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Could have been conducted by the u. S. , either by the cia or the pentagon. Now, sources in the region confirm they were targeting three wellknown operatives, al qaeda operatives in the region linked with a Training Camp in southern yemen, and they had been closely tracked and watched for some time. Now, its important to note here the u. S. Is the only country that has carried out these drone strikes in yemen. For perspective, lets turn to cnn analyst peter bergen on how often the u. S. Carries out the drone attacks. This is part of a campaign that has been going on since president obama assumed office. There have been 91 drone strikes so far under president obama, and 15 other kinds of Cruise Missile strikes. So more than 100 taken together, this has cost the group dearly. Now, including todays attack, fred, there have been eight attacks by drone in yemen by the United States this year. Back to you. And sunlen, several civilians were killed in todays attack. Do we know more about those circumstances . Sources in the region say its a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. These three civilians were in a car that was right by that pickup truck that was targeted. Its worth recalling, of course, president obama about this time last year, in may of 2013, reorganized United States drone policy. You know, really addressing this issue of collateral civilian damage. Now, he really defended the use of the strategy in counterterrorism efforts by the United States, but he said that its effective, its legal, but he added that its not moral or wise in every instance. Fred . All right. Sunlen, thanks so much at the white house. Now to south korea where the death toll has risen to 36 in that horrific ferry disaster. Nearly 270 people are still missing. Earlier the country coast guard brought bodies to a port to be identified. Some parents already have given dna samples to help with this process. The ferry was carrying 475 people, most of them students and teachers, when it sank. There were, there was also a class from a high school on that ship. They were on a a class field trip, and they were heading to the Resort Island when the ship rolled over. The ships captain was rescued along with 174 others, but he also faces charges as well as some very tough questions now. We have more. Reporter ferry captain answering a question consuming hundreds of desperate relatives. Why would you order passengers to stay on a sinking ship . The current was very high and the water temperature was cold, and if you had not worn a life jacket or even if you had worn one, if you got off the boat with no judgment, you would have been swept very far away, he says. The captain is handcuffed. R5e679ed on five different charges including abandoning ship and causing Bodily Injury resulting in death according to south korean news agency. In this newly released video, you can see the captain right after being rescued from his own sinking ship while hundreds of others were left behind. In the eyes of many here in south korea, hes public enemy number one. Prosecutors revealed the capital wasnt on the bridge when the boat began to sink, but still hold him responsible for failing to slow down while sailing the narrow route and making the turn excessively. Also released, radio traffic between the ferry and authorities. The first sign of distress came in at 8 55 a. M. Local time. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] now all that remains of the ferry above the surface are buoys marking its position. New footage from inside the doomed ferry continues to surface. In this survivors video, the ship is already at an extreme angle and passengers clamor to high ground. Others brace themselves inside as they were instructed by the crew. Its unclear if these people made it out alive. One man who did make it out alive couldnt bear the reality in the end, and in a wooded area near where distraught relatives are camped out in jindo, police say the vice principal of the school where these kids attended hung himself. In this suicide note police say he took responsibility for the loss of life and asked for his ashes to be placed over the site. His suicide has heightened fears that relatives of the missing might soon do the same. Translator i want to jump into the sea. Thinking about my child in the sea, how can i as a parent eat or drink . I hate myself for this. Reporter for cnn, jindo, south korea. The next few days could prove crucial in the semp for flight 370. Searchers now say the underwater drone looking for the plane could finish its work within a week. Thats sooner than many had expected. The bluefin 21 has been captures clear and sharp images of the ocean bottom, but has yet to come up with any trace of the plane. Malaysias acting transport minister says the searchers will likely have to reassess the search operation in the next few days regardless if anything else is found. Today 11 military planes and 12 ships are scouring a search zone narrowed dramatically. So does this mean a complete change in search strategy . Straight ahead, erin mclofland erin mclaughlin. How big a shift would this be . Reporter depends on what happens in the next five to seven days. Theyre in a critical stage of this operation and have to be making decisions. Still no sign of this missing plane. Already authorities are talking next steps, possibly broadening out the search area. Maybe exploring, introducing additional submersibles to help in the search. Take a listen to what the acting transportation minister had to say in a press conference earlier today about possible next steps. I have to stress that theres that this is not to stop the operations, but to also consider other approaches which may include widening the scope of the search and utilizing other assets that could be relevant in the search operations. The search will always continue. It is just a matter of approach. Reporter that being said, the focus on this