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photos michael jackson wanted to have destroyed. good evening everyone. i'm don lemon. the news starts right now. the legendary mississippi river is rewriting history tonight. for the first time in nearly 40 years the morganza spillways a opened today to divert the swollen river into the atchafalaya basin. it's a pressure valve to relieve the threat of flooding in beige and new orleans, but it means tiny communities could be under many feet of water and force thousands of people from their homes. this is what it looked like back in 1973. the one and only time this spillway had to be opened. the fact this spillway has not been opened in four decades underscores how serious this situation has become. for the next hour we'll be joined by general rousel honore, a hydrologist and key correspondents. we want to get to ed lavandera wh was there when the spillway was opened earlier this afternoon. >> reporter: don, the first gate of the morganza spillway has been opened. you can see the water gushing out through that first gate, halfway down this morganza flood control structure. there are 125 gates. for now only one has been opened. officials say they will continue to open up more in the coming days. for right now they are trying to slow down this process. you can already see the water making its way into this area that was just a big grassy area. the reason they are doing it very slowly is to give the wildlife and animals a chance to adjust to the vast amount of water that will soon be pouring through here. you can see the amount of water gushing through. all of this has to do with the amount of pressure that has been building up along the mississippi river. the trigger number that officials have been looking at is 1.5 million cubic feet of water per second. that's the amount of pressure that's been building along the mississippi river. anything more than that is simply too treacherous for the levee systems between baton rouge and new orleans. they need to lower that pressure. anything more than that can compromise those lev yes systems. right now they are more at 1.6 million cubic pressure per water. that's simply too much. officials here say they will not need to use all of the gates. all of this capacity will not be needed but the bonnet carre spillway is already at full capacity. what does that mean for all of the people who live in the path of this water as it begins the slow process of moving southward toward morgan city which is 100 miles away? it will move through the river basin of the area that will be flooded out. this water is not expected to crest in morgan city until may 24th. after that it's expected to stick around several more weeks, so we're looking at perhaps mid-june by the time all of this water dissipates and everything gets back to normal. that's the reality for many of the residents, the thousands of people who live down stream from where we are right now. >> and a very sad reality. thank you, ed lavandera. jennifer delgado has more information about how opening the morganza spillway today has already had a measurable effect on new orleans already. >> absolutely. earlier in the day we saw right around 16.98 feet. right now it's pretty close to that, but you have to keep in mind that's minor flood stage. we'll talk about how it affected parts of new orleans in just a moment. but as i zoom in for you, with he have this image coming in from the army corps of engineers. this is in this area of blue, an area expected to be experienced through parts of louisiana. ed was saying how that water was coming out of there. they opened 20% of that. now, as i show you this in red, this is the morganza spillway. in blue this actually is the mississippi river. because the mississippi is so high, by opening this up, this has allowed for actually some of that water to actually -- we can say be relieved and be pushed over to the west and south. the problem is that is going to flood a good part of the river basin area jen where in blue. to give you an idea how deep the water is going to be, we're talking about the flooding problem that's going to be there. anywhere you see it in green, we're talking 10 to 15 feet. anywhere in orange you can see right along the river we're talking 20 to 25, and look right here. this is actually showing you the area of the mississippi river. as i zoom out and we talk about louisiana, as i close this for you, and this right here is going to give you an idea when we're going to see some of that water coming from the morganza spillway. for sunday it's going to get very close to the area of interstate 10. that is a very heavily traveled road. it goes from lafayette to baton rouge, and with that water coming in, we could potentially see some of that actually causing some travel disruption. as we jump ahead to tuesday, we're going to see potentially cresting on may 25th, roughly about a half a foot above record flood stage. so we do have a levee system there, but that is if it holds together. now, we go to another graphic here. we have to continue talking about the flooding. yes, this is louisiana, and don mentioned how is this going to have an affect on new