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Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com its 2 00 p. M. On the east coast, 11 00 a. M. On the west. And for those of you just tuning in, were so glad you could join us here. Im deborah feyerick. Here are the top stories. Byebye blizzard, the huge blizzard that conquered parts of the northeast is headed out so sea leaving a very white calling card. People across the region are digging out today, but while some are cleaning up, the storm is still causing whiteout conditions on the massachusetts coast. In fact, well check in with ali velshi in the middle of all it in a minute. Connecticut was hit hardest with some cities getting more than three feet of snow. 650,000 customers across the region lost power. And theyre right in the storm zone. That is straight ahead as we go there. First Lady Michelle obama is back in chicago, not far from the obama family home. Shes there for the funeral of 15yearold heidial pendal done the student shot and killed in a chicago park just days after performing at the ezs inauguration. Police are offering a 40,000 reward for information. And near houston, texas, Police Say One person was injured at an explosion this morning at an industrial plant. The facility houses a mix of gases such as nitrogen and hydrogen. It started a fire that filled is the area with heavy smoke. In los angeles is, police are back using helicopters to find the excop they accuse of killing three people already. One of those who was shot dead a police officer. Billboards are showing christopher dorners face. He says he wants revenge on those he believes cost him his job. Well show you exclusive video of dorner during his days at the police academy. Dont expect celebrities to be revealing too much tomorrow night. Cbs send attendees a what not to wear warning. They want people to tone it down and button it up. The boys club has a sixway ty ndong frank ocean, kanye west, and dan youre backing with six nominations each. That is going to be fun to watch and now back to that snowstorm in the northeast. About twothirds of the 650,000 customers without power are in massachusetts. Ali velshi is in dennis port on cape cod where the wind is it is fierce out there, ali. You must be getting from the snow and the mist coming off the ocean there. Reporter yeah, in fact, its just in this last 20 seconds or so settled down. Weve got a bit of a lull. It starts to pick up. It picks up every minute or so. We still have up to 25 miles hour sustained winds in parts of cape cod, up 240 miles hour gusting. Still under a blizzard warning for one more hour until 3 00 p. M. Eastern time. It was supposed to end at 1 00. As you can see the storm is still about us. This is a rare clear moments that you can see out into the ocean. Nom storm surge over here, but were about halfway across the Southern Coast of cape cod about 30 miles to my east, you get to chatham, thats the far east and make a left turn and go up the northeast coast of cape cod. This is the part that got storm surge, that got difficulty. They feel had 50 people trapped in a bunch of houses that had to be rescued because waves came crashing in. Theres shoreline erosion. Lets talk about power. Of the 600 plus thousand people without power in the northeast, more than 300,000 in massachusetts, 90 of the customers around the area that im in in dennisport, massachusetts are without power, as well. The snow continues to come down. As a result, we are still seeing power lossz. You dont have the utility crews and bucket trucks out here yet because we still have a travel ban and still have the snow and heavy wind. Theyre not putting the bucket trucks up in the wind. The travel ban does expire at 4 00 p. M. Eastern time today for all of massachusetts. This is south, deb. So nantucket and Marthas Vineyard down there. Nantucket county has had its travel ban lifted already. People will start driving in massachusetts in the next two hours. Please be careful because there are emergency trucks and utility vehicles that need to get around. Its 24 degrees right now. So it is cold. With that windchill, its substantially colder pop for those people who dont have power, this remains a serious and potentially deadly storm. We got word of another fatality, a young boy in boston was helping his father shovel snow, went to warm up in the car and was overcome by Carbon Monoxide poisoning. This remains a deadly storm, still a blizzard for the next hour in parts of massachusetts. Its not over as much as it looks like its over in other places and there are even blue skies in some places in the northeast, massachusetts continues to get hard. That poor family. You look at it, and when the sun comes out and everything seems good, it doesnt seem as threatening. There are those incidents, cars skidding or branches that are falling or the people trying to keep warm. And then that happens. Do you see a lot of people