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and new documents in the case of the man charged with killing trayvon martin. could shed some light on whether or not race played a role. want to get right to it. u.s. military judge held a hearing at ft. hood, texas, today a few weeks before the court-martial begins for major nadal hassan. hassan, he is the army psychiatrist who went on a shooting rampage in -- back in 2009. he is accused of killing 13 people, all but one of them fellow soldiers. he also wounded 29 others. now attorneys today discussed the makeup of his military jury which has not yet been convened. hassan's murder trial is set to begin august 20th. florida a&m university now looking for a new president. the school's board of directors going to hold a meeting today on -- rather monday. president james eamons announced his resignation yesterday. he stepped down more than seven months after a student was beaten to death. robert champion. he was a drum major. he died during an apparent hazing incident on a bus last year. 14 suspects have been charged in the case. about two hours, penn state will respond to a scathing internal report on the school's handling of the sexual abuse allegations against assistant coach jerry sandusky. the panel led by former fbi director and federal judge louie freeh accuses the school's former leadership of showing a total disregard for the safety and welfare of sandusky's victims. freeh says much of the blame lies at the feet of, quote, the most powerful men at penn state. former president graham spanier, also former vice president gary schultz, the school's late head coach joe paterno, and its former athletic director tim curley. freeh says that the four ignored more red flags than you can count, didn't take into account any action to protect those kids from sandusky for 14 years. here's what he said specifically about paterno's role. >> the evidence shows that mr. paterno was made aware of the 1998 investigation of sandusky, followed it closely, but failed to take any action, even though sandusky had been a key member of his coaching staff for about 30 years and had an office just steps away from mr. paterno. >> in a statement issued today the paterno family acknowledged that the former head coach made mistakes and regretted them, but they insisted that paterno did not know that sandusky was a child predator. joining us live from philadelphia, cnn contributor and patriots news reporter sara ganim. you've been covering this story from the very beginning. this is a panel that reviewed more than, what, 3.5 million documents, held 430 interviews before coming up with this report. how does this break down in terms of who was most responsible? >> well, judge louie freeh said it comes down to these four people, joe paterno, the president graham spanier and those two penn state officials who have already been charged with lying in the criminal investigation, tim curley and gary schultz. when he was asked about other employees, or more wide cover-up, he denied any other employees are responsible for actively concealing the allegations against jerry sandusky. he did lay some blame on the board of trustees for a lack of oversight. he said they were simply too lax and let a couple of people get away with too much power and not enough responsibility to report. but as far as other people that they lay blame for actively concealing jerry sandusky's -- allegations against jerry sandusky, or even knowing about allegations against jerry sandusky, the freeh internal report team narrowed it down to these four people, said they all knew about at least two incidents and did nothing to report them to authorities. >> and sarah, i understand that this report specifically talks about what many talk about this, this shower incident with sandusky and one of these boys, one of these victims here and what should have been done after that shower incident was actually viewed. can you explain what the report says? >> the report says basically very straightforward they should have reported it to authorities, to pennsylvania's department of child welfare, to police. in 1998, there was a police investigation and this is where the paterno family is kind of pushing back a little bit, a six-week police investigation that ended with a district attorney not filing charges, and joe paterno's son scott says look, my father's hands were tied then at that point he couldn't fire this coach, he couldn't discipline him in any way, because the criminal investigation ended with him being cleared. >> sarah -- >> in 2001 that's a little different. >> last month, sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing ten boys over a 15-year period and this report accuses several senior officials of what they say -- they call empowering sandusky to actually attract more victims. what did they mean by that? >> well, i don't know exactly what he means. he didn't really elaborate. he said by their inaction and actively concealing the allegations, they allowed more victims to be abused. now we know that there were several allegations in the 2000s, from 2000 to 2001, 2002, there were incidents in 2005 through 2008 and '09, there are several victims who took the stand at jerry sandusky's trial and testified that they were abused during that decade and that's all after these four penn state officials supposedly knew about allegations of jerry sandusky. >> and sarah, it sounds like so many people were held accountable and responsible for this, that it goes from the highest level here of the university, but also it talks about the lower-level staff members, specifically the janitors who actually knew in some ways that this was going on as well? >> right. and louie freeh talked about a culture of fear and a culture of silence, and that the attitudes of these top penn state officials of joe paterno, graham spanier, gary schultz and tim curley, their attitude of secrecy and silence permeated down all the way as low as employees that were part-time, that worked at night, that were cleaning bathrooms, and they understood that if they were to come forward and make allegations like this against a coach, against jerry sandusky, part of a revered program, a revered coach, that they believed they would be fired. so he talks a lot about that culture of silence. >> all right. sarah beganen, thank you so much. we appreciate it. it was vice president joe biden, not president obama, taking center stage at the naacp convention today. the president said he could not be there because of a scheduling conflict, but he did send a videotaped message. >> stand on your shoulders and at the naacp you have always believed in the american promise, that idea that no matter who you are or what you look like or where you come from, america is the place where you can make it if you try. >> biden praised his boss for taking a big political risk, getting health care law through congress. listen. >> he passed the affordable care act, a goal strived for by presidents starting with teddy roosevelt. it required him early on to use up almost all of his political capital. he prevailed where no president has done before. he was right, he was right! [ applause ] >> he cut -- cut $100 billion. $100 billion from the federal debt over the next ten years providing access of affordable health care to 30 million americans, 8 million black americans who would never have had insurance. >> dan lothian is at the white house. dan, take us back a little bit here, because know there was some discussion over how this was handled, whether or not there was a scheduling conflict or whether or not the president had pretaped this message beforehand to the organization and had always planned to send the vice president? what do we know? >> well, you know, as you pointed out, the white house still maintains that this was a scheduling conflict, although when you look at the president's schedule today, it's quite light. he's doing a sit down interview along with the first lady with cbs news and he had his daily briefing here at the white house. beyond that in his public schedule, we did not see anything else. although, i should point out that there are times when the president does have big meetings, important phone calls and other things, that are not on the public schedule and we do not find out about. but nonetheless, the white house said that the president had done this tape recently, but was not in reaction to the blowback that has happened over the last 24 hours or more on the president not attending the naacp convention in houston. white house spokesman jay carney when asked about that today said, quote, absolutely not, that there was no connection between the decision to do this tape and all the criticism of the president not appearing there in person, suzanne. >> is there a sense from the white house and from the campaign that this is going to blow over fairly soon, that this is not going to be an issue moving into the weeks and the months ahead of the election and when you take a look at the naacp, he's still going to have that solid support? >> you know, i think so. i don't know that you can find anyone out there that believes there's going to be any lasting impact from the president not showing up. just look at the past history in 2008, the president got 95% of the african-american vote, according to the exit polls, and in the most recent polling, he enjoys about 87% support among african-americans over mitt romney. that's among african-american registered voters. and so no one believes that this is going to change anything. the white house points out that look, the president can't make every one of these events. he is attending the upcoming urban league convention and there are times when he cannot show up in person, he will show up by tape. >> all right. dan lothian, thank you. good to see you in person. >> okay. here's what we're working on for this hour. mitt romney speaks to the naacp and receives more jeers than cheers. quite a change from his speech to a powerful latino group a few weeks ago. was there more to the message? we'll dissect the differences. the u.s. army puts the brakes on a long-running tradition, why nascar's ending its ride, despite some 75 million fans. and you don't expect this to happen when you go fishing. >> oh [ bleep ]. >> the surprising big catch that caused quite a scare. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. mine hurt more! mine stopped hurting faster... [ female announcer ] neosporin® plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. neosporin® plus pain relief. for a two dollar coupon, visit neosporin® plus pain relief. