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. 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The march in washington d. C. Ends at the nations capitol. Now they a all are protesting many of the names that weve all come to know in recent days. Trayvon martin, Michael Brown, eric garner. Tamir rice. Victims of what many see as injustice at the hands of plifs. And now for the first time their mothers come together to share their grief anding an we are Anderson Cooper. The latest and youngest was just 12. Tamir rice shot and killed by Cleveland Police and it was all caught on video. I was just still disbelief until i actually seen my son laying on the ground and the police were surrounding him. Theres audio thats been released of your doctor of tamirs sister creaming they killed my baby brother. Umhmm. What happened when you got to the scene . When i arrived like i said i seen my son laying down and nobody was doing anything. It was like they was around him. And they were just standing there. While my other son was like thrown against the car and i guess they was trying to retain him. We were probably 30 feet apart. Me and my 16yearold. And me and tamir was maybe 30 feet apart. And i was probably 20 feet from my daughter, because she was already in the back of the car. They put her in the police car. Yes they put her in the police car. So she was actually in the police car looking at her brother just bleeding there and neebs doing anything. As a mom do you i mean the video is released. Is that something you even watch as a mother . Yes. I watched it. I had to watch it. Im the one that released the video. You are. They had to get permission from me to release the video. I think its important the world knows whats going on with my son. s only 12. A few seconds after arriving the Police Officers shot him. They scared him more than anything. If you could look at it they scare him more than anything. When he pulled up, they jumped up and they shot hymn. Thats what i seen. And just hearing this is hard for you. This is hard. A 12yearold, not even a teenager. Thats horrible. For a mother to see her child laying there dead in the street. I know that was unbearable. Sabrina, i remember when early on you and i met and you were talking about your son, about Trayvon Martin and one thing you felt very strongly about was immediately authorities and police were trying to paint a picture who he was, and paint a negative picture who he was. Is that something you see happen to all these moms . I notice that they blame the victim. And a lot of times that gives that gives people a kind of ease. And it kind of justify why it was done. Regardless of what these kid were doing or even what mr. Garner was doing, it is minor. Those are minor things that they were doing and it should not have cost them their lives. I talk to the head of the police union in new york who said if your son had just allowed himself to be arrested, hed be alive today. My son never resisted arrest. He had his hands up in the air as he was talking with the police. The police never told him he was under arrest. And he was just asking them to stop harassing him. And for what they were about to arrest him for, up, like okay he did sell loose cigarettes but he wasnt selling them that day. He broke up a fight just minutes before. Thats why the police was called because someone was fighting and he was breaking it up. And but when the police came they looked past the fight and went straight for him. So, you know, they were why would they do that . When you heard that the Police Officer had testified that he didnt use a choke hold on your son oh please. Well, what would you call it . He called it a takedown. If he took him if it was a take down, why when he took him down he continued choking him, mashic his head against the ground. The rest of the Police Officers on him. The video plainly shows how long he had his hand around my sons neck. He had no regards for his life. It was like it was a thrill kill for him. He never let up off of him. Now was that just a takedown . I dont think so. These mothers and families are part of the big rally today in the nations capital. They are kpapt expected to start marching in about 30 minutes. Well take you there next. You cant breathe through your nose, suddenly, youre a mouth breather. A mouth breather well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. Add breathe right to your Cold Medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. And look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. 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Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. We have breaking news out of afghanistan. A u. S. Official confirming to cnn two american soldiers have been killed as a result of a bomb that targeting a naval convoy. The taliban has claimed responsibility for this. Were just agabeginning to get information on this and well have more for you. And today massive protests taking place over Police Killings of unarmed americans. The they are gearing up now for the justice for all march to the capitol and in new york city tens of thousands of demonstrators march through that city taking their protests directly to the headquarters of the nypd. And police in Portland Oregon have arrested a 22yearold man in connection with the shooting yesterday afternoon near a high school where four were shot, one of them a 16yearold girl is still in critical condition. The Gang Task Force is investigating and police say this 22yearold who was arrested. It was after they stopped a vehicle and they were able to recover a handgun from inside that car. Some new information this morning in really a tragic story out of mississippi. 19yearold who was set on fire a week ago and burned to death. As family and friends prepare for the funeral of jessica chambers, police are investigating the strong possibility they say that somebody was with her just moments before flames engulfed her car. Cnn affiliate wmc spoke to a man police have questioned about the death and he says investigators told him, chambers last word was the name eric or derek. Minnesota vikings star running back Adrian Peterson loses his appeal. So he is on the side lines. He has been suspended after Police Charged him with recklessly injurings his fouryearold son after disciplining him with a tree branch. Turning to business. This is one worst weeks for wall street in more than three years. There is a silver lining. Allison cossack explains. It was a tough week for stocks and you can pin it on one thing. Oil t dow, nasdaq and s p 500, dropped this week. And the declines were the biggest since 2011. The problem, we had not just one but three separate reports this week saying the same thing that Global Oil Demand will drop next year. That is is from the u. S. Government, opec and the International Energy agency. By the same token the supply of oil on the market is still strong, which is why crude oil prices plunged this week falling below 60 a barrel. Prices are down more than 40 this year and are sitting at levels we isnt seen since 2009 and the decline has happened really fast that. Makes investors nervous. They pulled money out of Big Companies like chevron and exxon mobile thinking the drop will lead to lower prices and cutbacks. And bp and Conoco Phillips recently houns announced exploration and jobs will be cut. But Oil Prices Mean low gas prices. National gas is about 60 to 70 cents cheaper than last year. That is a big savings for people. According to one estimate, it is a savings of 500 per house giving people more money to spend on christmas presents. This week wall street focused on the negative side. Hey, more time and more money for presents. Thanks allison. Senate democrats ripped that cia torture report saying agents never got useful information out of it. But the cia says that is not the case. Were going to talk to a former cia agent and what he has to say next. First our look boo the future. This week, Renewable Energy in the sky. Here is richard quest. For centuries the humble windmill has been used for pumping water and grinding grain. Its role grew when the wind turbine was created. Today, around 2. 5 of the worlds elect riricity is produ by wind. We are 30 times more efficient than decades ago because of the use of innovation in computer technologies. Squeezing more energy out of thin air involves equipping the turbines with lasers that allows them to communicate with each other. As operators keep a watchful eye in hightech control centers. Like this one in san diego. We can then communicate with the utilities so that they can effectively manage wind onto the grid. Worldwide, there are now more than 200,000 turbines. The future is to take wind energy to new heights. Imagine if we could untether the turbine and send it up into the air where it could then adjust its location and catch the strongest winds. In boston, they are preparing one such structure called the bat. Going up to 8,000 feet you have typically around eight times as much power available in those winds than closer to the ground. They hope to launch the first bat in alaska in 2015. Targeting remote areas where energy is elusive and expensive. I think it has the potential to transform those communities. Hi. Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. New ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. Ensure. Take life in. Dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. I certainly agree that there were times when cia officers exceeded the policy guidance that was given and the authorized techniques that were approved and determined to be lawful. They went outside of the bounds in terms of their actions as part of that interrogation process. And they were harsh, as i said in some instance i consider them abhorrent. And i will leave to others how they might want to label those activities. But for me it was something that is certainly regrettable but we are not a perfect institution. That was cia director john brennan in a rare live News Conference earlier this week explaining how some interrogations techniques went too far. He goes on the to defend the enhanced interrogation technique saying that they helped to get information about osama bin lad laden. Were joined by mike baker. Mike, thanks for coming on with us this morning. Do you think it was a good idea to release that Senate Intelligence committees report . Well i think its always a good idea to have these discussions about policies and activities. It is important. It is who we are as a country. Releasing the report. Yeah i think it would have been a good idea if it had been a thorough investigative objective review where you followed standard investigative procedures. Gather up all the people that you can. Troll through all those documents but then take the documents and sit down with people in the administration, the agency and military and whatever and say okay, tell me about this. Defend this. What does this mean . What are you talking a about here. Get the knowledge from the people. That is an investigation. What weve got sufrl a misinterpretation and a flawed report. And other people mention this is flawed because in part members of the cia who participated in these methods werent actually interviewed as part of this investigation. So is it possible you think that the people who put together this report got it wrong . Well in the sense that look, again there is value in doing what they did. I dont know if there ease almost 50 million worth of value here. Over a are program that we have to remember ended ten years ago. Investigated twice by obamas doj. Memos released. The debate over time. So okay fine another pious self phalangelation moment that i dont know has any purpose to it. If you are going to do this, then yes you have to gather all the information you can. If you are going to say here is a report that reviews a period of time thats important to our history to it. And this falls well short of a thorough review. In the same token brennan did go on to admit that certain techniques were taken too far. He didnt necessarily say it was torture. All though the president has used the word torture. But some of the details in this report are so disturbing. Were talking about water boarding and rectal rehydration just to name a couple of the techniques. Help us to understand how this happen, why your perhaps former colleagues would participate in these type of things. That to many of the average joe sound inhuman. And you are out the crux aft the argument here thats been going on for years. There is the camp that says the enhanced interrogation techniques, well they dont exist. That is torture. Quit with the wording. But the stuff we put our own people through in training programs, that they serve a purpose. Is discussion is always been over simplified. So it becomes either all of or all of that. The truth is resides as it usually does in the middle. Talking to a detainee, doing the usually traditional interrogation of rapport building, of bridge building of reciprocity, gifting, whatever you want to call it, which was done the vast majority of times during the course of this program. And apparently it did gleam information. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesnt. This is my point. Sometimes the enhanced interrogation techniques work. Sometimes they dont to. Say in absolute fashion that the Interrogation Program, as it stood, as it was, you know, built from scratch essentially never produced any valuable intelligence torques say that in absolutist fashion without looking at totality of the program is just flat out wrong. But do you know for sure that these interrogation techniques worked . Again, sometimes they do. Sometimes they dont. The point look this is messy. And uncomfortable. And now were in a point where yes, okay the administration would rather fire a missile up the tail pipe of some target that be go to the hard difficult work of capturing that target and gathering the intelligence. We have to figure where to we hold hem sno how do we deal with them . Okay final. If what you are saying its more ethical to just light up the target so we dont have to deal with this, then i guess. I dont understand that positioning. That the reality is, when you have an interrogation situation, the point is to make the detainee compliant. Again people get uncomfortable with all of this. You do that through traditional methods of talking, all those things i talked about. But to have in your kit bag the element of the unknown, which would be the enhanced techniques used in proper controlled fashion and again it wasnt Perfect Program and there were problems. We hear what and we know its a complex situation. Very complex. And the debate continues. Thank you for being part of it. Thank you. Up next, was a u. S. Prison camp in iraq a breeding ground for isis . There are disturbing new findings in a new report, coming up next. [ male announcer ] you wouldnt ignore signs of damage in your home. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . Even if youre treating your Crohns Disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. And if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. Learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at crohnsandcolitis. Com. And then speak with your gastroenterologist. In the country. We operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. We use natural gas throughout the airport for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity onsite, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. Were very focused on reducing our environmental impact. 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Were for Net Neutrality protection. Now, heres some news you may find even more surprising. Were comcast. The only isp legally bound by full Net Neutrality rules. A chilling new report is out about the u. S. Prison camp in iraq. Camp buka. It began as a holding cell for prisoners, but we are also learning how it became a breeding ground for terrorists, including the notorious Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader of isis. Cnns brian todd reports. Reporter he may be the most vicious terrorist leader in recent years, possibly more brutal than bin laden. Now, a former inmate at a u. S. Run prison camp in iraq, says isis leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the man behind scores of isis beheadings, was once a trusted inmate by his american captors, allowed to roam freely around the camp. The americans seem to see abu bakr as somebody who could keep the prison quiet. There are 24 camps within the sunni side of the camp and he was allowed access to all of them. Reporter guardian reporter martin chulaw interviewed a senior isis commander, abu ahmed, not his real name. He told chulaw, baghdadi was a fixer at the camp. Quote, he was respected very much by the u. S. Army. Abu bakr al baghdadi, he said, was seen by other detainees as clever, scheming, quote, using a policy of conquer and divide to get what he wanted. A u. S. Intelligence official tells us, baghdadi built street cred inside buka. Baghdadi and other jihadists at this american prison were not always segregated, allowed to meet freely to plot, and they had an ingenious way of communicating. He and others were able to write their Contact Details on the white elastics of their boxer shorts, prisonissued boxer shorts, and that was a way that they networked. And when they got out of prison, they had phone numbers and details of fathers, uncles, villages. Reporter abu ahmed depicts abu bakr as the Management School for isis leaders. If there was no american prison in iraq, there would be no Islamic State now. A good level came from buka. Because, you know, tens of thousands of people were held in buka, over the years. And so, just when they got out, they had little to do, and they had these wlished networks and its clear that they had done their homework in the prison. Reporter and as he left, according to a former camp commander, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, had a chilling parting shot. He looked over to us, and as he left, he said, see you guys in new york. Reporter responding to the camps that camp buka was a breeding ground for isis, where jihadists could strategize, a pentagon official told cnn, quote, these type of detentions are common practice during armed conflict. U. S. Commanders tried to separate the most violent and hardcore inmates. But they said buka was packed with detainees. The army was short staffed, and no one at the time thought Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi would go on to do what hes doing now. A u. S. Intelligence official tells us, camp buka was not a turning point for baghdadi. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Wow, so interesting. Minutes from now in washington, protesters will march to the u. S. Capitol, calling for justice after the recent Police Killings of unarmed africanamericans. We will go there live at the top of the hour, as soon as we come back. Heres our new trainer ensure active heart health. I maximize good stuff, like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. New ensure active heart Health Supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. Ensure, take life in. And cialis for daily useor you. Helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. Right now, all eyes on washington, d. C. , for our two top stories today. First, we have a live look at the senate floor, where lawmakers are returning in a surprise move over that spending showdown. And then, thousands marching on the nations capitol, demanding justice for the deaths of eric garner, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and tamir rice, to name a handful of names. We have Team Coverage of these events. Plus, why this may be the worst week ever for alister Angelina Jolie. There, of course, was the sony hack attack, where the world found out that a sony exec called jolie a spoiled brat, but now theres more bad news for the actress. Hello. Glad to have you with us. Im ana cabrera in for Fredricka Whitfield today. Happening right now, the spending showdown resumes on capitol hill. The senate is trying to pass a 1 trillion spending package and avoid another Government Shutdown. Now, the original plan was to adjourn for the weekend and resume debate on monday, but then late last night, some junior republican senators defied the agreement that had been reached by the senates top leaders, and so that forced todays session. Cnns erin mcpike is joining us at the white house. Erin, whats happening right now. Are they back in session yet . Reporter ana, they are. They are going to be in session throughout the day and theyre going to be holding a series of votes on unfinished business. Youll see nominations as well, but the big, really, the big thing of the day is that they will be voting on this stopgap measure, that will fund the government through wednesday, so that they can hammer out the rest of this 1. 1 trillion spending bill and that final vote for final package on monday. But votes throughout the day, you can look forward to that, ana. Theyre going to be hammering out, and they need a few days to do this. Do we think there are going to be some major changes to the current bill that has already been passed in the house, in which it would send it back to the house . No. At this point, we do expect final passage. Thats what were hearing from a number of the senators who have worked on this. What we have heard from some republicans is that they are really kind of angry at both ted cruz and mike lee for essentially sabotaging this agreement late last night, because its not going to do anything other than keep the senate in session, and really just throw it down the road for a couple of days, ana. Is there any chance that this bill simply wont pass . Theres always a slim chance. But at this point, we are seeing from both leaders, from harry reid, the democratic leader, as well as Mitch Mcconnell, they are expecting that this bill will pass. And many people are on board. You may know that Elizabeth Warren was upset with this, earlier in the week, because of the rollback of some regulations on wall street. But she has taken the stand that she has taken, but she is not going to stand in the way, in the way that we saw from ted cruz and mike lee last night. Because ted cruz and mike lee are upset about the immigration, and that there is no, nothing in there to kind of slap down the president s executive action. So theres that tugofwar that continues. Erin mcpike in washington, an interesting story. Well be talking to you later to see what happens. There are also protests happening again today, all across the country. Demonstrators call it their week of outrage and theyre marching against Police Brutality and racial profiling. Right now, we understand, thousands are starting their march in the nations capitol. Protesters plan to wind their way from freedom square, which is near the white house, to the u. S. Capitol, and organizers Want Congress to take action to reform the justice system. We have Team Coverage. Lets start with sunland. Reporter well, ana, today its a large and vocal crowd here on pennsylvania avenue. Now, we stepped a little bit outside of the group, to give you a little perspective here. Just how many people are out in the thousands, ana. It really takes up a whole city block here in Freedom Plaza. Now, marchers are just gathering right now. Theyre going to start the march down pennsylvania avenue shortly. And we saw bus load after bus load of the protesters unload this morning. They came from other states, florida, connecticut, and overnight, all the way here. Sunland, im sorry, were having trouble with your audio. We do see those live pictures and i can imagine there are a lot of people using their cell phones right now, which is hurting our signal, since were on a special live view signal there. Lets turn to nick valencia, whos in washington, d. C. , covering this protest march. Not many people where you are, nick, but youre near the end of the route. Tell us a little bit more about what youre expecting . Reporter yeah, thats right, ana. Were about a half a