out there, ali . Reporter no. No. First of all, there are about 250,000 people in the winter on all of cape cod. Which is you know, 600,000 or 700,000 in the summer. The folks that winter are hearty new englanders. They understand weather, theyre not that interested in walking around. Its not that icicle biting snow it was last night. This was a very soft snow. Theres no particular reason. Some people are having cabin fever. There are plows out so when the driving ban is lifted, people can move in and out. Theres so much snow, its not easy. The only thing youre going to do is walk around and check out whats going on. I havent seen a human for 12 or 13 hours. Ali velshi, im just curious because we have those images of you standing out in the water during hurricane sandy. Which is better . Reporter this is less dangerous to cover. Theres no question about that. Theres no danger other than the actual cold at this point. But its cold. Its cold, than wind is just biting. You are doing yeomans work out there. Thank you so much. Try to get warm and try to knock the frost off that microphone. Well check back with you in a little bit. Six states are still under a state of emergency. Roads closed, power out to hundreds of thousands. After founding the northeast, where is the storm heading now . Lets check in with chad meyers. Out to nova scotia, to newfoundland and going to be there for a while. Were going to see hal fax picking up equal numbers, 23 inches, scarsdale 22. 5, white plains, 14 inches. Thats westchester county. In milford, there was a line of snow that wouldnt move. It sat there over central connecticut for hours. And i col tell that will new haven was right in the middle of something. 34. 3 in new haven. And theres just as much rain or moisture or heaviness in the snow in boston. Weve got 24. 9, thats the brandnew number for boston. 24. 9. But theres at least 36 inches worth of weight there. If you watched at all last night, ali velshi had microdermabrasion going on. But there was sleet pellets flying sideways. And the sleet doesnt pile up as much. Still weighs as much as snow, but one inch of sleet is that much. But one inch of snow would have been that much. Thats why boston didnt break a record. There goes the storm. Its off into the Atlantic Canada and the maritimes. It will be a decent day for new york city. The suns coming out. Dont let it fool you. Watch the generators, all the Carbon Monoxide. You cant turn your oven on and hope it will warm your house thats putting Carbon Monoxide in your house. Theres natural gas running it but its very dangerous to try to do that, deb. You can understand the people are desperate to kind of keep warm. Its better to err on the side of caution when theres so much unknown. Thanks so much. On the west coast, police will use helicopters to try to find an elusive and accused killer. Theyre going to use infrared to try to spot him as he remains on the run. Christopher dorner used to be one of their own. A former Los Angeles Police officer. Now, he blames many in Law Enforcement for losing his job. He is now vowing revenge. Dorner is accused of killing three people already. Were live in los angeles. How confident are police, paul, that theres going to be catching someone whos got the kind of training that dorner seems to have . Reporter well, they say, and they have vowed from the getgo, after the killing of those twos officers and wounding of another, they say he cant hide from everybody. But testing that confidence level, im on Big Bear Mountain right now. Theres a couple mixed signs here. One, the snow board ski resorts are open. People are coming up here. On the flipside, we just took a little bit of a tour. And we saw armed s. W. A. T. Officers and other officers teams of four going door to door, peeking in windows, trying to see if theres any sign of dorner. They also got the helicopters back up in the air and beginning aerial searches you alluded to the weather, the snowstorm that roared through here, hampered those efforts over the past two days. A clue lear also, dorners mom owned property up here in big bear. Perhaps that gives him very, very intimate knowledge of the area. Lets hear from the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department about that property owned by dorners mom. There is a property owned by dorners mother. It is about 35 miles from here in arrowbear. It is an undeveloped piece of property. There is no house on it. No house. It has been checked out. That area has been checked out. And so they didnt find any clues or so said the of sheriffs, on that property. So the speculation could be, what if dorner ditched the truck that he burns and maybe stole another car . They say they have no reports whatsoever of stolen vehicles here in the big bear area, debra. You know, its interesting. I spoke to a source yesterday who said there was some indication ta dorner had sort of circled back to head into the