orleans? well, because they opened this up, we're going to expect only minor flooding may 14th and then may 16th we're actually going to see the river cresting, and that is roughly about ten feet above flood stage. and up towards the north we're talking dates roughly right around may 22nd, may 19th. i'm going to walk over here and talk to you, don, and we're looking at that video of the morganza spillway. you said to me earlier how has that affected new orleans? well, the good news is it's actually relieving some of that potential stress. now, we have a little science experiment for you. hopefully you can see this. we have some rice. this actually represents the bonnie carey. we opened that last week. >> the smaller spillway. >> scoop that for me. >> that represents 250,000 cubic feet per second. now, this one, this is the morganza and i'm going to make a mess, don. >> water is going to spill like that anyway. >> the red line indicates actually the top of the levee. by taking this all out you can see that the line is going to fall back down, it's going to be back below flood stage. >> that's with both of them. >> this has had an immediate effect but it's going to affect so many other people who live in that basin. you know that so. >> good explanation. >> thank you. >> our meteorologist here at cnn. we appreciate it. thank you. we're following developing story that we want to tell you about. it's about one of the most powerful voices when it comes to the world's money pulled off a plane tonight and questioned about an alleged sexual assault. we're going to have a live report for you. and then there's this. two leaders of the muslim faith arrested in this miami house charged with aiding terrorists. many have of you have been asking for information on social media. so you can reach out to us on twitter, on facebook, on and on inime litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. curtis: welcome back to geico it's savings, on the radio. gecko: and the next caller is doug from chico. doug: oh...hey thereey...! gecko: you sound like a happy n. i wrote a song about it. gecko: alright, let's hear it! curtis: yeah jam session! doug: one, two... ♪ (singing) i got my motorcycle ♪ ♪ and my rv now i gotmore money. ♪ vo: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. you think i have allergies? 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[ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay? let's go back to drawing. that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? [ male announcer ] cardboard no, delicious yes. burn a bush because for peace he don't push no button. killing over all, no weapons of destruction. >> hip-hop star common in a 2007 performance on hbo's death poetry jam. that line about burning a bush is one reason that conservatives are up in arms after the white house invited common to a poetry reading. was the white house wrong or do conservatives have a fundamental fear or misunderstanding of rap and hip-hop? we had a good chat about it earlier. >> they have nothing to go on. this is the cleanest rapper we have in the game. common sense, he makes conscious raps. he speaks to the people. he's anti-everything. this guy believes in god. if he's bad, there's nothing left in rap. he's the best we got. >> i know that fox will play this and say oh, look what cnn did, they invited these people on. just asking the questions. is there some racial undertones here? >> there's a definite racial disparity in the types of different music. for a lot of white americans they believe when black people talk about violence it's autobiographical and they're getting ready to go kill somebody. when white people do it they are just talking. bill o'reilly says white house doesn't understand america. these critics don't understand there's millions of americans whose understanding and experience of this country is not the lee greenwood thank god i'm free, proud to be an american version. it's a version of people who live in the bronx, folks who don't feel free. when they write about it either in a rhyme or poem, that is what scares these conservative white folks. then don't accept the fact that for millions of people the experience of america is different than theirs and they don't want to confront that. >> don't most whites buy hip-hop and rap? >> absolutely. you just have to remember this is all strategy. in my book i actually tell the cops' side of that 1992 cop killer controversy. and ron knew consciously that this was something that the cops needed to do after the l.a. cops beat down rodney king and the ensuing riots. the police had egg on their face and that this is something that the republicans and police needed to do to sort of turn cops into victims. when in actuality people like rodney king and folks brutalized by police that are much more the victims of this kind of thing. >> thanks to our panel there. baseball commissioner bud selig sits down with an exclusive interview, and he has some very interesting things to say about steroids and pete rose. i think you'll be surprised. you don't want to miss it. with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. major league baseball is celebrating its history