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Dreamliner or anything else weve talked about . Got any responses to matt tee tie ebeor maybe washingtons intransigence has got you angry . Finds me on facebook. Tweet meet my handle is ali velshi. Hanks for joining the conversation this week on your money. Were hear every saturday 1 00 p. M. Eastern and weekdays at 3 30. 3 30. Have a great weekend. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com its 2 00 p. M. In the east coast, 11 00 a. M. In the west. Thank you very much for joining us. I Martin Savidge in for fredricka whitfield. Here are the top stories in the cnn newsroom. How about good news . Weve got some. Well start with that regarding the flu. Despite warnings we are facing an em ep dymmek, the situation may be starting to improve. The cdc is releasing new numbers that show high numbers at least declining in parts of the country. But it is still it, under line this still a very dangerous situation with widespread activity now reported in 48 states. The cdcs latest count shows 20 children have died across the country. Well have a live report. Moving on, it could be one of the most shocking admissions in sports history. Usa today reporting that cycling superstar Lance Armstrong will admit to doping in an upcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey. The evidence came out against him, a massive file of evidence came out against him in october. And then in the three months since then, hes been keeping a pretty low profile. And i think hes been deciding what to do about it. Hes kind of cornered himself because for many years now, hes strenuously denied these doping allegations and with all the evidence thats come out against him, its hard to deny it anymore. And hes making a calculated decision for himself personally, its also i think a business decision for him because its affecting his charity livestrong, all of his sponsors have fired him. I think when he goes out in public now, hes getting a little bit different reception than what he used to get in that Everybody Knows now that if you believe the evidence that he did dope and lie about it for many years and so this is really a personal decision for him and also a calculated business decision for him. Armstrong was stripped of his titles and banned from cycling last year. Bp has a settlement with as many as 100,000 people who claim they got sick or hurt by the 2010 gulf oil spill. A federal judge signed off on the deal yesterday. It covers cleanup workers and residents to live near the spill zone. The company is pleased with that agreement. With flu activity now up from 41 to 47 states, many people are wondering if it isnt too late to get a vaccine. Doctors say it isnt. And that 62 of those who take the shot are less likely to get the flu. Our athena jones is live at a flu clinic in falls church, virginia. Nice to see you. Weve been hearing Everyone Needs to get the flu shot. Im wondering now, are there enough of the vaccine, is there enough of the vaccine to go around . You know, doctors say there is enough of the vaccine. I believe you have numbers from the cdc showing there are still mill krons of doses, millions were manufactured. Millions have been distributed but not as many people have gotten the vaccine. So there are still millions more. Were in Falls Church Just outside of washington, d. C. Virginia is one of the states where the flu has been widespread. Lets head inside this clinic right now. Ill show you what theyve been up to today. This is a clinic thats multiservice. You can get dental treatment here and come in if you get the flu, think you have the flu or you want a shot. Were told by the folks here theyve seen an increase in the number of people coming in to get shots or calling to see if the shots are available here. Just in the first 12 days of january, they say they do still have shots available. Several people we saw come in today get them. And so generally speaking like i said, doctors believe there are enough vaccines to go around. There could be some sport o spot shortages. People should call ahead. They may have to shop around a little bit but should be able to find what they need. Whats the best advice youre hearing from the medical experts there . If youre sick right now, whats the best way to treat yourself . You know, we asked the doctor here, dr. Greenburg about that. Lets show you what he had to say. If its usually within 48 hours of the on set of the illness, ill use tammy flu or relenza, the other thats might come into more use as tamiflu becomes less available which im hearing its starting to become in short supply at least in some areas. Now, if youre not able to get in to see the doctor within the first 48 hours they say with lots of rest and plenty of fluids, if you do that within five to seven days, you should see symptoms go away. Now, this is a strain of the vaccine, a strain of the flu, influenza or h 3 n 2 that is shown to have more complications. Some people are getting sicker longer. If you did dizziness or your symptoms go away but the fever comes back, if you cant keep fluids down, go to the emergency room. But for the most part, staying at home with fluid and rest you should be okay. Martin . Theres always that group of people that avoid getting the flu shot because they believe that it will actually make them sick. Is that is there any truth to that . No, theres no truth to that doctors say. You shunt get the flu if you already are ill and you have a fever. But its not something thats going to make you sick. I can tell you that president obama has gotten his flu shot. It wasnt today. He had a fitness exam today. It wasnt today but sometime before he got a shot. Maybe the commander in chief is try to be an example to the rest of america. Almost everyone should get the flu shot. A child under 6 months of age, you shouldnt get it. Allergic to chicken eggs, thats what you use 0 make the flu vaccine, you shouldnt get it. A previous reaction to the flu and if youre already sick. But otherwise, the very old, the yes young, people who have had underlying medical conditions or respiratory problems like asthma, people that have seen their immune system depressed should get the shot because those are the likely to face the biggest complications. Athena jones, thanks very much. Aside from getting the flu shot, what else do you need to know about the virus to stay safe . Our chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta las all of those details. Martin, its the worst flu season in years. You know that by now. Emergency rooms in many places overflowing. Its a fastmoving story. Heres what you need to know. The flu vikes fast. And symptoms much more severe than a common cold. You feel fine one day and then the next, a sudden fever, sore throat, headache, and tightness in the chest. Over 200,000 people every year are hospitalized with influenza. And anywhere from three to nearly 50,000 people will die each year. Flu cases are at epidemic proportions in some areas of the country, the most weve seen this time of year in a decade. They may get more complications from this particular strain which may make them ill for a longer period of time. The active strain is h 3 n 2. It typically surfaces earlier in the season. Tends to produce stronger symptoms. And it is highly contagious. In fact, when someone coughs or. Hes these tiny droplets are released into the air. You cant see them with the human eye. You can breathe them in but they can also live on surfaces. A lot of people dont realize this. They can stay on these stays for eight hours. Say your coworker is sick, you touch their keyboard, you touch your nose or mouth and now youre infected. The problem escalates if you spend several hours in tight quarters like an airplane. Passengers in two rows or behind of the infected person at highest risk. The best way to kill germs is to wash your hands and do it often. Use real so and real water. The problem is that most people dont actually wash their hands long enough. My best advice, actually sing the happy birthday song twice while youre washing your hands. Its not quick to get rid of these viruses. Another key to prevention is getting the flu shot. Getting vaccinated, reduces your risk of getting the flu by around 60 . Another benefit, martin, to getting your flu shot is if you do get sick your symptoms wont last as long and be as severe as compared to those who werent vaccinates. Parents of children diagnosed with the flu might have another problem on their hands. A shortage of the drug thats prescribed to children with the flu. Tamiflu os is the liquid version of tamiflu. Its commonly given to children 13 years and younger because its easy to swallow. Gin tack the company that makes it says there has been temporary delays in new shipments. Theres not a delivery date to my wholesaler in North Carolina and theyre telling me theyre cant get it from the manufacturer. Pharmacists can make a childs dose using a diluted version of regular tamiflu. Go to full. Gov to find a location for the vaccine. Pr that i surprise you, it turns out americans are getting sicker more frequently and dieing younger than people in other wealthy developed nations. That is according to a new report from the National Research council and it found that the u. S. Lags behind other countries in areas such as drug related deaths, obesity, heart disease, aids and infant mo mortali mortality. Many americans make poor Health Choices and they point out that spending more money on Health Care Wont help the problem since the u. S. Already spends more on health care than any other nation. Shes the most traveled u. S. Diplomat ever. And after a brief health scare, secretary of state Hillary Clinton is back on the job, but is there a bigger job in her future . The clinton insider has the details. And then whats next for the gop in the partys out of power and trying to make a comeback. An expert weighs in on the chances for that. [ woman ] uhoh. [ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. Powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. Fast [ male announcer ] stop the uhoh fast with kaopectate. After taking their lumps in the 2012 laerksz the Republican Party is now searching for a way to recover and beyond the election loss, theres House Speaker john boehner, hes had his own problems lose ageffort to get support from his colleagues for a last ditch fiscal cliff measure. Another story the Tea Party Wing in the gop still has influence. And that sometimes causes major divisions. So is it time for the party to change . Does it need to become a big tent . Rich galen joins us from washington, a republican strategist. Rich, i guess you could say the gop has its own bad case of the flu. Whats the cure here . Part of it is is just as with the flu for most people, wait it out. Take plenty of water, go to bed and wait till you feel better. Thats part of whats going to have to happen here. These things in washington tend to be cyclical. In terms of what the republicans in the house are going through, its useful to remember, when i first came back to washington in 1996, i talked to a friend. I was working for newt gingrich. I was talking to a friend who worked for tip oneill. I said how did tip spend his day . He said, what are you kidding . We had this enormous majority and his day was kept keeping the northern and southern democrats from killing each other. This business about divisions within the same party in the house is not new news. Its a function of being in the majority. When i first came to washington, we had like 141 members in the House Republicans and you could meet in a phone booth. For the republicans what they have to do is let the 2012 election sort of drift away. The tea party influence appears to be waning as happens in these things. Moveon. Org, its influence waned after 2008 because they won. And i think the Republican Party will sort of come to grips with what it needs to do moving forward and we have some really smart people, jeb bush, marco rubio, chris christie, weve got a pretty strong bench, not kind of classic southern republican white guys. Let me ask you this. The democrats won pretty much all over the map and in some places there were supposed to be gop pickups like the Montana Senate seat. Is it time for republicans to become more diverse with hispanics, gay, people, women or the is the gop on the course to becoming oh livon . If they dont, theyre on the course of becoming not just the Minority Party but a minor party which would not be a good thing. Youre exactly right. Those are exactly the attributes i think people who are behavioral republicans are looking for the traditional republican or the current Republican Party to begin adopting policies and statements and making reaching out to all these other groups that say okay, im more comfortable with that Republican Party than the Republican Party i saw during the 2012 elections. Well, i