village. Clearly police right now working under the assumption that hes still in the area. But for all they know, he could easily be back on his way to los angeles, noing . Reporter absolutely. We pressed the authorities on that notion of him doubling back on his tracks. And they say no way. In fact, the San Bernardino sheriff himself, mr. Mcmahon had said he thought they lost the trail because they got into icy conditions. Its easier to track in soft or fresh snow. Now, as for where he could be, not only could he be in los angeles, given the lead time that he had from when he was last seen in riverside, california, he had a very long time to where he could have easily gone into nevada, he could have tried to make a run for the mexican border. He could have gone north. So its anybodys guess right now where dorner is. Of course, the last real sign they had of him was two days ago here on Big Bear Mountain, debra, when they found that burned out truck. Paul, its just so clear that hes said that everybody in the lapd is a potential target. And hes warned them that groupings of police, for example, at incident command posts they are what he calls targetrich environments. And hes labeled cops high value targets. So this is main clearly not kidding around. Paul vercammen there, thanks so much. Well check back with you in a short while. And people ran for their lives in southern columbia today when a 7. 0 magnitude earthquake hit. No reports of deaths or injuries. It was felt in the capital of bogota and across much of neighboring ecuador. And wikileaks founder Julian Assange has waded into the drone debate slamming the u. S. Government for saying it has the right to stage drone strikes against u. S. Citizens perceived to be imminent terror threats. And first Lady Michelle obama is part of a group of washington dignitary who have returned home to chicago to say goodbye to hadiyah pendleton, the 15yearold band majorette and athlete shot and killed in chicago just days after performing for the obama inauguration. Cnns thooena jones is on the south side of check at the funeral. Athena, youve had a chance to talk with some family and friends. What are they saying . Well, you know, weve been viewing the ceremony from our truck out here. We have a live feed in. This has been a very emotional day certainly for hadiyah pendletons friends and family and particularlial last half hour or so. Weve seen more than a dozen young people, many of them young women who described themselves as best friends of hadial pendleton and a few young men talk about what she was like, a common theme is she smiled a lot. That she was a mentor and filled with laughter. Lets listen to what one of these young people had to say. Like the vibrant color purple, she chose spirituality and imagination. Hadyia, youre beautiful like diamonds in the sky. And youve already begun to shine. And you heard her refer to the color purple. That is said to be hadiyahs favorite colors. And as you also heard from that young lady, quite emotional. Some people said one young lady said they had planned to go to college together. We know hadiyah wanted to major in either journalism or pharmacology. She was ves very active in school with debate, mentoring, volleyball and her marchette team. They also came and spoke as did her coach, talking about how much theyll miss her. So its been a celebration of her life but with an understanding that this represents a tragedy that is all too common in cities like chicago and around the country. And president obama sent a handwritten neat is included in the program. A copy is included in the program saying we realize that our words, president obamas words and the first ladys words cant soothe the familys pain but theyre going to work as hard as they can to try to end this senseless violence. Shes become the symbol of the national tragedy. Maybe her last days were happy days having performed in that inauguration. Athena jones, thank you so much. We appreciate it. Well, the Grammy Awards are tomorrow. And this year, men lead the ladies in some of the biggest categories. Bruno mars is one of them. Hes next in the newsroom. At 1 45, the aflac duck was brought in with multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. Surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. So, if the duck isnt able to work, how will he pay for his Living Expenses . Aflac. Like his rent and car payments . Aflac. What about gas and groceries . Aflac. Cell phone . Aflac, but i doubt hell be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a getwell card at getwellduck. Com. Well, all the a list singers and musicians are in los angeles getting ready for the biggest night in music. The 55th Grammy Awards this year could be a huge night for the guys dominating some of the biggest categories. Tonight, we are young okay. Well, you know that band. You cant have missed that particular song, fun fearinging janelle monae. It would