and pioneers this weekend in atlanta. the annual civil rights game is being held at turner field sunday but the game is just part of a wider celebration. today saw a youth summit at centennial park along with games on a temporary field. the beacon awards are tonight honoring heroes like hall of famer ernie banks and a special recognition of the freedom riders, those courageous americans that rode buses across the south in the early '60s to defy discrimination. bud selig is here in atlanta for this weekend's event and he sat down with our very own fred reka whitfield for an interview. he talked about baseball's efforts to rid the game of steroids as well as at the lie guy built of certain players for the hall of fame. he also had some very interesting things to say about pete rose, currently banned from the game for betting on baseball games. >> so cleaner now than ever? >> no question about it. we banned amphetamines which was a great problem in major league baseball for years. the incidents of steroids in terms of positives are almost down to nothing. we're the only american sport testing for human growth hormone. we're giving blood tests in the minor leagues. i'm proud of where we are. we have to be on the lookout. chemists are always trying to develop things. but this is the first time baseball ever had a drug testing program. we went through the cocaine era in the '80s. now there's very stringent testing and i'm proud of the great progress we have made. >> how will that impact the eligibility of players in the hall of fame, sammy sosa, barry bonds, jose conseco, and their records and the potential of hall of fame, but at the same time the cloud of -- >> that will be up to the baseball writer's association of america. they will have to make that judgment in the years to come. >> will it be your judgment? >> no. that's strictly up to the baseball writer's association of america. they will have to make their own individual judgments on players. as they do now. >> when it comes to a pete rose, your opinion of a pete rose weighs very heavily on whether he should be in the hall of fame. >> that was different. pete broke an existing rule of 70 years. my office was created bykenesaw mountain landis and the scandal. and that's a matter still under review. >> you might change your mind? >> i didn't say that but it is under review. i understand the pros and cons of the pete rose situation. >> do you think you'll see a pete rose in the hall of fame? >> not a judgment i want to make. >> you can see the full interview tomorrow in the newsroom, 2:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. cnn had a chance to speak to three men being honored by major league baseball as role models. hall of famer ernie banks, actor morgan freeman, and musician carlos santana were given beacon awards tonight, em blet mattic the league says of the spirit of the civil rights movement. here is some of their conversation with our very own t.j. holmes. >> mr. banks, could you imagine, i guess there was a time you couldn't imagine there being a black player in major league baseball, but now there's a black president. what was your thought? >> it was very unique. i didn't think there would be a black manager, black general manager. jackie said this in 1972, he felt baseball had reached its pinnacle unless you see a black man standing on that third base coaching. it begins with him, back with him. jackie was really a pioneer. i think he's responsible for barack obama being the president of the united states going way back then. it was before the civil rights movement. jackie was a person who lived up to all of that and had changed that superiority and interiority to -- >> more equality. >> more of an equality. >> that was a very profound statement right there. jackie robinson is responsible for barack obama being in the white house. do you think people forget that sometimes and sometimes put it in the category because it was sports? >> it's a long string. but every now and then somebody comes along and connects both ends so that we can see it clearly again. i don't know if we actually forget it. >> you can see more of this interview tomorrow morning here on cnn. major league baseball civil rights game will be played right here in atlanta on sunday afternoon. new developments in just the past few hours along the rain swollen mississippi river. the morganza spillway is now open. next we'll talk with the tulane university professor and retired general russel honore about the decision to flood thousands of homes and businesses to save the state's two largest cities. 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[ female announcer ] positively radiant. and try skin brightening daily scrub, only from aveeno. discover the power of active naturals. should i bundle all my policies with nationwide insurance ? watch this. on one hand, you have your home insurance with one company. and on another hand, you have your auto with another. and on another hand, you have your life with another. huh... but when you bundle them all together with nationwide insurance... ... they all work together perfectly-- and you could save 25%. wow... it's all in the wrists. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ for the radio station don't sign off with dixie ♪ ♪ the way they did in sweet home alabama ♪ >> that was hank williams jr. performing a at a country music benefit for the victims of the recent tornado and flooding. dangerous flooding along the mississippi river today led to the opening of a spillway in morganza, louisiana, a move not seen since the early 1970s. army corps of engineers says more gates will be opened and will probably stay open for weeks. it is a desperate action to reduce the river level now threatening the cities of baton rouge and new orleans. i want to bring in retired general russel honore and torp marc davis, director of the tulane institute of water record law and policy. thanks to both of you for joining us. mark, a lot of people are upset about the flooding of the at chafalaya but what choice did the corps have? >> they didn't have a choice. the choice was made shortly after the 1927 flood. in many ways people have to understand this system is working the way it was intended to work. in 1927 we displaced more than 600,000 people, and this is a whole system, not just morganza or bonnie carey, it's the entire levee system with its control structures that have been put in place. there are some hard choices that have been made in the process and not everybody bears the same burden. right now it's working the way it was designed to work which after katrina it's nice to see a levee system do that. >> well said. general honore, the morganza can handle up to 36,000 cubic feet of water per second and the bonnie kari can handle up to 250,000 cubic feet of water per second. is it enough? >> based on current projections. things can change. if we have a failure, if there's something we don't catch, the levee guys are doing a good job recounting those levees. if we have a break, for instance, history has shown we've had seven or eight breaks between baton rouge and morganza in the last 100 years. if that was the break and flood poured out, then that becomes the game changer. >> port allen. that's where i grew up. right there. mark, i got to ask you this. i had never heard anyone say this and maybe i just hadn't heard it. didn't read enough. but explain to us that releasing -- how releasing this water into the atchafalaya and into lake pontchartrain can be a positive thing for the environment? >> it can be not so much for lake pontchartrain but i think what we need to understand this is really the story of one river and two floods. that coastal louisiana, everything from baton rouge south and largely from texas to mississippi was built by the mississippi river over the last 7,000 years. and ever since we took the river out of that landscape we've watched it disappearing and really over the last 100 years we've lost roughly, you know, 2,000 square miles of land. that's a permanent flood. so what we actually need is to get the river back into that landscape in a controlled way but where it can actually nourish the marshes and swamps that protect new orleans and so many other things from things like hurricane katrina. so, we have to realize that this river is a part of this coast, and, you know, that it's a tool as well as a source of trouble. >> general, i'm going to bring you back in again. this flooding event might last into the summer you said. i got to ask you can the levees hold that long? >> well, a lot of investment has been made into the levees with the riffraff, with concrete being poured against them in the most dangerous areas. we are going to be at risk. and the corps is working hard to minimize that risk by keeping the pressure using morganza and using bonnie carey, but no one can give you 100% surety we won't have a failure. why? because there's things happening underneath that water that you can't see and underneath that levy. even though we have the strongest leees we ever had, there's a possibility we could have a failure. there is a possibility. >> i got to ask you this just on a personal note. i'm being honest here. when you said port allen. my mom is in port allen. she lives there. is there a possibility of flood or breach there? >> the breach, the most probable place based on history is between port allen and the little town of morganza. there have been eight or nine breaks in the levee there in the last 100 years. that is the most vulnerable area right now. south of baton rouge, that would be around saint gabriel is the most vulnerable areas. and we need to continue to watch those areas. >> general, thank you. and thank you to mark davis. and our hearts and thoughts and prayers are with all the people down in louisiana. you have a great evening. musicians with a message. >> yeah, i mean left out. ♪ left out, left over ♪ just for carrying the cross on my shoulder ♪ >> they are called mary mary and this is the 21st century face of gospel music. not just singing about god but doing work in his name. that story is coming up. love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? 