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Verde will enter the persian gulf. There are 550 marines on board. They could help with evacuating americans who are currently in iraq. Some have already been moved from the u. S. Embassy in baghdad and as many as 100 additional u. S. Marines have now been scrambled there to provide extra security at the embassy. Another measure of this deepening crisis, the u. S. May turn to a long time enemy. In fact, it is considering direct talks with iran, which also shares some grave concerns that iraq could collapse, destabilizing the entire region. Meanwhile, the Extremist Islamic Group isis posted these photos. You can see they seem to show the execution of captured Iraqi Security forces. Isis claims it has slaughtered 1700 of the unarmed men. A statement from the u. S. State department condemns the execution as horrifying and says they show, quote, the blood lust these terrorists represent. Only cnn has the vast worldwide resources to bring you every angle of this rapidly changing story. So over the next couple of hours, our correspondents, analysts, guests, will walk us through the many layers, this is a complex situation. Lets begin with Foreign Affairs reporter Elise Labbott with a closer look at what is happening. The u. S. Emy . Baghdad is currently open for business but they have moved some employees to its consulates in other parts of iraq and others to neighboring jordan to work out of the iraq office there. It will make it much easier in the event that the u. S. Needs to pull out entirely. With an islamist Insurgent Force moving toward baghdad, Officials Say the state department is preparing fresh plans for evacuating its staff in the event of total collapse. Our top priority will remain being vigilant against any threats to our personnel serving overseas. Reporter there are about 2,000 americans at the embassy in baghdad, moving so many people in a war zone will be an extremely difficult task. Unlike the evacuation of the u. S. Embassy in saigon in 1975, where americans negotiated safe passage for 1200 americans, here the u. S. Must be able to secure air fields with the u. S. Military no longer on the ground. And iraqi forces fleeing as extremists advance. The militants are seizing air fields and have surface to air missiles. Ten times larger than any other u. S. Embassy in the world, the American Embassy in baghdad sits along the tigris river, and it costs u. S. Taxpayers nearly a billion dollars to build. The fortress was designed to sustain a massive longterm u. S. Presence. The embassy is very, very heavily fortified. The embassy is set up to be selfsufficient and the embassy can take a lot and it has. Reporter the 104 acre compound is bigger than the vatican, with 22 buildings, apartments and even an olympic sized swimming pool. About 200 marines and u. S. Army personnel with Diplomatic Security agents and contractors now guard the complex. But thats a far cry from the thousands of u. S. Troops that once patrolled the secure green zone. Officials say for now, most of the americans will stay put. But acknowledge security could deteriorate very quickly. They do have to consider what would happen if not that the city were overwhelmed by 800 or 1200 or 1500 isil, but rather what if theyre able to cut all of the roads, lines of communication, lines of supply into the city and essentially besiege it. And Senior State Department Officials Say the embassy has plenty of food and water for employees to hunker down and ride the crisis out, but less people to take care of in baghdad does ease the burden on the embassy. This means the provisions could stretch longer. They say the u. S. Will only move to a full evacuation of things really get out of hand, ana. Elise labott, thank you. Lets dive deeper. Joining us now is former National Security adviser for iraq and afghanistan under president george w. Bush, megan osullivan, now an International Affairs professor at Harvards Kennedy school. Good morning to you. Good morning. What, if anything, surprises you most about this deteriorating situation there in iraq . Well, i think the most surprising element to people, even who have watched this very closely, is how rapidly the Iraqi Security forces seem to crumble when faced with isi threat in the north. This when we dig deeper is an entirely surprising when we see how much the force was politicized over the last two and a half years. But even still, it was quite a dramatic throwing down of their arms and leaving open the battlefield in the gateway to baghdad fairly open. It seemed like a forest fire in terms of how quickly they spread throughout the country. The u. S. Is exploploring direc talks with iran. It is an idea that has lawmakers split. Listen to what senator Lindsey Graham told our dana bash this weekend on state of the union. If baghdad falls and the Central Government collapses in iraq, the iranians are the biggest winner. Were the biggest loser. Isis as nic says operates with impunity from syria to baghdad. They will hit us again. They will march on jordan. So, megan, would enlisting irans help be the right move, do you think . I think politically it makes a lot of sense for the United States and iran to speak together about this. They in fact dont have totally disparate objectives in iraq. Politically looking for stability. Iran has looked for a shia leaning government, but in fact, you know, there is a political solution here that i think could be both in irans interest and the u. S. interest. Militarily, it is an imperative to see iran does not come into iraq and assist is militarily. That will enflame the conflict and it would mean very, very negative things for u. S. Interests there. A political conversation, i think, makes sense because this, we have to remember is a political crisis as well as a military crisis. But making sure that the iraqis have what they need militarily is one of the ways that the u. S. Can ensure that iran doesnt get involved militarily. Thats whats the key here, because we dont want iran to go in and then seize control of parts of iraq. Thats the big concern from some of the critics of the idea of talking to iran and bringing them into this conflict at all. Megan osullivan, we appreciate that. Sorry, go ahead. Ill let you get the last word before we move on. I was simply just no, i was simply underscoring the difference between conversations about the political system and conversations about military assistance. And thats the distinction to make and critics shouldnt react so vehemently to the idea of speaking with iran about a conflict that is not just about iraq, but is also very, very much about syria. And, of course, the iranians are knee deep or neck deep in syria. It is a regional conflict. It is territorial conflict. Also political, cultural, ethnic. So there are lots of layers to t megan osullivan, thank you. Lets take a closer look at what is happening on the ground in iraq. One by one militants are gobbling up villages and cities as they push toward baghdad. Last tuesday, mosul was the terrorist made prize. It is iraqs second largest city in the far north, near syria. And by thursday, isis fighters captured much of northern iraq, sweeping all the way to fallujah, 100 miles from the capital. Today, the militants have wide control of the north, threatening to cut off that corridor to baghdad and making it all the more vulnerability to a siege. Iraqs Defense Ministry says it is hitting back hard. It released this video of an air strike, reportedly killing as many as 200 isis fighters in mosul. Iraqs Prime Minister is defiant to the armed assault on his government. Translator we will march on every inch with all our weapons and with all our will and faith so we can liberate and cleanse every inch of iraq from its southern most point to the furthest point in the north. Cnns Nic Robertson is in baghdad. Tell us about that u. S. Warship we mentioned at the top of the show, heading into the gulf. That and other preparations that might be happening there to keep isis at bay. Reporter yeah. Uss mesa verde, an Amphibious Assault ship, carries on board airlift capability, the v22 osprey rotor vertical takeoff helicopter aircraft. 