want to bring this up. When the party was led by a black man, former Lieutenant Governor michael steele, the gop took control of the house. It expanded their number of governorshipsing in state legislatures but the party fired him. But he was a terrible leader. But the fact is that the there were a lot of attributes that went into that had to do with with Reince Priebus we held on to almost all of the house and state houses and state senate gains we made. So the rnc and dnc, the two national parties, their influence, theyre just Money Transfer operations. They dont really have much to do with what goes on. The really important thing there is we do so well at the local and state level. Both in terms of the legislatures and governor seats that maybe what the Republican Party needs to do is say, why are we doing so well there and so badly at the senate level, u. S. Senate level and the presidency . What lessons do we need to learn about local organizing, local messaging, reaching out to local folks, not just people that look like me, but people who dont sound or look or act like me and say we have a home for you here. Yeah. Theres a good point to be made there. Let me ask you this real quick before you go. Speaker john boehner, should he stay or go in the position hes got . Well, he won so he gets to stay. He won the election. So he gets to stay. Boehner has been in the majority, in the minority. Hes been a back bencher. Hes been in the leadership. What will happen i think probably, martin, is that the gigantic freshman class of two years ago, the tea party freshman class as they get used to their role in the majority if youre in the minority, its easy to be a congressman. You vote no and go play golf. Its a great job. Where in the majority you have a responsibility to actually help governor. Govern. I think the hope is the sophomore class will look to its look across the aisle and look up and down the spectrum and say okay, how do i stick with mile principles, but actually look for ways to help move the ball forward. With any luck, that will happen. Rich galen, hanks very much. Enjoyed the conversation. Thanks. There is a kerfuffle, thats a hard one, kerfuffle over a new royal painting. Everyone loves the duchess of cambridge but nobody seems to like her portrait. Well let you be the judge. Plus, Hillary Clinton is back at work after a health scare, but this is the beginning or the end as secretary of state. Its the beginning of her ten tour there. How is it going to impact the rest of her political future . Well talk about that in a moment. Hi dad. Many years from now, when the subaru is theirs. Hey. You missed a spot. Ill look back on this day and laugh. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. But dont just listen to me. Listen to these happy progressive customers. I plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. With snapshot, i knew what i could save before i switched to progressive. The better i drive, the more i save. I wish our company had something this cool. Youre not filming this, are you . Aw camera shy. Snapshot from progressive. Testdrive snapshot before you switch. Visit progressive. Com today. Isurprise. Its eating less. To losing weight. Im hungry just thinking about it. Thank goodness for new slimful. One delicious, 90calorie slimful and a glass of water, like before dinner, helps keep me satisfied for hours. So instead of this much, i only need this much. And slimful tastso good. I dont even miss dessert. Slimful and a glass of water. Eating less is a beautiful thing. Something that was very nice to see, secretary of state Hillary Clinton back on the job. She returned to work wednesday after being sidelined for more than three weeks. As you know, she suffered a concussion and then a blood clot. But this is also the beginning of the end certainly for her job as secretary of state as she gets ready for her successor. Elise looks at her return. Har tin, secretary secretary clinton had a conform welcome when she turned on monday. Her staff gave her a gag gift, a football helmet with the state Department Seal and said doing business in washington is a contact sport and gave her a jersey with the number 112, how many countries shes visited as secretary of state. Lets listen to what she told us about being back in the office. I am thrilled to be back, and i am also incredibly grateful to this Fabulous Team that i have here at the state department who never missed a beat for the time that i was away. And we are focused on continuing our work, finishing up everything that we can, and helping senator kerry with his transition. Since shes been back, shes attended meetings at the white house. She hosted a state Department Dinner for afghan President Hamid karzai. One thing heavy on her mind is the upcoming congressional testimony she has to give on the benghazi attack expected to take place just a day or two after president obamas inauguration january 21st. Before she testifies in front of congress, clinton wants every single recommendation made by the independent panel which looked into the attack already implemented or on its way to being instituted. She wants to leave the office and her successor, senator john kerry with sprikter measures in place on security for u. S. Diplomats in facilities overseas. Senator kerry has been at the state department for various briefings. Secretary clinton is in touch with him almost daily hoping for a seamless transition and as she wraps up, there will be no customary farewell tour, Doctors Orders but the phone lines will be burning with World Leaders and counterparts who want to say goodbye. We asked her if shes ready to retire and she said she wouldnt use that word but looking forward to getting off the fast track for a little while. I dont think weve seen the last of her, martin. Thanks very much. I want to bring in political contributor hilary rosen. You know Hillary Clinton well. You talk with her all the time. I have two questions. Ones physical and ones philosophical. How does she feel and how does she feel about leaving the job . I havent talked to had her for a little while obviously. Shes got a lot going on. Shes excited to leave though. I thought elises report was great and accurate. Shes you know, shes looking forward to a kind of good period of unscheduled time, as you know, she is jobs are highly demanding and highly scheduled. And i think shes excited not to be so boxed in. Uhhuh. You also heard the report, of course, she still has the benghazi hearings ahead of her. What is her legacy at state and is it possible that it could be tarnished by all of this . You know, in some respects, you know, benghazi was a tragedy and what happened to our diplomats. There touch not just the secretary deeply but all americans deeply. But a hallmark of her tenure is how she responded to that tragedy, and that is, lets get the facts. Lets make sure we know what were doing, and then once we had some independence recommendations, lets move quickly on getting them implemented. Thats just kind of emblematic of who she is and has always been. You know, she doesnt suffer fools gladly but she also she doesnt have patience when she knows there are the right things to do and that Good Solutions are available. I think shes just a world class leader in that regard. Uhhuh. And based upon then friendship, upon the knowledge you have of Hillary Clinton, what would you say the odds are she is going to run for president . You know, i long made it a practice never to bet on Hillary Clinton. Although i would never bet against her. So, i think you know, there are millions of americans including me who are very much hoping that she gets enough rest and feels good about having a political career and runs for president , but shes xwt a lot of options. And you know, she needs to look no further than her husband to find another really good option. I think president bill clinton has really led the way as a role model for having a really effective and important life with a big impact on the world, a good impact on the World Without elected office. And so shes got options. She certainly does. I want to ask you and switch gears a little bit, the inauguration coming up. There has been pushback against the president for not having enough diversity in his cabinet in his second term. Jane fonda, Gloria Steinham are asking him to appoint a woman to head up the fcc. What do you make of this. Nobodys a bigger fan of gloria and jane fonda than i am. He hasnt indicated hes going anywhere. People need to give this president some time. Hes got a lot of cabinet openings and theyve got a lot of options for those appointments. Im certain were going to have more good cabinet officers who are women who are latinos, people of color like we had this first term where we really benefited from a significantly diverse and smart group of people. And i know the president has that is list now. So im not just patient but you know, im completely expecting a cabinet ta looks like america. As are many people. Hilary rosen, thank you very much for joining us. Take care, martin. How about this. An allout brawl at a school bus stop. Its not the first time. Must see video thats coming up next. And then everyones thinking about the flu these days. How to an suicide it and how to treat it. And now parents of Sick Children have a new concern. Well tell you what that is. Welcome back. Its 2 30 on the east coast. Thats p. M. , 11 30 on the west. Thats a. M. Welcome to the cnn newsroom. Im Martin Savidge. The cdc says the spread of the flu in some parts of the countries appears to have slowed down particularly in the southeast. Still 24 states and new york city are reporting high levels of flu activity. New yorks governor declared a Public Health emergency. There is also a shortage of the liquid version of the antiviral tamiflu which is often prescribed for children under 13. Cdc says since the outbreak began, there have been 20 flu related deaths among young people 18 years and younger. After more than 11 years of combat, operations, the end of the war in afghanistan could be in sight. President obama met with afghan President Hamid karzai yesterday an the white house to discuss withdrawing all 66,000 u. S. Troops from afghanistan by the end of 2014. In an exclusive interview with Cnns Christiane Amanpour mr. Karzai says the end of the war does not mean the ends of u. S. Presence in his country. Do you envision after 2014, there being no troops, no u. S. Troops in afghanistan . No, i dont envision that. The United States would need to have a limited number of forces in afghanistan. How many is limited in your mind . Well, its not for us to decide. Its for the United States to decide what number of troops they will be keeping in afghanistan. What strength those troops will have in afghanistan. U. S. Officials foresee keeping up to 9,000 u. S. Troops in afghanistan beyond 2014, four counterterrorism and for training. How about this a monthlong python hunting challenge. Its under way in the florida evergla everglades. Wildlife officials are using this definitely novel way to rid the area of snakes. These snakes, pythons. Over 400 people have now signed up, completing Safety Training online. But some experienced snake hunters are worried that may not be enough for amateurs to stay safe. Here is whats trending around the web. Take a look at this youtube video. It shows dozens of students and parents fighting at a bus stop. Police in pennsylvania are stepping up patrols near the bus stop now because two brawls broke out there in the past week. Much to the dismay of star war fans everywhere, the u. S. Government will not be building a death star. The white house turned down a petition proposing that the government create a death star super weapon. The petition received more than 34,000 signatures online. And could this be a royal photo bomb . Art critics around the world and even common folk are expressing disappointment in the newly unveiled official royal portrait of the duchess of cambridge, catherine middleton. As for the dutch yes, sir, she says its brilliant. Its awards season in hollywood and you know what that means. Time to pick your favorite. Weve got some pretty interesting trivia you probably had never heard. And no Baseball Hall of fame inductee this year. The details and the reaction from pete rose ahead in the newsroom. But first an amazing story of strength. When don wright was diagnosed with cancer, he didnt let that stop him from running marathons. In fact, he was determined to run one in each state. Dr. Sanjay gupta has his story in this weeks human factor. Done wrights career spanned engineering, being a Company Vice President and the law. At age 62, he discovered a new passion, marathons. Nine years ago, just days after running his first 26mile race, he got some devastating news. I had gone to the doctor a couple of times for pain in my back. It was multiple myeloma. This is caneser of the blood where the white blood cells invade bone marrow causing pain usually in the back or ribs and patients are rarely cured. Wright refused to let that slow him down even qualifying for the boston marathon. I got this devastating diagnosis and we just, my family and i kept on going. You know, there wasnt any reason to stop and be sorry. You know . We kept running marathons. On december 9th, under a hot hawaiian sun, wright, now 71, reached his seemingly impossible goal. Running a marathon in all 50 snits it fe. It feels wonderful. A philosophy i have is live one day at a time making it a masterpiece. That was a masterpiece. Wright wasnt sure he could fulfill his dream because the median survival for his cancer is just five years. Prognosis does vary depending and age and stage of the disease. Hes had a number of treatments that failed. But for the last 4 1 2 years hes taken an experimental drug thats worked, kept the cancer at bay. It doesnt cure the cancer, but it keeps it stable. So its not hurting me. And i can still run. And i can still enjoy life and im riding that for all its worth into his advice to others facing what seemed like insurmountable odds, take charge of your own destiny and never give up hope. Dr. Sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. My doctor told me calcium is efficiently absorbed in small continuous amounts. Citracal slow release continuously releases calcium plus d with efficient absorption in one daily dose. Citracal slow release. Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. 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Com, tom oneil with some other very interesting nuggets. Nice to see you. Same here. So youve got a lot of great awards trivia. Lets start with the acceptance speeches. I find that mind blowing. How do the speeches at the Golden Globes somehow relate to oscar performance . Its your audition. If the voters for the oscars like what they see at the globes, they want to see that again. The classic example is jamie foxx when he will won for ray years ago, he invokes the spirit of his dead grandmother and passed the globe to heaven. It was so wonderful. Of course, he had to win again. Same kind of thing happened for hilary swank and put her on the awards map and took her all the way to the oscars. The flipside is be as boring as Annette Bening was one year and you lose to hilary swank. Tomorrow night, Jessica Chastain is the favorite to win best drama actress. Jennifer lawrence the best comedy musical actress. Basically whoever gebs the best speech tomorrow night will be the oscar winner. Are Golden Globes usually good predictors for Academy Award winners . In the performance categories, yes. Not for best picture. Historically, they did overlap, but in the past eight years, weve only seen the two awards agree twice. Wow. All right. Well, lincoln leads i think seven golden globe nominations and then leads with oscars i think 12 nominations. So which movies then have the best chance of, say, upstaging or upsetting lincoln . Im looking for argo and going out on a limb. Support me here because im the only one doing it. Im with you. Are you . Okay. Ben affleck did not get nominated for best director this week. Everyones saying lincoln has this in the bag. There is one case historically of where a movie won best picture without being nominated for best director and it was driving miss daysy. Theres a lot of outrage over the fact ben didnt get nominated. If he wins the globe tomorrow night as i believe he will, i believe he win may both director and drama picture. If he gives a good speech there, again, and if he wins dga in about a week and a half, i think hes poised for an upset at the oscars. I mean, i dont know how this all goes down. Is the voting still open in oscars . In other words, thats how people cast a lastminute favor of ben in some way. Actually, the second round starts later this week, i believe. And the oscars arent till february 24th. Okay. Thats really interesting. What do you think, just looking forward to tomorrow, real quick, who do you think the top winners are going to be . Everyones betting, put it on lincoln for drama picture. Otherwise go out on a live with argo. In the musical comedy category, i think its going to be les mis and well have Jennifer Chastain and jennifer take those awards. And then its anybodys guess force supporting actor. Im betting on leo dicaprio. Tom oneil, thank you very much for joining us. He is the editor of golder by. Com. Well look forward to continuing this. Very good, thanks. No players were elected to the Baseball Hall of fame this year. Baseball great pete rose talks about the controversial move and if the players are to blame. That will be next. And well show you some of the best get away spots for 2013. There are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. So we invented a warning you can feel. Introducing the allnew cadillac xts. Available with a patented safety alert seat. When theres danger you might not see, youre warned by a pulse in the seat. Its technology you wont find in a mercedes eclass. The allnew cadillac xts has arrived, and its bringing the future forward. When im out with my kids, my daughters like, mom, wait up and im thinking, shouldnt you have more energy than me . Youre, like, eight [ male announcer ] for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. Simple. Effective. Advantage mom. Lets fight fat with alli. Learn more, lose more at letsfightfat. Com. Baseball, you know something happened this week that has happened hardly ever in the history of the sport. No one was voted into the Baseball Hall of fame. Sports writers who cast the ballots shutout just about everybody who was up. They shutout everybody up for the honor. Joining me from new york is a staff writer at sports illustrate illustrated. Ben, thanks very much for being with us. Thanks for having me. We mentioned this as really rare. Its only happened about eight times. We figure thats the likes of barry bonds or Roger Clemens would suffer in the chances of getting in because of the ethical challenges and the ties to the steroid controversy. But all the nominees . Mean, what gives . Right. Well, wednesday afternoons announcement had been anticipated for years. This was going to be the day on which the alltime home run king, barry bonds, and Roger Clemens, the best pitcher of his generation, the seventime cy young award winner would be elected to the hall of fame. That didnt come close to happening because of their association with performance enhancing drugs. You need 75 of the vote. Neither of those two got 40. The shutout extended far beyond them and extendsed to a player like krig biggio with the 3,000 hits, mike piazza, the best hitting catcher of all time, Curt Schilling a playoff hero for the red sox. The reason is simple. The peds did not only impact the candidacies of bonds and clemens, its impacted the candidacies of everybody from that entire era for the first time this summer, since 1965, there will not be a living inductee into the hall of fame in cooperstown. Suffice it to say that ceremony is not going to be very fun. No, its not at all. Let me ask you this. These are the same Sports Writers casting the ballots that i believe back in the day were raving about these particular athletes at the time. I mean, dont you have a problem with that . I think i do. Well, you know, a lot of people have said that the vote should be taken away from the Sports Writers. Thats sort of what im getting at here. Should we change the system . Should we just its got to go into somebody elses hands to decide . First, i think this is only a oneyear blip. I dont think well see shutouts for years to come especially as candidates like greg maddux and tom glavine hit the ballot in the coming years. Think the problem lies with the leadership, with the hall of fame itself, with baseball. There is simpliply not a clear policy. Theyre not clear directions given to the 600 baseball writers who are voting on this thing as to how to deal with the steroid era. That is what we need coming from the top. If we dont do that, were simply going to have a Great American institution that is something worse than a place in which history is denied. Worse than a fantasiland. The hall of fame is going to become irrelevant. Its one thing to reward people who perhaps took steroids, we dont know if all of them did. Its another thing to deny that they ever existed. Thats currently whats going on. When it comes to this vote, this is not the first time around that these guys will get a chance at that. In other words, theyll be considered again. Its not a done deal they wont be in, correct . Thats right. You can be on the ballot for up to 15 years. This could be a debate were having through 2028. We have that to look forward to. Yeah, and maybe peoples opinions will soften. Ben, thanks very much for joining us today. Thanks, martin. Despite a stellar baseball career, former Cincinnati Reds player pete rose never made it into the Baseball Hall of fame because of betting on baseball. Don lemon spoke to rose and found out what he thinks about this whole hall of fame shutout. You know, i dont know if ill get in trouble with for this, but i have to defend Roger Clemens in this. En the reason i have to defend him is because till this day, he says he didnt take steroids. And hes never flunked a drug test. He went in front of two different courts and they both ruled in favor of him. So who am i to sit here to say that Roger Clemens took steroids because he won some games after he was 40 years old . Bonds admitted he put the steroids on him, okay . Sosa flunked a test. Palmeiro flunked a test. Lets talk about biggio and piazza and jack morris. That was my next question. Let me ask the question. Because there were others on the ballot, catcher mike piazza, the dodgers and mets and there were craig biggio was on there. Longtime second baseman for the astros and also Curt Schilling a pitcher who many say helped the red sox win the world series, 2004, 2007. Do you think the fact they got shutout, did that surprise you . It does. At least one of them to go in there because i just wonder if what happened did all the writers say theres too many guys connected to steroids . Lets dont put anybody in. Thats not fair those guys. Listen, craig biggio got 3,61 hits. He is the first player that was on the ballot for the first time, didnt make the hall of fame since 1945. Thats how long thats been. Okay . And there hadnt been anybody go into the hall of fame since 1996. So thats strange, too. And i just we got friends in cooperstown that own stores. And they really rely on cooperstown week to survive for the whole year. And we just wonder whats going to happen with those people with no induction. Tonight at 10 00 p. M. , by the way, pete rose will share more of his thoughts on the shutout with don lemon and if he thinks that the league will ever allow him to one day be eligible for the hall of fame. Dont miss it. A new year, new vacations. So where would you want to go . Well show you the top get away spots for 2013 that are a must for fun and relaxation. And best of all, they wont break your bank account. Well be right back. Hi dad. Many years from now, when the subaru is theirs. Hey. You missed a spot. Ill look back on this day and laugh. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office. What do texas, nicaragua have in common . Some of the best places to travel to in 2013 according to the New York Times. They have a new article called 46 places to go in 2013. An editor for New York Times travel joins me now. Dan, thanks very much for being with us. Thanks for having me. Great to be here. Thank you. You came up with 46 different places to go, and id love to talk about every one of them but i dont think we have the time. Everywhere from what baton to amsterdam, and im wondering, what was the criteria . Well, basically, we looked for places that are going to be exciting in the coming year. So place that have new and interesting things going on, places that are maybe a little bit counter intuitive it not the most obvious spots. And we basically solicit writers from around the world for ideas, people who are based overseas who are looked into things going on all over the world. They will pitch us ideas and we put together the list. And you came up and the first one is obvious or at least the one well talk about right now, rio de janiero. One of the cities you recommended. Its got a lot coming up in its future, right . Exactly. Its not exactly a new destination. Its a very popular one. But theres a lot of new reasons to go. As you pointed out, youve got the world cup in 2014. And the olympics in 20816. So a lot of construction going on. A lot of money pouring in, a lot of emphasis on tourism there. And even beyond those events, theyre building up the waterfront area. Theres a new or going to be a new city of arts which is going to be the new home to i think its the brazilian symphony orchestra, a new museum of art going up. Something called the museum of tomorrow which is sort of a technologically oriented museum designed by sanity aggoal calatrava and a lot of literary festival, a rock festival going on in the next year or two. I dont want to run out of time before we talk about other spots. Houston was a bit of a surprise. Houston, texas. Why . Yeah, this has been an interesting one. Weve gotten some interesting feedback on this one. But i think people think of houston as a center for industry, for energy and such. It certainly is, but theyre putting a lot of emphasis on two areas, cultural and food. So youve got new Museum District which includes a new museum of africanamerican culture along with some other stuff, and a whole bunch of new restaurants that youre seeing on new best of restaurant lists. Im going to stop you real quick. I want to get the last one in. Nicaragua, why . If you lived through the 80s, you probably associate nicaraguaing with arms deal and war. Its finally coming into its own as a tourist destination. Youve got a lot of ecoresorts, especially on the pacific coast. Beautiful spots. Its relatively easy to get to from the United States, direct flights from new york to ma na ga, eight hours theyre not that expen expensive, somewhere between 250 to 400 a night. I dont mean to cut you off. Were out of time. Great suggestions. Well tell viewers that they can check out the full list of travel spots for 2013. Go to the New York Times. Com travel, and dan, again, thanks very much for coming in and talking to us about great places to go. Well be right back. Thanks for having me. You bet. What are you doing . Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office. [ male announcer ] some day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make it worth watching. The new 2013 lexus ls. An entirely new pursuit. With multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. Surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. So, if the duck isnt able to work, how will he pay for his Living Expenses . Aflac. Like his rent and car payments . Aflac. What about gas and groceries . Aflac. Cell phone . Aflac, but i doubt hell be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a getwell card at getwellduck. Com. It is 3 00 p. M. In the east coast, 12 00 p. M. On the west coast. Thank you very much for joining us. Im Martin Savidge. Here are the top stories were following right now. We start with the flu and new information from the centers for disease control. The cdc says even though 24 states and new york city are now reporting increased flu activity, the spread of the flu appears to be slowing down, at heat of in some areas. It is still a very dangerous situation. 20 young people under 1 have now died from flurelated symptoms. Athena jones is live at a flu clinic in falls church, virginia. I guess youre sing a lot of people coming in for flu shots . Yes, it was really busy earlier today. Its calmed down now. Weve spoken to the folks here who say just in the first 12 days of january, theyve seen a big increase in the number of people coming in to get the flu shot or calling about getting a flu shot. We saw some people here earlier getting a flu shot. We were gun for about an hour. Five more people came were told. Virginia is one of the states where the flu is widespread. Places like this have seen a lot of traffic. Theyve also said that more than half of the people coming in already have some sort of symptoms. So theyre coming to see if they have the flu to, get treatment for the flu. One big question folks are asking is whether there are enough vaccinations left with all of this emphasis on the flu. Doctors say there are millions of vaccines available. Some 135 million doses were manufactured manufactured. There may be spot shortages. If people shop around, they should be able to find the flu shot. Athena jones from a clinic there in falls church where people areal rog up their sleeves and fighting off the flu. Thank you very much. In just a couple minutes, ill have a conversation with dr. Sanjay gupta. The best way for all of us to defend ourselves against the flu. Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong reportedly will come clean tomorrow according to an article in usa today. Armstronging will tell Oprah Winfrey the truth about doping during his years as the worlds top cyclist. The paper says the interview will be taped tomorrow at armstrongs home in austin, texas. And it will be broadcast on thursday. A boy abducted in indiana has been found in minnesota. Thats good. But 19 years later. The man now 24 was found living under an assumed name. Police a that he had been abducted by his paternal grandparents while his mother was living out of her car. Police say the grandparents could now face federal charges. Alan rose is competing to become miss america tonight but win or lose, the current miss d. C. Has decided to undergo a preventive double mastectomy after the pageant at the urging of her father. Her mother grandmother, and aunt all died from the disease. Although she is young and healthy, she may be predisposed to get that disease that killed her family members. Youve gone through the genetic testing and decided to have a double mastectomy before cancer hits. Yes. I just i want to be proactive. Its something im not willing to wait around to see if he it happens to me to have a Family History something so prevalent in my family and to know this took my mom when i was 16 years old. I dont want to put my daughter through that some day. I dont want to put my husband through that. I had to watch my dad battle losing the woman he spent the last 25 years of his life with. Its not worth it to me. We should point out the medical community is guided over radical preemptive surgery at such an early age. The deadly fluout break. Dr. Sanjay gupta has been following this outbreak closely. Sanjay, nice to see you go en. You too. Deep into the flu season here and i guess the question i have is, how do you know if youve got just a bad cold or whether you have the flu . It can be hard to tell. Theres a couple of sort of pearls i always remember. With flu, things tend to come on pretty suddenly. When you think about all the various symptoms, chest tightness, cough, fever, muscle aches, you could be fine on Tuesday Morning and wednesday afternoon, you cant even get out of bed. It comes on quickly and all the symptoms come on at once. With cold, they can overlap a little bit but tend to come on one, a little bit of the other. Its not quite as intense. This particular flu lasts seven days on average. Seven days, youre going to notice thats different than a cold. If i get the flu, should i automatically go to the hospital . No, in fact, most people arent going to need to go to the doctor or the hospital. Most people need to be at home getting plenty of pluds and rest and letting your immune system build up and try and fight this. Thats the key for most people. One caveat, if youre taking things to bring down your fever like acetaminophen and over the counter cold medications be mindful of the labels. You could double up on acetaminoph acetaminophen. Do read the labels. Besides that, staying at home not only is good for you but good for other people around you. Youre not infecting others. Should i get a flu shot if i havent been infected and so far healthy . Yes, theres still time to get a shot. It takes a couple of weeks for the flu thot shots to build up enough protection in your body. Now, were about midway through. So youve still got plenty of time. If i had the flu, got over it, should i still get a shot or am i now okay . This is a good news, bad news questions. The bad news su had the flu and a miserable several days. You are now immunized against this strain of flu. If youre sure you had it, you dont need a flu shot. I want to switch gears and talk about sleep medicines. The fda changed its recommendation for women talking about ambien and other things. Why did they do that . Some say this has been a long time coming. Youve probably reported on some of the bizarre sort of side effects that ambien could have in people in terms of eating and getting up, in terms of driving even. More specifically, they found in women much more so than men a full eight hours after the medication was taken, 10 milligram dose they still had high enough levels of the active greens in their bodies they thought the drowsiness would impair driving. Some would say if you take one of these pills, give yourself enough time to sleep. If youre waking up without sleeping fully, youll still have high levels of this medication. What they have done for women, just cut the dose. Instead of 10 milligrams, make it five and they shouldnt have as much of this circulating drug in their body after several hours. And this is what, just due to the difference between men and women . Yeah, theyre not entirely sure why because men and women are going to metablize drugs differently. They found in 15 of women, they were having excessive doses still of the, in, the blood after eight hours and men it was around 3 . So the recommendation is you know, everyone could cut koun on the dose but for women in particular, go to 5 milligrams and men should discuss it with their doctor. Youve had your flu shot. Ive had my flu shot. I feel good. I feel like im surrounded so im hoping. Wash those hands, martin. Very good advice. Its a big question. Why was the one man held in connection with the deadly attack on the american consulate in libya let go . Well dig into that one. Plus, its a new case involving a familiar face. Casey anthony. She is back. She was cleared on charges she murdered her daughter. So what is she doing in a courtroom now . I have a cold, and i took nyquil, but im still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesnt unstuff your nose. What . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. Thanks. Thats the cold truth we are learning more about what barack obama, that is president barack obama, second cabinet will look like. The news faces include his nomination of john kerry at state, chuck hagel at defense, jack lew takes over treasury and the president still has to fill the labor secretary post. Were told that some of the firsttimers sticking around for the second term include the attorney general, thats eric holder. Health secretary cath leaning sebelius and Veterans Affairs secretary eric shinseki. Joining me now is stephen clemens, the editoratlarge at the atlantic. Thanks for coming in on a saturday. Thank you. Good to be with you. The president s being criticized. Weve said this a couple of times because of his new cabinet picks, that theyre all white men and it doesnt reflect sort of the makeup of america. Is that fair . Well, i think when you look at a portion of a cabinet, you might be able to make that argument, and i dont think president obama is saying the first four years that he did the diversity thing and now hes moving beyond that to bring in you know a lot of elder white gentleman. I think if chuck hagel with his accomplishments happened to be a gay hispanic man, barack obama would be appointing him. The president is trying to bring in people right now who have very demonstrated expertise in the areas to help build out the cabinet in very important ways at a fragile time for the country. That said, i think you have other positions. I think the secretary of commerce position is out there. One of the leading candidates is fred how much berg who happens to be one of the highest ranking gay americans as chairman of the Export Import Bank here in washington. There are others that the president may appoint to fill out the broad diversity of his cabinet. I do think this is overplayed but i understand peoples concerns. Right. In other words this is not an overt attempt to overlook people. This is just a matter of what, hick looking for the best people for the job . Absolutely. Susan rice was very clearly the preferred candidate for the secretary of state position before john kerry. And so i dont think the president is you know, starting out saying well, i need an africanamerican woman in this slot and thats where i should start. Or in the case of the position of the secretary of defense, another leading candidate happened to be Michele Flournoy who is a friend of mine and i think she would have been a competent leader. I think hagel will be a better leader. The reason to appoint her was not because she was a mother and a woman. The reason to an point michele four no is body who knows the pentagon. Thats where we need to begin our discussion about all of these candidates. Not their ethnic background or gender, but rather what they bring to the job. I think theres a great deal of diversity out there. Just like at the roulette wheel, the president came up with three caucasians at the front but its pretty good to bethel diversify