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. it's a question many have been asking about this case. did race play a role the night george zimmerman shot and killed unarmed florida teen trayvon martin. new fbi reports released a few hours ago might help actually answer that question. want to bring in our legal analyst and "in session" contributor sunny hostin following this closely. good to see you. the question a lot of people asking here, what role, if any, did race play in this case? >> well, if you look at the fbi investigation and we now know that they really spoke to about 30 people, it isn't clear that race did play a part in it. the fbi certainly interviewed a lot of georgeó[y zimmerman's co-workers, a lot of his friends, and many of them say, if not all of them, say that they did not believe him to be biased, they did not believe him to be prejudiced. what is also interesting, though, is that we now also have information from george zimmerman's myspace page and in his profile in the "about me" highlights page, he discusses people that are mexican and he says, suzanne, i don't miss driving around virginia scared to hit mexicans walking on the side of the street. he also in reference to mexicans says, working 96 hours to get a decent paycheck, getting knives pulled on you by every mexican you run into. and so you have that type of information, george zimmerman's own words on his myspace page, however you also have the information from all of these witnesses, co-workers and friends, and they all say that he is not someone that's biased and someone that is prejudiced. so it will be interesting how that plays out in court. i think what's also important to note, is that the sanford investigator, chris serene no, who was the lead investigator here, indicated when speaking to the fbi, that he did not believe that george zimmerman followed trayvon martin because of his race, but rather because of his attire, because of what he was wearing, the hoodie that we all talked about so much when this case broke. he says that hoodie was worn by many people affiliated with gangs and that he believed, officer sereneo that is why george zimmerman followed trayvon martin. >> sunny, do you think this report, some of these questions, do you think it answers what many people are wondering about this case? does it put it to rest or just bring up more questions about this? will this satisfy the critics is this. >> i don't think it will satisfy the critics. i mean certainly we don't have any definitive response from the civil rights division, the justice department, that sent the fbi to investigate whether or not there was a racial angle to this case. so all we have is this limited information, this is the second round of discovery that was released by angela corey's office, but still, many, many more questions out there, suzanne. >> all right. sunny, good to see you. thank you as always. details are emerging about what is wrong with illinois congressman jesse jackson jr. his office says he is receiving, quote, intensive medical treatment for a mood disorder. the 47-year-old lawmaker, he has not been on capitol hill since late may. and last month his office announced he was taking a leave of absence due to a medical condition. want to bring in our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen to talk a little bit about it. it's a little confusing here when we saw this statement, a lot of us didn't really quite know what to make of it. they said a mood disorder. can you define that at all? >> a mood disorder is not very specific. it sort of covers a whole bunch different disorders. let's go over what the two big ones are. the two big mood disorders are depression. we hear a lot about depression, all of us know probably someone who suffers depression and bypolar disorder which some call manic depression. those are the two diagnoses that come under mood disorder. >> is this the thing he could be treated and go back to work be? >> the psychiatrists we talked to said sure, people who have these disorders work all the time, but at the same time, it is something that they deal with, usually for the rest of their lives. it's not something where you go in and get treatment and you're fine. they said that often you will have to go back for treatment, maybe just outpatient the next time, but it's not something that gets cured with one hospitalization. >> we know he's probably under a lot of stress, there's a house ethics investigation that is looking into him as well. could that actually contribute to something like a mood disorder? >> yes. the doctors we talked to said a stressor like that can send someone into a mood disorder. that's a pretty big deal, right? you're a person of stature and now your peers are judging you and investigating you, that that's not a small thing. something like that could send you into a depression or into some kind of a bipolar situation. a divorce could do the same thing. stress plays a huge role. >> we hope he's okay. we're going to try to get more information to see what kind of condition and shape he's in. thank you. appreciate it. the army has a lot of techniques when it comes to recruiting new soldiers, including using nascar, but soon the relationship is going to end. we're going to tell you why. and the old toys lying around your house could have a second life as life-saving medical devices. that makes "the next list." >> my name is jose and i use toys to make affordable medical devices. when you're using toys it demisfis the process of medical technology. we use at these and think they are a black box. you need an expert to take a screwdriver at it. you may not have the courage to have a thousand dollar device but you have the courage to have something that's $5. if you add a little ingenuity you have something as powerful as the $5,000 device. a route map shows you where we go. but not how we get there. because in this business, there are no straight lines. only the twists and turns of an unpredictable industry. so the eighty-thousand employees at delta... must anticipate the unexpected. and never let the rules overrule common sense. this is how we tame the unwieldiness of air travel, until it's not just lines you see... it's the world. you need an expert to take a nc i bought the car because i could eliminate gas from my budget. i don't spend money on gasoline. it's been 4,000 miles since my last trip to the gas station. it's pretty great. i get a bunch of kids waving at me... giving me the thumbs up. it's always a gratifying experience. it makes me feel good about my car. i absolutely love my chevy volt. ♪ web the navy's newest aircraft carriers hit the high seas going to come out with something that ships have always had, but -- urinals. this is not going to be on the ship. the navy says the decision was made in part to give the service flexibility in accommodating female soldiers. urinals clog more than toilets and cost more to maintain. they are named for former president gerald ford and will debut in 2015. u.s. military has spent millions of dollars on advertising at sporting events hoping to attract young people to get them to sign up. as barbara starr reports, when it comes to nascar, the army is doing an about-face. >> reporter: nascar has some 75 million fans the army says they're just too old. so after ten years of sponsoring a nascar sprint cup team, the army is ending it all, stopping its $8.5 million sponsorship of ryan newman's number 39 car. nowadays, the army insists only 5% of nascar fans are men aged 18 to 34, the target audience for army recruiters. >> it was a good investment, not a great investment, and so we made a change. >> reporter: the military has long used sporting events to advertise and encourage young people to sign up for military service. when i visited the daytona 500 preps in 20, i spoke to newman about his main sponsor. what is it about representing the u.s. army? what's different here? >> i'm representing people and it's an honor to represent people that are not just people, they're people that are fighting for our freedom or have fought for our freedom or will fight for our freedom. >> reporter: now nascar fans at a florida hangout have a mixed reaction to the army's decision. >> having the army or any military branch sponsor a car is only going to help instill pride in our country. >> men and women on the front lines, i would rathersee it go to them and their families rather than to a sports car driver. >> rorter: some in congress think it's high time to get out of sports sponsorships in the face of federal deficit. >> i started looking at ways we could trim the military budget and found out that the sports sponsorship is not an effective recruitment tool. in fact, we've spent millions, tens of millions of dollars and recruited no one. >> reporter: even the army can't really be sure how many people joined up from seeing sponsorship at sporting events. the army is still going to be on the track, but at hot rod events. that's where they think most of the young people are these days. as for the national guard, well, it's sticking with nascar and its sponsorship of the legendary dale earnhard, jr. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. at least eight people were shot in chicago just in one evening. one of them a 13-year-old boy on his own front porch. don't forget you can watch "cnn live" on your computer while at work. head to ouncer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? 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[ female announcer ] the whitening you've always wanted. new crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. your smile will shine brighter after just one brushing, and it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex-girlfriend. you'll be the one that got away. crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. another violent night in chicago. eight people were wounded by gunfire. it is a horrible scene being played out night after night in that city. among the latest victims, a 13-year-old boy he was shot as he sat on the front porch of his home. four other teens were shot in separate incidents. this is the biggest project the fbi has ever taken on. one that might actually reveal if innocent people are sitting in jail for no reason. the biggest ever review of old cases the justice department has ever done. we're talking about thousands and thousands of criminal files, some of them dating back to more than 30 years ago. so why would the fbi jump into this investigation of old evidence and case files? michael bromwitch can help us answer that. he investigated the fbi lab when he was the u.s. justice department's inspector general. first of all, what do we make of what these reviews, the reviews of these old cases, could produce? could we actually see people who are exonerated, taken out of jail, being wrongfully accused? >> yes. we certainly could see that. depending on the results of the reviews, we could find that flawed forensic evidence was used and played a significant role in their criminal convictions and if there is not substantial other evidence of guilt, it could well lead to the exoneration of a number of defendants. >> are we talking about just paper review or are we actually talking about things like that looking at hair and blood and fiber and dna evidence? >> i think that's still an open question. the