mile away from sunlands location. And were expecting those hundreds and hundreds of demonstrators that are starting about 14 blocks away from this position right now, are going to be making their way towards the capital. And what they want is very clear. They want federal prosecutors assigned to cases of the deaths of unarmed civilians at the hands of police. Earlier, i spoke to one demonstrator who came all the way from new york, made that trek here this morning, and she talked to me about why it was so important for her to show up here today in the nations capital. Well, certainly, what you see happening right now with the grand juries and the way this system is working, is not working for both of us. So, if youre reporter what do you mean by most of us . Most of im a black woman, i have black children, i have many black males in our family who are at risk in this system that we now have. I want to see Something Different for them. I have a 3yearold greatgrandson. I want to see a different world for him. Reporter and there are a myriad of groups that are coming here from all across the nation. That woman we just heard from, from new york with a group of others from that Nurses Association that you saw in that tape. But people are coming as far away from florida. And as sunland was mentioning earlier, theyre coming here by the busload. An estimated 5,000 demonstrators are going to be here and that march will get underway and well be sure to get right on top of it and give you all the details. I know theres a group from ferguson, missouri, who is headed to washington, d. C. I know one of the protest organizers in that Small Community was planning to take a busload, at the very least, to washington, d. C. , to participate in this. We are seeing people from all walks of life, from all different parts of the country, and i also understand that there will be some important speakers there in washington, d. C. What do you mean about that . Reporter well, we know, as you mentioned, there are groups from all across the country. You broke up a little bit, so i didnt hear directly the question, but im guessing youre asking about the wide range of people well, what about the speakers . I understand some of the mothers of the victims of these africanamerican men and teenagers or even young boys, as young as 12 years old, who have been killed by police, what do you know about when theyre planning to address the crowd there . Reporter yeah, the family members of mike brown will be here, as well as tamir rice. Kai gurley, early on, we heard his family was going to be here as well as the parents of Trayvon Martin. And we know that all of those families i just mentioned have been through so much, in the since the death of their children. And theyre here to address that. I was speaking to one demonstrator who said that five weeks ago, he lost a mentor in his life, and thats why hes out here. He wants to show solidarity with that message, that justice is different and black lives matter. Thats a chant you hear over and over in this. For others, though, they say that this isnt so much about race. This is about excessive force, this is about changes within the Police Department, changes in their training. They want people to understand that these deaths, of those names i just mentioned could have been avoided, had there been a chance, an opportunity for these Police Officers to diffuse those situations, rather than escalating them. They say that body cameras, things like that, they arent going to make a difference, because we saw in the tape of mike garner, people seeing that as very controversial, some people thought it was clear excessive force, and that that indictment needed to happen. Others saying, though, you know, eric garner in that situation wasnt cooperating with police. So even if those body cameras, for instance, are given to the Police Department, they dont think thats going to change things. They want, as i mentioned earlier, in my report, they want a federal prosecutor, special federal prosecutor, assigned to these cases, they dont believe that the local district attorneys are unbiased enough with the relationship with local Law Enforcement to have a clear eye when looking at these cases, ana. Its worth mentioning that these protesters who are calling for action on the federal level are seeing some results. I want to mention that the Senate Just Passed a death and custody reporting act. It passed this week in the senate, and it goes to the president now to sign. Well see what happens there, but it would require states to actually report to the u. S. Department of justice, just how many individuals die at the hands of Police Officers each year. Whether its as theyre taking them into custody or after they get them in custody. Nick, are protesters reacting to that new development . Reporter you know, we havent had the chance to ask them specifically that question. And were waiting, as i mentioned, right behind me, here, about 14 blocks away is where theyre all gathered right now. And in the next 10 to 15 minutes, well be sure to ask them that question and other specifics of really why theyre here. We keep hearing that message, right . We keep hearing this message of change, of change. You know, one of the questions im asking these demonstrators is, what is that change measured by . What do you really want to have happen. So well get those details. Everybody wants Something Different, but everybodys here in unison, in solidarity, to show their support for the families who lost children. Ana . Interesting. Nick valencia, thank you for your reporting. Well talk to you soon. And still to come in the newsroom. What the [ bleep ] . crazy video out of los angeles, where a tornado hit that area just yesterday. Rain, floods, mud slides, a tornado. How some los angeles residents got the surprise of their life, next. You cant breathe through your nose, suddenly, youre a mouth breather. A mouth breather well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. Cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38 more. So you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. Add breathe right to your Cold Medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. And look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. vo rescued. Ed. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. 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Thatll get your holiday bell ringing. Ring ring . Progresso you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. Well vegetables. Shh taste better in our savory broth. Vegetables . No. Soup oh soup loaded with vegetables. Packed with taste. Rain, floods, mud slides, even a tornado all part of the Severe Weather system whipping through california. And i think the tornado in Los Angeles County might be the most surprising. Lets get to meteorologist karen maginnis, joining us now. Karen, how rare is Something Like this . Reporter you know, it happens every once in a while. So its not unheard of, but you dont hear about it that often. But when it does, it looks like this. Take a look. They were just kind of fortunate to be in the right area at the right time. The beeps, well, you can imagine the person who was videotaping this was rather excited. [ bleep ] yeah. There was some damage reported there. There were power outages, there were damage reports coming from a garage and several homes. But no one was injured. Take a look at the mud slide, now. This is in camarillo springs. This happened in the middle of the night. There were mandatory evacuations and that was burn area about a year ago. And in the middle of the night, because of several inches of rainfall, that burn area just could not hold the debris back. Some places saw the debris, boulders, in fact, up to their rooftops. Weve got a live picture of what that looks like right now. And we will kind of show you around that area. This is a live view. You can see the home and the roofline. Theyre saying now about 18 homes are completely destroyed. Theyre uninhabitable. If you can imagine that volume of mud and debris in your home, it would be devastating. In the forecast, the same weather system is now pulling across the entire west. So snowfall for the rockies, pulls into the Central Plains, and this has a secondary effect. There could be thunderstorms tomorrow. It is december. Its late december. And were looking at the chance for thunderstorms. And what we did see with that particular tornado was an ef0. Meaning the winds were estimated between 65 and 85 miles an hour. There was also a water spout that was reported offshore. That wasnt anything that produced any damage, but nonetheless, you dont think of Southern California, l. A. , and you typically dont think about it in december. But actually, december is, if you have a high count of tornadoes in Southern California, it would be during the month of december, which is very ironic. Rainfall amounts, as i mentioned, between 1 and 3 inches. The next storm system moves in, ana, on monday. Not going to be quite as powerful, but the ground is already saturated, so that could be problematic again. Hopefully they get a break soon, but it is good to see the moisture in that area thats been drought stricken for so long. Meteorologist karen maginnis, thank you. And still to come, it has been a rough week for Angelina Jolie, to say the least. Now the actress is calling out sick for the premiere of her new film that she directed. But first, it was a discovery that stunned scientists. The most complete trex fossil ever found. Took me over to this big cliff, and he said, take a look. And i looked at it and i looked at him and i said, is that trex, and he said, yes, and i think its all here. We havent started digging or havent moved anything around yet. Weve just been looking at it and taking some pictures and trying to figure out how to proceed. This is just a great story, and what happened after that discovery, well, thats even more shocking. Dont miss dinosaur 13. Its going to air sunday night at 9 00 eastern. Get ready for some german engineered holiday excitement. At the volkswagen signthendrive event. Right now, for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. 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It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work so, Angelina Jolie has had kind of a rough week. And it just got a little worse. Apparently she has the chicken pox and she announced advisovia video message that she will be sitting out the premiere of unbroken, the movie shes directed and produced. I found out last night that i have chicken pox. So i will be home, itching, and missing everyone. And i cant believe it. Because this film means so much to me. I just cant believe it. But such is life, there it is. And i send everyone my love. A sony executive called jolie a, quote, minimally talented spoiled brat with a rampaging ego. And now the fbi is jumping in and investigating that massive hack attack at sony pictures. Besides the nasty attacks like the one on jolie, the hackers also revealed sony employees Social Security numbers and a lot of other personal information. Cnn justice correspondent pamela brown has been following the fallout. You want us to kill the leader of north korea . Reporter with sonys movie about assassinating north Korean Leader kim jongun just days from opening president kim jongun. Reporter sony exec amy pascal was talking publicly for the First Time Since the hackers, suspected of being north korean, broke into the studios Computer System and published millions of confidential and embarrassing emails. Some of which bash alisters, like Angelina Jolie for being a, quote, minimally talented, spoiled brat. Just days after that email surfaced between pascal and hollywood producer, scott ruden, pascal is seen here at an l. A. Event, receiving a seemingly frosty reception from jolie. Pascal told deadline. Com, i am mostly disappointed in myself. That is the element of this that has been most painful for me. I dont want to be defined by these emails after a 30year career. In one email to ruden, pascal, a big fundraiser for president obama, insinuates obama only likes films with africanamerican actors, like django unchained. Pascal told deadline. Com, im embarrassed, deeply. Today the white house confirmed that pascal and ruden have apologized. I think that a lot of people who read those emails, maybe not everybody, but i think a lot of people cringed a little bit when they were reading them. Reporter but much more damaging, the hackers have published the medical records of sony employees and their spouses, even their children. 