880 marines on board, were told. This ship can travel at a speed of some 22 knots, 680 or so feet long. And right now given the statistics that are published publicly, it is crowned full of marines. Its maximum capacity. They are, we understand, going be to be available if there is a need for evacuation of u. S. Personnel. We have seen a drawdown of staff at the embassy here in baghdad. Some sent to the south to basra, shia dominated area. Thats relatively stable, villa in the north, some staff have gone, thats a kurdish area, relatively stable. Some sent to amman. But the embassy is inside ring after ring of security. It is in the green zone. And it is perhaps one of the securest buildings inside baghdad. Thats been ramped up with an additional 100 marines on the ground. It is the embassy itself very secure. The fact that this these additional this additional marine and airlift capability is in the gulf is an indication of the potential for potential level of concern that there should be something on stand by if the situation escalates and gets worse. And there on the ground, are you feeling or sensing a clamoring of the Iraqi Security forces as well as u. S. Marines protecting the embassy there, are you feeling theyre kind of getting ready for a fight . I think all bets are off. Nobody really wants to make predictions on this at the moment. Why . Because we saw this rapid move in towards baghdad from isis. Their goal is to surround the city and take the International Airport on the enl of the cidge. Theyre getting slower. Theyre moving into problems to the province to the north and around. Why . Because it is not sunni majority. They rapidly moved through the country because they were moving through people who thought like them, that were angry against the government. Theyre now in a more mixed area, sunni, shia, kurdish. That is slowing down the advance on the capital. But isis has cells in the city here. There was a car bomb a suicide bomb just yesterday in a cafe that killed 17 people and wounded 40 others. Isis didnt claim it but most people believe it is theirs. The real danger here is of an escalation in the sectarian nature of the conflict, the horrific pictures of isis murdering Iraqi Security services, that isis released that will enflame tensions with so much else. The potential for escalation really is there. Right. Those pictures, theyre so graphic, and they certainly do send a message. Isis trying to get out that message about how terrifying they certainly can be be be. Does it seem to be working, nic . Yeah. I mean, look. What you have to look at here is how do people react to it . What we saw over the weekend is political and religious leaders call on people here, particularly in the shia community, people will tell you theyre not they dont want a sectarian fight. They want to get on with their sunni neighbors. Predominantly, you have shia fighters coming out, even, and this just gives you an indication of how complicated the situation gets. But in the fight in syria, shia militias have gone to the fight in syria, to fight on the side of assad against isis and groups like that, now come back here to come back here to iraq, reactivated, people are coming out on the streets to join these militias because they think the threat is very real. And theyre responding to it. I dont think there is any doubt in anyones minds here that isis is potentially capable of coming further towards the capital and perpetrating more murders. But we are it is an escalation at the moment, not a deescalation through political talks. All very concerning, Nic Robertson, thank you. Please stay safe. Still to come, before becoming the head of isis, he was a prisoner in iraq. And the American Army unit responsible for guarding abu al baghdadi. The shocking statement he made just before he was released. Thats next. [person]we all got our tempurpedics because of you know who. [group]thank you sharon [person]. So i almost fell over when she told me she got herself a new bed. [person]. Sharon got rid of her tempurpedic . . [person]. Relax, she said. Its a brand new tempurpedic. And then she unzipped the cover and showed how you can wash it anytime you like. [announcer] and, with the cooltothetouch smart climate system, now, there truly is. 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How can that be . Well, i think it the way it could be is a number of reasons. First of all, the guy who said he wasnt that remarkable at the time is a very sharp guy. This wasnt just a guy who sat up in his office and kind of looked out at the prisoners. They were watching the guys every minute of every day for four years and they were looking for any signs of leadership and if they saw that, they would move the guy around. If they saw a group coalescing, they would move them around. I think at that point, when al baghdadi was released, he probably wasnt that prominent of a guy. I think but what he almost certainly did was he learned how to become a prominent guy. And he watched the importance of discretion, the importance of patience. He knew that he was eventually going to get out, he was first of all, hes western enough, speaks english, which is interesting that he and hes also was sharp enough to notice that the last group of guards who watched that camp were from a new york unit, compromised mainly and largely of fdny and nypd reservists. He knew they were new yorkers. So this was a guy watching us, at least as much as we were watching him. When he gave those parting words, ill see you in new york, what is interesting to me is king didnt take it as a threat, ill be on your doorstep and going after you, he took it as ill see you around the block, this is like a this guy kind of learned the system, knew the system, knew that all he had to do was wait and hell get back out and do what he was doing. I would imagine that as he was sitting there, in that camp, he was planning ahead and one of the things that everybody talks about how sudden this isis advance is. But the other thing is that it must have have been incredible Detailed Planning before they suddenly made their move. He learned how to watch. Right. You told me that it is like he was using that camp as a school of sorts. And those words, ill see you in new york, had such a different meaning then than perhaps what they do now. Does the colonel think that we are threatened here in america . Given what he said . Obviously those are words that stuck with the colonel. I didnt go that far with him. I think it was more his feeling was, first of all, he was surprised that this guy got to where he was. And that second of all, he you know, he was thinking about how much effort went into capturing this guy to begin with. And you wonder how Many Americans got hurt going after this guy initially. All the effort put into watching him, all those years, and then all of a sudden he walks out and the guy knew all along all he had to do was wait and he would go back to doing what he was doing. And thats what he was telling us, you know, kind of a joke. He kept such a low profile while he was there at camp bucca that people dont really remember him, there is no video of him. We just have that one picture because of his time there. I understand he wasnt even kept, you know, in the area where the most dangerous of the prisoners were usually kept at camp bucca. Did we learn anything more from colonel king about this man . Al baghdadi. Did he seem to be a leader of sorts during his time as an inmate . My impression was he was not. He was not perceived as a leader. Not one of the guys running the sharia courts by which they enforce discipline among themselves. I talked to a previous commandant of the camp. He didnt remember the guy at all. Didnt ring a bell, even when he had seen the picture, he didnt recognize the guy. Interesting. Michael daly, thank you so much for joining us and providing that insight. Thank you for having me. As the crisis in iraq grows, cnn covers it like no other network can. Tonight, Anderson Cooper reports live from baghdad. It starts at 8 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Stay with us. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. If youre caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care Program Offers strategies that can help. Why did Bowe Bergdahl walk away from his post in afghanistan . Thats what bergdahls comrades have been asking for five years. Starting this week, a High Ranking Army officer will now try to get to the bottom of it. The main question in the Bowe Bergdahl controversy, is he a deserter . Now a twostar general will investigate. The general appointed by the pentagon but not named publicly will look into bergdahls disappearance from base in june of 2009. An Army Investigation in the months after he disappeared found that bergdahl did deliberately leave his base and in afghanistan. But it did not find that bergdahl deserted. That with depent on his intent. And the answer to that question is not yet known. You want to make sure he knows whats going on, that he is oriented and alert, and that hes not psychotic. By psychotic, i mean hearing voices that arent there, or seeing things that arent there. Reporter it is not clear when bergdahl himself will be questioned. Afghan witnesses tell cnn that when he disappeared, bergdahl was abducted and beaten. Some of his fellow soldiers say he may have been trying to contaco contact the taliban. I heard it as he heard it over the radio, and at that point, it was, like, this is kind of snowballing out of control a little bit. There is a lot more to this story than just a soldier walking away. Reporter another question, were any u. S. Troops killed while searching for bergdahl . Some soldiers say yes, six troops were killed. The pentagon says there is no evidence of that. The answer to another question is also not known. Just how long the investigation will take. Lets talk more about how this Army Investigation will proceed and what Bowe Bergdahl may be going through right now. Joining us, cnn pentagon correspondent barbara starr. The general is expected to begin work on this case this week, twostar general with the army. What might he focus on first . Well, our understanding is that first hell focus on looking at the existing report. The existing interviews with Army Personnel familiarizing himself or herself with everything regarding this matter. The next step then, of course, will be to question Bowe Bergdahl. That will have to happen after sergeant bergdahls military and Mental Health team as well as the people focusing on his reintegration after they say its okay. This step is the logical next step. It doesnt mean that bergdahl is going to undergo that legal questioning just yes. We know he also hasnt seen his family so certainly there are steps he needs to take in his reintegration process. What types of profebruatections he receive . This will be something the army will proceed with carefully and legally. We are told that he will be advised of his rights, he will be offered counsel just like anyone else in the army, the military or in american civilian society. He has all the same rights and protections. And really i think the key point here is at the moment, sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has not spoken to investigators for himself to tell his story. So really we only have half the picture. When they were able to glean when they first investigated the matter back in 2009, what other troops are saying, they want to talk to him, want to make very sure, however, hes mentally very healthy when they talk to him, so they know theyre getting solid information. Barbara, one last quick question. Any idea how long this investigation is going to take and will the public find out the details of this investigation at some point . At some point perhaps. I think it is going to instinct says it will be long and complicated because it is such a high profile case. Thats how these things tend to move through the military. I just dont think we have any idea at this point, ana. Anybodys guess. Barba barbara starr, thanks so much. Violent clashes in the streets of iraq and lawmakers are calling on the white house to take action. Cnn White House Correspondent Michelle Kosinski has more. Another Foreign Policy crisis for this white house. But even the critics dont have easy answers on this one. 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You got foreign fighters from american western europe occupying this battle space. Operating with impunity. Get in the game, mr. President. Joining us now to discuss this political fallout, White House Correspondent Michelle Kosinski. The president is in a tough spot. I dont think it is any surprise were hearing criticism like that. Some people are relating it to the situation in syria, the decisions made now and decisions not made then. I think we can fully expect to hear some of this. I think when you get past the sounds, though, what to really do is a problem even within that criticism. There is so the people who are criticizing the president and the white houses decisions right now, they dont even agree really on necessarily whether there should be air strikes on what good those air strikes will do. Some even with the administration, some democrats are saying, well, we think there should be air strikes, but we need to wait and get more intelligence first. So i think that even the critics out there are trying to temper that because no one is really sure exactly at this point without that kind of intelligence on the ground how much progress Something Like air strikes would do. I think one interesting comment came from former ambassador to iraq ryan crocker over the weekend. Heres what he said. The first thing i would request is that secretary kerry get on a plane immediately. We have lacked this high level engagement with the iraqis that was so crucial during my term in office. We need the secretary of state out there in baghdad right now. We need the president on the phone to the iraqi leadership. So there you go. Communication is another issue that is being debated out there. But, like i was saying, there are big differences of opinion, even with whom and to what extent the u. S. Should be engaging. On the iraqi side. On the iranian side, some republicans calling for the president to now engage directly with iran. Thats not something that is really being talked about right now by the administration. But it has been asked because the u. S. And iran have been engaging closely and very recently on the Nuclear Proliferation issue. So will that be talked about in the near future . Possibly. But we dont know at this point. Another big difference of opinion is on what kind of threat the situation in iraq, as it stands, poses as well as what kind of threat would be alea alleviated. Is this an imminent threat or not . So even within the criticism, some big differences of opinion there, and enormous questions because it seems nobody really knows what the outcome of any particular course of action would be, ana. Right. It is interesting to hear people on the same side of the aisle, republicans in large part saying do this, no, do that. So even within the same party, were hearing a lot of differences, people just dont know what the right solution is. Michelle kosinski, thank you for this update. The Iraqi Military is striking back against the militant group isis. According to state tv, more than 200 radical fighters were killed in a series of air raids northwest of fallujah. This as the chilling new photos show the ruthless brutality of what iraq is up against. These images appear to show Iraqi Security forces dressed in civilian clothing being taken into fields and then being viciously executed by isis gunmen. Cnn, we want to mention, has not been able to confirm the authenticity of the photos, but the apparent mass execution shows just how far isis is willing to go to create an islamic state. So lets dig deeper with cnn middle east analyst and former israeli ambassador to the u. S. , michael orrin. We know youre a busy man. We appreciate you spending some time with us on the phone. What is your reaction when you see the photos, the brutality happening there on the ground . Pleasure to be with you, ana, thank you. Those photos, if indeed they are real, are a reflection of the middle eastern reality. Perhaps more than a thousand soldiers executed. But 160,000 people have been killed in syria. And killed by a regime which is an ally of iran. This is the middle east. Unfortunately. And the United States plans its next move in the middle east, it has to choose between perhaps the lesser two of evils but very evil indeed, the radical sunnis or the radical shiites. And yesterday, we played some sound from Lindsey Graham who says the u. S. Needs to work with iran. We want a secure and stable iraq. Is engaging iran the solution here . We know it comes with risks. I know americas