the rest of the cabinet. Lets talk about chuck hagel. Ump just speaking about him as the nominee for secretary of defense. I thought initially, it was going to be pretty smooth sailing for him and now it appears it will not be. Im wondering, do you think that actually he may not get the job . No, i actually think he will get the job. Ip think that the way these things work and his name was somehow floated out or released out to the press, that many organized Interest Groups that this had a problem with him tried to use social media with there was not a great deal of attention but in a way to throw the president off his game and interest in chuck hagel. Once the president puts his power and stamp behind a nominee, it changes the game entirely. It changes the calculus for United States senators who want to either support or take on the president s choice in such a key position. And i would argue that if you scratch beneath the surface, senator hagel will be confirmed and the those holding out and waiting for where the winds are blowing will blow in the direction of the president on large part. The stephen clemens, stay right there. Were going to continue our discussion especially about chuck hagel because a lot of people are saying the ezs choice for defense is not really the man for the job. The debate over former senate chuck hagels confirmation is on. Then the Golden Globes air tomorrow. Well take an inside look at what happens when you well, this is totally different, when you drop a camera from space. You could say its out of this world. The big whoops coming up. Were continuing the discussion we started before the break. President obamas choice to be the next secretary of defense is finding himself, well, on the defensive. Chuck hagel is the former republican senator and vietnam war veteran. He has been tapped to replace leon panetta, about you a remark he made in 1976 about an openly gay ambassador has drawn fire of gay and lesbian groups. Were joined by heather kronk who is the managing director of get equal for lesbian and gay americans. And ill point out both of you are gay. You disagree though on mr. Hagel. So thank you both for joining us. Lets listen first to what the president had to say about chuck hagel and then well talk on the other side. Chuck haigs leadership of our military would be historic. He would be the first person of enlisted rank to serve as secretary of defense. One of the few cans who have been wounded in war and the first vietnam veteran to lead the department. So heather, if hes qualified for the job and we all acknowledge he made the remark that he made two decades ago and he has since apologized and has evolved i guess you could say in his thinking about gay people. Whats wrong with him being the secretary of defense now . Well, martin, thats a great question. And actually, what ive done and what a lot of folks across the country have done is to look back at chuck hagels voting record in the senate. You know, we can talk a lot about whether hes evolved and what his heart says and whether he knows gay people and thats all well and good, but im actually more interested in when he had the opportunity to take a public vote, how did he vote . And when i looked at those scorecards, not only looking at lgbt issues for lesbian gay, transexual and Transgender Americans but a whole host of issues, his record isnt good. Over his course of service in the senate, he actually averaged a 4 from the human rights its campaign on lgbt issues. If you look more broadly at civil rights issues from the Leadership Conference on civil rights, he averaged a 14 . So my question about chuck hagel isnt whether hes a good guy. Im sure he is. But is this man not only suitable for the candidate for the cabinet but does he reflect the obama administrations stated core values . For me, i still have a lot of questions about that. I want to bring in stephen. Im wondering this. Dont gay members of the military have reason then to be concerned knowing that the gains made in diversity and equality in the military could perhaps come under the leadership of a man who saw things differently . Well, i think heathers questions are legitimate and fair. And i think that that is exactly what Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings like this are all about is to pose questions and get answers where that person is. That said, i dont want to make this about me, but i happen to have i am a gay american. I am involved in National Security Foreign Policy issues and i worked in the United States senate for a democrat. But ive known hagel for years. It just so happened i wrote about a discussion i had had about the efforts which sometimes look dicey to repeal dont ask, dont tell two years ago with senator hagel and i wrote about it. Before the current controversy, i wrote about hagels support of repeal of dont ask, dont tell. He and i had a long discussion about how how appalled that there were gay translators being purged out of our intelligence agencies because they were gay at that time. People like mike mullen were trying to be close leaders, a close friend of chuck hagel. At that very delicate time, hagel told me he was firmly supportive. Since then, just this last week, hagels met with 24 u. S. Senators so far, meeting with more this next week. In that, hes basically said he strongly supports lgbt families and strongly supports the ongoing alignment and repeal of all the residue of dont ask, dont tell. Hes gone beyond that because i think there have been questions raced about his views on abortionen an women. And hes made clear that he supports the shaheen amendment to the National Defense authorization act which is now law which gives support for abortions raped in the military, et cetera. You make good points. I want to make sure heather gets a point in here, too. Heres the question i ask of you, heather. What do you want from chuck hagel or maybe what is it he could do to earn your support or for you to support him as defense secretary. Leak steve said, im also looking forward to the confirmation process. That will help us get a much better sense of where chuck hagels values are, where hes willing to put his shoulder behind the wheel. And its really encouraging to hear that hes made promises around open service for lgbt service members, around womens issues. The problem is, we just havent seen any evidence of that. So while steve and a lot of the others can say, ive talked to hagel. Hes indicated that support, he shook my hand. Hes a nice guy. Thats great. I actually want to see real concrete promises from him that will not only is he going to enforce the law as it stands, but actually take it further and make sure that the u. S. Armed services is a place of inclusion, is a place of equality, is a place of fairness. And the aim for Civil Service that he will also manage as part of it his responsibilities as secretary of defense. So im just looking for much more concrete evidence of that support. Heather kroen, thank you very much for joining us. Stephen clemens, thanks for coming to us, as well. We appreciate the conversation from you both. Thank you. The suspect held in that benghazi attack was let go. Xwru did the judge do it . You know how painful heartburn can be. For fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. Only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up relieving the pain quickly. Try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. For their destination wedding. Double miles you can actually use. But with those single mile travel cards. [ bridesmaid ] blacked out. But im a bridesmaid. Oh x marks the spot shell never sit. But i bought a dress a toast. To the capital one venture card. Fly any airline, any flight, anytime. Double miles you can actually use. What a coincidence . Whats in your wallet . [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. Aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u. S. Postal service. Well even drop off boxes if you need them. Visit usps. Com pay, print, and have it picked up for free. Any time of year. Nice sweater. Thank you. It is 3 30 on the east coast, 12 30 on the west coast. For those of you just joining us, im Martin Savidge in for fredricka whitfield. Here are the top stories were following right now. The cdc is releasing new information about the flu epidemic. There are indications the spread of the flu has slowed down in some areas. Still 24 states and new york city are reporting high levels of flu activity. New yorks governor has even declared a Public Health emergency. The cdc says since this outbreak began, there have been 20 flu related deaths among young people 18 years and younger. Lance armstrong reportedly will come clean tomorrow according to usa today at least. He will tell Oprah Winfrey the truth about doping during his years as the worlds top cyclist. The paper says the interview will be taped at armstrongs home in texas for broadcast on thursday. Then theres this. In seattle, a quick thinking bus driver saved his passengers from harm when a fire broke under the vehicle. Everyone got off safely before a fireball engulfed the bus. Traffic was tied up for hours. The fire may have started due to a frozen brake line. First time ive heard that. Heres whats trending around the web. The white house says no, it will not be building a death star no matter how many jobs it potentially could create. The idea to build one like the one in star wars was posted on the web as a petition. At a white house website. The white house said the administration does not support blowing up planets. I think thats popular with many World Leaders. The 850 quadrillion dollar price tag was also an issue. Always cost overruns. A new mexico artist is getting attention for a new series of photographs he created. Those are faces distorted by scotch tape. The artist says the whole thing was meant to be a fun project with some friends. He got the pictures by asking them to try to get the tape off by using only their facial muscles. And this is what happens when you send a camera up into space and let it fall back down again. The thousand dollar camera was sent into low orbit more than 65,000 feet up. The balloon malfunctioned and the thing came hurt lykkebak to earth. Heres a testimony who whoever made it, it was still working. All right. Now back to the flu. If you had questions how deadly it can be, watch maxs story. The 7yearold celebrated the holidays with his family and all of a sudden became very ill. Senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen spoke to his parents about their sons final days. The family was getting ready for a joyful christmas when on december 31st, 17yearold son max started feeling sick. Tired, fever. He never really got like super sick. Two days later he was feeling better. Played in the snow on vacation in wisconsin. Celebrated christmas with his family. But christmas night, max felt sick again. Excessive like 104. 9 fever. We could not break it. The next morning, his parents took max to the hospital. Where he was diagnosed with the flu. Within 30 minutes, i mean the doctor was like something really wrong here. His kidneys are starting to fail. Max was rushed by helicopter to a larger hospital. One of the last coherent things he said he looked at me and there were tears rolling down his face. He was scared he said, mom, im scared. I said i know, buddy. I am, too. Then he saw me crying. He said mom, its going to be okay. Youre going to be okay. I love you. And thats really the last really coherent things that he said to me. . Within 24 hours, max went from feeling okay to intensive care. His organs were shutting down. And they were completely baffled what was happening. What would attack him so quickly. His parents prayed for a miracle. I remember putting my hands on his heart and i would feel his heart beat. And i i just knew how big it was, you know. Four days later max died. A young man whose nickname was panda, 64, big and gentle. Played golf, goofed on his sisters, taught sunday school. After max died, the family drove home to texas. Waiting in their mailbox, an acceptance letter to maxs First College choice. Tom and melanie want him to be remembered for how he loved god, life and the people around him. Theyve sold more than 1,000 love to the max tshirts. The money will go to a charity in his memory. And the memory of his huge loving heart. Mar ten, as we can see, young people can get very sick very fast with the flu. Heres some red flags that parents can look out for. First, if your child gets better and then gets sick again, thats a bad sign. It means they might have a secondary bacterial infection thats set in. Also if your child is extremely lethargic, thats a red flag or if your child is confused. Be vigilant about these signs and get your child medical help as soon as you can. Absolutely. Elizabeth cohen, thank you very much. A man held by tunisian authorities in connected with the