initial stages will certainly be a paper review, both of the reports that fbi lab analysts prepared and also of the testimony they gave in court, and whether that will be extended to include dna testing of the hairs i think remains to be seen. >> why is this happening now? >> well, i think information about a couple of cases, particularly in the district of columbia, have come to light very recently and that was on top of some doubts that the fbi itself expressed a number of years ago about the validity of microscopic hair examination. so i think it was the accumulation of those events that led both the fbi and department of justice to realize that the in interest of justice they needed to do something and something quite significant to determine whether there were people behind bars who shouldn't be there. >> do we suspect that is going to be a high number, be the number of people who are behind bars wrongly convicted? >> i don't think we have any way to predict that. i did an investigation of the fbi lab back in the mid '90s and we thought that there would be a number of people who would be freed based on the information we developed in that investigation and there were none. so, i think it's hazardous to predict what the outcome will be, but i think it's an important step that the fbi and department of justice has realized that this is a problem and have moved to address it. >> "the washington post" says the justice department actually knew that there was bad forensic work and it sent people wrongly to prison. that is a very strong accusation. when you were a justice, did you see anything like that? >> i didn't see that, and i think what the "post" article has suggested is that after the convictions were obtained, information questioning the value of the forensic evidence came to light and not enough was done about that. i don't think the suggestion is that people knew that the evidence was flawed at the time that it was presented, which is an important difference. >> and can you give us an example some you said there were a couple cases out of washington, d.c., where they suspect that people were wrongly accused, that the evidence was flawed? >> well, yes. a couple of cases, including some court proceedings just this last tuesday, where in a quite unusual circumstance, the united states attorney's office joined with the public defenders office to move to exonerate the defendant and release him and erase the conviction from his record, based on the fact that dna testing showed that hair evidence, which was part of the basis for his original conviction, could not have come from the defendant, could not have come from him. and so because that was such a powerful finding and a powerful development, the government took the unusual step in joining to vacate the conviction of that defendant. >> and the reason why this is done, do they believe that this flawed forensics, these mistakes that were made, do they think there was anything behind it or is it just a department that was not able to do its job? >> it raises larger questions, suzanne, about the quality of forensic science evidence that has been introduced into our courtrooms for decades. the more we learn about the lack of scientific underpinnings for the evidence submitted the morn concerns that have been generated and a lot of evidence that was submitted as forensic evidence was not grounded scientifically. it was not that the testifying agents intended to put innocent people behind bars. they were just relying on inadequate scientific protocol and a set of protocols that's provided support for their work. it's no less troubling but it does suggest it was not intentional. >> a huge undertaking, a huge project. we will have you back to tell us more about what you find. thank you very much. mr. bromwitch. >> thank you. troubling development for the u.s. housing market. foreclosures jumped dramatically in the second quarter of the year. want to bring in alison kosik at the new york stock exchange to talk about it. why did it get worse? >> okay. so let's talk about that jump, the foreclosure filings jumped 9% from the first to the second quarter. now part of the reason for this is because, suzanne, the huge $26 billion foreclosure settlement that was reached back in april. it involved the country's five biggest banks in 49 states and what happened was they all agreed to a ton of new terms for people who hold their loans and that includes much clearer guidelines on how these banks should move forward when they go through the foreclosure process. now during this time while this whole legal issue was being worked out, banks kind of put a stop on the foreclosures. they were waiting for the new rules of the roads. there was a huge backlog to work through. now that they've gotten a green light we've seen a jump in the filings for may. i talked to a realitytrak official who compiles this report and says the banks now have more confidence to push the properties through foreclosure because they won't be accused of being improper like they were before. >> all the new filings, does that mean these folks will lose their homes? >> this is a lot of people. talking about 1 million filings in the first six months of this year alone. the good news is that many of these homes, they won't actually end up being repossessed because now the government has measures and other prevention efforts in place to try to help these people work out payment issues and keep their homes, plus prices are rising on these homes in some areas. people have a better chance of avoiding foreclosure since they no longer owe more than their homes are worth. suzanne? >> tell us about the dow closing lower in the last five days in a row. do things look better today? >> yes. looking a little better, actually. stocks are off their lows of the session. what's worrying investors, they're worried about europe, that european leaders aren't going to be able to get a permanent bailout fund in place despite their efforts that we've talked about over the past couple months. what that's doing is overshad doing a jobs claim, down to the lowest level that we've seen since march of 2008. stocks are modestly lower only down about 4 points. >> tell us about wells fargo, reached an agreement with the justice department involving the allegations they were racially biased with their loans. >> wells fargo is paying $175 million to settle allegations it discriminated against black and hispanic borrowers. wells fargo is the country's biggest mortgage originator. the justice department says what wells fargo did was steer minority borrowers into riskier subprime loans from 2004 to 2009 or actually charge them higher fees. $125 million of the agreement is actually going to go to the victims of discrimination and $50 million of it is going to go to down payment assistance to borrowers in these effective communities. i'll have more details on this in the next hour. suzanne? >> thank you, alison. he came, he spoke, he moved on. did mitt romney take on a different tone with the members of the naacp than he did with latino leaders just a couple weeks ago? a closer look at the cute en scrutiny over the candidate's speeches. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried itgreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. coffee and coffins not two things you normally think of going together but a funeral home in south carolina trying to give those grieving the daily departed a little something extra to ease their pain. cup of starbucks joe. the affiliate wspa has got the story. >> reporter: chris robinson's family has been burying the dead for decades, always offering a home brewed cup of joe to those filled with grief. >> we've been serving coffee for literally generations. >> reporter: it's personal touches those that have made his one of the most popular funeral homes. now it's undergoing a little renovation. >> the menu will be there. >> reporter: the menu? yes, the menu, the starbucks menu. new addition that robinson thinks will soothe the pain of losing a loved one. >> this provides them a little escape and gives them a break from the stress they're going through, then that's what it's all about, to make them feel better. >> reporter: starbucks will be right next to the new chapel, two doors and a wall will keep it somewhat separate and robinson will make money from the venture. the store will have employees, a cash register, all the things you would expect to find in the starbucks. but he says, they'll still serve the free stuff as well. >> well, we'll always still offer the robinson coffee that we've always given to the families we're serving, but this is just an added service that they can choose to participate in if they'd like to. >> reporter: and given the wildly successful history of starbucks it will be no surprise that this latest shop, despite its less than lively surroundings, will be a hit. >> that was graham moore of wspa. . two speeches, two tones, what mitt romney said to latinos and african-americans. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. 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[ laughter ] >> mitt romney citizen he expected to get pooed at the naacp convention. he did get a negative response when he told the crowd he would repeal obama care if elected president. now, romney says his message to the naacp is the same that he delivered across the country. i want to bring in our cnn contributor, john avalon, to get your take on all of this, the romney speech and the one that he gave last month to national association of latino elected officials. first take a look at the passage that's getting so much attention, this is before the naacp. >> and i'm going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program i can find. that includes obama care, and i'm going to work to reform and save -- [ audience booing ] >> all right, john, so he ew -- he knew this was coming, essentially. do you think that this speech was given for the audience that was in front of him or for a larger audience, say, the tea party or conservatives, the conservative base, to offer up a little bit of red meat? >> i don't think this was a bank shot speech, designed to increase his approval among the top radio crowd. i do think it was an attempt to set an inclusive tone. but as in the last speech, it is inconclusive in terms of policy. that booing is a really good illustration of the problem here. he's so used to talking to conservative populist crowds, the republican base, that he used slang for the affordable care act, obama care, which many people in that audience, the naacp, saw as disrespectful for the president. that's what was being booed, using the slam. and he should have known it was coming. >> let's take a look at the speech he gave to the naleo conference. a very prominent group of latino policymakers. he seems to be addressing their concerns directly. take a listen. >> our immigration system should help promote strong families as well, not keep them apart. our