allies, whether it be be be israel or saudi arabia, other gulf countries, would be very resistant to the idea of the United States working with iran. Iran is the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terror. The terror you see occurring in iraq, iran is trying to perpetrate that throughout the region and throughout the world. And iran is also developing military nuclear capabilities. So any move on the part of the United States that will strengthen iran and its hegemony in the middle east would be viewed warily by allies there. I agree, we recently heard on cnn the former American Ambassador to iraq, ambassador crocker, talking about the need for america to engage diplomatically. I think that is a very good idea. And not throw out the possibility of some type of standoff military engagement, not boots on the ground, were not talking about large isis forces. Theyre highly vulnerable. Dont have air power, dont have a tremendous amount of armor. This is an opportunity, ana, i think to restore american credibility in the middle east. It is a crisis. But it is also an opportunity. You talked about diplomacy. As far as our military response, the possible military response, the president says no boots on the ground, so aside from air strikes, what else could be on the table . Well, again, the United States can make a move to engage the Iraqi Government to put leverage on the Iraqi Government, to open its ranks, to make it more multiethnic up to now the Iraqi Government has operated as a shiite monopoly. They have edged out and perthed leading sunni figures from that government to make that government more multiethnic, more representative, more democratic. And here is an opportunity for america to put its agenda forward and also show that it is capable of standing up to its enemies in the middle east. Talk sounds good, but we all want to see action. And al maliki failed to incorporate the sunnis in his country as well as even the kurds. We have three different ethnicities and political complicated problem here. So if the u. S. Decides to get involved, could the u. S. Risk the appearance of taking sides in this ethnic cultural religious political conflict and in effect incite violence against america . In taking sides against very radical elements in the middle east, whether it be shiites or sunnis is not a bad thing. It strengthens americas image among the moderates in the middle east. There are great moderate forces in the middle east to look to the United States for inspiration, as well as for action. Again, this is an opportunity. There is always going to be a risk. There has been a myth if you would, in the middle east, in recent years that america can go home from the middle east, can turn its wback on the middle east, pivot to other areas of the world. As we have seen, the middle east will keep on reasserting itself into americas attention, and demanding American Intervention for reasons that relate to a fundamental american security, not just to economic interests. So there is no going home. And since there isnt going home, the great question is how, then, do you proceed and intervene in a way that makes a difference and limits american vulnerability. I believe again the way is to be engaged diplomatically and maliki has come to the United States literally on his knees begging for intervention. America can demand a quid pro quo, a price. Maliki wants american air cover. American air cover could be an option. But, again, in return for guarantees that the future racky governme Iraqi Government will be more open and democratic. And thats whether or not al maliki stays there at the head as ambassador. Michael oren, thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. Have a good day. You too. Were back in a moment. Maybe you left them in the bathroom again. Its just the strangest thing. The warning signs of alzheimers disease, may be right in front of you. Its alright baby. For help and information, call the Alzheimers Association or visit alz. Org 10signs but were not in the business of spokespenaming names. Kswagen passat is heads above the competition, the fact is, it comes standard with an engine thats been called the benchmark of its class. Really, guys, i thought. It also has more rear legroom than other midsize sedans. And the Volkswagen Passat has a lower starting price than. Much better. Vo hurry in and get 0 apr for 60 months on 2014 passat gasoline models plus a 1000 contract bonus. Growing crisis in iraq is threatening to send gas prices skyrocketing. Some experts are even saying todays 3. 66 a gallon average could look like a bargain soon. Cnns chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans is joining me now for more. Bargain . 3. 66 . Think youll see this go up as much as 20 cents over next few weeks. You already have aaa and others saying brace yourself for more. Aaa saying 5 to 10 cents. Our experts are saying up to 20 cents. 3. 86 a gallon you could see as prices continue to rise. It he ddepends on what happens the crisis in iraq. You look at oil prices, up 4 so far just this month. The trajectory for oil has been up really since the beginning of the year and if this iraq crisis worsens or doesnt get any better, youll see the prices continue to go up. Thats a big reason why gas prices go up, because of oil. We arent hearing that oil exports are necessarily being affected in iraq at this point. So is this just kind of a precursor, people are getting ahead of it and are scared. We have one big oil pipeline to the north cut off. Oil markets are used to the unrest in the north part of the country. You see the red line going to turkey. That has been shut down. There is a lot of rich oil fields in the south of the country. The Iraqi Oil Minister is saying those facilities are still in tact. They are still in action. But when you look at the way isis moved down that map, like a stain spreading just to the north of baghdad, it is a real concern. Heres one reason why. Saudi arabia can open the spigot a little more to make up for libya or supply disruptions in nigeria or venezuela, but iraq is a huge oil producer. Saudi arabia cant make up for all of iraq. So you need to see the stability there, for the Oil Production. A lot of experts expected Oil Production to go up to maybe 8 Million Barrels a day over the next few years. It is not just iraq, but were also seeing the unrest in ukraine, you mentioned libya. Absolutely, the supplies of natural gas in ukraine. It all comes at a very delicate time for Global Energy supplies. Still to come, thousands of children crossing into the u. S. Illegally to escape the extreme poverty and violence in their home country. Well take a look at one mothers quest to help her family survive. Im jane and i have copd. Im dave and i have copd. Im kate and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. 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Hes expected to meet with the countrys president to emphasize children who cross the border illegally will be subject to deportation, but in honduras with nearly 90 unemployment they say trying to reach the u. S. Is their own way to survive. More on this story. Reporter this is the extreme poverty hondurasens are trying to escape. People in this slum sell just about anything door to door to put food on the table. They tell us about 90 of this community of about 3,000 is unemployed. When i cant feed my kids says this mother of six im very tempted to give the American Dream another try. Shes already been deported once. It seems everyone knows someone who has taken a stab at the dangerous trek, like this womans son. Theres danger everywhere she says, ten died down the street and mothers are left praying. The communities on opposite sides of this river are a glaring example of the breakdown of law and order. On one side, youve got a gang controlled slum where crime is ramp ant. Other the side of the river youve got a Neighborhood Watch Community Taking security into its own hands. Setting up a checkpoint with armed guards, only allowing residents inside. Before this, gangs were notorious for raiding this neighborhood to rob, assault, and kill. Slowly, says this guard, we forced all of the known criminals out, but the poverty they fear is here to stay. Now, lets talk about that poverty. 