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eye i'm bianca nobilo. >> and i'm max foster. just ahead -- >> the superior court judge giving a first glimpse in who how he plans to handle the sweeping election subversion case. >> seems unrealistic that we can handle all 19 in 40 something days. >> this is the moment danelo cavalcante escaped from chester county prison. >> he escapes from the prison having climbed up a wall. >> the moment a powerful missile hit a market in eastern ukraine. c chaos and carnage in the immediate aftermath. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> it is thursday, september 7, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in atlanta where the judge presiding over the election subversion case has ruled against two of donald trump's 18 co-defendants in their attempts to get solo trials. >> that coming during the first televised hearing in the case as the indictment was filed last month. fulton county judge also expressing skepticism that skroinjoint trial for all 19 could be held in october. and that is a sentiment shared by others. >> they are not going to try everybody together. nobody has asked to be tried together. the state seems to think that they can make that happen. i think that there are different groups in you read the indictment and see what the allegations are against the different people, but, no, i don't see 17 trials, 19 trials. i think that three or four trials could happen and streamline it. >> paula reid has more from washington. >> based on what has been presented today, i'm not finding the severance from mr. chesebro or powell is necessary to receive a fair determination of the guilt or innocence for either different in this case. >> reporter: judge scott mcafee in court wednesday giving the first glimpse into how he plans to handle the sweeping election subversion case in georgia. all in front of cameras allowed in the courtroom. mcafee ruling wednesday that defendants kenneth chesebro and sydney powell, who both filed for a speedy trial, cannot be separated and will stand trial together in a matter of weeks. >> obviously we're a little disappointed. we filed a motion and it was denied. however, we respect the court's ruling. >> reporter: now the issue before the court will be whether it is realistic that all 19 defendants including former president trump be tried together. >> to say that all 19 defendants should be tried together including ones that don't want to avail themselves of the speedy trial demand is really just nonsensical. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney fani willis has said from the beginning that she wants to do just that. >> do i intend to try the 19 defendants in this indictment together? yes. >> reporter: but the judge expressing skepticism about that plan and whether they can put on a massive trial for all the defendants as soon as october 23rd, the date now on the calendar for chesebro and powell. >> just seems a bit unrealistic to think that we could handle all 19 in 40 something severan we going to have 17 motions saying they aren't ready. >> reporter: and some defendants like mark meadows are trying to get their cases moved to federal court. >> i think we've already had some counsel indicating that they are on trial in other cases in federal court. >> reporter: late wednesday the district attorney fani willis asked the court to issue protections for any potential jurors who work on this case. this request comes after members of the grand jury, their identities were published in that indictment that went out to the entire world, many of them were identified online and then faced threats. so the fact that the district attorney is taking this step ahead of a potential trial, incredibly significant. paula reid, cnn, washington. >> cnn spoke with a former georgia prosecutor about the case and what he thinks the judge may ultimately want to see happen. >> i think first and foremost, he'd love to see the two speedy trial demands withdrawn, but i don't think that that is going to happen. alternatively, i think he wants a little bit of understanding of what is going to happen with regard to the removal up in federal court. i think that was probably his biggest concern, that they might start a trial for everyone including the potential defendants that might have their case removed and then end up having to remove the case to federal court. if that would happen at that point, it causes double jeopardy concerns. so i think that is his biggest issue. the other issue is logistically when you are dealing with 19 people, even trying to find a courtroom big enough to hold a trial like that will be tricky. but the other side of that is how then would you like to do this trial twice, each time probably going anywhere from 9 months to a year. and yet another legal blow for donald trump. a federal judge ruled that he is liable in the second defamation case brought by e. jean carroll. >> in may a jury in the first trial found that he sexually abused her and defamed her. on wednesday, the judge said that the jury's finding in that case is binding in the second case. so the trial set for january will now be limited to determining damages. carroll is seeking more than $10 million. watchdog group filed a lawsuit wednesday to block donald trump from the republican primary ballot in the state of colorado citing the 14th amendment's ban on insurrectionists holding public office. >> the lawsuit says that it should