operation very much on the task at hand, on the work of the bluefin 21 scouring these waters and a source close to the operation telling us as of 10 30 a. M. Eastern time it was still in the water, still searching. Fredricka . Erin, what about the Aerial Search . How has, you know, that strategy changed over the course of the few days . Reporter well, last week we heard from angus houston, the man spearheading the operation. He seemed to insinuate those efforts were actually winding down, in his view, it was becoming less likely there would be a visual identification of depree from the plane. The focus was shifting to the bluefin 21, and its work, and this underwater search. That being said, we havent seen any signs of that effort waning. We understand that the the search efforts by air and by sea for visual signs of the debris will continue through easter weekend. Fredricka . All right, erin mclaughlin, thanks so much. Surviving a deadly disaster. How do you cope when you escape death but others dont . in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. Without standard leather. You are feeling exhilarated with frontwheel drive. You are feeling powerful with a 4cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes. 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Divers desperately searching for students and teachers who may be in or around that ship that capsized wednesday. Some of the bodies recovered were returned to port earlier today. Divers have been able to rescue at least 174 people, but now theres concern about how those survivors will cope emotionally. Listen to what one mother said after she encouraged her daughter to go on that trip. My daughter said to me, mom, i dont want to go there, because i went there again, two time again. So i tell her, i think this trip will be very great experience for you. For your school days. So im very regretful. Im very regretted this. I spoke with our senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen about survivors guilt. Elizabeth, clearly, theres going to be a lot of that . There is. On top of having lost a loved one theres a guilt that somehow you could have done more. Even when you really couldnt have. Its just a natural human reaction, and there are so many stories. Lets just talk about a couple of them in respect was a 6yearold girl whose 7yearold brother and her mother put on her life jacket and now those two, the mother and the brother, cannot be found. There was i mean, just how is she going to deal . Once, i guess, she comes to terms or reez realizes her ent family is gone and shell remember the moment they put that life jacket on her. Especially for children. They often think they are at fault or sort of at the center of something, even when theyre not. For a child or an adult, its going to take a lot of convincing. A lot of talking from family, from friends, from professionals, if necessary, to say you are not at fault. There was nothing could you do. Or if you think about a situation where maybe someone was in the boat, and managed to get out, but was surrounded by people who down get out, you know, they may remember that moment. Maybe someone was asking them for help and they couldnt help them. And you know, just those moments could haunt them for a very long time, and they need to remember, there was nothing that they could have done. They didnt do anything wrong. Uhhuh. Of course, were hearing from the family members. The parents. Those who encouraged their kids to take the trip. Maybe a couple kids who didnt want to take it and their regret some of the parents are feeling. Right. A mom named Katherine Kim who talked about that. My child didnt want to go on the field trip and i encouraged them to go on the field trip. Logically, she didnt do anything wrong. I mean, people encourage their children to go on field trips all the time. Still, again, its a part of our basic, human sort of mental structure that we blame ourselves for Something Like that. So what will need to be extended to the people feeling this range of emotions . You know, doctors tell me its different for every person. And also that its different culturally. So its probably a little difficult for us to sit here not being a part of that culture because it differs from culture to culture. In the u. S. , for example, some people benefit from retelling their story. For example, retelling the story how i escaped from the boat. Or apparently telling the story, a parent, how they heard their child was in danger and found out unfortunately they couldnt be found. Some people really benefit from retelling, and other people, thats not such a benefit and they really need distance. That distance helps them. So its different for every person. And i think, you know what psych ki trysts and psychologists told me, you may live with some of this forever. Its not always possible to lose it. Its whether you can function with it. Wow. This is going to be a long, painful road ahead. Yes, absolutely. Elizabeth cohen. Thanks. Appreciate it. And a hightech scanner is scouring the indian ocean looking for flight 370, but why arent more drones and subs being deployed to that search zone . The answer next in the newsroom. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. If you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution thats right for you. With easy stepbystep guidance, were here to help you turn your dream into a reality. Start your Business Today with legalzoom. You may be wondering why semp cr search crews looking for flight 370 arent using more techniques below the water . Reporter dozens scouring thousands of miles. Why not do the same with this submersible robot . Why not have more than one bluefin down there . Talk about that. The basic premise what does the bluefin do . It goes back and forth over the surface. We refer to it as mowing the lawn, taking sonic images of the ocean floor, looking for any anomalies out there. Theoretically, you could put in five or 10 or 20 of them and have them dot same thing. That would cut down the time dramatically. Youd talk about covering it in a matter of days maybe instead of weeks or months. So why is that so hard . This is why. First off, theres an issue of availability. There are only about 100 of these in the world. The one being used now cost about 3. 