65 of the people in honduras are in poverty, making it the second poorest country in central america. The other reason why a lot of these kids are making the trek to the United States is because their parents are in the u. S. So what it appears like, it almost seems like theres this generation of kids who dont have parents in central america, and so they are left alone. They are stalked by gangs. Pretty much recruited, asked to join or they die, and also unfortunately, a lot of these kids are abused sexually, emotionally, physically, and so they feel they dont have anything to lose. They make the trek to the United States in hopes to reunite with their family. How weird that their parents would go to the u. S. And leave them behind . Thats the thing. A lot of times what happens is the parents go to the u. S. And send money back to their home country in hopes to try to help their family. To help them. And then most of time they pay someone to bring their kids to the United States. The guides. The guides that we were talking about. Actually, yesterday, with you its such a complicated issue and such a sad situation. Thank you for your great insight. We appreciate it. Thank you for spending some time with me. The next hour with cnn newsroom with don lemon comes up right after the break. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. The ambulance racing by you. 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We are beginning with breaking news, if you use social media at all you need to Pay Attention to this as the nations highest court agrees to hear arguments whether comments made on facebook should be free speech or a criminal threat. Jeffrey, what is going on here . Why is the Supreme Court taking up this case . This is how the Supreme Court tries to update the First Amendment to deal with modern problems and try to apply 18th century principles in the 21st century. This is a case about a man who was in an ugly divorce who started posting ugly threats to his exwife and to others and the question is a facebook threat potentially criminal and is what this guy said honestly a threat that is deserving of a criminal penalty. So apparently and this is according to the a little bit of information that we have, again, this started on 2010, when he wrote on his Facebook Page about killing his wife and others, including an fbi agent. Did you know it was illegal to say i want to kill my wife . Its illegal. Its one of the only sentences that im not allowed to say. So he obviously knows that, you know, its an issue here, but he is writing this stuff on his Facebook Page and now the Supreme Court is taking it up. What happens here depending on the Supreme Courts decision . If they say this is a criminal threat. Well, this could be a this has been charged as a criminal offense by this man. I mean, what makes the story even more complicated legally is a lot of what he said was parroting, what he said, rap lyrics, and many of the threatening statements are in fact similar to rap lyrics. Then theres the question of is Facebook Like journalism. Is it protected in a way that journalism is protected or is facebook more like shouting in someones face . These are the kind of modern questions that really the Supreme Court has not yet sorted out. Its going to be very interesting to watch this. Thank you very much. An interesting case involving social media being taken up by the Supreme Court. Everyone should be watching that one and well be on top of it here. Now we want to turn toward iraq where militants are marching toward baghdad. Minutes ago we heard from secretary of state john kerry. They may well be one of the options that are important to be able to stem the tide and stop the movement of people who are moving around in open convoys and trucks and torsing distributor rising people terrorizing people. When you have people massacring people, you need to stop that. Speaking within the u. S. Military, within the next few hours, amphibious warships u. S. S. Messa verde is about to enter the persian gulf. Marines have been sent to provide measures of extra security. It is considering talks with iran which also shares grave concerns that iraq could collapse and destabilize that entire region. Meanwhile, the Extremist Islamic Group posted these photos showing the execution of Iraqi Security forces. It claims to have executed 1,700 unarmed men. The executions are horrifying and show the blood luft that these terrorists represent. Only cnn has the vast resources to bring you every angle of this story. Our an lifts and our guests will walk us through the many layers of whats happening in iraq. I want to take a closer look as whats happening on the ground right now. Militants are gobling up cities as they head toward baghdad. It claimed its biggest prize. Today, militants have qied control of the north, threatening to cut off that corridor to baghdad to make it all more vulnerable to a seige. I want to go to those horrible execution photos. They came from the group itself. Is that part of their campaign of terror, to terrify Iraqi Security personnel to lay down their arms without even fighting . Reporter you bet. Thats exactly what they are trying to do. They claim that they had killed 1,700. The pick toral evidence doesnt peek so that. Prior to that, it showed what appeared to be hundreds, hundreds of captured Iraqi Security officers. Now we see these still images. They are absolutely horrific. Cold blooded murder of the worst time by these isis fighters. Branded by the flag that these mass gunmen is carrying there. What they want to do is intimidate Iraqi Security forces to pull out of the fight and the other thing is to stoke sectarian tension on both sides of the divide here. Why . Because they believe they will capitalize out of it. This is them trying to fuel a massive countrywide sectarian fight, don. Chilling images inside a country on the brink of another civil war. The radical Islamic Group isis captured dozens of iraqi soldiers in civilian clothes. Lining them up for execution, the blood shed leaving no doubt about their brutality as isis seizes teleafar. Some of the weaponry ha has been up for grabs. Asking his identity be concealed, they are interviewing an iraqi colonel who says his unit alone left behind 25 humvees, oil other vehicles and trucks, and rocket launchers when they fled. Isis all right overran another army base just 37 miles northeast of baghdad. The terrorists edging closer to the capital. If baghdad falls, a disaster awaits us of monumental portions. The u. S. Partially evacuating the Baghdad Embassy and beefing up security. The eminent threat from the north leaves the Iraqi Government desperate for soldiers caught calling for volunteers. Hundreds of civilians young and old marching through the streets of baghdad now having to defend their country. With minimal resources, little control on the ground, the Iraqi Military uses aerial strikes to target positions in mosul. Now, its more dangerous than before. This one definitely would not be restricted to the boundaries of this country. It will spillover to europe and the terrorism could spread to the world at large. Reporter Prime Minister nori almaliki has said they would secure the place from top to bottom. We dont see people running away from those buildings if they were actually hiding in them. Appreciate your reporting. Were going to turn down to the u. S. Embassy in baghdad and whats being done to protect americans there. Foreign affairs reporter. Good morning. The u. S. Embassy is relocating a small percentage of its employees at the embassy to other couldnnsulates in the cou. They are doing that for a few reasons. First of all, the embassy has plenty of food and water, officials tell me to hunker down and ride out the crisis, but if they move some of those officials out, then they will be able to ease the burden and the provisions could last a lot longer many they are also using some employees to neighboring jordan where there is an iraq office there. Secondly, if they want to do a full evacuation, if things really get out of hand, theres less people to evacuate. Right now, the airport is open. The u. S. Feels that it could get people out on commercial air or also some of their state department planes but they are planning for the worstcase scenario in which they would need to evacuate the entire embassy so they want do it in stages. Thirdly, these people are close by. This way if this crisis ends in a relatively short period of time, the u. S. Can bring them back. Thats why they are not this is atypical. They are not moving them outside of a country. They are hoping this is going to be a short Term Solution for the embassy. All right. Keep us posted. Thank you very much. So what options do the u. S. Military have in iraq, if any . Joining me now is former hed of the u. S. Central command, retired general anthony zini. Good morning. Good morning, don. Listen, the u. S. S. Messa verde with marines on born, will join the carrier yornling h. W. Bush already in the area. Should there be a noncombat ant evacuation, they can seize the air field if necessary. Protect the routes of the u. S. Embassy to ensure they get there. I dont know how Many Americans we have in baghdad or its environs, but if the situation would worsen, i think you could bring in more of the mv 20 ospreys that they have and even more marines if it requires a greater evacuation. General, weve been talking about the situation at the embassy there. A lot of people are concerned about that and rightfully so. There are more marines that are now stationed at that u. S. Embassy in baghdad. 