nation benefits when moms and dads and their kids are all living together under the same roof. >> the message, john, seems twofold here. it goes to the heart of what latino voters say is important, and that is keeping the family together, and it also seems to attack president obama for breaking all records when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. so do you see signs of a more serious effort by romney to win over the audience that he is in front of in this case? i don't actually, for this specific reason. yes, he takes president obama to task implicitly over deportations. but given mitt romney's record, talking about illegal immigration and attacking very far to the right of the republican primary's issue, there's no fact that he would decrease the number of deportations, decrease border security. again, you've got the same fundamental problem. a speech that is inclusive in tone, and presidential candidates should reach out. they have an obligation to reach out. and more importantly, republicans have a political need to reach out to these communities. but the promises that republican candidates in particular make to get to the nomination end up alienating them from these audiences. and it's not just a matter of stringing pretty words together, it's about specific policies that can appeal to these communities. . and that's where the rhetoric stops meeting reality and his credibility is ultimately hurt. >> let's listen to romney's remark before the naacp, where he seems to just give himself credit for showing up. >> if i'm elected president, and you invite me to next year's convention, i would count it as a privilege and my answer will be yes. >> all right, john. clearly taking a dig at the president for not showing up in this case. this is a point he's saying, look, you can't take me for granted, take him for granted there. i assume that this is not going to be an issue that's really going to have much legs looking forward in the weeks to come. >> it won't in terms of the specific audience. i mean, the overwhelming proportion of the african-american population is going to vote for president obama, even as mitt romney tries to make a case about rising unemployment, for example, in the african-american community. the larger issue and the larger opportunity and the larger obligation is for a republican nominee like mitt romney to say, i'm going to try to restore credibility to the party of lincoln. i'm going to build on my father's legacy, which he spoke about in the speech, as working with civil rights groups, as opposed to against them, as some republicans of that generation did. so i think there's an obligation to try to reframe the republican party and reach out. it's not just good politics and good policy, it's a necessity for any party that wants to be able to cobble together a broad governing coalition in the 21st century. that's the larger missed opportunity here. >> all right. john avalon, good to see you, as always. we'll have more after a quick break. 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[ bleep ] son of a [ bleep ]! >> terrified family, you can hear the bleeps, of course, as the shark was about 5 feet long, weighed 200 pounds. they actually caught it, on purpose, for the second time, and then happily let it go. several stories catching our attention today, photos as well. i want you to take a look at these. this is in france, fans going wild. guys in speedos speeding on the pack during the 11th stage of the tour de france today. it is the world's most famous cycling race, covering more than 2,000 miles. and an artist with a giant skull tattoo on his back inks a woman. it's the tattoo festival on the streets of madrid. and "cnn newsroom" is continuing now with brooke baldwin. >> hello to all of you, i'm brooke baldwin, a lot of news coming in to me, including word of a huge development involving this major bank and accusations it gave white home buyers better mortgage rates. and has mitt romney been stretching the truth when it comes to his time at bain capital? his camp is denying it today and we are learning more here at cnn. but first, we have to begin here. a monster hiding in plain sight on the campus of penn state university, with cover provided by school officials and the winningest coach in all of college football history. this is the picture painted by independent investigators hired by penn state to examine the jerry sandusky scandal. you have former fbi director louis freeh, released these findings, and i've got to tell you, they're appalling. >> most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of sandusky's child victims by the most senior leaders at penn state. the most powerful men at penn state failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who sandusky victimized. >> now, this report accuses four of penn state's top men of protecting the university's reputation over the safety of children. they are the late joe paterno, penn state's head football coach, for 45 years, fired last november. also, former president graham spanier, also forced out in november, still a tenured faculty member. he is not charged. former penn state senior vice president, gary schultz, the man who oversaw university police, charged with failing to report abuse and perjury. and finally, penn state athletic director, tim curley, on suspension right now, also charged with failing to report abuse and perjury. and the man at the center of all of this, jerry sandusky, sitting in a prison cell right now, convicted of 45 counts of facing a sentence that could be more than 400 years. but today's report is more about who knew what and when. the findings, they are another damning blow to the legacy of this man, joe paterno, who knew about sandusky long before he admitted it, according to this report. and this is really a wide-ranging investigation. more than 430 people were interviewed here, but not paterno, who died before vrgts could speak with him. i want to bring in brian claypool, he's a criminal defense attorney. he's also a child advocate and also a graduate of penn state. so, brian, welcome to you. if i may, just your initial reaction? what's your initial reaction to learning about this louis freeh report today? >> brooke, i'm absolutely shocked, and like you said, appalled, to a point where i believe as an attorney that graham spanier, george schultz, and tim curley, they need to be prosecuted criminally for conspiracy to commit child endangerment. there is now tangible evidence that's been generated that shows that these three had an agreement in place to conceal the abuse that sandusky was carrying out. they failed to report this information to the police. they failed to report it to the department of child welfare, and they put many other kids at risk for over a decade, and they actually facilitated sandusky carrying out these predatory acts. they need to be prosecuted. >> brian, i just want to highlight, one of the internal e-mails that was released actually within this report, let me read this to you here. this is an e-mail chain with vice president gary schultz and athletic director tim curley. it's about that investigation into the abuse of a boy in a school locker room. curley wrote, quote, anything new in this department, coach is anxious to know where it stands, end quote. investigators say the coach referred to here is, in fact, joe paterno. again, this was in 1998. paterno told a grand jury he didn't know anything, you know, about that incident there and he didn't hear about, he says, any allegations until 2001. but just in that exchange, brian, is that enough of a smoking gun in your opinion? >> well, it's a smoking gun, because it shows that joe paterno's anxious. where do things stand? back in 1998, paterno knows about the incident in 1998. all the top administration knows about it in 1998. this litany of e-mails clearly shows that the top administration and joe paterno were more concerned about the football program, the image of penn state, the money that's generated through the football program. they were trying to preserve that at the expense of protecting children. that's reprehensible and it needs to be taken care of. and the only way to do that is through prosecution. brooke, tim curley, you know what he said in one of the e-mails? he said, let's play it be ear on whether we report this to the department of child welfare. you have to be kidding me?! >> brian, to your point, though, about this really legendary football program, i want to read just a little bit of this, and i'm sure you've seen this. this unplushed op-ed that joe paterno wrote before his death, defending the school, defending the football program. here's part of that. "this is not a football scandal and should not be treated as one. it is not an academic scandal and does not in any way tarnish the hard-earned and well-deserved academic reputation of penn state." you're a graduate of penn state. was paterno, was he misperceiving the scandal right up until the end? >> brooke, i went to penn state for four years. i played basketball with the guys who played on the football team. no question about it. at 7:00 every night, they had to go to the library. from 7:00 to 9:00. so joe paterno's right. he developed a lot of good athletes who became good people who studied hard at school. but he's missing the point. the football program is the heart of generating revenue for penn state. without the football program, you would not have a world-renowned university. you wouldn't have endowments, you wouldn't have federal grants. paterno and the university needed the football program to generate hundreds of millions of dollars to sustain the university. and what they did is this money that they generated, it masked a reality for the -- for paterno and the football program. it clouded their judgment. and money, it was like a drug and they needed another fix. and they had to keep this going in order to keep that money coming. so they covered up this horrible scandal. >> money like a drug and they needed a fix. you're a criminal defense attorney. i mean, we have to remind people, this wasn't a criminal investigation. what do you think the ultimate impact from all of this will be? >> brooke, the time is now to make change across this country, in protecting kids and students. you know, i'm the lead lawyer in the miramonte case. there's another disaster. it all results from top administration looking at abuse. these people all know about the abuse. and what they do, brooke, is they decide, this is a business decision. it's about money. >> you think this will go to a farther-reaching naacp investigation? should it? >> well, yeah, the nca is investigating it, the federal government is still investigating it. but i really believe the only way you will ever make change in this country to start protecting kids and safeguarding kids at major institutions is you need to start prosecuting the top administers who not only know about the abuse that's taking place, but they facilitate it, and