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[ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. pure... and also delicious. like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. ♪ that the lord has made ♪ that the lord has made that's the gospel you probably know. but this is a gospel selling album in the hundreds of thousands. ♪ i'm walking >> it's hip, it's urban and it's brought many blessings to the gospel group mary mary singing the song "walking" in this music video. tonight what matters. the singers are putting their word of god lyrics to action asking their fans to pay it forward. people think like when they say mary mary and you're not mary mary, right? it's tina and erica. >> that's who we are. >> it's from the bible? >> yes. >> just so the audience knows. people say they don't do gospel, it's secular. >> everybody has their own interpretation and we said for the past few years it's the gospel according to mary mary. in the type of church we grew up even though it was very traditional, we were very progressive. we were aware what was on the radio even though our mother tnt let us listen to it. we wanted to dance and have a good time and the music had to be funky and banging. but for us it had to reach the unchurched. if you're using the most religious terms and most religious music and trying to share the love of god, you know, how you can live better and love better and be better why do you want to come with this boring downtrodden worrisome type of music. >> i can't do it. >> whatever format it's played on, sunday morning, friday night at the clubs, the intention and motivation behind the music still the same, to share god's love. no matter where it's played or where it fits, it's going to be effective wherever it goes. sometimes that perspective is about preference. you don't prefer us. that does not mean that it's wrong. >> i know you have a lot of things going on. you have a new album and we're going to talk about it. i want to talk about your initiative called something big especially with what just happened in alabama and the south with the tornadoes and now with the flooding. tell me about something big. >> something big. the push behind this was love big, do big, live big, it wasn't just about make a great record and have people think you're fantastic. we wanted to put the music into action. >> and use the platform for something other than just the songs. >> we've been encouraging our people to do just that. we had a six or seven-week campaign encouraging our fans, followers, friends, to do something big for the elderly, for the homeless, for schools. if you've got something big they're doing in their life. starting school again, pursuing something they thought they couldn't, overcoming in some way and now we're going to take that initiative to helping the people who are dealing with that crisis in alabama. >> obviously you want to sell records because you want your message -- it's part of who you are. it's part of what you do. you were put here on earth to do that, but there can also be a way to help people in what you do, and that's what something big is? >> it always has to be more. it always has to be more. this is 11 years for us. we're still singing and still selling records and getting to talk to fantastic people. but i feel like we should charge people to do something. especially the way our world is today. we need help. we can do it alone and a lot of people are assuming it's all going to happen from the white house. but it happens on our streets in our neighborhood. if we change our street just the block, maybe you change the city, and if you change the city, maybe you change the county and it grows and grows. we're trying to get people to think beyond just buying the record. now you do something. >> are they responding to something big? >> they are blowing us away. these people are going out taking you don't need everything to do something. you just need a willingness to do it. you're seeing that with our fans. >> there's a girl here in atlanta that her and her friend took two suitcases and got on a city bus and went to pass out food and clothes to homeless people. then it started raining so they got those little hats and kept going. they videoed themselves and sent it to our site. there was a mother, i don't remember where she lives but she had two small children and the father is not in the home. this is when they were talking about doing something for seniors. they went to a senior citizens home. they passed out chocolate kisses. it's small but impactful. so they really are doing something. my interview with mary mary. thank you so much. the king of pop in the days before he went under the knife. these are the kind of photo that is michael jackson did not wan you to see. the cnn exclusive moments away. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." ♪ the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? 