apply to trump because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. a growing number of legal scholars have supported the legal strategy in the wake of trump's indictments in fulton county, georgia and the january 6 case. >> the constitution says very clearly that anyone who takes an oath to the constitution and holds an office and then tries to overturn the constitution by for example preventing the peaceful transfer of power can never again hold office. that is clear, it is part of the constitution, it has never been removed. in the way that trump era has been tuition-free education in contusion at law because there are so many things that have never happened before and we have to done front them. we've never before had a president who took an oath to uphold the constitution and then when he lost the election schemed and plotted to hold on to power. that is the very definition of an insurrection. >> what is not clear, the constitution does not spell out how to enforce the ban. trump's campaign spokesperson says the 14th amendment claims are stretching the law beyond recognition, many expect the supreme court will ultimately decide on that one. and police are still searching for a convicted murderer who escaped from a prison in pennsylvania last week. >> new surveillance video shows danelo cavalcante walking up two walls of the prison. he was spotted tuesday moving into the woods in the search zone and they found footprints as well. brian todd has more. >> reporter: this is the moment convicted murderer danelo cavalcante escaped from chester county prison in pennsylvania prompting an intense manhunt that is now in its seventh day. from the exercise area he crab walked up the wall and apparently dropped down the other side. >> he escapes having crab walked up a wall, pushes his way through a razor while, across a roof, scale another fence and push his way through more wire. >> reporter: a tower guard did not see the escape and has been out on administrative leave. it took an hour before the prison was locked down. and in may, another inmate briefly escaped in the same route. since then the only steps taken was additional razor wire were installed. >> and what we thought was sufficient, they have proven otherwise. >> reporter: and another sighting reported tuesday night. unlike monday's sighting, this one in a creek bed by a resident was not caught on camera. any traces of him left anywhere? >> yes, there have been footprints and there have been other indicators to us that he has passed through a certain area. we've had a number of dog scent trails that we have followed for quite some time. >> reporter: hundreds of officers plus dogs and drones and helicopters continue to search. at road blocks and checkpoints, cnn observed police searching vehicles, opening trunks and checking back seats. >> he will make that mistake that we're pushing him hard so that he makes where there will be some piece of other type of evidence that points us to him. >> reporter: two school districts again closed on wednesday. reverse 911 calls warning residents in the area. >> if you see this individual, do not approach him. >> locking everything, locking the cars at night. i've been checking out all the woods. >> reporter: the risk? >> he is a violent individual. if given the opportunity, i believe that he would use as much violence as he needed to or could to avoid capture. >> reporter: cavalcante escaped prison last thursday just over a week after he was sentenced to life without parole for the 2021 murder of his former girlfriend. authorities say she discovered that he was wanted on murder charges in brazil. her sister tells cnn he had become suspicious and jealous. >> translator: there were threats like if you ever cheat on me, i'll cdo the worst to yo, these types of things. >> reporter: now that he escaped, she is scared. >> translator: i haven't slept for many days since then. i nap and i wake up afraid. >> reporter: while law enforcement says they are concerned that this manhunt could come to a violent end given cavalcante's violent history, the lieutenant colonel told me right now they don't have any indication that he has a weapon on him. brian todd, cnn, westchester, pennsylvania. in washington, d.c. classes and events will resume today at george washington university, they were shut down wednesday as police searched for a homicide suspect who escaped from custody at the university hospital. the school and hospital have now been cleared. >> but some roads around the white house are still closed as police continue to search for christopher haines. they believe he is no longer in the area. the fbi is offering a $10,000 award for information leading to his arrest. u.s. secretary of state is in ukraine on the second day of his trip putting on a show of u.s. support for ukraine's sake and help convince congress back home to approve more aid. >> on wednesday antony blinken met with volodymyr zelenskyy and announced a new $1 billion military and humidanitarian aid package. he says the u.s. is pleased with the efforts so far. >> since i was last here, ukrainian forces have taken back more than 50% of the territory seized by russian forces since february of 2022. in the ongoing counteroffensive, progress has accelerated in the past few weeks. this new assistance will help sustain it and build further momentum. >> his visit came as a missile ripped through a market killing at least 17 people. this was the moment of the