no surprise if they won record of the year tomorrow night. Frank ocean, taylor swift, Kelly Clarkson also got a nod in that category. Singer and songwriter bruno mars is also nominated for a grammy. Pierce morgue sat down with him just before the grammys last year and get this, he says he was almost a has been before his career took off. The thing i like about your story is it hasnt all just been easy. A lot of entertainers your age, it all goes crazy young and it carries on and then it burns out. In your case, you had this big wakeup call. You were 1 years old. You come to hollywood. Motown signs you up, and you thought whoa. This is it. I have arrived. Yep. I bruno mars am a motown sensation. And then boom. Almost as fast as you got it, they dropped you. How did that feel, that time in your life . It was it was taking a step back. I used to be able to walk into a room and say im bruno mars signed with motown records. And then now i have to say, i got dropped from motown records. You lose leverage. You lose people believing in you because they go, well, why didnt it work. How did you get told the news . It was like this. Hey, we dont want you anymore. As brutal as that . It wasnt as brutal as that. Its not mo twos fault. I was too young. I didnt know what it was like. I knew i could sing. But theres so much more that i had to learn. I didnt come from the recording background. I came from doing live shows and performing with bands and that was my craft. I didnt know what it took to be, you know, to record and be a recording artist. Now youve got to the write songs and establish who you are. I dont know if anyone knows who they are at 18 years old. Did you react well or like most 1yearolds im going to shed some tears. Did a part of you believe that maybe you werent good enough . You definitely have those nights where you feel a little insecure. But i didnt want to give up. My goal was im not going to go back home. Im not going to go back to hawaii and face my friends and my family saying, it didnt pan out. I got to do something. And we have so much more coming up for you. So stay right here. A. J. Hammer and his showbiz at the graham auz special is coming up at 2 30 eastern right here on cnn. Lots of artists, lots of music. Lots of interesting things. An asteroid is hurling towards earth. This one is going to be close. How close . The answer coming up ahead on the other side. Why not make the day unforgettable . With two times the points on travel, from taxis to trains. Youll be asking why not, a lot. Chase sapphire preferred. Theres more to enjoy. [ male announcer ] engine light on . Come to meineke now for a free code scan read and youll say. My money. My choice. My meineke. Well, it is half the size of a football field and it is hurtling to earth at 17,000 miles an hour. 17,000 miles an hour. The asteroid is expected to pass inside gps satellites which are orbiting our planet. If thats too close for comfort, youre not alone. Tom foreman gives us a look at the Close Encounter to come. In cosmic terps, this is a very Close Encounter that nasa has ever seen for thing this big. Reference points here, when we talk about the earth many of us like to think the moon is close to us, but the moon is really not as close as you think. Its almost a quarter million miles away. So what is close in space . Satellites. Weve been launching these for many decades now. We filled the sky with them. Some of them are fairly low. Others quite high. The highest once out there are communications and gps satellites about 2,000 miles up in the air. So where is this asteroid going to be . It is going to shoot out of the sky and cut right through the top of the satellite belt at about 17,000 miles. Is that dangerous . No, not really. In part because of the size of this thing. The official name by the way is 2012 da14. Its only about 50 yards long or wide no matter how you want to talk about it, it will be traveling 18,000 miles an hour. If it were to hit earth, it would have a huge explosion equal to more than 2 million tons of dynamite. But that wouldnt be enough to harm the earth unless it hit a populated place. Yes, it would knock down trees and destroy several hundred miles but that would be all. Most importantly, scientist who have been tracking there thing for more than 2 million miles already say its not going to hit the earth. It is going to miss even though this is a very close call. A lot of people blamed beyonce for that embarrassing power outage during the super bowl. It wasnt her fault. Well tell you why the lights went out. H us. [ ding ] oh, thats helpful well, our company does that, too. Actually, we invented that. Its like a sauna in here. Helping you save, even if its not with us now, thats progressive call or click today. No mas pantalones you know how painful heartburn can be. For fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. 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