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these are from march 1978, a photo shoot at stew yos here in hollywood by a frae lance photographer who was a college student at the time. he is reginald garcia and i met him this week. he showed me these remarkable photos that have been in the closet in a box in his home for the last three decades. he recently pulled them out because he needed something to fund an electrical invention he's got, an energy-efficient electrical motor that he says he think could make a big difference in the world and selling these photos he thinks will finance that. >> how much will these photos go for? >> i've heard estimates of $40,000, $50,000. keep in mind you got two things. you've got the actual photos, the slides, the contact sheets, the prints that exist, the originals if you will, and then you have the copyrights. i'm understanding the copyrights have just been bought by kia morgan. he's talked about his remarkable photo collection. they are helping to sell the originals. quite a story in how reginald garcia came about these. >> very interesting. alan duke, great pictures to look at. we appreciate you getting this story for us, a cnn exclusive and if you want to see them, talking to you viewers now, all the photos of jackson before he went under the knife make sure you check out our blog. go to a sticky situation is happening at some proms across the nation. students are donning dresses and tuxes made from duct tape. did you know it can be made into a fabric? check out the duct tape sensations. we'll show them to you after the break. but first in vietnam an estimated 23,000 children are living and working on the streets. many come from rural areas to the city seeking opportunity. instead, they end up facing a daily struggle just to survive. that's where this week's cnn hero comes in, an australian who moved to vietnam just to help. here in hanoi kids come to the streets hoping it will be better than living in poverty in the countryside, but often they find things are much worse for them here. you can identify kids who are living and working on the streets. they may get detained by the authorities, they may get beaten up. there are gangs selling heroin. we're finding kids being tricked and then sold into prostitution. it was just a case of i can help so i should help. my name is michael brosowski. i work in vietnam with street kids trying to get them off the streets and back into school and safe homes. when when he started out our goal was just to get them back into school. to do that we realized we would have to take that place of providing an income, food, providing the shelter. our center is where the kids know to come. this is where they feel safe. they can join in our activities. they can talk to the staff. and then we've got to make sure they're working towards education or getting a job or improving their health. we've also got to be careful that if the child has a family, the family is as involved as possible. it's an amazing feeling getting to watch these kids go from being malnourished and completely lacking confidence to wanting to make a change. i grew up in poverty and i often used to think if i could do something good with my life, if i knew someone could come and give me a chance. now i'm the guy that can help these kids and give them a chance. show us how you two would have danced if you had been able ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. show us how you two would have danced if you had been able to attend the prom. this will be sweet. >> no wonder. >> comedian jimmy kimmel rooting for the connecticut kid who could not go to his prom, but today the ban was lifted for james tate. it was reported the headmaster changed her mind and the 18-year-old honor student can go now. he got into trouble for this prom proposal taping block letters to the side of his school. the connecticut high school banned him. then came the tv appearances and a let james tate go to the prom facebook page with 200,000 followers. this afternoon the headmaster announced she had changed her mind and some say she bowed to the pressure from online. no doubt we're in the midst of prom season and there are hundreds of kids around the nation stuck on prom. like you have probably never seen before. they created dresses and tuxes of duct tape just for the event. in georgia the high school had an entire duct tape prom. some of the students and their teachers came to visit me just to give me an up close look at their sticky situations and sensations. >> this is about the community. we've had the best time doing this. we have a fashion show around the fountain at the square. people have written songs about us. we have, you know, our own little website. you can google us. we have a wonderful time. it all started because it was scholarship sponsored by duct brand duct tape. they will enter as a couple and the winners will win $5,000 each. and the school has an opportunity to win 5,000 and second place is 3,$000 a piece. these outfits are wonderful. >> everything is duct tape. >> that's wire. >> but it's all duct tape and i wonder -- i went to -- i passed these guys as i was running to the restroom between shows. how do you guys go to the bathroom in these things? >> we had people fall trying to put their duct tape on. it's warm, but during our prom it was a little cool so they were wonderful. >> it was march. >> march. >> who will win? >> they all want to win. >> come on, guys, don't be shy. who is going to win? >> these all really great. best of luck. >> thank you. i'm going to east georgia college to teach their part time. we hope they will continue on