200 military personnel are now guarding the military facility, what else do we need to do there . I think if the threat begins to materialize inside baghdad, if we begin to see suicide bombings and there is a threat of a large group of isis moving in, you could reinforce with more marines. Its a large complex. Its the largest embassy we have in the world, and these fleetant terrorist support teams are trained to support the embassy, reinforce the Marine Security guard there, and increase the level of defense and security that we would have at the embassy. General, a lot of people have been talking benghazi, not wanting a repeat of that. How much does what happened in benghazi play into the security situation now with the embassy there . Oh, i think since benghazi, weve learned to have forces positioned around the world that could respond immediately in threatened areas of the world or areas where theres a potential threat to our people, and i think what you see in this quick response, inputting in these marines is exactly a fallout from that. More forwardbased, more on short alert to be able to do this kind of reinforcement, and im sure theres even layers of backup that u. S. Central command has beyond what we have in there now. Thank you, we appreciate your expertise. Still to come, she hasnt announced whether or not she is running but most americans now think Hillary Clinton would do a better job in the white house than president obama. Our senior Political Correspondent has details for us. It might surprise you. They stopped president obama on all of the categories that cnn polled. Were talking about domestic and international, everything from health care, the environment, and even terrorism. Well explain all of it after the break. They lived. They lived. They lived. dad we lived. Thanks to our subaru. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Sweets become salaries. An oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kickstarts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. They bring the talent. We help fund the tools. Its a small way we help thats been huge for the community. Little by little we can do a lot. Because. Small is huge. Visit www. Wellsfargo. Com to see how big small can be. Mayo . Corn dogs . 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Niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. According to a new cnn poll, most americans think that anything president obama can do, Hillary Clinton can do it even better, jobs, economy, health care, the fight against terrorism, you name it and most people think the former president ial candidate could make a superior commander in chief, former president ial candidate mit romney has a different opinion. He blasted her record as sotr secretary of state. I think her clueless comments about the bergdahl exchange and as well as her service as secretary of state. Live from washington, this is all of course before shes even in office, even if she runs or elected. We shall see. What do the polls show . Reporter what it really shows, when you read into this is just how unpopular a president about six years in. That certainly has some of it. Also a lot of americans just view her time as secretary of state to be very much a positive. What well be seeing is Hillary Clinton really she will need to distance herself from president obama if she wants to run for president. His popularity has dipped as i mentioned. She will need to preserve her high popularity right now if she wants a shot at winning the white house. Forget republicans, Hillary Clinton is walloping a big name democrat in a new poll, her former boss, president obama. She topped the president over terrorism, including benghazi. As clinton considers whether to try persuading voters to elect backtoback president s from the same party, a difficult feat, she must decide how much to distance herself from an unpopular commander in chief. Shes starting to draw couldnt trafts in Foreign Policy. In areas she leads the president on 64 to 40 . On arming the rebels in syria. I did feel quite strongly to see if it were possible to vet and train and equip moderate opposition figures. Onnousting mumbarek. I had a lot of apprehension just throwing him out of the office not knowing what was going to come next. And lifting the trade embargo on cuba. I would like to change the psychology of this wish. Issue. Weve been in a corn are for too long. We need to get out of the corner. This finds her top link the president even on health care. Her push for health care failed in the early 1990s. 16 years later, president obama successfully signed his own bill into law, but then thats on me. I mean, we fumbled the rollout on this health care law. Health care. Gov flopped initially. Hillary clinton even clinton topped the president when it comes to the environment. And that may be somewhat surprising, but i think what you really see those polls say clinton would do a good job, 55 , president obama 42 . Theres quite a spread there. I think what you see here is the politics of it. President obama viewed very much through a political prism at this point. Hillary clinton, were starting to see that and her approval has dipped because of this. It was very high when she came out of the state department. Secretary of state is an apolitical role generally speaking and she had a 67 Approval Rating when she came out of the state department a little over a year ago. Thats dipped considerably by over 10 points. I think over time what you would see you would expect that her approval on the myriad of issues would probably dip as shes seen more and more through a political lens. If you look at the facts of it, don, president obama, obviously, keystone xl, the pipeline is huanging out there. Secretary clinton didnt have to touch that. A big positive for environmentalists was regulations on existing power plants. Hes done some things that environmentalists would be in favor of but he has a longer record on it and because of that he might be judged a little more harshly as well. Not a position to be in if you are considering running. I think shes already running and we should just say it and she should as well. Make sure you turn tune in tomorrow, at 5 00 p. M. As Christiane Amanpour hosts a town hall. Responding to another technical hiccup this morning, target stores were hit by the a glitch this weekend that brought check out lines to a halt. Christine romans is here to explain. Im a target guy. My mom is a walmart gal. I would have been in liep in target going whats going on. Your mom would have won last night. She would have been through the check out. Weve got all those images on social media. It became sort brought to you by social media. People started posting pictures of these very long lines, carts full, going nowhere. It was some sort of glitch at the check out and immediately people are saying hey what in the world is going on at target. There was a hack at christmas. The company said no, it was an annoyance, it was a minor glitch. It was not anything related to the hack attack. There was one woman who love to tweet, computers are down at target, longest lines that ive ever seen. They are handing out water and popcorn. Feels vaguely like disaster area. Presumably they have got that all fixed and they are moving forward here. At least five states, the company very quick to say it has nothing to do with the hack from a few months back. And target, come on, get it together. Thank you. I appreciate that update. Still to come. Ukraines foreign minister shows up at an anti russian protest to calm the crowd. What he said about Vladimir Putin really fans the flame. You have to watch this. Thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. 