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0 and actually wound up doing some good, that's the good stuff. >> it could also affect other people. >> certainly their families, certainly their families. >> beautiful. what a great good stuff. >> all right, time for "cnn newsroom," we head you over to john berman and christine romans. hello my friends. >> have a great weekend. . you deserve it. it is friday and "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- you are a looking at live pictures of eternal flame lit commemorating the life of president john f. kennedy, assassinated 50 years ago today. that's a live picture of arlington national cemetery in virginia. we're remembering jfk's life throughout the day here on cnn 50 years later. good morning, everyone. i'm christine romans. >> i'm john berman. carol costello is off today. >> we're going to have more on the jfk remembrances later but first a 22-year ban now getting a second look and that means talking on the cell phone while flying just might become a reality. >> this goes in the worst idea ever file. whether you consider this idea annoying or if you're the one person on earth who thinks it's convenient, the fcc will consider a proposal at its next meeting in december to allow fliers to make voice calls in flight. >> back in 2004 the ban was considered being lifted but they changed their minds after opposition and uncertainty over the technical details. cnn's alexandra field is live outside lag ward in a airport in new york. my personal unscientific polling this morning is that no one thinks this is a good idea and everyone thinks it's a way for someone to make money. what is going on here? >> reporter: at the same time, though, christine, we've long heard travelers grumbling whether or not it's really unsafe to use their cell phone in the air, that's been the big complaint from people for a long time. the fcc is finally saying there is technology that can make it perfectly safe to use your phone in flight. airplanes just need to be equipped with an antenna that would eliminate the possibility of dangerous interference. as you do point out, passengers are very much worried about another kind of interference, that guy sitting next to you talking loudly on the flight from new york to l.a., that's the problem that a lot of people here have. at the same time we know there are plenty of business travelers out here, they say they don't want to be forced to disconnect, so this is something that has people a little bit split. most people think that they'd like to use their phone, they do it courteously, they're worried about the person next to them. here is what travelers are saying at lag ward inaguardia t morning. >> i'd allow it short and to the point. >> the problem is i might want to talk but you might want to talk about in a loud voice every problem you have in your family, blah, blah, blah, blah, right? >> reporter: a lot to consider here. we know the flight attendant's unioning loudly, the situation is not only unwelcome but unsafe. that's how the flight attendant's union is weighing in and a lot of travelers speaking their minds about this, too. christine? john? >> that's the flight attendant's union. i'll speak on behalf of the people who want to sleep on a flight union. i'm not sure it's a great idea and makes me wonder if this is really all about money. i have to believe that the airlines are going to find some way to make some money on this. >> $19 extra for a quiet seat in the back of the plane. can you imagine that? >> it's something we've seen before on people who take the amtrak, they can sit in the quiet car, there's no additional charge but we do know that car fills up pretty quickly, people who don't want to hear what other people have to say. christine, john? >> we'll have to see how it technically will work, if for example roaming charges would apply like when you're on a cruise, how would that work? alexandra field thank you. president obama waking up with a new low in his approval ratings, just 41% of people in our polling say they like the way he's handling his job, that is the lowest it has ever been in the cnn/orc polling. >> the biggest drop in june from 53% in may to 45%, during new reports of the nsa spying and the irs targeting conservative groups. obama care may not be the biggest factor in these falling poll numbers. >> timing there really interesting. i want to bring in candy crowley joining us now live from washington. candy i want to shift gears a bit. today it is 50 years since the death of president john f. kennedy. we were just talking about president obama's poll numbers. let's look at president kennedy's numbers 50 years after his death, 90%, 90% of the people in our polling say they approve of his handling of the job. just 7% disapprove. is this all at this point just a function of nostalgia? >> well, that and the fact, this is a man who was not president even for three years. i think it was like november two years ten months basically, had he been president. so you know, in four years people can sour but in general i also think that history has a way of softening things. you look back, this was you know, was billed very shortly after his death, camelot and that time of hope and innocence in america. there's been a lot of legacy building since his death, and at the time he had not yet really had time to build a huge presidential legacy, because two years and ten months as you know is not a huge, long time in history. >> when you talk about the perspective, candy, george w. bush hit 25% in at the end of his second term and 42% today. in a way once you leave office, sometimes you're remembered differently. >> oh, yeah, absolutely. obviously nixon numbers, he left office during a scandal, and so i think those numbers probably will stay there. george w. bush at 42%, it is interesting, we'll see how that plays out over time. he's not yet kind of history. he's still been very present, it's been only five years so yes, i think as the years go by, i mean jimmy carter was defeated for a second term and now people talk all the time about jimmy carter and how he had a better post presidency than presidency so yes. we all know this from our own lives. history tends to soften the edges and make things look better. you get that kind of gauzy look at history. >> my numbers are way big with people who went to high school with me. >> absolutely. >> for president obama is there anything he can do to boost his numbers during his second term here or does he only have nostalgia to look forward to? does he have to leave office before he can get above 41% again? >> oh, no. if we get past the website and if next year you hear more stories about what a great thing obama care is, stories about wholly cow sticker shock, holy cow people can't keep their doctors. the cost curve has not been bent. to me, when you look at it, certainly next year when you look at mid terms, that is the key talking point for republicans. if obama care turns out to do what this administration hopes it will do, says it will do, that's going to turn his numbers around. >> thanks, candy crowley, thank you so much. of course everyone watch "state of the union" sunday 9:00 a.m. eastern time. >> those nixon approval ratings, 31%, he has a higher approval rating than congress. this afternoon in dallas president will toll in remembrance of president john f. kennedy 50 years after his death, the exact time of his assassination the city will hold a moment of silence. the first time dallas is officially commemorating jfk's death. >> in washington you're looking at the eternal flame as it burns in arlington national cemetery, just moments ago there was a wreath laid in jfk's honor. let's go back to dallas. cnn's ed lavandera is live there at the scene of where the ceremonies will be today, ed, what's going on there right now? >> reporter: good morning, john and christine. the surrealness of the moment that which will see later, they're starting to play a slide show of pictures of john f. kennedy doing sound checks and this sort of thing, and it is an incredible slide show of pictures that the crowd here of 5,000 will see later today. it's surreal because it is some 30 feet away from where jfk was assassinated here 50 years ago today or in the sma doughs of the sixth floor museum in the school book depository from where lee harvey oswald assassinated the president. the banner of jfk just went up, that is main street. the presidential motorcade came down that street that day, made a quick right and turned down elm street and this is where it all ended. 5,000 people expected here today, the city organizers say this is the first time that the city of dallas has hosted an event to honor president kennedy, and this is a city that has struggled mightily over the last five decades how to come to terms with what happened here. city organizers say what they want to do today is not focus on how the president died and all the conspiracy theories and the controversy that surrounded the assassination but focus on john f. kennedy, not how he died but how he lived. >> ed lavandera for us in dealey plaza in dallas. it's got to be an incredible experience to be there and such a moving place to be on any day and on this day i have to believe it's even more powerful. >> and in a city where as ed points out for a long time they've grappled with it was the place where he died and how do you come to terms with that as a city. don't forget to set your dvr of course for the assassination of president kennedy a film you'll see on cnn tonight at 10:00. let's take a look at some of the headlines right now in the news for us right now. flooding, violent winds and one dangerous river ride. the rescuers coming up as wild weather stretches across the country. you're watching "cnn newsroom." great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)

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