in high school. >> it's great. for a good cause. i wish all of you could win and it's swainsboro high school and their duct tape prom. everybody give them a twirl. walk the runway as we leave you here. just walk. everybody. show it off. there you go. strut your stuff. the duct tape prom. swainsboro high school. before we get out of here, i want to update you on your top stories. the morganza spillway has just been opened. that hasn't happened in 38 years. historic flooding along the mississippi river made the move necessary to prevent the river from overwhelming the levees in new orleans and baton rouge. last time morganza spillway opened was 1973. thousands of people must now evacuate ahead of the rising water. the head of one of the world's key financial organizations is being investigated tonight about a sexual assault. dominique strauss-kahn is the leader of the international monetary fund. police pulled him off a flight to france to talk to him about an alleged incident at a hotel in times square. investigators say he was naked and tried to force himself on a maid in his room. police say strauss-kahn has declined to answer questions. two florida imams, a father and son, have been arrested on charges of providing support to the pakistani taliban. and another son has also been arrested in los angeles. a federal indictment accuses the three men along with three others inside pakistan of supporting a conspiracy to kill, injury, and kidnap people abroad. we're told the arrests are not linked to the recent killing of osama bin laden. republican mike huckabee says he's not going to run for president this time around. the former arkansas governor and 2008 white house hopeful waited until the final minutes of his weekly show on the fox news channel tonight to announce in his words all the factors say go, but the heart says no.

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Homes , Litters , Odors , Home Smelling , Purina , It , Gecko , Radio , Caller , Savings , Doug , Curtis , Geico , Chico , Song , Car Insurance , Rv , Motorcycle , Yeah Jam Session , Vo , Authentic , Haagen Dazs , Nothing , Zyrtec , Label , Allegra , Allergies , Fruit Juice , Juice , Sneezing , Doubtful , Announcer , Allergy , Relief , Labels , Sneezes , Orange Juice , Lost Without You , Fyi , Kinds , Retirement Questions , Retirement Expert , Retirement Check Up , Ira , Td Ameritrade , Answers , Branch , Talk , Hair , What , Em On , Gonna Help , Retirement Answers , Retirement Hows , How Muches , Ifs , 00 , 401 , 500 , The World S Financial Organization , Head , Dominique Strauss Kahn , Leader , Name , International Monetary Fund , Susan Candiotti , Lot , Hotel , Figure , Official , New York Police Department , Details , Business World , 1 , New York City , Room , Leaving , Oman , Housekeeper , Hotel Room , Police Say Strauss Kahn , Maid Entered , Desk , Naked , Police , Flight , Staff , Doors , Premises , Jfk Airport , Paris , Police Officers , Resistance , Plainclothes , Statements , Sexual Assault Unit , Background , Hurry , Cell Phone , Suitcase Behind , Something , Indication , Charge , Group , Countries , Term , Fourth , Difficulties , Five , 2008 , Power , Affair , Inquiry , Apology , Standards , Course , Position , Board , Son , Father , Charges , Developments , Support , Imams , Pakistani Taliban , Los Angeles , South Florida , U S National Security , Conspiracy , Others , Pakistan , Defendants , Mosque , Six , Three , Case , Tip , Sending , Iceberg , Taliban Inside Pakistan , 0000 , 50000 , Killing , Arrests , Performance , Osama Bin Laden , Pumps , Fire , Federal Court On Monday , Us , God , Dream , Stage , Unseen , Yep , Truck , Invitation , Uproar , Sweety , Emma , Fo Femma , Femma , Fana , Emma Bo , Bemma , Fiber , Job , Fiber Seeker , Let S Go , Drawing , Honey , Brown Sugar , Crunchy Clusters , Cardboard No , Mehta , Bush , Peace , No Button , Star Common , Conservatives , Death Poetry Jam , Destruction , Weapons , Arms , Hbo , 2007 , Game , Trap , Rapper , Poetry Reading , Go On , Misunderstanding , Chat , Fear , Guy , Fox , Best , Raps , Common Sense , Music , Questions , Undertones , Types , Disparity , Critics , Kill Somebody , Violence , Doesn T , Bill O Reilly , Experience , Version , Country , Millions , Folks Who Don T , Courageous Americans , Lee Greenwood , Bronx , Folks , Rhyme , Poem , L A Cops , Side , Strategy , Whites , Book , 1992 , 1992 Cop , Cop Killer Controversy , Beat Down Rodney King , Riots , Iron , Victims , Egg , Face , Republicans , Bud Selig , Interview , Thing , Kind , Panel , Thanks , Things , Pete Rose , Honey Nut Cheerios , Goats , Grain , Steroids , Bee , Cholesterol , Bee Healthy , History , Major League Baseball , Atlanta , Games , Civil Rights Game , Celebration , Turner Field Sunday , Saw A Youth Summit , Centennial Park , Recognition , Field , Hall Of Famer , Freedom Riders , Ernie Banks , Heroes , Beacon Awards , Rode Buses , 60s To Defy Discrimination , 60 , Event , Baseball , Efforts , Reka Whitfield , Fred , Players , Question , Baseball Games , Amphetamines , Terms , Sport Testing , Blood Tests , Positives , Incidents , Human Growth Hormone , Minor Leagues , Lookout , Drug Testing Program , Chemists , Cocaine , 80 , Records , Impact , Testing , Progress , Eligibility , Potential , Jose Conseco , Sammy Sosa , Barry Bonds , Judgment , Cloud , Baseball Writer S Association Of America , Judgments , Opinion , Matter , Review , Office , Rule , Scandal , Bykenesaw Mountain Landis , 70 , Pros And Cons , Men , Newsroom , Role Models , 2 , Morgan Freeman , Carlos Santana , Spirit , Conversation , The League , Civil Rights Movement , Em Blet Mattic , T J , Holmes , President , Thought , Banks , Player , You , Jackie Robinson , General Manager , Standing , Black , Third Base Coaching , Pinnacle , He Felt Baseball , Black Man , 1972 , Pioneer , Barack Obama , Person , Equality , Interiority , Superiority , More , Statement , Sports , Category , String , Somebody , Rain , Sunday Afternoon , Russel Honore , Cities , Estate , Flood Thousands , Businesses , Decision , Tulane University Professor , Radiance , Factors , Skin , Spf , Spots , Naturals Soy , Tone , Texture , Definition , Blotchiness , Dullness , 30 , Aveeno , Insurance , Policies , Naturals , Skin Brightening Daily Scrub , Hand , Another , Life , Home Insurance , Company , Auto , Huh , Work , Nationwide , Wrists , Radio Station , Sweet Home Alabama , Hank Williams Jr , Country Music , Move , Tornado , Opening , 1970 , Action , Level , Marc Davis , Policy , Law , Tulane Institute Of Water Record , Torp , System , Flood , Choice , Corps , Ways , Mark Davis , Chafalaya , 1927 , Place , Control Structures , 600000 , Everybody , Choices , Burden , Projections , Bonnie Kari , 36000 , Break , Levees , Failure , Levee Guys , Job Recounting , Don T Catch , Instance , Seven , Eight , Port Allen , Game Changer , Didn T , Enough , Atchafalaya , Lake Pontchartrain , Anyone , Floods , Environment , Landscape , 7000 , Land , 2000 , Swamps , Marshes , Hurricane Katrina , Trouble , Flooding Event , Summer , Coast , Source , Tool , Areas , Investment , Riffraff , Concrete , Risk , Surety , Levy , Leees , Possibility , Mom , Note , Breach , Little Town , Nine , Saint Gabriel , Message , Musicians , Thoughts , Evening , Hearts , Prayers , Gospel Group Mary , Left Out , Gospel Music , Cross , Shoulder , 21 , Love , Dog Food , Aroma , Kitchen , Beef Tenderloin , Don T You , Chef , Granola , Pure , Nature Valley , Dog , Michael S Canine Creations , Natural , Lord , Gospel , Album , Hip , Blessings , The Hundreds Of Thousands , Singers , Fans , Matters , Music Video , Walking , Lyrics , Word Of God , Tina , The Bible , Audience , Church , Type , Interpretation , Mother , Banging , Tnt , Unchurched , God S Love , Intention , Same , Format , Motivation , Clubs , Sunday Morning , Perspective , Preference , Initiative , It Wasn T , Tornadoes , Push , Something Big , Love Big , Do Big , Live Big , Alabama , Followers , Songs , Platform , Elderly , Campaign , Friends , Swainsboro High School , Schools , Homeless , Couldn T , Overcoming , Crisis , Earth , 11 , Streets , Street , Neighborhood , The Block , City , County , Grows , Food , Girl , Friend , Suitcases , Clothes , City Bus , Willingness , Children , Site , Seniors , Hats , Citizens , Impactful , Chocolate Kisses , Knife , Photo , Checking , Heart Rate , Someone , One Night Britta , Window , Tradition , Medication , Soul , Denmark , Luck , Fundamentals , Analysis , Don T Trade On Luck , Tradearchitect , Opportunity , Trading , Strategies , Free , Web , Earnings Analysis , Probability Analysis , Quotes , Re Visualized , Intuitive , Trade , Performances , Jokes , Him Fame And Fortune , Talent , Exclusive , Surgeries , Dozens , Alan Duke , Photographer , College Student , Photo Shoot , Stew Yos Here In Hollywood By A Frae , 1978 , March 1978 , Reginald Garcia , Box , Closet , Invention , Motor , Difference , Estimates , Contact Sheets , Slides , Prints , Exist , 40000 , Kia Morgan , Originals , Copyrights , Photo Collection , Viewers , Jackson , Blog , Duct Tape , Nation , Students , Dresses , Tuxes , Proms , Vietnam , Duct Tape Sensations , Fabric , 23000 , Kids , Hero , Struggle , Australian , Poverty , Countryside , Authorities , Heroin , Prostitution , Gangs , Street Kids , My Name , Goal , Michael Brosowski , Center , Activities , Income , Shelter , Family , Child , Health , Feeling , Education , Change , Confidence , Hello Sunshine , Sweetness , Prom , Jimmy Kimmel , Kid , Wonder , Ban , Connecticut , James Tate , Headmaster , School , Honor Student , Prom Proposal Taping Block Letters , 18 , Tv Appearances , Page , High School , Facebook , 200000 , Duct Tape Prom , Doubt , Midst , Season , Hundreds , Georgia , Community , Situations , Sensations , Teachers , Fashion Show , Square , Fountain , Website , Google , Winners , Couple , Piece , Outfits , Duct Brand , 000 , 3 , 5000 , Guys , Shows , Restroom , Bathroom , March , East Georgia College , Come On , Cause , Don T Be Shy , Runway , Twirl , Stories , Stuff , Show It Off , Hasn T , 1973 Thousands , 38 , Organizations , Incident , Times Square , Maid , Has , Florida Imams , Investigators , Indictment , Injury , Governor , Mike Huckabee , Arkansas , Commissioner , Pint , Guiness , Hotel Maid , Stance , Bounce , Momma , Show , Go , Heart , Words , 42 ,

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