attack in libya has been released by a judge. Many people are asking why. According to the media, ali hazard zi was freed by an investigating judge overseeing the case. Jonathan mann is here with more on the story. What more do we know. The extraordinary thing was this was a deadly attack on a u. S. Diplomatic missionings in benghazi four months ago and this was the best suspect anyone had. He was the only man behind bars in connected with the attack. But apparently there was according to his lawyer, no evidence against him and thats why the lawyer says he was let go. There is video of the attack some of us have it. Hes not in the video. Despite the fact that various press accounts, these are published accounts seem to link him to the attack or to groups suspected of involvement in the attack, despite the fact that published accounts suggest this is a man authorities should want to talk to and u. S. Authorities do want to talk to, the tunisians said there wasnt enough evidence to hold him and they let him go. This was a tune nearby man arrested in turk changing planes on suspicion of an attack in libya. Incredibly murky and according to the tunisians not enough to hold him. How is this twist going to inpacket the investigation into it all . From the getgo, this attack was not only deadly but problemed to be i think a mess for everyone looking into it, both because libya itself is dangerous. Benghazi is dangerous. Investigators cant spend as much time there as they would like. Theres the famous question what did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it. There are investigations into two different levels. Basically the detectives pounding the beat are trying to find out what happened on the ground four months ago now and they cant visit the site because its dangerous. Then there are the political investigations under way. Those have been held up though of course, congress hasnt forgotten about this. This may turn into a problem not only for Hillary Clinton but john brennan set to be confirmed as head of the cia. Already Lindsey Graham is saying hes not going to vote for brennan to be confirmed unless beng gads zi gets cleared up. We dont know what happened. This may be a mystery for a good while longer. Its going to have long and deep shadows can, especially politically in this country country. Thank you very much for that update. He claims he stole ashes from concentration camp ovens. Then minimum them with water and painted a grim picture. And he says its art. For the families of those killed in the holocaust, its an outrage. Well have that story. Then Casey Anthony is back in court. And she says she wants the charges against her dropped. Headline news jane velezmitchell weighs in on this case and hands down her verdict direct from the cnn newsroom. [ male announcer ] dont just reject convention. Drown it out. Introducing the allnew 2013 lexus ls f sport. An entirely new pursuit. Introducing the allnew 2013 lexus ls f sport. Are you flo . Yes. Is this the thing you gave my husband . Well, yeah, yes. The name your price tool. You tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. Careful, though that kind of power can go to your head. That explains a lot. Yo, buddy i got this. Gimme one, gimme one, gimme one the power of the name your price tool. Only from progressive. The art world is furious at artist carl michael von hausswolff. He claims that one of his recent paintings was made by mixing water with and brace yourself here, the ashes of Holocaust Victims that he took from a concentration camp in poland. Christopher mayor nel low is the executive director of the art loss register which tracks stolen artwork around the world. And weve elected to not show this painting because if its true, it really does go beyond the pale here. Its nice to see you again. Tell me, whats the story here . Well, this artist claimed that he was creating something as sort of a memorial to Holocaust Victims but instead what he did was outrage most of the art world and most of the general public and offending jewish families all over the world. And the regional authorities in lublin, poland are looking into this matter to see if any criminal statutes were violated. We know that statute 262 of the polish criminal code penal code calls for up to eight years in prison for disturbing human remains. Uhhuh. And this is something that theyre looking into right now. How do you prove it . I mean, how would they try and prove that this is in fact what he did in. Well, lets face it, if this is some sort of hoax or artistic provocation, the artist should be universally condemned. But if in fact, he did use the ashes from the concentration camp, i think that this painting should be destroyed. Probably burned or buried at the camp itself. Yeah, makes sense. Lets move on to the matisse now. This is certainly a positive. Tell us where this painting has been because youve recovered it. Its been missing or it was gone for 26 years, right . Oddly enough, this painting was stolen. We have the same two countries that we had in the holocaust case, stolen from a museum in stockholm, sweden, a burglar broke in with a sledgehammer and carried the painting away. It was easily carried away under his arm. Ten minutes later, the police arrived. And the painting hasnt been seen for 25 years. An art dealer here in the uk was searching or database for the painting package. We matched it and then i had to negotiate with him during the Holiday Season to recover the work and get it back to the museum. Now, when you negotiate, what do you negotiate . Youre not going to pay or reward somebody for theft. No payments were made. No arms were broken. However, that doesnt mean that arms werent heavily wisted. We discussed the law with him and various jurisdictions that applied. There really was very little he could do with the painting. And he decided to save face and agreed to release the painting to my custody. Im sorry. I just wanted to ask this. We asked this before. If theres no market, why do people keep stealing art . Thieves always think that they have a marketplace for it. They think theyre going to get some cash out of it. And again, art can be used in the underworld at maybe five or 10 of its value to trade for drugs or weapons or heavy used as a get out of jail free card. If theyre being pursued by law enforcement. Christopher marinello, probably one of the most fascinating jobs in the world. Always a pleasure to talk to you. Next to yours. Thank you, martin. Good to see you again thanks. Ahead in our 4 00 hour, naomi judd will tell us why she packs a pistol while the gun debate rages on in d. C. Its an interview you have to see. But next, Casey Anthony, shes back in court and she wants all charges dropped against her. Jane velezmitchell breaks down the legalities of this case and the appeal. Yo, give it up, dude up high ok. Dont you have any usefull apps on that thing . Who do you think i am, quicken loans . At quicken loans, our amazingly useful mortgage calculator app allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage payment based on todays incredibly low interest rates. Right from your iphone or android smartphone. One more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. I took theraflu, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is theraflu doesnt treat your cough. What . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus severe cold and flu fights your worst flu symptoms, plus that cough. [ sighs ] thanks . [ male announcer ] youre welcome. Thats the cold truth Casey Anthony was acquitted of killing her daughter caylee, but she didnt walk away scotfree. She was convicted of four misdemeanors for lying to police. I asked jane velezmitchell about that. Hello, jane. Nice to see you again. You too. So let me just go over this to make sure ive got it straight. The basis of the appeal is whether or not she was in Police Custody or under arrest at the time when the she made the statements that led to her being convicted of lying. And her lawyer is basically saying that because she was briefly happened cuffed, because she is put in the back ive patrol car, that is essentially under arrest. And they failed to read her her miranda rights. Its interesting. Do you buy it . I dont really buy it. But i have to say that this is extraordinairy extraordinary. This woman a lot of people believe she got away with murder. Shes got to go for the home run of getting these misdemeanor lying convictionvictions tossed out even though she admits she lied. She lied when she said a nanny took her child, she she said she worked at universal studios. She lied when she said she talked to her daughter shortly before she was missing analyzed when she told alleged coworkers that her daughter was missing. But the question as you said is when she told those lies, was she officially under arrest or not. She claims because they cuffed her because her mom said, oh, my daughter stole something so cops cuffed her briefly, then took the cuffs off, the defense is saying you cannot unarrest a person. So the judges were wondering, well, was she free to go . Did she feel free to go and the defense is saying no, because even after they took the cuffs off, they remain around her and she felt this coercive influence and they also grilled her in a textbook interrogation. So if the judge sort of decides in her favor, does that essentially mean her conviction could be overturned . Yes, and the fascinating part is that it could actually hurt her in a civil case because zanny the nanny, the real welcome za hnida gonzales who says her life was destroyed when casey made up this lie about the nanny is suing her and wants this trial in civil court to start. But every time her lawyers depose Casey Anthony she takes the fifth because shes still fighting this appeal. So she has the right to take the fifth saying i refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me and affect my criminal case where im appealing these convictions. If she wins this appeal, then she cant take the fifth anymore. Then theyre going to be able to drag her onto the witness stand in the civil case and grill her and thats when we might actually finally get some answers out of Casey Anthony. Well, why is she appealing anyway . She has already served the time she was sentenced to as a result of in this conviction on the lie. Why is she appealing . I think thats the Million Dollar question. This is i think just one more example of this womans intense narcissism and like many people who do bad things, this selfperception that shes the victim in all of this. She has in her own mind become some sort of martyr. Shes living in hiding and she wants some kind of ultimate vindication which she is never going to get. It aint going to happen. She should just move on with her life. But shes got 0 attorneys willing to take her through this process. And she already did an astounding feat by getting acquittal so she might pull off this trick too. Nobody tells it like you do. Thank you very much. Thank you, martin. Meanwhile, everybodys asking about the flu. Coming up, well have the latest information on the flu that is sweeping the nation. And how you can avoid catching it. And its award season in hollywood. Grae drake has the scoop on which films are rotten or ripe. Stay right here. What are you doing . Nothing. Are you stealing our Daughters School supplies and taking them to work . No, i was just looking for my stapler and my. This thing. I save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. Thats a great idea. Im going to go. We got clients in today. [ male announcer ] save on ground shipping at fedex office. With multiple lacerations to the wing and a fractured beak. Surgery was successful, but he will be in a cast until it is fully healed, possibly several months. So, if the duck isnt able to work, how will he pay for his Living Expenses . Aflac. Like his rent and car payments . Aflac. What about gas and groceries . Aflac. Cell phone . Aflac, but i doubt hell be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a getwell card at getwellduck. Com. We dont let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. So if youre one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day. Block the acid with prilosec otc and dont get heartburn in the first place [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Movie buzz is higher than ever this weekend. Oscar nominees were Just Announced in the 70th annual Golden Globes appear tomorrow. So for both shows, the favorites are obvious, but are they really the best . Well, thats why we ask gray drake, the Senior Editor of rotten tomatoes. Com and here to give us her predictions for both awards ceremony. Nice to see you again, gray. We always look forward to this. You are so smart on things i am not, which is movies. I love movies, but you know them. Lets talk about them. The Golden Globes. What are your predictions for who will get, say, best