as director freeh said, they empowered jerry sandusky to do this. so you need criminal prosecution to stop this pattern of facilitating abuse nationwide. >> brian, i want to get this paterno family statement. this is what was released after this statement came out. part of it said, "joe paterno wasn't perfect, he made mistakes, and he regretted them. he is still the only leader to step forward and say that with the benefit of hindsight, he wished he had done more." again, as an alum of this school, is there any piece of you, brian, that feels some bit of sympathy for joe paterno and really to the damage, the damage to his legacy? >> yes. i revered joe paterno growing up. in fact, i don't know if you know this, but throughout pennsylvania, they sell joe paterno pizzas in the grocery stores. people used to buy pizzas with joe paterno's picture on it. i love the guy. he spoke at my national honor society event many years ago and he talked about integrity. so i know the man has integrity. and he developed a lot of great people who have graduated from penn state. he's done tons of things for penn state. the one comment he made, though, that really resounds in my heart and soul is he wishes he could have done a little bit more. because that to me is an admission that he probably wishes that he picked up the phone and called the local police department, and then let it take its course. that's probably what he wishes for. i know in his heart he probably wanted to do the right thing, but the reality of it, brooke, he didn't do the right thing, nor did schultz, spanier, or curley. all of them should have called the police and should have called the department of child welfare and we wouldn't have had another ten years of sandusky performing these lurid acts on kids. >> horrible. brian claypool, thank you. >> thank you. >> a quick reminder to all of you, programming note, joe paterno's son, jay, will be on ernt burnett "outfront," that is 7:00 p.m. eastern tonight. a lot more unfolding this hour. watch this. a suicidal soldier calls up the crisis hotline and is put on hold for 45 minutes. in the end, he takes his own life. and we're going to talk about why the military can't keep up with this epidemic. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. two jetliners needed fixing, yet delta flew them anyway, with you on board. plus, mitt romney shows up, but the president does not. so today the naacp gets vice president joe biden. >> thank you very much. and as iran steps up its rhetoric, the u.s. is considering a big move in the persian gulf. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit got some breaking news here. guys, let me throw up the live pictures. this is the windsor, on thetari area. this is the tunnel that connects detroit to windsor and right now it's closed because of a bomb threat. i want to bring in sergeant matthew dasty. and sergeant, can you just explain to me what you know, what happened? >> yes, absolutely. this afternoon, at approximately 12:30 p.m., a phone call was received from staff who work at the windsor detroit tunnel. the caller indicated that there was a bomb inside of the tunnel. steps were taken then to evacuate the tunnel immediately and the tunnel, of course, has been closed to traffic. this is, as you know, an international crossing between the city of windsor, ontario, canada, and the city of detroit, michigan, of the united states, and our police agency, the windsor police service is liaisoning with detroit at this time as this investigation unfolds, absolutely. >> and just for folks who don't know, this is a huge, huge deal, because 27,000, i'm hearing, 27,000 to 29,000 vehicles pass through this tunnel each and every day. and when you mention this phone call and this bomb that was allegedly left in this tunnel, i presume you have a team en route, if not there already, trying to find this device, yes? >> absolutely. we have an incident command that has been formulated on our side of the border and our incident command is liaisoning with the officials from the detroit agencies and and together we will work to resolve this and to investigate it. >> how massive is this tunnel, for those of us who have never been through it, talk to me about just the lay of the land here. >> certainly. this is an underground tunnel that goes directly under the detroit river. this is an international crossing, one of two that joins the city of windsor to the city of detroit. and our crossings here, of course, with trade and business and everything else, are quite active and quite busy. so this is obviously a serious incident, that's going to be causing quite a few delays and probably quite a few problems for both the city of detroit and the city of windsor. >> is this something that happens periodically? someone calling in a bomb threat, or is this fairly rare for you? >> i would not consider this a common occurrence. i can tell you that to my knowledge, at this point, nothing has been located. it's simply a threat. but like anything in incidents like this, it's going to be treated seriously and we're going to employee adequate resources to investigate it. >> okay. sergeant matthew d'asti, please keep us posted. i appreciate you for calling in and i'm sure for people in and around the detroit area and windsor, ontario, obviously this massive thoroughfare has now been closed. so for now you're going to have to obviously find another route until this thing is hopefully a false alarm and solved. keep you posted. also, mitt romney yesterday, today the vice president addressed the naacp, the venerated civil rights organization. joe biden warned the group that a romney justice department might turn a blind eye to voting rights enforcement in other civil rights here. and then he dropped this one. take a listen. >> this to me is one of the most critical issues in this election. imagine what the supreme court will look like after four years of a romney presidency. folks, this election in my view is a fight for the heart and soul of america. >> so there you have the vice president speaking there in houston, painting this doom and gloom vision of a romney administration. brianna keilar is live at the white house for us. and we did hear a little bit of applause there for vice president biden, but some of the folks, i know, at that convention there in houston seem to be wondering. hang on a second, it's great we have the vice president, but where's the president? brianna, where is mr. obama and why is he not in houston? >> reporter: well, brooke, the obama campaign says that there was a scheduling conflict. and that's really all they're saying. the white house and the campaign, you know, this is a very nonzript answer and they're not giving us any specifics. one campaign official i talked with said, don't read into it, he can't attend every event that he's invited to. but certainly it was noted that he wasn't there and he did send, though, i should say, a little video. he made a video appearance, making his standard pitch as protector of the middle class. here's part of it. >> if you keep standing with me, if you keep persevering like the naacp always has, then i know we can arrive there together. thank you so much. i'm proud of all that you do. michelle, malia, sasha and i all send our deepest regards. >> reporter: now, president obama did go to this convention in 2009, brooke. michelle obama spoke in 2011. and president obama is going to be appearing, reportedly, later this month at the national urban league convention. b but, yeah, he didn't attend this, and the white house and the campaign just not really being specific about why. >> is the campaign at all concerned that his lack of physical appearance, i know you showed the video, but his lack of appearance here might dampen any kind of enthusiasm among black voters? >> reporter: i don't think they're really concerned about that. now, certainly, they want to energize black voters, because they were key in the last election, particularly when you look at north carolina, where president obama narrowly won and privately democrats admit, that's going to be really hard to repeat this time, but i don't think that they think his not showing up at this naacp event is going to sway voters to mitt romney. you know, mitt romney was there yesterday, and he did receive certainly a welcome, but at the same time, he was booed when he talked about overturning -- or repealing obama care. so i don't think there's really that concern by the obama campaign or even that expectation from the romney campaign. >> okay. brianna keilar for us at the white house. brianna, appreciate it. >> reporter: and brooke, happy birthday. >> thank you. thank you, thank you. see you tomorrow. so we knew the fbi reports would be released today in the trayvon martin case, as we combed through the evidence here. nothing seemed new until we got to the part about what witnesses told police on whether they noticed any racial bias from george zimmerman. you're going to hear that, next. evidence released today shed some new light as to whether racial bias played a role the night neighborhood watch volunteer george zimmerman shot teenager trayvon martin. martin savage has been combing through the fbi reports, just made public this morning, and of course, there are always the allegations that zimmerman targeted trayvon martin because he was black. what did you find in the fbi report? >> and it's not just that. it's also the allegation that the sanford police department may have cut george zimmerman a break because, perhaps there was some racial prejudice there as well. the fbi has been investigating this. this is a separate probe, separate from what the state's doing, and the fbi so far in the dozen or so interviews that have been done of the friends and relations of george zimmerman, say that they could find nothing in their statements that said that george zimmerman in any way was a racist. in fact, some, i think, implied that there wasn't a racist bone in his body. and that seems to be a consistent message that comes from all the people who know him. all the way through, the woman who was his former fiancee, and you may remember that they had a rather stormy parting of the ways, but despite that, she says that she never saw him exemplify any racist behavior in the time that they were together. he did have a temper, she maintains, but says that she thinks that's as a result of the medication that he took for an acne problem. >> hmm, okay. so none of that from these people who were questioned, friendor an ex-fiancee. how will these findings then potentially impact that department of justice investigation, the racial bias? >> right. that investigation is still ongoing, and they're still investigating the police department. so this is not, in any way, a definitive statement. it is not a declaration that grreorge zimmerman or the polic department's in the clear, it's only a snapshot in time here, and telling us so far, when these documents were made, that there was no indication of that particular bias or that kind of racial prejudice, either in george zimmerman targeting trayvon martin, if that's what he did, or in the police department not indicting george zimmerman. >> what else? what else have you found? >> well, you know, a lot of it's just detail. and there is a ton of information here. it's not just the documents, it's not just the interviews. there's videotapes, there's audiotapes to be gone through. and we continue to comb through all of this information. so much of it is getting really down into the minutia of this case. and we should point out, this is kind of like raw data. when the prosecutor's office releases this information, this is what's going to the defense team. so they get to the see what the state is using to make their case -- >> before it gets crunched over. >> yeah. so if you're thinking that you're going to get exact answers or the aha moment, no, it may be buried within there somewhere, but this is really for the defense team to get an idea of what the state has in it hands. >> martin savage, thank you. appreciate pinpoint. one of america's biggest banks are agreeing to settle over allegations it gave white home buyers better rates than minorities. and today a major development there in that story. and delta should have made repairs on not just one, but two of its jetliners but didn't at all. yep, they flew them anyway, with you on board. ♪ it's your birthday ♪ this is your birthday ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. 