explosion on wednesday in the region of donetsk. dozens of shoppers and workers were amongst the casualty, just people try goeg about their day. >> u.n. human thumanitarian acc nar coordinator called it unacceptable. >> katie is here with more on that. there is that sort of pattern developing. >> absolutely. and this is another devastating attack on ukrainian civilians and it has happened throughout this war. and let's not forget these are apparent war crimes targeting civilians, targeting civilian infrastructure something we've investigated here at cnn throughout since the beginning of this conflict and it is continuing despite ukraine's gains, despite the positive news that the county offensive is gaining progress. perhaps this is russia's retaliation, that is what ukraine's president zelenskyy is claiming. but it is also worth noting that ukraine's progress is not just on this frontline, there were reports this morning again of drone attacks this time one very near to a military base in that area. this is a sense of unease it is creating in the russian population. there were over 100 people temporarily evacuated from this area. that creates a lots of disruption, a lot of unrest as well for the civilian population in russia. of course this is nowhere near the kind of toll that it is having on the ukrainian population, but it may be part of the motivation from russia, they feel they are on the back foot, this is a way of reminding the ukrainian population of really what this war feels like and how terrible it can be. but clearly and absolutely an awful and devastating attack for many, many families in this region. and unfortunately something that they are very accustomed to. >> katie, thank you so much. still to come, hurricane surging through the atlantic set to grow to a category 5 this weekend. we'll show you the storm's path and who will be at risk. also ahead, the time line to return to the tennis court and the big lessons that she has learned about herself during her time away. has no idea she's sitting on 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northeast are bearing the brunt of the heat. new york tied its hottest temperature of the year on wednesday. parts of maryland, virginia and texas registered temperatures above 100 degrees farenheit. >> more record highs are possible today across the northeast before things start to cool off. but southern states from coast to coast will endure high temperatures well into the weekend. >>. >> in the caribbean, hurricane lee is picking up strength. it intensified from a tropical storm wednesday, but as chad myers tells us, it could still get much, much stronger. >> there is hurricane lee in the middle of the atlantic. going to be a very hefty storm. very, very big storm here. what we call a category 4 hurricane. at this point in time somewhere in the ballpark of 240 kilometers per hour. missing all of the islands so far, all the models taking it to the north and then eventually even a turn to the right and maybe away from land but it is too early to tell. i think really we won't even see any landfall for 7 to 10 more days and that could be anywhere from the carolinas in the u.s. all the way up toward nova scotia. we simply don't know where this thing is going, it is just too far out there. it is in very warm water right now, rapidly intensifying. but look at this blue, this is the wake of what was hurricane franklin. hurricane franklin was also 240 kilometer per hour storm out here in the atlantic, churning up the water. using the energy and the heat from the water and that is where this storm is going. there may be some time where this storm stops intensifying. so that is some of the good news. meantime in greece at least three people have died of a torrential rain and flooding. storms have also killed at least five others in turkey and bulgaria. historic rainfall has shut down the port in greece which received a month's worth of rain in a single day on tuesday. >> the country's bracing for more flooding as well in the days ahead. the storms currently sitting over the mediterranean and coastal nations. the latest in a string of which st extreme weather events. warmer an usual winter is being blamed in the southern hemi hemisphere. in southern brazil, more than 30 are confirmed dead from heavy flooding. >> rainfall totals are equal to what the area normally would receive in the entire month of september. cnn brazil called it the worst natural disaster to strike that region in some 40 years. one of the world's most popular tourist destinations wo will start charging an entry fee. this is in venice. >> the move which starts sometime in the spring makes venice the first city in the world to charge day trip visitors. officials call the fee system an experiment for thousand in an effort to manage high volumes of tourist traffic. an indictment against hunter biden may be imminent and it may be related to a gun possession charge. we'll have details just ahead. and coming up also, mexico takes a huge leap forward to ensure reproductive access to women in the 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follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. welcome back. i'm bianca nobilo. >> i'm max foster. here are the top stories. a judge in fulton county, georgia ruled against two of donald trump's 18 co-defendants denying their motion to separate their cases from each other. the judge was skeptical of the prosecution's plan to hold a trial for