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Helping this big country move ahead as one Norfolk Southern hows that function . Why did Bowe Bergdahl walk away from his post in afghanistan . Thats what his comrades have been asking for five years. Starting this week, a highranking army officer will try to get to the bomb of it. Bottom of it. The main question in the Bowe Bergdahl controversy, is he a deserter. Now a twostar general will investigate. The general appointed by the pentagon but not named publicly will look into his disappearance in june of 2009. An Army Investigation in the months after he disappeared found that bergdahl did deliberately leave his base in afghanistan, but did not find that he deserted. That would depend on his intent and the answer to that question is not yet known. You want to make sure that he knows whats going on. That he is oriented and alert and hes not psychotic, but that i mean hearing voices that arent there or seeing things that arent there. Its not clear when bergdahl himself will be questioned. Afghan witnesses tell cnn that when he disappeared; bergdahl was abduc aucted and beaten. Some of his fellow soldiers say he may have been trying to character the taliban. I heard it straight from the be interpreters lips as he heard it over the radio. At that point, this is snow bawling out of control a little bit. This is a lot more to this story than just a soldier walking away. Reporter another question, were any troops killed while searching for bergdahl . They say yes. Six soldiers were killed. The pentagon says theres no answer to that. Heres something you wont find in diplomacy 101. When ukrainians vandalize a u. S. Embassy in kiev, ukraines foreign minister showed up on the seen. He was there to defuse the situation but he would you know up tossing a verbal bomb, a profane one toward Vladimir Putin. What happened . Reporter you shouldnt really smile about it, but it is quite funny because this is the Ukrainian Foreign minister, and hes trying in all fairness to him to control a very rowdy crowd thats gathered outside the embassy. The situation is really getting out of hand. Its a response to the tensions that have been under way and the killings that have taken place in Eastern Ukraine over the past several days. And he kind of was coaxed by the crowd, essentially, into making this profanity, using what is fair to say one of the worst swear words that there is in the russian language, linking it Vladimir Putin, the russian president and thats saying something because russian is a language which is known around the region for its very rich vocabulary but even by those standards this word is one of worst swear words that they have in russia. Its caused certain diplomatic tension if you can do that even more. The Russian Foreign minister said that he absolutely couldnt dems the remark and said he wont speak to his ukrainian counterpart anymore. So matthew, its so bad we cant even make reference to kind of what it is on the air that he said . Yeah. Its a reference to, i suppose, that male genitalia. People have described it as the sort of f word, but that doesnt really quite do it justice. Its a combination of the two. Its pretty bad. You can look it up on the internet if you want. He called him a Richard Nixon or Something Like that. Thank you very much. Still to come as tensions spill outside of iraqs borders alls eyes are on the countrys forces as they strike back against ratd i kal fighters. Were going to report on whats going on there and at the pentagon. [ female announcer ] you never know what might come your way. A 24speed bike with 7 gears you will never use. An aquarium for the fish you named but shouldnt have. Because you know, fish. 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Well, this morning, as iraq edges on the brink of civil war, republican lawmakers are calling on the white house to take swift and decisive action. Yesterday, senator graham called on president obama to work with iran in order to achieve a solution. They are in this. They are already on the ground. We need to put a red line on iran. You sit down and talk with them. Why did we deal with stalin because hes not as bad as hitler . We need to coordinate with the iranians and the turks need to get in the game and get the sunni air rabbs back into the game. Iran has sent hundreds of troops to fieg alongside Iraq Security forces. Iran has denied those claims. While those tensions have spilled beyond its borders, will u. S. Will join us with iran to achieve iraqs goal. How are iraqi forces reacting on the ground now . Venling they are trying to hold ground wherever they can. Much of that taking place closer to the capital with the isis and sunni advance. Right now about an hour away from baghdad, theres also been some pretty intense fighting in the northern part of the country, the city of palata to the west of mosul where this all began, the scene of pretty intense battles. Why are they so fierce there . We are being told is because of the most of the Iraqi Security forces in this one area are shia. They have been hearing about the mass executions of the other iraqi troops at the hands of isis fighters for this this is a fight to the death. In what is chillingly reminiscent of the worst days of the violence under the u. S. Occupation, were hearing that residents of that city, shia residents are too frightened to flee because they have to cross through sunni territory to get out of there. The violence is reaching horrific levels. Republican senator graham said the u. S. Needs to work with iran to solve this crisis. What is iran is saying all of this . It seems like they were open to it and when is the last time you heard a u. S. Senator, republican no less say we should sit down and talk to iran. Times may be changing. Over the past couple of days, its been a lot of talk about this remarkable scenario what if the u. S. Joins with iran to cooperate and pushback this rising insurgency in iraq. The talks heated up when two u. S. Official told us they are exploring the possibility. Then today cnn confirmed that there was a phone call about a precursor for for iran for cooperating with. These are two countries who have been bitter enemies for 35 years. No dliptic diplomatic relations. Now, all of a sudden, they seem to have this very urgent and compelling common cause when it comes to iraq. Obviously the u. S. Has expended a lot of blood and treasure when it comes to supporting the Iraqi Government, and then you have iran sitting right next door so iraq. Much of this violence is taking place very close to their border. Iran takes a lot of pride when it comes to its internal security. This is a region thats plagued by suicide attacks, militant attacks, mass killings. Iran has avoided that remarkably and it wants to stay that way and you also have the very night shia relation of iran and shee i cant tell dominated relations of iraq. It seems on paper an Alliance Makes sense, this is a complicated region with complicated alliances thats why washington iran relationship could be complicated as well. We want to dig a little deeper on this crisis. Joining us now, a middle east Marketing Consultant from u. S. Business clients. We have heard a lot of people say they are not surprised that this crisis is going on, that it was in the making for years. Do you agree with that . Well, after the successes of the sunni insurgency in syria it was hard not for them to look over their shoulder in baghdad and say if we can do this against one of more capable armys in the middle east, why cant we do it back there where they dont have an air force, artillery or chemical weapons. We are not surprised in the Intelligence Community and the those that have followed iraq, after 2010, iraqis were fairly optimistic. The kurds and sunnis won enough seats in parliament that could help counter some of