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>> and it certainty doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you hear this, that's for sure. delta airlines will be paying almost $1 million in fines, brooke. the airline is accused of flying two planets without making the required repairs. it included repairs for a chipped nose cone of a boeing 737. what the faa inspector says happened during an inspection back in february of 2010. he said he saw these chips in the nose cone. that's where the weather radar and the navigation equipment is. and these chips were pretty deep. but when the airline's maintenance center was called about it, they said the damage was acceptable and no more maintenance was needed. and then they flew the plane. that second plane, by the way, that was involved in this, involved a broken floodlight in a cockpit. delta does say that the safety and the security of our customers and crew is delta's highest core value. at no time was either of these aircraft operating in an unsafe manner. delta says it took immediate action to make sure planes were in compliance. brooke? >> yep, there's the statement for you on the screen from delta. okay. let's move on. let me talk real quickly, wells targo going to be paying at least $175 million to settle allegations of bias against african-americans and hispanics. this is about home loans? what happened? >> exactly. and this is a big deal, brooke, because wells fargo is the country's largest mortgage originator. now, the justice department says it discriminated between black and hispanic borrowers, between the years of 2004 and 2009. wells fargo is accused of either charging minorities more for their loans or steering them into riskier subprime loans when they should have received prime ones. remember, it was the implosion of those subprime loans that began the entire housing crisis in the first place. as part of this big settlement, wells fargo is going to be paying $125 million to the victims of this discrimination. $50 million will go to communities where it took place. now, wells fargo is denying the government's allegations, saying it agreed to settle the case, quote, solely for the purpose of avoiding contested litigation. and this, of course, isn't the first time this has happened, brooke. in december, bank of america paid millions of dollars for similar practices at its countrywide financial unit. it seems like it's becoming more commonplace than ever. brooke? >> alison, thank you. i need to break away from that and go pack to our news. let me take you back to the detroit windsor area. we've been talking about this tunnel, the detroit windsor tunnel, the this main sort of jugular, artery, if you will. 27,000 and 29,000 trucks, cars pass through this thing to get from one side of the border to the other each and every day. and we know it's been closed down. we were just talking to the windsor police. sergeant matthew d'asti that this bomb threat was called in around 9:30 central time. chris, talk to me about whattion and what you're seeing. >> reporter: at this point, i'm just told that the tunnel just received a simple phone call saying there is a bomb in the tunnel. and that was it. right now windsor police are sweeping through with the explosive disposal unit and detroit police are coming in from the other side on the detroit side with the k-9 unit. i'm told that tunnel officials and security have been trained in this and they know what they're doing. this is -- they're following procedure, and at this point, all traffic is being re-routed to the ambassador bridge, which is the other border crossing here in detroit and windsor. >> okay, chris campbell, keep us posted. thank you so much. so, again, if you are trying to get from one side to the other, not going to happen for now. and as soon as we get more information on this bomb disposable unit or these other units coming from detroit police as to whether or not they find anything in the tunnel, you can bet we let you know. in this week's human factor, cnn's chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, introduces us to a social worker who always dreamed of helping cancer patients. but richard dickens never imagined he would have to fight his own battle with the disease. >> i'm going to ask you first to just take three deep breaths. >> reporter: richard dickens is a social worker who works exclusively with cancer patients. here he's using meditation to help patients cope. >> it really is just calming the body and quieting the mind. >> reporter: dickens knows all too well the emotional struggle of being sick. as he was looking forward to graduate school to become a social worker, he got devastating news. >> i got the invitation to columbia university, my number one choice, on a monday, and a cancer diagnosis the next day. >> reporter: at 37, he was diagnosed with advanced nonhodgkins li non-hodgkin's lymphoma. henderwent six months of aggressive chemo and a bone mar row transplant, but he didn't give up his dream of helping others. >> without ever anticipating i would get cancer, i wanted to work with cancer/aids patients. >> reporter: during his illness, he stumbled across cancer care. it's an organization thatelps people through the emotional and financial maze that comes with cancer. >> riding on the new york city subway to my doctor's appointment, i'm looking up at the advertisements and there was one for cancer care. i had gone to a young adult group during that time and learned a lot from a lot of other people and felt safe sharing that. >> reporter: once in remission, he was able to start grad school at columbia. >> well, we do have a very small grant. >> reporter: after graduating, he began working for cancer care and started to run the very support group he'd previously participated in as a patient. today, he's cancer care's mind/body project coordinator. >> my life is definitely very rich, very rewarding, and i feel i'm where i'm supposed to be and people keep coming back, so i am confident that they're getting a lot from me and i hope so. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. >> sanjay, thank you. by the way, rich now considers himself cured and he shares his thoughts on his journey on his blog which you can find by going to scandalous, reprehensible, that's how the attorney for jerry sandusky's adopted son, matt, describes the penn state report just out today saying university leaders didn't protect the children. you're about to hear this. [ buzz ] off to work! did you know honey nut cheerios is america's favorite cereal? oh, you're good! hey, did you know that honey nut cheerios is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! the secret shame of penn state university. four of the school's highest-ranking officials accused today by these independent investigators of covering up the horrors committed by jerry sandusky to protect the university. among them, the late joe paterno. jason carroll is standing by with reaction in and around the penn state campus. but first, jason, i have to ask you about this exclusive interview. this is relating to matt sandusky, the adopted son who now says he was a victim as well. >> reporter: right. we had an opportunity a little while ago to speak with matt sandusky's attorney, who, as you can imagine, brooke, has a great deal of interest in this report. she not only represents matt sandusky, but also those identified as victim number 3, victim number 7. one of the points that she made, which was very clear about this report, some of the findings here, that the commission basilly found that the officials here at penn state, basically, they didn't use the word "cover-up" in this report, but they did say that officials here concealed criminal evidence, criminal information about jerry sandusky, just in order to avoid bad publicity. so i wanted to speak out to -- i wanted to speak to the attorneys to see how that place out in terms of how she proceeds forward with her litigation. >> well, it is scandalous. it's a reprehensible commentary on the decision making of this institution. to put the interests of an image or publicity or branding or the football program ahead of protecting children is simply reprehensible. i think the report is crystal clear that that's exactly what happened, beginning in 1998, and we suspect, even further beyond that. >> so she's essentially, jason, accusing the university through in action, that they allowed more children to be abused by jerry sandusky, yes? >> reporter: that is absolutely correct. and you saw her mention 1998. that is a critical year, and that's mentioned in several pages throughout the report. in 1998, just very quickly, in a facility just right behind me here, jerry sandusky had inappropriate contact with a young boy in a shower. and had officials ta s acted pry then, back in 1998, and i've gone over all of the information here, including the grand jury report, had they acted properly, brooke, back in 1998, you would not have had victim number 1 in 2005 and '06, victim number 2 in 2001, and the victim identified as number 3 in 2000 and victim number 9 in 2008. so she's trying to say had university officials acted properly then, we wouldn't be standing here talking about this now. >> but you are standing there and you are talking about it. i'm curious. i know we're in july, and i don't know how many students are in and around campus right now, but what have you been hearing, what have you been feeling in and around penn state? >> reporter: well, definitely enough students are here, brooke, and those that we spoke to feel as though they knew a critical report was coming. they didn't think it was going to be as critical as it was, and surprisingly, even though joe paterno is mentioned along with other university officials here for their inaction in terms of how they dealt with jerry sandusky, a lot of them are still supporting joe paterno. i want you to listen to what they had to say. >> i think of this as an opportunity for students to really rise past the expectations of people and to move past what these administrators have done and failed to do. >> reporter: so you can see there, at least one of the students there said that they recognize that some of these officials here failed to do what they should have done, but there's still a great deal of support for joe paterno here at penn state and in this community. brooke? >> i just had a guest on, absolutely appalled by this report, but still says he loves joe paterno. jason carroll, thank you so much. and i want to take you back to the detroit windsor tunnel. we're watching this very closely. again, it is closed. there was a bomb threat called in right around 12:30 local time on the canadian side. there are bomb disposal squads now en route to try to find this thing, if, in fact, there is a bomb in there. we're all over it. don't move. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the 5-day moving average just crossed above the 20. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 we're hitting new highs. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the spx is on my radar. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and i'm on top of it all with charles schwab. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i use streetsmart edge and its tools like... tdd# 1-800-345-2550 screener plus. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i can custom build my own screens tdd# 1-800-345-2550 or use predefined ones to help me find tdd# 1-800-345-2550 possible trading opportunities quickly. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 i can also bounce my ideas off their trading specialists - tdd# 1-800-345-2550 on the phone or face-to-face. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 and i can trade wherever i want, whenever i want. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the kicker? 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>> i have no cd. it takes time to find the right fit. he's very special. >> reporter: so special, dior staged a set like no other for simmons' debut, 1 million flowers lining the walls and a high wattage crowd, including the countless top designers. >> the amount of them made it very intimidating, also, at the same time, and very scary. >> if it was scary, simmons didn't show it. and the clothes just had the reviews. at the audience, speechless, perfection. even his toughest critics swooned. >> he brought a lightness and simplicity to it that are incredibly refreshing. nice clothes are fine, but you can find nice clothes anywhere. what raf brings is a point of view. >> did dior make the right choice? >> from what we saw, it was a brilliant choice. >> reporter: in designing these custom-made clothes, simons was most interested in dior's early years, when he he himself designed. >> like a ball game, which could have been maybe, you know, seven meters, becomes a top, that goes with the pants, the hands in the pockets and it becomes something more, you know, like livable. >> reporter: one of fashion's top jobs. why even those rumored to be under consideration came too. everyone thought for a while that this job was yours. >> no, but it is. it it's his, and it's gorgeous. >> reporter: and if you want to watch all things fashion, doot miss alina's special this saturday afternoon, you can catch it on cnn 2:30 eastern time. jesse jackson jr. has not been to work in six weeks now. he called out sick, he disappears, and now his doctor says he is suffering from a mood disorder. find out how he's being treated and the typical diagnosis for this. 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>> it's sort of an umbrella name for a bunch of different disorders, but most of the time, it's one of two disorders that you have heard of. depression or bipolar disorder. some people call it manic depression, you know, very high highs in the form of mania, very low lows in the form of depression. most of the time when someone has a mood disorder, it's one of those two. >> so when i hear either bipolar disorder or depression, i think, it's curable but it doesn't go away? >> treatable, but not curable. many people get treated on an outpatient basis or get a combination of the two. we were talking to a psychologist today that says, you can go in and get treatment, but chances are this is something you'll have to deal with for a lifetime. you can get treatment, but then something else will come up. maybe there's a new stressor. maybe something else bad happens to you. but people don't usually get treatment and then that's it, they're done. >> so anyone facing this house ethics investigation is going to be under duress, i would imagine, so would that exacerbate any kind of condition he's suffering from? >> sure, it could bring on a condition or exacerbate condition. you could be doing fine and then have a terribly stressful thing like that happen and it can bring on manic depression or bring on depression. for some people, it might be divorce. for him, it might be that investigation. think about it, he even said this when we saw him before, that his character is under assault. and for someone of his prominence, of his stature to have his colleagues looking at him, i imagine there's embarrassment, there's shame, there's worry, all of that put together. >> and just the people who he represents in illinois, kind of wondering what's been going on. at least now we know a little bit more about what it is. elizabeth cohen, thank you. >> thanks. >> and elizabeth will be back next hour. we should mention that horrible video from connecticut. if you haven't seen it, it involves this disabled woman in this home, sort of being pulled and tugged by her hair. we'll talk about that and how difficult it is to know if you have someone in a home what to do, how to be an empowered patient or caregiver. >> and i think most of us will have to put a relative in a nursing home or some kind of home and you want to make sure they're not being abused there. >> my grandmother. >> a tough situation. as iran steps up rhetoric, the u.s. is apparently rushing underwater drones to the persian gulf in case of a crisis. general mark timt walks me through it, next. matters. pioneers in outsourcing us jobs supports tax breaks overseas. insourcing. industry and favors bring jobs home. it matters. i'm barack obama, and i approved this message. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. you remember iran and perhaps you recall its threats to bottle up the strait of hormuz. nifty satellite imagery, thank you, nasa. look at this. this is oman. it's peeking up from the bottom. iran up top there. and that arc there in blue, that is the strait of hormuz, a narrow choke point between the persian gulf into the arabian sea. key point for you, the fact that millions of barrels of oil pass through this strait each and every day and there's really not a lot of o room for maneuvering, thus pretty easy place for iran to cause trouble should it want to. and now we are getting word that the u.s. is rushing in these sea-borne drones that would sniff out iran mines should iran decide to plant them and blow things up. joini ining me now, mark kimmit former assistant secretary of state, good to talk to you. let me ask you, if iran were to follow through on its threat to try to seal off the persian gulf, would they lace the strait of hormuz with mines or would they do something else? >> well, i think if they're going to make that large decision to close the straits of hormuz, i would expect they will use everything in their power, not just underseas mines to close the strait, but you could expect that they'll use some of their surface naval capabilities, those small patrol boats, to attack oil tankers, as well as attack military ships in the region as well. >> okay. so anything and everything. so all of the above is what they would use. and then there are all kinds of scenarios that could occur in the persian gulf. so let me just try this one on you, general. let's say iran decides to sink a tanker loaded with oil from, let's say, iraq. would the united states, do you think, you know, consider this an act of war? and if so, what would be the response? >> well, it wouldn't just be the united states. it would be in international waters. that would be an act of war. >> it would? >> and the entire international community would respond accordingly. this isn't just an issue between the united states and iran. this is an area where most of the world's oil comes from every day. and the vast majority of that oil is not used by the united states, but used by europe, japan, and in some cases india. so that would be a significant military action done by the nation of iran and i think any legal expert would understand that and declare that an act of war. >> before i ask you about these aircraft carriers, i'm just curious when we talk about this threat, do you think, and i'm sure part of this as a result of all the sanctions that we've slapped on iran, could they be bluffing? >> could they be bluffing about what? >> choking it off. choking off e strait. >> oh, certainly, but this is part of a campaign that the iranians have in the region. but it is not simply the straits of hormuz. iran is trying to extend its power throughout the region. it has hegemonic aspirations. it's developing a nuclear capability. it recognizes the vulnerabilities of the straits of hormuz. this is a country that has aspirations well beyond its border and i don't think its bluffing. >> general kimmitt, we have two aircraft carriers parked just outside the persian gulf right now, ostensibly to support the war in afghanistan. and there is talk now, from what i understand, of keeping both of them in the region instead of rotating one in, one out. as it concerns iran, why would we need two aircraft carriers? those are pretty powerful vessels. why isn't one enough? >> well, the fact is that t