all 19 starting next month. and the search for danelo cavalcante continues following his escape from a pennsylvania prison. authorities warn that he is dangerous and has nothing to lose. the justice department revealed in a new court filing that special counsel david weiss intends to indict hunter biden by the end of the month. likely relating to a gun purchase. attorneys for hunter biden are expected to submit their own filing later today. more now from kara scannell. >> reporter: we learned in a court filing this afternoon that special counsel david weiss said that they will seek an indictment related to the gun case this month saying that because of the speedy trial act, that they would need to make a decision on this case by september 29. they are saying that they are going to do so before that date. remember this is part of this pretrial diversion deal that he had reached back in july. under that deal, he would have avoided prosecution on a gun possession charge, possessing a gun while he was under the influence of a controlled substance. he has been very public about his cocaine addiction. that is a felony that faces a maximum of ten years in prison. so that was going to be diverted if he met certain conditions including not using drugs and not possessing a gun for 24 months. that deal fell apart. what we don't know from this filing is exactly what they will try to seek an indictment on, if it will be that same felony or -- which we know something that they were looking at -- falsifying the form in which he filled out to get that gun. so that remains an open question. but certainly this case is looking like it will move forward with a felony charge against the president's son. u.s. senate republican leader meclead mitch mcconnell says he plans to stay at the top session. >>nd he spoke for about five minutes and several senators tell cnn that they were satisfied with his explanation about the two recent incidents where he froze while speaking. >> tuesday mcconnell's office released a letter from capitol hill's attending physician who says that there is no evidence that the senator experienced a seizure or a stroke but the letter does not give a precise reason for the freezeups and mcconnell refused to elaborate. >> what have doctors said is the precise medical reason for those two freezeups? >> what dr. monahan's report addressed is concerns that people might have if some things that happened to me did happen. and they didn't. so really i have nothing to add to that. i think he pretty well covered the subject. i'll finish my term as leader and i'll finish my senate term. u.s. federal judge has ordered the state of texas to remove its floating barriers in the rio grande in a victory for the biden administration. >> justice department sued texas in july claiming the state did not have the authority to install the buoys. the state's republican governor greg abbott claimed he didn't need permission as they were meant to deter migrants from crossing the border. >> the judge wednesday said permission is exactly what federal law requires before installing obstructions in the nation's waterways. abbott's office says that they are prepare to appeal the ruling all the way up to the supreme court. mexico supreme court has declared loudly and clearly that access to abortion care is a human right and any effort to stop it is a violation of those rights. >> the country's top court ruled that the ban is unconstitutional and he pre-productive activists are celebrating. rafael romo has the details. pr are celebrating. rafael romo has the are celebrating. rafael romo has the details. >> reporter: the effort has been going on for years and they have taken to the streets to say my body my decision. in fact by the time the mexican supreme court issued their ruling wednesday, 12 out of 32 states had already invalidated laws banning abortion. >> our reaction was of pure joy and celebration, but also of being very proud of being part of this great wave, this movement that had been working to advance the abortion agenda. >> reporter: in a statement the court said banning an abortion is not constitutional because it violates the human rights of people and people with the capacity to gestate. >> there are millions more mexicans who are in favor of life from the moment of conception until natural death. >> reporter: the supreme court first ruled had it was unconstitutional to criminalize abortion in 2021. same day the ground shook in mexico. the earthquake was felt for about a minute but the shockwaves sent across the nation by that court's ruling are still being felt. >> it is a black day for mexico. the supreme court of justice, highest level institution in the country, watching over justice and human rights, they be tray the first human right without which no other human right can exist. life. >> reporter: back in 2021, the court issued a decision and a law enacted in the northern state which said that women who get an abortion may get punished with up to three years in prison and a fine. exactly a week before wednesday's ruling, now 12 states decriminalizing abortion. mexico city was the first jurisdiction to enter a ban on abortion back in 2007 starting a trend in the still mostly conservative country where more than three quarters of the population identify as catholic. abortion rights groups say even before the ruling mexico had already become a destination for some american women seeking an abo abortion. >> before