motion picture, best actor and best actress in a drama category, versus who should win, okay . Thats the distinction here. Got it. Well, who should win and who is going to win are always two very Different Things for me, personally, as well. And i think for picture, this is going to go to argo. The Hollywood Foreign press is famous for allowing alcohol at their celebration, and it seems like the more champagne you drink, the more you want to reward ben affleck for his achievements. He got snubbed by the academy, but i think that the Hollywood Foreign press is smart, and theyre going to honor his fantastic film. All right. Thats good. I love the analysis there. Yeah, go ahead, sorry. Well, if i had but, you know, i loved argo, but i will tell you, zero dark thirty was also a fantastic film. I enjoyed it and i think it has deserves a win so you never know. Its all about terrorism, this year at the award ceremony. So its a lateral move, i say. Okay. So those are the movies. Lets talk about the characters, the actors themselves. Youve got favorites . Yes. I think that its going to be really hard, this award season, for anybody to beat daniel daylewis in lincoln. He truly transformed for that role and i had the opportunity of meeting him for just a split second at the Critics Choice Awards. I think im good luck. So he took home the Critics Choice Award that night. I think hes going home with the globe as well. But if i had my druthers, i would give the award i would cheat on daniel daylewis, even though he was spectacular. I would give it to Joaquin Phoenix from the master. All right. I dont think ill delve any further on that subject. Lets move on to the oscars. And same question, really. When we Start Talking about the oscars, who do you think will win, and should win . The oscars is a lot about momentum, and one of the films that has the most momentum this year nominated for best picture, and i think going to be the winner is Silver Linings playbook. I love this movie to pieces because it was about bipolar ballroom dancers. It was so fun. But occasionally i like to see the underachiever win, and i think that the real underdog in this category is django unchained. I love the fact this exploitation movie was nominated in the best picture category, because this category is definitely lacking in squibs and blood effects. And django unchained has plenty of those. Performances were great. Quentin tarantino was at his best for this movie. I would love for that to win an oscar. When it comes to these two very different awards, im wondering, and, again, very uneducated in the background of hollywood. Which do you think is the most . Thats why im here. Exactly. Which do you think is the most democratic . Oh, golly. None of them. I think that i dont know that its so much about democracy. I mean, aside from just them tallying votes. But, you know, its hollywood and theres publicly cysts and everybody is making a big run for a big prize that means a lot for their company, their revenue. And so its not entirely based on what should win, because its the best film. I hate to say it. But it really is a race to see, you know, who is the most popular. Sometimes these award seasons seems Like High School with better dresses. You know, theres a lot of lobbyinging, i know that goes on. Ive been in l. A. And seen the billboards that go up and mailings that go out. Does this have an impact when it comes to the oscars and who wins . Unequivocally, yes. It absolutely has an effect. The fresher you can stay in a nominators mind, the better off you are. And when its voting time, of course, thats the important part. And you want your movie to be at the top, top, top of their list. And its not so much about the free stuff, but really just seeing things with that movies name on them reminds you how much you love the film. Now, the good news is that i dont disagree with any of the nominations that theyve come up with. I am sad over some people that got missed. But ultimately, you want to send things to people, so that way they go oh, yeah, argo, i remember that movie, thats that movie with the thing and the guy and the beard. You know . Exactly, i think lincoln had one of those too, though. Lets finish with a bang. Best actor, best actress with the oscars. Who is it going to be . Well, like i said, daniel daylewis is deductibfinitely t favorite. However, i think the academy is going to surprise everybody and i think their going to give it to hugh jackman for les miserables, because that man covered in dirt really reached me and i think its going to get the voters too. I think its really going to be a spectacular choice for them. And you know what, in the actress category, my prediction is probably going to be the lady, Jessica Chastain for zero dark thirty because her performance as maya, truly spectacular. She always looks and sounds amazing. Smart woman, talented lady. Shes got my heart. Gray drake. And you have ours. Thank you very much. We appreciate all your insights when it comes to hollywood. Well be checking back to see how your predictions actually fare in the light of day. Thanks very much. Nice to see you. Deal. Byebye. And remember, you can get more from gray drake at rottentomatoes. Com. Speaking of more, weve got more as we head into the next hour. Country superstar naomi judd will be here to talk music, guns and civil rights. And one of the hot new tech fois toys youll want this year. Weve got the latest on whats been unveiled at the Consumer Electronics show. And some of it is simply astounding. Its 4 00 p. M. On the east coast, 1 00 p. M. On the west coast. Im martin savage. If youre just tuning in, thank you very much for joining us. Im here on behalf of fredricka whitfield. Top stories were following now in the cnn newsroom. The cdc is indicating there is a slow down of the flu virus in some areas. Thats good news, definitely. It is, though, still a dangerous situation. 20 young people under the age of 18 have now died from flurelated symptoms. Our athena jones is live at a flu clinic in virginia. Athena, do you get the feeling there are enough vaccinations available for people who need or want them . Reporter i do. Hi, martin. Doctors say that there are plenty of vaccinations still available. Millions, in fact. According to the cdc, some 135 million vaccinations were manufactured. But only about 112 Million People have actually received them. So that leaves many millions left. Im here at a clinic, as you mentioned, in falls church, virginia, just outside washington, d. C. Virginia is one of the states where the flu is widespread, and we spoke with a doctor here on staff about what theyve seen here at this clinic. Lets listen to that. So we talked to dr. Greenburg. Sorry about that. Who said that they have seen a big influx, a big jump in people who are coming in just in the last 12 days of january. They got in a shipment of vaccine in december. But theyve really seen the influx, including on days like today when we saw several people coming in to get the shot. There has been a lot of discussion about whether getting the flu shot means that youll get the flu. Thats a myth. Thats not going to happen, doctors say. But they do advise that if youre ill, you should not get the shot, if you already have a fever. If youre allergic to chicken eggs, which is the medium that is used to make the shots. If youve had a previous reaction to a flu shot or if you are a child under 6 months of age. Pretty much everyone else should be getting the shot, especially pregnant women. The young, 2yearolds and under. The elderly, 65 and over. And also people who have their immune systems suppressed or who have previous medical conditions, like asthma. Those are the people who should especially try to get the flu but doctors say everyone still has time to go out and get it and should do so. Martin . Good advice. Often people think the flu shot is for everybody. Its not. Why is the flu a particular concern this year . Reporter well, its interesting. According to the cdc and doctors around the country, last years flu season was mild. This flu season got off to an early start, and its a particularly tough strain this year. Its influenza a or h3n2. Doctors say it can make people sick for longer. The flu kills about 36,000 people each year. So people want to make sure everyone is extra vigilant this time around, because youve got such a tough strain out there. Martin . And this kind of a twoparter. What should you do if you do get sick, and what should you do to try to avoid getting sick in the first place . Reporter well, its interesting. We had a chance, as i told you, to speak to the doctor here. He said that if youre able to come in and see the doctor within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, sometimes they can give you an anti viral like tamiflu or relenza that can shorten the illness. Otherwise, most people, if you have a lot of rest and fluids, the symptoms should improve in five to seven days. And you should be okay. Now, of course, to avoid getting sick, you hear talk of washing your hands a lot. What doctors call social distancing, which would be staying away from crowds. Staying away from people who you know are sick. Thats those sort of things are the things people can do to make sure they can avoid getting sick. But, again, getting that flu shot, its 62 effective, which means for more than half the people, its going to help them not get the flu, and if they do get the flu, it will shorten the symptoms, make them a lot less severe. Martin . Athena jones, where the needle hits the arm, so to speak, at a clinic there in virginia. Thank you very much for that. Meanwhile, parents of children diagnosed with the flu might have another problem on their hands. A shortage of the drug prescribed to children with the flu. Tamiflu os is the liquid version of tamiflu and commonly given to children 13 years and younger because its easier to swallow. Genentech says there have been temporary delays in new shipments its. Pharmacists can make a childs dose, though, using a diluted version of regular tamiflu. If you are wondering where to go, by the way, for a vaccine, go to flu. Gov, and you can find a location. After more than 11 years of combat operations, the end of the war in afghanistan could be in sight. President obama met with the afghan president , thats hamid karzai to discuss removing all troops by the end of 2014. Mr. Karzai said the end of the war does not mean the end of the u. S. Presence in his country. Reporter do you envision after 2014 there being no troops, no u. S. Troops in afghanistan . No, i dont envision that. The United States would need to have a limited number of forces in afghanistan. Reporter how many is limited, in your mind . Well, we its not for us to decide. Its for the United States to decide what number of troops they would be keeping in afghanistan, what strength of equipment those troops will have in afghanistan. U. S. Officials foresee keeping up to 9,000 u. S. Troops in afghanistan beyond 2014 for counterterrorism and for training. Lance armstrong will speak with Oprah Winfrey this week, reportedly to come clean about doping during his cycling clear. As cnns nick valencia tells us, the confession was, well, a long time coming. I have said it for seven years, ive said it for longer than seven years. I have never doped. It doesnt help. Reporter help may be something Lance Armstrong will need a lot of to redeem his reputation after the usa today reports armstrong will, quote, admit to doping throughout his career. The newspaper does not name their source. But says its a person with knowledge of the situation. Usa today says the former seventime Tour De France champions admission which had been widely rumored for weeks is expected to come in a monday interview with Oprah Winfrey that will be taped for air thursday. As for why hes doing this now, the journalist who broke the story says armstrong had no choice. With all the evidence thats come out against him, its hard to deny it anymore. And hes making a calculated decision. For himself, personally, its also, i think, a business decision for him. Because its affecting his charity, livestrong, all of his sponsors have fired him. Reporter armstrong has kept a low profile at his austin home since the u. S. Anti doping agency released thousands of pages of evidence of what it said was a sophisticated and brazen doping program. But its armstrongs repeated denials over the years to protect his name that has angered so many, including former teammates found guilty of doping themselves. Did you see Lance Armstrong using other performanceenhancing drugs . At times, yeah. At different training camps. He took what we all took. Really no difference between Lance Armstrong and id say the majority of the belton. Reporter the difference may be that few from his former entourage have fallen from grace as hard. Already without tens of millions of dollars in endorsements, late last year, armstrong, a cancer survivor, was forced out from li livestrong, the Cancer Charity he founded. And now if he comes clean, armstrong could face some legal repercussions. In the interview with win free, armstrong is not expected to give great detail, but the confession could give him a shot at resuming his Competitive Racing career. If he wanted to get his ban reduced, the rule book says no less than eight years. Right now hes 41. So eight years from now, he would be 49. And i dont know how interested he would be in competing at that age. Cnns calls to armstrongs attorneys for response to the usa today report have gone unanswered. Nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. And coming up next on cnn newsroom, what happened when the Vice President met with video game makers as part of his Gun Violence Task force . And country star naomi judd talks guns. As in her own fwuns. Find out what she thinks about the right to bear arms. Heres a hint. Im a registered vetted gun owner. But thats because i live way out in the country. New prilosec otc wildberry is the same frequent heartburn treatment as prilosec otc. Now with a fancy coating that gives you a burst of wildberry flavor. Now why make a flavored heartburn pill . Because this is america. And we dont just make things you want, we make things you didnt even know you wanted. Like a spoon fork. Spray cheese. And jeans made out of sweatpants. So grab yourself some new prilosec otc wildberry. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Satisfaction guaranteed are you flo . Yes. Is this the thing you gave my husband . Well, yeah, yes. The name your price tool. You tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. Careful, though that kind of power can go to your head. That explains a lot. Yo, buddy i got this. Gimme one, gimme one, gimme one the power of the name your price tool. Only from progressive. Your mouth has sipped, snacked,. Yellowed. Lived, loved,. Yellowed. Chatted, chewed,. Yellowed. And over all those years, your teeth. Have yellowed. Fact is, if youre not whitening, youre yellowing. Crest 3d White Whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. And, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. Crest whitestrips. Life opens up when you do. Welcome back to the cnn newsroom. People have been arguing about the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms for years. And that debate has only intensified since the shooting in newtown, connecticut. And, of course, the president s promise to crack down on assault weapons, which he refers to as weapons of war. Piers morgan sat down with Country Music legend, naomi judd, and got her take on gun ownership. You live in tennessee, i know that youre a registered nurse. I know youre a gun owner. Im a registered, vetted gun owner. But thats because i live way out in the country. Like way out in the middle of nowhere. What guns do you own . Actually, theyre my husbands. You know, we have we just had a rabid skunk. We have coyotes that get to the chicken and the sheep. We have and is that why you keep guns . Wild boars. Of course. To protect yourself against animals, maybe. Yeah, i would never do an ar15. Its a huge issue. I was wanting to see him in the green room. I wanted to ask him in if the world was flat and the holocaust never happened. He believes what the voc california gun rights people believe, that the more guns you have, the safer for everybody. Everyone is armed, everyone in the Movie Theater would have a gun and could pull out and and the bars. Exactly. And the hospitals and the schools and everything. Thats their belief. Ignorance is my least favorite thing. I really think its at the core of all our problems. I really feel and you probably thought of this too. He has become so territorial that its like his identity in life and its sort of like the old country song, thats my story and im stickin to it. I really think that after youve educated him, when he goes home, he goes hmmm. Ar15s. Hmmm. I wish he did. I dont think he does. What do you think of your country in relation to this whole gun debate . What does it say about america . I mean, an american believes, essentially, in the right to bear arms. Yeah, so did tom sellick the other day and hes a Second Amendment kind of guy. Heres the deal. I was very happy to see a black american in the white house. I just look forward to the day we have a woman in there also. And, you know, youve got to cut him some slack, president obama, because all he had ever done was community organizer. And then he started making mistakes and i really felt like it was because of lack of experience. But now i think its getting real dangerous. I think its really dangerous. Because standard issue folks, my main concern. My daddy owned a gas station, my mom lives in the same house i was born and raised in appalachia. But i do absolutely support him on this. Youve got two famous daughters. I interviewed one of them. She was delightful. Which one . I interviewed ashley. She was very nice. Yeah, shes smart not as smart as she acts. She promised me i will say this. If it should happen, man, ill campaign with her. You play motherinlaw in her new movie. Oh, yeah, yeah. Lets watch a clip from newlyweds. Think about what you are doing. Im sorry, mom. There is nothing that you can say to stop me from marrying erin right this minute. Heart my heart mom . Help me. Ooh. Call a doctor did you have fun making the movie . Yeah. If it aint fun, it aint done. I was like betty white, im a bad drunk. By the way, you can catch piers morgan at 9 00 p. M. Tonight, and as you heard, hes taking on the gun issue that has gripped this country. And then theres this programming note. Coming up at the pot of the hour, sanjay gupta md. What have you got on tap . Martin, im going to be busting some of the biggest myths about the flu. Also telling you what you need to do to protect yourself. And we had the surgeon, dr. James andrews, who has worked probably on more top athletes than anyone. Including the recent operation on redskins quarterback rg3. Well talk to him. All of its coming up at 4 30 p. M. Eastern. A lot of controversy on that. Thank you very much, sanjay. Sounds great. Well be watching. Ahead, from inside the cnn newsroom, hey, the hottest tech gadgets. They went on display in las vegas this week. Well tell you about the new items youll want to get your hands on as soon as they hit the market. Plus, find out why this wel wel wel well wellcoiffed pooch had people heading to the hills. And no nuisance fees. Tdd 18003452550 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit. Tdd 18003452550 and manage your cash and investments tdd 18003452550 with schwabs mobile app. Tdd 18003452550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. Tdd 18003452550 so if youre looking for a bank thats in your corner, tdd 18003452550 not just on the corner. Tdd 18003452550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today. Tdd 18003452550 ive got two tickets to paradise l set . Pack your bags, well leave tonight. Uhh, its next month, actually. Eddie continues singing to tickets to. Paradiiiiiise no four. Remember . 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Thanks for having me, martin. One thing you noticed, wifi seems to be just about everywhere in some very kind of unusual objects, like the dead bolt. Whats the purpose of putting wifi in all of these things . Well, you know, i think the big talk at the show this year was convergence and wifi helps us do that. Because more of our devices now want to talk to the internet so that we can talk to them. When your dead bolt is on a wifi network, you can unlock it from your smartphone, your computer at home. Phillips has a line of light bulbs that are wificapable so you can literally be sitting in your living room or i guess you could be at your office, as well, and you can adjust the lighting in your house, including the color of the light. So wifi i think its amazing that its finding itself into other stuff. But also whats interesting to note is, especially this year, its less about our laptops and our computers logging in to the internet and more about our tablet computers, our smartphones and our devices. I mean, im certain well have refrigerators and micro waves and ovens that can download recipes so you when you go to cook a roast it will know exactly what youre supposed to do. I do see a lot of fascinating possibilities. I also wonder about hackers, but thats a whole different subject. Yeah. But thats a good point. You would not want a hacker getting into your lighting. No, i wouldnt. Or dead bolt or into my oven, for ma matter. Right, exactly. This new tv unveiled, and it frustrates me to no end because i just bought hd and now i realize i should have waited maybe. So how much of an improvement is it . It is four times better than hd is right now. They took the wraps off. Theyre called 4k tvs. Consumer electronics wants to call them ultra hd. Four times more resolution than your standard High Definition set. The thing about this before everyone says i just bought a tv, just put one under the Christmas Tree this is in the preroll stage. We talked about hdtv before it became the standard. It took that long for content. So these ultra hd tvs, i will say, when you stand in front of them, they are stunning. One i was looking at, they were showing this aerial view of flying over the grand canyon and i had to sit down because it made you nauseous, because the picture is so clear. I still think that becoming the standard, were probably still five to ten years away from it. If you want to drop 20 grand on a 6footwide television, by all means. There are some who will do that. O absolutely. Mobile technology. Whats the trend in mobile . Everything is going mobile. Its interesting. A couple years ago, the big spot to get into for entertainment was the set top box. You wanted to be inside the consumers entertainment center, wanted to be on top of their tv. Now the big thing with mobile, you want to be on the dashboard. Its sort of the last mile, where we need to take the internet. And all of the Car Manufacturers were there, showing off everything from apps that let you connect your smartphone to the dashboard to literally dashboards that can connect to the internet, so that you can access your google maps, you can access your Internet Radio stations, yelp right in your dashboard so that you can hit a button and know that theres a great restaurant right around the corner. And, of course, then there was the driverless car that google is happy to show off. Im all in favor of that. Yeah, i can see a great need for that. I would love to have one. All right, brett, you are the host of tech bites. Thanks very much for telling us everything tech. Thanks for having me, martin. Still a lot more ahead in newsroom. What do facebook, basketball great kobe bryant and then this animal have in common . Well, youll find that out when we bring you back into the cnn newsroom. Meet the 5passenger ford cmax hybrid. When youre carrying a lot of weight, cmax has a nice little trait, you see, cmax helps you load your freight, with its footactivated lift gate. But thats not all youll see, cause cmax also beats prius v, with better mpg. Say hi to the allnew 47 combined mpg cmax hybrid. Aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u. S. Postal service. Well even drop off boxes if you need them. Visit usps. Com pay, print, and have it picked up for free. Any time of year. Nice sweater. Thank you. At the Doctors Office when they weigh you, and they have to move it over . My doctor does not have to do that anymore. [ male announcer ] for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. Feels great. 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Block the acid with prilosec otc and dont get heartburn in the first place [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Good time to check whats trending right now. Have you ever been so frustrated with facebook that you wanted to send founder, Mark Zuckerberg a personal message . Now you can. It will only cost you 100 bucks. Maybe he needs the money. If it werent for social media, how would we find out that kobe bryant and his wife vanessa are not getting divorced. She broke the news on instagram they reconciled. Didnt see it coming. And then there is this. And there is a lion that ran across the street. A baby lion. See what mayhem you can create with a pair of scissors and some hair dye. Cnns jeanne moos introduced us to the labra lion. We have seen a dog at a pet show made to look like a panda. This is the tale of a dog with such a convincing haircut, people thought he was a lion and called 911. And there is a lion that ran across the street, a baby lion. Oh, okay. Where what kind of animal . A lion. A baby lion. Had the many and everything. It was about the size of a labrador

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