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Surface Stains , Ex Girlfriend , 90 , Life , City , Teens , Scene , Gunfire , Night After , Reason , Cases , Project , Jail , Biggest , Michael Bromwitch , Thousands , Files , Reviews , Lab , Inspector General , Results , Number , Hair , Convictions , Paper Review , Defendants , Exoneration , Guilt , Blood , Reports , Lab Analysts , Dna Evidence , Stages , Testimony , Fiber , Dna Testing , Have , Chairs , District Of Columbia , Department Of Justice , Hair Examination , Accumulation , Validity , Shouldn T , Bars , Interest , Lab Back , Mid 90s , Problem , Step , None , Outcome , Washington Post , Work , Accusation , Prison , Value , Article , Suggestion , Post , Example , Difference , Defendant , Conviction , Defenders , United States Attorney S Office , Circumstance , Basis , Record , Hair Evidence , Government , Development , Finding , Forensics , More , Courtrooms , Quality , Underpinnings , Morn , Set , Protocols , Protocol , Agents , Housing Market , Undertaking , Bromwitch , Alison Kosik , Foreclosures , New York Stock Exchange , Foreclosure Filings , 9 , Banks , Loans , Ton , Foreclosure Settlement , States , Five , 26 Billion , 49 , 6 Billion , Banks Kind , Put A , Guidelines , Foreclosure Process , Confidence , Official , Filings , Backlog , Jump , Roads , Realitytrak , Folks , Homes , Foreclosure , Properties , 1 Million , News , Issues , Areas , Prevention Efforts , Prices , Payment , Measures , Stocks , Lows , Chance , Row , Better , Worth , Dow , Leaders , Investors , Doing , Bailout Fund , Efforts , Session , Overshad Doing A Jobs Claim , Europe , Agreement , Wells Fargo , March Of 2008 , 4 , Mortgage Originator , Borrowers , Hispanic , 175 Million , Discrimination , Minority , Fees , 125 Million , 2004 , 25 Million , Communities , Tone , Assistance , Down Payment , 00 Million , 50 Million , Speeches , Candidate , Scrutiny , Cute En , Itgreed , Coffee , Coffins , Cup , Funeral Home , Starbucks Joe , South Carolina , Affiliate Wspa , Daily , Chris Robinson , Touches , Funeral Homes , Generations , Grief , Menu , Starbucks , Loved One , Renovation , Addition , Escape , About , Chapel , Doors , Stuff , Cash Register , Store , Venture , History , Shop , Surprise , Debate , Tones , Latinos , Surroundings , Hit , Medicare , Graham Moore , Social Security , Isn T , Facts , Thanks , Scalp Protection , Earnedasay Org , 100 , Talk Shows , Rounds , Crowd , Jimmy Kimmel , Jay Leno , Policy , Jobs , Millionaires , Number One , Black Or White , Hidden Agenda , Citizen , Laughter , John Avalon , The One , Romney Speech , National Association Of Latino Elected Officials , Passage , Audience Booing , Save , He Ew , Audience , Base , Front , Bank Shot Speech , Conservatives , Tea Party , Red Meat , Radio Crowd , Booing , Attempt , Illustration , Approval , Crowds , Slang , Republican , Take A Look , Latino Policymakers , Islam , Listen , Moms , Immigration System , Concerns , Nation , Dads , Immigrants , Records , Signs , Roof , Deportations , Obama , Immigration , Primary , Border Security , Obligation , Candidates , Nomination , Need , Reach Out , Policies , Reality , Rhetoric , Credibility , Audiences , Answer , Remark , Privilege , Saying , Dig , Proportion , Won T , Legs , Opportunity , Party , Legacy , Nominee , Unemployment , Lincoln , Rights , Politics , Generation , Groups , Necessity , Governing , Cells , Coalition , Larger , Research , 21 , Cell Health , Men S Health Concerns , Multi Vitamin , Antioxidants , 50 , Bomb Threat , Traffic , To Windsor , Windsor Police , Pictures , Detroit Windsor Tunnel , Ontario , Anonymous , Detroit , Google Map , Windsor Detroit Tunnel , Vehicles , Cars , 29000 , 27000 , 9 Million , Trucks , Thoroughfares , Amount , Police Vehicles , Standstill , Woman , Picture , Video , Fish , Mine , Son , Bull Shark , Holy , God , Course , Purpose , Shark , Stories , Bleeps , Feet , Photos , 200 , Cycling Race , Guys , Pack , Speedos Speeding , Tour De France , 11th Stage , 11 , Brooke Baldwin , Artist , Streets , Tattoo , Back Inks , Skull , Cnn Newsroom , Madrid , All Of You , Tattoo Festival , Home Buyers , Word , Bank , Accusations , Mortgage Rates , Truth , Campus , Monster Hiding In Plain Sight , School Officials , Camp , Cover , Bain Capital , Findings , Louis Freeh , Investigators , College Football , Jerry Sandusky Scandal , Steps , Child , Saddening , Children , Columbia University , Reputation , Faculty Member , Fired Last November , 45 , The Man , Perjury , Suspension , Athletic Director , University Police , Center , Sentence , Counts , Prison Cell , 400 , Blow , Brian Claypool , Not Paterno , Criminal Defense Attorney , Graduate , Child Advocate , Vrgts , Point , Attorney , Learning , George Schultz , Shows , Conspiracy , Child Endangerment , Department , E Mails , E Mail Chain , School Locker Room , End Quote , Exchange , Grand Jury , Back , Smoking Gun , Administration , Opinion , Anxious , Football Program , Image , Litany , Prosecution , Expense , Care Of , Ear , Scandal , Football Scandal , Tarnish , Op Ed , Unplushed , The End , Basketball , School , Right , Athletes , Football Team , Library , 7 , 00 , Generating Revenue , You Wouldn T Have Federal Grants , Wouldn T Have Endowments , Judgment , Hundreds , Order , Drug , Fix , Wasn T A Criminal Investigation , Students , Lawyer , Miramonte , Business Decision , Know , Disaster , Safeguarding , Institutions , Nca , Top , Director Freeh , Paterno Family Statement , Leader , Pattern , Joe Paterno Wasn T Perfect , Damage , Piece , Benefit , Hindsight , Alum , Sympathy , Pizzas , Grocery Stores , Event , Comment , Integrity , Guy , Tons , National Honor Society , Police Department , Phone , Admission , My Heart And Soul , Do The Right Thing , Wouldn T , Or Curley , Ernt Burnett , Reminder , Programming Note , Horrible , Outfront , Soldier , In The End , Crisis Hotline , Hold , Jetliners , Epidemic , Fixing , Iran , Htc One X , Move , Beats Audio , At T , Persian Gulf , Marathon Man , Music , Rio Vista , Doctor , Shingles , Cindie , Somebody , On Fire , Sensation , Rash , Anybody , Little Girl , Shinglesinfo Com , The Inside Story , Matthew Dasty , Breaking News , On Thetari Area , Phone Call , Sergeant , 12 , Bomb , Tunnel , Caller , Crossing , Michigan , Canada , Don T Know , Incident Command , Route , Border , Liaisoning , Agencies , Land , Play , Detroit River , Trade , Everything Else , Problems , Delays , Knowledge , Occurrence , Matthew D Asti , Threat , Resources , Calling , Thoroughfare , Alarm , Venerated Civil Rights Organization , Voting Rights , Enforcement , Eye , View , Heart And Soul Of America , Presidency , Brianna Keilar , Houston , Doom And Gloom Vision , Second , Don T , Specifics , One Campaign , Class , Protector , Video Appearance , Pitch , Send , Persevering , Always , Has , Regards , Michelle , Sasha , Malia , National Urban League Convention , 2011 , Appearance , Tb , Enthusiasm , North Carolina , Democrats , Expectation , Overturning , Concern , Welcome , Birthday , Bias , Martin Savage , Public , Morning , Neighborhood Watch , Allegation , Relations , Prejudice , Estate , Statements , Probe , Body , Fiancee , Racist , Wasn T A Racist Bone , Parting , Behavior , Temper , Medication , Acne Problem , Result , Ex Fiancee , Friendor , Polic Department , Declaration , Snapshot , Grreorge Zimmerman , Indication , Audiotapes , Interviews , Videotapes , Case , Defense Team , Prosecutor , Minutia , Raw Data , See , Somewhere , Answers , Aha , Repairs , Minorities , Pinpoint , Acoustic Guitar , Yep , Walk , Dog , Love , Bouncy , Beneful , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Home Protector Plus , Check , Costs , Exact , Possessions , Match , Plus , Corner , Plane , Riding , Faa , Planes , Wasn T , Little Pertu Perturbed , Fine , Damages , Goodness , It Certainty , Big , Slapping Delta , Nose Cone , Airline , Planets , Fines , Sure , Boeing 737 , A Million , Inspector , Weather Radar , Inspection , Chips , Navigation Equipment , Airline S Maintenance Center , 737 , 2010 , February Of 2010 , Maintenance , Security , Core Value , Aircraft , Crew , Customers , Cockpit , Floodlight , Manner , Compliance , Let S Move On , Wells Targo , Home Loans , Hispanics , Charging , Implosion , Housing , Crisis , Settlement , Litigation , Bank Of America , Practices , Isn T The First Time , Sort , Windsor Area , Unit , Peach , Jugular , Artery , Central Time , Chris Campbell , Explosive Disposal Unit , Tunnel Officials , Border Crossing , Procedure , K 9 Unit , Ambassador Bridge , Units , Mother , Detroit Police , Okay , Social Worker , Cancer Patients , Dr , Human Factor , Sanjay Gupta , Chief Medical Correspondent , Richard Dickens , Worker , Breaths , Battle , Disease , Mind , Graduate School , Meditation , Patients , Struggle , Sick , Dickens , Choice , Cancer Diagnosis , Invitation , 37 , Cancer , Li Non Hodgkin S Lymphoma , Aids Patients , Chemo , Illness , Henderwent , Bone Mar Row Transplant , Cancer Care , Maze , Advertisements , Appointment , Adult , New York City Subway , Sharing , Grad School , Grant , Remission , Columbia , Patient , He S Cancer Care , Body Project Coordinator , Support Group , Reporting , Matt Sandusky , Thoughts , Journey , Blog , Scandalous , Cnnhealth Com , University Leaders , Buzz , Cereal , Honey Nut Cheerios , Ooh , Iceland , Shame , Jason Carroll , Interview , First , Horrors , Victim , Who , Victim Number , Commission Basilly , Publicity , Commentary , Attorneys , Decision Making , Interests , Protecting , Crystal , Branding , Institution , Pages , Facility , Shower , Contact , Ta S , Acted Pry , The Grand Jury , 06 , 2 , 1 , University Officials , We Wouldn T , Feeling , Expectations , Administrators , Community , Guest , Bomb Disposal Squads , Tdd , Don T Move , 1 800 345 2550 , 345 , 800 , 2550 , Highs , Spx , Radar , Charles Schwab , Ideas , Trading Opportunities , Trading Specialists , Screener Plus , Edge , Tools , Kicker , Language , Face To , 8 95 , 95 , Breakout , I M Talking , Trading Today , Bottom , Account , 0051 , 540 , 1 800 540 0051 , 6 , Christian Dior , Celebrities , Designer Convention , Alina Cho , Show , Fashion Week , Flowers , Style , Sharon Stone , Paris , Mark Jacobs , Ana Wintor , Clothes , He S A Rock Star , He S Belgian Ralph Simmons , John Gal Yliano , Rant , No Other , Fit , Making , Hiring , Debut , Cd , Simmons , Walls , Designers , Simmons Didn T , Lightness , Perfection , Speechless , Simplicity , Point Of View , Anywhere , What Raf , Simons , Fashion , Ball Game , Pockets , Pants , Livable , Consideration , Gorgeous , Eastern Time , Doot , Suffering , Diagnosis , Summer Event , Sport , Offer , Agility Control , Powerful , Sedan , Efficient C250 , Graph , Mercedes Benz , Brave Knights , July 31st , 31 , Ultrabook , Sales , Purchase Order , Liege , Everything , Heart Attack Patient , Computers , Intel , Ultra Responsive Ultrabook , Ultra , Sleek , Realization , Emergency Room , Heart Attack , Away , Martial Arts , Bayer Aspirin Regimen , Aspirin Regimen , Fighter , Fear , Facebook , Accident Forgiveness , Guarantee , Price , Accident , Features , Drivers , Agent , Congressman , Hasn T , Lawmakers , Chorus , Illino Congressman , Wasn T Just Exhaustion , Strain , Constituents , Sake , Jackson , Ethics Probe , Rod Blagojevich , Character , Seat , Senate , Mood , Term , Residential Treatment Facility , Form , Bipolar Disorder , Most , Umbrella Name , Mania , Participants , Tourists , 11th Stage Of The Tour De France , Worl , Cool Stuff , Festival , Crews , Bodies , Wreck , Costa Concordia , Italy , Suzanne Malveaux ,

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