20 years ago, i was the worlds most wanted hacker, i was an fbi fugitive for a couple of years. Reporter kevin is still hacking, but now doing it to help companies to test their security. He says this was no snatch and grab job by the sony hackers. They spent a lot of time doing what they Call Information reconnaissance, to attack sony. So its really not that difficult for hackers to break in, but whats interesting about sony is the amount of information they were able to steal, right from under their nose. Reporter pamela brown, cnn, new york. The march is underway in washington, d. C. , already. And in just a couple of hours, tens of thousands of protesters are expected to march in new york city. These are live pictures right now in d. C. Where, again, that march has begun. Alexandra field is at Washington Square park in new york where the march is going to happen shortly. Alexandra . Reporter hey, there, ana. Police are actually already here, preparing for the crowds that are coming to call for an end to police violence. And well talk about some of their other demands coming up right after the break. Come in and use your starbucks gift card any day through january 5th for a chance to win starbucks for life. Not to be focusing, again, on my moderate my goal was to finally get in shape. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis saw 75 skin clearance on humira. 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And let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. Find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ]. That secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. Bottom of the hour now. Welcome back and thanks for being here. Im ana cabrera. Heres a look at the top stories making news right now. New information in the tragic story out of mississippi. The case of this 19yearold who was set on fire and burned to death. Now, as family and friends prepare for the funeral of jessica chambers, police are investigating the strong possibility that someone was with her just moments before flames engulfed her car. Cnn affiliate wmc spoke to a man who police apparently have questioned about chambers death and he says investigators told him that chambers last word was either the name eric or derek. Police in portland, oregon, have arrested 22yearold, a man in connection with a shooting yesterday near a high school. Four people were shot, one was a 16yearold girl who remains in critical condition. We understand a Gang Task Force is now investigating. Police say the man was arrested after they stopped a vehicle that he was driving and then they recovered a handgun from inside the car. And more than 90 people are missing after part of a mountainside in indonesia gave way and the heavy rains there causing a huge landslide. This is on central java island. So far, at least 17 people are known dead. This is according to the National Disaster management agency. And nearly that many are injured. Search teams, some of them having to dig by hand, are still looking for survivors and other victims. Protesters calling today, the culmination of their week of outrage, and across the country, they are marching, to protest the recent Police Killings that have been happening in different cities. This is a demonstration happening right now in washington, d. C. These demonstrators are making their way to the u. S. Capitol building. They started at a park near the white house, and we understand its about a half a mile route. And you can see, they are carrying signs, protesting racial profiling, as well as Police Brutality. Im just going to stop talking for one sec so we can listen to some of the music. Doctors and lawyers and teachers. So you can hear that there are also speakers along the march, helping to unify this group of people who we know come from around the country. Our sunland serfati is marching with them. Reporter ana, this is a large and vocal crowd that started marching at Freedom Plaza. They are now on pennsylvania avenue, headed towards capitol hill. A lot of protester here got bused in this morning. We spoke with people from florida, from connecticut, and one woman from detroit, michigan. She says she cant stand on the sidelines any longer. She has to come here today. Now, this is a sizable crowd, but the symbolism is not lost on so many people. A lot of people making reference here to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. One woman told me that she came out today, because her father marched in the 60s. She felt a responsibility to be here today, ana. She said she spoke to her father on the phone today, and he said, im proud of you. These protesters are now heading to capitol hill. Ana . All right, thank you, sunland. Another massive march set to begin a little bit later this afternoon, a couple hours from now in new york city. Thats where alexandra field is, where alexandra, youre standing, thats where protesters are starting to gather. Reporter there are a lot of them behind me in orange vests, carrying signs, talking about human rights, saying, stop Police Brutality, things like that. This still a small group, but they are expecting thousands and thousands of people here. On social media alone, some 45,000 people said they would attend this march. Were yet to see how many actually show up here, but its supposed to kick off around 2 00 this afternoon. And they say that theyre joining together to raise a call to action to put an end to police violence. Thats the uniting thread here. Of course, a lot of people are out here talking about eric garner, theyre out here talking about Michael Brown, and they say they want these two cases to change the way communities are policed. They have more specific demands as well. They say that the name of an officer involved in a Police Shooting should be released within 48 hours. Thats one of the things theyre going to call for today. They also want to see special prosecutors appointed to deal with cases of police misconduct. These are marches and rallies that have been going on for weeks here in this city, and theyre going on throughout the country today, but this could be one of the largest crowds weve seen. Theyll gather here at the arch in Washington Square park. Theyve marked the route theyll be demonstrating and will end today at one police plaza, police headquarters. Thats where they want to send their message, ana. So theyre trying to appeal to the local Police Leaders and other local leaders in that community . Reporter absolutely. Look, youve got to think about the fact that these demonstrations that weve been seeing started here in new york city after a grand jury decided not to indict the officer, Daniel Pantaleo, who was involved in the death of eric garner, the man who died following that choke hold in Staten Island over the summer. Thats what really brought the anger to the surface here in new york city. Yes, its related to what also happened in ferguson with Michael Brown, but people are saying that these cases really make it necessary to come together now, you know, not just people in this city, but across the country, to say, hey, lets step back, lets take a look at the way the communities are policed, and lets look at what kind of concrete changes we can make, to make people safer in their interactions with the police. I know after the decision was made, in that grand jury case involving eric garner in new york, that mayor de blasio came out and he sort of sounded like he was united with the protesters. How has that impacted his relationship with the Police Department . Reporter its a little bit tense right now, you could say, ana, in the sense, weve got one example here of a patrolmans union sending out a flyer to their members. This allows members, who want to, to sign this form, requesting that the mayor does not come to their funeral if theyre killed in the line of duty. Look, this does not speak for relations between the mayor and Police Across the board, but the officers who are signing this form are saying that theyre doing so, because they feel that the mayor and the city are not supporting them and their work. This has certainly highlighted some tensions here. The mayor has come out, as you noted, in the wake of that decision not to indict, trying to keep the peace, trying to appeal to protesters and acknowledge to them that he realizes that they have the right to come out here and speak their minds. He also went about, ordering the retraining of the police force here in new york city. A lot of steps have been taken by the mayor to speak to the crowds here, who feel that an injustice was done. At the same time, were starting to see where so some officers, it appears, feel like they are not getting the support from the mayor that they need or deserve. Thank you. Now more than 20 women have accused bill cosby of raping them, and most of them dont have any legal recourse, because the statute of limitations has expir expired. But can they do anything as a group . Well ask our attorney, next. And our live conch of the march in washington continues. We have more live pictures. This is at pennsylvania avenue, where it looks like thousands of people have gathered. Many of them demanding justice. There are three little words. [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable Global Commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. Great job. mandarin cut it out. See you tomorrow. A wakeup call. But its not happening out there. Its happening in here. [ sirens wailing ] inside of you. 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They were all claiming that cosby raped or sexually assaulted them. And their stories are eerily similar. Take a listen to what they say happened in their own words. He was dr. Huxtable, he was americas dad. Everyone loved him. I loved him. I wanted him to be my dad. He asked me back a few times, he asked me to visit him on the set. I was not the only girl that he was doing this with. Mr. Cosby wanted me to come down for an audition for the bill cosby show. Im going to offer you a part on the cosby show. He had been mentoring me and grooming me. He said, well, come up to my bungalow after im finished shooting and well work on it. So he asked me, he says, before we go out to dinner, would you like a cocktail . I had one glass of wine with dinner. He made me a drink. He said, oh, ive got something for that. And he gave me a pill. It was red wine, it was a pill. He opened up a briefcase that was on his front seat and it was filled with different assorted pills. This mens shaving kit, opened up with lots of pills. I want you to take a couple of these to help you relax. I took one sip and i felt something very strange going on in my head. I began to feel very, very, very drugged. He drugged me and my roommate. I knew i had been drugged. It was very powerful. It came on very quickly. And very shortly after that, i just, i passed out. The last thing i remember, i had blacked out, and cosby mounting me. She passed out and i pulled him off of her. The room started to spin, my speech was slurred. And before i knew it, i was with my head over the toilet, throwing up, i was in a white tshirt, and my panties, and he was looming over me in a white robe. I woke up or came to very groggily with him removing my underwear. The next thing i nknew, it ws 4 00 in the morning, i woke up in a bed, naked, bruised. There was a lot of pain in downstairs. There was semen all over me, and that my pajama bottoms were off. I woke up out of a very confused state and knowing that my body had been touched without my permission. I knew i was raped. I was