mexican women used to go to the u.s. to look for abortion services. and now mexico more and more american women are coming to mexico for services. >> reporter: and while no woman can be prosecuted any longer for having an abortion in mexico, there are still 20 states where the procedure remains illegal but the ruling paves the way for the federal health care system to start providing abortions. rafael romo, cnn, atlanta. next, a daring prison escape leads to an urgent manhunt for a british soldier awaiting trial on terror charges. we'll have the details for you. plus fallout of a controversial ban in french schools and why rights groups say it is an infringement on personal liberties.. when i found that immigration record on anceststry®, itit was amazing. everything w was there. the u.s. was in dire need of nurses during world war ii. tía amaliaia as a nurse in el salvador decided to answer that call. it's a lot of excitement finding 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prison. he is reported to have escaped from the prison kitchen where he was working by clinging to a delivery van. he was last seen wearing a white t-shirt and red and white checkered trousers. >> we have counterterrorism command officers leading the investigation, supportive officers from across metropolitan police and our partners, but also notifications out to every force in the country, working closely with borders colleagues to try to understand any risk that might be posed by him leaving the country. and so at the moment, you could describe this as a nationwide manhunt involving every force in the country. >> reporter: mr. khalif is a soldier who was based at these barracks in stafford. he was arrested after allegedly leaving fake devices at the base. magistrates were told that he had done so with the intention of inducing the belief in others that the items were likely to explode. he is charged with terrorism offenses and accused of gathering information which could be useful to an enemy. this prison was famously escaped from 60 years a fgo by one of t great train robbers. and more recently, there was another escape four years ago and the chief inspector of prisons has described it as crumbling, overcrowded and vermin invested. >> i find it rather odd that is this a prisoner charged under terrorism and that is he in wad ress worth. and allied as we believe to work in the kitchen. >> reporter: and police believe that he is still most likely somewhere in london and the threat he poses to the public is low, but that he shouldn't be approached. they describe their search for him as urgent and extensive. a school in france banned a student from class wednesday for wearing a kimono, this is amid the ban on the long garment. >> the ban stems from a 2004 law that prohibits wearing outfits in school that show religious affiliations and dozens of girls were sent home earlier this week for not complying with that rule. anna stewart has more on the controversial ban and the fallout. >> reporter: a daily ritual for some students in france. you can attach it to your bag, that is the rule inside. put the head scarf in a bag, a teacher tells them. removing any sign of faith before entering the classroom. but as summer vacation ends, france's 2004 law banning con sp conspicuous religious symbols will be applied to the long dresses for the first time. >> translator: it has no place in my schools and neither do religious symbols. >> reporter: the free flowing garments won by some muslim women and girls now prohibited in the name of secularism. this policy is a new interpretation of the controversial 2004 law from france's ambitious new education minister. nearly 300 students wore one to school monday, 67 sent home for refusing to take it off. >> translator: they say that the abaya is a religious dress, but it is not at all. it is a traditional dress. >> reporter: and muslim rights group has already brought an appeal against the ban to the country's he highest court. with their lawyer saying that the ban doesn't legally define what an a by i can't oig looks like. >> translator: it is not based on any legal text, purely a political announcement. >> reporter: another lawsuit is being prepared after a student wearing aky kimono and jeans banned from class. disproportionate is how one teacher describes it when issues like funding and bullying also need to be addressed. at least one other major union has supported the government's ban. and that division gets to the heart of the secularism debate in france. a principle upheld by many as france's blind defense against religious discrimination. but critics condemn it as availed attack on hijabs, bikinis and now abayas. when macron was asked -- >> translator: we know that there will be cases because we know that there will be some through they gonegligence perha many who try to defy the system. >> reporter: france remains an outlier among western nations moving into wider acceptance of civil liberties around religious dress with the hijab embraced elsewhere by muslim politicians and major brands like nike, for schools in france though, a new year means new rules. anna stewart, cnn. shiite muslims are marking the end of their 40 day mourning period. pilgrims have been performing religious rituals, a pilgrimage attracted more than 22 million people this year. >> and they came from many countries and in the region with many of them making their way on foot. it came mem ommemorates the deae grandson who was revered. coco gauff will be playing her u.s. open semifinal match today as she eyes the finals. a quick preview of what to expect, next. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. we're just hours away from the return of the national football league. reigning super bowl champs the kansas city chiefs will face off against the detroit lions in the first game of the season thursday night. a victory for the chiefs would make them the sixth nfl team to win nine consecutive season openers. but travis kelce has a knee injury and could miss the game. and in the quarter final match between madison keys and m the czech republic player was delayed after a fan needed medical attention. after play resumed, keys slammed the reigning wimbledon champ in straight sets to reach the semifinals. and alcarez defeated coco gauff muchova as she looks to book her spot in the finals. >> you did a very nice job with all the names there. >> they sound like they are all from your part of the world. former world number one osaka will return to professional tennis next year. the four time major camp i don't know confirmed her comeback plan with espn on wednesday less than two months after having a baby girl. osaka has not played professionally for about a year and she's been open about her struggles with mental health includes depression. and she says she's learned a lot from talking about her experiences and from becoming an advocate for mental health awareness. >> she will have the crowds behind her. spanish prosecutors can now move forward with a case against the chief after a star player on the women's national team filed a formal complaint over an unwanted kiss after the women's world cup final. the fallout has led to a major shakeup in spanish football. patrick snell has the latest. >> reporter: on wednesday we learned that the player that luis rubiales kissed after last month's world cup final, her hoe sow, has now filed an official complaint against rubiales itself. and this is significant because this legal complaint is the next step required to produce with a indication against rubiales. spanish prosecutors have opened an investigation into him late last month saying that they would contact hermoso within two weeks to inform her of her rights of victim of an alleged crime of sexual aggression. and now they have issued a statement which reads in part yesterday ms. jenni hermoso submitted a complaint for the events that you all know. the national courts prosecutor's office will file a complaint as soon as possible which will be sent to you as well as a press release. the statement took place at the state attorneys general office to protect the privacy of the victim. that comes after a series of key developments earlier in the week. we saw the appointment of a new pan head coach following vilda's sacking. and a former captain saying that replacing vilda has head coach wasn't enough, that the change we're talking about is not about changing one president for another. it isn't changing one coach for another. it is about making a much deeper change. she is the first woman ever to be appointed head coach of the spanish national team. the 41-year-old former player has been working for the spanish federation since 2018 and did work under vilda whose team went on to win the world cup last month in sydney after beating england. meantime vilda saying he feels his sacking was unfair. he has long been considered a close ally of rubiales and was seen applauding his defiant speech when he refused to resign nearly between weeks ago. vilda was the man in charge, but it now brings to an end an eight year tenure steeped in controversy and complaints from some of the players about the structures and management in place. >> translator: i'm as good as one can be after being named world champion 16 days ago. and then 10 days ago getting a four year contract extension plus the year i had left. and then after today being fired, what i believe to be unfairly. >> reporter: for now scrutiny on rubiales remaining as intense as ever. he is refusing to resign and says that kiss was mutual and consensual, though hermoso says there was absolutely no consent on her part. with that, it is right back to you. >> thank you to patrick. >> such a lovely man. and the stories in the spotlight for you, nasa says it is on track to launch a spacecraft to study a metallic astroid next month. >> known as the psych mission, the launch window opens on october 5. the spacecraft will launch from nasa's kennedy space center in florida aboard spacex vul can rocket. it is reach the site by 2029 and spend approximately 26 months orbiting the astroid. officials explained the goal on in a press conference wednesday. >> it is representative of one type of astroid, but in fact there are several types of as destroyeds, some with different chemical or physical properties, some found in distinct locationsen with the solar system, and each of those asteroids is an remnant of the earliest building blocks that made up all the planets and moons. so by studying the small bodies, we can learn about the origin and evolution of our solar system and the properties still at work today. >> psyche is a metallic astroid and the metal there is estimated to be worth 10 quintillion dollars. does that make you more engaged with space? that is because it contains metals in much hmuch higher concentrations than we have on earth. but a scientist says that number is somewhat meaningless. >> we