the actions that maliki took. Soon after that, because the elections took place, we took a handsoff approach. Maliki because they are a sovereign government, so it was natural to take a handsoff approach. Maliki started to use Emergency Powers to take control of the ministry of defense and interior. Whats key about that is in the middle east, any time one sect takes over the ministry, whether its Defense Ministry or interior, they can basically quiet opposition with other sects. So we werent surprised. Okay. Let me ask you this and why is the u. S. Only considering military options now when isis has been ramping up efforts for some time now . Was it inevitable . Did have to come to this point . It didnt have to come to this point. Isis cant survive in iraq without support from the sunni population. The only caveat support. I dont want tacit support to the insurgency but basically allowing a permissive environment. Everybody is taking Lessons Learned from the surge and from the insurgency in syria and applying them. The sunni insurgents know they can cannot take on the sunni population, the iraqi forces and u. S. At the same time. They are not ali nating the sunni population. They are clearing territory and what were hearing from our solves sources, as they clear territory, there are pockets where they are trying to institute shia law, thats a very temporary thing. As they clear territory, sunni former regime elements are speaking to the sunni population. Not via broadcast necessarily but putting it out through word of mouth that deal with this for now, this is a temporary thing that isis is doing as they move toward shia targets. They just cant take on everybody. So they are focusing primarily on the Iraqi Security forces and the maliki government. I want to focus in on something that you wrote because you cowrote an op ed for cnn. Com. In the end the solution to the isis threat is a fundamental change in iraqs political discourse which has become dominated by one sect and one man and the inclusion of mainstream sunni air rabbs and kurds as full partners in the state. If maliki truly wishes to restore government control, he must reach out to sunni and kurd leaders and ask for their help to help regain the territory they once help the Iraqi Government defend. Do you think that can happen . Somebody who is respected in the shia community, other than maliki needs to reach out to those former regime elements. Who can do that . Who can do that . Were looking for that guy to step up. The problem is the majority of the shia politicians who have made these promises to the sunnis and the kurds in the past have been side lined by maliki. In order to have something lasting, you have to have credibility. You need to be tied to a dominant shia party and tied to militias in order to have credibility. It sounds like it can happen but you are not optimistic that it will happen, correct . Heres why im not optimistic. No sunni politician is going to negotiate with a shia militant. Thats going to have to be the last word. Thank you very much. We will be right back. Looks like were about to board. Mmhmm. Im just comparing Car Insurance rates at progressive. Com. Is that where they show the other guys rates, too . Mmhmm. Cool. Yeah. Hi. Final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] whos ready for the garlic festival . This guy bringing our competitors rates to you now, thats progressive. But were not in the business of spokespenaming names. Kswagen passat is heads above the competition, the fact is, it comes standard with an engine thats been called the benchmark of its class. 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You have to stay in school. Freshmen and solve mors are going to cover 20 of your technician. This is the company saying look we know theres 1. 2 trillion in outstanding u. S. Loans. If you are a company and they keep someone in college, this is good for you. You have less people leaving. Less turnover. You dont have to interview as many people. You lose money and service when you turn over people often. They have got 135,000 employees in the u. S. About 70 dont have College Degrees and the ceo said to me the number one thing that employees ask for our at our company is college tuition. So this is the arrangement they have come up with. I want to take a listen to part of our interview this morning about how this all came to be and why they are doing it. Its going to cost millions of dollars, but i dont view it as a cost. This is an investment, and i am so confident this investment is going to drive performance and enhance value. I think in the past of all the abandoned companies and factories and other things where if they had been investing more in human capital, trying to educate their employees to a higher level of learning capacity and adaptability, what the outcomes of those enterprises might have been. One thing i find really interesting is usually when Companies Pay for your higher education, you have to stay working at the company for a number of years. Starbucks is saying no. Is that an oversight . If you dont want to stay, you can leave, but also what is very interesting. I said four or five years when some of these people graduate, are they going to have higher paying jobs . He smiled and nod scpd he said yes and that leads you to think about the future of starbucks. They are going to have those higher paying jobs to fill. Its very interesting. Its a very progressive way of thinking and its not indentured serveitude. Its going to be interesting. Usually its cut, cut, cut. Dont spend more money. They think its going to be good for the business and the employees. Its a grudge match of a group death as they call it. Team usa begins world cup play. Were covering it all for you. They will be playing right behind me right here in just over seven hours time and im going to have all the latest on what to look for in that match in just a moment. And it feels like your life revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. Humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. 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Reporter oh, yeah, this is the time that its once every four years, everybody no matter where you are in the world, all of the attention is absolutely focused open the world cup and with the americans were seeing this huge growth in soccer in the usa, and these american fans, they are some of the most hardcore fans that there are in the world. Its almost as if the american fans know they have something to prove because soccer isnt on the same leave of the popularity of football or basketball in the usa. They are really out there. They were out in rio weve seen guys out, all of the american fans shirtless. Their stomachs covered in their usa paint. This is a really big deal. Its all going to take place at this really pretty stadium. It was built to look like a sand do you know dune and this is where the ultimate grudge match is going to take place. The usa does not have a good history with ghana. They lost twice to them. There is some revenge, redemption on the line. This is more than just a soccer game. Dont rub it in. So good luck, fingers cross everywhere. Absolutely, i love making you jealous, don. I got to throw that out of there. Thanks for joining me, today. Im don lemon, at this hour with berman and michaela. You wont believe this one story that they have. You are going to wait until after a quick break. But airlines running hp endtoend solutions are always calm during a storm. So if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and Cloud Solutions make sure you always know whats coming and are ready for it. Make it matter. Explaining my moderate to severe so there i was again, chronic plaque psoriasis to another new stylist. It was a total embarrassment. And not the kind of attention i wanted. So i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. This time, she prescribed humiraadalimumab. Humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. 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Weighs its options to interview, iran is already there. Then senator graham has this to say about the crisis in iraq. This is another 9 11 in the making. So is he on point . We will ask our experts. Plus ill see you in new york. Thats what the key terrorist leader in

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