embarrassed. And i, at that point, fight or flight, i just packed up and i got the hell out of there. But whos going to believe me . Bill cosby, the allamerican dad, the allamerican husband, the person mr. Jello, that everybody loves. Cosby was a very powerful man. I was looked at directly, in the eye, by bill cosby, and said, i had better never, ever see your face or hear your name again. And i listened. I just want to reiterate that last point there, that you couldnt hear, you couldnt only see, and that is that cosby through his representatives, his attorneys, has denied all of these allegations and said they were false. And for most of cosbys alleged victims, the statute of limitations on their end has expired. But one of his accusers has filed a defamation lawsuit against him. Tamara green claims that cosby called her a liar through his representative in denying the abuse. Green, herself, is an attorney and she claims cosby drugged her, sexually assaulted her, back in the 1970s. Again, cosby has denied these allegations. Were joined now by defense attorney, former prosecutor, Phillip Holloway. Phillip, thanks so much for being here. This is a story that just keeps on shocking us more and more, the more people who come forward. What are the Legal Options for these women . Theyre extremely limited. As you mentioned with, the statute of limitations has run, but what has not run on is potential defamation claims. You mentioned tamara green has filed a defamation action against mr. Cosby. He has to either be the most prolific sex offender known to mankind or else the worst victim of character assassination, one of the two. At the trial of this lawsuit, the defamation case, shes going to have to prove that the statement that was allegedly made, that shes a liar, shes going to have to prove thats false. So, again, you get into a swearing contest, okay . Theres no physical evidence from that many years ago, no other witnesses. Its a very, very difficult thing to prove. So could he ever Face Criminal Charges . I dont think, even if the statute of limitations had not run, i dont think its, as a practical matter, feasible, this many years later unless theres a new one thats recent or something. Correct, because you dont have witnesses, you dont have physical evidence, you dont have all the things that you need for a proper prosecution, you know . The length of time alone is enough to derail any criminal prosecution. I mean, it seems like theres a new allegation almost every week, that these women just keep coming forward. Were now counting almost two dozen women who are claiming abuse or some kind of attack or being drugged and their stories, again, so similar. Is there any power in numbers in the sense that, could they move forward as a group in some way and do something . I doubt it. You know, the argument is that once one person comes out, you know, you get another one coming out, saying the same thing, they hear somebodys story, its very easy for them to come on and duplicate that claim. So while we heard these stories that are all remarkably similar, the argument against that is that, well, these people are just looking for their moment in the spotlight, so to speak. So its really easy to duplicate what you hear somebody else say, especially when theres no other witnesses around, you know . Right. And as youve mentioned, too, you know, cosby himself, its his word against their word, at this point, without the other evidence. If you were advising bill cosby in terms of defending himself, what would you advise . Exactly what his lawyers have told him to do. Dont say a word. Dont respond. Why is that . Because you dont want to open him up to any potential litigation for calling somebody a liar. If its if you defame somebody by calling them a liar, they can sue you for it, you can have a trial. So by him maintaining his silence, it prevents additional legal action, like this litigation that weve seen filed by miss green. I think so many people would say, if i was him and i was innocent, i would be screaming from the top of my lungs, this isnt true but hes just simply not saying a word. Well, through his representatives, hes denying it. And i think thats probably best, because he wants to make sure that he stays out of a courtroom. All right. Phillip holloway, thank you for the expertise. We appreciate it. Glad to be here. And i know were going to talk to you about another highprofile case coming up, so stay with us. And we hope you will too. Because still ahead, is it a Smear Campaign or a multimilliondollar mess . One of the cias socalled architects of terror speaks out. And our continuing coverage of the march for justice rolls on. Live images there as thousands of people are gathering around the nation from boston to washington, d. C. Well bring it to you live. Get two lines of unlimited 4g lte data for just 100 bucks a month. Thatll get your holiday bell ringing. vo rescued. Ed. Protected. Given new hope. During the subaru share the love event, subaru owners feel it, too. Because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. Well have given 50 Million Dollars over seven years. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. [ male announcer ] you wouldnt ignore signs of damage in your home. Are you sure youre not ignoring them in your body . 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And we are looking at their parade route, so to speak. Their marching route. You can see, there look to be at least dozens of people there right now. Some of these protests are staggered throughout the day. Well continue to bring you live updates from these protests around the country as we have them. I also want to talk about this new Senate Report slamming the cia for its torture of terror suspects. The architects behind the Interrogation Program are now under the spotlight for their reported lack of experience and their enormous paychecks. Now one of those men is speaking out to cnn east chris frates. I think its a partisan pile of crap. Its an attempt to smear the men and women of the cia as the democrats lead their position of authority. Reporter thats james mitchell, whos been tied to the secret Interrogation Program by several publications in a 2008 Senate Report. Mitchell is one of two psychologists slammed in a report for developing the Interrogation Program. But its the details that are jawdropping. Mitchell and his partner are believed to have landed a 180 Million Contract with the government, despite the fact that neither man had Specialized Knowledge of al qaeda, a background in counterterrorism, or any relevant cultural or linguistic expertise. Again, 180 million. The cia disputed that characterization, saying that we believe their expertise was so unique that we would have been derelict had we not sought them out. Mitchell says hes been misrepresented in the press. Because i think people are routinely distorting my credentials and qualifications. Reporter but its exact those credentials being called into question. The two worked in the militarys sre program, but they were given wide latitude to develop and carry out some of the most brutal interrogation methods, even though they had no experience in actual interrogations, according to the report. They formed a company and actually carried out the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh mohammed, among other significant detainees, and pocketed 81 million before their contract was dissolved in 2009. To some, the details are evidence of a desperate administration, willing to try anything, even people with questionable experience. Im perfectly willing to be responsible for everything that ive done. I dont want to be responsible for anything that i havent done, and the way the information has been presented so far, rightly or wrongly, its just the press thats identified me as this person. Im getting all the blame and all the credit, regardless of whether i did it or not. And my preference would be to talk about what actually happened. Reporter chris frates, cnn, washington. And well be right back. We are about to make more gooddeliveriesverybody. To more places than anybody on earth. We have the speed. We have the technology. And we have the team. 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But a Security Team that was led by a very heroic grandfather, the sergeant at arms, Kevin Vickers, confronted the attacker. Vickers story in an upcoming documentary, extraordinary people, and heres a sneak peek. As the shooting began, i move behind this pillar. Josh wingrove is a reporter with the newspaper the globe and mail. He captured the most dramatic video of the incident inside. The Prime Minister was right over here. The Prime Minister, right in there. Everybody out in the foyer. 300 people, 300 parliamentari parliamentarians, and chairs being piled as a makeshift barricade against this doorway. Knowing that the doors couldnt be locked and hearing that much firepower was really shocking. Reporter Milen Freeman was one of those parliamentarians. It was an intense moment for everyone in the room. We, you know, hid under desks. I think we were all afraid for our lives. Reporter afraid until Kevin Vickers made his stand. At that moment, after the first exchange, just down another hall, is the sergeant at arms, Kevin Vickers. Reporter evan solomon is a reporter and host of canadas network, cbc. He obtained exclusive details of how the incident transpired. Kevin vickers, in his office, he grabs the pistol from his lock box and he immediately exits down his hall, which is very close to where bebeau is. He goes right to the other side of the pillar. You have to imagine this, on one side of the pillar now is the shooter. On the other side of this pillar is now Kevin Vickers, with his gun. Really an incredible person. You can see more of Kevin Vickers story on the cnn special, extraordinary people, this airs tuesday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. We have much more just ahead in the newsroom. And it all starts right now. Right now, all eyes on washington, d. C. , for our two top stories. First, a march for justice underway right now. We are moments away from hearing from the families of tamir rice, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown. And a rare look at the senate floor on a sunday. And why this may be the worst week ever for Angelina Jolie, there was the sony hack attack, where a sony exec called her a spoiled brat. And now theres more bad news for jolie. Good to have you with us. Thanks for being here. Im ana cabrera in for Fredricka Whitfield. The voice of protests, loud and clear across the nation today. Sounds from our nations capital. Thousands of protesters there holding a justice for all march to the u. S. Capitol building, where some have already arrived. This is a live picture right now. You see there our speakers who will be talking to the crowd today, we know, including family members of some of those young men, those teenagers and the 12yearold boy who lost their lives at the hand of Police Officers. Now, Sunlen Serfaty and our nick valencia are both there following this story. Sunlen, lets start with you. Whats the mood now at the street level . Reporter well, ana, this has been a peaceful, but i would say, very passionate crowd out here. As you can see behind me, thousands of people just pooled here at the corner of pennsylvania avenue and fourth street. Thats a full city block from where those families will speak in just a few minutes. Thousands in the crowd. And we just took the march with them from Freedom Plaza, over to the capital building. Thats just under a mile long. And while we were talking to some of the protesters as they were marching, a lot of them expressing solidarity with the families, but telling them how important it is for them to be here. We talked to people who came from all over. Florida, connecticut, pennsylvania, talked to one man who got up at 4 00 a. M. , just to be here today. He said it matters to him. Its his responsibility to be here. Another woman told me that shes 24 years old, she wants to have kids one day, she wants to raise