have zero technology to bring psyche back to earth and if we did, it would likely be a catastrophic mistake could we say. but saying that we could actually bring he psyche back, it would flood the metals market and be literally worth nothing. so calculating the value of it, it is a fun intellectual exercise with no truth to it. we're not going there to mine an as destroyed. there are other metal objects in the solar system for humans to think about in the future but that is not our mission. just a few hours ago the successful liftoff of the h2a rocket carrying japan sniper lunar landing. >> and a telescope called prism is already in earth orbit and will study galaxy cluster, black holes and chemical makeup of the universe. it will arrive in lunar orbit in a few months and then attempt on soft landing on the moon using high pre-vision vision based navigation landing technology hence the nickname moon. and forget the energy drinks and snacks, millions of video gamers across asia will soon have a new go-to to keep up their strength during the long late night games sessions that you probably can't relate to, max. >> i do have family members who can very much relate to that. named gaming cup noodles, it aims to provide a quick mess free meal with a jolt of caffeine. the company says it is the first gamer friendly product in its history, it will be available in japan later this month. this will be the new prime, isn't it? >> possibly. i'm not a fan of caffeine when i'm on a gaming marathon because i feel it makes me jirt jittery impairs my focfocus. a woman in california has beyonce to thank for sending her into labor during her concert. kabc reports that sarah jones was with her husband at the concert fittingly on labor day when she felt contractions. she thought they were false at first and danced and sang during the entire concert. >> and jones wasn't scheduled to have a c-section until next week, but they went to the hospital on the way home anyway and that is where their you intoesinto e newest member of the beehy-hive was born. >> good one for beyonce to remember. >> it was her birthday day, so i wonder if she was born on the same day. >> thanks for joining us. 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, Mexican Supreme Court , Streets , Body , Details Pro , Laws , Reaction , Celebration , Joy , 12 , 32 , Statement , Movement , Abortion Agenda , Great Wave , Human Rights , Mexicans , Capacity , Favor , Gestate , Conception , Ground , Earthquake , Death , Supreme Court Of Justice , Felt , Shockwaves , Back , Justice , Level , Tray , Northern State , Fine , Abortion Back , States Decriminalizing Abortion , Jurisdiction , Trend , Mexico City , 2007 , Abo Abortion , Abortion Rights , Destination , Population Identify , Quarters , Catholic , Woman , Abortion Services , Services , 20 , Soldier , Next , Health Care System , Abortions , Procedure , British , Fallout , Schools , Terror Charges , Liberties , Infringement , Immigration Record , French , Anceststry , Call , Nurses , Need , Nurse , Excitement Finding , Time Traveler , World War Ii , Claudia , Itit , Everything W , El Salvador , TÍa Amaliaia , Essential Oils , Party , Scents , Fragrances , Air Wick , Weight , Golo , Home , Cheer , 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Stewart , Affiliations , Teacher , Bag , Classroom , Head Scarf , Faith , Sign , Summer Vacation , Symbols , Time , Dresses , Sp Conspicuous , Law Banning Con , Place , In The Name Of Secularism , Interpretation , Garments , Muslim , Education Minister , 300 , 67 , Dress , Abaya , Rights Group , He Highest Court , Ban Doesn T , Appeal , Lawyer , Announcement , Aky Kimono , Text , Jeans , Oig , Funding , Union , Government , Heart , Bullying , Secularism Debate , Division , Issues , Defense , Principle , Discrimination , Critics , Hijabs , Bikinis , Macron , System , Outlier , Perha , Acceptance , Politicians , Rules , Brands , Elsewhere , Hijab , Nike , Muslims , Countries , Pilgrims , Rituals , Pilgrimage , 22 Million , Coco Gauff , Deae Grandson , Semifinal , Mem , U S Open , Ommemorates , Finals , Eyes , Preview , Game , Season , Team , Kansas City Chiefs , Chiefs , Return , National Football League , Super Bowl , Detroit Lions , Openers , Match , Knee Injury , Travis Kelce , Madison Keys , Fan , Coco Gauff Muchova , Play , Champ , Attention , Keys , Semifinals , Sets , Czech Republic Player , Wimbledon , Alcarez , Spot , Job , Names , Comeback Plan , Tennis , Camp , Number One Osaka , Espn , Mental Health , Baby Girl , Depression , Osaka , Complaint , Prosecutors , Kiss , Spanish , Chief , Mental Health Awareness , Women S World Cup Final , Advocate , Crowds , Star Player On The Women S National Team , Player , Spanish Football , Led , Shakeup , Hoe Sow , Luis Rubiales , Patrick Snell , Victim , Hermoso , Crime , Aggression , Jenni Hermoso , Know , The National Courts Prosecutor S Office , Ms , Press Release , Meantime Vilda , Pan Head Coach , Developments , Series , Appointment , State Attorneys General , Another , Head Coach , Sacking , Captain , It Isn T Changing One Coach , Wasn T Enough , Federation , Work Under Vilda , 2018 , 41 , Rally , Rubiales , Sydney , England , Oman , Some , Complaints , Charge , Players , Controversy , Speech , Tenure , Eight 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Xfinity 10g Network , Woho , County , Questioning , Caught Off Guard , Killer , Quconvicted ,

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