5 million. So you have to find everyone who bought them out there. Governments, research agencies, businesses who bought them for a purpose, using them and say, give up your work and hand them over to us for an indefinitely period of time for this hunt. Thats a tall order to fill. Secondly, you have to have support teams for these. You need to have technicians, scientists, who know how to program them. How to read the data off of them. How to maintain them. How to even put them in and out of the water. This thing weighs about 1,700 pounds its like lowering a small car into the water and retrieving it over and over again. It is difficult, and it is dangerous. And lastly, there is the issue of the terrain. Weve talked about this many times, were ut we have this image theyre going down to a flat ocean floor to map it, but that may not be the case as all. It could be much more like this, with hills and kreggs and valleys and these coulding going up and down and intersecting and doing all sorts of things that make it so much harder than it may appear. Thanks so much, tom foreman. Still to come in the newsroom, the deadliest accident ever on Mount Everest jot got deadlier. Details straight ahead. [ male announcer ] nearly 7 million clients. How did edward jones get so big . Let me just put this away. Could you teach our kids that trick . [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. 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In total, 13 kills, 3 others remain missing after an avalanche struck at the 20,000 foot mark at the worlds highest peak. The deadliest year ever, 16 people died. More than 200 people have died on that mountain in the last 100 years. Imagine driving at night and then seeing this. Mysterious fireball, lighting up the sky. Dashcam video posted on youtube of a migeteor streaking across e russian sky. Reports or damage from the blast . There arent any. Last winter a massive meteor exploded over southwestern russia injuring more than 1,500 people. An Ebola Outbreak in africa claimed nearly 130 lives. The disease, the virus, rather, is so deadly that those fighting it put their own lives at risk. Dr. Sanjay gupta reports on the rising number of cases from the west african nations guinea. Reporter the numbers have continued to go up and its certainly not the news people wanted. Theres a real fight here to try and identify these patients, isolate them, treat them. I have to tell you, more than anything else ive seen in medicine, certainly in situations like this, the real issue, a lot of these doctors and nurses, theyre risking their own lives, their own health, to be able to take care of these patients. Xo extraordinary. Look what happens when we go inside an isolation ward. This is an isolation ward in guinea. A reason you havent seen images like this before. Here to patients are fighting one of the deadliest viruses in the world. Ebola. Its invaded the organs in their body. Up to nine our ten patients will die. But this horror is isolated in this area. We found traffic to still be busy here. Markets are full. Children, lots of children, still smiling. You see, as scare iras ebola is, its not particularly contagious. Doesnt disburse easily through the air or live long on surfaces and peep dont typically spread it until they are sick. Really sick. When thats the case, theyre not up Walking Around on the busy streets. Down in bed. In hospitals or worse. Even the dead are highly contagious. The story, always the same. Reporter this doctor from the cdc helped trace Ebola Outbreaks for 30er yaos. Years. Its the people dealing with regular patient not thinking of ebo ebola. It only take as small amount of the virus anywhere on your skin. Nothing gets in. Nothing gets out. Tim is one of the doctors without boarders. Hes from canada. He comes into these settings for weeks at a time. He is not married, has no children. That would be a job liability, he tells me. Cover like that. Reporter multiple pairs of gloves and masks. Thecovered. A multilayered gun and apron. Suffocating in the 100degree weather. Preparing to treat a patient with ebola and like preparing to land on the moon, but youre their own visitor. The only person helping them survive. They do this so people outside these wards, the people on the streets, will never know what its like to be inside. Theres Something Else worth pointing out as well. The local Health Care Workers, people who live here, they also, when they take care of these patients are obviously putting themselves at risk from a health standpoint, but oftentimes because ftd stigma associated with ebola, they cant tell anybody theyre working here. Cant tell their families, community members. If they tell people they are helping patients with ebola, they, themselves, these Health Care Workers are stigmatized themselves. Extraordinary situation. With regard to numbers, theyve gone up over the last few days. A little good news. The rate theyre going up appears to sow slowed down a bit. A month and a half before we know the outbreak is over. Were nowhere close to that as of yet. Back to you. Courageous worth. Thank you, dr. Sanjay gupta. Watch him at 4 30 eastern right here on cnn. Hello again, everyone. Im fredricka whitfield. The top stories were following. A drone attack in yemen kills 10 suspected al qaeda militants and at least 3 incident civilianss what were learning this hour. Plus, anguished families faceoff with officials as more bodies are found aboard that sunken south korean ferry. Meanwhile, the captain faces charges that could land him in jail for life. And six weeks after it went missing, and still no signf

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