those kids in a world where all lives matter. Now, ana, a lot of people also spoke about the symbolism of this, the location, but also the four families being together for the first time. The families of eric garner, Trayvon Martin, mike brown, and tamir rice. They said that was a moving moment, that here in washington, d. C. , they did not want to miss. Ana . Sunlen, thank you. Nick valencia is also there in washington, d. C. , in a different location. Nick, set the scene where you are. And i know youve been talking with protesters out there as well. What are they telling you . Reporter ana, this is quite a moment to be apart of, and to look around the sea of people, all peacefully demonstrating, all here for a united cause. Weve heard chants like i cant breathe, that phrase that was made famous after eric garner was put in a choke hold by the new york Police Department. Also hearing people saying hands up, dont shoot, that anthem that became an anthem for change in ferguson, missouri. And you can just see around me here, people are here, theyre listening intently and they all want change. Everyone sees that change a little bit differently, though. And i spoke to demonstrators a little while ago, and they talked to me about why theyre here. I am here for the voices, for those that died, for the injustice and the racism that is happening on this land. Do you believe it is a race issue, or do you think this is a Police Excessive force . It is the race that is instilled in our government. Reporter and were joined now by another one of those demonstrators from massachusetts, christina brown. What brought you out here today . We just want to see that justice, justice for everyone, justice for the victims out here, thats why were all out here raising our hands. We just want justice. What does that mean to you, justice . Equalness, equality. We want to make sure everyone is given a fair chance out here. We want to see Better Police regulations. We just want to make sure that everyone is given an equal chance when a situation occurs. Reporter christina, i spoke to your police chief just a little while ago and she says that shes here to stand in unison with you, here to stand in solidarity with you. What do you feel when you hear that . I feel good when i hear that and im happy to see that the police chief is just doing the same thing with us, being out here with us. Thats awesome. Thats what we want to see. Reporter people have equated this to modern Civil Rights Movement. Do you think its that big of a moment right now thats happening . I mean, can you look around right now, can you see whats happening . All these young men and women out here, wanting the same thing, standing in unison with each other, of course it is. Reporter must be a special moment to see. Thank you so much for taking the time with us. And people are very passionate about whats going on. Theyre also demonstrating very peacefully. And by and large, this crowd of thousands have been peaceful, theyve been marching from that halfmile down here towards the capitol, and theyre all listening to a speaker right now, standing by to wait to hear from members of the family of those unarmed civilians, who were recently in highprofile cases across the country. Thats really led to the momentum of this movement here that youre witnessing right now. Ana . Those folks are part of history here, Sunlen Serfaty and nick valencia, thank you. We want to head to new york city now, where another major march for justice gets underway in just under an hour. Our alexandra field is joining us live in washington park. More people are starting to garth gather there. Alex, whats the plan there in new york city today . Ana, a lot of people are here well in advance of when this march is set to start. You can see people starting to gather here. And one of the reasons they come early is because these people arent just here for a march, these are people who really believe that they are part of a larger movement. These marches happening in different cities and different cities across the country. But these are people who have been organizing for days, if not a couple of weeks now. Theyve wanted this opportunity to come together and be together. These are a lot of activists who are taking this opportunity to gather in Washington Square park and meet each other, so they can coordinate even more. The roots of this march are really online. A lot of this was generated through social media. Thats how theyve attracted so many people here, some 45,000 people went online and rsvpd saying theyd come here. So its quite possible thousands of people could come here. We are seeing a number of different groups here, theyre carrying different signs, like the one next to me that says stop Police Brutality and murder. A lot of People Holding signs that say, black lives matter, and people selling wristbands that say i cant breathe. Everyone who are here not just because eric garner, not just because of Michael Brown, but because they believe that these cases that have really gripped public attention are a catalyst for change in their communities and they want to see a different interaction between the communities and the police and we know that there are going to be some uncomfortable moments to achieve that. A lot of people have been out here for days, doing these protests, and feel that their voices do matter and that they are raising awareness of what they want and the kind of change they want to see. I know, alex, in some communities, like when you were covering what was happening in ferguson, missouri, we talked about some of the changes that the local Community Members, leaders were trying to implement like a citizen oversight board, changes to the court system, fees so that minorities or people who had less money werent unfairly punished through the system. What kinds of changes have happened in new york city or the surrounding communities there, since eric garners case . Reporter yeah, i think youre raising a good point here. Sometimes people look at these marches or these movements and they say, what are you trying to effect . The group thats organizing this did put out a sort of bullet point list at some of the immediate things theyre looking for. One, they say they want officer Daniel Pantaleo fired, the officer involved in the downtown of eric garner. But theyre also looking at broader reforms, where they want the names of officers who are involved in Police Shootings to be released within 48 hours. So theyre looking at different actions, which they think could improve the way the communities are, could improve interaction between the community and these officers, which they feel could also lend towards better policing of the police, and thats a phrase that you hear out here a lot, in the last few days, weve covered these demonstrations. Its who polices the police. Thats what people here are saying and thats where theyre really looking to target their reforms. Were talking about accountability in cases where they feel that police force is used excessively. Who is accountable . Who holds these people accountable . Right. Accountability and transparency, alexandra field, thank you. Our other big story thats happening in washington, d. C. , right now, is happening there on capitol hill. We have live pictures, where senators are working right now to try to avert another Government Shutdown. Theyre trying to pass a 1. 1 trillion spending bill. The house already passed it, so its sitting in the senate. Until they can get this done, they will also need to pass a stopgap measure, just to keep the government up and running. Our erin mcpike is at the white house where, of course, the president is waiting to sign this bill, should it pass. Also joining me is cnn senior political analyst, ron brownstein, with me from los angeles this morning or this afternoon, i know its morning in l. A. , but 1 00 here in new york, atlanta. Erin, when we see the senate here back in session, do you know if theyre making any progress . Reporter well, ana, they are, and one of the byproducts of having the saturday session is that theyre going to be voting on a number of president obamas nominations that republicans have held up throughout the years. So there is some progress on that. Now, harry reid said a short time ago, that he expects that the senate will vote around 1 00 a. M. Tonight, early sunday morning, i guess you can say, on a vote that kicks the procedure forward, so that they can have the vote on final passage of the large 1. 1 trillion spending bill on monday. But he is very frustrated about the process, and i want you to listen here to some of the comments he made just a short while ago. Before the United States is a senate is a bill that does nothing, absolutely nothing, to stop president obamas illegal and unconstitutional amnesty. Thats why i rise to speak here today. I certainly dont see any reason why we should agree to move forward then and not have any assurance that we would at least have an opportunity to vote on an amendment that would impose a spending limitation on the president s ability to implement his executive amnesty action. Okay, so that was actually texas senator ted cruz, followed by utah senator, mike lee. Those are the two junior republican senators who did not agree to unanimous consent, which earlier harry reid and Mitch Mcconnell had agreed upon, to have. But Mitch Mcconnell now says that he was blindsided by those two, because they did not agree to that. They objected, they held up this vote, which is why the senate is in session this saturday. Here, i think, we have harry reid speaking moments ago, about why hes so frustrated. Regrettably, a small group of Senate Republicans have determined that its in their interest to hold this legislation hostage. Reporter but we should see that this vote occurs later tonight to kick the procedure forward, then they should be voting on final passage on monday. And both sides expect this to pass. Theyre just frustrated with lee and cruz for holdi ining up thi process. I think the american process are frustrated too to see this delay in the process once again. Erin mcpike, thanks. I want to turn to ron now. I know its been both sides who have had their say and have been tugging and pulling at this legislation. What does it say about this particular bill itself . This is kind of the calm before the storm, i think. This is a rare case, were going to see over the next two years, where the interest of the republican and democratic leadership is somewhat aligned. The Republican Leadership has decided after their experience in 2013 that a Government Shutdown is not the way to press their fights against president obama. And thats why you saw Mitch Mcconnell and harry reid make a deal, like president obama was able to bring along House Democrats to pass this mustpass spending bill. That is going to bring that tactic off the table. But i think what youre going to see in 2015 is a series of confrontations on the underlying substance through different mechanisms. And the fact that ted cruz and mike lee forced, you know, held this up over the immigration executive action, that, i think, is the more accurate signal of what lies ahead. So does that mean anythings really changed since the midterm elections . Well, i think, obviously, republicans have a lot more leverage, they have a lot more seats starting in january, to press their case against president obama. Now, one thing that has changed in a kind of fascinating way is because the House Majority has grown bigger, we saw, you know, in the maneuvering this week, that john boehner actually has more flexibility to say no to the most conservative members of his caucus. He has a little more margin for error on the votes, so he is able to say no to them on some i think of, again, the tactical maneuvers. But on the underlying substance, when you think about the Obama Health Care plan, obamacare, the immigration action, another one thats going to be coming up quite a bit is the epa regulations, limiting carbon from power plants. I think on all of those fronts as well as the budget and taxes, we are going to probably see significant confrontation over the next two years. Do you think we could see this bill, this particular legislation, change again in a few months with other amendments after the new house and the new senate gets in place, where the republicans have a much larger majority . Well, on one front, the answer is yes. On the larger front, what theyve done is fund the government through the end of the year. So that is a win for president obama, because it limits their ability to come back at it. But as you know, as part of this bill, theyre only funding the department of Homeland Security through february, to give themselves another opportunity to go after this executive action the president took to provide a legal status for up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. So that fight, specifically, is left open in the funding process, but he is getting a win. And thats, of course, why he is supporting it, despite elements of it that he opposes, particularly rolling back asp t aspects of financial regulation, because it does fund the rest of the government and takes that lever largely away from republicans. All right. Ron brownstein, thanks for your insight. Overseas now, a u. S. Defense official confirms to cnn that two american soldiers have lost their lives as a result of a bomb that targeted a nato convoy. The taliban has claimed responsibility for this and were just getting new information. Well bring you more details as they become available. Severe weather in california leaving houses buried in mud and rock and now this area could get more bad weather. Plus, the march for justice underway. We have live pictures right now in washington, d. C. Speakers, you can see, have started to take the podium. We expect to hear from the family members of eric garner, Trayvon Martin, tamir rice, Michael Brown at any moment, so we will bring you some of those speeches live. Ah, h it. Push it. P. Push it real good ow oooh baby baby. Baby baby. If youre saltnpepa, you tell people to push it. Push it real good. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. Im pushing. Im pushing it real good when you dont get enough sleep. And your body aches. Youre not yourself. Tylenolpm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. We give you a better night. Youre a better you all day. Tylenol® cleanup underway right now in california after severe storms left behind some serious damage. We have live pictures from the scene in camarillo springs, california, where you can see homes buried up to their rooftops and some places completely covered with rock and debris after huge mud slides were triggered there, after all that rain in the last couple of days. Luckily, the mandatory evacuations were ordered before those mud slides began, so nobody, as we understand it, was injured. But we want to get an update from meteorologist karen maginnis. Is the rain over . Is it pretty much fading away fairly rapidly. The storm system is moving across the interior west, eventually pulling into the Central Plains for tomorrow. That could mean some Severe Weather there. But weve got another storm system that is going to make its way onshore of california, as we go into monday. But i want to show you this. Southern california, its december. Its almost christmas, and suddenliny its almost christmas, and suddenlinou wouldnt expect to see this. Oh, [ bleep ] okay, so, a little bit of language problem there, but you can understand, hes pretty excited. Theres a tornado. It was an ef0, which means that the wind estimated with this at 65 to around 85 miles an hour. There was some damage, some trees were blown over, power outages, but fortunately, no one, including the shooter of this video, was injured. Well, we did see between 1 and about 3 inches of rainfall across Southern California. You have to remember, a part of this is due to the fact that we have that pineapple express, but also, the camarillo springs, the reason they saw that mud and devastating pictures on the inside, about 18 homes considered destroyed because of that mud. The mud is up to the roof in some areas. It pushed furniture around in the rooms. Well, this particular tornado, as i mentioned, is an ef0. Thats the lowest on the scale, but nonetheless, you can still have plenty of damage associated with that. Our next storm system, poised to take aim at california. As it does, more rain is expected, the bulk of which should be north of the bay area, going into monday. But even Southern California is expected to pick up some wet weather. But tomorrow afternoon, ana, i think well be talking about the potential for severe storms in places like austin and dallas and witchta and oklahoma city. So, a very topsyturvy december. Yeah, no kidding. And that tornado in los angeles, thats pretty uncommon, right . Its very uncommon. The last time i saw that was 2007. But they see a tornado or a funnel cloud once ever four or five years. 2007, and before that was 2004. Wow. Meteorologist karen maginnis, thank you. Up next, a former nfl player going on trial for murder gets some good news, you could say, at least for him. Why the jury wont see certain Text Messages sent the night of the killing. And we have more live pictures, this time coming out of downtown boston, where one of the many marches for justice are underway right now, happening across the nation. Our Team Coverage of these rallies rolls on. Just in time for the holidays. Tmobile introduces americas only unlimited 4g lte family plan. Get two lines of unlimited 4g lte data for just 100 bucks a month. With any smart phone. Including the Samsung Galaxy note 4, for 0 down. Add more family members for just 40 bucks a pop. Think the other guys have a family plan like this . Think again. Only tmobile has an unlimited 4g lte plan for the whole family. Thatll get your holiday bell ringing. Protesters around the nation are calling today the culmination of their week of outrage. More live pictures right now from downtown boston, where hundreds of people have gathered there. We know theres a protest happening right now in washington, d. C. Also one about to begin in new york city. So we are monitoring these pictures and the events on the ground there for you, and will continue to bring you these live images and talk to our reporters on site as we go. Theres a big win in court for a former nfl star, who is facing murder charges. A judge ruled certain evidence will not be allowed at the murder trial of former new England Patriots tight end, aaron hernandez. Hernandez is still awaiting trial, accused of murdering oden lloyd, happened in boston 2013, and now prosecutors will not be able to mention a couple of other slayings, allegedly committed by the former new england patriot. The defense argued that it would be prejudicing the jury against their client, but perhaps the most surprising, here, is the judge threw out a text message oden lloyd, the victim, sent to his sister, shortly before his death. Prosecutors say it shows that lloyd was afraid for his life, and it says, quote, you see who im with . Nfl, apparently referring to hernandez. Just so you know, he wrote. Lets bring in criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor, Phillip Holloway again joining us. Thank you for being here. First, how does this impact the case . Well, it hamstrings the prosecution to a certain degree. Obviously, the mexico message, they would have loved to show that this guy was afraid of his attacker and hes letting somebody know who hes with. Why cant they use the text message . I would respectfully disagree with the judge. I think it would be admissible, i think its relevant, and i think whatever weight it might have should be considered by the jury. She called it innocuous. Right. Well, we dont know from looking at it exactly what it means and i think thats what shes hanging her hat on. That being said, i do believe a jury should be allowed to make that decision and let a jury decide whether it has any weight and what it means. As to the other crime evidence, i do agree with the judge on that. We dont want to try people based on their general bad character. We dont want to try them on other cases that they might be involved in, unless they are sufficiently similar. If two crimes are so closely related and similar that it shows their mow discuss dus owi discuss on randi, they would allow that to come in. Were talking about in 2012, a double homicide, somebody who, you know, shot and killed these people, and he is the primary suspect in that case. Hes also accused in another shooting in 2013, where the victim survived. They all involve aaron hernandez, athaul involve some kind of violence using a gun. They allegedly involve aaron hernandez. Thank you, allegedly. Youre correct, those are all the arguments that the prosecutor makes. Theres one overarching principle that the judge looks at. Does the danger of unfair prejudice apply here . And if bringing this stuff in is so damning, if you will, to mr. Hernandezs case, its so overly prejudicial, the judge has every right to keep it out. And you said you agree with her decision, at least when it comes to those other crimes where hes a suspect. Of course, because hes not been convicted. She probably would be on solid ground if she let it in, but shes playing it safe by keeping it out. She doesnt want to have to try this case twice. It seems like this is a big win for the defense. How does this impact the prosecution . Well, certainly, the prosecution wants to get this in, because its very, very powerful. If a jury hears that somebodys involved in another murder or allegedly involved in another murder, it makes their job very easy to convict. So it is a huge win for the defense. You never want to allow prior crime evidence to come in from the defense perspective, if you can help it, because its so prejudicial to your case, and it just makes it very, very difficult to win an acquittal, if the prior crime evidence comes in. All right. Phil holloway, thank you so much for being here. My pleasure. Still to come, Angelina Jolie, she called in sick today. She took it to youtube to prove shes not faking. Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. Is a really big deal. U with aches, fever and chills theres no such thing as a little flu. So why treat it like its a little cold . Theres something that works differently than overthecounter remedies. Attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. And call your doctor right away. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. 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It can be controlled by a joystick or it can be preprogrammed to move on its own. Its modeled after a blue fin tuna, because it looks like a fish and swims like a fish, the navy thinks it might easily evade sophisticated sonar. The navy thinks that it might be useful to do three things. Swim into hostile waters, search for destructive underwater mines, or to inspect ships for underwater damage. Saving lives by performing dangerous underwater tasks that might otherwise be performed by humans. Its still in development, but if it pans out, it might be Important Technology that could be part of the next wave in underwater surveillance. In this weeks, ones to watch, we head to the streets of chicago to explore the world of street art. Its a subculture once associated with vandalism, but one artists Iconic Images have now prompted people to think differently. Take a look. Shepherd ferry, the american street artist behind the obama hope poster, an image he plastered over the streets of america during the u. S. President s first election campaign. It is a great example, i think, of how grassroots imagery and activism can make a difference. Reporter shepherd has used simple images to make a statement and to build a brand. Hes worth an estimated 15 million, thanks to his clothing company, obey, which features his most iconic stencil images and his prints, which sell at auction for upwards of 80,000, and still he takes to the streets to paint. I used to be far too street to be considered mainstream, and now people consider me too mainstream for the street. But theres validity to both and there are Different Things about the street and a gallery, but theyre both useful platforms. Democratizing art is what ive been about. Reporter today, shepard is in chicago, scaling the heights of a brick wall a bold message. What i think it takes to break through as a street artist is a tenacity, a willingness to go out there, put work up, and you know, have it cleaned, have it covered by other artists, and not be too precious about it to accept that street artist is an ephemeral. Of course, finding good places and making imagery that has a, you know, a nik look, that sets your work apart from other peoples work is really important, but tenacity is crucial. And talent. He is pretty good, isnt he . You can see the entire ones to watch show at cnn. Com onestowatch. Thanks for being here. Well be right back. Right now thousands are gathered in washington, d. C. , to protest unarmed africanamericans shot and killed by Police Officers. We now understand Michael Brown sr. , the father of Michael Brown, is about to take the podium, along with lesley mcspadden, Michael Browns mother. Well be taking you there, as soon as they arrive there to speak to the crowd and were looking there live right now, and here she is. Lets listen in. Thank you. Wow. What a sea of people. If they dont see this and make a change, then i dont know what we got to do. Thank you for having my back. Hands up, dont shoot hands up, dont shoot hands up, dont shoot hands up, dont shoot again, that was lesley mcspadden, a few words there. She is the mother of Michael Brown, the 18yearold africanamerican who was shot and killed by ferguson Police Officer, darren wilson. That happened in august of just this past year. Now listening in to the mother of eric garner. See all of you have come to stand with us today. I mean, look at the masses. Black, white, all races, all religions. This is just a great moment. This is a historymaking moment. And you know, we need to stand like this at all times. And you know, our sons, you know, they may not be here in body, but theyre here with us in each and every one of you. Yall brought them here today, okay . And i thank you. I thank you so much. Because without you, we would have an empty podium. Okay . But we just love yall so much. And like reverend al said, we will come here as many times as it takes. We will come here over and over and over again. But the next time we come, we dont want to come, you know, when we come, we want to come for a celebration, not an assassination, okay . So, again, we thank all of you. And we hope were here for justice. We hope they hear our voices. You are helping us have our voices heard. And when we go home today, we hope that they have heard our voices, they yield to our commands, because no justice, no peace. Thank you, everybody. Again, that was gwen carr, the mother of eric garner, the man who died in new york after being put into a choke hold by a white Police Officer and now his wife is speaking to the crowd. Everyone of yall for coming out here, because like i said in the beginning, my husband was a quiet man. But hes making a lot of noise right now. And hes his voice will be heard. I have five children in this world, and we are all fighting for everybody, not just for him, for everybodys future, for everybodys past, for everybodys present, and we need to make it strong, and i just want to hear everybody in unison say, i cant breathe they took my breath away i cant breathe. Thank you. I cant breathe. Im erica and my voice is a little raspy right now, but i just want to thank everybody who just supported us and you know, my father, he was a great man. The way that they that the media is portraying him to be, he wasnt that man. He was a family man. He loved his family, he did anything for his family. He loved his kids, hed do anything for his kids. And thats all i wanted to say and thank you for the support and i cant breathe. So we just heard from the mother, from the wife, and from the daughter of eric garner, who was the man killed in new york. They are wearing those sweatshirts that say i cant breathe in solidarity and his last words before he died. And we understand that there are other mothers, family members of other young men and boys who have been killed by Police Officers and they are joining these protesters, all showing solidarity to demand change, to demand justice, not just in those cases, but in the greater cause, about the Racial Division that we see in communities across the country and what they perceive as the unfair treatment of africanamericans. This is the mother now of tamir rice, the 12yearold who was killed in cleveland. Lets listen. I just want to thank everybody for coming out, for all your support, and across this nation. We will get justice for our children. Believe that. Like reverend al sharpton said, the autopsy came out. Im sorry. You got it. Like reverend al sharpton said, the autopsy came out, my sons death was ruled as a homicide, like everyone should know, and with that being said, let that officer get arrested and bring him in front of a criminal, criminal jury, so he can get the opportunity to prove his innocence. And we can prove our justice. My son was 12 years old, just a baby. A baby. My baby, the youngest out of four. And he is here with me right now, and this is what he would want me to do. I want to thank the nation and the world for the support, because thats the only way im standing up right now. Thats the only way. And for everybody that dont know, im a mother that i keep my kids away from toy guns, water guns, bb guns, because boys, boys of all color, they just like those type of things, you know . They just like those type of things. And, um, 12 years old, had a promising future, a promise iin future. What else . May god bless this nation, all the families, we share the same pain, all the mothers across the world that got shootings in Police Shootings for their sons, hands up, dont shoot. I cant breathe please dont shoot. I want to grow up too. Thank you. Again, that was samaria rice, the mother of tamir rice, and tamir is the 12yearold that was shot and killed on november 22nd in cleveland, ohio. He was killed by police because they mistook a toy gun for a real gun. And thats why she was referencing the fact that she didnt let her son play with toy guns, apparently, she says he got it from a friend on that fateful day. Lets go to nick valencia, whos live there on the ground in washington to see among the protesters that have gathered there. Nick, it seems like you can hear a pin drop in that crowd. Everyone just hanging on the words of those mothers. That it a great way to describe it. You look around here at the faces of people that have showed up as demonstrators and they are all looking towards the stage. They want to listen. Theyre looking at this message to stand in unison. Im joined by one of those who came from not too far, right here in washington. From right up the street. What do you think about whats happening in your home. I think this is what needs to happen. We need a change in the area. Were just tired of it. It needs to stop today. What does your sign say . Show us your sign. What does that mean, when you say racism is a deadly disease and heal america. What does that mean . Man, it means a lot, man. You know what it mean, because you feel it. Whatevers right, is right. Whatevers wrong, is wrong. And youre listening to the family members of eric garner, youre listening to the family members of mike brown, you know, youre black and youre young. Yes, indeed. What do you think . How is that internalized in you . You know, you know being that, we already got two strikes anyway. So we got to be very careful of how we carry ourselves. Thats why we need to unite, everybody need to get together and think together, because we can change it that way. Reporter this is what i hear from people that i speak to. This is what happens next snpt. Its in their court. Who is they in. The government. The government. They will try to you know what they do. I was speaking to somebody and they said this isnt a rally against police. This is a rally against bad police. Yes, indeed. Get rid of the crooked police. They are everywhere. You know who you are. We need the names so we can expose them. Thats a message shared by so many. People want change. That comes in varying degrees for everybody witnessing this moment. They say that this is not something that happens every day in washington. This is a city thats very used to marches. This is a city where marches and demonstrations are very organized. But some people that i have spoken to who have lived here their whole lives say they have never seen anything like this. For them to be here is like being a part of history. They are waiting for the National Leaders to take action. We heard from the president earlier this week addressing this movement of people around the country who are frankly fed up. And he says, this isnt something thats going to be solved overnight. Im quoting him from his interview this week where he says this is something deeply rooted in our society, in our history. I think that speaks to the larger issue that people feel so passionate about. When i was speaking earlier to the police chief here, she acknowledged i asked her, are there issues in your Police Department . Are there issues here in washington, d. C. . And she said back to me, she said they are coming up to us and hugging us. Yes, there are issues. Its a problem. This is not a new issue. This is one with emotion behind it and a lot of passion and one that exists in all Police Departments according to the police chief here. She says they do as best a job as they can and that their goal every day is to make sure that no one dies while they are on their watch. She said when i was speaking to the police chief that shes here to stand with her community and its very important for Police Officers around the country to do the same thing. All right. We will talk back with you in a little bit. Thanks for joining us. We will be right back. We have to take a quick break. They take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. For respawn, building the best Interactive Entertainment begins with the cloud. This is titanfall, the first multiplayer game built and run on microsoft azure. Empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. This cloud turns data into excitement. This is the microsoft cloud. Just in time for the holidays. 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Take the comcast business speed test. Get faster speeds or more savings, or well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back as we give you live pictures right now around the country, in fact, where all of these different protests are taking place at this hour. People demanding justice. Culminating in what they are calling a week of outrage with a millions march today. We have pictures in d. C. We have pictures from boston. We have pictures from new york city. Up there on the top left, we are monitoring whats happening inside the u. S. Capitol where the senators have returned to continue their work today on the spending bill. They have until tonight to make some kind of extension and we expect a vote to come monday. We will be right back. Right now, you can get a single line with 3 gigs for 65 a month. 3 gigs. Is that a lot . 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We made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year. 15 billion football has a season. Baseball has a season. This is our season. Hello. Happy saturday. We made it to the weekend. Thank you for joining me. In washington right now, we are following two major stories. Thousands of people taking to the streets demanding an end to Police Brutality and racial profiling. Also, on the right in the senate, a rare saturday session. They are depending a bill that would avoid a Government Shutdown. Lets start with the people on the u. S. Capitol building. People here of different ages,

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